Once Upon a Time - 3x22 "There's No Place Like Home" Reaction

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ความคิดเห็น • 46

  • @ShadowDogProduction
    @ShadowDogProduction 4 ปีที่แล้ว +86

    "What the HELL am I doing in here?" makes me laugh every time I see it. I was happy when it made you laugh too.

  • @elevenmoons4020
    @elevenmoons4020 4 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    A lot of people were worried about frozen being brought into the show and tbh rightfully so but they actually handled it so well and I ended up really liking season 4A.

  • @Buffy8Fan
    @Buffy8Fan 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    _Frozen_ came out November 22, 2013 and this episode of _Once Upon a Time_ came out May 11, 2014. _Frozen_ was still in theaters in some places when the arc started three months later, in September.

  • @daisybunni
    @daisybunni 4 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    The Elsa plot is actually so good

  • @kevinlechuga_
    @kevinlechuga_ 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    This is one of my favorite episodes of the show. I love the Frozen storyline, can’t wait for your reactions.

  • @Url1a1
    @Url1a1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Loved your reaction😍 GOD when they revealed she is Marian. Everyone was so pissed but we did saw her in episode 19 I think in season 2 when rumple spared Robins life when he stole a wand from him to save Marian. If you rememb

  • @JakeSpears83
    @JakeSpears83 4 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    To be really blown away (I promise this isn’t a spoiler) re-watch “Lacey”, and you will see the creators didn’t even shy away from using the same Mariam again! We just all forgot by this episode! True master minds!!! Lol

  • @jadebattaglino1444
    @jadebattaglino1444 4 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    The story of Elsa it's just Wow il love the season 4

    • @awesomemalz199
      @awesomemalz199 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I love season 4😭😭🔥

    • @witchrich2365
      @witchrich2365 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      It’s the best arc for me primarily because of Ingrid and the amount of change Emma went through.

    • @awesomemalz199
      @awesomemalz199 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Witch Bitch lol I wish you didn’t say the persons name, now she knows a future character 😂

    • @witchrich2365
      @witchrich2365 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Malachi Fuimaono oopsie 😬😬😬

  • @dashingrapscallion
    @dashingrapscallion 4 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    You saw Marian only once before in Season 2 Episode 19 "Lacey"

    • @appigreen1559
      @appigreen1559 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Regina too does not remeber her.
      This think makes me laugh a lot 😹😹😹

  • @paprikash-GenerationnextSpice
    @paprikash-GenerationnextSpice 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    And outlaw queen😭😭😭😭 poor Regina my baby

  • @jessbelen1492
    @jessbelen1492 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I feel so bad for Regina.

  • @heidimarcum5984
    @heidimarcum5984 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    There's No Place Like Home- What a phenomenal two part finale... especially this second part!! I have to say... season three's finale is my favorite out of all the season finales. These two part episodes do have their flaws, like every episode does. However, this season finale is just so beautiful and I love both parts very much!! Thank you, thank you for two more fabulous and fun reactions from you!!!
    Now, as for why these two episodes are the finale for season three, and aren't season four's premiere... First, Emma has struggled with finding herself and accepting who she is this entire season, while Hook has been trying to remind her of who she is and to help her find it in herself to be the woman and Savior he already sees her as. It's one of season three's major themes. And in this two part finale, especially here in There's No Place Like Home, Emma finally finds herself, accepts her parents as her parents, and comes to see Storybrooke as her home with Hook's help. This two part finale gives closure to this theme.
    And second, in answer to your possible qualms with Elsa being introduced in the ending... I suppose it is to help boost the ratings, because if I do remember correctly, Once Upon a Time's ratings were down low at this point in time in spite of season three being a favorite season for a number of this show's fans. So, bringing Elsa from Frozen into this show most definitely helped to boost the ratings in a way, given that Disney's, Frozen was extremely popular, especially at the time season three ended and season four began. Unfortunately for the creators and writers, a lot of fans of this show foolishly believed that by them bringing Frozen's characters into the storyline was a bad idea, so their plan sadly backfired on the show's creators and writers in a way too, because a lot of people gave up watching Once Upon a Time purely because they were angry they chose to use Frozen's popularity upon it coming out just six months prior to this finale and the Frozen arc nearly a year after Frozen was in theaters. And while I was worried about them bringing Frozen into the show's overall storyline, not because of them probably seeking to use the movie's popularity to try to boost their ratings, but because I didn't know how they would be able to create a new and unique storyline using the characters and what we know from the Disney movie so soon in a way that's as wonderful as the rest of the show has been so far. I should never have underestimated them. And for the fans who gave up on the show because of their decision to bring in Frozen... those who stopped watching this show all together missed out on so much, and those who hate this arc for the dumbest of reasons, well... shame on them and I can hardly call any of them true fans of this show if they aren't willing to see past the creators' and writers' decision made in the hope of trying to keep their show alive. Happily and fortunately... I can thankfully say that what's to come is phenomenal, and it will all hopefully surprise and please you like it has me. I'm very excited for all that's to come!!! :)
    Now, where to begin with There's No Place Like Home? First... I just have to say, I love, love, love Hook and Emma throughout this two part finale. They are absolutely perfect for one another! The chemistry between actors, Jennifer Morrison and Colin O'Donoghue is outstanding and perfect. Their acting together overall and especially in these episodes to me is perfect, and their love for one another... even though Emma might be less sure of her feelings for Hook at this point than his absolute feelings for Emma are... So beautiful!! I love them!!! :)
    I love this finale in its entirety so much!! However, if I have to choose what my most favorite moment within it is... Hands down, it's the moment in the end between Emma and Killian when Killian at last confesses to Emma that he traded his ship in order to be able to get back to her in New York and then their beautiful kiss. And what a kiss... or kisses!! Seeing Killian shrug off all that he's done for Emma like it's no big deal, with the belief that no one else will see all of his efforts in such a way, as well as the look of surprise on Emma's face upon realizing just how much Killian has really done for her and her alone, and a much deeper admiration for Killian in her eyes just before they kiss... and in their kisses... beautiful and phenomenal!! This moment for me makes me cry tears of joy. And yes... Killian is no longer just Hook in Emma's eyes. This episode is really the first time Emma uses his real name out of a much deeper respect and understanding, outside of from when Emma's had to call Hook Killian whenever Henry was around so long as he was without his memories through most of the second half of season three. Also... we know that Killian giving up the Jolly Roger for Emma is a great sacrifice for him, given that it’s been his home for centuries since his brother’s death. Like we saw in this season’s episode... the Jolly Roger, his ship means so much to Killian. He made a big mistake that hurt Ariel in risking Prince Eric’s life for the sake of his ship, which Hook deeply regretted. And yet... we also saw he did so because he believed then he had lost Emma for good and he only had his ship left. He couldn’t hand her over... least of all to one of his enemies, Black Beard, who wanted the Jolly Roger merely to try to prove to everyone that Hook has gone soft... a trait that is extremely dangerous for any pirate in their world. And yet... Killian traded the Jolly Roger for Emma the moment he had a chance to be with her again. This shows just how much Killian truly loves Emma. And I love this so, so very much!!!
    But again... all of this isn't to take away from all of this episode's other events that I love either, as Emma, Hook, Snow, and Charming face off against the Evil Queen and her men, all so Emma and Hook can try to correct the timeline and bring Emma's parents back together, them nearly losing Snow to death, and finally Emma and Hook to nearly being trapped together forever within Rumplestiltskin's castle vault, which was actually mentioned by Belle back in the previous episode... Snow Drifts. It's all amazing in every way! :)
    Now... all throughout these episodes, Killian keeps warning Emma not to change anything at the risk of ruining something that's meant to be. He warns her several times and unfortunately, Emma keeps messing things up in spite of his warnings. Not on purpose of course, but because she is still simply naïve to the true consequences of her actions within the past. And if her mistakes weren't already bad enough before... Emma also saves Marian from being executed. Of course I understand why she did so, because for one... Emma didn't know who she was, and two... because it is terrible that Marian was meant to die and the guilt would have plagued Emma if she had left Marian to die. But unfortunately, in the end of the episode we are reminded that this woman is Marian, who is Robin's wife, who was meant to die that day, and who is now no longer dead. Which creates a big mess for Emma, poor Regina and Robin, and Roland too of course. Marian's alive and Robin is now trapped between a rock and a hard place. And boy... is Regina mad. Like mother, like daughter indeed. Yikes!
    I honestly didn't see this twist coming either. Because like you, I didn't remember Marian's face from the previous episode she briefly appeared in back in season two... Lacey. And yes... the actress who played her then is the same actress who is playing her once again. Her role in Lacey though was extremely minimal, so we don't really focus much on her face at all. And while Marian's arrival in present day Storybrooke is exciting and unexpected, at the same time... I couldn't help but feel upset by it too. Because not only will this cause problems for Regina and Robin, given that they've come to fall so deeply in love with one another at this point, but it has also created a dark rift between Emma and Regina, just when the two of them have become friends. Plus... I really hate love triangles, like I said all along throughout this season with the love triangle formed between Hook, Emma, and Neal, as well as back in season one during the love triangle between David, Mary Margaret, and Kathryn too. I have been waiting very anxiously for this two part finale because I wanted you to see Emma and Killian finally together and to route for them as a True Love couple, who are easily my favorite True Love couple throughout the entire series. But now... a new love triangle is formed between Regina, Robin, and Marian, and while I like this twist in the end of this finale, I also hate it too. Creating this rift between the characters with yet another love triangle to me is this episode's only real flaw I can see.
    But with all this being said... I absolutely love the continuation of Snow's and Charming's own love story being played out, still with a few more changes. So beautiful. I love that it's Charming who recognizes the ladybug to be Snow upon listening to her talk about the dark fairy dust and what it can do while they traveled together with Hook to the Evil Queens castle, and how he saves her from being squashed by Hook. And I love how the Blue Fairy not only flies down to save Snow upon hearing her call for her, but I love how Blue also recognizes that Emma isn't who she claims to be and that Blue understands her secret is necessary too.

  • @heidimarcum5984
    @heidimarcum5984 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Next... I also love that Snow goes back for Charming on the bridge to save him from being killed by the trolls, this time using only sand to trick the trolls into leaving them alone, until this brings them back on course at last as Snow and Charming share their lines about finding one another and Snow nearly believing that Charming would. And I love, love, love that Emma and Killian are watching their final moments together from a distance, allowing for Emma to see her parents fall in love with one another for the first time, as Killian beautifully states, "It’s okay, Swan. Not everyone gets the chance to watch their parents fall in love.", as he wipes away the tears falling down Emma's cheeks. So beautiful!
    Also... Mary Margaret and David name their second child... their son Neal, after Rumple's son of course. In honor of Neal's sacrifice. And while I personally don't care all that much for Neal overall in spite of the few things that I really do like about his character, I still think this is sweet that the baby was named after him. This is definitely the right choice for the Charmings to have made in honor of Neal, who is a hero. Such a sweet moment. Even though I'm still not convinced by how much I like Neal's storyline with dying to bring Rumple back and everyone putting the blame for his death on Zelena. I especially love the look on Gold's face upon hearing that the Charmings' child is named after his son. Very sweet.
    Another of my favorite moments within this episode... is between Emma, David, Mary Margaret, and Henry when Emma rushes back to them at Granny's once she and Hook return from their time travel adventure... as Emma immediately hugs her parents for real this time, announces that she's staying in Storybrooke because she's finally found her home, and having Emma finally calling her parents Mom and Dad. The only other time Emma ever called them this, was back in season two's finale... And Straight on 'Til Morning when Emma believes they are about to die because Storybrooke is about to be wiped out by Regina's fail safe. At last... Emma is calling her parents Mom and Dad because she finally sees them as such and loves them as such. So sweet and beautiful. And I love how happy it makes Henry that they're staying in Storybrooke too. :)
    Next... I do for the most part like the scenes with Neal in the flashbacks. I really like the parallels from Emma's past and present bringing together parts of the storyline, since yes... Neal's lines about home being a place you just miss when you leave it... is exactly what Emma says to Hook in Snow Drifts.
    We also get a few more past appearances throughout this episode, as we see Blue, Archie, Red, and Moe again. And it's really quite nice to see each of them again. I especially love seeing Archie as he marries Belle and Gold. Yep... Belle and Rumple get married. Very sweet and beautiful. I really love Belle's line... "And sometimes the best cups are chipped." Their vows were beautiful and I love that there is a montage during them showing each of the True Love couples together during their vows. David and Mary Margaret as they're holding one another with little Neal in his mother's arms while Belle talks about always finding Rumple like Snow and Charming always have, Regina and Robin walking down the street with Roland between them, and with Emma and Killian continuing to kiss outside of Granny's as Rumple talks about his past being dark until Belle brought light into his life much like Emma has done for Killian too. Absolutely beautiful. :)
    In regards to them being married in private with only her father there as a witness, and Belle probably wanting a much larger wedding with all her friends... I would have thought she would want them all there with her. However, I also feel that Belle understands that Rumple wouldn't have anyone there for him, given that he's still seen as a villain to everyone else. And she most likely wouldn't want to make him feel any more uncomfortable than he most likely already did with Moe being there, given that he and Moe are still at odds with one another from their pasts. So I understand Belle accepting an intimate wedding between her, Gold, her father, and Archie there so he could marry them.
    And in regards to how this beautiful moment is tainted upon knowing that Rumple is keeping such a dark secret behind Belle's back and that he hasn't given up his power for Belle after all like she believes he has... I agree with you. I do love Belle and Rumple as a True Love couple throughout the show overall. But for me... their relationship is my least favorite of them all because they are very wishy washy in regards to their feelings for one another and in all they say and do. And it's really frustrating at times too. And at this point in the show... I feel that Rumple doesn't deserve the happiness he's received with Belle because his redemption isn't pure.
    Now... I also absolutely love the scene between Hook and David by the campfire while they're waiting for Snow to return to help them break into the Evil Queen's castle. This is another of my absolute favorite scenes throughout this episode. I love any scene between David and Hook really, but this one is special for me because it helps to establish Killian and Emma as True Loves. First... it's sad how uncertain David is of his future with Abigail and how uncertain he is as to whether or not True Love exists. However, Hook helps him to believe that all it takes is finding the right person. And then... David asks Hook if he believes that Princess Leia... that Emma is his True Love. Sadly, Killian is uncertain by Emma's feelings for him, but again I love his line... "I'd go to the end of the world for her... or time." I also love that David talks about how his father... who is not really his father because he's talking about King George... is making trouble for him and Hook states he feels unsure of whether or not Emma's parents approve of him. David assures Hook that any father who knew how much Hook was doing for the woman he loves would be a fool not to approve of him. I love that Hook then states... "I hope you remember that." Amazing! And yes... I truly hope that David will remember the lengths Killian has gone to save and protect Emma, as well as to remind her that she is in fact the Savior and is home.
    And then... trouble of course ensues and Snow is nearly killed by a fireball fired by Regina as she nearly executes Snow. Luckily, Snow is clever enough to save just enough of the dark fairy dust to turn herself into a ladybug just at the right moment to save herself and to fake her death. It's such a great scene and I love how Killian's there to comfort Emma as she's forced to watch her mother supposedly become burned at the stake. And then he's there for Emma again afterwards in the forest when Killian talks to Emma about how he felt upon losing his brother. That his pain consumed him, while he pleads with Emma not to let her own pain do the same to her. Such a sweet, tender moment between them.
    I also deeply love how Killian continues to convince Emma that her home is in Storybrooke with her family and all those who love her throughout these episodes, especially during the scene within Rumple's vault in his castle. Emma is so stubborn, I was almost afraid she'd never come to see that she truly belonged in Storybrooke. However, I love that Killian has never given up trying to convince her of such. And I love that Emma finally comes to this realization at last as well, after everything she's been through on this time travel adventure with Killian and her parents. Killian and Emma are absolutely meant to be! :)
    And as always... Rumple is of course amazing in his past form as Rumplestiltskin once again. I love how he smugly, almost mockingly tells Emma and Hook that there's no way to send them home without Emma being able to wield her magic, then poofs them down inside his own dark vault where there is no escape. I also love his reappearance when Emma finally succeeds in reopening the portal, as Rumple nearly stops Emma from getting back home as he pleads with her to know about what happens to his son. I love how Emma pleads with Rumple to take the forgetting potion in order to make sure everything happens as it's meant to. The pain in her eyes is so heartbreaking. Once again... brilliant acting by Jennifer Morrison. And then... Rumple lets her go as he takes the forgetting potion, bends down to pick up the wand Emma dropped as she fell through the portal, then he states... "What the hell am I doing in here!" I love it! So Rumple. :)
    I love every bit of this finale because it's so centric around bringing Emma and Killian together, as well as helping Emma find her home at last. I love how much Killian is there for her and that Emma calls him a hero in the end just before they share their kiss that is so much deeper than the kiss they share in Neverland. Because this time... Emma has truly come to care for Killian in return, and Killian has already come to love her so much more than Emma truly knows. And the themes and parallels throughout these two episodes are beautiful and just perfect. Thank you again, so much for this reaction!!! I absolutely loved watching both parts again with you, and I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it too!! :)
    I can't wait for season four to begin!!! Season four is just as phenomenal as season three, if not more so. I absolutely love all that's to come for our beloved characters!! And what a great way to end this season finale! Season four is so good and I can't wait to see your reactions for every episode to come!! Until your reaction for season four's premiere... Thank you, thank you so much, Shelley!!!

  • @appigreen1559
    @appigreen1559 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    An advice: NEVER ask if a character is dead.
    Someome could answer.
    In this show being dead does not mean you are out: we have just seen Neal.
    Regina's father is dead in the second episode, but he is always present.
    We have just seen Marian, that never come in storybrooke.
    Seasons 5 and 6 will became a complete mess.
    Just watch and don't ask anything.
    (This must not be readed as "zelina is alive" and neither as "zelina is dead")

  • @nightwingman666
    @nightwingman666 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Yeah I was shocked about the Frozen thing too. Initially I thought it was a cheap cop out and felt it was just capitalizing on the movie at the time but it surprisingly not bad. On to season 4!

  • @Sandra-nu4bt
    @Sandra-nu4bt 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Everything about this episode is just 👌👌

  • @mikoajpapiez1231
    @mikoajpapiez1231 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Identity of Robin Hood's wife was known from s02e19 "Lacey", where the same actress appears.

  • @kenna163
    @kenna163 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You traded your ship for me still gets me after all these years

  • @HasnaaAlaa
    @HasnaaAlaa 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Regina can't be happy i guess 😭😭, captain swan rises 😍😍.

  • @tracy9208
    @tracy9208 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    #CaptainSwan is CANNOOOOON!😍

  • @federicao4609
    @federicao4609 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Your question will be answered 💜

  • @erinlindsay_cpd
    @erinlindsay_cpd 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    S4A is so much fun!
    but I think that I like S4B better.
    you gonna enjoy it for sure!
    loved you reaction.

  • @rosewalker1957
    @rosewalker1957 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You will love season 4....Love your reactions...and its a tv show, there will always be obsticles...lol...

  • @Bjspiller
    @Bjspiller 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Don’t listen to other comments Zelena is dead her magic was just so potent and chaotic that when it no longer had a body to contain it, it went to for fill it’s owners last wish.

  • @tarynantisocial6709
    @tarynantisocial6709 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Just wait.
    I can't tell you anything but when you find out what else had happened in Emma and Hook's Totally Epic Time-Traveling Advent-- (mumbling)

  • @ShiningLight
    @ShiningLight 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Frozen Arc is my fav

  • @youtuber2646
    @youtuber2646 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    whos your fav couple by far?? mine is SNOWING

  • @kenna163
    @kenna163 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Marian is still the best twist

  • @pepitogeimer1435
    @pepitogeimer1435 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Zelina rip

  • @LeighMet
    @LeighMet 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Zelena wait you have to wait till season 4. Season 3 ended in spring 2014 Frozen debuted in November 2013.

  • @Buffy8Fan
    @Buffy8Fan 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Love this episode.

  • @__HAVOK3___
    @__HAVOK3___ 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    ❤️...Loved this episode.

  • @thesuperstarsfans9739
    @thesuperstarsfans9739 ปีที่แล้ว

    9:39 Sure 😂❤

  • @maqeurious
    @maqeurious 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Is Zelena dead?? Shhhh, just enjoy watching the mayhem! ;)

  • @DroneQuadcopter
    @DroneQuadcopter 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    The plot that is coming is pretty good.

  • @terohietamies9441
    @terohietamies9441 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I love Frozen story in once upon a time but as a movie Frozen is quit blah.

  • @marianogomez6991
    @marianogomez6991 ปีที่แล้ว

    Defenitely not Zelena 😂

  • @youtuber2646
    @youtuber2646 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    awww... your reactions r so cute wow

  • @youtuber2646
    @youtuber2646 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    i dont like the frozen part of OUAT because snow was pregrant and had so less scenes in that

  • @appigreen1559
    @appigreen1559 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why should i soffer like this every time?

  • @LeighMet
    @LeighMet 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I can't tell you the real truth behind the marion scene you just have to wait awhile