Drama Title: Thousand Years for You (2022) Plot: In the "Once in Thousand Year General" Lu Yan put himself in slumber for three thousand years in order to resurrect a mysterious "Righteous Lady". One day, Yu Deng Deng, the chief of Qingquan Village, wakes him up by mistake. Soon, as she finds him quite attractive, she tries to force him to marry her, not knowing who he really is. Native Title: 请君 Also Known As: Please Your Lord , Killing God , 請君 , Qing Jun , Welcome Episodes: 36
Drama Title: Thousand Years for You (2022) Plot: In the "Once in Thousand Year General" Lu Yan put himself in slumber for three thousand years in order to resurrect a mysterious "Righteous Lady". One day, Yu Deng Deng, the chief of Qingquan Village, wakes him up by mistake. Soon, as she finds him quite attractive, she tries to force him to marry her, not knowing who he really is. Native Title: 请君 Also Known As: Please Your Lord , Killing God , 請君 , Qing Jun , Welcome Episodes: 36
Drama Title: Thousand Years for You (2022) Plot: In the "Once in Thousand Year General" Lu Yan put himself in slumber for three thousand years in order to resurrect a mysterious "Righteous Lady". One day, Yu Deng Deng, the chief of Qingquan Village, wakes him up by mistake. Soon, as she finds him quite attractive, she tries to force him to marry her, not knowing who he really is. Native Title: 请君 Also Known As: Please Your Lord , Killing God , 請君 , Qing Jun , Welcome Episodes: 36
Drama Title: Thousand Years for You (2022) Plot: In the "Once in Thousand Year General" Lu Yan put himself in slumber for three thousand years in order to resurrect a mysterious "Righteous Lady". One day, Yu Deng Deng, the chief of Qingquan Village, wakes him up by mistake. Soon, as she finds him quite attractive, she tries to force him to marry her, not knowing who he really is. Native Title: 请君 Also Known As: Please Your Lord , Killing God , 請君 , Qing Jun , Welcome Episodes: 36
Drama Title: Thousand Years for You (2022) Plot: In the "Once in Thousand Year General" Lu Yan put himself in slumber for three thousand years in order to resurrect a mysterious "Righteous Lady". One day, Yu Deng Deng, the chief of Qingquan Village, wakes him up by mistake. Soon, as she finds him quite attractive, she tries to force him to marry her, not knowing who he really is. Native Title: 请君 Also Known As: Please Your Lord , Killing God , 請君 , Qing Jun , Welcome Episodes: 36
This video is from 《Thousand Years For You》, the link to the full episode:tinyurl.com/bdcrvtrj
I will watch anything this actor is in. He's gorgeous and a wonderful actor!
I like his handsomeness!💖💖
I’m glad she didn’t touch a cave painting of a Wooly Mammoth! ❤
One of the best cdramas.. Unique story, great actors and of course Li qin's superb acting... she is the best!!!
If I could travel back 1000 years this is exactly how our men would look then and now
Your too funny. Hahahahaah😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 nooooo not at all u would be shocked!!!!
Me gusta mucho ver actuar a estos 2 actores 👍💕
História linda
Que dorama é esse?
Thousand Years For You
hola una pregunta donde puedo ver este dorama se ve interesante
I think this is Thousand Years for You
Is that rooster someone's pet? It's so well behaved, sitting in the basket. 😄
I thought it was going to get cooked when they showed the fire. 😭
Awesome Drama Amazing Cast A Must See!! 🥰👍⭐💫❤️🌎
What’s the title?
Drama Title: Thousand Years for You (2022)
Plot: In the "Once in Thousand Year General" Lu Yan put himself in slumber for three thousand years in order to resurrect a mysterious "Righteous Lady". One day, Yu Deng Deng, the chief of Qingquan Village, wakes him up by mistake. Soon, as she finds him quite attractive, she tries to force him to marry her, not knowing who he really is.
Native Title: 请君
Also Known As: Please Your Lord , Killing God , 請君 , Qing Jun , Welcome
Episodes: 36
thanx i am started to type asking the tittle glad to see ur comments
❤ Gracias por la sipnosis 😊
Gracias por tu comentario
Tiene final feliz?
@@rosy85 Unfortunately, I don't know. I haven't watch this drama as of yet.
Por favor meus amores qual o nome? Sou fã dessa atriz. ❤
What is the name of this series please
Le titre svp
Nome drama
Drama Title: Thousand Years for You (2022)
Plot: In the "Once in Thousand Year General" Lu Yan put himself in slumber for three thousand years in order to resurrect a mysterious "Righteous Lady". One day, Yu Deng Deng, the chief of Qingquan Village, wakes him up by mistake. Soon, as she finds him quite attractive, she tries to force him to marry her, not knowing who he really is.
Native Title: 请君
Also Known As: Please Your Lord , Killing God , 請君 , Qing Jun , Welcome
Episodes: 36
Me gustaría saber cómo se llama esta serie para poder verla si alguien lo sabe por favor que lo suba
Thousand Years For You
Como se llama la serie por favor
Drama name please
Thousand Years For You
@@DramaFans-Girl false...
Thousand Years For You
Where to watch this drama thank you 😊
Drama Title: Thousand Years for You (2022)
Plot: In the "Once in Thousand Year General" Lu Yan put himself in slumber for three thousand years in order to resurrect a mysterious "Righteous Lady". One day, Yu Deng Deng, the chief of Qingquan Village, wakes him up by mistake. Soon, as she finds him quite attractive, she tries to force him to marry her, not knowing who he really is.
Native Title: 请君
Also Known As: Please Your Lord , Killing God , 請君 , Qing Jun , Welcome
Episodes: 36
Tem legenda em português?
Apenas legendas traduzidas
Con el disfraz se ven galanes, sin el ya no
What's the title of this?
Where can I find this please
Thousand Years For You
Type inthe title on youtube. U should be able to watch it here.
Drama Title: Thousand Years for You (2022)
Plot: In the "Once in Thousand Year General" Lu Yan put himself in slumber for three thousand years in order to resurrect a mysterious "Righteous Lady". One day, Yu Deng Deng, the chief of Qingquan Village, wakes him up by mistake. Soon, as she finds him quite attractive, she tries to force him to marry her, not knowing who he really is.
Native Title: 请君
Also Known As: Please Your Lord , Killing God , 請君 , Qing Jun , Welcome
Episodes: 36
Le nom du drame 🙏
Thousand Years For You
Drama Title: Thousand Years for You (2022)
Plot: In the "Once in Thousand Year General" Lu Yan put himself in slumber for three thousand years in order to resurrect a mysterious "Righteous Lady". One day, Yu Deng Deng, the chief of Qingquan Village, wakes him up by mistake. Soon, as she finds him quite attractive, she tries to force him to marry her, not knowing who he really is.
Native Title: 请君
Also Known As: Please Your Lord , Killing God , 請君 , Qing Jun , Welcome
Episodes: 36
Nom du drame pleas
Great cast but the writer made her so annoying I could t continue. Her character was so obnoxious
Alguien sabe dónde ver la serie completa!! Gracias 🤗🥰
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