Hello! I have a question for my college studies. How do you control the force applied on the screwdriver when it starts to screw? Or more precise, How do you get the signal that the screwdriver has finished screwing so you can lift it up, avoiding unnecessary pushing of the screwdriver. Do you use some force sensors on those driving cylinders or something else?
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Hello! I have a question for my college studies.
How do you control the force applied on the screwdriver when it starts to screw? Or more precise, How do you get the signal that the screwdriver has finished screwing so you can lift it up, avoiding unnecessary pushing of the screwdriver. Do you use some force sensors on those driving cylinders or something else?
Hi Mark, Thank you for watching our video and we would be happy to provide you with more information about our tools. This page is not monitored by our technical support staff. Please submit any questions you have to our team at www.mountztorque.com/reach-us-now#reachform.
Hanzhen harmonic drive gear, strain wave reducer, robot joint , over 30 years experience