Health Economics in Community Health Nursing - Simplified./ Community Health Nursing.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 พ.ย. 2020
  • Health Economics
    I. Introduction
    a. Economics
    • Derived from two Greek words - “Oikos” and “Nomos”.
    • ‘Oikos’ means - Household and ‘Nomos’ means - Management.
    • Thus economics means ‘Household Management’ .
    • b. Health Economics
    • Health economics is a branch of economics, concerned with issues related to scarcity in the allocation of health and health care.
    • Scarcity means that available resources are insufficient to satisfy all wants and needs of the people.
    • In developing countries like India where less than 2% of GDP is invested for delivering health care services, health economics is very essential.
    • Health economics is a branch of economics concerned with the issue related to efficiency, effectiveness, value, & behavior in the production and consumption of health & health care services.
    III. Aim
    • To provide Maximum benefits.
    - Reduction in the disease burden of the community and
    - Improvement in people’s health and welfare.
    IV. Focus of Health Economics
    1. Maximum benefit with least cost.
    2. Focuses on maximum use of goods and services
    V. Concepts
    A. Resources
    B. Scarcity and
    C. Opportunity
    VI. Need
    1. Medical advances
    2. Increased Life Expectancy
    3. Change in Family structure & Norms
    4. Higher expectation from general people
    6. Advance in Health Research
    5. Public awareness about their rights
    VII. Importance
    1. To formulate Health Policies, health services
    2. To estimate real Cost of HCDS
    3. To evaluate the relative cost & benefits of particular policy options
    4. To estimate the effect of certain economic variables
    5. To evaluate planning & budgeting system and make possible changes.
    VIII. Features
    IX. Factors influencing
    1. Extensive Govt. intervention
    2. Intractable uncertainty in several dimensions
    3. Informative asymmetric
    4. Barriers to entry
    5. Externalities & presence of third party agency.
    X. Areas of Health Economics
    1. Cost of Health Care
    • The term Cost refers to the expenses incurred by the producer to produce the goods and services.
    • In health economics, the value of the inputs /resources used for health care services is the cost.
    2. Health Problems
    Major health problems:
    a. Communicable Disease problems
    b. Non Communicable disease Problems
    c. Nutrition Problems
    d. Environmental Sanitation Problems
    e. Medical Care Problems
    f. Population Problems
    g. Others
    3. Demand for Health Care
    Demand is defined as the willingness and ability of a consumer to purchase a given product in a given frame of time.
    a. Law of Demand
    - A fall in price - increases demand.
    - Increase in price - falls in demand.
    b. Demand schedule
    A statement, which gives information of demand by the consumer at different levels of price.
    c. Health Care Demand
    • Demand for the health care is derived from demand for health.
    • Health viewed as a sort of capital, asset, wealth and the right, thus demand has increased.
    d. Factors influencing Health Care Demand
    i. Patient factor
    ii. Physician’s factor
    4. Supply Analysis in Health Care
    • Supply of Health Care facilities depends on a. Internal and
    b. External factors.
    c. Difference between DEMANDS OF HEALTH CARE &
    5. Health Care Market
    • Market is an economic activity of purchase and sale of goods & services at a particular level of price.
    Five Health Care Markets
    a. Health Care Financing Market (Budget)
    b. Physicians and Nurses' Service Market ( Health Personnel)
    c. Health Institutional Service Market (Centers)
    d. Input Factors Market (Resources)
    e. Professional Education Market (Quality & Stds.)
    The Health care market is controlled by the Govt.
    i. Income
    • Income is the outcome of productive activity.
    • Two types.
    a. Personal Income.
    b. National Income
    ii. Budget
    • Refers a list of planned expenses and revenues (incomes) .
    iii. Purchasing power
    • It is the volume of a thing or good compared to the amount paid with money i.e. Currency.
    iv. income & purchasing power
    • The purchasing power of an individual or family decreases when the price of the commodities increases, but the income remain same.
    • Thus the purchasing ability is affected by the increase or decrease in the income.
    6. Financing for Health Care Industry
    Source of Health Finance
    a. Commercial Banks
    b. Public sector Banks
    c. Private Banks
    d. Pvt. Foreign Banks
    e. Co-operative sector Banks
    7. Health Plans & Out lays.
    i. Economic Planning
    ii. Health planning
    • Health Planning is an integral part of National Socio - Economic Planning.
    e.g. Five Year Plans (12 FYP)
    8. Optimum utilization of
    available Resources
    3 - MMM
    M - Man
    M - Money and
    M - Materials
    XI. Health Economics at the family level
    • Health economics at the family level is to help its members to spend their money effectively for safe guarding their health and welfare. (Family Budgeting)
    Hope this video will be beneficial to the students.
    Thank you.
    Prof. Reginold Michayel.D

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