I think this is the first time in the history of ever that I've remixed an AU twice in a row ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ I actually started this as soon as my last vid was uploaded, finished it up in around 20 hours, then took a break for about 11 days to just chill for a while and rest. Good news is, because I rested for a good bit, I can just jump into the next remix, whichever that might be. As for my initial thoughts on this track in underverse's context, it definitely wasn't what I would have expected for a versus theme with these two, and that's a good thing (・ω・)/ I was glad that it wasn't a version of megalovania and instead was something original, which made it a lot more refreshing for me to remix. I think that's a great direction to go in and a good example to set that you don't *need* every iconic theme to be some form of megalovania or else it won't grab people's attention, because this theme certainly caught my eye as soon as I heard those first few chords. As for my remix, I decided to go with a heavy bassline as usual, you know by now I can't resist eeEEEE d(・∀・○) Xtale: xtaleunderverse.tumblr.com/tagged/XtaleComic/chrono Underverse: xtaleunderverse.tumblr.com/tagged/UnderverseAnimation/chrono Jael Peñaloza: th-cam.com/users/oshaicatboys Original Inking Mistake by NyxTheShield: th-cam.com/video/x3Z5iyJ-gBg/w-d-xo.html
My headcanon is that Ink sans doesn't really care about the AUs, but the stories they tell. It doesn't matter if AUs perish or not, or if its paceful or cruel. If it is a story worth telling, he can be a "good guy" or a villain. He is souless after all. He doesn't really feel.
Huh. Now that I’ve come to think about it, some of these characters could easily be replaced by Splatoon characters (e.g. Blue = Callie because reasons). I just need time to think about it. *_Which is why I don’t need any distractions._*
This is really well done. I like a lot of the synths that were used in this remix, the cosmic feeling it gives and how hard the drums and bass hit in the song. As someone who is a big fan of Underverse, I feel I could seriously see this in the series and I feel you've done a great job with capturing the feeling in your own style. I've used this song a lot in my workouts and I hope you make more like this in the future as I can see you got carried away with it.
Well sans said in 0.4 that “it has always been his idea.” And having emotions held him back from doing his plan or it held him back from releasing gaster.he chose not to drink his vials because he didn’t want to regret anything he’s doing(if im right)
@@stationerystudies9917he was lieing so blue didn't know about what happened or aus which is can ruin a also cuz can't Handeld that much information papyrus already doesn't like ink so either the information will be transported to papyrus or the papyrus will get the news that it that it was too much information for blue and get mad which is also lthe interruption to the timeline a interrupted timeline can be corrupted and ink didn't want to make the same mistake again
So this is basicly an remixed remix..... *Nyx* made a good song, but *SharaX* OVERWHRITE it -and even some of you migh- -say that it sounds the same- -but it sounds better-
Sorry but i cant help myself. Its a remixed remix. You only use an when there's a vowel at the start of the next word. Also the "overwhrite" comment makes no sense.
The original song sounded more like Ink’s theme, while this song sounds a bit more like Error’s theme with the hard base and glitchy effects. It makes me think that this is the song that would have played if Error had had the upper hand in the battle.
Ooh I loved the original, I’m expecting greatness as always. And this blows my expectations out of the water! I should’ve expected that, it’s a *SharaX* remix, after all!
This remix is epic! I love how it has some glitchy aspects to it! You can hear it at the beginning and it immediately reminds me of error! It definitely has some chaotic elements to it that has ink and error written all over it! EXACTLY HOW I IMAGIN AN INK V.S ERROR BATTLE TO SOUND!!!
*When you haven't seen any Ink/Error stuff in a while so you haven't a clue what's happening.* Okay... good song! V-very good song! Wish I knew what it was about...
I really like this remix. Not only is it just a neat song to listen to, but the original had this nice, "good guy vs bad guy" tone, this however, adds that secret evil spin that Ink portrayed at the end of Underverse Season 1...there are no good guys here, just two evil forces trying to get over eachother.
I wouldn’t say Ink is ever really ‘evil’ since he’s Chaotic Neutral. In his emotionless state without drinking ink from the vials, he cannot feel any emotions due to him being Soulless, so it’s moreso a Neutral Force against an Evil Force.
Would've tapped instantly, but I was driving. :( Now I can comment and say that I definitely like your idea of taking this song in an original direction, SharaX! The beat combined with the look on Ink's face in the image carries with it a surprisingly eerie vibe. When you think 'scary', typically your first thought wouldn't be Ink, but it's clear we were ignorant to underestimate him. Thanks so much for the brilliant remix, I'll definitely be putting it into a playlist (and if it's on Spotify, like some of your other songs, definitely in one of the playlists on there, too!). Cheers!
Wow, I am very amazed by this. I have watched UnderVerse and this was my favorite moment and theme. This is even better than the original and I could listen to this all day, honestly. I love the change of the effects and rhythm to the song. It’s very unique in my opinion. Bless your soul. *-Ferrxya*
Shara, stop it. Bad enough I'm waiting for this to go on and then you come and torture me with it. You are sooo evil, Breadstick Empress. No you are wonderful as always and I am glad that you are celebrating Underverse now. You are now one of us●ˍ● Continue:3
What Ink is really thinking: instead of protecting all of the AU's how about creating 1 perfect AU to watch over? TLDR: Ink' s just lazy to keep watching over the AU's
I think this is the first time in the history of ever that I've remixed an AU twice in a row ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ I actually started this as soon as my last vid was uploaded, finished it up in around 20 hours, then took a break for about 11 days to just chill for a while and rest. Good news is, because I rested for a good bit, I can just jump into the next remix, whichever that might be.
As for my initial thoughts on this track in underverse's context, it definitely wasn't what I would have expected for a versus theme with these two, and that's a good thing (・ω・)/ I was glad that it wasn't a version of megalovania and instead was something original, which made it a lot more refreshing for me to remix. I think that's a great direction to go in and a good example to set that you don't *need* every iconic theme to be some form of megalovania or else it won't grab people's attention, because this theme certainly caught my eye as soon as I heard those first few chords.
As for my remix, I decided to go with a heavy bassline as usual, you know by now I can't resist eeEEEE d(・∀・○)
Xtale: xtaleunderverse.tumblr.com/tagged/XtaleComic/chrono
Underverse: xtaleunderverse.tumblr.com/tagged/UnderverseAnimation/chrono
Jael Peñaloza: th-cam.com/users/oshaicatboys
Original Inking Mistake by NyxTheShield: th-cam.com/video/x3Z5iyJ-gBg/w-d-xo.html
SharaX Official love your work man
SharaX Official *women
SharaX Official off
But it's so good!! You're a goodness, SharaX!
Nyx: Here's a song!
SharaX : **OVERWRITE**
Nyx: Says joke
Everyone: .....
SharaX: Says same joke but louder
Everyone: *Laughs*
: D, she Overwrite another timeline and now i here
@Jesse Lammers yo im here :P
* sans vocal sound effect intensifies *
Nyx upload
Sharax upload
Seeing Ink like this with "normal" eyes is really fricking intimidating. o.o;
Saiavinn damn fr tho lmao
I'm afraid..
Looks cool and creepy. Like someone I know of.
adds to the intensity of the situation Ink's in doesnt it?
@Peanut Butter :D I feel nothing.
From Error's perspective, fighting Ink would have the song *_Printer Error_*
:'D Ba dum tssh.
+Christopher Moon
Why are you one of those people I see everywhere on youtube-
Christopher Moon How about Paper Jam
The Ion Raptor says the “raptor”
"I just don't want to regret it now"
*drops the purple vial* then while the glass breaks X-gaster got hit in the eye by a shard XD
BlazingEmerald428 pour gaster
BlazingEmerald428 into the blender
They are not my friends :ink sans underverse 0.4
Actually i dont understand, why ink said that 'i dont want to regret it now" but the scene flows out with his memory when he befriended with cross?
Kinda funny,
The guardian of the multiverse...
Could also be it's biggest threat.
Grudian of the galaxy.........
My headcanon is that Ink sans doesn't really care about the AUs, but the stories they tell. It doesn't matter if AUs perish or not, or if its paceful or cruel. If it is a story worth telling, he can be a "good guy" or a villain. He is souless after all. He doesn't really feel.
@@shimmer_meowwithbacon141 I hate u and love u
I could only DREAM of what other puns can be made with this chain.
@@lillypad6936 damn, now you got me thINKING
This song: exists
Splatoon: *Inkling mistake.*
Huh. Now that I’ve come to think about it, some of these characters could easily be replaced by Splatoon characters (e.g. Blue = Callie because reasons). I just need time to think about it.
*_Which is why I don’t need any distractions._*
Absolutely nobody!
Not even Ink:
Commander Tartar and XGaster: *_OVERWRITE [ERROR]_*
I approve
oh shit
i'm just imagining fresh being replaced by goggles and it's perfect
When Agent One realizes that his parents had him on accident.
"We were never friends... you were just puppets to give me... emotions..."
-Ink Sans 2018/2019
İ don't remember that last line though.
Who agrees that we need more SharaX UNDERVERSE remixes???
Elirah Lan yes.
Imagine hearing a remixed Overwrite or Cross' theme or even Tangled
This is really well done. I like a lot of the synths that were used in this remix, the cosmic feeling it gives and how hard the drums and bass hit in the song. As someone who is a big fan of Underverse, I feel I could seriously see this in the series and I feel you've done a great job with capturing the feeling in your own style. I've used this song a lot in my workouts and I hope you make more like this in the future as I can see you got carried away with it.
Ink’s arm: *Gone... Reduced to atoms*
Is on the back
It's just not really easy to see his arm but it's there
The arm looks nonexistent.
It's transparent lol
Jk it's on the back
I know everyone on this thread says it's on the back but just how badass it would be for ink to lost his arm and still be that fucking intimidating!!
Ink: I want to protect all the AU's!
Also Ink: _Plans to unleash a dangerous threat to the AU's_
Ink: Error don't destroy AUs!
Also Ink: _Go ahead XGaster destroy every universe except the Original why not_
Well in the comic he said that He was trying to protect them
Sky Cendre and also in the comic he said that they weren’t his friends...
Well sans said in 0.4 that “it has always been his idea.” And having emotions held him back from doing his plan or it held him back from releasing gaster.he chose not to drink his vials because he didn’t want to regret anything he’s doing(if im right)
The Shara X Event started
(Edit: I fixed an ERROR)
Y you are my f friend?
And no one wants it to end.
I gave this comment a like but I really don't know why
@@Rainfire-forgets-to-animate i don't even know why I wrote this comment
I'm glad you fixed your mistake (get it, because that's the title of the song. I'll leave now)
This honestly would sound like a badass geometry dash level..
Welp I'ma go work on it-
Oh no-
shit dude it really does sound like that
@@BP-bg7ev when you finish you tell me, so I can try and fail
"I don't need friends, they disappoint me."
How does that relate to the video
This line hits hard like dude i always feel like i get betrayed by my own friends
@@blueheaven1048 ink says at the end of underverse 0.4 that classic, fell, and blue are not his friends
@@stationerystudies9917he was lieing so blue didn't know about what happened or aus which is can ruin a also cuz can't Handeld that much information papyrus already doesn't like ink so either the information will be transported to papyrus or the papyrus will get the news that it that it was too much information for blue and get mad which is also lthe interruption to the timeline a interrupted timeline can be corrupted and ink didn't want to make the same mistake again
"I have no soul, have a nice day!"
_"I don't have one either.."_
Also can you do one for my underrated boy fresh? :D
Sweet Sweet Swagger? 👀
YES! Fresh best boi
@LAU YUEN LAM �B�`�M Technically 'UnderFresh' doesnt exist since he doesn't have an AU becauses hes a virus. They meant Fresh.
A walking Windows Vista against an emotionless artist
*s e e m s l e g i t*
this was a year ago, and i still don't regret this comment
@@ELITERAMPAGE walking windows vista is the best description for error I’ve ever seen
Correction, your *average* artist
this deserves more likes
i love that you chose the literal worst "recent" windows version
Ink : You feel your sins crawling on-
Error : stop it, or i'll end every universe u created
ink : Try me Walking False xbox Update
Ink and error: *sees each other*
Ink: hello friend!
Error: ah sh*t hear I go again.
*next time*
Ink: . . . (silence)
Error: (to himself ) what the f*ck what the f*ck whaT THE F-
@@papiricisimo i think It is*language*
@@papiricisimo *SPELLING*
@@ritabertadocarmo5359 He was copying the person that made this comment
It's 2 AM
And me and others are blessed with another awsome remix by a very amazing person uwu
Well, it's 2 AM somewhere
So this is basicly an remixed remix.....
*Nyx* made a good song, but *SharaX* OVERWHRITE it
-and even some of you migh-
-say that it sounds the same-
-but it sounds better-
And then the typos ruined it :D
Artsy Aster bro it’s just an inking mistake....... wait no
Sorry but i cant help myself. Its a remixed remix. You only use an when there's a vowel at the start of the next word. Also the "overwhrite" comment makes no sense.
Inking Mistake was an original composition, not a remix-
badum tss
Nyx : Mhhm My Song is Popular!
SharaX: You mean. OUR song.
A remix of my favorite fan made series, you are truly a bread stick queen.
Nyx: Guys, i made new son-
More kinda *[OVERWRITE]*
Me: *Me vs error sans*
Everyone: *Printer vs virus*
INKY!!!!!!! Hi!
Isabella Rees “wAlkInG wInDoWs ViStA!!”
@Isabella Rees XD
paint vs virus
The original song sounded more like Ink’s theme, while this song sounds a bit more like Error’s theme with the hard base and glitchy effects. It makes me think that this is the song that would have played if Error had had the upper hand in the battle.
Well, I like to think its more like Ink AND Error, but that's just my headcanon
Error did. Ink didn't really even attack. Error just threw him around like a rag doll until fell blew up the planet
Ink tanks to much attacks
@@Dontmindme938 yeah error just beated the fuck out of him and he just stood there and took it, until fell eventually got bored and blew up the planet
@@a77ackeranimations20 fr
me: lalala
10 seconds after this being uploaded: OMGOGMGMG
Everytime I saw cringy comment
*I lost the will to live*
Ooh I loved the original, I’m expecting greatness as always.
And this blows my expectations out of the water! I should’ve expected that, it’s a *SharaX* remix, after all!
Now this is the music when a friendly op protagonists finally breaks.
I threw my arms up in a fit of joy! You just made me EXTREMELY happy! Keep up the fantastic work!
i hit my head everytime someone calls Underverse an AU.
I'm closer to dying now
great remix b-
exactly !!
ah yes, an AMV
alternate megaverse
Are you ok
The hardest choices require the strongest wills
UCD Thanos Partner
Reality it's often disappointment...
"no cost to great" - the pale king
Sharax: 40 seconds ago im made new remix
We👏 need👏 Fresh 👏Battle👏Theme Remix👏!
isnt that already a remix?
remix of a remix?
Polydove Y E S
everybody gangsta until the guardian of AU's becomes the destroyer of them.
im CRYING this is AMAZING thank you so much!!!
I love inking mistake I used to listen to it on repeat
We’re making it out of the multiverse with this one🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Ink looks like he's about to eliminate the middle class.
(I did and it hurts)
;-; I did and it didn't hurt
It didn't
@Antara Joshi I learned English from glitchtale gaster
i did it But ..
Im still *C h i l l*
@TheSevenSouls no
This remix is epic! I love how it has some glitchy aspects to it! You can hear it at the beginning and it immediately reminds me of error! It definitely has some chaotic elements to it that has ink and error written all over it! EXACTLY HOW I IMAGIN AN INK V.S ERROR BATTLE TO SOUND!!!
Dude that bass drop at 00:34 that was sick! Keep up the amazing job!! All hail sharax!
*When you haven't seen any Ink/Error stuff in a while so you haven't a clue what's happening.* Okay... good song! V-very good song!
Wish I knew what it was about...
Me, coming back to the fandom after 2 years lmao
@@aurorg7297 omg same here lmao
ya'll should catch up with underverse :>
Watch Underverse. Or rather, catch up with the whole AU situation of Undertale, read XTale, and *then* watch Underverse.
I cant even-
good job is all I can say, this theme-
I really like this remix. Not only is it just a neat song to listen to, but the original had this nice, "good guy vs bad guy" tone, this however, adds that secret evil spin that Ink portrayed at the end of Underverse Season 1...there are no good guys here, just two evil forces trying to get over eachother.
Not evil just opposite
I wouldn’t say Ink is ever really ‘evil’ since he’s Chaotic Neutral. In his emotionless state without drinking ink from the vials, he cannot feel any emotions due to him being Soulless, so it’s moreso a Neutral Force against an Evil Force.
This is by far your highest quality song imo. You just keep improving so much so quickly. Great work and keep it up.
SharaX + Underverse = something hyyypeeeee
Edit: WTF 200 LIKES!?
edit: woah, thanks for400 likes, my dudes
Edit: 2020! And 600+ likes? That's epic!
Heck yesss!
Nope 170 now x) and it's true Underverse is my favorite AU and this is so coool of SharaX to do Underverse Remix !
@@AntonioElPepito yes! I can't believe she really made it :3
i dont even know what to say!
250 likes now!?
This is awesome! Inking Mistake and Signa Signal are my two favorite Underverse songs, it's great to see it in your remix style!
mona lisans
@@hopechr Yesssssss
Finally A Remix Of One Of My Favorite Songs!! I Thank You For This SharaX!! I Still Love Your Content
39%-something else
1%(me)-WHERE THE FRICK FRACK DID HIS ARM GO???(i cant see it)
Then you haven't watched the Underverse.
@@kamanyiro5903 dEStORyEd reDUcEd tO aTOmS
I think it was ripped off
it's not supposed to be there : /
@Edgy Boiz then it came back when XGaster spawned somehow lol
Анна Хмылова ikr
nyx: *makes inking mistake*
sharaX: *makes remix*
also nyx:
c o o l i m m a k i n g a n o t h e r n o w
this gives off such heavy Steven Universe boss battle vibes and I LOVE IT
A perfect remaster of an already great song... make sure to *SSSMMMAAAASSSSSSHHHHHHHH* that like button
This deserves a special place in my playlist
I like how when the beat dropped the thing changed color. I went back ten seconds to make sure I saw it right.
Would've tapped instantly, but I was driving. :( Now I can comment and say that I definitely like your idea of taking this song in an original direction, SharaX! The beat combined with the look on Ink's face in the image carries with it a surprisingly eerie vibe. When you think 'scary', typically your first thought wouldn't be Ink, but it's clear we were ignorant to underestimate him. Thanks so much for the brilliant remix, I'll definitely be putting it into a playlist (and if it's on Spotify, like some of your other songs, definitely in one of the playlists on there, too!). Cheers!
Nice song, keep up the good work, also first I think
YES. IVE NEEDED THIS. Ever since Viva La Verse came out, i KNEW i needed this remix.....
And its freaking amazing Shara!
Wow, I am very amazed by this. I have watched UnderVerse and this was my favorite moment and theme. This is even better than the original and I could listen to this all day, honestly. I love the change of the effects and rhythm to the song. It’s very unique in my opinion. Bless your soul. *-Ferrxya*
These remixes are getting better and better, you’re so talented
Never clicked on a video so fast before in my life!
Into the underverse ❤
I instantly clicked when i saw ur video.
You know i always listen to youe songs when im jogging. They make for great workout music
echo boi same fam
From an AU protector to an AU destroyer
Dang this series give lots of life and death philosophy there
NIce remix Sharax ^^
The irony when error's protecting the multiverse..
the Queen of Breadsticks has returned to give us this masterpiece! *Breadsticks X1000*
69 likes..Oh my!
69th like
K bye
I disliked to balance it out so it’s *nice* again
@@godseekeryhar ... *G O O D*
FOOLS! We must reach 420!
YESSSSSS I needed something like this, your work is amazing! you make that every song that you remix sounds even more epic! uwu
*Throwing bread sticks so you can pick’em up. :3
like what you did around 1:35, a very good switch to a very good part of the piece. keep it up X
play this song in area 51 when we se dem aliens
thx for 69 likes if you get the joke
wow never thought someone would like it
This... Did not age well lmfao
@@truthful_deceit8661 ofcourse
This comment has 69 likes...
I won't ruin it-
@@jyriellehasaalternativeacc4202 lol I forgot got about this
This is awesome! Love your work, you manage to keep the quality on every piece ^^
I no words for such an amazing remix
state : *HEARTLESS*
*happiness noises* also my cat smells like burnt popcorn idk why. this might be my favorite of your remixes this is beautiful uwu
I can totally see this being used for a potential rematch later down in the series. Jakei pls
“There’s no fun in changing the multiverse....”
“But this does put a smile on my face.”
Damm. This is amazing. I e listened to your songs for nearly 2 years now, this is the best one in my opinion from An AU.
Rainbow Road Battle Theme™️
Xahara Desert THAT MAKES SENSE????
Shara, stop it. Bad enough I'm waiting for this to go on and then you come and torture me with it. You are sooo evil, Breadstick Empress.
No you are wonderful as always and I am glad that you are celebrating Underverse now. You are now one of us●ˍ●
What Ink is really thinking: instead of protecting all of the AU's how about creating 1 perfect AU to watch over?
TLDR: Ink' s just lazy to keep watching over the AU's
OMG!!!I love it so much!!!Thank you!!!
I can't stop listening to this!!! It's too good of a remix
Holy crap this is amazing You're the Best thank you!!!
This would be good for a Geometry Dash level but it isn't on Newgrounds
Cool remix, my guy! :]
I didn't even listened to the song but I know it's good
this has to be one of my favorite SharaX songs, great job on this one!!
It was time for Thomas to leave
He had heard the best song
I just love this song - the music of Underverse was already good and you made this one better!
AND IT'S SO GOOD holy crap
thank you for this
This sounds like an R rated Mario kart on rainbow road
Слушала четыре года назад, до сих пор качает💥🦹♂️
When a game like soulshatters adds this music to one of its gamepasses that collects stones:
Thank you sooo much in focus on underverse is my favourite au i want to so much to see your remixes!!! They're sooo amazing
*B E E P*
I made art for this lovely scene in Underverse lol It's so amazing what this community can do and create! Love the music Shara!