Would English captions be allowed here? As someone that just wants to hear and am not learning Norwegian it would be cool to see the contexts if they're accurate that is
OK, you can try now! I added automatic captions, and auto-translate to English. The video is scripted and slow, so I assume the auto translation is quite precise.
6 poeng tusen takk det er nyttig for meg
1,5 poeng, men jeg visste at videoen ville bli for vanskelig for meg før jeg begynte å se den x)
takk for det nye vokabularet uansett!
hei sann! 6 poeng! takk for spillet!
2 😂
3,5 poeng… oi oi oi… det var vanskelig!
Meg også!
Would English captions be allowed here? As someone that just wants to hear and am not learning Norwegian it would be cool to see the contexts if they're accurate that is
OK, you can try now! I added automatic captions, and auto-translate to English. The video is scripted and slow, so I assume the auto translation is quite precise.
Den var enklere enn b1 video haha
null poeng 😂. Jeg må lære mer!
Du er ikke den eneste 😅
Teller synonimer? 😂