Assalamualaikum, I have a question. Let's say, we are already at the level where it shows Allah loves us back and we keep doing it and it started to become a habit, to which point it just became the 2nd one where it's purification and not a sign that Allah loves us back?
May Allah protect us from this contraction . And grant us goodness in both worlds. Ameen
Al Hamdu Lillaah
Jazak Allaahu Khayran
Allaahumma Aameen to all the Duas!
Subhanallah, jazakallah for sharing your valuable information, may Allah SWT continue to bless you and your family
Thank you for the message brother :)
masallah! greetings from #Bangladesh
Assalamualaikum, I have a question. Let's say, we are already at the level where it shows Allah loves us back and we keep doing it and it started to become a habit, to which point it just became the 2nd one where it's purification and not a sign that Allah loves us back?