Crazy, you have now found both of the specialty islands, very nice. You might find that turning your sail backwards into the wind and then using a paddle to maneuver the raft might be a bit easier when trying to square up your raft. With the sail backwards it will drift very slowly backwards but you can easily use a paddle to move around in all directions. You can paddle through the foundations, no need to be on edge of raft. The debris field is 28 nets wide so if you have debris passing on both sides of your raft, your sailing angle is OK. Also the debris field is centered on your original 2x2 raft. So from that center point the debris field is 14 nets left and 14 nets right. Placing a Streamer on deck is another way to determine if raft is floating straight with the wind. There is foundation armor you can place on the foundation outer edges of your Raft and shark boy will NOT attack those at all. Eventually your Raft will become shark-proof with that armor. Great episode.
Crazy, you have now found both of the specialty islands, very nice. You might find that turning your sail backwards into the wind and then using a paddle to maneuver the raft might be a bit easier when trying to square up your raft. With the sail backwards it will drift very slowly backwards but you can easily use a paddle to move around in all directions. You can paddle through the foundations, no need to be on edge of raft. The debris field is 28 nets wide so if you have debris passing on both sides of your raft, your sailing angle is OK. Also the debris field is centered on your original 2x2 raft. So from that center point the debris field is 14 nets left and 14 nets right. Placing a Streamer on deck is another way to determine if raft is floating straight with the wind. There is foundation armor you can place on the foundation outer edges of your Raft and shark boy will NOT attack those at all. Eventually your Raft will become shark-proof with that armor. Great episode.
Leave the sharks head on just take 4 meat, then it take 5 min longer for it to despawn and respawn.