Yoonji was on her way to win this whole openstyle session until Waackxxxy came. She literally defeated a locker and a hiphop dancer mercilessly, but her biggest rival is her twin. I really think Yoonji could've win all if Waackxxxy wasn't here. Waackxxxy is just a beast in open style and if I'm a battler, I would avoid her at any cost lmao
i enjoy these two very much. imo they've transcended waacking and made it something identifiable to their own style. i honestly rather see them do ota's instead of waacking competitions. they just hear music differently and express it a whole other way
왁킹댄서중에 프리스타일에서 상위권에 갈수 있는 왁커는 왁씨 윤지 해준님정도일것같은데 그중에서도 왁씨님은 테크닉과 파워가 워낙 압도적이라 왁킹 대결이라면 모를까 이런 류의 배틀에서는 같은 왁킹계열 댄서가 왁씨님을 꺾긴 쉽지 않아보이더라고요. 두분은 팀배틀도 자주 하고 해서 친하시던데 천하의 천재왁커 윤지님도 프리스타일에서만큼은 왁씨님의 벽 을 넘기가 녹녹치 않네요. 두분다 정말 잘 추셔서 눈호강했습니다 이번에도.
I've been a fan with these dancers after watching Street Wonan Fighter 2. That show was fire and i expected the winner would be between Jam and Bebe but in terms of 1v1 battle Manequeen (Yonji, Waxxxy and Cera) are the beast.
Yoonji is a better performer & maybe betterat waacking But waackxxy is better battler especially all style She’s masterfull with developed style that’s only hers
@@RiRi-ku6xzthis what I think too! Pure waacking, I think Yoonji takes it. She does her poses with so much charisma and is a master showman, which is a plus for waacking's drama. Open style is definitely Waackxxxy's territory.
스우파로 알게 됐는데 배틀에선 진짜 수준이 다르긴하네 ㅋㅋㅋ 다른 출연자들 귀엽게 보일듯
또 만났다 전설의 그녀들.
I LOVE those two. F*cking fantastic every time
Yoonji was on her way to win this whole openstyle session until Waackxxxy came. She literally defeated a locker and a hiphop dancer mercilessly, but her biggest rival is her twin. I really think Yoonji could've win all if Waackxxxy wasn't here. Waackxxxy is just a beast in open style and if I'm a battler, I would avoid her at any cost lmao
Wait are Yoonji and Waackxxxy twins?
@@Wa-keTranNo, they work as a team
I think they continue to challenge each other to get better which is why they battle one another
@@Wa-keTranW is 30, Y is 27 so no lol
When they dance against each other we are the ones who win!!!
1:18 yoonji J 🔥🔥🔥🔥😭😭😭😭👍👍
2:25 WAACKXXY 🔥 ❤️
These two are indestructible at this point!
This girls are dance Goddess 😍
i enjoy these two very much. imo they've transcended waacking and made it something identifiable to their own style. i honestly rather see them do ota's instead of waacking competitions. they just hear music differently and express it a whole other way
둘이 팀이라는게 너무 든든하다.
조만간 또 배틀대회 나가서 큰거 한방 터뜨릴듯!!
둘이 만날 때 선곡도 너무 좋고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 첫번째 노래 나오자마자 소름이 … 왜냐 둘이 너무 잘할거아니까ㅠㅠㅠ 최고양 마네퀸❤❤❤
i love them both 🔥🔥
super crazy and funny battle, LOVE IT
윤지님 마지막곡은 왁시님 보고 그냥 진짜 재밌게 추자는 생각으로 즐겁게 추신듯 ㅜㅠ 진짜 멋있다…윤지님도 윤지님이지만 여기서는 왁시님이 진짜 개멋있었다…
0:25 왁씨 미쳤다
붙었다..싸워죽지못한안달난 여자 두명
이 둘이 한팀이라는게 말이 안됨 ㅋㅋㅋ 내 맘속 우승자는 마네퀸! 둘 다 넘 사랑해요ㅠㅠ
❤ super dziewczyny ❤❤❤❤
Waackxxxy and Yoonji from MANNEQUEEN on street woman fighter 2 !!
They devoured
둘이 너무 자주 만나
그래서 좋아
같이춤출때 진짜행복해보여
0:28 WAACKXXY 🔥 🔥🔥😵😵😵😵🥵🥵🥵
진짜 루틴 마무리는 이 씬 영상들중에 역대급인거같네요 이걸 이제야 봤다니 이걸 직관을 못했다니 현생사는 제가 너무 미워집니다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
So fun. Love them.
왁씨 윤지 개좋아. 둘배틀은 누가이기든 지든 나한테는 의미가없다 둘춤을 본다는 자체가 그저행복하다구 설레이는 마음으로 왁씨윤지 배틀영상 역주행하면서 스우파 기다리고 있다구 왁씨 윤지 사랑합니다❤❤❤
They are sooooo going to kill it in SWF 2
이 배틀 너무 재밌당 ㅠㅜ
한국에서는 왁윤이 힙합댄서들보다 팝을 더 잘함 ㅋㅋㅋ
4:26 ICONS!!!!!!🤩😍
누가 이겨도 절대 부정할수없는배틀
Both off the best in the world❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
왁킹댄서중에 프리스타일에서 상위권에 갈수 있는 왁커는 왁씨 윤지 해준님정도일것같은데
그중에서도 왁씨님은 테크닉과 파워가 워낙 압도적이라 왁킹 대결이라면 모를까 이런 류의
배틀에서는 같은 왁킹계열 댄서가 왁씨님을 꺾긴 쉽지 않아보이더라고요. 두분은 팀배틀도
자주 하고 해서 친하시던데 천하의 천재왁커 윤지님도 프리스타일에서만큼은 왁씨님의 벽
을 넘기가 녹녹치 않네요. 두분다 정말 잘 추셔서 눈호강했습니다 이번에도.
Wow waacxyy defeated yoon ji 3x straight now amazing. I hope ibuki fights waacxyy again, it will be a great battle 100% 😮😮😮
Duo legend 😭 nobody can beat them duo 💛
These dancers are absolutely incredible!! Can't believe they both aren't world famous. Well done Korea :) greetings from germany xxx
일대일 배틀에서 루틴 보여주기 있냐구.. 감동이라구..
I'm not really into waacking when it comes to freestyle, but these 2 make it look fun. 😂
윤지 왁씨 레전드 영상……💛배틀영상이 많으니까 입덕하고 너무 즐거움
배틀 맞냨ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 친밀도로는 윤지 꼭 왁씨가 풀어놓은 투견 같은뎈ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
귀하다 귀해
대진운: 저는 항상 이 집이 맛집이더라구요...
1:16 윤지 크럼프도 잘해 미쳤다
너무멋있어진짜 ㅜㅜ 근데 윤지언니 상의 정보좀 알려주라...존멋
그래도 난 윤지!!
편들아 할머니 목 다 쉬었다... 할머니는 아이돌 만나도 이렇게 소리 안 질러...
여윽시 표현력 남달라 윤지 느님
호우 쇼맨십 미쳤네 ㅋㅋㅋ
마네퀸들 사랑해!!!!
그치 춤은 이케 춰야지 두분 마지막 피날레 같아 너무너문 좋음
my peanut as judge
I've been a fan with these dancers after watching Street Wonan Fighter 2. That show was fire and i expected the winner would be between Jam and Bebe but in terms of 1v1 battle Manequeen (Yonji, Waxxxy and Cera) are the beast.
Can we have the name of the musics please ?
واااو لما رقصوا مع بعض جتني قشعريرة
피넛 리액션 보는맛에 더 자주온다 ㅋㅋㅋ
왁윤은 여기서도 만나네ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
In my opinion Yoonji is a better dancer and performer. But both are insane.
Yoonji is a better performer & maybe betterat waacking
But waackxxy is better battler especially all style
She’s masterfull with developed style that’s only hers
@@RiRi-ku6xzthis what I think too! Pure waacking, I think Yoonji takes it. She does her poses with so much charisma and is a master showman, which is a plus for waacking's drama. Open style is definitely Waackxxxy's territory.
Bwesit Wackxy!!! HAHHAAHA
is yoonji krumping? (correct me if im wrong)
She is usually waacking, but here at the beginning of the first round she was krumping
I'm sorry but I was watching whole time at the back green jacket guy
He's Giseok from Bank Two Brothers (if you still still didn't know) he competed in SMF
첫 번째 배틀 노래 이름 아시는분?
imma be인 것 같아용
@@최현준-w6b 감사합니다!!!!!!
first song?
I wanna know same
@@ormsinkii4502imma be 2 remix
스텝보소 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 씹 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ