再别康桥 徐志摩 Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again by Xu Zhi Mo [English lyrics]

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024
  • 《再别康桥》是中国现代诗人徐志摩的诗作,是新月派诗歌的代表作。此诗以离别康桥时感情起伏为线索,抒发了对康桥依依惜别的深情。全诗语言轻盈柔和,形式精巧圆熟,诗人用虚实相间的手法,描绘了一幅幅流动的画面,构成了一处处美妙的意境,细致入微地将诗人对康桥的爱恋,对往昔生活的怀念,对眼前的无可奈何的离愁,表现得真挚、浓郁、隽永,是徐志摩诗歌中的绝唱。
    另外,新版《再别康桥》链接: • 【徐志摩图片AI视频】新版 再别康桥 徐志摩... (添加了徐志摩图片AI唱歌视频)
    "Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again" is a poem by Xu Zhimo, a modern Chinese poet, and is a representative work of the Crescent Moon Poets. The poem traces the emotional fluctuations of parting from Cambridge, expressing deep affection and a reluctant farewell to the place. The language throughout the poem is light and gentle, the form exquisite and mature. The poet uses surreal and real techniques to depict a series of flowing images, creating wonderful scenes. It meticulously conveys the poet's love for Cambridge, his nostalgia for the past life, and the helpless sorrow of the present farewell. The poem is an enduring masterpiece among Xu Zhimo's works.

ความคิดเห็น • 2

  • @鄭惠娥-s1p
    @鄭惠娥-s1p 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    這不是原音 太難聽了

    • @huayuge1024
      @huayuge1024  3 หลายเดือนก่อน
