Paul is a false apostle don't believe him and his letters should be taken off the bible , Yeshuwah says , everyone will be judged according to his own deeds
@@iva-ox2qn 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV Bible Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Few people think about the doctrine of faith, but if it is a gift from God himself, then we must understand that anyone who possesses this gift, has been filled with the Holy Spirit. The natural outworking of the Holy Spirit is good works. Ephesians 2:8,9 are beautiful, but many forget about verse 10. Paul and James are in perfect harmony.
You need to rightly divide the word. Verse 10 is speaking of discipleship. Notice how in verse 10 it says that we “should” walk in them (the good works). It does not say we “have” to walk in them or else we will lose salvation. No one gets to heaven by walking in or doing good works, but because of the imputed righteousness of Christ. Good works however, will be rewarded for those who chose to walk in them.
@@chrisanok9283 all you need is faith? What do you mean? Lol you think the work Jesus did wasn’t enough? Like you need Jesus + your works? lol. Brother the only reason works are important is about profiting others it shows proof as to who is actually a believer to US HUMAN BEINGS. You do not need works to get to heaven God weighs the spirit. Did you forget the scripture said NOT OF YOURSELVES lest anyone should boast? The entire Bible is built on faith and that’s all we need. Works is about us carnal humans we are only flesh and blood brother. Shalom I love you
@@hebrewrld but let's see what Paul says. Gal 5:6 For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but FAITH WHICH WORKETH BY LOVE. So according to Paul, our faith works if it's true faith motivated by love of God. No works shows there is an absence of faith.. you even said it yourself my friend. Works is only evidence of our Faith. I agree. And Again, scripture says Faith always has evidence. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. In other words, there is Always evidence of faith. Our works is our evidence... God bless
@@chrisanok9283no sorry he’s spot on with the verse Romans 4:5, especially since Paul makes it clear that our works can’t justify us before God only before Men But I think your confused about Galatians 5:6, Paul was saying to them to just walk in the Spirit in which they can grow and avail much growing in Love aside from the Law of Moses which they have been walking by to prove their faith, within the Law we can never grow. These Galatians were trying to grow in faith the wrong way instead rely on the love of God which they and we have received. Now Romans 4:5 is still valid because through out the whole chapter of Romans 4 Paul makes it clear your works can not save you all the work was done by Christ, Romans 4:4 “Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt” nothing we do can ever justify us before God, Romans 11:6. But our works she be in Christ not to prove we are saved but to advance the Glory of God amongst men and for the profitability of others. Matthew 5:16 Titus 3:8 Philippians 2:13
Is having faith "works" ? What about asking for salvation or repentance? They are all actions. If you used some scripture such as what you quoted as evidence that the scripture demonstrates faith ≠ works then you probably should also use the scripture to show where the scripture pairs repentance with salvation. You should also acknowledge that Faith Alone in Chr st Alone is an abbreviation. We're supposed to have faith to be perfectly joined in the body of Js as one man and crucified and resurrected in him as a completely new person. The old man wasn't saved: he was condemned. Such salvation is equivalent to repentance.
When james said faith without works is dead he was talking about faith that is benificial to helping your fellow man not salvation faith! The bible says even though they work not their faith alone is counted for righteousness! People use this verse to creat a works based salvation which leads people to hell.
@@DCCentralComedy A person who has been justified by the blood of Jesus and regenerated WILL undergo sanctification. To answer your question, yes. Go Look at John chapter 14, specifically verses 21-24.
Obedience is manifested in you when you abide diligently in the light. Disobedience (sin) manifests when you don't walk in the light. God is light. Begotten = caused. Child of God = caused by light. You are not a child of God if you sin, because you are manifesting what the absence of the image of God upon your eyes and skin makes of human flesh. Walking in that darkness is blasphemy of the spirit; which is why THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NO NOT ONE, NONE WHO UNDERSTANDS, NONE WHO SEEKS FOR GOD. ALL HAVE TURNED ASIDE, TOGETHER THEY HAVE BECOME USELESS because they do not know to walk in the light and night of the sun of righteousness. That light and only that light. My people perish because of the lack of this knowledge.
@@michaelswenson6599 Philippians 1: "3 I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. 6 And I am sure of this, that he who began ha good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. 7 It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace,4 both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. 8 For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. 9 And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, 10 so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God."
@@morefiction3264 Jesus Christ, who is the image of God. Light is the vine that bears good fruit in the branch. Thy light is the Word. Why do you presume that Jesus Christ was being figurative when He said "I am the light of the world"? It's practical. 1 John 1:7 and John 3:21 and John 8:12 is the gospel. 1 John 1:6 is for those who have never learned this, which is to abide diligently in the light and night of the sun of righteousness.
@@morefiction3264 Matthew 13:24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: Matthew 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. Matthew 13:26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. Matthew 13:27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? Matthew 13:28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? Matthew 13:29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Matthew 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. _Jesus sown the good seed. Right after the enemy came and sown the tares among the good seed._ _Good seed = the four Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John._ _The tares were sown then after._
I just realized something that fascinated me as you mentioned Abraham's story. God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac for Him, but did not really let Abraham go through with it. But then in His own time, it was actually God who ended up sacrificing His Son Jesus for us. God's selflessness is beyond comprehension. His love is unfathomable.
Yeah this is super cool! It was even on that same mountain that Jerusalem was later built on. I love that picture of God's sacrifice! And Abraham named the place "God will provide". God put alot of cool meaning there!
@@BigSunshine55 same mount that King David bought from Arrunahah in 2nd Sam 24. The thrashing floor. So the most fought over piece of land in the world is actually the only piece of land that the Bible shows was bought pd for an has a deed.
I recommend the Bible timeline, by Jeff Vains. This walks you through all of the stories in the Old Testament that then tie back into the New Testament. There's lots of examples of typology.
A person who is saved has the Spirit of God in him. The believer's good works show that God is in him. A heathen can do good works and think they will show that he deserves to be let into heaven. But the saved person is already in heaven, and he works because it is natural for God in him to do good works.
James is simply explaining that works are evidence of true faith, not lip service. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe-and shudder!
Works cannot be an evidence of salvation because salvation is by grace, work would show merit. Salvation isn't merited, you are being decieved into trusting your own deeds for salvation rather than Christ's explicit promise. Its what Christ did, not what you do. Backloading works is what lordship salvation people do when they interpret what james is saying. James is talking about whether or not dead faith can save you from gods CHASTISEMENT. The mercy seat will review what you do in your life, and you may lose rewards but not your salvation. James is speaking to believers about winning men over to christ who do not believe, you must show them your faith so that they may see God in your actions and believe. Failure to do so will lead to CHASTISEMENT. NOT CONDEMNATION. Grace doesn't allow condemnation under any context what so ever, including what it talks about in hebrew 10, God punishes these jews with a bodily death.
@@epicpieho contradicting Jesus is not a good look for you. Mat 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Mat 7:22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ Mat 7:23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
@@rotaryenginepete That's talking about false prophets who never believed in Jesus but in a false gospel. They had faith in their works but their sins were never covered by his blood. So they were judged not as workers of righteousness but of iniquity.
@@pigsfood27 You are precisely right, he's a pharisee. He doesn't realize that the passage refers to people like him. 2 Cor 11 12 But I will keep on doing what I am doing, in order to undercut those who want an opportunity to be regarded as our equals in the things of which they boast. 13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of *righteousness* . Their end will correspond to their actions. Righteousness in the context provided is referring to doing works of the law, in which it is not the righteousness of God's work through christ you're relying on, but your own deeds by the law. The law condemns, but christ saves. Do not be suprised if they do not listen.
@@DefendingTheTruth Romans 3:8. You mock grace for what it is, i didn't say this is a license to sin, God chasten whom he loves, and his kids that are disobedient are punished, but never condemned. King Saul killed himself by falling upon his sword in combat, and this is OT. He ended up in Abraham's Bosom with Samuel. He committed suicide, and yet he still ended up in Abrahams Bosom. You think like man, God doesn't think like man. His mercy and Grace abound farther than you think, and with your scoff you mock the price Christ paid for the very Grace you will live under. For what idea of Christ's holiness do you actually have if you think but one of your sins can best his entire perfect life? Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more.
This verse tears at me. In the past, I have helped "the poor". A few have been lifted up and gone on to even help others. But others have continued on to sometimes go deeper into despair. Today, I see many around me in need of help. But I also see that most of them aren't even trying to lift themselves out of their situation. I hate having to "judge" and choose who I help, but I have my own enslaving debts that I must take care of, and trying to help those who have become beggars out of laziness and addiction does not serve them, and does not serve me. So I say a quick prayer for them in my heart as I tell them "no", and go on my way. In The Chosen, Jesus told Jesse to get up, take up his bed, and go. So Jesse still had to do something for himself, or he'd still be lying there. I find myself asking The Guider to show me The Way, to soften my heart, and harden my heart when appropriate. I pray that this is an appropriate prayer.
Maybe that's why Jesus said "the poor you will always have". Also, I do not believe that giving money to a person who might spend it on alcohol or narcotics is a very good idea. Offering something to eat (depending on what you're able to afford) seems more reasonable. Without the nefarious influence of those substances they're far more likely to find a way out of their situation.
@Ruben Leal, I know what you meant by having to harden your heart, but you meant making a wise or beneficial decision for him and yourself. God bless!!!
By the way, how does that work in the US? Is there any kind of institutionalized help for homeless people? Where I live (Krakow) there are quite a few places where homeless people can go. I used to offer food to people who asked me for help, a few of them seemed quite fussy about that. Until one of them finally told me they've got food galore available to them in all of those places. He then openly admitted they were trying to collect some money for alcohol - some of them try to endear themselves to you be being open about what they're collecting that money for. They're very unhappy and miserable for all that, no doubt about that. Something definitely went amiss in their lives.
@@krakowski-ruch-katolikow the only place is the Salvation Army. I give mainly to Jewish Organizations and some apart to them. I just only began giving to the homeless. God bless!!!
A slight re ordering here, "Faith Produces good works, so that whatever you do to the least of my (Jesus's) brothers you do to me". This is how I see it, works does not save, but works are the products of Faith in action.
Disciple Dave, if you don’t follow Jesus then you won’t follow the commands he gives. If you do follow Jesus then you will and I can just as easily see that as works following from your faith. I don’t really think you’re comment makes sense. The idea that works flow from faith does not mean we magically know what God wants us to do. If that were the case heck screw the Bible we don’t need it. I don’t think that’s what anyone is saying.
@DiscipleDave DotCom Why are they commanded ? Good works are not always seen (case in point Abraham offering up Issac on the altar ) in the same token bad works (sin) is not always seen but all will all be judged The letter to the Romans was written to Christians Rom 2:6 Who will give to every man his right reward: Rom 2:7 To those who go on with good works in the hope of glory and honour and salvation from death, he will give eternal life: Rom 2:8 But to those who, from a love of competition, are not guided by what is true, will come the heat of his wrath, If you dont have a healthy Fear of the Lord then pray for it
@@kimalonzo3363 it’s also better to understand than just to know. The Jews would’ve known enough if the Old Testament but they definitely didn’t understand enough. Read ps 22-24, 110:1, and there’s more that are describing Jesus!
I absolutely LOVE Brandon's videos! I have always been aware of how much gets lost in translations, but I have rarely had access to a source who can explain WHAT was lost in translation! The information and learning that I get from these videos is such a blessing! What could be better than helping people better understand and know who our Father in Heaven is and how He wants us to live? Leading people to Christ and help them grow in the will of God are the most important things someone can do, and I am truly grateful for these videos and the work that is put into them! Thank you, Brandon!
James is addressing converts who claim to have faith but bear no fruit. We are justified by our faith alone, but demonstrate the genuineness of our faith to others by our fruit. It is how we show the world we are truly Christians. God knows our heart and knows if our faith in genuine. This is why the thief on the cross went to heaven. There is no contradiction between James and Paul. We are justified by faith alone, we prove the genuineness of our faith to others by works.
To anyone that gets a chance to take this class with Pastor Robbins ... do it ! It has been such a blessing to my life and understanding of God's Word! God bless you and keep you !!
@@BrandonRobbinsMinistry “When an Apostle goes forth let him accept nothing but bread till he reaches his night's lodging; but if he asks for money, he is a false prophet.”
And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
@@williamfinch9858 right, like I love Brandon but this is very disappointing. TH-cam already pays him for views, subscriptions, etc. No need to charge for Bible classes. We must give freely that which we have freely received. The Holy Spirit doesn’t charge us when He gives us revelation. Neither should we charge when we share that Word with others.
I agree!! That is my understanding also! Faith is faith. Works in faith means no matter what it looks like we have faith in Christ and God to fix the situation.
there's a humility n a soundness in your speech that makes it easy to listen. Abba help us all entreat n contend appropriately instead of shout argue n seek to always be opposing...
Great teaching, Brandon - faith is proven by obedience! We could paraphrase this, “Show me your faith without obedience and I will show you my faith BY my obedience.” Faith without obedience is dead faith, not saving faith. I really appreciate how you tied this into the total context. We so often learn to quote verses in isolation from context (you know, like “judge not” and such.)
Please do not take offense to my comment. I’m only trying to bring clarity. There is some VERY important context that is missing that will help give more insight into what James is saying. First James is not talking about justification in the eyes of God. He’s talking about justification to us (humans on earth). The verses after a verse are important, but also the verses prior. James 2:18 he says, “show me your faith apart from your works and I will show you my faith by my works.” This is why Paul and James could both bring up Abraham as their example. Paul was explaining how Abraham was saved/justified by faith before any works. Genesis 15:6 says, which he believed on God and was credited for righteousness. This was BEFORE he ever offered Isaac, so therefore he was saved before the “works” that James mentions. Abraham was saved by putting his faith in God. So James is speaking about justification to humans. Another proof of this is to look at who James is speaking to. This letter was written to the 12 tribes which were the Jews who were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria because they were being persecuted for their faith (we read this in Acts 8:1 and Acts 11:19). These Jews were running from Saul (who would later be named Paul, the writer of much of the New Testament) because he was persecuting Christians... little bit of history --> the Bible is not written in chronological order nor should it be understood that way. The book of James was written sometime between the events recorded in Acts 8 up to Act 15… why Acts 15? We see in Acts 15, that James and some of the other Apostles are actually with Paul discussing the works and salvation. Paul and James were actually together, but the letter of James was written to the tribes being persecuted by Saul (aka the same Paul with James in Acts 15). So the Bible isn’t in chronological order. But back to the point. In Acts 15, Paul gets into a huge debate with some of the religious leaders on the issue of faith apart from works, circumcision, and keeping with the law and they told him to go talk to the other Apostles about this issue and see what they say. After discussing with the Apostles, they (Peter, JAMES, Paul and others) were all in agreement that salvation was APART from works. Acts 10:44-45 was/is evidence of those who believed receiving the Holy Spirit (proof of our salvation) when they BELIEVED. This was apart from works. So James stood in agreement with Paul that they were justified (eternal salvation) apart from works. Then in Acts 15:7, Peter stands up and says (I’m paraphrasing) stop telling them they they must do these things that is only a burden on them. Something that no one could accomplish. It is by grace that we are saved just like everyone else. Then later (Acts 15:13), James (the same writer we are discussing) stands up and says, we need not to tell those turning to God to do all these things, but we should urge them not to do these things. Not to do these things to be saved, but because they are saved, that’s not how they should act. This is consistent with what James is teaching on in chapter 2. Believers shouldn’t act like this. They shouldn’t favor the rich over the poor. That’s not right. That’s not what God would have/want from us. So James is in agreement with Paul. So he’s not speaking about eternal salvation when he talks about being justified. He’s speaking about justification in the sight of others (James 2:18). The faith that Abraham and Rahab acted on, justified them in the sight of others. Not only that, but it was a faith that benefited them. Abraham became the father of many nations because of his faith. Rahab and her household was spared in the destruction of Jericho because of faith. Because they ACTED on what they believed. They put their trust in God and it benefited them. It came to life. What James means when he says faith without works is dead, he’s DOESNT mean they aren’t saved (eternally) and aren’t real believers, but he’s saying if you never act on your faith, you will never see it come to life. And it’s true. If we never act on our faith because we have a weak faith (which is possible), our faith will just lie there, as if it’s dead. Benefiting and doing nothing for us or even others. We will never get to experience all that God has for us. Works grow our faith and mature us. Brings our faith to maturity. When we put our faith to work, when we act on it, it perfects us. It brings us to a place where God is showing up and showing out in our lives here on this earth. So James is not speaking on a salvation that justifies us before God. He and Paul agree that we are saved by grace through faith. He’s saying we reveal to others what we believe, that we are saved, when we do what God commands us to do. I hope this helps bring clarification.
We can prove to others God is good and as are followers of Christ. By our actions we in turn act as a beacon that can help convince others to follow Christ as well. Its not a difficult concept.
Read through many of the comments here and this is hands down the best @Miguel Urquia. James 2 is the mother of all misunderstood passages in the Bible. Any sound interpretation of James 2 has to start with the truth that when Abraham was justified by works, it was NOT in the sight of God (in light of Romans 4:2). Abraham's works justified him before men, as seen from how he became known as the friend of God, a title that even King Nebuchadnezzar recognizes him for (2 Chor 20:7). Also to add on, the word "save" in the line "can faith save him" is in the context of saving the physical life, not from eternal damnation. We are saved by faith alone, and by a faith that IS alone. Works never come into the equation for justification.
@@jameshendrix-hf7xz 1000% agreed. So much of James is interpreted incorrectly. Like the passage when James says, “even the demons believed.” If the context of James’s message is forgotten, then people will get it twisted and say that James is saying that you need more than just believing to be saved. You need works as well. But that is not what James is referring to. He’s talking about a faith that is beneficial in this life. The demons (Angels before the fall) believed, but what did it do for them? What did it benefit them? Nothing. He wasn’t saying that Angels could be saved. No where in scripture do we read anything saying that Angels could be saved by faith. No where. They were created distinctly from humans… anyways, that’s me going on a little rant. But yes, James was talking about in the physical life like you mentioned. When we say we need works to be saved or we need faith and works together, the Bible now becomes a contradiction and VERY confusing.
@@miguelurquia8144 Absolutely, another major confusing one is the parable of the sheep and goats in Matthew 25, where it appears to hint at a works salvation. Would you have any thoughts on this? In the context it should be the judgement after Christ's second coming at the end of the tribulation, and the phrase "inherit the kingdom" appears to hint at eternal rewards, and not basic salvation. But the point I struggle with it is that ALL the believers there are rewarded; there are no believers there who are "saved yet as by fire". Would that be because the tribulation is so great that every believer will by default perform the list of deeds Jesus mentioned? Apologise for the long question, but I welcome any clarification!
@@jameshendrix-hf7xz hopefully I understand your question correctly. It does appear as if this passage is talking about the second coming. Keeping it in context, the previous chapters and even earlier in chapter 25, Jesus was giving parables about how no one knows the time in when He is coming back. Also within Those parables, it talks about how people wanted to wait until it was too late to “wake up” or “now choose God.” But by this point, it was too late. Referring to Matthew 25 (by the way, I’ll try and find more detail and explanation to better explain), the first thing I notice was the use of the word sheep and goats. While sheep and goats could look alike, they are very much different. This reminds me of the parable that Jesus gave in Matthew 13 of the wheat and the tares. They grow up looking alike, but in the end, they will be separated from each other. But back to Matthew 25. The distinction between the sheep and the goats give us a clear distinction between those who are His and those who aren’t. Those who are saved and those who aren’t. God isn’t confused about who is and who isn’t His. He knows. But that was the first things I seen. Another thing (and hopefully this helps with your confusion (Btw, great question because after reading this, it strengthen me but also has brought up some questions for me to dive deeper into)), what we see are two groups of people. One group of people that did help out the less fortunate and another group that didn’t. Since we talked about the book of James, remember in chapter 2 when James said, “show me your faith without your works and I’ll show you my faith by works?” In other words, James was saying, i will show you my works because of my faith. I will show you what is already inside. James wasn’t “working” to gain faith, but his works showed that he already had it. He already put his faith in God and in faith, acted on what he believed. So in Matthew 25, those who helped and showed compassion to the less fortunate, were just showing an outward expression of the faith they already had inside. It was by faith that they did these things. It was by the faith the already had inside that moved them to help and showed love to the less fortunate. The already had it. So when when they were welcomed into the kingdom, it wasn’t because of their works, but because of their faith which moved them to work… then you have those who didn’t show any love to the less fortunate. They wanted to use the excuse, “but Lord (they called Him the right name, but they never put their faith in Him), we never seen you hungry or thirsty, naked or sick.” (What I’m about to say isn’t directly in the Bible but is my interpretation of what’s going on in their heads right now) Surely if we would’ve seen it was You (someone of great stature) then we would’ve helped You out. But we never had the chance or the opportunity to help You. Then Jesus hits them with the…but you did. Going back to the beginning of the chapter, these people only wanted to do what they should have, only wanted to turn to God after it was already too late. These people never had faith, while those who did help others, already had faith. So this is why they (those without faith) would be casted away. They were goats. They looked like sheep, but never actually were. They never put their faith in Christ.
Love is a command which requires us to make a choice and that, as you said, is work. We must 'work' to overcome ourselves. Thanks for this teaching. Pete Vogel
Faith is obedience to Christ, our first act of obedience is repentance from sin and turn to Jesus as Lord and as we continue to obey Jesus we continue in faith.
And is an investment in an eternity not yet realized. If we love others how do we not equip them to receive mercy in the judgement that all experience after death. Jesus says I never knew you depart or enter in thy good an faithful servant
Got to be more because the obedience of repentance is for me not for another. Jesus did not come for himself but so that people if they chose may be reconciled to their God and others may have a relationship with his Father who Righteousness demands judgement.Jesus mercy of taking on our sin when we place faith ( trust, reliability, confidence) in him demonstrated by our intertwined love and workings involving others which deposits investments into our eternal accounts. Most people when asked why they want to go to heaven they respond with to see an be with grandma dad or an Aunt. Why? There will not be a difference in love for anyone there. No favorites among those who have received mercy because of their faith/works being accomplished and called good by the only one who is good. Christ. Is it not Christ who we to see it it not Christ who will have the only scars from this life. Those in his hands and feet those making up the mercy that over rides judgement. To obtain mercythere mercy must be given here not by our pre judging who are worthy here no more than Christ prejudice here. Remember Forther forgive them for they know not what they do. For no greater friend does one have than he who lays down his life for us taking our sence of death for a crime we are guilty of even they they are completely innocent.
Woah!!!! Another great lesson!! One of the best! I've not only struggled with this one, I've taught it. You, Brandon, have nuanced it in such a way that makes so much sense. You wonder how you have missed what the context makes so obvious once the context is explained to you. The book of James has just gotten even more inspiring. 😊
Best explanation of this troubling, controversial passage in James, I have heard. Faith alone does not mean faith that is alone but I love the way he explains the difference between Jewish & Greek thinking. Love it.
Dispute most Christian teachings, the opening of Hebrews 11 is written just like a dictionary definition. The definition of the Greek word for faith is a composite of the definitions of of the words for conviction and assurance. These words mean foundation and the evidence given in the court of law. The key is where this evidence comes from? How do we love? Because the Spirit puts out love in us. How do we obey? He changed our hearts and wrote His law on them.
You've totally missed the point of James chapters 1 & 2 The examples given show that action is required to prove one's faith - Abraham acted to demonstrate his faith - Noah too had faith and proved it by action - Noah wasn't saved by faith alone - he did exactly what God required him to do. Today, true Christians are actively preaching "the good news of God's kingdom" in obedience to Jesus' command to make disciples. - Matthew 28:19 & 20 Mark 13:10 Matthew 24:14 1Timothy 4:16 Romans 10:10 Acts 20:20
yes. there is nothig we can DO to earn our salvation and redemption OR A PLACE IN HEAVEN. NOTHING. It is a gift, we accept it. John 3 :16 says believe and though shalt be saved. I am troubled by the title Brandon used for his lesson on Mark 10. NAMELY, #1 reason many Christians CAN'T experience Heaven. There is something that COULD keep us from eperienceing eternal life? COULD? you mean something might or might not KEEP US WITHOUT THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE as believing Christians? the only thing that could keep us from NOT EXPERIENCING ETERNAL LIFE IS REJECTING JESUS, is NOT ACCEPTING JESUS CHRIST AS OUR SAVIOUR AND LORD, NOT ASKING FOR HIS FORGIVENESS, NOT RECOGNIZING WHO HE IS. jOHN 3:16 IS A PROMISE. God keeps HIS promises. This is our hope/ There is nothing we can do to earn eternal life. Not even letting God reign FULLY IN OUR LIFE! This IS NEAR IMPOSSIBLE TO SURRENDER EVERYTHING! wE CANT LIVE LIKE THE DISCIPLES DID. God has blessed us with families to take care of, jobs, ways to use our money to fight injustices. We dont do GOOD WORKS to earn favors. Yes, others may see our so called good works and Glorify God. Because our faith produces action, it doesnt require it. the holy spirit then takes over in that persons life so that they can come to know Christ. We are messangers. We aren't earning eternal life by sharing the gospel or surrendering everything.. To a born again Christian, nothing can separate us from eternal life except denial. I dont need to surrender ALL. to trust the promises of God. I may have to adjust some things I do if they get in the way of my faith. BUT IT IS NOT REQUIRED. I would need some scripture to back that up. Jesus forgives me daily, none are perfect, even if you surrender all. We are human. We can work on improving the reign of God in our lives, yes, but it is not what keeps our eternal life status. IT jhas been purchased for us, if we BELIEVE. I nebut I think I am confused about his discussion of the "kingdom of God" on earth, letting God reign in our lives, and eternal life. I need to write to BRandon about this concern. I love his messages, I studied them nightly. Need some clarification. Maybe it was a mis-sstatement. your post is right on
@@christinesechler4465 True Christians actively preach and make disciples - Jesus commanded this. - Matthew 28:19 & 20 This worldwide preaching of 'the good news of the kingdom' is essential for salvation. - 1 Timothy 4:16 1 Corinthians 9:16 All Christians make public declaration for salvation - Romans 10:10 What makes you exempt? What identifies YOU as a Christian? What works show that you are different from people in the world who are not Christian - you're the same as everybody else, you're no different than an atheist who does no preaching whatsoever. True Christians are obedient to Jesus' command - they preach from house to house. - Acts 20:20 Millions of Christians around the world are actively proclaiming "the good news of the Kingdom" just as Jesus foretold. - Matthew 24:14 What makes you exempt? There's no such thing as an inactive 'Christian' - Matthew 24:13 Philippians 2:12 'keep working out your own salvation with fear and trembling' Read James chapters 1 & 2 Faith without Christian works is dead - be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves .. mere head knowledge or 'belief' does not give you salvation. Faith must be accompanied by works. John 14:12 Jesus said .. "whoever exercises faith in me will also do the works that I do" Let that sink in .. Jesus was referring to the essential preaching work that identifies all Christians - the public witness given to declaring "the good news of the kingdom" What makes you exempt?
@michaeltarantino .. so give an example of action that is produced by faith and yet explain why the action is not required (your word salad according to your reasoning)
We all want to hear, "Well done good and faithful servant!" but we won't hear it unless we do something well. Therefore do everything as unto the Lord and what you do for the least of these you do it unto Him. Persevere to the end.
You just got rid of the meaning of Grace and of Works. Romans 11:6 (KJV) And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work. Faith is not a work, it is grace, a gift of God, not of yourselves. Ephesians 2:8 (KJV) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: -- By the way, James is addressed to: James 1:1 (KJV) James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. To the 12 tribes of Israel scattered abroad. and why are they scattered abroad? Matthew 24:15-18 (KJV) When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. Because the Antichrist just started to persecute the Jews. James is a prophetic book addressed to Tribulation Saints, not Church Age Saints.
@@steveneurwyn no, it doesn't destroy grace. The audience is believers working from a position of salvation. It is about being faithful to God because God has demonstrated faithfulness to man. It is loving God because he has first loved us. It is living out the salvation that the children of God already have been graced with.
People have misunderstood this more often than not. So glad you made this. I was going to make a gospel video to explain this but haven't yet.. glad you did! "The Royal Law" is SO important.
Not quite. Although, I understand it can sound a little ambiguous. What I mean by that statement is that true saving faith is completely based on the finished work of Christ and not our own works. However, if it is true saving faith, then our behavior will change as the Holy Spirit begins molding us to be more like Christ. If our behavior does not begin to change and we continue to live a life of carnality and sin, it is a sign that we never truly understood the Gospel in the first place. @@KeepingWatch95
@@DefendingTheTruth You used that as loaded terms, so what do you mean exactly by hyper grace and lawlessness? Are you implying that hyper grace is lawlessness as in promoting sin, thus are you indirectly accusing me of promoting sin? If that is the case, can you please prove to everybody reading this exactly where and how I promoted sin?
@@Alrich-uo4rc it's not loaded, he is simply illustrating the mindset of those who pretend as if Matthew 7:21-23, Romans 6:1-2, Ephesians 2:10, 2Thessalonians 2:7-12, Titus 3:8, Hebrews 10: 24, and James 2:14-26 don't exist.
I would love to see this brother delve into the apocalyptic gospel with John Harrigan, Bill Scofield, and Josh Hawkins. It's excellent stuff. I really appreciate his work. Context is key! The Torah isn't bad; it's actually amazing. And it's for us and teaches us how to live as free humans that have been made in the image of Elohim. It's heartbreaking to see so many skew the Torah into something bad. Maranatha.
This reminded me of the reminant of grace which means that no one can earn the grace of God because it is given to all. There is a sermon here on TH-cam called the reminant of grace and I always found it to be a good explanation. I think it's true to someone we feel like we need 20 lucky charms for God to be like okay I'll bless you now not realizing that he gives his love without the need for us to jump through a flaming hoop. Also I think people who can't see that message often have the evil spirit of condemnation and that's why they reject it so badley and try to give behind self righteous yet if there is anything the bible teaches us is that God never worked with anyone who was righteous in fact you work with people that were flawed.
I agree, if you truly believe, there should be some kind of action involved saying "I think exercise is good for you" but never doing it is useless. Same as calling God and Jesus your Lord (aka master) but never doing what His will or what He asks of you, and/or remaining in sin. Jesus has a couple of scriptures about this, where He says many will say to me Lord Lord, or why do you say Lord Lord but do not do what I tell you?
If you believe Jesus died and rose for your sins, and you accept that, then you are saved. Nothing else matters after that towards salvation, its a one time event and you are born again once. Once you are in the family of God, you cannot ever become not of the family of God, despite what way you live your life after believing. Anythng that says you must live this way or that to prove your belief is basically relying on your works and efforts.
Shalom and blessings Brandon. It's all the Torah of YHWH, given to His people at Sinai and now, in the renewed covenant, written on our hearts and in our minds. Simple. Every blessing.
Faith alone saves but the faith that saves is never alone. We don’t do good works to be saved but because we’re saved. Faith is the animating factor if works.
"But to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted as righteous" Romans 4:5. What about the guy that worketh not but believeth on him?
Faith and good works go hand in hand where the good works cant come without faith but faith comes w the good works. cus its in faith in christ so faith in christ can save you for eternal life
Thanks for explaining this. I loved the Greek and Hebrew explanation. I have always thought of this with an example of a chair. I can say that I have faith that a chair is strong until I am blue in the face but if I refuse to sit in it, it is demonstrating that I don't really have the faith I said.
ορατε οτι εξ εργων δικαιούται ανθρωπος και ουκ εκ τιστεως μονον. "You see that a man is being justified from works and not from faith alone." Justification comes both by having πιστις και εργων. Νοt works of the law, as Paul says, but works that demonstrate one's faith. However, I would like you to elaborate on the present continous passive verb (δικαιοω). This is the real heart of the matter. If there are no works then there can be no saving faith. This is why faith without works is dead. If one just denies James' claim, like Luther did, then it is an epistle of straw. Please comment on how one is continuously being justified by both faith and works. thanks your comments were helpful
The work of faith is love and love is work. Faith produces Love . The work of the spirit is the fruit of the spirit ,whereas are personal work is love. Can a loveless faith save you? The demons believe but do not love GOD
Yes! The difference in hebrew and Greek thought is absolutely exposed in the language. Hebrew is an extremely concrete language. They didn't abstract well. Which is to a large degree why these spiritual concepts in the law became literal actions (strapping boxes with the commandments inside to their foreheads...frontlets between your eyes) Greek on the other hand abstracts extremely well.
Just as the text and context says very clearly, "Faith without works is dead". James also says, "Works without faith is also dead". James' words and intention completely agrees with Paul's messages on faith, works and grace. and although James does have a specific point of reference, his statement CANNOT be limited to just that intention of James letter. Hence we thank Holy Spirit that He brings these words to our attention. Indeed faith without works IS dead. Because "Without faith it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews chapter 11)... it's as if faith is truly dead. It takes us back to basics of Salvation and being "Born-again" (John 3:14). IF we are born of the Spirit there WILL BE works that follow..... Not all perfect works all at once, but certainly a desire and flow of Faith FROM the direction and inspiration of God
Your ministry and sharing of the gospels is so beautiful, my friend! Thank you Brandon, and I would be honored to speak with you someday. Your ministry is beautiful about works and faith, we can still work on increasing our Faith. We underestimate God when we underestimate ourselves and each other. I have Faith in the God that allows me to keep enjoying and experiencing moments, and my goal is to eliminate the Lies of money. Poverty exists because of human selfishness, but nothing God creates could be considered "poor".
James 2:11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.
Brandon, I love your videos! Abraham's faith goes even beyond your short summary.... Isaac was a miracle child born by Sarah who was in her 90's. It was to fulfill a promise God made to Abraham multiple times that his descendents would be more numerous than the stars. Abraham must have adored Isaac. Abraham's entire future and promise from God rested entirely on Isaac, yet when God asked Abraham to kill Isaac, he obeyed. Even though it contradicted God's earlier promise, and didn't make sense, Abraham acted in faith to trust in what God told him to do, and only stopped when he was told to stop. That's faith
I am sure the class is fabulous. I have learned so much in these short lessons. Thank you Brandon for sharing your knowledge and understanding of the Word. Really helps a person grow.
It means exactly what it says. It doesn’t need explained. You have faith? Good. But if don’t have works, your faith is meaningless. If you love Him, you will obey Him. Period.
It kinda does because people are easily deluded by the "literalism" of the text stripped of context, which yes is a false way to view Scripture and absolutely robs it of any power to speak of salvation, but those who follow this false delusion need to be instructed on the true meaning, they are blind of the core meaning and thus it must be well described so that their eyes might be made clear to what it truly says.
What does it mean to "obey"? Does it mean never sinning? If it does, then no one obeys him. If it doesn't mean sinless perfection, then what exactly are the parameters? Please be precise.
@@sorenpx Are you actually reading Scripture? Because its explained quite well, in keeping with faith we are to voluntarily uphold God's commands to us, doing all we can to follow them, and in failing that we are called to seek repentance for our failures in all that we do, to build our faith in a relationship with Christ, that we come to Him in every act and in all that we do for eternity, by humility, and through this we don't receive salvation, but are already saved, no instead it is for His sake by His love, and for the sake of others, for which all these things are done. We are called to resist evil lovingly, to speak truthfully, to uphold righteousness and punish wickedness, to represent God unto the world so that the light shall be known in us and speak to our master. We are messengers, soldiers, and servants, enslaved to righteousness as we are liberated from the enslavement of sin and thus desiring to do good. This is how we obey, that we should falter we still rise on God's strength, not our own, that we are always faithful and always walking with Him, and by faith we are justified, for it is the work of God that we were saved, nothing about us which accomplished these things. Measure these things by that which was written to you, as for us all, that God has spoken in His Word, by Moses, by the prophets, by Jesus, and by the Apostles. By faith you are saved, this is to be obeyed, and thus by faith you are liberated of sin and so too walk in the Spirit. No longer then shall one be held condemned.
False. You clearly don’t understand what James 2 means. You don’t need works to be saved. And works don’t prove you’re saved. And once you’re saved, you cannot lose your salvation, even if you sin.
@@Spartan322 I don't feel like you answered my question. Let me put it to you more directly: Are there certain specific deeds you must do, or a certain number of them, in order to prove that you have saving faith? If so, can you list out those deeds in detail and number? Or conversely, can you provide the specific deeds, and/or number of deeds, by which one loses salvation? If you can't answer the question with that degree of specificity, how can you ever know that you yourself are actually saved? For instance, you said that we must "do all we can to follow" the commandments? Are you certain that you have done ALL you can? Is there not, perhaps, one day where you did one once less than the very best you could? If so, does that mean you aren't really saved and that you don't really love Jesus? If works are required for salvation, or to prove that you are really saved, I'm just trying to figure out how many works, or what kind of works, are enough. Precisely.
The greatest commandment was to love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, and mind (heart mind and strength in Deuteronomy 6). The second was like unto it, love your neighbor as yourself…Matthew 22:34-40
This is what we Catholics believe and act upon. It's good to hear YOU say it! We get blasted by fundamentalist protestants all the time on this issue. "We are given Grace to do the good works God gives us" ( paraphrased, I think.)
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV Bible [1] Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; [2] By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. [3] For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; [4] And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV Bible [8] For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: [9] Not of works, lest any man should boast. Romans 10:9-13 KJV Bible [9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. [11] For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. [12] For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. [13] For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. John 3:16 KJV Bible For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 14:6 KJV Bible Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
My understanding of this verse amounted to "Works" = the greatest commandment (work) is to love God with all your heart, etc., and the 2nd work - love your neighbor (they also are someone Jesus loves as much as He loves you). You can keep the rules and do works, but this is no more than the Pharisees did. We must seek to build our relationship with Jesus (within Scriptural bounds) - but the main activity we should be involved in is actively seeking to be closer to Jesus and more pleasing to Him in our actions out of love for Him.
James 2:15 “Yea, a man may say, I will show thee I have faith without works; but I say, Show me thy faith without works, and I will show thee my faith by my works” James makes it clear he means our faith is SHOWN by our works, they aren’t separate. One causes the other We know because of Matthew that if we are good, what we produce will show that Mathew 7: 16-20 “16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” This is talking about identifying false prophets, but i think it’s also used to identify the faithful. A Good tree will produce good fruit as much as an corrupt tree will produce corrupt fruit. Our faith caused us to want to be like Christ and do good wherever we go. Our works are the result of our faith. We do good BECAUSE love God. BECAUSE we have faith. They don’t contradict, because they are the same.
Your explanations are always insightful. In this video you demonstrably show what Catholics believe and that the artificial challenge of Faith Alone is silly.
The way i see it is connecting it with Romans 4 bc in Romans 4 Paul also talks about Abraham being justified by works, but it says not before God meaning you're justified by works before men but justified by faith before God.
Catholic Church has been teaching this for thousands of years and has been consistently attacked by Protestants for this truth. Thanks for explaining the Catholic teaching on faith and works 👍
"All these, therefore were highly honoured, and made great, not for their own sake, or for their own works, or for the righteousness which they wrought, but through the operation of His will. And we, too, being called by His will in Christ Jesus, are not justified by ourselves, nor by our own wisdom or understanding, or godliness, or works which we have wrought in holiness of heart; but by that faith through which, from the beginning, Almighty God has justified all men; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen" Clement of Rome, chapter 32
@@danielomitted1867 Ephesians 2:10 tells us to walk in the good works which God has prepared for us. If one reluctantly refuse to walk in these good works (love of neighbours as your self), then can faith save him/her James 2:14. Infact Jesus would tell that person that when I was hungry, thirsty, naked, in prison you did not help Me, get away from Me Matthew 25:41-46.
Thank you Pastor Robbins. I don't really know how to carry out the task of that Greatest Commandment, but I will try. My actions need to get more action in them.
I believe many would agree with me when I say that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone. What is the benefit of works? The benefit of works is allowing the light of Christ in you to be of help to others which should also motivate others to want to believe in Jesus Christ. I also believe that our faith , and our works are all gifts from God because in John chapter 6 verse 44 it talks about how God draws people to Jesus therefore it is God‘s power that allows us to believe in Jesus subsequent works would also be a direct gift from God after faith has been established.everything starts with Jesus and ends with Jesus
You are loved! Jesus is real and alive! The KJV Bible is true! It's the real, God breathed, word of God!!! You are loved!! Jesus loves you so much, that He died for you!! He paid for all sin for all time with His death on the Cross! He rose again on the third day!!! To prove that He is God and that you have been declared innocent! We all sin! The instant you believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, you are Saved from the penalty of sin, which is death! Jesus already paid your fine, in full!!! Call on Jesus! Believe and run to Him!!! Just as you are!!! His arms are wide open!!! 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 John 3:15-18 Ephesians 2:8-9 Romans 10:9-13!
I have a struggle here. Paul makes it clear in 2 Thess 3:10 For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. There were people back in Biblical times who liked to live off the community, rather than participate in it. We see it today as people see themselves as deserving of food rather than working for it. In the great depression of the 1930s, men would be willing to work for a meal, chopping wood, weeding the garden, shoveling snow. But today, people want you to give them money. In fact, some people play the beggar as a living. Easy money, no taxes. As I see it, I help the people I know, but am reluctant to give money to some stranger for purposes which cannot be verified.
Plain and simple you can't do it no matter how hard you try. You will fail at some point and to fail at that point is to fail at all. By fulfilling the law Jesus is able to cover us when we fail not the torah.
@@davidsinclair47 Read Revelation 14:12. You have to believe in Messiah AND keep Torah. Not OR, AND!! I’ve been keeping Torah for 14 years. It’s not hard. You’ve been told it’s impossible but that’s not true. It’s not hard to say no to eating pork, nor is it hard to keep Sabbath on the seventh day as Father commanded rather then on Sunday as the Catholic Church commanded.
@@davidsinclair47 Yes you will fall short, we all do. I believe it is in the trying that Father blesses us. Yeshua came the first time to explain Torah more clearly because the Pharisee’s were adding to burden the people, not to do away with it. Not one jot or tittle will pass from the law until heaven and earth pass away. We’re still here. It hasn’t passed away yet.
Matthew 25:40 "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Faith is a verb and love is a verb. They require action.
Faith is not a verb. It does not require action. I have faith in many things every single day, it does not require any action from me to prove I believe in certain things. -This video and people who think like you do, are all backloading works into the gospel and making the grace of God of no effect.
At the same time if we brag about our works, they get canceled out bc that's our reward. It's different if we share the light to glorify God but He knows our hearts. Why are we doing good things? For show? Bc we love people hopefully and in turn God bc He is in them
Saving faith is faith in action through obedience. This includes salvation. Salvation is being born of water and Spirit ( John ch.3) and Acts 2:38 is how it is done.
2 This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. 3 In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. Loving God and Loving people are done by keeping his commands. This puts everyone on equal footing. Loving God is keeping his commands. Treating people according to the commands is the second command (love your neighbour like yourself).
A very interesting analysis of the text, whitch resonates with my own understanding. I feel that compassion for our neighbour - our fellow man in need, manifests by default, with our deeper Awakening, or as other faiths say, enlightenment or salvation. If one has to be told to help a neighbour, or you have to force yourself to “do the right thing” you are clearly not awakened - you have not realised and awakened the Devine that you are. I’m personally not keen on the word “salvation” as this implies another issue.
James and Paul totally contradict each other. 1. Paul said that the Mosaic Law was a tutor to bring us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. James says the Mosaic Law is active and must be obeyed (see 1:25, the "perfect law" he refers to). 2. James makes no mention of the death of Jesus, nor his blood atonement, nor his resurrection. Peter, John, and Paul always referred to the blood of Christ as the means of our salvation. 3. In 2:2: James says if a man “comes into your assembly,” obscuring the fact that our English translations hide the actual word "synagogue." 4. James refers to the Jewish Shema of Deut 6:4 in 2:19: “Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one.” Again, the Mosaic Law. 5. James cites examples of those who endured trials and had faith in God, but he makes no mention of Christ being the ultimate example. He cites Abraham, Rahab, Job and Elijah; any reference to the suffering of Jesus cannot even be gleaned from 5:11. 6. Pisteuo in every single use, even of secular Greek historians, always means to be convinced that an argument presented is true. All the way from Aristotle to Demosthenes, it always means to accept something as true. Nothing more and nothng less.
yes Love/Charity is a work, as well as obedience to what asks of us. similarly Noah, building the boat, Israelites putting blood on the door post. saved by their faith and work of obedience and love. especially love because if you don't have love. your faith does not matter. so let us put our faith in action!
I always make the connection between this passage in James 2 to the chapter of faith in Hebrews 11. That whole chapter lists great men and women of faith and the things they DID to prove their faith. That to me is what James is saying. Those who believe will show that they believe by how they live. Thus if you don’t have works (outward evidence of your faith), then your faith is dead and not saving faith.
EXACTLY! People act like James and Paul were at war with each other as if they are each teaching opposing gospels. It's REAL simple, we are saved by faith through grace, but how we KNOW we actually have faith, that we actually believe Jesus and love Him is through our actions. Abraham was justified by faith, but his faith was shown in that he left home and family to follow God, and then of course was willing to offer his son. Moses's faith was shown in that he was willing to give up all the power and privilege of being the son of Pharaoh to follow God and obey HIS voice. The Apostles and prophets died horrible deaths proving their faith in God and His son. ALL the heroes of the faith chapter proved their faith in that they put their lives on the line to live by it and obey the call of God. It's STUNNING how people will hold doggedly to ONE or maybe two verses that they extrapolate ridiculous meaning into at the expense of all the other verses that give additional insight. COMPLETELY ignoring them, as if the whole of Truth can be communicated in one or two sentences.
I got really excited when I saw this, because I apparently have a very novel reading of James, and I thought someone else might have come to the same conclusion. James 2:15-16 isn't really an example. It's a metaphor, where the words "be warm and well fed" represent faith, and the meeting of physical needs represents works. If the two correspond then the words were meant. If not, the words are hollow. The examples are Abraham and Rehab in the following verses. I think it is significant that the examples of acts of faith are not acts that are independently meritorious. They are good only in the context of being works of faith. They are actions taken because the people really believe in God and his promise and so are the seal of faith. Until the acts are completed there is room for escape, but completing the acts shows that they are trusting in God.
Mark 4:14 *The sower soweth the word.* Mark 4:15 And *these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.* _Jesus sown the first "great commandment" in the hearts. (Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with _*_all thy heart, and with all thy soul,_*_ and with all thy mind.)_ _In John 7:16 Jesus testified that his doctrine was not his own, but [God's doctrine]._ John 7:16 Jesus answered them, and said, *My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.* John 7:17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. _When Jesus gives us the doctrine of the "great commandment" he is giving us God's doctrine._ Matthew 22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with *all thy heart, and with all thy soul,* and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:38 This is the first and great commandment. Matthew 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Matthew 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. _Notice the wording within the first great commandment; _*_( the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul…)_*_ and notice that this exact phrase has already been recorded and established as a doctrine within the old testament._ _Example of what it means to love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul._ Deuteronomy 13:3 [...] for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye *love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.* Deuteronomy 13:4 Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, *and keep his commandments,* and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him. _Example of what it means to love God._ Deuteronomy 30:16 In that I command thee this day *to love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments,* that thou mayest live [...]. _Deu 13:3-4 & Deu __30:16__ coveys the message that to "love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul" means to "keep his commandments, and obey his voice" & "to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments."_
John 7:16 Jesus answered them, and said, *My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.* John 7:17 *If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.* _Notice in Luke 10:25 a lawyer's question to Jesus is; "...What shall I do to inherit...?"_ Luke 10:25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, *what shall I do to inherit* eternal life? _This question "...What shall I do to inherit...?" is very much like asking; ...What is required of me [to inherit] ...?_ _And this question had already been addressed by God's doctrine, within the old testament in Deu __10:12__-13._ Deuteronomy 10:12 And now, Israel, *what doth the LORD thy God require of thee,* but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and *to love him,* and *to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul,* Deuteronomy 10:13 *To keep the commandments of the LORD, and his statutes,* which I command thee this day for thy good? _Now again looking at Luke 10:25 the question is first addressed by Jesus in this manner; "... _*_What is written in the law?_*_ ..._ _We know that when Jesus says "What is written in the law" would be referring to something already recorded. As God's doctrine had already recorded in the old testament._ _The man goes on to say; "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul..." which is indeed written in the old testament._ Luke 10:25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, *Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?* Luke 10:26 He said unto him, *What is written in the law?* how readest thou? Luke 10:27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. Luke 10:28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live. _We can read nearly the same situation (question and answer) again in Mark 10:17-19._ Mark 10:17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, *what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?* Mark 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. Mark 10:19 *Thou knowest the commandments,* Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother. _In Mark 10:17 a person asks Jesus, "...what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?_ _In Mark 10:19 Jesus states; "Thou knowest the commandments..." (Note that the commandments were known by the man because they are already written, in God's doctrine, in the old testament.)_ _In Mark 10:19 Then Jesus began to recite from the Ten Commandments, which are the words of the covenant. (God's covenant / God's doctrine.)_ Again read likewise in Matthew 19:16-19._ Matthew 19:16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, *Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?* Matthew 19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, *keep the commandments.* Matthew 19:18 He saith unto him, *Which?* Jesus said, *Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,* Matthew 19:19 *Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.* _In Matthew 19:16 a man asks, “Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” Matthew 19:17 Jesus replies, “... keep the commandments.” Matthew 19:18 the man then asks, “Which?” [meaning “which” commandments]. Matthew 19:18-19 Jesus' replies by reciting from the words of the covenant, the ten commandments._ Deuteronomy 4:13 And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even ten commandments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone. Exodus 34:28 [...] And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments. _According to Jeremiah 31:31 & 33 the words of the covenant are written in people's inward parts [in his people' hearts]._ Jeremiah 31:31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Jeremiah 31:32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: Jeremiah 31:33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. _Notice in_ Jeremiah 31:33 *But this shall be the covenant* [...] that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, *I will put my law* [the words of the covenant, the ten commandments Exodus 34:28 & Jeremiah 31:32] *in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.* _Jesus came and sown the good seed._
Faith in Jesus can only be validated by our acts of faithfulness. These acts of faithfulness are evidenced by the good works we do for others. Ergo, if our faith in Jesus does not translate into good works, we are taking Jesus for a ride. So can faith alone bring us to heaven? Yes of course, but only the kind of faith that’s deep and mature enough to produce good works.
Faith without works is dead as faith and good works as being a Christian, faith in christ for salvation is without works. We are justified by faith plus works in front of people but not before God. Salvation = faith alone Rewards= faith plus works. Rightly divide the word of God.
They say but lord lord we did lots of religious stuff , religious Works, even did miracles, he says depart from me you who were lawless , and in 2nd Peter he says beware of those who twist Paul's writings for lawlessness. Meaning Paul said we never have to keep certain commandments or that they weren't important anymore
"We are not saved on the basis of deeds done in righteousness, but by grace through faith" Apostle Paul
Paul is a false apostle don't believe him and his letters should be taken off the bible , Yeshuwah says , everyone will be judged according to his own deeds
@@iva-ox2qn You are a heretic
@@iva-ox2qn read your bible.
2 Timothy 2:15
KJV Bible
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Read Romans through Philemon
Dear brother, this is exactly what the Holy Spirit has been teaching me!
God bless you and your ministry.
Yeah. Brandon's website decisively blocks Russia. Very follows. Uhhuh
Few people think about the doctrine of faith, but if it is a gift from God himself, then we must understand that anyone who possesses this gift, has been filled with the Holy Spirit. The natural outworking of the Holy Spirit is good works. Ephesians 2:8,9 are beautiful, but many forget about verse 10. Paul and James are in perfect harmony.
Yeah, in verse 10 says that we are made From Christ for good works
You need to rightly divide the word. Verse 10 is speaking of discipleship. Notice how in verse 10 it says that we “should” walk in them (the good works). It does not say we “have” to walk in them or else we will lose salvation. No one gets to heaven by walking in or doing good works, but because of the imputed righteousness of Christ. Good works however, will be rewarded for those who chose to walk in them.
No Paul iS a liar and liars go to hell.
@@Ruben27780amen my Timothy reading brother.
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
So your confused as to what Romans means??
@@chrisanok9283 all you need is faith? What do you mean? Lol you think the work Jesus did wasn’t enough? Like you need Jesus + your works? lol. Brother the only reason works are important is about profiting others it shows proof as to who is actually a believer to US HUMAN BEINGS. You do not need works to get to heaven God weighs the spirit. Did you forget the scripture said NOT OF YOURSELVES lest anyone should boast? The entire Bible is built on faith and that’s all we need. Works is about us carnal humans we are only flesh and blood brother. Shalom I love you
@@hebrewrld but let's see what Paul says.
Gal 5:6 For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but FAITH WHICH WORKETH BY LOVE.
So according to Paul, our faith works if it's true faith motivated by love of God. No works shows there is an absence of faith.. you even said it yourself my friend. Works is only evidence of our Faith. I agree. And Again, scripture says Faith always has evidence.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
In other words, there is Always evidence of faith. Our works is our evidence...
God bless
@@chrisanok9283no sorry he’s spot on with the verse Romans 4:5, especially since Paul makes it clear that our works can’t justify us before God only before Men
But I think your confused about Galatians 5:6, Paul was saying to them to just walk in the Spirit in which they can grow and avail much growing in Love aside from the Law of Moses which they have been walking by to prove their faith, within the Law we can never grow.
These Galatians were trying to grow in faith the wrong way instead rely on the love of God which they and we have received. Now Romans 4:5 is still valid because through out the whole chapter of Romans 4 Paul makes it clear your works can not save you all the work was done by Christ, Romans 4:4 “Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt” nothing we do can ever justify us before God, Romans 11:6. But our works she be in Christ not to prove we are saved but to advance the Glory of God amongst men and for the profitability of others. Matthew 5:16 Titus 3:8 Philippians 2:13
Is having faith "works" ? What about asking for salvation or repentance? They are all actions. If you used some scripture such as what you quoted as evidence that the scripture demonstrates faith ≠ works then you probably should also use the scripture to show where the scripture pairs repentance with salvation. You should also acknowledge that Faith Alone in Chr st Alone is an abbreviation. We're supposed to have faith to be perfectly joined in the body of Js as one man and crucified and resurrected in him as a completely new person. The old man wasn't saved: he was condemned. Such salvation is equivalent to repentance.
When james said faith without works is dead he was talking about faith that is benificial to helping your fellow man not salvation faith! The bible says even though they work not their faith alone is counted for righteousness! People use this verse to creat a works based salvation which leads people to hell.
Thank You. A pastors wives said that Faith in Christ leads to obedience and actions, is this true?
@@DCCentralComedy A person who has been justified by the blood of Jesus and regenerated WILL undergo sanctification. To answer your question, yes. Go Look at John chapter 14, specifically verses 21-24.
Probably the most heretical nonsense I’ve read today.
@@notacreativehandle What is?
Correct sir!!
"If you love me, you will keep my commandments". Not, If you want to go to heaven, prove you love me.
Obedience is manifested in you when you abide diligently in the light. Disobedience (sin) manifests when you don't walk in the light. God is light. Begotten = caused. Child of God = caused by light. You are not a child of God if you sin, because you are manifesting what the absence of the image of God upon your eyes and skin makes of human flesh. Walking in that darkness is blasphemy of the spirit; which is why THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NO NOT ONE, NONE WHO UNDERSTANDS, NONE WHO SEEKS FOR GOD. ALL HAVE TURNED ASIDE, TOGETHER THEY HAVE BECOME USELESS because they do not know to walk in the light and night of the sun of righteousness. That light and only that light. My people perish because of the lack of this knowledge.
@@michaelswenson6599 Philippians 1: "3 I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. 6 And I am sure of this, that he who began ha good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. 7 It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace,4 both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. 8 For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. 9 And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, 10 so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God."
@@morefiction3264 Jesus Christ, who is the image of God. Light is the vine that bears good fruit in the branch. Thy light is the Word.
Why do you presume that Jesus Christ was being figurative when He said "I am the light of the world"? It's practical. 1 John 1:7 and John 3:21 and John 8:12 is the gospel. 1 John 1:6 is for those who have never learned this, which is to abide diligently in the light and night of the sun of righteousness.
@@morefiction3264 _Jesus sown the good seed. Right after the enemy came and sown the tares among the good seed._
@@morefiction3264 Matthew 13:24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
Matthew 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
Matthew 13:26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
Matthew 13:27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
Matthew 13:28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
Matthew 13:29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.
Matthew 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
_Jesus sown the good seed. Right after the enemy came and sown the tares among the good seed._
_Good seed = the four Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John._
_The tares were sown then after._
I just realized something that fascinated me as you mentioned Abraham's story. God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac for Him, but did not really let Abraham go through with it. But then in His own time, it was actually God who ended up sacrificing His Son Jesus for us. God's selflessness is beyond comprehension. His love is unfathomable.
Yeah this is super cool! It was even on that same mountain that Jerusalem was later built on. I love that picture of God's sacrifice! And Abraham named the place "God will provide". God put alot of cool meaning there!
@@BigSunshine55 same mount that King David bought from Arrunahah in 2nd Sam 24. The thrashing floor. So the most fought over piece of land in the world is actually the only piece of land that the Bible shows was bought pd for an has a deed.
I recommend the Bible timeline, by Jeff Vains. This walks you through all of the stories in the Old Testament that then tie back into the New Testament. There's lots of examples of typology.
Faith without works is unprofitable, yet it still saves. Read Romans 4:5.
Dead faith =/= no faith, justified before men =/= justified before God.
A person who is saved has the Spirit of God in him.
The believer's good works show that God is in him.
A heathen can do good works and think they will show that he deserves to be let into heaven.
But the saved person is already in heaven, and he works because it is natural for God in him to do good works.
James is simply explaining that works are evidence of true faith, not lip service.
But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe-and shudder!
Works cannot be an evidence of salvation because salvation is by grace, work would show merit. Salvation isn't merited, you are being decieved into trusting your own deeds for salvation rather than Christ's explicit promise. Its what Christ did, not what you do. Backloading works is what lordship salvation people do when they interpret what james is saying.
James is talking about whether or not dead faith can save you from gods CHASTISEMENT. The mercy seat will review what you do in your life, and you may lose rewards but not your salvation. James is speaking to believers about winning men over to christ who do not believe, you must show them your faith so that they may see God in your actions and believe. Failure to do so will lead to CHASTISEMENT. NOT CONDEMNATION. Grace doesn't allow condemnation under any context what so ever, including what it talks about in hebrew 10, God punishes these jews with a bodily death.
@@epicpieho contradicting Jesus is not a good look for you.
Mat 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Mat 7:22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’
Mat 7:23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
@@rotaryenginepete That's talking about false prophets who never believed in Jesus but in a false gospel.
They had faith in their works but their sins were never covered by his blood. So they were judged not as workers of righteousness but of iniquity.
You are precisely right, he's a pharisee. He doesn't realize that the passage refers to people like him.
2 Cor 11
But I will keep on doing what I am doing, in order to undercut those who want an opportunity to be regarded as our equals in the things of which they boast.
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ.
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of *righteousness* . Their end will correspond to their actions.
Righteousness in the context provided is referring to doing works of the law, in which it is not the righteousness of God's work through christ you're relying on, but your own deeds by the law.
The law condemns, but christ saves. Do not be suprised if they do not listen.
@@DefendingTheTruth Romans 3:8.
You mock grace for what it is, i didn't say this is a license to sin, God chasten whom he loves, and his kids that are disobedient are punished, but never condemned.
King Saul killed himself by falling upon his sword in combat, and this is OT.
He ended up in Abraham's Bosom with Samuel. He committed suicide, and yet he still ended up in Abrahams Bosom. You think like man, God doesn't think like man. His mercy and Grace abound farther than you think, and with your scoff you mock the price Christ paid for the very Grace you will live under.
For what idea of Christ's holiness do you actually have if you think but one of your sins can best his entire perfect life?
Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more.
This verse tears at me. In the past, I have helped "the poor". A few have been lifted up and gone on to even help others. But others have continued on to sometimes go deeper into despair.
Today, I see many around me in need of help. But I also see that most of them aren't even trying to lift themselves out of their situation.
I hate having to "judge" and choose who I help, but I have my own enslaving debts that I must take care of, and trying to help those who have become beggars out of laziness and addiction does not serve them, and does not serve me.
So I say a quick prayer for them in my heart as I tell them "no", and go on my way.
In The Chosen, Jesus told Jesse to get up, take up his bed, and go. So Jesse still had to do something for himself, or he'd still be lying there.
I find myself asking The Guider to show me The Way, to soften my heart, and harden my heart when appropriate.
I pray that this is an appropriate prayer.
Maybe that's why Jesus said "the poor you will always have".
Also, I do not believe that giving money to a person who might spend it on alcohol or narcotics is a very good idea. Offering something to eat (depending on what you're able to afford) seems more reasonable. Without the nefarious influence of those substances they're far more likely to find a way out of their situation.
@Ruben Leal, I know what you meant by having to harden your heart, but you meant making a wise or beneficial decision for him and yourself.
God bless!!!
remember the scriptures,,, yet while you were a sinner Christ died for you?
By the way, how does that work in the US? Is there any kind of institutionalized help for homeless people? Where I live (Krakow) there are quite a few places where homeless people can go.
I used to offer food to people who asked me for help, a few of them seemed quite fussy about that. Until one of them finally told me they've got food galore available to them in all of those places. He then openly admitted they were trying to collect some money for alcohol - some of them try to endear themselves to you be being open about what they're collecting that money for.
They're very unhappy and miserable for all that, no doubt about that. Something definitely went amiss in their lives.
@@krakowski-ruch-katolikow the only place is the
Salvation Army. I give mainly to Jewish Organizations and some apart to them.
I just only began giving to the homeless.
God bless!!!
Good Works will prove your faith !
"Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me".
A slight re ordering here, "Faith Produces good works, so that whatever you do to the least of my (Jesus's) brothers you do to me".
This is how I see it, works does not save, but works are the products of Faith in action.
Disciple Dave, if you don’t follow Jesus then you won’t follow the commands he gives. If you do follow Jesus then you will and I can just as easily see that as works following from your faith. I don’t really think you’re comment makes sense. The idea that works flow from faith does not mean we magically know what God wants us to do. If that were the case heck screw the Bible we don’t need it. I don’t think that’s what anyone is saying.
Yup, Asura1951 is right.
If we say we need to work to gain faith, then beeing saved by grace alone isn’t true anymore.
Good works don't prove your faith they perfect your faith
@DiscipleDave DotCom Why are they commanded ? Good works are not always seen (case in point Abraham offering up Issac on the altar ) in the same token bad works (sin) is not always seen but all will all be judged The letter to the Romans was written to Christians Rom 2:6 Who will give to every man his right reward:
Rom 2:7 To those who go on with good works in the hope of glory and honour and salvation from death, he will give eternal life:
Rom 2:8 But to those who, from a love of competition, are not guided by what is true, will come the heat of his wrath, If you dont have a healthy Fear of the Lord then pray for it
I memorized the book of James and I recite it several times every morning before I leave for work. Looking forward to this video.
Wow. That’s incredible!
@@BrandonRobbinsMinistry nice video. I'm trying to learn about the book and not just memorize it, so this was helpful.
@@kimalonzo3363 WOW! God bless you!
@@kimalonzo3363 it’s also better to understand than just to know. The Jews would’ve known enough if the Old Testament but they definitely didn’t understand enough. Read ps 22-24, 110:1, and there’s more that are describing Jesus!
No you didn't!
I absolutely LOVE Brandon's videos! I have always been aware of how much gets lost in translations, but I have rarely had access to a source who can explain WHAT was lost in translation! The information and learning that I get from these videos is such a blessing! What could be better than helping people better understand and know who our Father in Heaven is and how He wants us to live? Leading people to Christ and help them grow in the will of God are the most important things someone can do, and I am truly grateful for these videos and the work that is put into them!
Thank you, Brandon!
If it’s a good translation, nothing gets lost
James is addressing converts who claim to have faith but bear no fruit. We are justified by our faith alone, but demonstrate the genuineness of our faith to others by our fruit. It is how we show the world we are truly Christians. God knows our heart and knows if our faith in genuine. This is why the thief on the cross went to heaven. There is no contradiction between James and Paul. We are justified by faith alone, we prove the genuineness of our faith to others by works.
To anyone that gets a chance to take this class with Pastor Robbins ... do it ! It has been such a blessing to my life and understanding of God's Word! God bless you and keep you !!
What is the cost?
Hi, Lynne. It’s $47. That includes 10 lessons, a 100+ page study guide, monthly live sessions where I answer questions, and many other things.
@@BrandonRobbinsMinistry “When an Apostle goes forth let him accept nothing but bread till he reaches his night's lodging; but if he asks for money, he is a false prophet.”
And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
@@williamfinch9858 right, like I love Brandon but this is very disappointing. TH-cam already pays him for views, subscriptions, etc. No need to charge for Bible classes. We must give freely that which we have freely received. The Holy Spirit doesn’t charge us when He gives us revelation. Neither should we charge when we share that Word with others.
I agree!! That is my understanding also! Faith is faith. Works in faith means no matter what it looks like we have faith in Christ and God to fix the situation.
A helpful image of this is to see faith as a tree and works as its fruit.
there's a humility n a soundness in your speech that makes it easy to listen. Abba help us all entreat n contend appropriately instead of shout argue n seek to always be opposing...
Great teaching, Brandon - faith is proven by obedience! We could paraphrase this, “Show me your faith without obedience and I will show you my faith BY my obedience.” Faith without obedience is dead faith, not saving faith.
I really appreciate how you tied this into the total context. We so often learn to quote verses in isolation from context (you know, like “judge not” and such.)
this brings to mind the term “In La’kech” which means “i am another you”. it is used as a greeting and reflects this biblical concept perfectly
Please do not take offense to my comment. I’m only trying to bring clarity. There is some VERY important context that is missing that will help give more insight into what James is saying. First James is not talking about justification in the eyes of God. He’s talking about justification to us (humans on earth). The verses after a verse are important, but also the verses prior. James 2:18 he says, “show me your faith apart from your works and I will show you my faith by my works.” This is why Paul and James could both bring up Abraham as their example. Paul was explaining how Abraham was saved/justified by faith before any works. Genesis 15:6 says, which he believed on God and was credited for righteousness. This was BEFORE he ever offered Isaac, so therefore he was saved before the “works” that James mentions. Abraham was saved by putting his faith in God. So James is speaking about justification to humans.
Another proof of this is to look at who James is speaking to. This letter was written to the 12 tribes which were the Jews who were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria because they were being persecuted for their faith (we read this in Acts 8:1 and Acts 11:19). These Jews were running from Saul (who would later be named Paul, the writer of much of the New Testament) because he was persecuting Christians... little bit of history --> the Bible is not written in chronological order nor should it be understood that way. The book of James was written sometime between the events recorded in Acts 8 up to Act 15… why Acts 15? We see in Acts 15, that James and some of the other Apostles are actually with Paul discussing the works and salvation. Paul and James were actually together, but the letter of James was written to the tribes being persecuted by Saul (aka the same Paul with James in Acts 15). So the Bible isn’t in chronological order. But back to the point.
In Acts 15, Paul gets into a huge debate with some of the religious leaders on the issue of faith apart from works, circumcision, and keeping with the law and they told him to go talk to the other Apostles about this issue and see what they say. After discussing with the Apostles, they (Peter, JAMES, Paul and others) were all in agreement that salvation was APART from works. Acts 10:44-45 was/is evidence of those who believed receiving the Holy Spirit (proof of our salvation) when they BELIEVED. This was apart from works. So James stood in agreement with Paul that they were justified (eternal salvation) apart from works. Then in Acts 15:7, Peter stands up and says (I’m paraphrasing) stop telling them they they must do these things that is only a burden on them. Something that no one could accomplish. It is by grace that we are saved just like everyone else. Then later (Acts 15:13), James (the same writer we are discussing) stands up and says, we need not to tell those turning to God to do all these things, but we should urge them not to do these things. Not to do these things to be saved, but because they are saved, that’s not how they should act.
This is consistent with what James is teaching on in chapter 2. Believers shouldn’t act like this. They shouldn’t favor the rich over the poor. That’s not right. That’s not what God would have/want from us.
So James is in agreement with Paul. So he’s not speaking about eternal salvation when he talks about being justified. He’s speaking about justification in the sight of others (James 2:18). The faith that Abraham and Rahab acted on, justified them in the sight of others. Not only that, but it was a faith that benefited them. Abraham became the father of many nations because of his faith. Rahab and her household was spared in the destruction of Jericho because of faith. Because they ACTED on what they believed. They put their trust in God and it benefited them. It came to life. What James means when he says faith without works is dead, he’s DOESNT mean they aren’t saved (eternally) and aren’t real believers, but he’s saying if you never act on your faith, you will never see it come to life. And it’s true. If we never act on our faith because we have a weak faith (which is possible), our faith will just lie there, as if it’s dead. Benefiting and doing nothing for us or even others. We will never get to experience all that God has for us.
Works grow our faith and mature us. Brings our faith to maturity. When we put our faith to work, when we act on it, it perfects us. It brings us to a place where God is showing up and showing out in our lives here on this earth.
So James is not speaking on a salvation that justifies us before God. He and Paul agree that we are saved by grace through faith. He’s saying we reveal to others what we believe, that we are saved, when we do what God commands us to do. I hope this helps bring clarification.
We can prove to others God is good and as are followers of Christ. By our actions we in turn act as a beacon that can help convince others to follow Christ as well. Its not a difficult concept.
Read through many of the comments here and this is hands down the best @Miguel Urquia. James 2 is the mother of all misunderstood passages in the Bible.
Any sound interpretation of James 2 has to start with the truth that when Abraham was justified by works, it was NOT in the sight of God (in light of Romans 4:2). Abraham's works justified him before men, as seen from how he became known as the friend of God, a title that even King Nebuchadnezzar recognizes him for (2 Chor 20:7).
Also to add on, the word "save" in the line "can faith save him" is in the context of saving the physical life, not from eternal damnation.
We are saved by faith alone, and by a faith that IS alone. Works never come into the equation for justification.
@@jameshendrix-hf7xz 1000% agreed. So much of James is interpreted incorrectly. Like the passage when James says, “even the demons believed.” If the context of James’s message is forgotten, then people will get it twisted and say that James is saying that you need more than just believing to be saved. You need works as well. But that is not what James is referring to. He’s talking about a faith that is beneficial in this life. The demons (Angels before the fall) believed, but what did it do for them? What did it benefit them? Nothing. He wasn’t saying that Angels could be saved. No where in scripture do we read anything saying that Angels could be saved by faith. No where. They were created distinctly from humans… anyways, that’s me going on a little rant. But yes, James was talking about in the physical life like you mentioned.
When we say we need works to be saved or we need faith and works together, the Bible now becomes a contradiction and VERY confusing.
@@miguelurquia8144 Absolutely, another major confusing one is the parable of the sheep and goats in Matthew 25, where it appears to hint at a works salvation.
Would you have any thoughts on this? In the context it should be the judgement after Christ's second coming at the end of the tribulation, and the phrase "inherit the kingdom" appears to hint at eternal rewards, and not basic salvation.
But the point I struggle with it is that ALL the believers there are rewarded; there are no believers there who are "saved yet as by fire". Would that be because the tribulation is so great that every believer will by default perform the list of deeds Jesus mentioned?
Apologise for the long question, but I welcome any clarification!
@@jameshendrix-hf7xz hopefully I understand your question correctly. It does appear as if this passage is talking about the second coming. Keeping it in context, the previous chapters and even earlier in chapter 25, Jesus was giving parables about how no one knows the time in when He is coming back. Also within Those parables, it talks about how people wanted to wait until it was too late to “wake up” or “now choose God.” But by this point, it was too late.
Referring to Matthew 25 (by the way, I’ll try and find more detail and explanation to better explain), the first thing I notice was the use of the word sheep and goats. While sheep and goats could look alike, they are very much different. This reminds me of the parable that Jesus gave in Matthew 13 of the wheat and the tares. They grow up looking alike, but in the end, they will be separated from each other.
But back to Matthew 25. The distinction between the sheep and the goats give us a clear distinction between those who are His and those who aren’t. Those who are saved and those who aren’t. God isn’t confused about who is and who isn’t His. He knows. But that was the first things I seen.
Another thing (and hopefully this helps with your confusion (Btw, great question because after reading this, it strengthen me but also has brought up some questions for me to dive deeper into)), what we see are two groups of people. One group of people that did help out the less fortunate and another group that didn’t. Since we talked about the book of James, remember in chapter 2 when James said, “show me your faith without your works and I’ll show you my faith by works?” In other words, James was saying, i will show you my works because of my faith. I will show you what is already inside. James wasn’t “working” to gain faith, but his works showed that he already had it. He already put his faith in God and in faith, acted on what he believed. So in Matthew 25, those who helped and showed compassion to the less fortunate, were just showing an outward expression of the faith they already had inside. It was by faith that they did these things. It was by the faith the already had inside that moved them to help and showed love to the less fortunate. The already had it. So when when they were welcomed into the kingdom, it wasn’t because of their works, but because of their faith which moved them to work… then you have those who didn’t show any love to the less fortunate. They wanted to use the excuse, “but Lord (they called Him the right name, but they never put their faith in Him), we never seen you hungry or thirsty, naked or sick.” (What I’m about to say isn’t directly in the Bible but is my interpretation of what’s going on in their heads right now) Surely if we would’ve seen it was You (someone of great stature) then we would’ve helped You out. But we never had the chance or the opportunity to help You. Then Jesus hits them with the…but you did.
Going back to the beginning of the chapter, these people only wanted to do what they should have, only wanted to turn to God after it was already too late. These people never had faith, while those who did help others, already had faith. So this is why they (those without faith) would be casted away. They were goats. They looked like sheep, but never actually were. They never put their faith in Christ.
We are save by grace
100%. No works whatsoever.
100% correct
@@beereaucrat3233 you'll be judged according to your deeds and not by your faith
What does that mean?
@@iva-ox2qn Explain?
Love is a command which requires us to make a choice and that, as you said, is work. We must 'work' to overcome ourselves. Thanks for this teaching. Pete Vogel
Dear brother, this is one of the most powerful, impactful "sermons" I have ever heard!
Beautifully explained! Thank you for your teaching.
Faith is obedience to Christ, our first act of obedience is repentance from sin and turn to Jesus as Lord and as we continue to obey Jesus we continue in faith.
And is an investment in an eternity not yet realized. If we love others how do we not equip them to receive mercy in the judgement that all experience after death. Jesus says I never knew you depart or enter in thy good an faithful servant
Got to be more because the obedience of repentance is for me not for another. Jesus did not come for himself but so that people if they chose may be reconciled to their God and others may have a relationship with his Father who Righteousness demands judgement.Jesus mercy of taking on our sin when we place faith ( trust, reliability, confidence) in him demonstrated by our intertwined love and workings involving others which deposits investments into our eternal accounts. Most people when asked why they want to go to heaven they respond with to see an be with grandma dad or an Aunt. Why? There will not be a difference in love for anyone there. No favorites among those who have received mercy because of their faith/works being accomplished and called good by the only one who is good. Christ. Is it not Christ who we to see it it not Christ who will have the only scars from this life. Those in his hands and feet those making up the mercy that over rides judgement. To obtain mercythere mercy must be given here not by our pre judging who are worthy here no more than Christ prejudice here. Remember Forther forgive them for they know not what they do. For no greater friend does one have than he who lays down his life for us taking our sence of death for a crime we are guilty of even they they are completely innocent.
Your works is proof you have faith.
Woah!!!! Another great lesson!! One of the best! I've not only struggled with this one, I've taught it. You, Brandon, have nuanced it in such a way that makes so much sense. You wonder how you have missed what the context makes so obvious once the context is explained to you. The book of James has just gotten even more inspiring. 😊
Best explanation of this troubling, controversial passage in James, I have heard. Faith alone does not mean faith that is alone but I love the way he explains the difference between Jewish & Greek thinking. Love it.
2 Timothy 2 :19 “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.”
I still learn as a child. And seeing something new in god is priceless. Love in action.
Dispute most Christian teachings, the opening of Hebrews 11 is written just like a dictionary definition. The definition of the Greek word for faith is a composite of the definitions of of the words for conviction and assurance. These words mean foundation and the evidence given in the court of law. The key is where this evidence comes from? How do we love? Because the Spirit puts out love in us. How do we obey? He changed our hearts and wrote His law on them.
Faith doesn’t require action it produces action
You've totally missed the point of James chapters 1 & 2
The examples given show that action is required to prove one's faith - Abraham acted to demonstrate his faith - Noah too had faith and proved it by action - Noah wasn't saved by faith alone - he did exactly what God required him to do.
Today, true Christians are actively preaching "the good news of God's kingdom" in obedience to Jesus' command to make disciples. - Matthew 28:19 & 20
Mark 13:10
Matthew 24:14
1Timothy 4:16
Romans 10:10
Acts 20:20
yes. there is nothig we can DO to earn our salvation and redemption OR A PLACE IN HEAVEN. NOTHING. It is a gift, we accept it. John 3 :16 says believe and though shalt be saved. I am troubled by the title Brandon used for his lesson on Mark 10. NAMELY, #1 reason many Christians CAN'T experience Heaven. There is something that COULD keep us from eperienceing eternal life? COULD? you mean something might or might not KEEP US WITHOUT THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE as believing Christians? the only thing that could keep us from NOT EXPERIENCING ETERNAL LIFE IS REJECTING JESUS, is NOT ACCEPTING JESUS CHRIST AS OUR SAVIOUR AND LORD, NOT ASKING FOR HIS FORGIVENESS, NOT RECOGNIZING WHO HE IS. jOHN 3:16 IS A PROMISE. God keeps HIS promises. This is our hope/ There is nothing we can do to earn eternal life. Not even letting God reign FULLY IN OUR LIFE! This IS NEAR IMPOSSIBLE TO SURRENDER EVERYTHING! wE CANT LIVE LIKE THE DISCIPLES DID. God has blessed us with families to take care of, jobs, ways to use our money to fight injustices. We dont do GOOD WORKS to earn favors. Yes, others may see our so called good works and Glorify God. Because our faith produces action, it doesnt require it. the holy spirit then takes over in that persons life so that they can come to know Christ. We are messangers. We aren't earning eternal life by sharing the gospel or surrendering everything.. To a born again Christian, nothing can separate us from eternal life except denial. I dont need to surrender ALL. to trust the promises of God. I may have to adjust some things I do if they get in the way of my faith. BUT IT IS NOT REQUIRED. I would need some scripture to back that up. Jesus forgives me daily, none are perfect, even if you surrender all. We are human. We can work on improving the reign of God in our lives, yes, but it is not what keeps our eternal life status. IT jhas been purchased for us, if we BELIEVE. I nebut I think I am confused about his discussion of the "kingdom of God" on earth, letting God reign in our lives, and eternal life. I need to write to BRandon about this concern. I love his messages, I studied them nightly. Need some clarification. Maybe it was a mis-sstatement. your post is right on
@@christinesechler4465 True Christians actively preach and make disciples - Jesus commanded this. - Matthew 28:19 & 20
This worldwide preaching of 'the good news of the kingdom' is essential for salvation. - 1 Timothy 4:16
1 Corinthians 9:16
All Christians make public declaration for salvation - Romans 10:10
What makes you exempt?
What identifies YOU as a Christian?
What works show that you are different from people in the world who are not Christian - you're the same as everybody else, you're no different than an atheist who does no preaching whatsoever.
True Christians are obedient to Jesus' command - they preach from house to house. - Acts 20:20
Millions of Christians around the world are actively proclaiming "the good news of the Kingdom" just as Jesus foretold. - Matthew 24:14
What makes you exempt?
There's no such thing as an inactive 'Christian' - Matthew 24:13
Philippians 2:12
'keep working out your own salvation with fear and trembling'
Read James chapters 1 & 2
Faith without Christian works is dead - be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves .. mere head knowledge or 'belief' does not give you salvation. Faith must be accompanied by works.
John 14:12
Jesus said .. "whoever exercises faith in me will also do the works that I do"
Let that sink in .. Jesus was referring to the essential preaching work that identifies all Christians - the public witness given to declaring "the good news of the kingdom"
What makes you exempt?
@michaeltarantino .. so give an example of action that is produced by faith and yet explain why the action is not required (your word salad according to your reasoning)
Great way to put that. Action should come from the heart and never as a requirement to ensure the free gift of salvation. Amen❤
We all want to hear, "Well done good and faithful servant!" but we won't hear it unless we do something well. Therefore do everything as unto the Lord and what you do for the least of these you do it unto Him. Persevere to the end.
ThankYou Lord
Thankyou brother..
Sending much love to you and all here from South Australia 🙂💕
James is correct and his writing is commendable.
"Time is money." But money isn't time.
Faith is works, but works is not faith.
Works is faith, but faith is not works.
@@michaelmisczuk1188 ✔ 👍
You just got rid of the meaning of Grace and of Works.
Romans 11:6 (KJV) And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.
Faith is not a work, it is grace, a gift of God, not of yourselves.
Ephesians 2:8 (KJV) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
By the way, James is addressed to:
James 1:1 (KJV) James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
To the 12 tribes of Israel scattered abroad.
and why are they scattered abroad?
Matthew 24:15-18 (KJV) When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
Because the Antichrist just started to persecute the Jews.
James is a prophetic book addressed to Tribulation Saints, not Church Age Saints.
@@steveneurwyn no, it doesn't destroy grace. The audience is believers working from a position of salvation. It is about being faithful to God because God has demonstrated faithfulness to man. It is loving God because he has first loved us. It is living out the salvation that the children of God already have been graced with.
@@steveneurwyn faith access and employs the grace we already own.
People have misunderstood this more often than not. So glad you made this. I was going to make a gospel video to explain this but haven't yet.. glad you did! "The Royal Law" is SO important.
We are saved by faith alone, but not a faith that remains alone!
Word salad?
Not quite. Although, I understand it can sound a little ambiguous. What I mean by that statement is that true saving faith is completely based on the finished work of Christ and not our own works. However, if it is true saving faith, then our behavior will change as the Holy Spirit begins molding us to be more like Christ. If our behavior does not begin to change and we continue to live a life of carnality and sin, it is a sign that we never truly understood the Gospel in the first place. @@KeepingWatch95
That is totally stupid and self contradictory.
@@DefendingTheTruth You used that as loaded terms, so what do you mean exactly by hyper grace and lawlessness?
Are you implying that hyper grace is lawlessness as in promoting sin, thus are you indirectly accusing me of promoting sin?
If that is the case, can you please prove to everybody reading this exactly where and how I promoted sin?
@@Alrich-uo4rc it's not loaded, he is simply illustrating the mindset of those who pretend as if Matthew 7:21-23, Romans 6:1-2, Ephesians 2:10, 2Thessalonians 2:7-12, Titus 3:8, Hebrews 10: 24, and James 2:14-26 don't exist.
I would love to see this brother delve into the apocalyptic gospel with John Harrigan, Bill Scofield, and Josh Hawkins. It's excellent stuff. I really appreciate his work. Context is key! The Torah isn't bad; it's actually amazing. And it's for us and teaches us how to live as free humans that have been made in the image of Elohim. It's heartbreaking to see so many skew the Torah into something bad. Maranatha.
It's heartbreaking that many of us that reject it know nothing about Thora except what we read about it in Paul's letters....
This is a great book of the Bible. Good coverage also.
God Bless
This reminded me of the reminant of grace which means that no one can earn the grace of God because it is given to all. There is a sermon here on TH-cam called the reminant of grace and I always found it to be a good explanation. I think it's true to someone we feel like we need 20 lucky charms for God to be like okay I'll bless you now not realizing that he gives his love without the need for us to jump through a flaming hoop. Also I think people who can't see that message often have the evil spirit of condemnation and that's why they reject it so badley and try to give behind self righteous yet if there is anything the bible teaches us is that God never worked with anyone who was righteous in fact you work with people that were flawed.
I agree, if you truly believe, there should be some kind of action involved
saying "I think exercise is good for you" but never doing it is useless. Same as calling God and Jesus your Lord (aka master) but never doing what His will or what He asks of you, and/or remaining in sin. Jesus has a couple of scriptures about this, where He says many will say to me Lord Lord, or why do you say Lord Lord but do not do what I tell you?
If you believe Jesus died and rose for your sins, and you accept that, then you are saved. Nothing else matters after that towards salvation, its a one time event and you are born again once. Once you are in the family of God, you cannot ever become not of the family of God, despite what way you live your life after believing. Anythng that says you must live this way or that to prove your belief is basically relying on your works and efforts.
The bible says you have to do the will of God to go to heaven
Shalom and blessings Brandon. It's all the Torah of YHWH, given to His people at Sinai and now, in the renewed covenant, written on our hearts and in our minds. Simple. Every blessing.
Faith alone saves but the faith that saves is never alone. We don’t do good works to be saved but because we’re saved. Faith is the animating factor if works.
"But to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted as righteous" Romans 4:5. What about the guy that worketh not but believeth on him?
Faith and good works go hand in hand where the good works cant come without faith but faith comes w the good works. cus its in faith in christ so faith in christ can save you for eternal life
@@kyvsthewrld Ok, how many works do I need to have in order to have true faith? What if the works are done half heartedly?
@@glumbutton9443 if your heart isn't in it then it's not really faith is it? you can't have your cake and eat it too
@@rotaryenginepete Ok, what kind of works do I need to do to be saved? Do I have to mow the lawn and or rake the leaves?
Thanks for explaining this. I loved the Greek and Hebrew explanation. I have always thought of this with an example of a chair. I can say that I have faith that a chair is strong until I am blue in the face but if I refuse to sit in it, it is demonstrating that I don't really have the faith I said.
Enjoy your videos. I get so much out of them. I pray for you daily for God to give you wisdom so you can teach us. God bless you.
IThis video helps me to understand faith and works. Thank you very much. God bless you
ορατε οτι εξ εργων δικαιούται ανθρωπος και ουκ εκ τιστεως μονον. "You see that a man is being justified from works and not from faith alone." Justification comes both by having πιστις και εργων. Νοt works of the law, as Paul says, but works that demonstrate one's faith. However, I would like you to elaborate on the present continous passive verb (δικαιοω). This is the real heart of the matter. If there are no works then there can be no saving faith. This is why faith without works is dead. If one just denies James' claim, like Luther did, then it is an epistle of straw. Please comment on how one is continuously being justified by both faith and works. thanks your comments were helpful
The work of faith is love and love is work. Faith produces Love . The work of the spirit is the fruit of the spirit ,whereas are personal work is love. Can a loveless faith save you? The demons believe but do not love GOD
Yes! The difference in hebrew and Greek thought is absolutely exposed in the language. Hebrew is an extremely concrete language. They didn't abstract well. Which is to a large degree why these spiritual concepts in the law became literal actions (strapping boxes with the commandments inside to their foreheads...frontlets between your eyes) Greek on the other hand abstracts extremely well.
Just as the text and context says very clearly, "Faith without works is dead". James also says, "Works without faith is also dead".
James' words and intention completely agrees with Paul's messages on faith, works and grace.
and although James does have a specific point of reference, his statement CANNOT be limited to just that intention of James letter. Hence we thank Holy Spirit that He brings these words to our attention. Indeed faith without works IS dead. Because "Without faith it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews chapter 11)... it's as if faith is truly dead.
It takes us back to basics of Salvation and being "Born-again" (John 3:14).
IF we are born of the Spirit there WILL BE works that follow..... Not all perfect works all at once, but certainly a desire and flow of Faith FROM the direction and inspiration of God
Your ministry and sharing of the gospels is so beautiful, my friend! Thank you Brandon, and I would be honored to speak with you someday. Your ministry is beautiful about works and faith, we can still work on increasing our Faith. We underestimate God when we underestimate ourselves and each other. I have Faith in the God that allows me to keep enjoying and experiencing moments, and my goal is to eliminate the Lies of money. Poverty exists because of human selfishness, but nothing God creates could be considered "poor".
James 2:11
For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.
Faith without works is dead, and works without Faith is dead also!
Brandon, I love your videos! Abraham's faith goes even beyond your short summary.... Isaac was a miracle child born by Sarah who was in her 90's. It was to fulfill a promise God made to Abraham multiple times that his descendents would be more numerous than the stars. Abraham must have adored Isaac. Abraham's entire future and promise from God rested entirely on Isaac, yet when God asked Abraham to kill Isaac, he obeyed. Even though it contradicted God's earlier promise, and didn't make sense, Abraham acted in faith to trust in what God told him to do, and only stopped when he was told to stop. That's faith
I am sure the class is fabulous.
I have learned so much in these short lessons.
Thank you Brandon for sharing your knowledge and understanding of the Word.
Really helps a person grow.
Lord Jesus, please "liberate the oppressed" in Afghanistan, the oppressed in North Korea, and the people of Ukraine. Have mercy on our hurting world!
It means exactly what it says. It doesn’t need explained. You have faith? Good. But if don’t have works, your faith is meaningless. If you love Him, you will obey Him. Period.
It kinda does because people are easily deluded by the "literalism" of the text stripped of context, which yes is a false way to view Scripture and absolutely robs it of any power to speak of salvation, but those who follow this false delusion need to be instructed on the true meaning, they are blind of the core meaning and thus it must be well described so that their eyes might be made clear to what it truly says.
What does it mean to "obey"? Does it mean never sinning? If it does, then no one obeys him. If it doesn't mean sinless perfection, then what exactly are the parameters? Please be precise.
@@sorenpx Are you actually reading Scripture? Because its explained quite well, in keeping with faith we are to voluntarily uphold God's commands to us, doing all we can to follow them, and in failing that we are called to seek repentance for our failures in all that we do, to build our faith in a relationship with Christ, that we come to Him in every act and in all that we do for eternity, by humility, and through this we don't receive salvation, but are already saved, no instead it is for His sake by His love, and for the sake of others, for which all these things are done. We are called to resist evil lovingly, to speak truthfully, to uphold righteousness and punish wickedness, to represent God unto the world so that the light shall be known in us and speak to our master. We are messengers, soldiers, and servants, enslaved to righteousness as we are liberated from the enslavement of sin and thus desiring to do good. This is how we obey, that we should falter we still rise on God's strength, not our own, that we are always faithful and always walking with Him, and by faith we are justified, for it is the work of God that we were saved, nothing about us which accomplished these things. Measure these things by that which was written to you, as for us all, that God has spoken in His Word, by Moses, by the prophets, by Jesus, and by the Apostles. By faith you are saved, this is to be obeyed, and thus by faith you are liberated of sin and so too walk in the Spirit. No longer then shall one be held condemned.
False. You clearly don’t understand what James 2 means. You don’t need works to be saved. And works don’t prove you’re saved. And once you’re saved, you cannot lose your salvation, even if you sin.
@@Spartan322 I don't feel like you answered my question. Let me put it to you more directly: Are there certain specific deeds you must do, or a certain number of them, in order to prove that you have saving faith? If so, can you list out those deeds in detail and number?
Or conversely, can you provide the specific deeds, and/or number of deeds, by which one loses salvation?
If you can't answer the question with that degree of specificity, how can you ever know that you yourself are actually saved? For instance, you said that we must "do all we can to follow" the commandments? Are you certain that you have done ALL you can? Is there not, perhaps, one day where you did one once less than the very best you could? If so, does that mean you aren't really saved and that you don't really love Jesus?
If works are required for salvation, or to prove that you are really saved, I'm just trying to figure out how many works, or what kind of works, are enough. Precisely.
The greatest commandment was to love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, and mind (heart mind and strength in Deuteronomy 6). The second was like unto it, love your neighbor as yourself…Matthew 22:34-40
This is what we Catholics believe and act upon. It's good to hear YOU say it! We get blasted by fundamentalist protestants all the time on this issue. "We are given Grace to do the good works God gives us" ( paraphrased, I think.)
That’s the truth.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
KJV Bible
[1] Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
[2] By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
[3] For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
[4] And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Ephesians 2:8-9
KJV Bible
[8] For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
[9] Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Romans 10:9-13
KJV Bible
[9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
[10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
[11] For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
[12] For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
[13] For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
John 3:16
KJV Bible
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 14:6
KJV Bible
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
My understanding of this verse amounted to "Works" = the greatest commandment (work) is to love God with all your heart, etc., and the 2nd work - love your neighbor (they also are someone Jesus loves as much as He loves you). You can keep the rules and do works, but this is no more than the Pharisees did. We must seek to build our relationship with Jesus (within Scriptural bounds) - but the main activity we should be involved in is actively seeking to be closer to Jesus and more pleasing to Him in our actions out of love for Him.
You teach me something new every week.thank you.
James 2:15
“Yea, a man may say, I will show thee I have faith without works; but I say, Show me thy faith without works, and I will show thee my faith by my works”
James makes it clear he means our faith is SHOWN by our works, they aren’t separate. One causes the other
We know because of Matthew that if we are good, what we produce will show that
Mathew 7: 16-20
“16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”
This is talking about identifying false prophets, but i think it’s also used to identify the faithful. A Good tree will produce good fruit as much as an corrupt tree will produce corrupt fruit. Our faith caused us to want to be like Christ and do good wherever we go. Our works are the result of our faith. We do good BECAUSE love God. BECAUSE we have faith. They don’t contradict, because they are the same.
Your explanations are always insightful. In this video you demonstrably show what Catholics believe and that the artificial challenge of Faith Alone is silly.
Indeed, sadly ‘Catholics are right’ is a less persuasive video title for the unconverted though 😅
The way i see it is connecting it with Romans 4 bc in Romans 4 Paul also talks about Abraham being justified by works, but it says not before God meaning you're justified by works before men but justified by faith before God.
Catholic Church has been teaching this for thousands of years and has been consistently attacked by Protestants for this truth. Thanks for explaining the Catholic teaching on faith and works 👍
Amen 🙏
"All these, therefore were highly honoured, and made great, not for their own sake, or for their own works, or for the righteousness which they wrought, but through the operation of His will. And we, too, being called by His will in Christ Jesus, are not justified by ourselves, nor by our own wisdom or understanding, or godliness, or works which we have wrought in holiness of heart; but by that faith through which, from the beginning, Almighty God has justified all men; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen" Clement of Rome, chapter 32
Ephesians 2:10 tells us to walk in the good works which God has prepared for us. If one reluctantly refuse to walk in these good works (love of neighbours as your self), then can faith save him/her James 2:14. Infact Jesus would tell that person that when I was hungry, thirsty, naked, in prison you did not help Me, get away from Me Matthew 25:41-46.
I think some people just misinterpret works. Doing good, being good, helping others, i.e., living a good life is essentially works.
I really love how you explain those verses.learning so much from you,thank you and God bless you more Brandon!!
Thank you Pastor Robbins.
I don't really know how to carry out the task of that Greatest Commandment, but I will try.
My actions need to get more action in them.
What about James 2:24 - Do you see that by works a man is justified; and not by faith only?
I've often defined faith as letting go and letting God.
Thank you, Pastor Robbins. I love your videos. ❤
I believe many would agree with me when I say that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone. What is the benefit of works? The benefit of works is allowing the light of Christ in you to be of help to others which should also motivate others to want to believe in Jesus Christ. I also believe that our faith , and our works are all gifts from God because in John chapter 6 verse 44 it talks about how God draws people to Jesus therefore it is God‘s power that allows us to believe in Jesus subsequent works would also be a direct gift from God after faith has been established.everything starts with Jesus and ends with Jesus
You are loved!
Jesus is real and alive!
The KJV Bible is true! It's the real, God breathed, word of God!!!
You are loved!!
Jesus loves you so much, that He died for you!!
He paid for all sin for all time with His death on the Cross! He rose again on the third day!!! To prove that He is God and that you have been declared innocent!
We all sin! The instant you believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, you are Saved from the penalty of sin, which is death! Jesus already paid your fine, in full!!!
Call on Jesus! Believe and run to Him!!! Just as you are!!! His arms are wide open!!!
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
John 3:15-18
Ephesians 2:8-9
Romans 10:9-13!
I have a struggle here. Paul makes it clear in 2 Thess 3:10 For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. There were people back in Biblical times who liked to live off the community, rather than participate in it. We see it today as people see themselves as deserving of food rather than working for it. In the great depression of the 1930s, men would be willing to work for a meal, chopping wood, weeding the garden, shoveling snow. But today, people want you to give them money. In fact, some people play the beggar as a living. Easy money, no taxes. As I see it, I help the people I know, but am reluctant to give money to some stranger for purposes which cannot be verified.
It means keeping Torah! Plain and simple.
Yep! God's raising up His people! Raise the standard!
Plain and simple you can't do it no matter how hard you try. You will fail at some point and to fail at that point is to fail at all. By fulfilling the law Jesus is able to cover us when we fail not the torah.
@@davidsinclair47 we have victory in the spirit yet fail in the flesh...this is why it's the SPIRIT OF THE LAW
@@davidsinclair47 Read Revelation 14:12. You have to believe in Messiah AND keep Torah. Not OR, AND!! I’ve been keeping Torah for 14 years. It’s not hard. You’ve been told it’s impossible but that’s not true. It’s not hard to say no to eating pork, nor is it hard to keep Sabbath on the seventh day as Father commanded rather then on Sunday as the Catholic Church commanded.
@@davidsinclair47 Yes you will fall short, we all do. I believe it is in the trying that Father blesses us. Yeshua came the first time to explain Torah more clearly because the Pharisee’s were adding to burden the people, not to do away with it. Not one jot or tittle will pass from the law until heaven and earth pass away. We’re still here. It hasn’t passed away yet.
Matthew 25:40 "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Faith is a verb and love is a verb. They require action.
Faith is not a verb. It does not require action. I have faith in many things every single day, it does not require any action from me to prove I believe in certain things. -This video and people who think like you do, are all backloading works into the gospel and making the grace of God of no effect.
There are two (not one). Love God with all your heart soul mind AND your neighbor. Faith works, work faith.
At the same time if we brag about our works, they get canceled out bc that's our reward. It's different if we share the light to glorify God but He knows our hearts. Why are we doing good things? For show? Bc we love people hopefully and in turn God bc He is in them
Saving faith is faith in action through obedience. This includes salvation. Salvation is being born of water and Spirit ( John ch.3) and Acts 2:38 is how it is done.
Perhaps we could say that Works is the fruit of Faith.
The Book of James is not about Salvation. It is a Book about justification in the eyes of Men about your faith by works.
2 This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. 3 In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands.
Loving God and Loving people are done by keeping his commands. This puts everyone on equal footing.
Loving God is keeping his commands. Treating people according to the commands is the second command (love your neighbour like yourself).
The Good Samaritan, “ now go and do the same” love equals serving
A very interesting analysis of the text, whitch resonates with my own understanding.
I feel that compassion for our neighbour - our fellow man in need, manifests by default, with our deeper Awakening, or as other faiths say, enlightenment or salvation.
If one has to be told to help a neighbour, or you have to force yourself to “do the right thing” you are clearly not awakened - you have not realised and awakened the Devine that you are.
I’m personally not keen on the word “salvation” as this implies another issue.
James and Paul totally contradict each other.
1. Paul said that the Mosaic Law was a tutor to bring us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. James says the Mosaic Law is active and must be obeyed (see 1:25, the "perfect law" he refers to).
2. James makes no mention of the death of Jesus, nor his blood atonement, nor his resurrection. Peter, John, and Paul always referred to the blood of Christ as the means of our salvation.
3. In 2:2: James says if a man “comes into your assembly,” obscuring the fact that our English translations hide the actual word "synagogue."
4. James refers to the Jewish Shema of Deut 6:4 in 2:19: “Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one.” Again, the Mosaic Law.
5. James cites examples of those who endured trials and had faith in God, but he makes no mention of Christ being the ultimate example. He cites Abraham, Rahab, Job and Elijah; any reference to the suffering of Jesus cannot even be gleaned from 5:11.
6. Pisteuo in every single use, even of secular Greek historians, always means to be convinced that an argument presented is true. All the way from Aristotle to Demosthenes, it always means to accept something as true. Nothing more and nothng less.
tru and James tells us exactly who he writing to in james1:1 its not the body of christ.!!
AwEsomE = love. Love is an example set over time and sacrafices made for the betterment of others. 🎉
James 2:18
But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.
yes Love/Charity is a work, as well as obedience to what asks of us. similarly Noah, building the boat, Israelites putting blood on the door post. saved by their faith and work of obedience and love. especially love because if you don't have love. your faith does not matter. so let us put our faith in action!
I always make the connection between this passage in James 2 to the chapter of faith in Hebrews 11. That whole chapter lists great men and women of faith and the things they DID to prove their faith. That to me is what James is saying. Those who believe will show that they believe by how they live. Thus if you don’t have works (outward evidence of your faith), then your faith is dead and not saving faith.
EXACTLY! People act like James and Paul were at war with each other as if they are each teaching opposing gospels.
It's REAL simple, we are saved by faith through grace, but how we KNOW we actually have faith, that we actually believe Jesus and love Him is through our actions.
Abraham was justified by faith, but his faith was shown in that he left home and family to follow God, and then of course was willing to offer his son.
Moses's faith was shown in that he was willing to give up all the power and privilege of being the son of Pharaoh to follow God and obey HIS voice.
The Apostles and prophets died horrible deaths proving their faith in God and His son.
ALL the heroes of the faith chapter proved their faith in that they put their lives on the line to live by it and obey the call of God.
It's STUNNING how people will hold doggedly to ONE or maybe two verses that they extrapolate ridiculous meaning into at the expense of all the other verses that give additional insight. COMPLETELY ignoring them, as if the whole of Truth can be communicated in one or two sentences.
This ties in with Matthew 25:35-40
One God, the God of the Messiah.,who is named Jesus, Amen
I got really excited when I saw this, because I apparently have a very novel reading of James, and I thought someone else might have come to the same conclusion.
James 2:15-16 isn't really an example. It's a metaphor, where the words "be warm and well fed" represent faith, and the meeting of physical needs represents works. If the two correspond then the words were meant. If not, the words are hollow.
The examples are Abraham and Rehab in the following verses. I think it is significant that the examples of acts of faith are not acts that are independently meritorious. They are good only in the context of being works of faith. They are actions taken because the people really believe in God and his promise and so are the seal of faith. Until the acts are completed there is room for escape, but completing the acts shows that they are trusting in God.
No you are wrong, the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind. This is the greatest commandment!
Mark 4:14 *The sower soweth the word.*
Mark 4:15 And *these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.*
_Jesus sown the first "great commandment" in the hearts. (Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with _*_all thy heart, and with all thy soul,_*_ and with all thy mind.)_
_In John 7:16 Jesus testified that his doctrine was not his own, but [God's doctrine]._
John 7:16 Jesus answered them, and said, *My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.*
John 7:17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.
_When Jesus gives us the doctrine of the "great commandment" he is giving us God's doctrine._
Matthew 22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with *all thy heart, and with all thy soul,* and with all thy mind.
Matthew 22:38 This is the first and great commandment.
Matthew 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Matthew 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
_Notice the wording within the first great commandment; _*_( the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul…)_*_ and notice that this exact phrase has already been recorded and established as a doctrine within the old testament._
_Example of what it means to love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul._
Deuteronomy 13:3 [...] for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye *love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.*
Deuteronomy 13:4 Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, *and keep his commandments,* and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.
_Example of what it means to love God._
Deuteronomy 30:16 In that I command thee this day *to love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments,* that thou mayest live [...].
_Deu 13:3-4 & Deu __30:16__ coveys the message that to "love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul" means to "keep his commandments, and obey his voice" & "to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments."_
_Remember what Jesus testified in John 7:16-17_
John 7:16 Jesus answered them, and said, *My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.*
John 7:17 *If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.*
_Notice in Luke 10:25 a lawyer's question to Jesus is; "...What shall I do to inherit...?"_
Luke 10:25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, *what shall I do to inherit* eternal life?
_This question "...What shall I do to inherit...?" is very much like asking; ...What is required of me [to inherit] ...?_
_And this question had already been addressed by God's doctrine, within the old testament in Deu __10:12__-13._
Deuteronomy 10:12 And now, Israel, *what doth the LORD thy God require of thee,* but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and *to love him,*
and *to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul,*
Deuteronomy 10:13 *To keep the commandments of the LORD, and his statutes,* which I command thee this day for thy good?
_Now again looking at Luke 10:25 the question is first addressed by Jesus in this manner; "... _*_What is written in the law?_*_ ..._
_We know that when Jesus says "What is written in the law" would be referring to something already recorded. As God's doctrine had already recorded in the old testament._
_The man goes on to say; "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul..." which is indeed written in the old testament._
Luke 10:25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, *Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?*
Luke 10:26 He said unto him, *What is written in the law?* how readest thou?
Luke 10:27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.
Luke 10:28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.
_We can read nearly the same situation (question and answer) again in Mark 10:17-19._
Mark 10:17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, *what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?*
Mark 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
Mark 10:19 *Thou knowest the commandments,* Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.
_In Mark 10:17 a person asks Jesus, "...what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?_
_In Mark 10:19 Jesus states; "Thou knowest the commandments..." (Note that the commandments were known by the man because they are already written, in God's doctrine, in the old testament.)_
_In Mark 10:19 Then Jesus began to recite from the Ten Commandments, which are the words of the covenant. (God's covenant / God's doctrine.)_
Again read likewise in Matthew 19:16-19._
Matthew 19:16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, *Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?*
Matthew 19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, *keep the commandments.*
Matthew 19:18 He saith unto him, *Which?* Jesus said, *Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,*
Matthew 19:19 *Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.*
_In Matthew 19:16 a man asks, “Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” Matthew 19:17 Jesus replies, “... keep the commandments.” Matthew 19:18 the man then asks, “Which?” [meaning “which” commandments]. Matthew 19:18-19 Jesus' replies by reciting from the words of the covenant, the ten commandments._
Deuteronomy 4:13 And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even ten commandments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone.
Exodus 34:28 [...] And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.
_According to Jeremiah 31:31 & 33 the words of the covenant are written in people's inward parts [in his people' hearts]._
Jeremiah 31:31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
Jeremiah 31:32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:
Jeremiah 31:33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
_Notice in_ Jeremiah 31:33 *But this shall be the covenant* [...] that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, *I will put my law* [the words of the covenant, the ten commandments Exodus 34:28 & Jeremiah 31:32] *in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.*
_Jesus came and sown the good seed._
Faith in Jesus can only be validated by our acts of faithfulness. These acts of faithfulness are evidenced by the good works we do for others. Ergo, if our faith in Jesus does not translate into good works, we are taking Jesus for a ride. So can faith alone bring us to heaven? Yes of course, but only the kind of faith that’s deep and mature enough to produce good works.
Nah. Believe is a simple for of action. (The second a person believed the gospel they are saved- a gift)
Nah. Believe is a simple for of action. (The second a person believed the gospel they are saved- a gift)
Faith without works is dead as faith and good works as being a Christian, faith in christ for salvation is without works. We are justified by faith plus works in front of people but not before God. Salvation = faith alone
Rewards= faith plus works. Rightly divide the word of God.
They say but lord lord we did lots of religious stuff , religious Works, even did miracles, he says depart from me you who were lawless , and in 2nd Peter he says beware of those who twist Paul's writings for lawlessness. Meaning Paul said we never have to keep certain commandments or that they weren't important anymore