Elika is really smart and you can see how much thought went into all of this. Great to see that some really intelligent people are working on CSS. From the end user perspective it sometimes seems much less difficult than it really is. This talk shows, it's not always that easy to "just make it work". Remembering where CSS came from, it became a surprisingly good presentational language despite its fair share of bad quirks (I see you, margin collapse!). Way to go W3C!
Elika is really smart and you can see how much thought went into all of this. Great to see that some really intelligent people are working on CSS. From the end user perspective it sometimes seems much less difficult than it really is. This talk shows, it's not always that easy to "just make it work". Remembering where CSS came from, it became a surprisingly good presentational language despite its fair share of bad quirks (I see you, margin collapse!). Way to go W3C!
Great work. Glad someones working on this
TIL leading is pronounced like the metal 🤯
Thank you!
Damn, typography is so complex!
Starting to understand why CSS layout is so difficult to work with as an app developer.