Hello, could you tell me which version of odoo you are using. Because I use the 10.0-20170523 windows and it does not have config session in the POS configuration. In which link can I download it?
Hello, First you want to purchase that module after that this link will display in your pos Config. The new version of this module is(apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/10.0/pos_kitchen/)
Hi you have odoo restaurant Customization available
hello, on kitchen screen orders are not appearing automatically i need to refresh the page what will be the issue
plz name of installed module..?
Hello, could you tell me which version of odoo you are using. Because I use the 10.0-20170523 windows and it does not have config session in the POS configuration. In which link can I download it?
Hello, First you want to purchase that module after that this link will display in your pos Config. The new version of this module is(apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/10.0/pos_kitchen/)
how do you accept the payment before the table being served?
Can you please contact me by my email id dev.webveer@gmail.com or add me on your skype(Webveer) for proper discussion.
Assalam alkm, you may configure it in: SALES OF POINT-SETTINGS as I understand your question
need module please
Hi, how did you install odoo in your localhost?
Easy odoo installation process.
how to use product barcode to create sale order line :