Pretty blown away by how much I enjoyed playing this game. A few points I didn't really cover in the video or unintentionally left a little vague: 1.) The game is *very* short, like 10 hours short. I think this works perfectly though because the point seems to be to push players into other difficulties. 2.) I must reiterate that Deuce's translation was used as a base; Xseed absolutely made necessary changes and added more flair to certain characters. 3.) The voice acting really only has a few weak spots. I really enjoyed almost all of the townsfolk and Dogi specifically. Thanks, guys! My next review will be the first Suikoden.
Ten or so years ago i played my first Ys and it was Ys Seven. It touched me so deeply that i spent past months playing all Ys games available for me. I was really moved with the stories all of them and can't appreciate developers enough for creating such an amazing games As always another high level review here! Thanks!
you should try nayuta if you haven't already. it's basically an ys game with a different title and characters. for me personally it was better than any ys game i've played. i really only played ys 7 and 8 so far, but those seem to be the most popular. not sure if nayuta has an official english translation, i played on psp emulator with a fan translation and to me the translation was just as good as the official translations in the series. for me ys 8 combat felt more button mashy, with the occasional attempt for a perfect dodge, something about the combat in nayuta felt more strategic and satisfying. also nayuta is very long and has a great story and characters.
@@miorioff i got the english patched version on c d r o m a n c e. i've gotten a ton of english patched games there, including the 2 crossbell games in the trails series. anyhow if you love ys i'm certain you'll love nayuta.
Amazing video as always! Ys is one of my favorite jrpg series of all time (with Lacrimosa of Dana and Memories of Celceta being my personal highlights) and having more people come into the franchise is always appreciated, especially considering the relatively higher popularity of the Trails series. The worldbuilding has always been insane and getting rid of the bump combat made the game a hella lot more fluid, I've always found that Ys games tend to have some of the most satisfying gameplay loops of any jrpg (with the constant gathering and upgrading) as well as some of the best bosses ever due to having patterns that are super fun to figure out. Glad you enjoyed it! Cant wait for the Suikoden review
I'm not very good at these types of games, but I always wanted to play them. I've tried a couple of them but again I'm not good at these types of games and struggle a lot.
I've only played YS SEVEN, Memories Of Celceta, Lacrimosa Of Dana and the PC Engine version of this game and it has always confused me as to why people are so critical of YS SEVEN's inclusion of a party system, claiming that it ruined YS and that Oath In Felghana is the best while everything after SEVEN is a boring, mediocre slog. How does having more characters make an experience worse? Why is Oath In Felghana better because it only has 1 character? What can Adol do in this game that he can't do in any of the newer ones? That's what boggles my mind. The only way you can possibly make the game better with a single character is if you made it into a full on 3D Beat Em Up like Devil May Cry and added tonnes more flexibility to that single character to allow for so many more possibilities and much more experimentation. I just don't see that with this game based on what I've seen. This leads me to believe that what attracts people to Oath In Felghana isn't the combat mechanics themselves but rather just the brutal nature of the game's difficulty and the fact that it has other elements like puzzles and platforming. I get the impression that people looked at YS SEVEN and considered it to be a dumbed down YS game because you can just switch party members on the fly making it easier than just relying on a single character. It's the same reason why people hated Castlevania Symphony Of The Night, because it's so much easier and more accessible, therefore dumbed down for newcomers, whereas the platformers were brutally hard. Playing YS 3 on the PC Engine literally feels like I am playing Castlevania Rondo Of Blood but worse in the sense that there are no sub weapons, just a sword to swing around madly and pray that I jump high enough to hit the boss/avoid the bosses' attacks. So I take it that Oath In Felghana is pretty much going to be that type of game, an unforgiving, brutally difficult experience that people praise because it has polished mechanics and gives them that Dark Souls sensation of "This game is kicking my ass, I love it!" and I don't really know if I want that. Sounds like a game for someone who values mastery more than anything else. I'll have to try it out anyways and see for myself what the fuss about this game is all about, I know it's on sale on steam right now but I'd rather get it on GOG (since DRM free) when it's on sale there. I appreciate your honesty though, at least I know going into it that the game is going to be hard, I think that helps me get mentally prepared for these types of games because that way I know what I'm getting into. I think a lot of game reviewers need to acknowledge difficulty more as it is a very important thing to consider when buying a game because after finishing God Hand, I made a point to never play a "hard" game ever again since as good as that game is, it was a miserable experience for me due to the fact that it was so physically and mentally draining to play, that and frustrating too. Guess I'll have to go back on my word.
I'm actually *really* excited to try Ys 7. Like the addition of party members is exactly what piqued that interest. It'll certainly be the next Ys title I review.
@@HighLevelReviews I enjoyed YS SEVEN quite a bit, it has a few cool little touches that set itself apart from other games such as the ability for Adol to fight with greatswords and rapiers as opposed to his standard long sword. The fact that you can play as Dogi is pretty awesome too. I dunno about Oath In Felghana but I know that YS SEVEN plays like the Seiken Densetsu games but way better. You get to build up sp to use special attacks and there's also a limit break esque attack that you can use too. I also like how the game shows Adol as a more experienced adventurer in SEVEN and not just this random wonderboy, he has a legacy and the game acknowledges it. I also like his rival Geis who apparently appeared in YS VI because he's the yang to Adol's ying, he's cynical and edgy compared to Adol's goody goody attitude, made for a good mix, I really hope that they keep Geis as a recurring character. Adol, Dogi and Geis make one hell of a team. People hate it because they say that it's a generic action RPG like Star Ocean, Tales and Seiken Densetsu but why is that a problem? it still controls very smoothly and has that same fast paced hack n slash gameplay that you talked about in Oath In Felghana so I don't see the issue, having multiple characters just seems better to me. The soundtrack is also really good too, I mean it's nothing like the synth heavy PC Engine soundtrack for YS 3 but there's some really catchy songs. I'd argue that Mother Earth Altago is just as energetic and catchy as The Boy's Got Wings in its own way... and that's no small statement considering how amazing that song is in the PC Engine version. That's one thing that cannot be denied about these games, the music is generally solid throughout.
IMO the Y's games were better before you had dumb AI party members tagging along for the ride..... which is why I don't like the newer games in the series.
sure the ai might not be the best but it does not affect the gameplay at all, if ur blaming party members that means you are playing like trash. The party members are meant for switching and that's all
you'd probably love nayuta them. personally i think nayuta is better than any ys game, it's basically ys with a different title and different characters. you only control one characters but there are a lot of moves and depth. you got a fairy tagging along to shoot magic but you control when she uses it. not sure if there's an official english translation, but the fan translation on the psp version is perfectly done imo. i played it on my phone with ppsspp and a ps4 controller and loved it. was never able to get into ys as much as i got into that game. i'm far into ys 8 right now and i'm enjoying it, but i had more fun with nayuta.
I hate when people talk about that challenge is rewarding or fair. Dude, if is too hard, is not rewarding, is frustrating and not fair. By the sound of it, you said this game is way too hard, and by no means is good, according to yourself, without the sugarcoating like ''is rewarding and fair''
What are you talking about lol. Overcoming a challenge is inherently rewarding especially when a game is fair with how it introduces its challenges and provides the means to tackle them. I even admitted that I'm *not* good at action rpgs and so naturally, any challenge included would be that much harder...for me. I simply did not claim that this game was too hard. Don't put words in my mouth to support your claim.
Pretty blown away by how much I enjoyed playing this game. A few points I didn't really cover in the video or unintentionally left a little vague:
1.) The game is *very* short, like 10 hours short. I think this works perfectly though because the point seems to be to push players into other difficulties.
2.) I must reiterate that Deuce's translation was used as a base; Xseed absolutely made necessary changes and added more flair to certain characters.
3.) The voice acting really only has a few weak spots. I really enjoyed almost all of the townsfolk and Dogi specifically.
Thanks, guys! My next review will be the first Suikoden.
Ten or so years ago i played my first Ys and it was Ys Seven. It touched me so deeply that i spent past months playing all Ys games available for me. I was really moved with the stories all of them and can't appreciate developers enough for creating such an amazing games
As always another high level review here! Thanks!
you should try nayuta if you haven't already. it's basically an ys game with a different title and characters. for me personally it was better than any ys game i've played. i really only played ys 7 and 8 so far, but those seem to be the most popular. not sure if nayuta has an official english translation, i played on psp emulator with a fan translation and to me the translation was just as good as the official translations in the series. for me ys 8 combat felt more button mashy, with the occasional attempt for a perfect dodge, something about the combat in nayuta felt more strategic and satisfying. also nayuta is very long and has a great story and characters.
@@Jack_80 thank you I will give it a try!
@@miorioff i got the english patched version on c d r o m a n c e. i've gotten a ton of english patched games there, including the 2 crossbell games in the trails series. anyhow if you love ys i'm certain you'll love nayuta.
Amazing video as always! Ys is one of my favorite jrpg series of all time (with Lacrimosa of Dana and Memories of Celceta being my personal highlights) and having more people come into the franchise is always appreciated, especially considering the relatively higher popularity of the Trails series. The worldbuilding has always been insane and getting rid of the bump combat made the game a hella lot more fluid, I've always found that Ys games tend to have some of the most satisfying gameplay loops of any jrpg (with the constant gathering and upgrading) as well as some of the best bosses ever due to having patterns that are super fun to figure out. Glad you enjoyed it! Cant wait for the Suikoden review
Another incredible review!!! ❤❤❤
Nice, I still have mine complete in box.
Well now I wish I wasn't so invested into this season of Path of Exile, because this is definitely gonna be the next game I pick up.
I'm not very good at these types of games, but I always wanted to play them. I've tried a couple of them but again I'm not good at these types of games and struggle a lot.
Same was case with me but later I played others & I found out this game is very grindy that's why I was dying alot
I wanted to ask. Will you eventually cover newer games. Like ps3/ps4 era?
For sure but I'll be honest, it'll probably be a long time before I stsrt dipping into those (might cover dq11, ff15, and p5 sooner though).
@@HighLevelReviews nice, would love to see your take on resonance of fate one day
I've only played YS SEVEN, Memories Of Celceta, Lacrimosa Of Dana and the PC Engine version of this game and it has always confused me as to why people are so critical of YS SEVEN's inclusion of a party system, claiming that it ruined YS and that Oath In Felghana is the best while everything after SEVEN is a boring, mediocre slog.
How does having more characters make an experience worse? Why is Oath In Felghana better because it only has 1 character? What can Adol do in this game that he can't do in any of the newer ones? That's what boggles my mind.
The only way you can possibly make the game better with a single character is if you made it into a full on 3D Beat Em Up like Devil May Cry and added tonnes more flexibility to that single character to allow for so many more possibilities and much more experimentation. I just don't see that with this game based on what I've seen.
This leads me to believe that what attracts people to Oath In Felghana isn't the combat mechanics themselves but rather just the brutal nature of the game's difficulty and the fact that it has other elements like puzzles and platforming.
I get the impression that people looked at YS SEVEN and considered it to be a dumbed down YS game because you can just switch party members on the fly making it easier than just relying on a single character.
It's the same reason why people hated Castlevania Symphony Of The Night, because it's so much easier and more accessible, therefore dumbed down for newcomers, whereas the platformers were brutally hard.
Playing YS 3 on the PC Engine literally feels like I am playing Castlevania Rondo Of Blood but worse in the sense that there are no sub weapons, just a sword to swing around madly and pray that I jump high enough to hit the boss/avoid the bosses' attacks.
So I take it that Oath In Felghana is pretty much going to be that type of game, an unforgiving, brutally difficult experience that people praise because it has polished mechanics and gives them that Dark Souls sensation of "This game is kicking my ass, I love it!" and I don't really know if I want that. Sounds like a game for someone who values mastery more than anything else.
I'll have to try it out anyways and see for myself what the fuss about this game is all about, I know it's on sale on steam right now but I'd rather get it on GOG (since DRM free) when it's on sale there. I appreciate your honesty though, at least I know going into it that the game is going to be hard, I think that helps me get mentally prepared for these types of games because that way I know what I'm getting into.
I think a lot of game reviewers need to acknowledge difficulty more as it is a very important thing to consider when buying a game because after finishing God Hand, I made a point to never play a "hard" game ever again since as good as that game is, it was a miserable experience for me due to the fact that it was so physically and mentally draining to play, that and frustrating too. Guess I'll have to go back on my word.
I'm actually *really* excited to try Ys 7. Like the addition of party members is exactly what piqued that interest. It'll certainly be the next Ys title I review.
@@HighLevelReviews I enjoyed YS SEVEN quite a bit, it has a few cool little touches that set itself apart from other games such as the ability for Adol to fight with greatswords and rapiers as opposed to his standard long sword. The fact that you can play as Dogi is pretty awesome too. I dunno about Oath In Felghana but I know that YS SEVEN plays like the Seiken Densetsu games but way better. You get to build up sp to use special attacks and there's also a limit break esque attack that you can use too. I also like how the game shows Adol as a more experienced adventurer in SEVEN and not just this random wonderboy, he has a legacy and the game acknowledges it. I also like his rival Geis who apparently appeared in YS VI because he's the yang to Adol's ying, he's cynical and edgy compared to Adol's goody goody attitude, made for a good mix, I really hope that they keep Geis as a recurring character. Adol, Dogi and Geis make one hell of a team.
People hate it because they say that it's a generic action RPG like Star Ocean, Tales and Seiken Densetsu but why is that a problem? it still controls very smoothly and has that same fast paced hack n slash gameplay that you talked about in Oath In Felghana so I don't see the issue, having multiple characters just seems better to me.
The soundtrack is also really good too, I mean it's nothing like the synth heavy PC Engine soundtrack for YS 3 but there's some really catchy songs. I'd argue that Mother Earth Altago is just as energetic and catchy as The Boy's Got Wings in its own way... and that's no small statement considering how amazing that song is in the PC Engine version. That's one thing that cannot be denied about these games, the music is generally solid throughout.
I always felt the first half of Seven was a bit long and the story became more interesting in the second half (kinda like Napishtim)
@@ikagura Well after playing Oath In Felghana I am not impressed, I can easily say SEVEN is a superior game in every single way.
@@CynicalGamingBlogTerry309Skill issue
IMO the Y's games were better before you had dumb AI party members tagging along for the ride..... which is why I don't like the newer games in the series.
I will never understand this take... I can't understand how they ruin the experience for people.
Ys*without the apostrophe.
Also why is Lacrimosa of Dana one of the best entry in the series then?
sure the ai might not be the best but it does not affect the gameplay at all, if ur blaming party members that means you are playing like trash. The party members are meant for switching and that's all
then put them on defense mode and forget they're there?
you'd probably love nayuta them. personally i think nayuta is better than any ys game, it's basically ys with a different title and different characters. you only control one characters but there are a lot of moves and depth. you got a fairy tagging along to shoot magic but you control when she uses it.
not sure if there's an official english translation, but the fan translation on the psp version is perfectly done imo. i played it on my phone with ppsspp and a ps4 controller and loved it. was never able to get into ys as much as i got into that game. i'm far into ys 8 right now and i'm enjoying it, but i had more fun with nayuta.
I hate when people talk about that challenge is rewarding or fair. Dude, if is too hard, is not rewarding, is frustrating and not fair.
By the sound of it, you said this game is way too hard, and by no means is good, according to yourself, without the sugarcoating like ''is rewarding and fair''
What are you talking about lol. Overcoming a challenge is inherently rewarding especially when a game is fair with how it introduces its challenges and provides the means to tackle them. I even admitted that I'm *not* good at action rpgs and so naturally, any challenge included would be that much harder...for me. I simply did not claim that this game was too hard. Don't put words in my mouth to support your claim.