Ly Tieu que bom a quele Sr lhe enprestou ou deu essa casa para vc e seu filho morar, pq na quela cabana com a chuva ìa molhar tudo, ai nesta casa é bem mehor, Deus abeçoe vc e filho❤❤❤Brasil 🇧🇷
Hello, mom and son You need to go back to that old house and get Some more. boards and fix the back of your house and the side where the tarp is by the door and take it down and put some boards up there.
Great job mama ! Keep your house safe from thieves ! That’s good you put the lock !
Ly Tieu que bom a quele Sr lhe enprestou ou deu essa casa para vc e seu filho morar, pq na quela cabana com a chuva ìa molhar tudo, ai nesta casa é bem mehor, Deus abeçoe vc e filho❤❤❤Brasil 🇧🇷
Здравствуйте мама и малыш, вам этот дом отдали или на время поселили, здоровья вам и пусть все будет хорошо, удачи, хороших новостей🙋🏡🧒❤️❤️❤️
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Hello, mom and son You need to go back to that old house and get Some more. boards and fix the back of your house and the side where the tarp is by the door and take it down and put some boards up there.