Favorite version of the song. The only concert of his I've been to was with the whole entire band with thousands of people but i can't wait to eventually go to a private concert like this.
Ahhh, "Live @ Java Joe's" One of my all-time fave cd's. I still listen to it almost every fricken day!! Love you, Jason+Toca!! May you perform together the rest of your days!!
it's the kind of music you listen to that puts you at peace in your soul and makes everything so clear, it makes the world look beautiful.Cuz music is exactly that. poetry with a tune, it just reminds me of who I am, what I love, what I want to do with my life. when you hear the person having fun while singing its so so amazing, cuz you know they're doing it cuz they love to do it. it just makes me feel so amazing and free almost, it makes your whole life a happy place.
OMGHAHAHA! "im just kidding. there's no girl with a beard here. And if there was, i'd give her a big slobbery kiss" LOL, I WANT A BEARD SO BAD NOW! best.song.ever.
@lmaxp3 I hear you, for example his song Lazy Song... it's such a gruesomely bad ''version'' of Sleep All Day, everytime i hear it it makes me think of it, and it annoys the crap out of me how bad it is (just freagin look at the lyrics...can hardly be cálled lyrics, damn) .. makes me put up Mraz just to cleanse my ears of the filth (yeah.. not realy a fan of Mars, haha)
Favorite version of the song.
The only concert of his I've been to
was with the whole entire band
with thousands of people
but i can't wait to eventually go to a private
concert like this.
so grateful that i found you , Jason.. i learned to be happy with your music)
Ahhh, "Live @ Java Joe's" One of my all-time fave cd's. I still listen to it almost every fricken day!! Love you, Jason+Toca!! May you perform together the rest of your days!!
The scat/ trill he does at 7:50 makes me overwhelmed with joy. Wow.
he's definitely the best live singer!!!
it's the kind of music you listen to that puts you at peace in your soul and makes everything so clear, it makes the world look beautiful.Cuz music is exactly that. poetry with a tune, it just reminds me of who I am, what I love, what I want to do with my life. when you hear the person having fun while singing its so so amazing, cuz you know they're doing it cuz they love to do it. it just makes me feel so amazing and free almost, it makes your whole life a happy place.
DuckMan Duckman. you are so wise!
Jason has always had "it". He's amazing!
6:35 I love the way he says "California"
great video...jason is so symphatic and i love the man with the drum...so funny xD
ahh nice. haven't seen a new zero percent interest performance in a while. one of my favorites
mraz is the best of all the best! =)
oh man, there are so funny!!, and the crowd is...sleepy?
Luv u guys!!
It's a compliment to Jason
long live Toca!
a very inspirant video. strepitose!!!
my kitten purrs when he listens to this song :)
Laughed so hard in the intro.
"im just kidding. there's no girl with a beard here. And if there was, i'd give her a big slobbery kiss"
oh,, i miss the java joe's days.. but nothing's change jason. i think i even love you more if that's possible.. :D
so many girls wished that they had beards after he said that
so cool how he changes "the radio station"...
before you know it, the spanish channel's on...
love toca XD
Mraz has got it all! Check out my cover of A Beautiful Mess...I love 0% Interest..
love TOCA XD
@yaman112yeah he's wearing wayfarer sunglasses
toca is his name
what are those sunnies hes wearing? shit he looks cool, i want those sunnies
Any one know what kind of sunglasses he's wearing?
i would scream that i have a beard :D:D:D
dr moody best comment ive read!!!!
@dogman652 nothing like it
no way i want the girl with the beard!
nooooo, MUSIC loves him¡¡ ;)
Um... just me, or is the music VERY similar to Jack Johnson's "Flake"?
does this make anyone else want to grow a beard?
@lan1m1lbus okfkekekof
Bruno Mars copied Mraz's style so hard.
I hear you, for example his song Lazy Song... it's such a gruesomely bad ''version'' of Sleep All Day, everytime i hear it it makes me think of it, and it annoys the crap out of me how bad it is (just freagin look at the lyrics...can hardly be cálled lyrics, damn) .. makes me put up Mraz just to cleanse my ears of the filth (yeah.. not realy a fan of Mars, haha)
even their names no maybe just a coincidence
boring audience. they're great!
damn boring audience!! i would have screamed louder than all of them :S shame on you!