the secret yuumi tech is building knights vow ^~^ put it on your bruiser and they become so unkillable, it allows you to protect your frontline while staying on a different best friend.
@@cloudhunter2839 moonstone + echoes have been my core first 2 items since the new items were added. I'm too used to play Seraphine aggresively so I often forget how to build for actual decent players with iniciative instead of having to do it myself cus 2 caster minions apparently ate more important than a pocked down support with no mana
I am surprised more people don't run that. I was yuumi on a tank vayne. She was unkillable and would widdle away the enemy from tons of w procs. Knight's vow turns yuumi into a second health bar for who ever she marked. The target basically get 70% of yuumi's health not like she was using it anyways and essentially 10% omnivamp because knight vow heals yuumi for 10% of any damage dealt by marked ally which then gets reused to mitigate even more damage.
The way Best Friend works, unless they changed it, is that when you're attached to someone they gain friendship points when they either kill champions or minions, but NOT monsters. So you can pivot to having another best friend in the top or mid lanes, but getting jg as your best friend past the early game is really really hard. I think this is intentional design so that you're not 2 person ganking all the time.
that's really Yuumi's charm. When I play her I just sit and relax, light up a jay and only really play when I'm needed lmfao but to be fair I only play her when I get her on ARAM.
to say it as politely as I can, yall are the reason yuumi gets clowned, you cant just afk and play like the boy in the bubble. the cat has so much to offer in the right hands but people always auto think its the you guys type of player who just sits and alt tabs to watch e girl streams
Yuumi got buffs!? :D Ok I don't play her, but I OTP Poppy adc with positive winrate and she is the #1 support for Pops. So hearing she got buffed is amazing!
I feel like you have exactly the wrong kind of mindset to be playing this champ. I'm not saying that is a bad thing. You just don't enjoy playing to the champs few strengths.
Honestly, there's just something about playing Yuumi that brings out the sillier side of me. I care less about the frustrations of other players, you know?
There was a short time when I was really into Yuumi. So naturally I roleplayed cat in chat, played with all my nine lives, and a lot of times got lucky. Had a game with 5 kills and tons of deaths/assists. Of course, playing aggressive Yuumi is mostly just working because of the shock factor. No one expects the cat to deal good damage. "Hey, this is a 2v1 lane, where did my health bar went? Do you mean to tell me the cat scratches?" Playing the f***ing cat is just silly. Play accordingly.
as a yuumi main has being painful but i understand how painful it was when she was op. edit: 3:28 if the adc is bad i either wait for mid to get level 6 or i just attach to jungle and then is a 3 v 1 in most ganks 8:47 he still trying to walk good luck on that one 12:30 one thing i like to do with shaco is attach to the fake one so people think is the real one and attack him. i made some people rage quit because of that 14:17 there was a bug then made you collect the eye when attach is been fix but to this day i still detach so they can pick the eye and then reattach 14:31 2 stacks per kill or cs when attach of if you see a yuumi not attaching she will ditch that adc as soon as possible not a guaranty because yuumi players are they are but most like yes
I once did a massive play like that with shaco. I got praised quite a lot after we wiped the enemy team. After, i did confess that i just couldnt distinguish the real from the fake shaco so i hopped on the one with lower hp. XD Some skins it is or was hard to tell idk havent played in a while. Only way was to know what is the skin color of the real one.
@archangel8172 you know you can check the icon like hail of blades as stuff like that(iam talking about when you select a champion on the top left) plus if shadow uses any ability like q he goes invisible. I watch enough of pink ward then I started to just know most of the time without pay too much attention
@@isaacribeiro6823 I know how to figure out who is the real shaco. just that takes a few seconds and in a tight fight when you have to make a decision instantly or the ally dies... well you cant rly be paying attention to that and tracking the real shaco. Besides i got good enough to hop of the ally if he is about to die. Either way yuumi sucks now, so its not worth playing. With a kit designed so ass backwards that you have to literally fight against the champ itself. What i mean is that the passive that gives you friend stacks is a trap, and you should get as few stacks as possible so you dont get locked to a single ally for the entire game.
Yes!!! With the new prestige skin for her I thought about busting her out lol. So I'm glad got to see a video from you to see the proper way to play her ^_^
It was a dick move to troll Ashe on red buff and he knows it (especially after running it down a minute later), so he spends the rest of the match gaslighting his audience that it's Ashe's fault. He intentionally griefs ADC and complains that ADC lost interest in the match... I agree Ashe has bad mentals and this is unacceptable behavior, but i0ki is an asshole.
I'm a Yuumi main, and have been playing her before and after her rework. I like her gameplay, and enjoy how I, as a new League player, can both contribute to my ADC and be aware of the map at the same time while not really worrying about positioning or movement. I am currently working on Leona as a secondary main, and Naafiri as my other main, but I have a majority of my games as Yuumi support. I can say that she has been winning me a lot of games with my buddy who plays Sivir. I think me and him currently have like a 65-70% win rate in bronze/silver elo. And yes I do hop off to ward and body block and deal damage as needed to try and help secure kills, and use my ult in fights to heal low health champs and secure victories. Her R is significantly better than it once was and has helped keep my team alive or even helped low health champs escape when they were getting nuked. The main build I go with is Ardent into Renewer into Dawncore with dreammaker as support item. Unless I think I wanna push magic damage on a tank in which case I build Zac-Zac, and try to tag with Q. I can understand the hate Yuumi gets, but honestly I do love her as a champ. She isn't really as "Braindead" as most people say she is, and there can be interesting counterplay with her. Also I have gotten Solo kills with her before lol, mainly with tower dives, but I've also gotten like 1-4 kills on average. Also used to be you could TP while attached but now you can't, however you can recall while attached. So one of my fav things to do is ward or clear vision while my buddy is recalling before attaching and recalling at the last second with him.
It makes sense that they would nerf her passive effects especially when just attached, to take away from her afk playability. Nerfing her damage is a bit much. She doesn't do damage, she makes other people do damage, you dopes.
You didn't even get the kill. You stole it with yuumi passive which gives more auto range for the passive heal they didn't buff anything for her. Wouldn't be surprised if they took it away cause highlighted the moment taking at a kill 5% hp
I play a lot of enchanters in general and always had a soft spot for Yummi (specially when I'm not feelin the most active member of my team), so I'm glad Riot gave her some QOL without making her game breaking again. Every champion is the favourite of some and even bad she always had a good PR, so, glad that people can play their champion without being an hindrance...
Well, house cats do kill small birds in real life, but birds like hawks, eagles, and owls prey on house cats. So I guess a buff or debuff for Yuumi would depend on what sort of bird Quinn is modeled after.
I think the rework made Yuumi so boring to play honestly... There is almost 0 reason to detach from the adc anymore. Before you could be so aggressive in lane, and move from teammate to teammate in fights.
Magnitude matters when it comes to retaliation. Her inting a won game over a red buff allocation is the equivalent of shooting someone and then yourself over a yo mama joke.
@@i0kiVids not trying to defend, cause literally paper tissue mental, but the red buff was probably just the last straw, there was the first 2 kills that went to you (you know how adc are about that), then the backseating gaming and the trolling with skarner ult
i0ki, I feel like you never talk to us anymore. I miss our daily chats. So glad you had time this game to catch up with us, after years of skipping our daily chats. So much time.
yuumi has actually been kinda Cracked for the last few months. and this buff makes her free wins. she just needs and attk speed carry champ to sit on. the healing is insane. take ludens for that pinch of poke on Qs followed by enchanter items and she is only nearly unstoppable. the biggest weakness of yuumi is adc mindset. that and Bots running down her winrate
they buffed yuumi because she dropped below 45% across all ranks, I think its pretty fair to say that Riot dont' like any champion to be THAT low or THAT high above the curve on average win rate, I still stick with what i said before that Yuumi's rework was a tragedy in bad decisions on the dev team (personally I think its the biggest fail rework to date). To them thinking im saying yuumi should of stayed as she was before = I don't believe that, Yuumi 100% needed a rework, she was a nightmare in pro play and had some gaping issues with game balance. However Yuumi's rework missed the mark completely, I think the issue is that Riot was too scared to move Yuumi's identity as a "noob beginner" champ and wanting to keep her simple despite the fact that Yuumi's kit is inherently better in higher elo games where giving away most of your personal agency to another is less of a coin flip (the better your carries are, the better yuumi is) . the two best changes they could make to her is A: giving her different abilitys on her Q and E when she is off her carry, like actually give yuumi a REASON to play the game off her carries and some meaning to it (im sure 90% of the player base who hate her would hate her much less if she was actually doing this more) B: remove the current passive and focus on the idea above as a means of balancing her in pro play, her passive is in my honest opinion one of the biggest factors towards yuumi being absolute garbage right now, it feels bad for everyone involved. trying to lock yuumi's power to ONE player by punishing her from moving to allies completely undermines the point that LoL is a stratergy game where CHOICES are meant to mean something. Yuumi's rework took away macro play with the passive, your choice on what you are meant to do is already made for you by a passive that PUNISHES making choices by making the game about not having a choice.
classic adc, your " the truth about playing support " video is as accurate as a video could be in the league category. ggs GSA, at the whims of our owners as kitty.
If the enemy team hates yuumi enough as a champion you can use it to psych them out and bait them because the amount of times people greed for the cat and do something stupid is more than it should be i find and if you happen to get a kill people get SO MAD when they die to a yuumi I've had people literally run it down trying to kill me on yuumi cause they were so mad i was yuumi. That probably doesn't work in challenger and stuff like you'd deal with though.
This was the equivalent of a younger sibling consistently poking at an older one and then wondering why they got backhanded. Lol. No judgement. I am a younger sibling and I also found it rather entertaining to "poke the bear". That is what this is. Entertainment. I rather enjoyed it but I wish you'd of owned up to it to. Like yea... I poked that. It was entertaining. I got a laugh and then I got backhanded for it. Ouch, woops, sry, wont happen it will because its fun, funny, and entertaining! Lol
@@i0kiVids I don't condone that type of behavior either but she didn't. She AFKed for like 2 minutes afterwards and then it looked like she pushed lanes or picked up gold/xp where she could trying to catch up from being behind. Got caught and 1 shot a lot but hey this is norms, might be new or have little map awareness. I understand not seeing that part in game time though. My bf and I watch all your content (ffs and i&h to!) and I'm always impressed and learning stuff from you guys so maybe there was less game knowledge there but she didn't actually grief you. Side note. I am not this ashe lol. I've just done the exact stupid thing while learning ADC over the past couple months, was a support main for 3 years prior and love me some full AP Yummi on a Veigar APC. It's troll, hilarious, and weirdly works (in norms anyways lol)
@@Storm3209 I shoudl have shown this is in the video because you had no way of knowing this, but she literally typed "Yuumi troll me? then you lose. Goodbye." in post-game chat. But even without that confirmation trust me she was NOT trying to win in the game, it's very obvious from her gameplay. She was griefing as retaliation for me taking the red buff.
@@i0kiVids I wish you would have because now all I hear is "but then they called me a stupid meany head and slammed the door in my face." Lol jk. Sorry, now I'm poking lol. I believe you, I just don't see it since she didn't run it down or completely AFK. Could of pressed R more but she was 3ish levels down, useless in team fights and useless solo pushing so just seemed like she was trying to get relevant and when it didn't happen she tried to be relevant in post lobby chat. Like I said though, I'm a noobie casual player that has over extended, panic pushed buttons, held my R for way to long, and ran away from fights that I probably shouldn't of. Not to grief anyone, just out of panic lol. So I'm probably not seeing the finite things you caught. To me it just reads as noobie player who wanted the last word. I'd love to learn if you'd like to explain but I know u have better things to do so like I said, I believe you and appreciate that you took the time to reply.
I don't agree that it's not a viable way to play Yuumi by afking on your adc that's literally what riot made Yuumi with that dumb rework. It was not viable before, because of how her kit worked, now sitting on "your best friend" is pretty much the only thing you can do, that or being utterly useless (aside from blocking skill shots). The fact that her Q works pretty well with crit, means adc's are pretty much the only thing you should be on, and the best friend mechanic makes her so one dimensional and is probably the reason her win rate is as low as it is. Because you only "unlock" your full kit while on your best friend, you are useless when your best friend is useless, and you need to sit on someone else until you have more kills/assists or cs than you had while sitting on your previous best friend. It's such a cluinky mechanic and feels really bad to play around.
as someone who plays a fair amount of yuumi (50% of my SR games), i fucking hate her they made her so much less fun everywhere with the rework, she was so fun zipping around healing everyone who needs heals on the team and the R root was litteraly what let you solo lane as yuumi (atleast ad yuumi top, im not that good at the game where i would go ap yuumi mid or something) atleast yuumi has good poke for lane and a long range slow with Q
I swear the people in the comments are not Yuumi Main. What's these items? They are talking nonsense. (300k yuumi in 4 months)That's not the secret of playing Yuumi..
Well I mean when you take his red yummilol....thats pretty troll. Not excusing it since he is in control of his own actions...however its kinda understandable. This is not Heiz or one of your friends. Also he was probably all ready on edge since you abandoned him in lane 2 vs 1. I mean you cant TROLLOLOLOL strangers and expect them to take it well at all....
I mean you're not wrong, taking red buff on Yuumi is not optimal, but like I said nobody commits to inting a game for 20+ minutes straight without some underlying issue. I guarantee you he's the type of person who would have ended up griefing anyways.
@@i0kiVids Until the point you took his redbuff he was acting fine and was trying his best as far as I can tell. At that point he was a innocent. And you deliberately pushed him over the edge thus losing the game. You know better than this. Your in your 30s, you understand lol players, you know all this. If he would trolled you or was toxic in anyway then by all means, troll the crap out of him. At that point it is fair game. But he didnt. This one is on you bro. Still
@@billiamlarson608 Yeah you're right I DO know League players, and I'm telling you I know this exact genre of loser specifically. Someone who is ready and willing to int an entire game at the drop of a hat because of simple as small as a red buff being suboptimally taken will find a reason to troll anyways. And unfortunately they'll always have people like you to justify it. If my Jungler doesn't gank even though it's optimal for them to do so, do you start trolling? When your 0-10 Zed takes a kill that would give you a powerspike item, do you AFK? Don't be a goober and stop defending literal inting. I played suboptimally, he lost on purpose -- magnitude matters when it comes to retaliation.
@@i0kiVids You are deflecting blame. You caused this loss. This is on you bro. I explained in detail why this is so. Dont let your pride blind you, instead be accountable and learn from this. Do not intentionally send your teammates into a tilt. Ever. Bro. Unless your expecting to lose. Lets keep it real. You "get off" on intentionally tilting players. I mean it is funny. But sometimes your going to encounter someone thats not about it. And when you mess with these people, you gotta pay the price. That is just the truth of the matter. Morale of the story dont intentionally piss off players and then whine when they throw the game. You are just as guilty my friend. Accept your part..
i dont play yuumi after her rework. she was lot of fun but now you are tied to your adc more than ever... i hate it. it was fun having to hop off and proc your passive. now u never even have to detach... she had lowest skill floor before her rework... now she is somehow even lower (which i guess was their intention. so congrats riot you got what u wanted!)
x9 that ashe. I don't understand people like that at all. Way too fragile a mental state to have internet privileges let alone play league of legends 😂😂😂
People unironically defending her in my comment section is actually hilarious. Her inting a won game over a red buff is the equivalent of shooting someone that flips you off.
Reading the abilities explains the abilities. Lol wow though the amount of justification you have for trolling your ashe is wild, I wouldn't want to play with you on my team.
yOUR USING yUMMI WRONG, I want to explain but then maybe everyone going to use it and nerf yummi again. Yummi is not really meant to be a healer, more a fighter, make the missels OP, diff runes and first item should do dmg, Good luck with guessing ;)
Humiliating randoms to create content is shameful. Do not try to justify because you have „better knowledge“ of the ashe player than we have. You have not. Ashe did not stay in base but splitpushed. Not ideal but with you ignoring her she would probably not even have a chance in teamfights. You are an experienced player so do not cry when your teammates are not as good as you but try to lead.
The main character syndrome on too many league players is crazy. I especially see it a ton as a support main. So annoying. Also, yuumi is typically played with scripter duos bot lane.
I mean I think her response was completely overboard, a Red Buff lasts 2.5 minutes and she trolled for 20+ minutes in a won game. But yeah I did take Red Buff at her expense which is obviously suboptimal and could be seen as toxic.
the secret yuumi tech is building knights vow ^~^
put it on your bruiser and they become so unkillable, it allows you to protect your frontline while staying on a different best friend.
I have my higher mastery on Yuumi and never thought about that. Thanks
@@TitomaticoVlogsOficial i recommend building it second / third most matches. Moonstone > vow goes hard.
@@cloudhunter2839 moonstone + echoes have been my core first 2 items since the new items were added. I'm too used to play Seraphine aggresively so I often forget how to build for actual decent players with iniciative instead of having to do it myself cus 2 caster minions apparently ate more important than a pocked down support with no mana
I am surprised more people don't run that. I was yuumi on a tank vayne. She was unkillable and would widdle away the enemy from tons of w procs. Knight's vow turns yuumi into a second health bar for who ever she marked. The target basically get 70% of yuumi's health not like she was using it anyways and essentially 10% omnivamp because knight vow heals yuumi for 10% of any damage dealt by marked ally which then gets reused to mitigate even more damage.
The way Best Friend works, unless they changed it, is that when you're attached to someone they gain friendship points when they either kill champions or minions, but NOT monsters. So you can pivot to having another best friend in the top or mid lanes, but getting jg as your best friend past the early game is really really hard. I think this is intentional design so that you're not 2 person ganking all the time.
I0ki struggling with the loss of control is so funny since i play yuumi the eaxct opposite way I sit and I wait for anything to happen just to react
that's really Yuumi's charm. When I play her I just sit and relax, light up a jay and only really play when I'm needed lmfao but to be fair I only play her when I get her on ARAM.
to say it as politely as I can, yall are the reason yuumi gets clowned, you cant just afk and play like the boy in the bubble. the cat has so much to offer in the right hands but people always auto think its the you guys type of player who just sits and alt tabs to watch e girl streams
@@VincentChase905 Alt tabbing to watch e girl streams is the best part about playing Yuumi tho
If they didn't buff Yuumi, then how would they sell her new skin?
Wow facts🎉
What new skin?
shid ima buy it regardless yuumi my queen
@@VincentChase905 chad
Sit back, relax and watch the whole game for uh.... quite the ride ;)
*RIP Erryk*
I haven't watched yet but if you're willing to play yuumi, SURELY you're willing to play Braum and explain why he's anathema ;)
Yuumi got buffs!? :D
Ok I don't play her, but I OTP Poppy adc with positive winrate and she is the #1 support for Pops. So hearing she got buffed is amazing!
I feel like you have exactly the wrong kind of mindset to be playing this champ. I'm not saying that is a bad thing. You just don't enjoy playing to the champs few strengths.
@@52blue72 You are correct. It's the anti-ioki champ
Honestly, there's just something about playing Yuumi that brings out the sillier side of me. I care less about the frustrations of other players, you know?
You said it best. I like to troll alot and picking Yuumi means 9 people are irritated with you
There was a short time when I was really into Yuumi. So naturally I roleplayed cat in chat, played with all my nine lives, and a lot of times got lucky. Had a game with 5 kills and tons of deaths/assists.
Of course, playing aggressive Yuumi is mostly just working because of the shock factor. No one expects the cat to deal good damage. "Hey, this is a 2v1 lane, where did my health bar went? Do you mean to tell me the cat scratches?"
Playing the f***ing cat is just silly. Play accordingly.
Well, its fine tilting 4 players than 5 aint it? (Plot twist: its a 1v9 Yuumi anyway)
@@balazszsigmond826 This! Absolutely this. I'm forever typing 'Onward Steed' and, 'That fight was too much like water. I didn't like it.'
as a yuumi main has being painful but i understand how painful it was when she was op.
edit: 3:28 if the adc is bad i either wait for mid to get level 6 or i just attach to jungle and then is a 3 v 1 in most ganks
8:47 he still trying to walk good luck on that one
12:30 one thing i like to do with shaco is attach to the fake one so people think is the real one and attack him. i made some people rage quit because of that
14:17 there was a bug then made you collect the eye when attach is been fix but to this day i still detach so they can pick the eye and then reattach
14:31 2 stacks per kill or cs when attach of if you see a yuumi not attaching she will ditch that adc as soon as possible not a guaranty because yuumi players are they are but most like yes
I didn't know you could attach to a shaco clone but that is some genius Yuumi tec, thank you for this.
I once did a massive play like that with shaco. I got praised quite a lot after we wiped the enemy team.
After, i did confess that i just couldnt distinguish the real from the fake shaco so i hopped on the one with lower hp. XD
Some skins it is or was hard to tell idk havent played in a while. Only way was to know what is the skin color of the real one.
@@archangel8172 Lmao nice
@archangel8172 you know you can check the icon like hail of blades as stuff like that(iam talking about when you select a champion on the top left) plus if shadow uses any ability like q he goes invisible. I watch enough of pink ward then I started to just know most of the time without pay too much attention
@@isaacribeiro6823 I know how to figure out who is the real shaco. just that takes a few seconds and in a tight fight when you have to make a decision instantly or the ally dies... well you cant rly be paying attention to that and tracking the real shaco.
Besides i got good enough to hop of the ally if he is about to die.
Either way yuumi sucks now, so its not worth playing. With a kit designed so ass backwards that you have to literally fight against the champ itself. What i mean is that the passive that gives you friend stacks is a trap, and you should get as few stacks as possible so you dont get locked to a single ally for the entire game.
I miss the old full AP Yumi at least that was fun to play
Tell me one time when adc listened to support in solo q...
i4 ez just say check my match history... its all it takes my friend, i will teach u more
Yes!!! With the new prestige skin for her I thought about busting her out lol. So I'm glad got to see a video from you to see the proper way to play her ^_^
the council is pleased, thank you!
It was a dick move to troll Ashe on red buff and he knows it (especially after running it down a minute later), so he spends the rest of the match gaslighting his audience that it's Ashe's fault. He intentionally griefs ADC and complains that ADC lost interest in the match...
I agree Ashe has bad mentals and this is unacceptable behavior, but i0ki is an asshole.
You're not playing Yummi correctly, you never watched house of dragon while playing, and haven't received a single afk alert.
Ioki is on his Yuumi Kitten arc XD
i0ki you can read the details on her passive right there if u hover your mouse over her passive icon lmfao
too busy playing Yuumi to read her passive bro, she's a tough champ
I love when i0ki dates himself with offhand comments like, "I want to remove her from my 'Top 8'."
ah my wish came true !
Edit - just finished the video now i change my comment to
Ah my wish came true but at what cost..
Just looked it up, apparently jungle camps don't count toward the best friend stacks, which means Ashe still had the most stacks while attached.
I'm a Yuumi main, and have been playing her before and after her rework. I like her gameplay, and enjoy how I, as a new League player, can both contribute to my ADC and be aware of the map at the same time while not really worrying about positioning or movement. I am currently working on Leona as a secondary main, and Naafiri as my other main, but I have a majority of my games as Yuumi support. I can say that she has been winning me a lot of games with my buddy who plays Sivir. I think me and him currently have like a 65-70% win rate in bronze/silver elo. And yes I do hop off to ward and body block and deal damage as needed to try and help secure kills, and use my ult in fights to heal low health champs and secure victories. Her R is significantly better than it once was and has helped keep my team alive or even helped low health champs escape when they were getting nuked. The main build I go with is Ardent into Renewer into Dawncore with dreammaker as support item. Unless I think I wanna push magic damage on a tank in which case I build Zac-Zac, and try to tag with Q. I can understand the hate Yuumi gets, but honestly I do love her as a champ. She isn't really as "Braindead" as most people say she is, and there can be interesting counterplay with her. Also I have gotten Solo kills with her before lol, mainly with tower dives, but I've also gotten like 1-4 kills on average.
Also used to be you could TP while attached but now you can't, however you can recall while attached. So one of my fav things to do is ward or clear vision while my buddy is recalling before attaching and recalling at the last second with him.
I love how ashe doesn't start trolling when yuumi takes 2 early kills but the RED BUFF... too far..
yay yuumi0ki! surely he read what her skills do this time 🔥
the demon is now back
It makes sense that they would nerf her passive effects especially when just attached, to take away from her afk playability. Nerfing her damage is a bit much. She doesn't do damage, she makes other people do damage, you dopes.
You didn't even get the kill. You stole it with yuumi passive which gives more auto range for the passive heal they didn't buff anything for her. Wouldn't be surprised if they took it away cause highlighted the moment taking at a kill 5% hp
I play a lot of enchanters in general and always had a soft spot for Yummi (specially when I'm not feelin the most active member of my team), so I'm glad Riot gave her some QOL without making her game breaking again. Every champion is the favourite of some and even bad she always had a good PR, so, glad that people can play their champion without being an hindrance...
I am ashamed to say I played yummi a lot back in the day stoner life.
yuumi is THE stoner champ. Ivern is cool and all but Yuumi lets you smoke while playing lmfao
For now I think, Yuumi excels with adcs who can buy statik first. because to dodge yuumi q you have to hug the minion wave.
Rare ioki yuumi video
Ioki: takes red buff
Ashe: *Stunned silence*
Meanwhile: Player that plays Ashe smashes keyboard like the Angry German Kid
Well, house cats do kill small birds in real life, but birds like hawks, eagles, and owls prey on house cats. So I guess a buff or debuff for Yuumi would depend on what sort of bird Quinn is modeled after.
You have got to create a catchphrase for when you leave lane before 15min mark.😅
It happens so many times.😂
Yummi to Challenger.
"riots never misled me... RIGHT?? " ☠
I think the rework made Yuumi so boring to play honestly... There is almost 0 reason to detach from the adc anymore. Before you could be so aggressive in lane, and move from teammate to teammate in fights.
Its not just the red buff, you let her think she can get it then you took it. Trolling :(
I completely agree with you.
im just gonna say it, the yuumi grief first!
Magnitude matters when it comes to retaliation. Her inting a won game over a red buff allocation is the equivalent of shooting someone and then yourself over a yo mama joke.
@@i0kiVids not trying to defend, cause literally paper tissue mental, but the red buff was probably just the last straw, there was the first 2 kills that went to you (you know how adc are about that), then the backseating gaming and the trolling with skarner ult
@@nicomir5997 yes kills are nice on an adc but a good one only cares that the enemy is dead and losing cs and xp.... it still helps snowball the lane
@@TomTheeShieldyeah, but WE know that, ADCs just don't care, they will still cry about it
Nah, you trolled ashe and she trolled you. Eye for an eye
Magnitude and context matters. Don't be silly.
You play yuumi like leona😂
i0ki, I feel like you never talk to us anymore. I miss our daily chats. So glad you had time this game to catch up with us, after years of skipping our daily chats. So much time.
yuumi has actually been kinda Cracked for the last few months. and this buff makes her free wins. she just needs and attk speed carry champ to sit on. the healing is insane. take ludens for that pinch of poke on Qs followed by enchanter items and she is only nearly unstoppable. the biggest weakness of yuumi is adc mindset. that and Bots running down her winrate
they're masochistic and want us to hate the balance team
Well, if you did this during an LCS match, you'd probably get fired from the team, so Ashe is right...
Oh yeah I can totally see this Ashe making it to the LCS bro
19:40 I mean you have kinda trolled him all game, sure not the best adc but a man can only take so much
#1 league video for egirls in the comments lets goooo
they buffed yuumi because she dropped below 45% across all ranks, I think its pretty fair to say that Riot dont' like any champion to be THAT low or THAT high above the curve on average win rate, I still stick with what i said before that Yuumi's rework was a tragedy in bad decisions on the dev team (personally I think its the biggest fail rework to date).
To them thinking im saying yuumi should of stayed as she was before = I don't believe that, Yuumi 100% needed a rework, she was a nightmare in pro play and had some gaping issues with game balance. However Yuumi's rework missed the mark completely, I think the issue is that Riot was too scared to move Yuumi's identity as a "noob beginner" champ and wanting to keep her simple despite the fact that Yuumi's kit is inherently better in higher elo games where giving away most of your personal agency to another is less of a coin flip (the better your carries are, the better yuumi is) .
the two best changes they could make to her is
A: giving her different abilitys on her Q and E when she is off her carry, like actually give yuumi a REASON to play the game off her carries and some meaning to it (im sure 90% of the player base who hate her would hate her much less if she was actually doing this more)
B: remove the current passive and focus on the idea above as a means of balancing her in pro play, her passive is in my honest opinion one of the biggest factors towards yuumi being absolute garbage right now, it feels bad for everyone involved. trying to lock yuumi's power to ONE player by punishing her from moving to allies completely undermines the point that LoL is a stratergy game where CHOICES are meant to mean something. Yuumi's rework took away macro play with the passive, your choice on what you are meant to do is already made for you by a passive that PUNISHES making choices by making the game about not having a choice.
classic adc, your " the truth about playing support " video is as accurate as a video could be in the league category. ggs GSA, at the whims of our owners as kitty.
As a yuumi player I feel unseen
her ult not rooting is such a scam. Thats a big part in why no one plays her. Maybe they will rework her to be more interactive and effective.
In defense of the ashe... not everyone gets an ioki yuumi. (am an undercover adc main)
My sister is a yuumi main and when she gets bored she goes afk and makes food XD
*dies to gank*
well the good news is we were fucked anyway lol
If the enemy team hates yuumi enough as a champion you can use it to psych them out and bait them because the amount of times people greed for the cat and do something stupid is more than it should be i find and if you happen to get a kill people get SO MAD when they die to a yuumi I've had people literally run it down trying to kill me on yuumi cause they were so mad i was yuumi.
That probably doesn't work in challenger and stuff like you'd deal with though.
Lol yesterday, I had 86 assist but still lost😅
Jungle Yuumi OP. Trust :clueless:
What if yuumi heals could healing effect could be like over time maybe could be a hood way to balance
This was the equivalent of a younger sibling consistently poking at an older one and then wondering why they got backhanded. Lol. No judgement. I am a younger sibling and I also found it rather entertaining to "poke the bear". That is what this is. Entertainment. I rather enjoyed it but I wish you'd of owned up to it to. Like yea... I poked that. It was entertaining. I got a laugh and then I got backhanded for it. Ouch, woops, sry, wont happen it will because its fun, funny, and entertaining! Lol
Looking back yeah I still think it's not right to AFK a game over it but I shouldn't have taken the red buff.
@@i0kiVids I don't condone that type of behavior either but she didn't. She AFKed for like 2 minutes afterwards and then it looked like she pushed lanes or picked up gold/xp where she could trying to catch up from being behind. Got caught and 1 shot a lot but hey this is norms, might be new or have little map awareness. I understand not seeing that part in game time though. My bf and I watch all your content (ffs and i&h to!) and I'm always impressed and learning stuff from you guys so maybe there was less game knowledge there but she didn't actually grief you.
Side note. I am not this ashe lol. I've just done the exact stupid thing while learning ADC over the past couple months, was a support main for 3 years prior and love me some full AP Yummi on a Veigar APC. It's troll, hilarious, and weirdly works (in norms anyways lol)
@@Storm3209 I shoudl have shown this is in the video because you had no way of knowing this, but she literally typed "Yuumi troll me? then you lose. Goodbye." in post-game chat. But even without that confirmation trust me she was NOT trying to win in the game, it's very obvious from her gameplay. She was griefing as retaliation for me taking the red buff.
@@i0kiVids I wish you would have because now all I hear is "but then they called me a stupid meany head and slammed the door in my face." Lol jk. Sorry, now I'm poking lol.
I believe you, I just don't see it since she didn't run it down or completely AFK. Could of pressed R more but she was 3ish levels down, useless in team fights and useless solo pushing so just seemed like she was trying to get relevant and when it didn't happen she tried to be relevant in post lobby chat. Like I said though, I'm a noobie casual player that has over extended, panic pushed buttons, held my R for way to long, and ran away from fights that I probably shouldn't of. Not to grief anyone, just out of panic lol. So I'm probably not seeing the finite things you caught. To me it just reads as noobie player who wanted the last word. I'd love to learn if you'd like to explain but I know u have better things to do so like I said, I believe you and appreciate that you took the time to reply.
I don't agree that it's not a viable way to play Yuumi by afking on your adc that's literally what riot made Yuumi with that dumb rework. It was not viable before, because of how her kit worked, now sitting on "your best friend" is pretty much the only thing you can do, that or being utterly useless (aside from blocking skill shots).
The fact that her Q works pretty well with crit, means adc's are pretty much the only thing you should be on, and the best friend mechanic makes her so one dimensional and is probably the reason her win rate is as low as it is.
Because you only "unlock" your full kit while on your best friend, you are useless when your best friend is useless, and you need to sit on someone else until you have more kills/assists or cs than you had while sitting on your previous best friend. It's such a cluinky mechanic and feels really bad to play around.
you're such a try hard, that's not how Yummi should be played, you're getting out of your adc shoulder all the time and even warding.
Title should be "How to grief in s14 as support" ;)
as someone who plays a fair amount of yuumi (50% of my SR games), i fucking hate her
they made her so much less fun everywhere with the rework, she was so fun zipping around healing everyone who needs heals on the team and the R root was litteraly what let you solo lane as yuumi (atleast ad yuumi top, im not that good at the game where i would go ap yuumi mid or something)
atleast yuumi has good poke for lane and a long range slow with Q
Bruh Ashe mental < tissue paper 😮😅😂😂😅🤦♂️🤷♂️
Lmao play 1v2 bot
I swear the people in the comments are not Yuumi Main. What's these items? They are talking nonsense. (300k yuumi in 4 months)That's not the secret of playing Yuumi..
Well I mean when you take his red yummilol....thats pretty troll. Not excusing it since he is in control of his own actions...however its kinda understandable. This is not Heiz or one of your friends. Also he was probably all ready on edge since you abandoned him in lane 2 vs 1. I mean you cant TROLLOLOLOL strangers and expect them to take it well at all....
I mean you're not wrong, taking red buff on Yuumi is not optimal, but like I said nobody commits to inting a game for 20+ minutes straight without some underlying issue. I guarantee you he's the type of person who would have ended up griefing anyways.
@@i0kiVids Until the point you took his redbuff he was acting fine and was trying his best as far as I can tell. At that point he was a innocent. And you deliberately pushed him over the edge thus losing the game. You know better than this. Your in your 30s, you understand lol players, you know all this. If he would trolled you or was toxic in anyway then by all means, troll the crap out of him. At that point it is fair game. But he didnt. This one is on you bro. Still
@@billiamlarson608 Yeah you're right I DO know League players, and I'm telling you I know this exact genre of loser specifically. Someone who is ready and willing to int an entire game at the drop of a hat because of simple as small as a red buff being suboptimally taken will find a reason to troll anyways. And unfortunately they'll always have people like you to justify it. If my Jungler doesn't gank even though it's optimal for them to do so, do you start trolling? When your 0-10 Zed takes a kill that would give you a powerspike item, do you AFK? Don't be a goober and stop defending literal inting. I played suboptimally, he lost on purpose -- magnitude matters when it comes to retaliation.
@@i0kiVids You are deflecting blame. You caused this loss. This is on you bro. I explained in detail why this is so. Dont let your pride blind you, instead be accountable and learn from this. Do not intentionally send your teammates into a tilt. Ever. Bro. Unless your expecting to lose.
Lets keep it real. You "get off" on intentionally tilting players. I mean it is funny. But sometimes your going to encounter someone thats not about it. And when you mess with these people, you gotta pay the price. That is just the truth of the matter.
Morale of the story dont intentionally piss off players and then whine when they throw the game. You are just as guilty my friend. Accept your part..
@@billiamlarson608 Bro stealing a red buff and intentionally inting a game for 20+ minutes are NOT the same thing. This is totally on the Ashe mental.
Even before the patch i actually manage to 1v2 in bot as Yuumi and get a double kill xD
Ashe was a total baby...
i dont play yuumi after her rework. she was lot of fun but now you are tied to your adc more than ever... i hate it. it was fun having to hop off and proc your passive. now u never even have to detach... she had lowest skill floor before her rework... now she is somehow even lower (which i guess was their intention. so congrats riot you got what u wanted!)
Not buffs out of nowere. Buffs = new skin sales
x9 that ashe. I don't understand people like that at all. Way too fragile a mental state to have internet privileges let alone play league of legends 😂😂😂
People unironically defending her in my comment section is actually hilarious. Her inting a won game over a red buff is the equivalent of shooting someone that flips you off.
Honestly why do people hate yuumi. She really is so much fun. I genuinely think it’s because league players just like to bitch.
I too would afk after yuumi got solo skarner ulted then ditched the lane then took red buff rip ashe
Reading the abilities explains the abilities.
Lol wow though the amount of justification you have for trolling your ashe is wild, I wouldn't want to play with you on my team.
I do like that they buff yummi i am one of the super rare who love playing yummi
yOUR USING yUMMI WRONG, I want to explain but then maybe everyone going to use it and nerf yummi again. Yummi is not really meant to be a healer, more a fighter, make the missels OP, diff runes and first item should do dmg, Good luck with guessing ;)
Humiliating randoms to create content is shameful. Do not try to justify because you have „better knowledge“ of the ashe player than we have. You have not. Ashe did not stay in base but splitpushed. Not ideal but with you ignoring her she would probably not even have a chance in teamfights. You are an experienced player so do not cry when your teammates are not as good as you but try to lead.
Ashe lost the game on purpose homie, she said in post-game chat "yuumi troll me? then lose. bye.'
You hate yuumi don't you?
Was rude to steal red buff
Yeah you're right. I honestly didn't think it would elicit that kind of reaction tbh.
@i0kiVids I mean, I'm not saying it should not have happened. If he was going to throw because of that, he needed the loss.
This champion should never be good, her whole concept is just horrendous, the champion is can't be balanced.
Nah, I think you play too much and then try to flip it on people. It's childish but I guess that's why you're so popular.
sry but no amount of buffing will ever make yummi fun to play
wow... the clickbait.
Yumi jungle is a ton of fun
Bro ur playing yuumi. You have no right to say anything about ashe
You are the typical player to be banned on League.
U were so funny this video😂
Damn, this Ashe player is so trash. Where's the aggression?
Aint no one enjoy this game. Not ashe, not ioki. Not the other team. GG
When a game of League starts, everyone's a loser.
Go full ap with zazaks n shi
The video had a negative vibe after the whole red buff thing. I stopped watching 🤷♂️
Valid, I had no idea she would react like that.
The main character syndrome on too many league players is crazy. I especially see it a ton as a support main. So annoying. Also, yuumi is typically played with scripter duos bot lane.
i love the buff yuumi i is my main
First comment... Hi IOKI!
#TeamAshe 😂
wild that u took the red buff. I'd afk too. u did it to make him mad. wild toxic
I mean I think her response was completely overboard, a Red Buff lasts 2.5 minutes and she trolled for 20+ minutes in a won game. But yeah I did take Red Buff at her expense which is obviously suboptimal and could be seen as toxic.