I think it is a little harsh to call the P-38 useless, or maybe it is just the video. This bike got me into recumbent riding but I have since moved on to an M5 CHR and a Metabike Mystique. Both are faster and more comfortable than the P-38. But the P-38 was a good introduction to recumbent bikes.
Is the lighting R-84 a faster bike?
Nice speed and scenery.
Another useless P-38 video. Nice you can pedal up a hill. Nothing else?
what is that you are seeking to see, you rude s0b?
I think it is a little harsh to call the P-38 useless, or maybe it is just the video. This bike got me into recumbent riding but I have since moved on to an M5 CHR and a Metabike Mystique. Both are faster and more comfortable than the P-38. But the P-38 was a good introduction to recumbent bikes.