Mantap banget. Salute, walaupun tools ngaa komplit tetapi dgn kreativity bisa menghasilkan sesuatu yang 'a whole new level'. Dan menggunakan barang2 recycled juga mesra-alam.
10:06The Rising Sun Flag is the military flag of Japan. It was used as the war flag of the Imperial Japanese Army and the ensign of the Imperial Japanese Navy until the end of World war 2. The flag was heavily used by the Japanese in the conquest and the occupation of East Asia, It is seen as offensive in countiries which were victims of Japanese colonialism, largely because of the war crimes perpetrated by the Japanese military. This flag has similar meaning with Nazi flag. Never forget that "Swinging Rising Sun flags" for Korean and the other victims in Asia, is just same as "Swinging Hakenkreuz" for European peoples! If you don't want to advocate Nazi flag, just do the same for the Rising Sun flag.
Very nice job on this custom with brilliant ingenuity on solutions for those additional details, which really make the car pop out. If in addition one considers the very limited conditions you are working under it blew my mind! Can only imagine the results if you had access to proper tooling... looking forward more videos - immediate subscribe and like!
how about friend a question ??? How do you do the roll bar and with what do you stick or join to form the anti-strike cage (rollbar) greetings from Ecuador
Thank you... 😊🙏🏻 I use matte clear so that the car does not lose the shape / curve of every detail when it is hit by light. Yes, honestly there are still many imperfections. Still need a lot of learning. Sorry for bad English 😄🙏🏻
@@LazyCustomProject its a good trick but i find it ends up becoming a cheat of sorts after a while when all of a guys cars are ma, the workmanship was amazing though! keep it up!
@@LazyCustomProject no way! THESE designs are definitely worthy so if you can duplicate your mods please please please market them especially if you do make pullback mods!(Dying for the bre Datsun 510 mod)
9:21 Someone lost a game of 5 finger fillet.
😆 ouch
Amazing results , no tools no excuses only ability and high details.
Thank you for watching 😄🙏🏻
You got some skills , true talent, now that definitely is a true custom. Amazing.
Thank you 😊🙏🏻
Sukses terus brothers 👍, salud bgt dengan alat seadanya tp hasilnya ruar biasa keren...
Wak! Makasih Pak TB 😁✌🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Amin Pak 😊🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
This custom is so insane! Awesome job man. From far the most detailed and beautiful 1/64 customs I've ever seen.
Thank you ❤
Mantap banget. Salute, walaupun tools ngaa komplit tetapi dgn kreativity bisa menghasilkan sesuatu yang 'a whole new level'. Dan menggunakan barang2 recycled juga mesra-alam.
Terima kasih Om 🙏🏻 Salam mesra
Good job! For not even having all the tools needed! Looks good!
Thank you 🙏🏻
Great job on the modification!
Thank you
Brilliant craftsmanship!
Thank you 😊🙏🏻
Show de custumizaçao amigo Parabéns lindas miniaturas hot wheels já deixei meu jóias laik Brasil tmj show
Thank you 🙏🏻
Alat sederhana....
Bahan apa adanya....
Tp overall...... Super Zuper Nice
Iya om, maaf alat msh blm lengkap. Terima kasih sdh nonton 😊😊
really great work you should put up a link for some that you do sell
Thank you 😊
Honestly one of the best customs I ever seen
Thank you
Mantap banget dah customnya, padahal alat terbatas, padahal potong bumper blakang pakai cutter 😅
Kreatifitas memang mengalahkan fasilitas 😄😄
Iya prof tp jangan ditiru krn gak safety. Klo sya mah krn terpaksa aja 😅🙏🏻
@@LazyCustomProject siap bro, intronya mantul 😄😄
Wkwkwk..... Mauliate Prof
@@LazyCustomProject siap, gajian nasi padang 😬😬
10:06The Rising Sun Flag is the military flag of Japan.
It was used as the war flag of the Imperial Japanese Army and the ensign of the Imperial Japanese Navy until the end of World war 2.
The flag was heavily used by the Japanese in the conquest and the occupation of East Asia, It is seen as offensive in countiries which were victims of Japanese colonialism, largely because of the war crimes perpetrated by the Japanese military.
This flag has similar meaning with Nazi flag.
Never forget that "Swinging Rising Sun flags" for Korean and the other victims in Asia,
is just same as "Swinging Hakenkreuz" for European peoples!
If you don't want to advocate Nazi flag, just do the same for the Rising Sun flag.
Sorry for my ignorance. I just took pictures randomly from the internet. Sorry 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Excellent work, wow!!! Bravo!!!
Thank you
3:50 mans just cut the entire metal bumper off with a craft knife. let that sink in. Legend
woww. nice video, nice car.. good luck brother, see you on top nice custommmm.. good job
Cantek hasilnya Om,tangan Berseni... thx share your kustom bro.👍👍👍
Sama2 Omkuh 😊🙏🏻
Very very nice job my friend! Amazing!
Thank you mate 😊🙏🏻
Hi! Im new here,i like how you use a budget stuff to make an amazing result of you go,new member for the notification squad !
Thank you 😊🙏🏻
Keren banget nih.
Bikin video semua koleksinya Om
Siap om
Customnya mantul...sangat berkelas👍
Makasih Bro 😊
Beautiful artwork my friend! 180sx WINNER!
Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Very nice job on this custom with brilliant ingenuity on solutions for those additional details, which really make the car pop out. If in addition one considers the very limited conditions you are working under it blew my mind! Can only imagine the results if you had access to proper tooling... looking forward more videos - immediate subscribe and like!
Thank you 😊🙏🏻
Id buy that!! Hell you should start a business doing that! Theres a couple hotwheels i own or want that would look good with what you just did
Lookin’ sick as ever! Fricking amazing car! I don’t know why but i also loooove the first music... Don’t ask me why...
Thank you ❤
Keren! Semangat, terus berkarya!
Makasih yah om 🙏🏻😊
Bagus banget loh karyanya, sampe orang luar negri juga nge-notice
Mauliate godank 🙏🏻
bro if you sell that that is expensive! I love it
! nice job bro!
Thank you 😊🙏🏻
I’m extremely inspired but you from this. No cutting/painting tools😳 such a good job too. Subbed
Thank you 😊🙏🏻
I am speechless! 😭😭😭 It's so beautiful!
Thank you ❤
Really thoughtful materials U use, reminds me of myself anything that works👍 love it
Thank you 😊
it is so beautiful! fantastic job man
Thank you
Hack saw , rotary tool and a metal punch. I think would help, awesome build great video
Thank you 😊🙏🏻 night you would only see the lights and....bye. Nice job
Thank you 😊🙏🏻
how about friend a question ??? How do you do the roll bar and with what do you stick or join to form the anti-strike cage (rollbar) greetings from Ecuador
Stick it with a super glue. Greeting from Indonesia. Thank you 😊🙏🏻
Holy shit bruh that looks sick af🔥
Keep up the good work and bring us some more!😁
Thank you 😊🙏🏻
WIP 😊✌🏼
Man! That's beautiful 😎👍
Thank you
How do you get these type of extra parts? Do you just make them?
Yes, except the wheels
@@LazyCustomProject ok cool thanks! Do you know if there are any places to find custom spoilers and bumpers etc?
@@LazyCustomProject ok I'll check!! Thanks again
Keyword "Parvus"
You're welcome 😊🙏🏻
Saingan jakarta diecast project... hahah
Wah om JDP jelas yg terbaik mslh custom2. Sya cm pemula aja om 😊😊
Mantep bener om potong bumper pake cutter😆 jooss
Bingung soalnya mau pake apa lg om
It is the finest makeshift skill.
Thank you 😊😊
What kind of tool is that called to grind down the rivets of the car on the bottom?
NickSpaZ a drill and you can buy it form a hardware store
Mantap mobilannya keren. Pengen coba juga he he
Terima kasih
Hi, I am interested in the car models you make, how can I find out more details
Definitely the best s13 I've ever seen custom!! Truly incredible and inspiring ❤️💪🏽
Ty sir
GANBEI! Great job dude!
we need to buy you a rotary tool and some shaping bits!!!
Xie Xie Ni 😊🙏🏻
Thank you so much for mentioning about the wheels detail
You're welcome 😊🙏🏻
I RANK this car 10 STARS ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆! Keep up the good work!
Thank you. Very appreciated 🙏🏻
Where can i purchase the wheels? Awsome car.. im into trucks but recently started getting into tuners
Check my latest video
Muy buen trabajo.
What material used to make spolier
Epo putty
Tutorial open door dan kap donk om, btw keren potong bumper pake cutter hehe
Siap om 😊
Not trying to be rude I just want to get general idea on how much this cost and if you would consider selling these
Very appreciated. But I think this one not good enough to sell. Thank you for watching 😄😊🙏🏻
awesome dude Nissan 180SX I love it! 👍
Thank you 😊
Ini baru hotwheels
Makasih Om.... 😊🙏🏻
Awesome. Subscribed. I hope you make more of these.
Thank you for watching 😊🙏🏻
Wow!...# go work for HOTWHEELS!...great job!
Thank you mate 🙏🏻
Im just speaking the truth... no seriously you should go work for Hotwheels please I would buy all those castings
Love red color 👍🏻
Makasih Om Puri 😊🙏🏻
Great job as always, it's verry nice result 👌
Peace ✌️
Thanks Mate
@@LazyCustomProject 😉 your job is top and your channel is cool✌️
greget juga motong body pake cutter hahaa
Mike Espo . Hot wheels for all .
Happy Merry Christmas 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Great but if you considered on selling one how much would it cost
Really sick looking, nice job!
Thank you
very creative!
Thank you 😊
you should try 1:24 model kits
Nice & clean bro... 👍🏼
Thank you 😊🙏🏻
U welcome thanks for the reply 👍🏼
Nice work love it. Always making it Ur own. Just subscribed can't wait to see another👍
Thank you 😊🙏🏻
Keren ini mah good job bro
Makasih Ommm...
Some nice details in this build.
180sx only went up to 1994.. Just saiyan
Thank you 😊
How much would u charge customize another car or truck??
Keren Om lanjutkan om custom nya
I wish hot wheels come like that
Thank you 😊
whuiiihhh gokil.aku telat banget nontonnya
Om LBG kemana ajaa... lama gak lihat. Kemaren doank ya upload decal sm pickup moon 😄
@@LazyCustomProject wkwkwkwk sedang bertapa meraba masadepan om
Sungguh..sungguh Terlalu!!👍👍
Rhoma 🙏🏻
nicee pengen bikin juga nih jadinya
Ayo om dicoba 😊✌🏼
tu trabajo es exelente soy de México desafortunadamente acá no hay llantas para hacerlos
Saludos desde Indonesia 🙏🏻
Gracias por mirar. Generalmente, los neumáticos se pueden comprar en las tiendas en línea.
OMG, nice livery for 180sx type X
Good work mate, top job
Thank you 😊🙏🏻
ahh the old " matte paint" trick to hide imperfections. Learning well from the insta guys
Thank you... 😊🙏🏻
I use matte clear so that the car does not lose the shape / curve of every detail when it is hit by light. Yes, honestly there are still many imperfections. Still need a lot of learning. Sorry for bad English 😄🙏🏻
@@LazyCustomProject its a good trick but i find it ends up becoming a cheat of sorts after a while when all of a guys cars are ma, the workmanship was amazing though! keep it up!
I was amazed, your eyes were very sharp. Very motivating. Thank you for the advice, really appreciate 😊🙏🏻
Wow amazing customs! 🧨💥
THANKS FOR SHARING. Learnt alot thru this video!
You're welcome 😊🙏🏻
Do you sell any if so where
Not yet. Still not good enough to sell 😄🙏🏻
@@LazyCustomProject no way! THESE designs are definitely worthy so if you can duplicate your mods please please please market them especially if you do make pullback mods!(Dying for the bre Datsun 510 mod)
great work
Thank you 😊🙏🏻
Mantap gan kembangin terus
Saya bantu subscribe
Terima kasih banyak yah Om... Iya nih lagi proses belajar 😁🙏🏻
Semoga nanti Chanel nya kaya Jakarta diecast project
@@fathiralfarizi8630 Amin.... Terima kasih Om 🙏🏻😊
hey I kinda want to buy wheels from the guy that you linked. I was wondering if I just inbox him or is their A website that I can use
Realy, realy good work bro! Thanks for Share with us! Nice Tires too. Greetings from Germany
Thank you mate 😊🙏🏻
Mantap Om.. 👏👏👏
Wak! Ada Om Wahyu 💕💕💕💕 Makasih Omquh ✌🏻
Thank you mate 😊🙏🏻
Would love to purchase some of these professional grade cars!
Do you take on private work?
Great job
Thank you
You're welcome
The perfect custom been made..
Thank you
Could you demonstrate to me how to glue the brakes so they don't spin please?
Please custom 300zx 🙏
Noted! Thank you 😊🙏🏻
This is other fucking level than others hotwheels customs
Thank you 🙏🏻
when i built mine it looked like a widebody frickin' prius.
I love Prius 😊😄✌🏼
with wath do yo do the wing
Pla plate