I hate when people say "I lost my child too" when their kid is just going to prison and is still alive. That does not compare the other family whose child is dead. You can still visit and talk to your kid. The other family's child is dead and gone forever.
@@Mataylor17 He is alive Isn’t he, If your child was killed that way, "slaughtered". Let him rot there, where he will not slaughter nobody’s child again.
@@Mataylor17 you’re exactly right! SHE didn’t commit this crime! Her grandson did, she loved him his whole life and never imagined he was capable of doing such a hateful act! Like she said….”I don’t know what happened” Clearly something is badly wrong with Aiden and this beautiful girl Tristyn had to pay the price for his mental break! He evil act! It’s awful it’s an awful sick tragedy and I hate that it happened! My heart goes out to her family every second of every day! BUT I know Aidens family is struggling …so my heart goes out to them. ….
Of course I feel the pain of this grandmother.But the monster she is crying for should never ever walk free at any time. He showed zero remorse for butchering that beautiful little girl and destroying so many lives.
Monster and psychopath, lock him up, and lose the keys forever.🤮Yes, blame the drugs, always, He was so sick looking in the car, made me vomit, 🤢 Monster
You are so right. All siblings have arguments and even fights. It is up to the parents to see that everything is not out of control. She cannot be telling the truth about that.
My kids didn’t fight much when they were younger. I wouldn’t lie about that. This is terrible on all fronts. Throwing stones at this grandmother isn’t going to help people feel better. She seems genuinely crushed that they have anything to do with this. But that is her grandson. And she is taking responsibility rather than running away, which we see a lot.
@juint it doesn’t mean the parents don’t love or care about him. We don’t always know what our teenagers are thinking 100% of the time. They rarely tell their parents if they are having any bad issues or thoughts. So don’t say “who cares about his family “. I’m sure they wish this had never happened.
Look, your anger towards Aiden is understandable... but this woman is in pain, she's hurting & she didn't do the crime & she shouldn't bare any punishment or judgement for it.
I understand, empathize, and respect, where this grandmother is coming from. She's advocating for her grandson, which any loving grandmother would do. In her heart she believes her grandson can be rehabilitated and has potential be a productive member of society one day. HOWEVER, the rest of society doesn't have an emotional attachment to him, and therefore does not feel safe from him, and never will. The fact is that he stabbed a young teenage girl over 100 times, has a history of bad behavior and anger issues, and jail records that he's been extorting and threatening other inmates. There's no evidence that he can be rehabilitated. His family and his attorneys are appealing to emotions. I understand his family loves him but they're going to have to do it through prison because the rest of society deserves to never have to fear for their safety from him ever again.
Her (very real) pain does not touch the suffering Tristan's family is suffering. However, she does have the right to feel her own pain, or be in denial, or blinded by her grandson. Who could imagine their child/ grandchild doing something like this.
Give grandma some grace. She did say she wouldn't say the right thing. I sure it's nerve-wracking to be on the stand. She did say she" lost" a child too and it's not the same but she's still has pain. She is in pain from what he did and has to live with the guilt of it being her family member for the rest of her life. Such a tragedy for all involved.
The grandmother was extremely nervous and I cannot even imagine what she feels like. She held that boy when he was born and has been around him up till he was 14yo. However, to ignore the kids saying house was haunted is a BIG MISTAKE. People need to realize that Satan + his demons are increasing with Evilness just as *******📖 JESUS said they would before HE Returns********
@@miked7304 I lived in a house that was occupied by the previous owner who had passed. Either you believe or you don't but it doesn't make it creepy. I believe in our Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Does that sound creepy?
@ Star D. I'm with you. She loves each of her family unconditionally. You can see the love, as well as the love and empathy she feels for the Baily family. Nobody wants to believe their child/grandchild would do such a heinous act. She's a Christian woman and obviously not a hateful woman who doesn't deserve the harsh remarks sent her way. She brought tears to my eyes just feeling her pain and sadness for her grandson, her family and the Baily family. She's left no one out.
If Aiden was such a good boy according to his grandma why were there 17 disciplinary incidents at one of schools he attended including threatening to throw a girl out of a window?
no one is good, everyone has sinned and fallen short of God's Glory, no matter how good, sweet or kind you may think you are, but you're not good or righteous. no one is, but Jesus Loves you and doesn't want anyone to Perish.❤ Repent and put your Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.❤
It’s not the grandmas fault but she is also trying to paint some great family which I don’t believe. I hate when ppl say I lost a child too bc it completely devalues the victims family. I’m sorry ma’am but you can still see your grandson. So not even close to the same. He was not brutally killed Trystan was. The more you say Christian family the less I believe it. Aiden doesn’t deserve to be with his family. He killed somebody just bc you wanted too.
@@stephanietribuna7173 I understand that but to make it sound like everything was just perfect does not help the case bc rarely is there a perfect family. Obviously something was going on. It sounds as if she s in denial. I mean her daughter was obviously not a great person if she’s trying to cover her sons behavior. Give me a break. I’m not saying anything about the grandma other than don’t come in trying to say everyone was great and Christian.
@@SouthernMimi2 I feel exactly the same. I feel for her, but they have not lost Aiden. They can visit, call, email. It’s not the same at all. Plus we know Fucci was thrown out schools, suspended for threatening to throw a girl out the window. That might sound outlandish, but sadly we know the heinous crime he went on to commit. The good Christian thing isn’t washing with me either. Still, I do feel for her, it’s a terrible situation to be in, but not the same as Tristyn’s family are going through 💚
I feel horrible for this grandmother. People do horrible things and drag their families into their mess, have people mad at the family, and judging them for what their child has done. Aiden has impacted two families greatly.
i can’t imagine what it was like for her mom, that pain will be with her forever, as for his grandma i think her pain will be with her forever too but it’s just obviously a different kind of pain
I feel like all she wanted to say was “I’m sorry” She is hurting so badly for their family and it’s sad that she feels more for them than Aiden does!!!
A Christian family.. Thou shall not kill.. Mom tried to cover up what he did.. I feel bad for this Grandma but he took a life..her family misses there daughter nothing will be the same for either families..but you will know he's alive an there's some comfort in that..Tristan's family does not have that,there memories are of her suffering and being stabbed 114 times.. RIP Tristan❤
And knowing that this happened only 11 minutes away from their house. I can't imagine the pain,fear & suffering that this 13 year old,Trystin felt. Prayers for strength & peace for Trystin's family. Trystin was robbed of a future & her family was robbed of getting to see her grow & succeed & do all of the things that teens & adults do. There is no justice in this case that can equal taking a life. Life without the chance of parole is the closest that they can get for what Aiden did to Trystin. Prayers for Aiden's family. At least he's still living,but his decision has forever devastated two families.
Mental Health! Drugs drinking & Cyber Games! We really need change with Mental Health! I pray everyday for it, my 33 year old daughter struggles from it as well! To the person who says she has no tears, us mothers sometimes sometimes cry so much we run out of tears! Watching our children struggle with mental illness hurts so bad, our hands are tied! If we can somehow tackle these young kids getting them away from the drugs and alcohol, so many are slipping through the system’s cracks with mental illness and being put on the wrong medicines or not being put on none or being put on medicine when they don’t need to be put on medicine and then evaluated and watched over until there on the right medicine. We need change! All the violent games on the internet, it’s almost like all these crazy acts in the United States almost play out like the violent games out there on the internet! 🙏
You don’t have to be christian. Human will do. 114 stab wounds. Out of nowhere? I don’t ever want this kid walking free. He gave up his life with this unimaginable act.
Many things about AF that he is just not aware yet, the joys of life. He will never again fall in love, go on vacation, find a career, cuddle a puppy or kitten, go out to a fabulous dinner, see a play, go to a concert, go on a cruise, romantic nights, drive a car, get his own place, never have children, never have a fun night out with his friends, never sleep in, never go to a museum, never go camping, never go to Disneyland, never go to where he dreams about. That will be his punishment. He will live a life of mundane, boring, loud clanking sounds, drab colors, surrounded by evil people, uncomfortable beds, lousy food, no privacy, he will be held unable to do what he wants to do, waiting for his angel of death to gather him and take him to Hell.
Has to be an elephant in the room/family secret no one is talking about. Hence, why all this happened in the first place. Whatever happened to that boy growing up needs to be uncovered, to learn from it....Somebody is omitting/lying about some stuff.
That poor ( grandmother ) mom too, how do you defend your child who you love so dear who took another child’s life!? I can not imagine that feeling & would never want to!
Who ever left a reply on my comment, I can’t see it so that means your blocked & your I’m sure part of the cyber stalking I’ve been dealing with! That’s why your blocked! Please stop cyber stalking me & my family!
She could be truthful. It seems like Tristan Bailey’s family thought she was. Not fighting and arguing doesn’t mean there is no conflict. To me when families don’t talk about issues or avoid conflict, it signals pent up rage.
What an unfortunate comment "we lost a child too", no lady you did not "lose" a child to murder or stabbed 114 times by some little monster, YOUR child chose to be in this position, their's didn't. I feel bad for the families of murderers, as hard as it is to come to terms with the fact your grandson is a monster please do not compare your "pain" to the family of the victim. Key word VICTIM. Specially after the monster's mother tampered with evidence! You all should be ashamed, not telling people how much you miss him...
I mean, technically, she did lose her grandkid she had absolutely no idea what kind of monster he was and she feels like she completely lost the person she thought he was. that’s a loss..
You can't just turn off love like a light switch. So my heart does go out to his family as well. Yes, what Adin did was horrible and he should stay in jail for the rest of his life. To murder someone with a knife is way too personal. He very well could have been the next Green River killer or BTK. I hope we never have to find out.
I agree. F aiden but his family didn’t tell him or make him do it. I don’t think it’s right to blame them, I do wonder if there were any signs that he was troubled
Yes technology is what stopped him from doing anymore.....if there was surveillance like that back in the 70's n 80's then alot of lives would of been spared.
I read about that. How can the grandmother not know any of that if she claims to stay with the family through weekdays for years? Surely the grandmother and the parents know that the accused was troubled.
You’re so right and I know that because I’ve studied child psychology and early development in children . Some parents doesn’t realise their behaviour can sometimes lead to serious problems later on in their children’s lives .
Yes, also, denial is a powerful subconscious coping mechanism that people don’t even realize is happening. We rationalize and file away behaviors in other people that we can’t even begin to bring ourselves to really look at, acknowledge and accept. It’s common with many people in many different types of relationships. Hindsight is always 20/20 and we can only judge others as much as we hoped to also be judged.
This whole case is tragic. when someone makes the choice to take someone’s life it’s not just the victim who is destroyed it destroys so many more lives. My prayers to both families ❤️
This lady has so much heart to get on the stand, none of this is her fault and you can see she is heartbroken over this... a few things she says, I don't agree with but all in all she truly loves her family and the only true emotion I've seen out of this monster is when her testimony is over. Regardless, her grandson is a massive POS that needs to get LWOP... she has other grandchildren to give her love to, she should focus on them now... RIP Tristyn and God bless and comfort the Bailey family..
She's totally in denial. Especially when she talk about her daughter. She is not a good mum or person. Even about her grandson. She says he never got in troubles. And it's quite the opposite. I mean, she seems sincerely broken, but it's right to be clear about these things.
@@frankiet7911 look at you ooh Miss judgemental don't know crap but feel you know her over a video you just watched!!🙄..People like you are all a joke!! Get real girlfriend
Aiden, is a monster and monster need to be locked up for the rest of his life. Aiden, has stabbed the beautiful life until there was no life in her and many times .
Question to you (Western geniuses). at his age (14) when he committed the crime..Was he brain developed and did he have the mental capability to consent for sex? .. or do you just decide he is a brainless child when it comes to sex and an adult when it comes to crime? GENIUSES
And this comment is not found very often in situations like this that I've seen and I try to watch a lot of court sessions. Some teen killers came from good families while teen school shooters however more likely didn't and I don't understand that.
Every single one of Aiden’s friends testified that he was obsessed with violence and he felt that his parents didn’t care for him or spend time with him. There were signs he was an evil kid and neither one of his parents gave him guidance or discipline.
@@alexandrabug19 “Good families” is such a subjective term. The way society defines it (as a nuclear family with a nice house and good income) is not necessarily what it takes to actually be a good family. Parents who are present, tuned-in, emotionally available and communicative with each other and their children is how I define a good family. That’s often not what you find in families that society deems “good.” Just my two cents. 💰
@@alexandrabug19 No, I don’t agree, not all teens. They are always red flags, and the family don’t want to see, or they are too busy to see, may the families find peace, with a los, of their loved ones, however don’t let Fucci out ever, never.
Jesus people, it's disgusting how you're coming after her, she's his grandmother, she isn't responsible for his behavior, and of course she is devastated and wants to protect him. He deserves everything he gets, but it's only human for her perception to be colored by her relationship to him. You all need to grow up.
@@theresaquinn-george451 wow! To blame the grandparent of his actions is disgusting. Shes devastated for what he did. She clearly can't comprehend where it went wrong. Your comment is irrelevant.
@@cara5430I agree it’s not grandma’s fault she still though she knew her grandson and she feels as bad as anyone about what he did. You can plainly see she feels Shame and guilt over the poor girls death. And wishes she had done something differently to stop it from having happened.
My heart goes out to the victim and her family first. Now this grandma is heart sick and I know a lot of people are raging at her because she said the kids didn't fight and she lost him too. I just want everyone to remember, this is her recollection at this time. Give her time to come to terms with all this. Now her daughter (Aiden's mom)! Her trying to cover up for her son is completely unacceptable!! What was she even thinking?!?! She was NOT protecting him, she was harming him by not reporting what she found and getting him help!! You don't help your kids by hiding their crimes.
I can understand his mother though, that's her son. Her baby of course it was wrong but I'm sure it was so shocking to her and she just did t want her son gone
It’s a weird and cruel thing when people go after relatives of a criminal or murderer. They tormented the parents of Casey Anthony end,essay, people are quite horrible. Wrong time and place to say “we lost a child too” although it’s true. But she’s a decent lady,
I honor parents who can walk their child up to the police station when they’ve done something wrong. It’s teaching them to be accountable. Not enabling them to then do a worse crime next time. They enabled their child with each run in with the law. Now it wound up with murder.
I honor parents who can walk their child up to the police station when they’ve done something wrong. It’s teaching them to be accountable. Not enabling them to then do a worse crime next time. They enabled their child with each run in with the law. Now it wound up with murder.
It is evident this grandmother felt great remorse for the loss of the parent's loss of their daughter. She loves her grandson but understands he must be punished by imprisonment. My heart goes out to both families for the pain they are living with.
My heart breaks for both families! This Grandmother is devastated by her grandsons actions but she is also very embarrassed. She wants ppl to know she has a good family despite what her grandson has done. Yes she could have kept her comment out about she’s also loss a child as well. I don’t believe she meant to be insensitive by saying it! Grandma don’t apologize, you haven’t caused this to happen. You just have to recognize he’s sitting over there in his chair with NO REMORSE ON HIS FACE!
He looked every bit neglected emotionally and psychologically . He was left to his own devices from a young age and he simply got bored . Killing an innocent young lady was exciting for him to brag about . He felt like he had accomplished something . It was the kill for him. Thank goodness he was caught early before he had the chance to do it again .
His Father was accused in January 2003 of child abuse, injury, and neglect. That same year, in October, he was also arrested for engaging in sexual activity with a 15-year-old girl at his home. The guy is a pedophile.
I just can't wrap my head around how many times he stabbed the young girl. You just don't wake up one morning and do something this horrendous. His family is either in denial or have their own disturbing issues. My heart goes out to Tristyn's family and friends. How do you move on after such a cold blooded murder on your child? Praying for strength. God bless all of you 💔🙏😢😊
@Tony Steele um literally nothing?? He had told his girlfriend & friends prior that he dreamed of killing someone & would find someone to stab in the woods... he just picked her....
I totally understand where this grandmother is coming from. We have a very special loved one who had just turned 18 when he was speed racing and hit a church van. He was in a very old car. A teenage girl in that van was killed. Our loved one pled guilty and received a 20 year prison sentence. He has served 5 years and we miss him every day. We love him with all of our hearts. That being said, we understand he took a life and is serving time for her death. It’s a tough situation. We were in court when that young girl’s family gave their final words before sentencing. They were so distraught and I cried with them. They are a beautiful family. God bless them.
I’m sure your loved one didn’t mean to crash into that van and kill that person. Aiden planned to kill Tristyn and stabbed her 114 times. No remorse of empathy shown either.
G. Joseph he was speed racing and knew the consequences of doing so should something happen. He made a bad choice knowing that speed racing cool kill or harm others.
@End Times Are upon us I never said he shouldn't have been punished. But there is a big difference between a violent attack such as what Aiden Fucci inflicted on Tristyn and a stupid decision or accident. We all make mistakes that may have dire or tragic consequences, but no one accidentally stabs someone 114 times. Be for real with yourself.
@End Times Are upon us I'm not about to go back and forth with you about MY opinion, especially since you seem to lack reading comprehension skills and have gone completely off topic with rants. Have a blessed day and stay out of trouble.
The mother washed the clothes because she knows her son is potentially dangerous. There’s no other reason. Her mindset was ‘if no one finds out it never really happened and we don’t have to face it’ she has probably covered his tracks many many times. I have a MIL exactly like her unfortunately. All that matters is how things look from the outside no matter how much harm is being done just hide it. When I heard the grandmother say Aiden was supposed to be with his brother that night but ‘didn’t make it he was still with his friend’ I knew no one had control of the boy. He called his own shots.
@@FLIPPER1439 I understand what you are saying, but I think a good majority of us did stupid things as teens. Only difference was we were fortunate enough not to end up with a psycho.
@@FLIPPER1439 did you never sneak out of the house as a teenage without your parents knowing? I’m 1000% certain her parents had no idea she had left the house at 12-1 because they were in bed and she did it in a quiet sneaky manner. Her parents are no where to blame in this a sick 14 year old boy eh isn’t mentally right in the mind is! Have you not seen there story she was a wonderful girl who’s parents were very involved just because she snuck out with out anyone knowing doesn’t mean they weren’t involved! You need to start thinking about what you say before you say it because your statement is nothing but ignorance!! How sad for you to say something like that about this situation!! Shame on you
@@stephanietribuna7173 she not responsible but she’s up there trying to paint a picture of a happy Christian family . Never heard anything about going to church or anything about family values .
The grandmother praying for the judge not to take her grandson out of her family's life forever made me feel bad on one hand, but on the other hand Aiden took Tristyn out of her family's life forever so an eye for an eye.
2:32 Oh, she’s a great mom! She’d do anything for her children. Including wash the blood of their murder victim off of their clothes, like any good mother would.
My niece dated a guy the whole family felt uneasy about, he was very controlling and nobody liked him. Fast forward she goes to college and drops him. He would hang out around a fast food joint, one day asked a young girl if she needed a ride home. She was beaten, SA and left. About 6 years later he abducted a girl on a college campus, she was SA, beaten and her corpse violated. Florida police arrested him, he was sentenced to death. Fact is, he was a monster at 17. Stayed on death row until about 9 years ago the finally the put him to death. After all that and he created a scene being strapped down, yelling and saying “you are murdering me”. Coward. Good riddance, society doesn’t need people like that walking the earth.
9 years for death sentence?? Thank god I live in a country where they have strong death penalty laws for killers, rapists and drug dealers. We have almost zero crime rates
I think something has went seriously wrong with this kid in puberty I think that's when the crazy in people seems to mature and becomes uncontrollable almost. I still find it hard to believe he went from nothing to stabbing his friend 114 times. Its just insane. Though he seems to be yet another narcissist.
This teen murderer was never nowhere near being a normal kid. Did you see his school‘s dean‘s testimony? He had impulse control issues and violent outbursts, he had to have weekly (!) appointments with that dean, was on in school suspension 17 times and once even threatened to throw a female classmate out of the window. And it was stated he had already improved, compared with the behaviourial issues he displayed in his previous school. This kid was a system crasher all over and obviously never ever underwent any kind of counseling, apart from that school dean‘s appointments. This kid is totally mental and shouldn’t have bern let loose on other defenseless teenagers.
He's a psychopath and that is inborn.He cannot be rehabilitated and no amount of good parenting can change this.The judge stated this in his sentencing.
This is so hard on grandparents too. My mother had a really hard time understanding what happened to my nephew, her grandson, when he went to prison for a violent act but the rest of the family had seen the violent tendencies from early childhood. He was very good to his grandmother, visiting often and helping her with home maintenance which gave her a different sense of reality as he became a teenager.
At least the grandmother didn't get up there and say, he didn't do this act. I commend her for that. So many times, the defendant's family members get up there and excuse the perpetrators actions. She did not do this. She simply said she doesn't know or understand what happened to him. I feel sorry for the grandmother too. In her mind and heart, she has experienced a loss.
This woman is up there to try to protect her grandchild. She could care less about that other family … literally crying with no tears. I love when people like this all of a sudden claim their Christian this kid is evil plain and simple. He boasted about it after he killed her he has been posting about it in jail. EVIL
This poor woman is his grandmother, not his mother. Grandmother didn't raise this boy, his mother did. Grandma's heartbroken, for the loss of her dreams for her grandchild. Don't blame her. She is suffering too.
There is truly no proper words to say, whatever you feel is what you feel,despite the actions of others we love who we love. This grandma is truly hurting for both families and that is a heavy burden to carry. It is clear the family who lost their little girl deserves justice for her. None of these people will be the same after this. Hopefully this tragedy will have a light at the end of the tunnel. Peace and blessings for comfort to all affected by this loss.
Feel so sorry for both of these families, my heart hurts for the little girls parents & all of her loved ones.. my gosh it really doesn't get any worse than this..😢😢😢
My heart goes out to his grandmother, but regardless of his ADHD is no excuse for murder. He knew right from wrong & preplan taking that girls life. Stabbing a person 114 times was just pour evil rage & jealousy.
ADHD is the new excuse being used for much all terrible behavior! I’ve never heard the words ADHD, my anxiety or my OCD so much in my life . Adults are throwing the words around for all types of their own problems and now kids are doing the same!
@thesunmoon8885 yes mental health is being used as the excuse to get away with doing wrong and as a away to minimize wrong...summon the empathy and sympathy dick riflders
@thesunmoon8885 yes mental health is being used as the excuse to get away with doing wrong and as a away to minimize wrong...summon the empathy and sympathy dick riflders
@thesunmoon8885 yes mental health is being used as the excuse to get away with doing wrong and as a away to minimize wrong...summon the empathy and sympathy dick riflders
I feel so bad for the family and this women. I think she is truly very remorseful. She didn’t make excuses she laid it all on him and is shocked at the event .
My oldest daughter, as an adult was diagnosed with Bipolar and while under treatment her psychiatrist learned that she was young when she displayed signs of a mental illness. I did not see it until the psychiatrist had me attend some of her treatments. Reflecting back now I can see the changes in her behavior when she was 9-10 years old. It got worst when she was 14-15 years old. She took to drink and progressed to meth. When she got married and found out she was pregnant she gave up all substance till today, and according to her psychiatrist the substance had affected her to a level she was not able to function without medication. Depression, manic episodes, a behavior that got her into trouble with the law. By this time she had 4 children and a very loving husband that told her that he'll go to hell and back for her but what she is doing is killing her family. She went into therapy and asked me to join her, so I did. My heart ached for her after learning her history of her mental illness. I NEVER knew!!! I've also learned that she hated me for the longest time and if anyone was going to die, it would be me. She had many reason why she hated me but nothing concrete that would have drove her to kill me back then. She's 47 years old today and is still in treatment. She still have episodes but she recognize them and work through them. Her family are her biggest supporters, I am so grateful to them, more so her husband. Could she kill me? I believe so. To us it's an illness, but to her, it's real.😔
@Dee Sayers, I’m so sorry for your daughter and her mental health. But, I’m thankful she has such a strong support system. It’s wonderful you went to treatment with her to discover her thought patterns.
This young man did not get to this point without previously exhibiting psychopathic behavior. I have no doubt that he would have continued to kill if he had the opportunity.
People have lost sight of normal and abnormal behavior. Everything is dismissed with "all kids do it" and it's simply not true. No, all kids have not taken drugs or bullied others or have explosive tempers. Too many parents do not want to address the obvious warning signs. When it's too late, they lie and say nothing amiss ever happened and pretend to be totally blindsided.
He is not a bad person... he killed a cheerleader... they are barley people. Did you hear how dumb her family is... she never would have amounted to anything!
My heart breaks for both families that this monster has ruined. The grandmother was in the home all the time, so she picked up on her grandson's problems and where they came from. She would better serve this community by informing them of what she thought went wrong so that mental health professionals, teachers, parents, police etc. could glean some understanding and possibly be able to prevent another child from doing the same thing.
3/31/23: This woman is clearly and sincerely devastated. She spoke from her heart and, although her grandson committed the most unspeakable and heinous crime, and her knowing it, she pled for his life. Through her tears and breathless speech, she expressed countless times how much she’s praying for everyone else involved in this tragedy. Well, I’m praying for her, too, ‘cause she’s going through it and most likely will for quite some time. As for the grandson, IMO, he got off easy. It will serve him right to get a taste of his own medicine in some form or fashion in prison.
She’s not crying because of the victim’s 114 stab wounds , she’s crying because her “good kid” grandson is going to jail for murder. Women like this who live in denial shouldn’t be permitted to speak. She’s trying to make people feel sorry for him. The only person I feel sorry for is the person who had to endure 114 stab wounds and died terrified scratching him and trying to defend herself . I hope he never gets out of jail
My family experienced something similar to the girl the we healed simply because we forgave the family including the killer, it's hard really hard to forgive such but to move on, to heal from trauma and accept.... trust me there's no better way of healing than forgiving this is the saddest experience I know
My heart goes out to the grandmother 😓. She truly loves her grandson. She said Aidan was always a good kid,.Something must of triggered in his brain, the grandmother said when she saw Aidan in the news video reels ,she said she saw what seemed to be Aidan high on drugs, something triggered in his brain... there's no excuse for taking someones life! I feel there's more to this story, something triggered in Aidan's brain. Aidan was 14 at time of crime. He stabbed the victim 114 times, did the 14 have a symbolic meaning to him? Did he and the victim date? were they close friends???so many questions..... My heart goes out to the victims family😓
Two questions: 1. Why is a 13 year old girl out walking the streets at 1:15 in the morning? 2. How does anyone stab someone 49 times, get tried as an adult and NOT get sentenced to death?
Grandma's in shock & understandably so. Such a terrible, terrible, horrible thing from any angle. No way can they let him out. She & his family will have to visit him in the penn for the duration. At least he's there to visit, unlike what the Bailey's have to live with & what horrors he inflicted on Tristyn.
Wow! If the boys thought the house was haunted that should have been looked into. That’s real! Hearing voices is what schizophrenic behavior is. Also people with severe dementia hear. I bet there were signs & why didn’t his siblings know something was weird about him. A family in denial!
Definitely the kids saying house was haunted means there is demonic crud happening in the home + still is! People need to WAKE UP-Satan + his demons are very real. 📖 JESUS warns ⚠️ us that in the last days before HIS RETURN-Satan will cause an Increase of Evilness and 🇺🇸WE🇺🇸 are seeing this all over America in many cities. Horrible sadistic crimes are increasing by young children❗️ This 14yo boy was definitely influenced by demons~~114 stab wounds❗️ 📖 JOHN 3:16-✝️🙏🧎🏽🧎🏻♀️
My heart is breaking for this grandmother. When she spoke to the girl's family I loved her more. I put myself in her shoes.. It's hard to understand where it all went wrong when this is your flesh and blood. Be gentle with her please people. She isn't condoning his actions at all, knows he has to be punished.
This poor grandmother. She was so distraught and kept apologizing. It was not her fault. She said "we lost a child too", because her mind was reeling with so many complicated emotions. I can't hold that comment against her. She was truly sorry and could not account for why her grandchild did this. Prayers first and foremost to the family of the deceased child...but secondly to those in the other family who can't do anything to change the tragedy that happened by their family member.
This grandma right here reminds me of somebody that’s not living in the real world. She would never be able to admit that there was any problems whatsoever in her family. I know the type I’ve lived with it. I see it on her face. Total denial. But has the audacity to write in a letter. Please don’t take Aiden away from us. Boy that takes some nerve. I understand you love your grandchild, but your grandchild did something that was beyond hideous. It’s pure evil!
They should not have let this grandma speak. Frankly, no one cares how this impacts HIS family. It can’t be about him because he’s not the victim. He chose to do the crime. Now, do the time.
Grandma needs to face reality. That's not an innocent little boy on trial, it's a murderer. He chose to take a life senseless, his life is now forfeit.
He wasn't always a good kid. He didn't turn into a killer overnight. Parents and grands are always in denial. Maybe all this could have been avoided if she had really known the kid, steered him in the right direction and got him real help. If you really love him, you will want him to take responsibility for his actions. If a life is taken (especially on purpose), a life must be given.
We are sending lots of prayers going on for Stacy Bailey and her Family Lost of their Daughter Tristan Bailey in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen
She has a lot of nerve to address the family of the victim and says "we lost a family member too" I think that was disgusting! Fake tears and lots of nose rubbing. She seriously said " please don't put him away forever"????
Grandma I féel drawn to you. ,I,ve gogt 8 children 10 grand 8greatgrandchildren. I.ll be devastated if one of my children get into such a situation. I,l pray for your family family. Also for Aiden Only God can help him. Peace. Granny Sandra
Grandma shouldn't have used the courtroom to express HER grief over losing her grandson. Only the victim's families should have that right! I couldn't believe the audacity of her to compare their losses. Her daughter tried to cover up the crime and she tries to seek sympathy. Well, this trial is not about HER grief!
I love my family but I can promise you if any one of them stabbed an innocent young girl 114 times I would be pleading with the judge to lock them up for life.
gawd dam. Im a 33 yr old male and ive never cried watchn utube and this grandmas testimony made me tear up what a gawd damn shame for all invilved gawd damnit
I just cannot imagine the pain and suffering this poor grandmother and the rest of the Fuzzi family are feeling. This poor woman looks like she’s on the verge of collapse. Kudos to Mr. Bailey for asking the public to please not judge the Fuzzi family and to show them grace as they are suffering also.
Grandma got up there looking unstable , loaded, and disingenuous and it was hard to listen to her rant. Her testimony was probably worse for her grandson . I don’t doubt she feels guilty and sorry to the victim’s family but she does seem to be in denial with her letter. That woman would turn anyone into a psychopath. Talk about crazy.
I hate when people say "I lost my child too" when their kid is just going to prison and is still alive. That does not compare the other family whose child is dead. You can still visit and talk to your kid. The other family's child is dead and gone forever.
Agreed. She doesn't know when to stop.
Well but it's still her grandson. You love them unconditionally. She's obviously in pain.
@@Mataylor17 He is alive Isn’t he, If your child was killed that way, "slaughtered". Let him rot there, where he will not slaughter nobody’s child again.
@@Mataylor17 you’re exactly right! SHE didn’t commit this crime! Her grandson did, she loved him his whole life and never imagined he was capable of doing such a hateful act! Like she said….”I don’t know what happened”
Clearly something is badly wrong with Aiden and this beautiful girl Tristyn had to pay the price for his mental break! He evil act! It’s awful it’s an awful sick tragedy and I hate that it happened! My heart goes out to her family every second of every day! BUT I know Aidens family is struggling …so my heart goes out to them. ….
Same & none of them have any remorse for the victim & her family
Of course I feel the pain of this grandmother.But the monster she is crying for should never ever walk free at any time. He showed zero remorse for butchering that beautiful little girl and destroying so many lives.
That is still your grandson.
@@recycledfelines and Grandma can still visit her grandson but the grandma of that poor girl can’t do that.
@@jennifers8843 that does not take away the love of your grandson. Nobody is dismissing what he did
Monster and psychopath, lock him up, and lose the keys forever.🤮Yes, blame the drugs, always, He was so sick looking in the car, made me vomit, 🤢 Monster
As a grandmother my heart breaks for her, HOWEVER if it had been her grandson who was murdered she would feel differently
@@susivarga7303 Really....So? If she wants to use Caps Lock she can..
I’m sure she realizes that . I feel like that’s why she repeatedly said I’m srry to the fam:(
@@RBNnina Me too. I cant imagine.
I'm think she's aware of that..she said she was sorry with pain in her chest many times.
I think one of the worst things you can say to someone who’s child was murdered by your child is “we lost a child too you know?”.
Listening to EVERYTHING she said to the famoly would have strained your braincells right?
@@susivarga7303 honestly yes. I’ll never get how you defend a child murderer.
We have a good Christian family
It’s a loss but it’s not the same
Grandma is in denial. The grandkids never argued or fought.That is impossible .
Give her a break. It is too bad some people cannot recognize true sadness and remorse.
You are so right. All siblings have arguments and even fights. It is up to the parents to see that everything is not out of control. She cannot be telling the truth about that.
I agree with you, that happens in a make believe world
She's a LIAR
My kids didn’t fight much when they were younger. I wouldn’t lie about that. This is terrible on all fronts. Throwing stones at this grandmother isn’t going to help people feel better. She seems genuinely crushed that they have anything to do with this. But that is her grandson. And she is taking responsibility rather than running away, which we see a lot.
These two families will never be the same because of this senseless act.
Thanks for such a well thought out comment. None of us would have ever known this! Sheeesh!
@juint it doesn’t mean the parents don’t love or care about him. We don’t always know what our teenagers are thinking 100% of the time. They rarely tell their parents if they are having any bad issues or thoughts. So don’t say “who cares about his family “. I’m sure they wish this had never happened.
@juint , you will feel the wrath of your own words one day .
Absolutely correct
@@dikhurtz2406 thanks for such a well thought out response. None of us would have been less dunce without it. Sheesh!
Grandmother not getting it that her grandson is a psychopathic killer. He should never be able to walk free.
Look, your anger towards Aiden is understandable... but this woman is in pain, she's hurting & she didn't do the crime & she shouldn't bare any punishment or judgement for it.
@@Nate_Burreshe's not going to prison but he is
no, she gets it.
I understand, empathize, and respect, where this grandmother is coming from. She's advocating for her grandson, which any loving grandmother would do. In her heart she believes her grandson can be rehabilitated and has potential be a productive member of society one day.
HOWEVER, the rest of society doesn't have an emotional attachment to him, and therefore does not feel safe from him, and never will.
The fact is that he stabbed a young teenage girl over 100 times, has a history of bad behavior and anger issues, and jail records that he's been extorting and threatening other inmates. There's no evidence that he can be rehabilitated. His family and his attorneys are appealing to emotions.
I understand his family loves him but they're going to have to do it through prison because the rest of society deserves to never have to fear for their safety from him ever again.
Well said.
Yep, well said.
Truer words..thank you.
Completely agree
Facts over feelings.🫣
Her (very real) pain does not touch the suffering Tristan's family is suffering. However, she does have the right to feel her own pain, or be in denial, or blinded by her grandson. Who could imagine their child/ grandchild doing something like this.
Give grandma some grace. She did say she wouldn't say the right thing. I sure it's nerve-wracking to be on the stand. She did say she" lost" a child too and it's not the same but she's still has pain. She is in pain from what he did and has to live with the guilt of it being her family member for the rest of her life. Such a tragedy for all involved.
The grandmother was extremely nervous and I cannot even imagine what she feels like. She held that boy when he was born and has been around him up till he was 14yo.
However, to ignore the kids saying house was haunted is a BIG MISTAKE.
People need to realize that Satan + his demons are increasing with Evilness just as *******📖 JESUS said they would before HE Returns********
Maybe so, but that was not the audience to “share” her pain with. It is NOTHING compared to what Trystan’s family is feeling.
@@FLIPPER1439 I though that was really creepy about the house being haunted.
@@miked7304 I lived in a house that was occupied by the previous owner who had passed. Either you believe or you don't but it doesn't make it creepy. I believe in our Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Does that sound creepy?
@ Star D. I'm with you. She loves each of her family unconditionally. You can see the love, as well as the love and empathy she feels for the Baily family. Nobody wants to believe their child/grandchild would do such a heinous act. She's a Christian woman and obviously not a hateful woman who doesn't deserve the harsh remarks sent her way. She brought tears to my eyes just feeling her pain and sadness for her grandson, her family and the Baily family. She's left no one out.
If Aiden was such a good boy according to his grandma why were there 17 disciplinary incidents at one of schools he attended including threatening to throw a girl out of a window?
Exactly! And she claims to have lived with him through weekdays for years. 🤔
Good boys don’t think about murdering people to see what it is like. Denial is real.
no one is good, everyone has sinned and fallen short of God's Glory, no matter how good, sweet or kind you may think you are, but you're not good or righteous. no one is, but Jesus Loves you and doesn't want anyone to Perish.❤ Repent and put your Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.❤
@End Times Are upon us No, a very bad liar.
@@LiloGebadi Please, no Jesus. I refuse to have someone else take responsibility for my actions. Finding a scapegoat is highly immoral.
It’s not the grandmas fault but she is also trying to paint some great family which I don’t believe. I hate when ppl say I lost a child too bc it completely devalues the victims family. I’m sorry ma’am but you can still see your grandson. So not even close to the same. He was not brutally killed Trystan was. The more you say Christian family the less I believe it. Aiden doesn’t deserve to be with his family. He killed somebody just bc you wanted too.
She did the best she could. She is in an awful spot that I wish on no-one.
It was probably demons that were in the house. You can feel evil in some houses.
@@stephanietribuna7173 I understand that but to make it sound like everything was just perfect does not help the case bc rarely is there a perfect family. Obviously something was going on. It sounds as if she s in denial. I mean her daughter was obviously not a great person if she’s trying to cover her sons behavior. Give me a break. I’m not saying anything about the grandma other than don’t come in trying to say everyone was great and Christian.
@@SouthernMimi2 I feel exactly the same. I feel for her, but they have not lost Aiden. They can visit, call, email. It’s not the same at all. Plus we know Fucci was thrown out schools, suspended for threatening to throw a girl out the window. That might sound outlandish, but sadly we know the heinous crime he went on to commit. The good Christian thing isn’t washing with me either. Still, I do feel for her, it’s a terrible situation to be in, but not the same as Tristyn’s family are going through 💚
@@OneLove101. 💯
I feel horrible for this grandmother. People do horrible things and drag their families into their mess, have people mad at the family, and judging them for what their child has done. Aiden has impacted two families greatly.
I agree, she is so very broken of how her family is portrayed.
It was her grandson who committed this violent horrific crime.
I feel for her.
So true she didn't ask him to do this it's a nightmare for her she still is a grandmother have mercy for her..
The apple never falls far from the tree.
@@jsmum196 But based on the families background, the father is the tree.
@@jsmum196 This is so not true.
This is so dark. I feel bad for the grandparents and the sisters and brothers. This kid ruined his family and the victims family 😢😢😢😢
We can only imagine how difficult that was for her. God be with her and her family
Keep your “god” to yourself
Imagine how hard it is for the innocent girl and her family
@@Dove.Love. ofcourse...they come first but this woman is innocent too
I do feel sorry for this grandmother. However my heart goes out to Stacy Bailey Tristyn's mother. During her speech she had me bawling..
i can’t imagine what it was like for her mom, that pain will be with her forever, as for his grandma i think her pain will be with her forever too but it’s just obviously a different kind of pain
Her Mom is broken 💔
I feel like all she wanted to say was “I’m sorry”
She is hurting so badly for their family and it’s sad that she feels more for them than Aiden does!!!
A Christian family.. Thou shall not kill.. Mom tried to cover up what he did.. I feel bad for this Grandma but he took a life..her family misses there daughter nothing will be the same for either families..but you will know he's alive an there's some comfort in that..Tristan's family does not have that,there memories are of her suffering and being stabbed 114 times.. RIP Tristan❤
And knowing that this happened only 11 minutes away from their house.
I can't imagine the pain,fear & suffering that this 13 year old,Trystin felt.
Prayers for strength & peace for Trystin's family. Trystin was robbed of a future & her family was robbed of getting to see her grow & succeed & do all of the things that teens & adults do. There is no justice in this case that can equal taking a life. Life without the chance of parole is the closest that they can get for what Aiden did to Trystin. Prayers for Aiden's family. At least he's still living,but his decision has forever devastated two families.
Mental Health! Drugs drinking & Cyber Games! We really need change with Mental Health! I pray everyday for it, my 33 year old daughter struggles from it as well! To the person who says she has no tears, us mothers sometimes sometimes cry so much we run out of tears! Watching our children struggle with mental illness hurts so bad, our hands are tied! If we can somehow tackle these young kids getting them away from the drugs and alcohol, so many are slipping through the system’s cracks with mental illness and being put on the wrong medicines or not being put on none or being put on medicine when they don’t need to be put on medicine and then evaluated and watched over until there on the right medicine. We need change! All the violent games on the internet, it’s almost like all these crazy acts in the United States almost play out like the violent games out there on the internet! 🙏
@@Thelittlethings22 you're blaming drugs,alcohol, mental health issues, video games...for Aiden actions. Its none of that. Hes evil and heartless.
@@lilyrrichard236exactly. There are too many people who do ALL of those things and do not end up stabbing people to death…
It’s Aidan alone.
You don’t have to be christian. Human will do. 114 stab wounds. Out of nowhere? I don’t ever want this kid walking free. He gave up his life with this unimaginable act.
Many things about AF that he is just not aware yet, the joys of life. He will never again fall in love, go on vacation, find a career, cuddle a puppy or kitten, go out to a fabulous dinner, see a play, go to a concert, go on a cruise, romantic nights, drive a car, get his own place, never have children, never have a fun night out with his friends, never sleep in, never go to a museum, never go camping, never go to Disneyland, never go to where he dreams about. That will be his punishment. He will live a life of mundane, boring, loud clanking sounds, drab colors, surrounded by evil people, uncomfortable beds, lousy food, no privacy, he will be held unable to do what he wants to do, waiting for his angel of death to gather him and take him to Hell.
Wow, Lisa. What a statement❤
Wow wow wow
Aiden deserves to be locked away but he is not beyond God's grace and mercy.
And when he turns 18 years old and goes to the adult general population, he has new worries.
@@sarahruffin2051 right… ouch
Has to be an elephant in the room/family secret no one is talking about. Hence, why all this happened in the first place. Whatever happened to that boy growing up needs to be uncovered, to learn from it....Somebody is omitting/lying about some stuff.
That poor ( grandmother ) mom too, how do you defend your child who you love so dear who took another child’s life!? I can not imagine that feeling & would never want to!
But you can sit in judgement and make ignorant statements.... god you are dumb!
Who ever left a reply on my comment, I can’t see it so that means your blocked & your I’m sure part of the cyber stalking I’ve been dealing with! That’s why your blocked! Please stop cyber stalking me & my family!
@@Thelittlethings22 This person seems like the type to make a fake rape allegation biggest overreaction to a comment EVER!
No one cares about you or your family! Stop making comments for attention it is sad!
I absolutely don't believe her when she said that their family don't fight and argue. She is in total denial.
Oh yeah it was strange she said that !! What family is happy 24/7 and never argue ? Especially teenagers!!!
Jason Fucci spent time in prison for child abuse.
She could be truthful. It seems like Tristan Bailey’s family thought she was. Not fighting and arguing doesn’t mean there is no conflict. To me when families don’t talk about issues or avoid conflict, it signals pent up rage.
She seems like such a loving grandma bless her heart she’s hurtin bad I’m praying for her and everyone involved 😢
Look up that families criminal history.
@@breephoenix111 You give us the link.
@@D_e_n_i_s_e_B do some research don't expect everything to just be handed to you. Jason Fucci has been in prison.
@@D_e_n_i_s_e_B use some manners ffs 🙄 "You give us the link", you got fingers go to google and type.
@@breephoenix111 I saw it. Maybe the dad passed down some mental issues to his son.
What an unfortunate comment "we lost a child too", no lady you did not "lose" a child to murder or stabbed 114 times by some little monster, YOUR child chose to be in this position, their's didn't.
I feel bad for the families of murderers, as hard as it is to come to terms with the fact your grandson is a monster please do not compare your "pain" to the family of the victim. Key word VICTIM.
Specially after the monster's mother tampered with evidence!
You all should be ashamed, not telling people how much you miss him...
I mean, technically, she did lose her grandkid she had absolutely no idea what kind of monster he was and she feels like she completely lost the person she thought he was. that’s a loss..
She did lose a kid...the child she knew died the moment he started stabbing the other child.
I’m sure she’s very aware
She speaks from her heart. She feels more than what her daughter and son multiplied by 100 feel.
You can't just turn off love like a light switch. So my heart does go out to his family as well. Yes, what Adin did was horrible and he should stay in jail for the rest of his life. To murder someone with a knife is way too personal. He very well could have been the next Green River killer or BTK. I hope we never have to find out.
I agree, on all of it.
I agree. F aiden but his family didn’t tell him or make him do it. I don’t think it’s right to blame them, I do wonder if there were any signs that he was troubled
You are absolutely right! Aiden would have been a psycho serial killer if he hadn't been caught. He is a POS and a unfeeling animal
Yes technology is what stopped him from doing anymore.....if there was surveillance like that back in the 70's n 80's then alot of lives would of been spared.
@@Pickle2222 Had to have been. With the way he did it - stabbed 100x? Dude must have been in a rage. So sad.
I don’t believe this boy never show sign’s aggressive behavior before
He has… all through school.
I read about that. How can the grandmother not know any of that if she claims to stay with the family through weekdays for years? Surely the grandmother and the parents know that the accused was troubled.
He did , they just didn’t pay any attention until he murdered
There are always signs you just ignored it like many parents and family members do.
You blame HER for this? Get a life.
@@stephanietribuna7173 I'm sure she's not blaming Grandma but let's be real, they're always signs and sadly this family missed them.
You’re so right and I know that because I’ve studied child psychology and early development in children . Some parents doesn’t realise their behaviour can sometimes lead to serious problems later on in their children’s lives .
Yes, also, denial is a powerful subconscious coping mechanism that people don’t even realize is happening. We rationalize and file away behaviors in other people that we can’t even begin to bring ourselves to really look at, acknowledge and accept. It’s common with many people in many different types of relationships. Hindsight is always 20/20 and we can only judge others as much as we hoped to also be judged.
It is always the worst parents who blame others!!!
This whole case is tragic. when someone makes the choice to take someone’s life it’s not just the victim who is destroyed it destroys so many more lives. My prayers to both families ❤️
This lady has so much heart to get on the stand, none of this is her fault and you can see she is heartbroken over this... a few things she says, I don't agree with but all in all she truly loves her family and the only true emotion I've seen out of this monster is when her testimony is over. Regardless, her grandson is a massive POS that needs to get LWOP... she has other grandchildren to give her love to, she should focus on them now... RIP Tristyn and God bless and comfort the Bailey family..
This poor woman. She can't help what her grandson evolved into. I feel for her.
She's totally in denial. Especially when she talk about her daughter. She is not a good mum or person. Even about her grandson. She says he never got in troubles. And it's quite the opposite. I mean, she seems sincerely broken, but it's right to be clear about these things.
She's not a poor woman. They should raise there children better. Children aren't born like that.
@@frankiet7911 Do you know them? Why isn't Aiden mom a good mom?
@@tommymack4372 its an xy thing
@@frankiet7911 look at you ooh Miss judgemental don't know crap but feel you know her over a video you just watched!!🙄..People like you are all a joke!! Get real girlfriend
Aiden, is a monster and monster need to be locked up for the rest of his life. Aiden, has stabbed the beautiful life until there was no life in her and many times .
Question to you (Western geniuses). at his age (14) when he committed the crime..Was he brain developed and did he have the mental capability to consent for sex? .. or do you just decide he is a brainless child when it comes to sex and an adult when it comes to crime? GENIUSES
The disheveled toy room in the house is a metaphor for the disorganized minds of this family.
It looks like just moved in I seen lots of boxes or maybe storage 🤔
My thoughts exactly
So very sad for these families ☹️ may they all find peace and forgiveness in their hearts, no one can ever tell how your kid will turn out. 🙏🙏🙏
Truth,i agree
And this comment is not found very often in situations like this that I've seen and I try to watch a lot of court sessions. Some teen killers came from good families while teen school shooters however more likely didn't and I don't understand that.
Every single one of Aiden’s friends testified that he was obsessed with violence and he felt that his parents didn’t care for him or spend time with him. There were signs he was an evil kid and neither one of his parents gave him guidance or discipline.
@@alexandrabug19 “Good families” is such a subjective term. The way society defines it (as a nuclear family with a nice house and good income) is not necessarily what it takes to actually be a good family. Parents who are present, tuned-in, emotionally available and communicative with each other and their children is how I define a good family. That’s often not what you find in families that society deems “good.” Just my two cents. 💰
@@alexandrabug19 No, I don’t agree, not all teens. They are always red flags, and the family don’t want to see, or they are too busy to see, may the families find peace, with a los, of their loved ones, however don’t let Fucci out ever, never.
Jesus people, it's disgusting how you're coming after her, she's his grandmother, she isn't responsible for his behavior, and of course she is devastated and wants to protect him. He deserves everything he gets, but it's only human for her perception to be colored by her relationship to him. You all need to grow up.
she does come across as credible or convincing, dont like it too bad
It takes a village and if they were such a close family then yes she’s got a part of his upbringing.
@@theresaquinn-george451 wow! To blame the grandparent of his actions is disgusting. Shes devastated for what he did. She clearly can't comprehend where it went wrong. Your comment is irrelevant.
@@cara5430I agree it’s not grandma’s fault she still though she knew her grandson and she feels as bad as anyone about what he did. You can plainly see she feels Shame and guilt over the poor girls death. And wishes she had done something differently to stop it from having happened.
"we are a large Christian family" as if thats an excuse for murder. she is gross. their entire family is twisted
My heart goes out to the victim and her family first. Now this grandma is heart sick and I know a lot of people are raging at her because she said the kids didn't fight and she lost him too. I just want everyone to remember, this is her recollection at this time. Give her time to come to terms with all this. Now her daughter (Aiden's mom)! Her trying to cover up for her son is completely unacceptable!! What was she even thinking?!?! She was NOT protecting him, she was harming him by not reporting what she found and getting him help!! You don't help your kids by hiding their crimes.
I can understand his mother though, that's her son. Her baby of course it was wrong but I'm sure it was so shocking to her and she just did t want her son gone
It’s a weird and cruel thing when people go after relatives of a criminal or murderer. They tormented the parents of Casey Anthony end,essay, people are quite horrible. Wrong time and place to say “we lost a child too” although it’s true. But she’s a decent lady,
I honor parents who can walk their child up to the police station when they’ve done something wrong. It’s teaching them to be accountable. Not enabling them to then do a worse crime next time. They enabled their child with each run in with the law. Now it wound up with murder.
I honor parents who can walk their child up to the police station when they’ve done something wrong. It’s teaching them to be accountable. Not enabling them to then do a worse crime next time. They enabled their child with each run in with the law. Now it wound up with murder.
Well said
It is evident this grandmother felt great remorse for the loss of the parent's loss of their daughter. She loves her grandson but understands he must be punished by imprisonment. My heart goes out to both families for the pain they are living with.
*the parents' loss
@@January. happy with yourself ? Not. Everybody is a native speaker!
@@celineleeuwe1206 Thanks for sharing your interest in education and enlightenment.
@@January. TROLL ! Keep hiding behind your pseudonym. Probably you're bullying people since childhood. Get a life !
My heart breaks for both families! This Grandmother is devastated by her grandsons actions but she is also very embarrassed. She wants ppl to know she has a good family despite what her grandson has done. Yes she could have kept her comment out about she’s also loss a child as well. I don’t believe she meant to be insensitive by saying it! Grandma don’t apologize, you haven’t caused this to happen. You just have to recognize he’s sitting over there in his chair with NO REMORSE ON HIS FACE!
I can't imagine going through this on either side. It's absolutely horrific. Two families destroyed
To be fair Aiden destroyed them he'll never get empathy for it either
@@joshuachadwick9762 nothing is "fair"
@@lulajohns1883 got that right
She’s lying the best friend said he came from a neglectful dysfunctional home.
He looked every bit neglected emotionally and psychologically . He was left to his own devices from a young age and he simply got bored . Killing an innocent young lady was exciting for him to brag about . He felt like he had accomplished something . It was the kill for him. Thank goodness he was caught early before he had the chance to do it again .
@@Ther3rg omg chilling and sinister.
@@goldenage6994 the truth of a senseless murderer is usually sinister and chilling .
His Father was accused in January 2003 of child abuse, injury, and neglect. That same year, in October, he was also arrested for engaging in sexual activity with a 15-year-old girl at his home. The guy is a pedophile.
Exactly. People are ignoring that testimony. His parents probably felt burdened by him.
I just can't wrap my head around how many times he stabbed the young girl. You just don't wake up one morning and do something this horrendous. His family is either in denial or have their own disturbing issues. My heart goes out to Tristyn's family and friends. How do you move on after such a cold blooded murder on your child? Praying for strength. God bless all of you 💔🙏😢😊
Why would he do that what did she do to him
@Tony Steele um literally nothing?? He had told his girlfriend & friends prior that he dreamed of killing someone & would find someone to stab in the woods... he just picked her....
Some people are just born evil ! It doesn’t have to be the family all families have issues and it appears that he had a quite normal household
@@beetiti All babies are born innocent.
During the stabbing he was getting adrenaline rushes-exactly what he was hoping for and that makes him DANGEROUS!!
I totally understand where this grandmother is coming from. We have a very special loved one who had just turned 18 when he was speed racing and hit a church van. He was in a very old car. A teenage girl in that van was killed. Our loved one pled guilty and received a 20 year prison sentence. He has served 5 years and we miss him every day. We love him with all of our hearts. That being said, we understand he took a life and is serving time for her death. It’s a tough situation. We were in court when that young girl’s family gave their final words before sentencing. They were so distraught and I cried with them. They are a beautiful family. God bless them.
I’m sure your loved one didn’t mean to crash into that van and kill that person. Aiden planned to kill Tristyn and stabbed her 114 times. No remorse of empathy shown either.
G. Joseph he was speed racing and knew the consequences of doing so should something happen. He made a bad choice knowing that speed racing cool kill or harm others.
@End Times Are upon us I never said he shouldn't have been punished. But there is a big difference between a violent attack such as what Aiden Fucci inflicted on Tristyn and a stupid decision or accident. We all make mistakes that may have dire or tragic consequences, but no one accidentally stabs someone 114 times. Be for real with yourself.
@End Times Are upon us I'm not about to go back and forth with you about MY opinion, especially since you seem to lack reading comprehension skills and have gone completely off topic with rants. Have a blessed day and stay out of trouble.
Perhaps the Community should keep an eye on Aidens siblings just in case Aiden is not the only sibling who likes to kill other people...
Truth because if they all Christians and perfect then it will happen again.R.i.p. Trystan
The mother washed the clothes because she knows her son is potentially dangerous. There’s no other reason. Her mindset was ‘if no one finds out it never really happened and we don’t have to face it’ she has probably covered his tracks many many times. I have a MIL exactly like her unfortunately. All that matters is how things look from the outside no matter how much harm is being done just hide it.
When I heard the grandmother say Aiden was supposed to be with his brother that night but ‘didn’t make it he was still with his friend’ I knew no one had control of the boy. He called his own shots.
Unsupervised kids lead to the unthinkable!!!
The young girl 13yo who he stabbed was out past “””” 1:00AM”””” SAD, but WHY didn’t parents have more control of their daughter.
@@FLIPPER1439 I understand what you are saying, but I think a good majority of us did stupid things as teens. Only difference was we were fortunate enough not to end up with a psycho.
@@FLIPPER1439 did you never sneak out of the house as a teenage without your parents knowing? I’m 1000% certain her parents had no idea she had left the house at 12-1 because they were in bed and she did it in a quiet sneaky manner. Her parents are no where to blame in this a sick 14 year old boy eh isn’t mentally right in the mind is! Have you not seen there story she was a wonderful girl who’s parents were very involved just because she snuck out with out anyone knowing doesn’t mean they weren’t involved! You need to start thinking about what you say before you say it because your statement is nothing but ignorance!! How sad for you to say something like that about this situation!! Shame on you
She snuck out. They didn’t know she was gone and it wasn’t typical behavior for her. He lured her out.
Your sweet daughter tried to cover up the bloody evidence
SHE is not responsible!
That makes her a good mother!
@@stephanietribuna7173 she not responsible but she’s up there trying to paint a picture of a happy Christian family . Never heard anything about going to church or anything about family values .
@@stephanietribuna7173 shut up and learn how to read!!! I didn’t blame her. Stop projecting and raise your kids better!
@@K.Adamsan that’s enabling behaviour! Clearly she ignored his bad behaviour in school
The grandmother praying for the judge not to take her grandson out of her family's life forever made me feel bad on one hand, but on the other hand Aiden took Tristyn out of her family's life forever so an eye for an eye.
No way,she's making it seem like he's a good kid never does Anything wrong,trying to blame it on the drugs,come on now this kids is damaged goods.
Oh, she’s a great mom! She’d do anything for her children. Including wash the blood of their murder victim off of their clothes, like any good mother would.
I agree. That is what a good mother would do!
The mother literally rinsed the blood out of the jeans and tried to hide it. She’s probably enabled his bullying his entire life.
My niece dated a guy the whole family felt uneasy about, he was very controlling and nobody liked him. Fast forward she goes to college and drops him. He would hang out around a fast food joint, one day asked a young girl if she needed a ride home. She was beaten, SA and left. About 6 years later he abducted a girl on a college campus, she was SA, beaten and her corpse violated. Florida police arrested him, he was sentenced to death. Fact is, he was a monster at 17. Stayed on death row until about 9 years ago the finally the put him to death. After all that and he created a scene being strapped down, yelling and saying “you are murdering me”. Coward. Good riddance, society doesn’t need people like that walking the earth.
9 years for death sentence?? Thank god I live in a country where they have strong death penalty laws for killers, rapists and drug dealers. We have almost zero crime rates
@@earthynomad7160 that guy was on death row for 20 years before he was executed. Thousands of taxpayer dollars spent. He was a sadistic degenerate.
I think something has went seriously wrong with this kid in puberty I think that's when the crazy in people seems to mature and becomes uncontrollable almost. I still find it hard to believe he went from nothing to stabbing his friend 114 times. Its just insane. Though he seems to be yet another narcissist.
You are right about the hormones. Lots of kids change in a big way when those hormones kick in, in ways they never displayed before.
This teen murderer was never nowhere near being a normal kid. Did you see his school‘s dean‘s testimony? He had impulse control issues and violent outbursts, he had to have weekly (!) appointments with that dean, was on in school suspension 17 times and once even threatened to throw a female classmate out of the window.
And it was stated he had already improved, compared with the behaviourial issues he displayed in his previous school. This kid was a system crasher all over and obviously never ever underwent any kind of counseling, apart from that school dean‘s appointments.
This kid is totally mental and shouldn’t have bern let loose on other defenseless teenagers.
The girl was not his friend she was an associates . he liked her but she did not like him
He's a psychopath and that is inborn.He cannot be rehabilitated and no amount of good parenting can change this.The judge stated this in his sentencing.
Shows how the actions of one person can affect so many. So sad. This grandmother is going through a different kind of Hell from the victim's family.
I cringed when she mentioned the religion. I have met many bad Christians. I don’t think the religion can define a person.
Not all Christians are bad 😔
It made me cringe too because it doesn't matter if they (the family) are Christians. Aiden obviously is NOT.
True Christians are God fearing
This is so hard on grandparents too. My mother had a really hard time understanding what happened to my nephew, her grandson, when he went to prison for a violent act but the rest of the family had seen the violent tendencies from early childhood. He was very good to his grandmother, visiting often and helping her with home maintenance which gave her a different sense of reality as he became a teenager.
Lady your grandson is a Monster, a real life Michael Myers
At least the grandmother didn't get up there and say, he didn't do this act. I commend her for that. So many times, the defendant's family members get up there and excuse the perpetrators actions. She did not do this. She simply said she doesn't know or understand what happened to him. I feel sorry for the grandmother too. In her mind and heart, she has experienced a loss.
This woman is up there to try to protect her grandchild. She could care less about that other family … literally crying with no tears. I love when people like this all of a sudden claim their Christian this kid is evil plain and simple. He boasted about it after he killed her he has been posting about it in jail. EVIL
That’s rubbish, she was very remorseful to the victims family
Please don't blame the grandmother for the evil act of her grandson. She love him but not in anyway condoning his action.
I’m crying with and for this grandma. The entire situation is tragic!
This poor woman is his grandmother, not his mother. Grandmother didn't raise this boy, his mother did. Grandma's heartbroken, for the loss of her dreams for her grandchild. Don't blame her. She is suffering too.
There is truly no proper words to say, whatever you feel is what you feel,despite the actions of others we love who we love. This grandma is truly hurting for both families and that is a heavy burden to carry. It is clear the family who lost their little girl deserves justice for her. None of these people will be the same after this. Hopefully this tragedy will have a light at the end of the tunnel. Peace and blessings for comfort to all affected by this loss.
Feel so sorry for both of these families, my heart hurts for the little girls parents & all of her loved ones.. my gosh it really doesn't get any worse than this..😢😢😢
I'm sory but if a family member of mine murders an innocent person for NO REASON, I'd disown them. I'd not even want to see them, I'd feel so sick
My heart goes out to his grandmother, but regardless of his ADHD is no excuse for murder.
He knew right from wrong & preplan taking that girls life. Stabbing a person 114 times was just pour evil rage & jealousy.
ADHD is the new excuse being used for much all terrible behavior! I’ve never heard the words ADHD, my anxiety or my OCD so much in my life . Adults are throwing the words around for all types of their own problems and now kids are doing the same!
I agree with you
@thesunmoon8885 yes mental health is being used as the excuse to get away with doing wrong and as a away to minimize wrong...summon the empathy and sympathy dick riflders
@thesunmoon8885 yes mental health is being used as the excuse to get away with doing wrong and as a away to minimize wrong...summon the empathy and sympathy dick riflders
@thesunmoon8885 yes mental health is being used as the excuse to get away with doing wrong and as a away to minimize wrong...summon the empathy and sympathy dick riflders
my heart breaks for all involved, Horrific,just devastating
I feel so bad for the family and this women. I think she is truly very remorseful.
She didn’t make excuses she laid it all on him and is shocked at the event .
My oldest daughter, as an adult was diagnosed with Bipolar and while under treatment her psychiatrist learned that she was young when she displayed signs of a mental illness. I did not see it until the psychiatrist had me attend some of her treatments. Reflecting back now I can see the changes in her behavior when she was 9-10 years old. It got worst when she was 14-15 years old. She took to drink and progressed to meth. When she got married and found out she was pregnant she gave up all substance till today, and according to her psychiatrist the substance had affected her to a level she was not able to function without medication. Depression, manic episodes, a behavior that got her into trouble with the law. By this time she had 4 children and a very loving husband that told her that he'll go to hell and back for her but what she is doing is killing her family. She went into therapy and asked me to join her, so I did. My heart ached for her after learning her history of her mental illness. I NEVER knew!!! I've also learned that she hated me for the longest time and if anyone was going to die, it would be me. She had many reason why she hated me but nothing concrete that would have drove her to kill me back then. She's 47 years old today and is still in treatment. She still have episodes but she recognize them and work through them. Her family are her biggest supporters, I am so grateful to them, more so her husband. Could she kill me? I believe so. To us it's an illness, but to her, it's real.😔
@Dee Sayers, I’m so sorry for your daughter and her mental health. But, I’m thankful she has such a strong support system. It’s wonderful you went to treatment with her to discover her thought patterns.
So grateful to you for sharing your story. This perspective needs to be heard.
Thank you for sharing your story!!!
@DeeSayers This is not about you or your daughter, sorry you feel the need to vent here!! Get a psychologist!!!
@@pamavery9352 Wow. Your comment is a perfect example of projection if ever there was one. You are the one who should get treatment.
Really ? No bad in his family? What about his father being a SO?
This young man did not get to this point without previously exhibiting psychopathic behavior. I have no doubt that he would have continued to kill if he had the opportunity.
People have lost sight of normal and abnormal behavior. Everything is dismissed with "all kids do it" and it's simply not true. No, all kids have not taken drugs or bullied others or have explosive tempers. Too many parents do not want to address the obvious warning signs. When it's too late, they lie and say nothing amiss ever happened and pretend to be totally blindsided.
He is not a bad person... he killed a cheerleader... they are barley people. Did you hear how dumb her family is... she never would have amounted to anything!
My heart breaks for both families that this monster has ruined.
The grandmother was in the home all the time, so she picked up on her grandson's problems and where they came from. She would better serve this community by informing them of what she thought went wrong so that mental health professionals, teachers, parents, police etc. could glean some understanding and possibly be able to prevent another child from doing the same thing.
3/31/23: This woman is clearly and sincerely devastated. She spoke from her heart and, although her grandson committed the most unspeakable and heinous crime, and her knowing it, she pled for his life. Through her tears and breathless speech, she expressed countless times how much she’s praying for everyone else involved in this tragedy. Well, I’m praying for her, too, ‘cause she’s going through it and most likely will for quite some time. As for the grandson, IMO, he got off easy. It will serve him right to get a taste of his own medicine in some form or fashion in prison.
She’s not crying because of the victim’s 114 stab wounds , she’s crying because her “good kid” grandson is going to jail for murder. Women like this who live in denial shouldn’t be permitted to speak. She’s trying to make people feel sorry for him. The only person I feel sorry for is the person who had to endure 114 stab wounds and died terrified scratching him and trying to defend herself . I hope he never gets out of jail
My family experienced something similar to the girl the we healed simply because we forgave the family including the killer, it's hard really hard to forgive such but to move on, to heal from trauma and accept.... trust me there's no better way of healing than forgiving this is the saddest experience I know
My heart goes out to the grandmother 😓. She truly loves her grandson. She said Aidan was always a good kid,.Something must of triggered in his brain, the grandmother said when she saw Aidan in the news video reels ,she said she saw what seemed to be Aidan high on drugs, something triggered in his brain... there's no excuse for taking someones life! I feel there's more to this story, something triggered in Aidan's brain. Aidan was 14 at time of crime. He stabbed the victim 114 times, did the 14 have a symbolic meaning to him? Did he and the victim date? were they close friends???so many questions.....
My heart goes out to the victims family😓
Two questions: 1. Why is a 13 year old girl out walking the streets at 1:15 in the morning? 2. How does anyone stab someone 49 times, get tried as an adult and NOT get sentenced to death?
You are right , you are very smart person
She was stabbed 114 times. 😢
@@judys37 why would he do something like this 🥺
According to Grandma, everything was just wonderful
Perfect kids, No drama - i know shes hurting but for crying out loud STOP
Grandma's in shock & understandably so. Such a terrible, terrible, horrible thing from any angle. No way can they let him out. She & his family will have to visit him in the penn for the duration. At least he's there to visit, unlike what the Bailey's have to live with & what horrors he inflicted on Tristyn.
Wow! If the boys thought the house was haunted that should have been looked into. That’s real! Hearing voices is what schizophrenic behavior is. Also people with severe dementia hear. I bet there were signs & why didn’t his siblings know something was weird about him. A family in denial!
He’s not schizophrenic. He’s a faker.
What he IS is a psychopath.
@@mischaraine1645 no…. Call the Fourman brothers…. Their pretty amazing,
@@mischaraine1645 or maybe its a sign of a mental illness. Hearing voices can be. They just thought it was ghosts.
Definitely the kids saying house was haunted means there is demonic crud happening in the home + still is!
People need to WAKE UP-Satan + his demons are very real.
📖 JESUS warns ⚠️ us that in the last days before HIS RETURN-Satan will cause an Increase of Evilness and 🇺🇸WE🇺🇸 are seeing this all over America in many cities. Horrible sadistic crimes are increasing by young children❗️
This 14yo boy was definitely influenced by demons~~114 stab wounds❗️
📖 JOHN 3:16-✝️🙏🧎🏽🧎🏻♀️
My grandson is a healthy kind soul....thank you god. I'm so grateful that my children and grandchildren are good people.
@@angelous7774 Cindy and Ronnie Watts said the same thing about their son Chris watts 🤦🏽♀️ !
Count your blessings don’t flaunt it 🤦🏽♀️
@@angelous7774good point
@@Ther3rgYelp they did
My heart is breaking for this grandmother. When she spoke to the girl's family I loved her more. I put myself in her shoes.. It's hard to understand where it all went wrong when this is your flesh and blood. Be gentle with her please people. She isn't condoning his actions at all, knows he has to be punished.
you said my exact thoughts!
I agree 100%
I don't give a damn sorry. My heart breaks for poor Tristan who did nothing to deserve that fate.
@@truth4004 amen!
This poor grandmother. She was so distraught and kept apologizing. It was not her fault. She said "we lost a child too", because her mind was reeling with so many complicated emotions. I can't hold that comment against her. She was truly sorry and could not account for why her grandchild did this. Prayers first and foremost to the family of the deceased child...but secondly to those in the other family who can't do anything to change the tragedy that happened by their family member.
I feel like she shouldn’t have thrown the word Christian so casually like that the actions of the mom and son says a lot
Lulubzad2803, Are they really Christian???
This grandma right here reminds me of somebody that’s not living in the real world. She would never be able to admit that there was any problems whatsoever in her family. I know the type I’ve lived with it. I see it on her face. Total denial. But has the audacity to write in a letter. Please don’t take Aiden away from us. Boy that takes some nerve. I understand you love your grandchild, but your grandchild did something that was beyond hideous. It’s pure evil!
They should not have let this grandma speak. Frankly, no one cares how this impacts HIS family. It can’t be about him because he’s not the victim. He chose to do the crime. Now, do the time.
Grandma needs to face reality.
That's not an innocent little boy on trial, it's a murderer.
He chose to take a life senseless, his life is now forfeit.
He wasn't always a good kid. He didn't turn into a killer overnight. Parents and grands are always in denial. Maybe all this could have been avoided if she had really known the kid, steered him in the right direction and got him real help. If you really love him, you will want him to take responsibility for his actions. If a life is taken (especially on purpose), a life must be given.
We are sending lots of prayers going on for Stacy Bailey and her Family Lost of their Daughter Tristan Bailey in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
She has a lot of nerve to address the family of the victim and says "we lost a family member too" I think that was disgusting! Fake tears and lots of nose rubbing. She seriously said " please don't put him away forever"????
Grandma I féel drawn to you. ,I,ve gogt 8 children 10 grand 8greatgrandchildren. I.ll be devastated if one of my children get into such a situation. I,l pray for your family family. Also for Aiden Only God can help him. Peace. Granny Sandra
Wow her tears reminds me of Alex Murdauch.. Gone in 5 seconds 🤣🤣
Imagine how angry you must be to stab someone 100 times! The public definitely not safe from this maniac.
Grandma shouldn't have used the courtroom to express HER grief over losing her grandson. Only the victim's families should have that right! I couldn't believe the audacity of her to compare their losses. Her daughter tried to cover up the crime and she tries to seek sympathy. Well, this trial is not about HER grief!
I love my family but I can promise you if any one of them stabbed an innocent young girl 114 times I would be pleading with the judge to lock them up for life.
Nothing that this women can say will ever bring peace to Tristan’s family …absolutely nothing!
gawd dam. Im a 33 yr old male and ive never cried watchn utube and this grandmas testimony made me tear up
what a gawd damn shame for all invilved gawd damnit
Bless her broken heart
As a nana myself this is awful I’m sorry I would not be up there unless absolutely necessary cause this grandson is a monster and a murder
How dare her say that she has lost anything!!! I’m sure she makes sure he has all the little goodies he can get. She should be ashamed of herself!
I just cannot imagine the pain and suffering this poor grandmother and the rest of the Fuzzi family are feeling. This poor woman looks like she’s on the verge of collapse.
Kudos to Mr. Bailey for asking the public to please not judge the Fuzzi family and to show them grace as they are suffering also.
Grandma got up there looking unstable , loaded, and disingenuous and it was hard to listen to her rant. Her testimony was probably worse for her grandson . I don’t doubt she feels guilty and sorry to the victim’s family but she does seem to be in denial with her letter. That woman would turn anyone into a psychopath. Talk about crazy.
How can she go on about we lost someone to,him she can literally visit but yet tristyans family won’t ever have that chance again to see her grow up
We can tell she’s heartbroken. I feel for her.
he must have been high. to stab someone that many times, you arm would get tired. either so much hatred or on drugs!