thanks for watching ✨ don't forget to watch my another video as well 👉 BrightWin Touchy Moment (skinship) luvs ☀️🐰
I do watch all the videos of BrightWin every day, weather it's real or reel 😍 just want to say thank you for that video 😍😍 I love it ❤ "may gañan plng ganap nuon" 😄
I've been searching for this vid for so long and bright was so gentleman here, when he used his jacket to cover him and win from the rain that is so romantic and boyfie-ish ❤
Wow I was looking this clip and realize how handsome was win and how much weight he has lost to do the series... if you look carefully some of the other BL actors checking him out .... Hahaha bright got lot to protect ....
In this time they hadn't started shooting the serie, but seriously I already feel the chemistry between them, definitely they're soulmates and the fate brought them in the right time. You can see since day one bright was protecting win 😭 I wish the best for brightwin 🤍💚
Bright es tan sobreprotector con Win, es tan dulce con él en la seriedad como en la realidad. Amoresssss.Gracias por hermoso vídeo. Karina de Montevideo Uruguay
I like Win’s body pre weight loss he looked strong and manly. It suited his height better. But I like his face shape now more, he also looks cuter with his current hairstyle.
I never did find that Bright was real comfortable with Win. I can understand that not all straight actors can find that magic to make viewers believe they have a fondness for each other. Mother nature has blessed them both with looks and vitality.
plot twist: actually Krist Perawat crushed on Bright, as you can see when Bright crossed to line up he stared at Bright but pretended that he look at his fans and finally end up standing beside Bright at the end, thats why we can see there is no video interaction between Win and Krist until now cause he want to close to Bright.. 😅
byun chan oh really? what he said? i only see he talk about win live at lunchlive under gmmtv, he said that Win cooked the mee to long because maybe usually his maid always cook for him inside his mansion. he Sound like he diss Win.. hahahaha
byun chan yesss i know it, do you noticed that i started my comment with ‘plot twist’? im just continue twisting the plot 😅😅😅 but actually Win and Krist not really close, Win once said that he close to Singto than Krist. But not sure now.
thanks for watching ✨
don't forget to watch my another video as well 👉 BrightWin Touchy Moment (skinship)
luvs ☀️🐰
I do watch all the videos of BrightWin every day, weather it's real or reel 😍 just want to say thank you for that video 😍😍 I love it ❤ "may gañan plng ganap nuon" 😄
Win you’re real definition of positive vibes because of your smile. You have turned Bright into you. Look at him now!! More smile and cheerful!!
Ikr 😭😭😭
Beautiful comment
Win must win❤✌🏻
Very romantic moment for brightwin under the pouring rain. The sweetest and cutest couple. ⚽️💘
Thanks for the likes brightwin family.😆
Its raining
Lol.. we never get snow here.. its raining
To think their first meeting is already a kdrama 😍
I've been searching for this vid for so long and bright was so gentleman here, when he used his jacket to cover him and win from the rain that is so romantic and boyfie-ish ❤
Me too ♥️
Well played universe. Even nature doing there duties in bringing Brightwin together 💓
So true💯
U can say that,its was raining coz heaven sent them d sign of blessing them....
it's amazing now how win changed to bright now he smiles more he is more sociable and he looks happier
They will never forget this. Under the rain. So romantic.
Wow I was looking this clip and realize how handsome was win and how much weight he has lost to do the series... if you look carefully some of the other BL actors checking him out .... Hahaha bright got lot to protect ....
I saw that too! No wonder !
Win has lots of fanboys
Time stamp pplssss
Win looks better without bangs, his eyebrows give him an innocent aura
they both look great together .win smile is so adorable
Their handsomeness stood out the most even back then, how come it took 7 years for Bright t get noticed? It’s beyond me.
why that moment Bright shading Win from rain reminds me a scene in many kdrama series 🤣♥️
Win looked manly in that body-built. Now, he's too cute!
Win smile is everything.cute cute mo tine
now i know why bri said that win is so tiny like a mouse, even at that moment win’s body was bigger than bri’s but he can be put in bri’s shell 😂
That's moment of them looks really admirable 😍😍😍
They're still a bit awkward here but look at them now, BrightWin 💞
🥺🥺💜ikr rn they look so adorable ,cant wait for season 2!
In this time they hadn't started shooting the serie, but seriously I already feel the chemistry between them, definitely they're soulmates and the fate brought them in the right time.
You can see since day one bright was protecting win 😭
I wish the best for brightwin 🤍💚
U nailed it!!!
Win is so Korean looking omg he is so damn good looking
Agree can't take my eyes off him.
Look how other actors checking out Bright and Win. Specially Win👀
The rain poured as blessings in disguise ❤️❤️
So true God let it rain to Bless them both coz theyre truly both kind hearted genuine people...
Thank You for share this beautiful memories with us ☀️🐰🇹🇭🥰we love BrightWin
Win is life ❤️
For some reasons they look like babies in 2019 and then 2020
oh god I love them so much😍
win is so even more cute before lose weight
Rain just played cupid here ❤️
😻 look at this love 🥰 miss 🦊🐰💞 happy everydays thanks last year and your team's news first love 🤗💖✌️
Its was raining wow thtats a great sign that theyre Blessed,a matched made in heaven!!!🙏👍👌🤌🤟👏💯💥🐰💙💚💘💜😘🥰🤩
They are so cute together 😍😍😚
win is just so cute
Essa foi a chuva abençoado do sucesso de brightwin 😍😍
Yes so true rain is a sign of great blessings!!!
ขอบคุณมากๆ ค่ะที่ทำคลิปนี้ให้ดู..เราตามหาโมเม้นท์ไบร์ทวินงานของช้างมานานมากเลย..ดูคลิปอื่นๆ จะเห็นภาพนิ่งที่พี่ไบร์ทเอาเสื้อคลุมหัวให้น้องวินแค่รูปเดียวเอง..และจะมีภาพเคลื่อนไหวก็ตอนวินเซลฟี่คู่กะไบร์ท....วันนี้พึ่งได้ดูเต็มๆ สมใจเลยค่ะ
Bright es tan sobreprotector con Win, es tan dulce con él en la seriedad como en la realidad. Amoresssss.Gracias por hermoso vídeo. Karina de Montevideo Uruguay
Thank you for compilation video how romantic using B' jacket as umberella BrightWin under the rain so sweet ❤
P/s: B only smile when Win beside him👀
Win is really damn hot when he has that body now his thin i find him cute and adorable 😘❤💖
I bet Win is still awkward at that moment 😳❤
ang saya ng mukha ni metawin☺
my baby bunny is versa 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Brights visuals are really top notch
Yes, I'm just wondering how it took a long time before he get the fame
❤️🐰🐺 Thank you for everything that brought me. Once you meet Bright-Win ❤️
I really did search for this when i see someone post it on tiktok but incomplete. Now it made my day thank you so much
...super duper cute the bunos😊😘
@ BW รักกัน ตลอดไปนะ อย่าทำร้ายกัน ผมเห็นคุณรักกัน ผมน้ำตาคลอเบ้า ทุกครั้ง รักที่สุด ทั้งสองคน นะ
I like Win’s body pre weight loss he looked strong and manly. It suited his height better. But I like his face shape now more, he also looks cuter with his current hairstyle.
ขอบคุณที่หาภาพมาให้ดูหาดูอยู่พอดีเลยค่ะขอบคุณมากๆค่ะ ฟ้าสั่งให้เค้าสองคนมาเจอกันจริงๆๆค่ะ มันดีต่อชีวิตมันดีกับหัวใจจริงๆๆๆ
Que lindas emociones causa esta pareja💓💓💓
i have to save this, this is really 😭❤️
Wht a sweet video😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 i love u bright and win
I never did find that Bright was real comfortable with Win. I can understand that not all straight actors can find that magic to make viewers believe they have a fondness for each other. Mother nature has blessed them both with looks and vitality.
I'm kinda sad after reading this :((
But everything is different now, look at their interviews. They look more comfortable with each other
@@richard1616 Yes yes and the way bright looks/stares at win during interviews, etc. is just killing me😳😂 they're so cute😭💕
Beautifull couple Tine e Sarawat
Bright looks so much cuter with chubbier cheeks
Must love Nong Win bc rich, handsome and clean.
Bright is naturally handsome
So sweet
Bruh, im sorry but win deadass looked like the top back then😂
He is still now though 😏😏 i am still with my top!Win agenda 😏 When its BrightWin its winTop, but when its SarawaTine, its sarawaTop.
He said he prefers winbright not brightwin if you know what i mean
I read somewhere their roles switched, Win as sarawat would've been fine too 😄 sorry if y'all knew about this, im late to this party. Love them
There's no such thing as looking like a top tho
Rain on their first meet💜💚
Perfect Tandem ❤️
Thank you for sharing kub ❤️
I watch the ori video and that is Sooo sweet. But u Made it sweeter💚 thxu
hope you like it ❤
plz where was the original video
@@maythuag I found it all on Twitter, really long time ago. so I can't identify the owner's video, sorry 😭
1:04 can't believe that BrightWin is taller than PolCa
Omg what a real life kdrama this is the best 😮
Ohhh so sweet☺☺
Eles têm uma boa conexão juntos admiro o trabalho deles,,, DEUS abençoe vocês DOIS..🙌❤
Both are cute☺
But among all of them Tay's smile just caught my attention ❤️ Today's his birthday also
HBD na P'Tay❤️
Well his birthday this year is coming again
หลังจากที่เขาได้เจอกันที่สนามบอลเขาก็ได้เป็นผัวเมียกันอะเเม่ 5555ฟิน
Bright has an intimidating aura ngl
Hmmm so sweet😇
They are tallest in group picture🥺🙈
I watched this video four different times
First after I watched 2gether then sotus then dbk lol
Lo estoy viendo exactamente un año después, i can´t believe. 28/8/2020
that is some K-drama moment lmao.
Win rambut baru jadi tambah manis hahaha
They are sooo cute
I dont know why but i feel like i wanna cry🥺
The holding of jacket above the head was started by #leetay at 1:38 🥰🥰😂😂
They r so cute😺❤️
plot twist: actually Krist Perawat crushed on Bright, as you can see when Bright crossed to line up he stared at Bright but pretended that he look at his fans and finally end up standing beside Bright at the end, thats why we can see there is no video interaction between Win and Krist until now cause he want to close to Bright.. 😅
There is one tho🤣. Krist talks about win and how rich he is in a vlive🙈
byun chan oh really? what he said? i only see he talk about win live at lunchlive under gmmtv, he said that Win cooked the mee to long because maybe usually his maid always cook for him inside his mansion. he Sound like he diss Win.. hahahaha
@@crisnsr1017 he joked that. Obviously he would joke about someone who he is close to. Everyone are close in gmmtv family😌😀. All are good friends 😼
byun chan yesss i know it, do you noticed that i started my comment with ‘plot twist’? im just continue twisting the plot 😅😅😅 but actually Win and Krist not really close, Win once said that he close to Singto than Krist. But not sure now.
wow! good plot twist, never thought about that 😂👍
so cutee!!
win dr awal dah keliatan pamornya...❤❤❤❤❤
so cute..
Bright face is so flat when they took wefie LMAO... But now, he's the most excited one
#BrightisBoyfriendMaterial 😍
at 4:18 when P'Krist walked away!😍
i mean: how 😍
Walaupun vidio lama msh tetep dilihat trs
0:39 Krist looking at Bright 😎
Winbright já se conhecem a um bom tempo, são fofos os dois 😍👨❤️👨🙏
The first legend couple meets
Good old days
Frankly speaking taylee took some of my attention 😁😁
В. Моменте с дождём все прикрывали своих малышей😂
Both are looking young then😂❤