KEYNOTE Retail at an Inflection Point The Big Trends Transforming the Industry 1

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ม.ค. 2025
  • KEYNOTE: Retail at an Inflection Point: The Big Trends Transforming the Industry
    While retail always seems to be at an inflection point, understanding how the big trends impact the industry is key to seizing the next wave of growth. We kickoff CommerceNext by focusing on foundational trends disrupting our industry, including macroeconomic factors like inflation, geopolitical factors like the war in Ukraine, changing consumer dynamics and competitive forces.
    Sucharita Kodali
    Vice President and Principal Analyst
    Forrester Research
    CommerceNext is a community, event series and conference for marketers at retail and direct-to-consumer brands. Join our events to meet other industry leaders and learn the latest ecommerce and marketing strategies:

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