Thank you- these videos are always so beautiful & the stories fascinating. I appreciate hearing the language as well- as a learner there are few places to hear it & even fewer with subtitling!
“Is ann mar sin a ghràdhaich Dia an saoghal gun tug e aon-ghin Mhic (Iosa Crìosd), airson ge b’ e neach a chreideas ann nach sgriosar e, ach gum bi a’ bheatha shìorraidh aige.” (Bìoball - Eòin 3:16).
Thank you- these videos are always so beautiful & the stories fascinating. I appreciate hearing the language as well- as a learner there are few places to hear it & even fewer with subtitling!
Funny, same here! But man, going from sentences slowly spoken to someone actually speaking the language. Wow...
Love this type of content... really helps my learning
“Is ann mar sin a ghràdhaich Dia an saoghal gun tug e aon-ghin Mhic (Iosa Crìosd), airson ge b’ e neach a chreideas ann nach sgriosar e, ach gum bi a’ bheatha shìorraidh aige.” (Bìoball - Eòin 3:16).