hi, could you publish a video on CANON Laser Printer lbp 3100. how to clean, refill and a step by step placing back the displaced components like you did with your other videos. i have been searching the whole video on it to get solution for my problem, but of no avail. please help, i'll be greatful to you.
Use Alcool isopropilico para limpeza das partes.
Visitem nosso site, a equipe Creative Copias agradece!
Hola, que tipo de grasa es la que usan para lubricar las partes?
y como se llama el polvito blancoque ponen gracias...
hi, could you publish a video on CANON Laser Printer lbp 3100. how to clean, refill and a step by step placing back the displaced components like you did with your other videos. i have been searching the whole video on it to get solution for my problem, but of no avail. please help, i'll be greatful to you.
Usamos vasilina sólida.
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