Had me in tears. Thank you. I sing for hospice patients at bedside before they transition, and play music for dementia patients and often I am unsure as to how I am able to do such hard work- I am an empath and to not get lost in grief is very difficult…. I’ve been told I am an angel over 1,000 times - however your video really helped me feel this is true. I often know (and feel) the angels from the other side watching me… I’ve sensed that since I was very young.
I've always been a highly sensitive person and I struggle socially. This morning I broke down in tears because I was raised in a non-religious family and I remembered that when I was very young (about 4/5) I used to talk to the light in my room as if it was God. At the time I was asking God if I could fly and I kept jumping off my bed to see if it would happen. I used to fantasise when I was a kid about having big white wings so I could fly and be free. I broke down this morning because it came together when a psychic when I was 15 said I was an angel in human form, I laughed and shrugged it off because I was so superstitious. I remember waking up one night when I was around 13 and seeing an angelic being in the condensation of a window and I wondered why someone was standing outside on the balcony. Now I'm 23 and I had my spiritual awakening around 2 years ago and things are starting to synchronise and make sense. I've always felt like I must have been a serial killer in my past life because I never felt like I fitted in and felt like all these bad things were happening to me. I've always wanted to make the world a better place. I remember drawing on a T-shirt when I was a kid messages about giving power to the people and peace and feeling embarrassed when a friend found it and started laughing at me. Love and Light to everyone
Oh Julia this just came my way❤️. Soo beautiful to see you 5 years ago and now, consequently following your magical, loving and caring journey 🙏💐💜. And yes through your fantastic course I know now where I come from. Its impossible not to love your soul ❤️
YIIIIIIIIP! Me and my twin flame been Incarnating on Earth for 10,867 years ago , and in last 4 years alone , there has been a LOT of new Angels coming down!
Thank you so much for pointing out this story!🙏🏼🙏🏼 So needed!! For 34 years I have worked with very damaged people in (youth) prisons and institutions for people with mental disabilities and very dangerous and unpredictable behaviour. It was striking that some were claircognizant and clairsentient and that treatment managers dismissed this as a coincidence! Unfortunately, due to their mental limitations, they too did not understand what insights they had. It scared them (more anxious than they already were) which manifested itself in dangerous behavior. And so the psychiatrist gave them another terrible pill that turned them into a numb being. Devastating! I was the only attendant who worked there without a personal alarm system because I approached them with love and the will to understand them in order to translate their -often very confusing- thoughts and feelings. Which brought so much peace. Love, patience, the will to understand, respect and trust are the keywords to take these fellow human beings with us on our leap to higher dimensions! Who knows how many angels were in there...?💞🙏🏼🕊❤ (if l may say.... your background music works disturbing listening to your story😬😘)
Sobbed and vibrating to my core. Never felt anything resonate so deeply. Profound shift in a matter of minutes! Thank you! So much love coming your way 🙏💙✌️
I’ve always thought I was a problem because I was gaslighted by toxic people and family , my life has been so hard and has just gotten better since I realized who I really am at my core .. I actually had a vision remembering when I volunteered to come to earth and help .. funny story is my mom said I came out so fast LOL .. I was ready locked and loaded didn’t know what was in store
Feels like when we come in with a purpose like this, family transmutation, we as impressionable children in the veil we take it all on so later we can be the new imprint for that family lineage when we work through it.
I totally understand, I understood today that I'm an angel sent on earth, therefore I'm here looking for similar stories and this is how is stumbled on your video.
I feel like I’m too nice for this world :( I’m always healing people/ helping them so much but no one ever heals me... just makes me cry.... BUT I LOVE THIS VIDEO AND IT MAKES ME SMILE SO THANK U :) 🙏🙏❤️
I've been picked on from Kindergarten even though I've been kind, considerate, compassionate, caring and I would do anything for anyone. Now I'm not saying that I'm any kind of human Angel because I do not know if they exist, but what I love about this video, is that you explain the isolation and the loneliness that many kind people experience on a daily basis. I used to think that something was very wrong with me but as I've become older, I know that there simply can't be. How could someone who causes no harm to anyone be wrong???? I do feel anger but I never express it. I'm now a 61 yr old female and I'm waiting for this life to come to an end. Quite frankly, I've had enough. Do not be concerned, I am not nor have I ever been suicidal in any way. God bless your sweet friend. I simply loved your video.
Person of Earth I feel the same way. I know we’re meant to be here for this so I’m trying to stay strong and positive. I wish you peace on your journey. Much love!
Bless you Julia, thank you for your sharing your wisdom, your light and your beauty. Yes, I've struggled a lot too, and even more after my awakening, until I learned to totally surrender, detach from 3D, and protect myself from dark energies. I wasn't sure if it was all because I'm an angel or because I'm a twin flame, but I guess both... Wish I could give you a big hug. You are a beautiful soul. Sending you a team of angels to support you in your life and on your mission😇💖🙏
More the need an Angel who knows life as it really is . Learning compassion through difficult traumatic experiences and the actual experience of having a body is a powerful growth experience to expand true compassion . I have seen a few videos on U tube... found a little information on the internet. Most do not seem to understand what it it like and why Angels Incarnate on earth... but your description has it spot on .
All starseeds in their younger years before activating and remembering who they are go through this. We don't fit the status quo here so we always wonder if the problem is us or society? Of course now i understand why i never lived the human life script , but i did struggle with feelings of inadequacy before my awakening about why others seemed to just be able to "go along with the consensus reality" but i couldn't. We have to be free. That's the fundamental hallmark i look for which tells me if someone is a starseed. Do they insist on their personal freedom?? Number 1 criteria! Can they see through this matrix illusion? Do they know deep down there is something truly wrong with how we are living? All these things are paramount. We really do see life here as a burden because we always have that unconscious memory of life in the higher realms...that let's face..makes this place way below par in comparison. There are many issues we face. Thank you for your videos i truly resonate with them. Signed, A volunteer
What a beautiful story! I found watching this video a real blessing! You radiate so much love and peace, thanks for all the energy you put into your mission/role. May you and all the viewers experience blessing and (keep) remember(ing) who you are.
Thank you SO much for this message and sharing some light upon this topic. There is such a misconception about the reality of the very human (and very necessary) pre-awakening struggles which all Earth Angels endure. And even more so for those who are first time incarnates here. It’s tough and many experience times of self-destructive behavior even addictive patterns in efforts to cope with the pains of the mental and emotional densities. Although, I am beyond excited that Earth is finalllyy lucky enough to be arriving to a point of more EAs awakening. The fact that we are not only seeing more incarnates and angelic humans but Seraphim incarnates as well is a rare blessing! Choosing the difficulties of the veil allow us to experience being human the most authentically, and thus helps us to serve and heal humanity and Earth the most sustainably. Sure shit gets cray, but there is profound beauty here and humanity is worth it. Some of them merely need a reminder why they are. To any EAs reading: Thank You for choosing to come. I love you. 💖♾🌎
Dear Julia, I am sincerely grateful that you have now come into my life. I am ready to receive all that your beautiful soul has to share. Much love ❤️ ♥️♥️
I feel in my heart and higher chakras straight away when you spoke. Thank you, Earth Angel helping all of us pushing through illusion and blockages to love.
I still feel like this... My physical life here is overwhelming and it's so painful and stressful that I really feel like I'm cursed, or like the universe is against me... I haven't been happy in this world because my life is just so hard, and it doesn't even give me time to be who I am... I've been suppressed since I was born. But even so, I never had to go through an awakening. I was born with the morals and beliefs I have now. I can't stand any of the bad things in this world. I don't understand how people can hurt others in any way. All I understand is love. I love everyone, I forgive everything, and my love is unconditional. I do whatever it takes to help others... But I've always been alone, nobody helps me, nobody loves me... I get blamed on everything, I'm judged, I'm hated. I can't even express myself when I just want to make the world a better place... I don't understand, I do so much to make others happy, why wouldn't anyone want to do the same for me..? I've been suicidal since I was a child, but I don't let myself kill myself. Not because I want to live, but because I feel like I have to live for others. I have to keep helping people. I have to keep loving people. People tell me I'm overwhelming because I feel everything infinitely deeper than anyone else I know. My love is infinitely stronger, but so is my sadness... My emotions are just so deep, and people don't understand... Nothing in this life has gone right for me. I can't be myself at all. I didn't get to have a childhood. I feel like I've had the worst life I could have. I don't like to believe I did this to myself, because why would anyone torture themselves this badly? So many years of my life have already been wasted, years I'll never get back... I can't even physical express myself... All I want is to be loved. If even ONE person loved me in the same way I love them, I would be happy. Not just happy, but such an intense happiness that words can't even describe... I've always been against the systems in this world. I never believed in authority. I don't do things just because I'm told. I do things because I believe it is the right thing to do. I don't take "orders", but I am happy to help others. I don't believe in hierarchies or classes among people. This includes world leaders, police, teachers, and parents. To me, nobody is above me, and I am above nobody. I don't believe anybody is more or less equal than anybody else. We should all be seen as one. I am against nationalism, and the very idea of tribalism. I hate the "us/them" mentality and have always believed we are all one. I also have always hated the system of currency, corruption, and greed. I never understood violence, or selfishness. It never made sense to me that some are rich while others are starving. I would completely reorganise the world if I could. I had these thoughts even at 4 or 5 years old. By the way, I've had psychic/spiritual abilities since I was a child too. I still have dreams that show me the events of the following day before they happen. My body used to interfere with electronics and even turn off streetlights as I walked under them. I've seen ghosts and other entities for most of my life, and I have ALWAYS been followed around by UFOs. I can even summon them telepathically.
I'd love to see you do a video on starseeds and the aging process. Most of us look a decade or more younger than our peers. This is an absolute fact! We just don't age all that much. As a matter of fact when we activate, it seems to go in reverse just because we tend to take such good care of our avatars from that point on, as we know our bodies are a sacred temple and are to be treated like a crown jewel.
Indeed. My body is my temple and an avata I can create as a material and visual vessel of Devotion to the cultivation of beauty fun making every moment. so why not try to celebrate your physicalI always presented to the world in the best most creative and unique and bold light
Depends on the physical body and it’s Aging process. Also How u live: Emotional, thought systems , and mostly Do of the blood lines / Genetics. There are many star seeds that look older, look like their current age, and younger. It all depends on the individuals
Thanks for making this video, it felt like you were telling my story and being there for me, telling me that I am not crazy and that I should not deny myself of who I am. Big love for you for making this video, reminding me of who I am. I am greatful for sharing this with us.
Year 2024 and I'm watching this, With the support of my spirit guides. I believe I am an Angel incarnated into human in this lifetime. There are so many experiences I have that I can label it as signs of an Angel, from birth to now and it makes so much sense. I even dreamed of an angel that wasn't allowed to talk and answer my question. I don't know my purpose here materially, all I know Is that helping people feels so satisfying to me that I can feel the bliss deep within.
Wow!!! I think you are an earth angel too! I have had QHHT and it was amazing! And there are angelic humans on planet now! Such an exciting time to be alive!🙏🏻🌸👑🌸🙏🏻
Derpyducks, you'd written in your comment, but you or someone else erased your comment. This is what you'd written in your comment : • " you are an earth angel too " • "angelic humans on planet now" Derpyducks, there ISN'T, "angelic humans" nor "earth angel." Derpyducks, there's, Jesus Christ and there's, angels and Arch Angels. The word, 'angels' and/or 'angel' in the Bible isn't written with a capital ' A. ' The word, 'Arch Angel' or the names of the Arch Angels, Michael and/or Gabriel the word 'Arch Angel and their names is written with capital letters, but the word, 'angel' or 'angels' isn't written with a capital 'A.' Derpyducks, on the planet there is 2 kinds of humans, non-Christians and Christians. non-Christians --- Genesis 1:26 ” and God made man in His image" Derpyducks, anytime -- any human, include yourself Derpyducks because you are made in the image of God. I repeat, anytime - any human represents any whatsoever virtues praise-worthy merits integrity the most highest of virtues, humble in heart, kind, patience grateful, gentle, brave, generous, soft-spoken, pure-heart motive. Derpyducks, and again and again and again I repeat, whatsoever goodness others and you represent it is the image of God manifesting reflecting of Himself in non-Christian humans and, anytime that Christians represent the virtues and merits I'd written to you of, it's Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in their spirit-heart. " Let us make man in our image and God made man in His image" The image of God ? is, Spirit. In Christians - Genesis 1:26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image " God is Jesus Christ, and in Christians, other then Genesis 1:26 also the Holy Spirit in us Christ in us, but that doesn't nor implicate nor define nor mean nor refer that Christians " we're other Christs" Christ is within us and we are in the body of Christ, but we're not other Christs Christians the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Son of God in humans. Christians, children of GOD my brothers and my sister's OF and IN JESUS CHRIST. There's us Christians, sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ, in other words, born again Christians made in the image of God and with the Holy Spirit in our spirit-heart, Christ in us and us Christians in the body of Christ. And there's non-Christians, made in the image of God. " And God said, " Let us make man in our image " --- God IS Jesus Genesis 1:26 and man was made in the image of God Derpyducks, "angelic humans" isn't Biblical but, Christians with the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ in us and us Christians in the body of Christ is Biblical.
Much love & gratitude for this message, I am Archeia lady faith (Archangel) here for my second incarnation on earth, it took me long time to understand who and what I was and why I was here but now I embrace it and and am here to help the entire planet during this ascension time, a beacon of light. Thank you for this beautiful message, much love to you beautiful soul 💜🙏🏼
I love what everyone on TH-cam shares their spiritual thoughts and spiritual stuff. And I will believe them. It makes me feel positively connected, it makes me feel and relate to things I’ve been going through. I’ve always question humans why are they doing things that make many conflicts and wars. I also questions my life and why and what is my purpose here. After I go through or learned many spiritual lessons, I awake to see how I’m actually are, my real positive side what I want to see through every person. I believe everyone is good and we should all help each other out
Explains my life with perfection. Ive always struggled mentally. I feel evil & good, peoples intentions, blessings that come with a extreme tests, it tends to seem. Ive often try to be selfless and sort of peace maker. Ivr slso became a destructive tirant from & for learning. Ive saved lifes & destroyed them. From here on ill die when my time comes while I try to do good for us all.. thankd for the video
When i see my family & and heavenly brothers sisters, father, mother.. after death, when I hear the voice ' welcome home son" , I will drop to my nees with tears of joy
my jaw dropped cus it sounded like you were interviewing me. I am aware I am an Angelic being. Heard about Delores Cannons work many years ago but forgot so now I am reclaiming it. for years I heard you don't have to talk just let them be in your energy. I thought that was ego but recently did a session with someone and it all came out. I struggled to try and see some past lives but it took me back to a ship. I needed to hear this. thank you.
Thank you, thank you thank you!!! I'll have to listen to this a few more times since I was crying so hard through most of it. Thank you for giving me hope, I was completely out...
I am also of angelic energy. I used drugs and alcohol to cope with the overwhelming feelings on earth.. I always wonder what my purpose is here, but I think we are just to hold light..try to be brightes light . This comes with healing and feeling safe to be ourselves. Once we know, then we can hold a lot of light. Of course, this is not good for the dark agenda, so we get hit hard.
wow, feels like this story could be about me. not necessary angelic, but the first timer part. I've located a QHHT practitioner near me, and am thinking of going. it was great seeing this video, so I hope you will share more
Thankyou so much. This could be me. Was just told I was an angelic first lifetime. Was told I " was bride of christ" have to look this up. Was told these weren't my memories and I have been clearing collective energy.
I am new to this and it now makes so much sense to me, all the uncertainties and feelings that I don't belong anywhere. I was saddened to learn that Dolores had passed on and I had been missing all this for so many years but just listening to Julia has been equally enlightening. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that I am not alone in this. I'd love to join any related groups. Any suggestions anyone?????
your right a call was sent out.we struggle in human form emotions are difficult.we know we dont belong but humans are not welcoming or understanding to accept us as we are.being human is learning a new species while being one of them.understanding your life and confusion and how and why your souls are suffering and lost.we have to live amongst you to understand your creation and where the problems are that creates the voids in souls we see after they are done here.we cry to go home but know we are here for what we have to do.i thank you all for coming we are still not done here.missing home is hard but the knowlage in our orders is what we fell for we took task for him and be proud to fulfill it in his honour.and yes this creation is hard to be and very closed minded and even do not understand themselves or have their understandings in order.we dont declare or talk about the work or understanding or places from home.that being said not all of the fallen ones choose to take a task.....some have to be here to learn the one thing we never understood up there.....humility.
This man you describe sounds just like me.... Here lately people keep calling me an 😇. Half the time I don't do anything but give love and light to anyone who is around me. It all makes sense. Thank you for sharing this.
Yes we struggle just like everyone else. Even when you know who you are, it's still a struggle at times. No matter where we are from, we are having a human experience like everyone else. This man's story resonates closely to mine. Would love to talk to him sometime and swap stories :)
Well you got the point, you described my life. Im one of 1st volonterious that came on this fucked up planet. I fullfilled my mision, found signs of something that happend later, it was planned for me since my birth. I hope so next ones wont go thro shit i went , but i think im chosen as most hardcore for that duty.
If I'm an Earth Angel, how will I remember my old life as an Angel? I don't have any memories, or knowledge, I just feel like I'm an Angel, or something, with a purpose, I don't know if it's just me being ignorant and paranoid, or if I feel like I could be one, cause I actually am one, I don't know? Can someone explain this to me?
I wish someone like you lived near me, I live in the "bible belt" area of the US, and things like this are just shunned around here. I know I have a block that I've been trying to work on, and I'd love to do a soul realignment session or something along those lines, but there's not really anyone like that around here, and those that are just want money. To answer the question in the title, yes they do, and the hardest part is feeling alone.
Thank you for the like, but I wanted to change something I said. Feeling alone is hard, but I think the hardest part of all is just constantly feeling like you're crazy. That what you feel or see you don't know is real or just in your head. People tell you many things but you don't know if it's true or not. Then being someone like me with a block means it's even harder to find answers on your own. You start to want to accept that you're crazy and forget any of it exists at all. That moment of breaking, that's the most difficult, and when you hold on to hope and keep finding yourself back at that point over and over.
I KNOW now that I am one and I developed an addiction to opiates every time I would stop I started to wake up again I would relapse this time been 5 yrs clean and I figured out why.
Had me in tears. Thank you.
I sing for hospice patients at bedside before they transition, and play music for dementia patients and often I am unsure as to how I am able to do such hard work- I am an empath and to not get lost in grief is very difficult…. I’ve been told I am an angel over 1,000 times - however your video really helped me feel this is true.
I often know (and feel) the angels from the other side watching me… I’ve sensed that since I was very young.
I'm 43 and I now remember that I'm an angel, more specifically a seraphin. I relate so much with this story... it's good to hear we are not alone.
I've always been a highly sensitive person and I struggle socially. This morning I broke down in tears because I was raised in a non-religious family and I remembered that when I was very young (about 4/5) I used to talk to the light in my room as if it was God. At the time I was asking God if I could fly and I kept jumping off my bed to see if it would happen. I used to fantasise when I was a kid about having big white wings so I could fly and be free. I broke down this morning because it came together when a psychic when I was 15 said I was an angel in human form, I laughed and shrugged it off because I was so superstitious. I remember waking up one night when I was around 13 and seeing an angelic being in the condensation of a window and I wondered why someone was standing outside on the balcony. Now I'm 23 and I had my spiritual awakening around 2 years ago and things are starting to synchronise and make sense. I've always felt like I must have been a serial killer in my past life because I never felt like I fitted in and felt like all these bad things were happening to me. I've always wanted to make the world a better place. I remember drawing on a T-shirt when I was a kid messages about giving power to the people and peace and feeling embarrassed when a friend found it and started laughing at me. Love and Light to everyone
We are the same
Thank you for sharing this one🤐😌
You are loved, precious. Never forget that.
20:24 9{llo0
Oh Julia this just came my way❤️. Soo beautiful to see you 5 years ago and now, consequently following your magical, loving and caring journey 🙏💐💜. And yes through your fantastic course I know now where I come from. Its impossible not to love your soul ❤️
YIIIIIIIIP! Me and my twin flame been Incarnating on Earth for 10,867 years ago , and in last 4 years alone , there has been a LOT of new Angels coming down!
Thank you so much for pointing out this story!🙏🏼🙏🏼 So needed!!
For 34 years I have worked with very damaged people in (youth) prisons and institutions for people with mental disabilities and very dangerous and unpredictable behaviour. It was striking that some were claircognizant and clairsentient and that treatment managers dismissed this as a coincidence! Unfortunately, due to their mental limitations, they too did not understand what insights they had. It scared them (more anxious than they already were) which manifested itself in dangerous behavior. And so the psychiatrist gave them another terrible pill that turned them into a numb being. Devastating! I was the only attendant who worked there without a personal alarm system because I approached them with love and the will to understand them in order to translate their -often very confusing- thoughts and feelings. Which brought so much peace. Love, patience, the will to understand, respect and trust are the keywords to take these fellow human beings with us on our leap to higher dimensions! Who knows how many angels were in there...?💞🙏🏼🕊❤
(if l may say.... your background music works disturbing listening to your story😬😘)
Sobbed and vibrating to my core. Never felt anything resonate so deeply. Profound shift in a matter of minutes! Thank you! So much love coming your way 🙏💙✌️
Me too. It resonated alot.
I did too 🙏💚
I’ve always thought I was a problem because I was gaslighted by toxic people and family , my life has been so hard and has just gotten better since I realized who I really am at my core .. I actually had a vision remembering when I volunteered to come to earth and help .. funny story is my mom said I came out so fast LOL .. I was ready locked and loaded didn’t know what was in store
Bless you darling, thanks for coming 🥰
5 years Later and this video is still serving its intent. Thank you Family.
Feels like when we come in with a purpose like this, family transmutation, we as impressionable children in the veil we take it all on so later we can be the new imprint for that family lineage when we work through it.
I totally understand, I understood today that I'm an angel sent on earth, therefore I'm here looking for similar stories and this is how is stumbled on your video.
I feel like I’m too nice for this world :( I’m always healing people/ helping them so much but no one ever heals me... just makes me cry.... BUT I LOVE THIS VIDEO AND IT MAKES ME SMILE SO THANK U :) 🙏🙏❤️
❤ sending you Love Beautiful One 💜🕊️✨ thank you for being so kind. It’s hasn’t gone un-noticed ✨🙏💫
I've been picked on from Kindergarten even though I've been kind, considerate, compassionate, caring and I would do anything for anyone. Now I'm not saying that I'm any kind of human Angel because I do not know if they exist, but what I love about this video, is that you explain the isolation and the loneliness that many kind people experience on a daily basis. I used to think that something was very wrong with me but as I've become older, I know that there simply can't be. How could someone who causes no harm to anyone be wrong???? I do feel anger but I never express it. I'm now a 61 yr old female and I'm waiting for this life to come to an end. Quite frankly, I've had enough. Do not be concerned, I am not nor have I ever been suicidal in any way.
God bless your sweet friend.
I simply loved your video.
Person of Earth I feel the same way. I know we’re meant to be here for this so I’m trying to stay strong and positive. I wish you peace on your journey. Much love!
@@JoJoInTheClouds I wish you peace and love as well JoJo. Be strong and be proud.
Bless you Julia, thank you for your sharing your wisdom, your light and your beauty. Yes, I've struggled a lot too, and even more after my awakening, until I learned to totally surrender, detach from 3D, and protect myself from dark energies. I wasn't sure if it was all because I'm an angel or because I'm a twin flame, but I guess both... Wish I could give you a big hug. You are a beautiful soul. Sending you a team of angels to support you in your life and on your mission😇💖🙏
Thank you so much Isabella, sending a heartfelt cosmic hug back to you, sister. May you have a blessed 2019 and beyond. Much love. J
More the need an Angel who knows life as it really is . Learning compassion through difficult traumatic experiences and the actual experience of having a body is a powerful growth experience to expand true compassion . I have seen a few videos on U tube... found a little information on the internet.
Most do not seem to understand what it it like and why Angels Incarnate on earth... but your description has it spot on .
🌠👼This is so uplifting and soothing Julia ~ thank you so much ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🤍♥🧡 💗
Julia you are such a beautiful soul!
All starseeds in their younger years before activating and remembering who they are go through this. We don't fit the status quo here so we always wonder if the problem is us or society? Of course now i understand why i never lived the human life script , but i did struggle with feelings of inadequacy before my awakening about why others seemed to just be able to "go along with the consensus reality" but i couldn't. We have to be free. That's the fundamental hallmark i look for which tells me if someone is a starseed. Do they insist on their personal freedom?? Number 1 criteria! Can they see through this matrix illusion? Do they know deep down there is something truly wrong with how we are living? All these things are paramount. We really do see life here as a burden because we always have that unconscious memory of life in the higher realms...that let's face..makes this place way below par in comparison. There are many issues we face. Thank you for your videos i truly resonate with them.
A volunteer
so very very wise and true
What a beautiful story! I found watching this video a real blessing! You radiate so much love and peace, thanks for all the energy you put into your mission/role. May you and all the viewers experience blessing and (keep) remember(ing) who you are.
Thank you SO much for this message and sharing some light upon this topic.
There is such a misconception about the reality of the very human (and very necessary) pre-awakening struggles which all Earth Angels endure. And even more so for those who are first time incarnates here.
It’s tough and many experience times of self-destructive behavior even addictive patterns in efforts to cope with the pains of the mental and emotional densities.
Although, I am beyond excited that Earth is finalllyy lucky enough to be arriving to a point of more EAs awakening.
The fact that we are not only seeing more incarnates and angelic humans but Seraphim incarnates as well is a rare blessing!
Choosing the difficulties of the veil allow us to experience being human the most authentically, and thus helps us to serve and heal humanity and Earth the most sustainably.
Sure shit gets cray, but there is profound beauty here and humanity is worth it. Some of them merely need a reminder why they are.
To any EAs reading:
Thank You for choosing to come. I love you.
Thank you so much. ⭐️ 🌹💜
Thank you ☀️☀️☀️
Dear Julia, I am sincerely grateful that you have now come into my life. I am ready to receive all that your beautiful soul has to share. Much love ❤️ ♥️♥️
beautiful tone frequency in your voice
I feel in my heart and higher chakras straight away when you spoke. Thank you, Earth Angel helping all of us pushing through illusion and blockages to love.
This resonates like 95 if not 100% with my life. Thank you so much! Sending infinite love and light your way! 🤍💡
No wonder I’m currently studying to be an Angelic Reiki practitioner. ❤️
Thank you again. 🙏
I like the phrase „the new children“ :)
I still feel like this... My physical life here is overwhelming and it's so painful and stressful that I really feel like I'm cursed, or like the universe is against me... I haven't been happy in this world because my life is just so hard, and it doesn't even give me time to be who I am... I've been suppressed since I was born. But even so, I never had to go through an awakening. I was born with the morals and beliefs I have now. I can't stand any of the bad things in this world. I don't understand how people can hurt others in any way. All I understand is love. I love everyone, I forgive everything, and my love is unconditional. I do whatever it takes to help others... But I've always been alone, nobody helps me, nobody loves me... I get blamed on everything, I'm judged, I'm hated. I can't even express myself when I just want to make the world a better place... I don't understand, I do so much to make others happy, why wouldn't anyone want to do the same for me..? I've been suicidal since I was a child, but I don't let myself kill myself. Not because I want to live, but because I feel like I have to live for others. I have to keep helping people. I have to keep loving people. People tell me I'm overwhelming because I feel everything infinitely deeper than anyone else I know. My love is infinitely stronger, but so is my sadness... My emotions are just so deep, and people don't understand... Nothing in this life has gone right for me. I can't be myself at all. I didn't get to have a childhood. I feel like I've had the worst life I could have. I don't like to believe I did this to myself, because why would anyone torture themselves this badly? So many years of my life have already been wasted, years I'll never get back... I can't even physical express myself... All I want is to be loved. If even ONE person loved me in the same way I love them, I would be happy. Not just happy, but such an intense happiness that words can't even describe...
I've always been against the systems in this world. I never believed in authority. I don't do things just because I'm told. I do things because I believe it is the right thing to do. I don't take "orders", but I am happy to help others. I don't believe in hierarchies or classes among people. This includes world leaders, police, teachers, and parents. To me, nobody is above me, and I am above nobody. I don't believe anybody is more or less equal than anybody else. We should all be seen as one. I am against nationalism, and the very idea of tribalism. I hate the "us/them" mentality and have always believed we are all one. I also have always hated the system of currency, corruption, and greed. I never understood violence, or selfishness. It never made sense to me that some are rich while others are starving. I would completely reorganise the world if I could. I had these thoughts even at 4 or 5 years old.
By the way, I've had psychic/spiritual abilities since I was a child too. I still have dreams that show me the events of the following day before they happen. My body used to interfere with electronics and even turn off streetlights as I walked under them. I've seen ghosts and other entities for most of my life, and I have ALWAYS been followed around by UFOs. I can even summon them telepathically.
OMG.... I can't believe what you just told. Thank you so much for all of the amazing work you do. Love & Light from Holland. 💖
so many tears and my heart feels lighter thank you ❤❤❤❤
I'd love to see you do a video on starseeds and the aging process. Most of us look a decade or more younger than our peers. This is an absolute fact! We just don't age all that much. As a matter of fact when we activate, it seems to go in reverse just because we tend to take such good care of our avatars from that point on, as we know our bodies are a sacred temple and are to be treated like a crown jewel.
Indeed. My body is my temple and an avata I can create as a material and visual vessel of Devotion to the cultivation of beauty fun making every moment. so why not try to celebrate your physicalI always presented to the world in the best most creative and unique and bold light
Carrie activate?
Depends on the physical body and it’s Aging process. Also How u live: Emotional, thought systems , and mostly Do of the blood lines / Genetics. There are many star seeds that look older, look like their current age, and younger. It all depends on the individuals
thank you julia
Oh wow, I felt like you were talking about my brother who passed to early only two weeks ago. I always thought he was my walking angel 😇
I have been crying a lot because I felt all my life that i do not belong here on earth and that I miss home.
Thank you for your videos Julia. You are a ray of light and hope in a world and internet that is so filled with negativity.
Ohhhhhhhhhh God this seems sooooooo familiar . It could be my story . God bless you both for sharing this information. Love to you both xxxxxx
Thanks for making this video, it felt like you were telling my story and being there for me, telling me that I am not crazy and that I should not deny myself of who I am.
Big love for you for making this video, reminding me of who I am. I am greatful for sharing this with us.
Michael Temba Thank you for your feedback. I am so glad it resonated with you deeply. Sending you much love from Ireland 💗🕊
Thank you🙏🏽❤️
this resonates so strongly , i feel the love light has been switched on ;0) x you are a breath of fresh air..thankyou so much
Year 2024 and I'm watching this, With the support of my spirit guides. I believe I am an Angel incarnated into human in this lifetime. There are so many experiences I have that I can label it as signs of an Angel, from birth to now and it makes so much sense. I even dreamed of an angel that wasn't allowed to talk and answer my question. I don't know my purpose here materially, all I know Is that helping people feels so satisfying to me that I can feel the bliss deep within.
I appreciate this video. Thank you so much.
Wow!!! I think you are an earth angel too! I have had QHHT and it was amazing! And there are angelic humans on planet now! Such an exciting time to be alive!🙏🏻🌸👑🌸🙏🏻
Heather Post QHHT???
Derpyducks, you'd written
in your comment,
you or someone else
erased your comment.
This is what you'd written
in your comment :
• " you are an earth angel too "
• "angelic humans on planet now"
there ISN'T,
"angelic humans"
"earth angel."
there's, Jesus Christ
there's, angels and Arch Angels.
The word, 'angels' and/or 'angel'
in the Bible
isn't written with a capital ' A. '
The word, 'Arch Angel' or the names
of the Arch Angels,
Michael and/or Gabriel
the word 'Arch Angel and their names
is written with capital letters,
but the word, 'angel' or 'angels' isn't
written with a capital 'A.'
on the planet there is 2 kinds of humans,
and Christians.
non-Christians --- Genesis 1:26
” and God made man in His image"
anytime -- any human,
include yourself Derpyducks
you are made in the image of God.
I repeat,
anytime - any human
represents any whatsoever virtues
praise-worthy merits
integrity the most highest of virtues,
humble in heart, kind, patience grateful, gentle, brave, generous, soft-spoken, pure-heart motive.
and again and again and again
I repeat,
whatsoever goodness others
and you represent
it is the image of God manifesting
reflecting of Himself
in non-Christian humans
and, anytime that Christians
represent the virtues and merits
I'd written to you of,
it's Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
in their spirit-heart.
" Let us make man in our image
and God made man in His image"
The image of God ?
is, Spirit.
In Christians - Genesis 1:26
"And God said, Let us make man in our image " God is Jesus Christ,
and in Christians,
other then Genesis 1:26
the Holy Spirit in us
Christ in us,
but that doesn't
nor implicate
nor define
nor mean
nor refer that Christians
" we're other Christs"
Christ is within us
and we are in the body of Christ,
but we're not other Christs
the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
the Son of God in humans.
Christians, children of GOD
my brothers
my sister's
There's us Christians,
sons and daughters of God,
brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ,
in other words,
born again Christians
made in the image of God
and with the Holy Spirit
in our spirit-heart, Christ in us
and us Christians
in the body of Christ.
And there's
made in the image of God.
" And God said, " Let us make man in our image " --- God IS Jesus
Genesis 1:26
and man was made in the image of God
"angelic humans"
isn't Biblical
with the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ
in us
us Christians
in the body of Christ
is Biblical.
Thank You for the validation.
Keep up the great work....I want to book a session soon. What you are doing is inspiring.... all the way to USA.
This resonates so strongly. Thank you for your beautiful work, it is so freeing and brings so much peace, to hear this ❤
im crying as i listen to you, as you are telling my personal life story. much love to you
Yes i know i am a angel life has been very hard but i know the path i am on...love and light id love to talk with you sometime.
If you ever want to you can talk to me sister 💙🙏💙 Love & light
I loved this Story ❤..Thank you so much for sharing 💙🌈 👼
You are such a pure soul xxx
Clicked this video and immediately went to the part that I needed!!! I knew I was an angel.
I did think this very much. I couldn't understand why I felt so different. And saw so many things differently. I thought I needed to change myself. 🙏💛
Much love & gratitude for this message, I am Archeia lady faith (Archangel) here for my second incarnation on earth, it took me long time to understand who and what I was and why I was here but now I embrace it and and am here to help the entire planet during this ascension time, a beacon of light. Thank you for this beautiful message, much love to you beautiful soul 💜🙏🏼
I love what everyone on TH-cam shares their spiritual thoughts and spiritual stuff. And I will believe them. It makes me feel positively connected, it makes me feel and relate to things I’ve been going through. I’ve always question humans why are they doing things that make many conflicts and wars. I also questions my life and why and what is my purpose here. After I go through or learned many spiritual lessons, I awake to see how I’m actually are, my real positive side what I want to see through every person. I believe everyone is good and we should all help each other out
Wow....This is Awesome....my spirit feels like a volunteer here. The reason I'm here
Explains my life with perfection. Ive always struggled mentally. I feel evil & good, peoples intentions, blessings that come with a extreme tests, it tends to seem. Ive often try to be selfless and sort of peace maker. Ivr slso became a destructive tirant from & for learning. Ive saved lifes & destroyed them. From here on ill die when my time comes while I try to do good for us all.. thankd for the video
When i see my family & and heavenly brothers sisters, father, mother.. after death, when I hear the voice ' welcome home son" , I will drop to my nees with tears of joy
my jaw dropped cus it sounded like you were interviewing me. I am aware I am an Angelic being. Heard about Delores Cannons work many years ago but forgot so now I am reclaiming it. for years I heard you don't have to talk just let them be in your energy. I thought that was ego but recently did a session with someone and it all came out. I struggled to try and see some past lives but it took me back to a ship. I needed to hear this. thank you.
I believe I’m an angel too cuz I want everyone to understand what are the goodness and let them learn to grow positive and loving.
Your vidoes always pick me up!! Thank you Julia!!!!!
Well done angel ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Also bless be ye. May all your drreams and wish come to life before your eyes.
I don't think i'm an angel , but that is exactly the story of my life... it's good to hear sweet words. Thank you 🤍
Awesome! Thank you for that wonderful, uplifting message, Julia. You are beautiful in so many ways. You must be an earth angel, no?
Thank you so much for this 🙏💛
Thank you, thank you thank you!!! I'll have to listen to this a few more times since I was crying so hard through most of it. Thank you for giving me hope, I was completely out...
I am also of angelic energy. I used drugs and alcohol to cope with the overwhelming feelings on earth.. I always wonder what my purpose is here, but I think we are just to hold light..try to be brightes light . This comes with healing and feeling safe to be ourselves. Once we know, then we can hold a lot of light. Of course, this is not good for the dark agenda, so we get hit hard.
Just found out I was a Seraphim Angelic on first wave.My story is so close to his.So much family trauma.
I wish I met you earlier :) ❤
wow, feels like this story could be about me. not necessary angelic, but the first timer part. I've located a QHHT practitioner near me, and am thinking of going.
it was great seeing this video, so I hope you will share more
Thank you.
Hey lovely. I just found this video and made me cry and feel so emotional. Love to you.. Katie x I feel like you described my life 😢
Thankyou so much. This could be me. Was just told I was an angelic first lifetime. Was told I " was bride of christ" have to look this up. Was told these weren't my memories and I have been clearing collective energy.
I am new to this and it now makes so much sense to me, all the uncertainties and feelings that I don't belong anywhere. I was saddened to learn that Dolores had passed on and I had been missing all this for so many years but just listening to Julia has been equally enlightening. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that I am not alone in this. I'd love to join any related groups. Any suggestions anyone?????
You are beautiful and glowing! 💓
much love and light.
You are a butyful soul.
I've got tears in my eyes xx
your right a call was sent out.we struggle in human form emotions are difficult.we know we dont belong but humans are not welcoming or understanding to accept us as we are.being human is learning a new species while being one of them.understanding your life and confusion and how and why your souls are suffering and lost.we have to live amongst you to understand your creation and where the problems are that creates the voids in souls we see after they are done here.we cry to go home but know we are here for what we have to do.i thank you all for coming we are still not done here.missing home is hard but the knowlage in our orders is what we fell for we took task for him and be proud to fulfill it in his honour.and yes this creation is hard to be and very closed minded and even do not understand themselves or have their understandings in order.we dont declare or talk about the work or understanding or places from home.that being said not all of the fallen ones choose to take a task.....some have to be here to learn the one thing we never understood up there.....humility.
Thank you 💜
What are you? You have energy/glow not ordinary as human but that of the light of a being of light.
I think you are great❤️
This man you describe sounds just like me.... Here lately people keep calling me an 😇. Half the time I don't do anything but give love and light to anyone who is around me. It all makes sense. Thank you for sharing this.
I love to listen to you! You are so healing ! Very relaxing to hear your gifts! Thank you for helping us to understand we are not misfits !!!
There is a reason that Empaths simply Adore The Angels!!! Wow Oooh WoW, An Amazing account!! :))) #377 likes. Thanks
What planetary markers would be in our chart to indicate angelic origin? Thank you
Empathic lone wolf over here sigh
You’re not alone , it’s more of us earth angels , just not a lot
Yes we struggle just like everyone else. Even when you know who you are, it's still a struggle at times. No matter where we are from, we are having a human experience like everyone else. This man's story resonates closely to mine. Would love to talk to him sometime and swap stories :)
OMG,your re hashing my life verbatim
Well you got the point, you described my life. Im one of 1st volonterious that came on this fucked up planet. I fullfilled my mision, found signs of something that happend later, it was planned for me since my birth. I hope so next ones wont go thro shit i went , but i think im chosen as most hardcore for that duty.
Oh my.. tears tears tears .. I know
If I'm an Earth Angel, how will I remember my old life as an Angel? I don't have any memories, or knowledge, I just feel like I'm an Angel, or something, with a purpose, I don't know if it's just me being ignorant and paranoid, or if I feel like I could be one, cause I actually am one, I don't know? Can someone explain this to me?
Yes we do struggle lol, your client sounds like me
this is me wow
Sometimes I seeing white wings on my back
I wish someone like you lived near me, I live in the "bible belt" area of the US, and things like this are just shunned around here. I know I have a block that I've been trying to work on, and I'd love to do a soul realignment session or something along those lines, but there's not really anyone like that around here, and those that are just want money. To answer the question in the title, yes they do, and the hardest part is feeling alone.
Thank you for the like, but I wanted to change something I said. Feeling alone is hard, but I think the hardest part of all is just constantly feeling like you're crazy. That what you feel or see you don't know is real or just in your head. People tell you many things but you don't know if it's true or not. Then being someone like me with a block means it's even harder to find answers on your own. You start to want to accept that you're crazy and forget any of it exists at all. That moment of breaking, that's the most difficult, and when you hold on to hope and keep finding yourself back at that point over and over.
I KNOW now that I am one and I developed an addiction to opiates every time I would stop I started to wake up again I would relapse this time been 5 yrs clean and I figured out why.