Loving these videos. I know how to install mods but I want to do it right and thanks to these tutorials it makes it easy to do so :) It would be nice if we didn't have to wait a day in between each tutorial but I understand you gotta survive in this second TH-cam adpocalypse.
Thank you FTM for these tutorials, I used to be really good at installing mods and such, but somehow lost the knowledge along the way. You make it clear and easy to do.
Any fix for the issue of these mods turning the red lights yellow and the blue lights a really baby blue? That's the wrong colors for police lights. Seems turning the dimness back down makes them turn the correct color again.
Your tutorial only shows how to install Natural Vision Remastered, not it's ENB. Just thought I'd let you know. And as a side-note I've seen reports of the latest RageHook conflicting with ENB causing it to crash on launch.
I noticed that the 'Brighter lights' plugin seems to have reduced the brightness of the wigwagging headlights. How do I get those wigwags back? Can I edit a texture for that?
I used Jeff’s mods in the description and after installing them my game just keeps crashing lspdfr on instant load in, any thoughts? It never did this with lspdfr version 3 update- never mind I’m an idiot I forgot to install visual V....
Hey I was thinking of getting lspdfr just one quick question how much frames do you think you need to run lspdfr with the cars that you downloaded and probably outfits. I hope you answer soon have a great day!
borriXD ; 7.0 hasn’t been fully released since eezstreet is also working on Ready Or Not. Once the gameplay trailer comes out, Carson (FTM) might play more SEF.
@Aussie.Sunset I hate the vanilla graphics as well and also use nvr. The point I'm making is that graphics mods are NOT required, as he implies they are. It is everyone's choice and personal preference on if they are happy with vanilla.
Boaty Mc Boatface all Radiance does it is edit visualsettings.dat Why go do it yourself when someone already made it? Also please explain how it’s not important, the lights with the vanilla game can’t be seen You do realise cop cars in real life have bright lights, right?
On certain systems, LSPDFR can take too long to load. If you're seeing this issue, LSPDFR will hang with a perpetual black screen and there will be an error message on the bottom left of the screen. Your log may also mention something along the lines of 'Warning! Plugin "LSPDFR First Response" was terminated because it caused the game to freeze' Fix 1. Open the RAGEPluginHook settings menu (hold down SHIFT immediately after clicking RPH) 2. Increase 'Plugin timeout threshold' to a higher value (e.g. 30000) 3. Save and Launch
*UPDATE* I was able to load the game and play as franklin but then when i went into first person it made everything black and messed up! YOU NEED VISUAL V TO GET NATURAL VISION!
Running into the same exact problem. It's missing a file and doesn't let me open it. Edit: Found the solution. Download 7zxa.dll, extract it to your desktop and you'll be able to open the zip file after that :)
i somtime have grafic issus and for some reasson i have unlimited ammo and dont need to realod my gun i have nothing on in any mod menu so i have no idea
Heyy....were is my open iv patchday cars and etc...do or anyone else may know were they may be...they have been missing since the update 0.4..can anyone give me and ideal on were they may be all I see in there under my dlc packs is my ENB for my graphics...🙄
dude you have helped me so much man, truly appreciate you
Loving these videos. I know how to install mods but I want to do it right and thanks to these tutorials it makes it easy to do so :) It would be nice if we didn't have to wait a day in between each tutorial but I understand you gotta survive in this second TH-cam adpocalypse.
lol same
I mean, once a day is still more than a lot of other TH-camrs, myself included.
Thank you FTM for these tutorials, I used to be really good at installing mods and such, but somehow lost the knowledge along the way. You make it clear and easy to do.
Nice video keep up the good work buddy! ❤️
Any fix for the issue of these mods turning the red lights yellow and the blue lights a really baby blue? That's the wrong colors for police lights. Seems turning the dimness back down makes them turn the correct color again.
Thanks bro. You should do a vid on installing realistic handling lines.
THANKS bro I look all videos its so nice thanks for the help on lspd modding xD
Your tutorial only shows how to install Natural Vision Remastered, not it's ENB. Just thought I'd let you know.
And as a side-note I've seen reports of the latest RageHook conflicting with ENB causing it to crash on launch.
Andreas Andersson it’s happening to me so I reinstalled everything except reshape and enb and the problem was gone
The file is no longer available
I did the same thing like you but my game looks so dark and graphic are bad on buildings and the lights aren’t bright
ur problem
I noticed that the 'Brighter lights' plugin seems to have reduced the brightness of the wigwagging headlights. How do I get those wigwags back? Can I edit a texture for that?
(Late comment) it should be brighter tail lights
@@kylewebster8194, it won't work on replacing cars tho.
Could you add the gun sound mod (reverb) and siren mod in your next vid please ?
Hello, how to fix the flickering shadows,lights issue with NVR (I can just see it when it’s night time)?
I wanna know the fps loss and how to uninstall it if pissible just so i know, thanks
I know this is late but, the file comes with an uninstall oiv so if you get fps loss go to the optional file scroll all the way down and its there
Hey, I downloaded NVR and when i spawn a police car the lights look white can you help me?
I have the same problem
Thanks Alot. Please do more tutorials!
More LSPDFR Tutorials!
Not sure what happened but now most of my peds are wearing parachutes...
That' just the new trend
Bad EUP install?
I used Jeff’s mods in the description and after installing them my game just keeps crashing lspdfr on instant load in, any thoughts? It never did this with lspdfr version 3 update- never mind I’m an idiot I forgot to install visual V....
Hey I was thinking of getting lspdfr just one quick question how much frames do you think you need to run lspdfr with the cars that you downloaded and probably outfits. I hope you answer soon have a great day!
ItzJarrito 907 hi kid it’s a me marrio
In say 3
You said makes ems lights brighter but you didn't tell us how to install them as they did not work last video
This isn't available any longer -any updated suggestions?
That is b/c they pulled it and created a new one and then put it behind a paywall.
Is it me or is there the only captions in Dutch...
only dutch, but why u need captions
oh yeah yeah Because a public place I was in and I am only saying it
Downloaded this from the link last night, but it gives me an error saying that nothing is in the downloaded file
RGaming007 I have a zip program. There was literally NOTHING in the downloaded file
after i install this my add on police cars was green why ?
Quick ? Can I still use ELS?
Why at my modded police car not colored right
Do u remember swat 4 elite force?
borriXD ; 7.0 hasn’t been fully released since eezstreet is also working on Ready Or Not. Once the gameplay trailer comes out, Carson (FTM) might play more SEF.
Graphics mod and ENBs are NOT and never will be part of LSPDFR or a requirement for them, First30 needs to be responsible and make this clear.
Well something like Radiance (or what was shown here) actually is pretty important if you want to be able to see police lights at all
@Josh C No it's not. You can easily edit your lights yourself and make them brighter in the visaulsettings. Still, graphics mods are not required.
@Aussie.Sunset I hate the vanilla graphics as well and also use nvr. The point I'm making is that graphics mods are NOT required, as he implies they are. It is everyone's choice and personal preference on if they are happy with vanilla.
Boaty Mc Boatface all Radiance does it is edit visualsettings.dat
Why go do it yourself when someone already made it?
Also please explain how it’s not important, the lights with the vanilla game can’t be seen
You do realise cop cars in real life have bright lights, right?
What if we don't have winRAR..?
Like, does not help at all.
7zip should work
I followed the steps and the lights are light very bright blue, what do I do? Please respond and help.
I wanna know why is a 404 page when I clicked on the link
dude um, I tried to load up game and all i get is a weird black and windows xp crash looking screen
On certain systems, LSPDFR can take too long to load. If you're seeing this issue, LSPDFR will hang with a perpetual black screen and there will be an error message on the bottom left of the screen. Your log may also mention something along the lines of 'Warning! Plugin "LSPDFR First Response" was terminated because it caused the game to freeze'
1. Open the RAGEPluginHook settings menu (hold down SHIFT immediately after clicking RPH)
2. Increase 'Plugin timeout threshold' to a higher value (e.g. 30000)
3. Save and Launch
I was able to load the game and play as franklin but then when i went into first person it made everything black and messed up!
My natural vision isn’t a winRar so it won’t let me open it
Running into the same exact problem. It's missing a file and doesn't let me open it.
Edit: Found the solution. Download 7zxa.dll, extract it to your desktop and you'll be able to open the zip file after that :)
When Are The LSPDFR 0.4 Patrol Videos Coming Out? I'm Just Asking... 😅
Anthony Zayn Ramirez When these tutorials are done.
It wo't let me install EUP for some reason? Any Suggestions?
having the same problem
My lights don't flash either
Dose this workfor Five M
You should use Make Visuals Great Again
i somtime have grafic issus and for some reasson i have unlimited ammo and dont need to realod my gun i have nothing on in any mod menu so i have no idea
Is this safe? I don’t want it to mess up my game?
It’s safe, but copy your folder just in case.
Should Lspdfr should include real traffic cars
That would infringe on copyright.
Also, Sam, LMS and Cyan prefer to keep things as vanilla as possible and let others decide if they want to mod their game.
@@iamReddington I'm not sam
@@TheTimoprimo like the cop car mods dont already do that??
TheTimoprimo no it wouldnt bruh lmao
Nice vid first
how do i increase my fps iam on around 45-60 fps when i have loaded all mods, Please help
Turn V-Sync off in the settings
You act like that's considered bad frames
Heyy....were is my open iv patchday cars and etc...do or anyone else may know were they may be...they have been missing since the update 0.4..can anyone give me and ideal on were they may be all I see in there under my dlc packs is my ENB for my graphics...🙄
How the hell can my pc handle this?!?!
have a good pc then
will the outdated version work because I can't pay 10$ for it haha
idk im gonna try it right now and ill let you know
I tried it everything is working fine! as long as you get the brighter sirens and i also recommend brighter nights!
182 likes 0 dislikes nice
go away.