Funny enough I’ve been cooking up a similar deck to fight Loki and I landed on Cerebro also. I love your build and I actually tried something similar but landed on a deck that I think absolutely smashes any Loki/buffed up deck and you also don’t have to worry about the other super meta relevant card taking away limbo, legion; because this C3 deck doesn’t run Magik and is still consistent. I was so confident in my build I snapped as soon as I saw signs of Loki and I don’t believe I lost a single game if they played Loki. Here is the deck # (1) Bast # (2) Colossus # (2) Invisible Woman # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Sentinel # (3) Cerebro # (3) Mystique # (3) Crystal # (3) Killmonger # (3) Rhino # (3) Shadow King # (4) Shang-Chi I do believe Cerebro at its best utilizes Limbo but I was loosing way to many games to legion killing my limbo and it got to the point where I don’t even want to worry about it so I crafted a deck that’s super consistent in 6 turns that doesn’t rely on a location. The super sneaky thing about this deck is if you look carefully none of the cards in my deck give the opponent much value while giving me crazy value. -Bast is pretty much a dead card for the opponent while giving you immense value. -Colossus actually took the place of Valk. Having no limbo made 5 drops feel very awkward but I think that speaks to the power of this deck, it doesn’t require anything over 4 cost to win consistently which is crazy to me. I know I wanted another 2/3 to fill out the curve better and to just get as many 3 energy stats on the board as possible. Colossus does provide some value for the opponent but your colossus will always be bigger than theirs, another option I consider was shocker because it gives absolutely no value to your opponent besides points on the board. Both are viable but the utility of colossus actually won me some games. -Invisible Woman can give some value to the opponent but most players, even good ones look over the crazy value IW provides or their deck just can’t operate well with an IW on the board. I don’t believe I saw my IW played against me once. -Jeff is another card that yes the opponent can get value from but this deck makes sure your Jeff is always bigger and better than your opponents. -The only value Sentinel gives the opponent is collector food but we have Shang and Shadow king to stop that, so in the end the opponent really doesn’t get any value from sentinel while again, just putting down 3 power cards is insane value for this deck. -Any value Cerebro could have given the opponent is immediately taken as soon as they play Loki and it’s my new favorite thing to see in snap 😂 -Mystique is actually the card that gives the most value to the opponent because devil dino is very prominent, with that said I don’t believe I saw one person use Mystique to copy their Dino but do be aware of that. -Crystal does let the opponent draw a card which sucks but it’s the card the keeps this deck consistent within 6 turns and most of the time they’ll either draw a card this deck counters, it’ll be a card they won’t play over the cheap cards Loki or the agents have given the opponent, or their hand is already full. -Killmonger is one of the cards in the deck the opponent pretty much gets absolutely no value from against this deck. The only card they can kill is Bast and usually I want him off the board anyways. Killmonger is a win condition alone since big one drops like Kitty are super prominent and don’t even get me started on the security of putting KM behind IW. -Rhino is worst than SW but that’s exactly why he is 100% better than SW for Loki. If you haven’t caught onto the pattern I only want cards that we can capitalize on and make better while the opponent is stuck with the sub par version that gives them very little value. SW does fit in that criteria but a 1/3 SW is much better/easier for the opponent to play than a 2/3 Rhino and I do believe there is more value in changing the location rather than destroying it but again one of the points of the deck is that it doesn’t need any outside forces to absolutely destroy so why mess around with a 50/50 location change. Also I’d be lying if I said I didn’t absolutely enjoy knowing I was just getting rid of a location and not possibly getting a game ruining location. -Shadow king is self explanatory, it’s an absolutely dead card for the opponent that has no affect on this deck besides lowering Cerebro and Mystique if you basted but I don’t think that happened once either because I played C and M late in the game or players just don’t respect SK and didn’t even try to use him. -Shang Chi is more of a dead card for your opponent than SK, you never go above 9 so they’re copied Chang chi is absolutely useless and I love it 😂 I actually had one match I’m thinking of uploading apart of a bigger video diving into this deck where we got monster island which completely bricks this deck but the opponent copied my Shang and destroyed the monster actually helping me 😂 I do believe the deck Bynx is running is the better Cerebro deck but I think this deck is the ultimate Loki/Meta killer. You don’t have to worry about Loki or Legion which are probably the two most annoying cards out right now. Also I had to get rid of Valk out of necessity but also because if your opponent is smart enough they can use Valk to make Cerebro work for them. All they have to do is put their high cards in one lane (the lane they played Loki) to Valk while playing the cheap 3 power cards they got from Loki on the other lanes. With that said any Cerebro deck is going to require a skilled player to take advantage of on the fly like Loki requires so you probably don’t have to worry about coming across a player that would utilize Valk like that but I do love knowing that I don’t give the opponent anything to work with, as soon as they play that Loki they’re pretty much screwed. I’d go into positive and negative matchups to be on the lookout for to either snap or retreat but this post is already crazy long but I did record my climb so if anyone would like a deeper video explanation on the deck let me know. I’m in absolute love with this deck, it does perform decent against non-Loki decks but does require a different mindset and requires a bit more skill. I’m hoping this deck will stay consistent against non-Loki because it’s a super fun deck that fills power curve really well and my favorite part is that it never feels like your having to choose between what cards you want to play, it’s all about drawing the cards and then knowing how to play them in the most efficient way possible if that makes sense. Hope y’all enjoyed my take on Cerebro, and what I believe the be the most meta crushing deck in the game right now.
@@TheJakescott1515 You can, but 5 drops felt a bit awkward in this particular build and if the opponent is smart enough they can use Valk to help themselves which is why I kept Valk out but she probably is the closest thing to bast. You could also just put in another 3 power card that you like
I've had a deck very similar to this for ages now, I use Bast, Colossus, Invisible Woman, Sentinel, Cerebro, Mystique, Magik, Killmonger, Rhino, Shang-Chi, Iron Man, and Valkyrie. But I have been tempted to go for a more up front playstyle and replacing Invisible Woman with Shadow King! Thanks for the upload, might be able to polish my deck a bit more!
I was struggling in the late 80s. This just rocketed me to infinite tonight. I replaced Magik with Invisible Woman due to the amount of counter cards present. I would also recommend Luke Cage as High Evo is another Loki counter and I kept rolling Jotunheim with Scarlet Witch.
It’s crazy how versatile C3 is. So many different tech cards and variations. I have been playing c3 but mine is 6 cards different than this list. I think snowguard is a must. I replaced sentinel with it. Also invisible woman to hide your tech cards is great for cubes. Also the sauce is blade/ghost rider. Been having a lot of success with that combo.
I've been running the new Blade and Swarm in my version! When it works out, great, I've got two 0/7s on the last turn. When it doesn't, Blade's a great curve filler with Valk or a Shadow King/Sentinel on Turn 6, and Swarm's just fine
this deck just got me the last 14 cubes i've been struggling with to hit infinite this season. I swapped out Magik for Luke Cage since HE decks are seeing a bit of play at the moment. thanks for the reminder that this thing exists and not all games have to be Loki mirror matchups LOL
I started play C3 again to counter the loki decks and it was great! The only card I had different was I dropped magik for luke cage, because with legion and snowguard so popular now, limbo kept getting removed.
Cerebro is straight, precise, pure intelligence. Perfect to face Loki, the embroidered chaos! I've been playing c2 to a great success, i'll try this c3 also. Thanks for the ideia
I got shadow king recently and snagged my free series Luke Cage….. now I’m making a decay power deck with Valkyrie, absorbing man, iron lad… hehe I like it so far at low level play
I literally JUST played someone trying to use this deck but they either didn't pilot it properly or they just had a rough draw because it felt like he had no real win con.
Thats a thought, if loki gave the opponent my starting hand, i would know their current hand but they still get the loki discounts. So there wouldnt be the double disadvantage on my end of not knowing if they have my shang or smth and also my opponent being able to play out my tech for cheaper. but in that case loki could pull thanos' stones or evolved misty knights i guess then for eg if i draw good like he hulk early and he's growing in my hand, they would get it and it would feel bad to retreat when you have a 22 power hulk lol.
I was thinking something similar but foolishly left iron man in the deck and didn't run Valk, even though I love her in my Thanos Zoo. I hate these spot lights though, I can't get Jeff this week, I only have on left a it's still a 50/50
I was thinking to come up with a Classic Surfer deck to counter this meta, but first I am liking to play with Collector with new Snow Guard even without Loki and second I've reached infinite for 3 times in a row with Surfer decks almost entirely. Cerebro was definitely in my radar for the task. I'll give this one a try. 👍👍👍
This so far only costs me cubes haha! I only encounter Destroy decks, no Loki's. And I just lost thanks to Scarlet Witch😂 I had all three lanes priority, with one limbo. That turned into a -3 one, and the opponent won. I'll skip to Rhino!
I think they serve similar purposes so I run both. The advantage that Magik has too is another turn of 7 energy, Valkyrie and Jeff or Sentinel has won me a lot of games I wouldn’t have won otherwise.
@@gaialaghi6401 Nah it isn't just loki decks, every deck in the game benefits from drawing an extra card and With cards like Shadowking and Shang entering the meta to counter Loki you shoot yourself in the foot.
This deck is so good right now. Just rode this to infinite. I don’t think I’ve gotten as many surprise 8 cube wins in the climb to infinite than with this deck!
Mystique has to be the first revealed invisible card, so usually the first card you play. Then the card you want copied has to be the last you play in a regular non-invisible spot (not dark dimension or invis woman)
Sadly cerebro sucks against literally every other deck right now or this deck would be awesome. Still waiting for an actually viable deck against loki.
I was having trouble with this meta and stuck in the 70s. Now made it to infinite in 2 hours with this deck. Thanks for always dropping fire decks
That last match was the biggest rollercoaster I've ever seen. The silence says it all haha.
Lmaooooo that last game's ending was perfect.
Funny enough I’ve been cooking up a similar deck to fight Loki and I landed on Cerebro also. I love your build and I actually tried something similar but landed on a deck that I think absolutely smashes any Loki/buffed up deck and you also don’t have to worry about the other super meta relevant card taking away limbo, legion; because this C3 deck doesn’t run Magik and is still consistent. I was so confident in my build I snapped as soon as I saw signs of Loki and I don’t believe I lost a single game if they played Loki. Here is the deck
# (1) Bast
# (2) Colossus
# (2) Invisible Woman
# (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark
# (2) Sentinel
# (3) Cerebro
# (3) Mystique
# (3) Crystal
# (3) Killmonger
# (3) Rhino
# (3) Shadow King
# (4) Shang-Chi
I do believe Cerebro at its best utilizes Limbo but I was loosing way to many games to legion killing my limbo and it got to the point where I don’t even want to worry about it so I crafted a deck that’s super consistent in 6 turns that doesn’t rely on a location. The super sneaky thing about this deck is if you look carefully none of the cards in my deck give the opponent much value while giving me crazy value.
-Bast is pretty much a dead card for the opponent while giving you immense value.
-Colossus actually took the place of Valk. Having no limbo made 5 drops feel very awkward but I think that speaks to the power of this deck, it doesn’t require anything over 4 cost to win consistently which is crazy to me. I know I wanted another 2/3 to fill out the curve better and to just get as many 3 energy stats on the board as possible. Colossus does provide some value for the opponent but your colossus will always be bigger than theirs, another option I consider was shocker because it gives absolutely no value to your opponent besides points on the board. Both are viable but the utility of colossus actually won me some games.
-Invisible Woman can give some value to the opponent but most players, even good ones look over the crazy value IW provides or their deck just can’t operate well with an IW on the board. I don’t believe I saw my IW played against me once.
-Jeff is another card that yes the opponent can get value from but this deck makes sure your Jeff is always bigger and better than your opponents.
-The only value Sentinel gives the opponent is collector food but we have Shang and Shadow king to stop that, so in the end the opponent really doesn’t get any value from sentinel while again, just putting down 3 power cards is insane value for this deck.
-Any value Cerebro could have given the opponent is immediately taken as soon as they play Loki and it’s my new favorite thing to see in snap 😂
-Mystique is actually the card that gives the most value to the opponent because devil dino is very prominent, with that said I don’t believe I saw one person use Mystique to copy their Dino but do be aware of that.
-Crystal does let the opponent draw a card which sucks but it’s the card the keeps this deck consistent within 6 turns and most of the time they’ll either draw a card this deck counters, it’ll be a card they won’t play over the cheap cards Loki or the agents have given the opponent, or their hand is already full.
-Killmonger is one of the cards in the deck the opponent pretty much gets absolutely no value from against this deck. The only card they can kill is Bast and usually I want him off the board anyways. Killmonger is a win condition alone since big one drops like Kitty are super prominent and don’t even get me started on the security of putting KM behind IW.
-Rhino is worst than SW but that’s exactly why he is 100% better than SW for Loki. If you haven’t caught onto the pattern I only want cards that we can capitalize on and make better while the opponent is stuck with the sub par version that gives them very little value. SW does fit in that criteria but a 1/3 SW is much better/easier for the opponent to play than a 2/3 Rhino and I do believe there is more value in changing the location rather than destroying it but again one of the points of the deck is that it doesn’t need any outside forces to absolutely destroy so why mess around with a 50/50 location change. Also I’d be lying if I said I didn’t absolutely enjoy knowing I was just getting rid of a location and not possibly getting a game ruining location.
-Shadow king is self explanatory, it’s an absolutely dead card for the opponent that has no affect on this deck besides lowering Cerebro and Mystique if you basted but I don’t think that happened once either because I played C and M late in the game or players just don’t respect SK and didn’t even try to use him.
-Shang Chi is more of a dead card for your opponent than SK, you never go above 9 so they’re copied Chang chi is absolutely useless and I love it 😂 I actually had one match I’m thinking of uploading apart of a bigger video diving into this deck where we got monster island which completely bricks this deck but the opponent copied my Shang and destroyed the monster actually helping me 😂
I do believe the deck Bynx is running is the better Cerebro deck but I think this deck is the ultimate Loki/Meta killer. You don’t have to worry about Loki or Legion which are probably the two most annoying cards out right now. Also I had to get rid of Valk out of necessity but also because if your opponent is smart enough they can use Valk to make Cerebro work for them. All they have to do is put their high cards in one lane (the lane they played Loki) to Valk while playing the cheap 3 power cards they got from Loki on the other lanes. With that said any Cerebro deck is going to require a skilled player to take advantage of on the fly like Loki requires so you probably don’t have to worry about coming across a player that would utilize Valk like that but I do love knowing that I don’t give the opponent anything to work with, as soon as they play that Loki they’re pretty much screwed. I’d go into positive and negative matchups to be on the lookout for to either snap or retreat but this post is already crazy long but I did record my climb so if anyone would like a deeper video explanation on the deck let me know.
I’m in absolute love with this deck, it does perform decent against non-Loki decks but does require a different mindset and requires a bit more skill. I’m hoping this deck will stay consistent against non-Loki because it’s a super fun deck that fills power curve really well and my favorite part is that it never feels like your having to choose between what cards you want to play, it’s all about drawing the cards and then knowing how to play them in the most efficient way possible if that makes sense.
Hope y’all enjoyed my take on Cerebro, and what I believe the be the most meta crushing deck in the game right now.
Damn bro crazy post lol I wanna try it! But I don’t have bast :(. Should I just put valk in instead?
@@TheJakescott1515 You can, but 5 drops felt a bit awkward in this particular build and if the opponent is smart enough they can use Valk to help themselves which is why I kept Valk out but she probably is the closest thing to bast. You could also just put in another 3 power card that you like
I've had a deck very similar to this for ages now, I use Bast, Colossus, Invisible Woman, Sentinel, Cerebro, Mystique, Magik, Killmonger, Rhino, Shang-Chi, Iron Man, and Valkyrie. But I have been tempted to go for a more up front playstyle and replacing Invisible Woman with Shadow King! Thanks for the upload, might be able to polish my deck a bit more!
I was struggling in the late 80s. This just rocketed me to infinite tonight.
I replaced Magik with Invisible Woman due to the amount of counter cards present.
I would also recommend Luke Cage as High Evo is another Loki counter and I kept rolling Jotunheim with Scarlet Witch.
Don't think luke cage is a great idea. If loki steals it then your valkyrie and shadow king are useless
It’s crazy how versatile C3 is. So many different tech cards and variations. I have been playing c3 but mine is 6 cards different than this list. I think snowguard is a must. I replaced sentinel with it. Also invisible woman to hide your tech cards is great for cubes. Also the sauce is blade/ghost rider. Been having a lot of success with that combo.
So your the reason why I faced this same exact deck 😂 this deck wrecked my DakenDiscard
20:00 😂 thats too funny, feel like i have been there tho
I've been running the new Blade and Swarm in my version! When it works out, great, I've got two 0/7s on the last turn. When it doesn't, Blade's a great curve filler with Valk or a Shadow King/Sentinel on Turn 6, and Swarm's just fine
this deck just got me the last 14 cubes i've been struggling with to hit infinite this season. I swapped out Magik for Luke Cage since HE decks are seeing a bit of play at the moment. thanks for the reminder that this thing exists and not all games have to be Loki mirror matchups LOL
I started play C3 again to counter the loki decks and it was great! The only card I had different was I dropped magik for luke cage, because with legion and snowguard so popular now, limbo kept getting removed.
You are a talented deckbuilder, well done!
Cerebro is straight, precise, pure intelligence. Perfect to face Loki, the embroidered chaos!
I've been playing c2 to a great success, i'll try this c3 also.
Thanks for the ideia
I know why bynx hates rhino so much. Let’s just say something tragic happens one time on safari 😭
Hey Bynx , what is this game interface with cards unplayed etc?
I’m gonna try Snowgard because of the two 2/3
🤯 Nice
Just played 5 straight Loki decks that ate this for lunch. I don't think this is a counter to anything.
I think snowguard is actually kinda useful in c3 deck what you think bynx!
What’s a good substitute to good ol jeff?
WOW! That last game was WILD!
Came for the tips...left after the it up bynx!!
hate seeing you lose but my GOD that final play was just sublime.
I got shadow king recently and snagged my free series Luke Cage….. now I’m making a decay power deck with Valkyrie, absorbing man, iron lad… hehe I like it so far at low level play
I literally JUST played someone trying to use this deck but they either didn't pilot it properly or they just had a rough draw because it felt like he had no real win con.
It always seems that whenever I try a deck like this I never get the cards drawn that I need lol
Thats a thought, if loki gave the opponent my starting hand, i would know their current hand but they still get the loki discounts. So there wouldnt be the double disadvantage on my end of not knowing if they have my shang or smth and also my opponent being able to play out my tech for cheaper. but in that case loki could pull thanos' stones or evolved misty knights i guess then for eg if i draw good like he hulk early and he's growing in my hand, they would get it and it would feel bad to retreat when you have a 22 power hulk lol.
I was thinking something similar but foolishly left iron man in the deck and didn't run Valk, even though I love her in my Thanos Zoo. I hate these spot lights though, I can't get Jeff this week, I only have on left a it's still a 50/50
I needed 4
@@lussor1 do you think he's worth 4 with all these good news cards on the way? I can't decide
That hoodie looks sick
a loki deck wrecked me yesterday because loki copied my knull and they got a mistyque from agent 13 :D
Like for the last combat... wow
I am running the same list, only diff being crystal in for magik
What do you do if you don’t have valk or Jeff I am stuck at 70 and can’t seem to do anything atm help me you piece! P.s great content as always!
The person who is able to identify the music at 9:05 is a living god (I think it is from Smash Bros but i'm not sure)
Never see a loki deck when I play this 😂
I like cerebro decks, but every time I dust him off, the bad location variance kicks in 😢
I was thinking to come up with a Classic Surfer deck to counter this meta, but first I am liking to play with Collector with new Snow Guard even without Loki and second I've reached infinite for 3 times in a row with Surfer decks almost entirely. Cerebro was definitely in my radar for the task. I'll give this one a try. 👍👍👍
This so far only costs me cubes haha! I only encounter Destroy decks, no Loki's. And I just lost thanks to Scarlet Witch😂 I had all three lanes priority, with one limbo. That turned into a -3 one, and the opponent won. I'll skip to Rhino!
Isn’t buffed crystal better than magik?
giving loki decks more cards in hand? thats a bad idea
i use her
I think they serve similar purposes so I run both. The advantage that Magik has too is another turn of 7 energy, Valkyrie and Jeff or Sentinel has won me a lot of games I wouldn’t have won otherwise.
@@85UKDan right, but you may really regret that. I think sinergy>counter meta deck.
@@gaialaghi6401 Nah it isn't just loki decks, every deck in the game benefits from drawing an extra card and With cards like Shadowking and Shang entering the meta to counter Loki you shoot yourself in the foot.
A god amongst men. Thank you!
I think snow guard would be a great addition to the deck
the music in this video had me laughing so hard
Does it also work if I replace magik with cosmo?
You might run into trouble activating the on reveal effects of Valkyrie, Mystique, Magik, Shadow King, and Bast.
bruh that last game
I just play my C2, Loki copies all those 2 power cards, but can't buff them. High cost greedy Hela decks also works pretty well against Loki.
i rushed the gold league under 30 minutes,that deck is amazing,i do not have wasp so i replaced with invisible women for the surprise
I feel i can brace the Loki weekend we all will have to face together with this
Missed on the Gnocchi pun
oh didnt know valk also affect the downside cards
This deck is so good right now. Just rode this to infinite. I don’t think I’ve gotten as many surprise 8 cube wins in the climb to infinite than with this deck!
Not having invisible women in this list is insane
That last game was op
Cerebro 3 with Ghost rider + Blade 😎
and Swarm? 🤔
That Sentinel transition at the beginning 👍
Bynx if I wanted Xtra Bynx content, do you have a way I could watch it? Some sort of other channel perhaps?
Of course Peter. Thanks for asking
@@Bynx_Playswow! Xtra bynx?? Everyone should be subscribed to such a glorious channel!
I don't like it but I'm definitely gonna take the rank hit to learn to play this deck optimally...cuz I to this point am not lol
Man it's really pissing me off that everyone and their mom has Mystique except for me! Has she ever come out in the store to buy?
She will come out in the free series 3 card section eventually. You just need to be patient!
In the old system you could buy her with 1k tokens
You know that was a Nick Fury Zola too... I mean, how can you hate on that.
What's the best way to have Mystique hit the desired card using dark dimension?
Mystique has to be the first revealed invisible card, so usually the first card you play. Then the card you want copied has to be the last you play in a regular non-invisible spot (not dark dimension or invis woman)
Where in the hell come that Armin sola?
Played about 20 games, this deck was extremely bad. Had to retreat more often than not
Deck is legit, but there's also the games algorithm and your rank which you also gotta take into consideration
sad i dont have jeff :(
i replaced killmonger with luke cage for my c3
could be a problem because loki can steal him and your shadow king and valkyrie wont work
bad againts Loki😂
Go Bynx!!!
I hit Infinite with this deck :) replacement for jeff huh ?
I would add invisible woman somewhere in there. Too good with shang chi, mystique, shadow king etc
No prof x?
I play this deck too and is so strong
nooo last game
Sadly cerebro sucks against literally every other deck right now or this deck would be awesome. Still waiting for an actually viable deck against loki.
But the enemy can just steal them all with Loki.
This deck sucks because it never draws Cerebro
Change scarlet witch for invisible woman, way better,cerebro without luke doesn't exist