Uh..... Nunchaku are pretty useless. Unless you count fractured elbows, on YOUR arms, as a plus!! Is that guy Korean ? He sounds like he is. But uh....yeah,......wow. So retro cool. Wow. BTW who is the white girl ?
Any weapon in a untrained hand is useless. Nunchaku are close quarter self defence weapons. While they aren't as deadly as an edge weapon and lack the reach of a bo staff. They are quite effective in highly trained hands.
Stefan, she is Charlene Houghton, the daughter of a famous Southern style Hung Kuen kung-fu instructor in Hong Kong. Also, student of famous Kung-fu instructor, kung-fu movie director and action choreographer Lau Ka Leung (RIP). Charlene's traditional kung-fu is excellent and full of action. You can find videos of her kung-fu on You Tube. She is well respected in Hong Kong as she was born and raised there.
謝謝你的教學。本人也練習了10年雙節棍,棍法大致上是自己摸索鑽研出來和參考外面一些朋友。可是本人並不認同部份玩家的主要握棍方式。若純粹以實戰的角度,本人認為雙節棍的手握棍位置並不能在頭部(近鏈)位置,而是應該握在棍中央或接近尾部位置,這樣才能發揮出最大的攻擊力度(想像一條鞭用最高速度發出的力)和更遠的攻擊距離。也許手握棍頭部位置的方式可以做出較多的花式動作,若純粹用作華麗表演或做出更多動作作為運動段練是可以的。 (阿力 - 一個香港的忠實玩家)
本人也練習超過十年,我同意閣下的說法。 參考日本空手道雙節棍法,佢地大致有兩款,一長一短,長的用作名器/短作暗器,前者以打擊對手為目的;後者以鎖鏈圈頸取命為目的。 某程度,如當表現玩花式為目的,你可以點樣持棍也無妨;實戰向,基本上套路不必太多,練到發勁收勁,操控靈活比花式更理想。 少少分享,有錯見諒。
話人握棍方法吾 你識條鐵咩 你自學㗎 扮天才
You can't get better than this to get started with Nunchaku. This video shows us an excellent teacher and an excellent student.
Love Charlene as host, a trained person with full understanding.
Excellent travail
I love Nunchaku 😍
@@孤獨的飛鹰 me too
More feet please
I don't
Uh..... Nunchaku are pretty useless. Unless you count fractured elbows, on YOUR arms, as a plus!! Is that guy Korean ? He sounds like he is. But uh....yeah,......wow. So retro cool. Wow.
BTW who is the white girl ?
Any weapon in a untrained hand is useless. Nunchaku are close quarter self defence weapons. While they aren't as deadly as an edge weapon and lack the reach of a bo staff. They are quite effective in highly trained hands.
Stefan, she is Charlene Houghton, the daughter of a famous Southern style Hung Kuen kung-fu instructor in Hong Kong. Also, student of famous Kung-fu instructor, kung-fu movie director and action choreographer Lau Ka Leung (RIP). Charlene's traditional kung-fu is excellent and full of action. You can find videos of her kung-fu on You Tube. She is well respected in Hong Kong as she was born and raised there.
Is the mellowest of the chains. Chains are pretty hard to master, one of their main benefits is that they are portable.