Fully recovered after 2 years. Crazy how once you start doing the right things how fast you return to normal. Binged your videos daily and brought me immense comfort through the most difficult time in my life. Just want to say thank you for everything you do. Forever grateful.
@@chichilove4127 just living life as i would normally regardless of any of the symptoms. I even restarted coffee as I improved and alcohol when im in the mood. The key is to not use anything as a form of escape. Because there really isnt anything you need to escape from.
@@GossipSis hard to say honestly. You eventually just truly don’t care that it’s there anymore and it slowly fades like a fog lifting. Just know you’ll get out of it, everyone does, key is to let go of the fear of it and just LIVE how you used to even if it isn’t fun at first
i recovered from DPDR. Huge thank you Shaun, after almost a year of unemployment i have been back to work for 2 months now. At some points i really never thought i could do it. After months of terror, panic attacks and probably 10 different hospital visits, i finally have peace and am back to doing the things i love. you change peoples lives for the better Shaun thank you.
Thanks for your comment Jordan and I'm delighted to hear that you've recovered and back to living your life fully! ❤️ Also, I'd love to feature you on the channel sometime -- If you'd like to share your story in an interview let me know 😊
Thank you shaun you helped me through something I thought would last forever I had I got dpdr in early March and recovered in late June and when I saw your videos in April I felt so much better. Thank you.
I’m currently going through it right now, and your videos give me so much hope. I hope when it’s all set and done I can come share my story, one thing I’ve learned already is try your absolute best to not be scared and instead be excited KNOWING you will be your normal self very soon!
Thanks for your comment Michael and I'm very glad to hear the videos have been helpful! 😊 And don't worry, you can and will get 100% back to normal ❤️ www.dpmanual.com/articles/back-to-normal-after-depersonalization/
Don’t worry, feelings like that are super common with DPDR. I know they can be frustrating but they will fade away and stop as you recover 😊 www.dpmanual.com/about/do-i-have-depersonalization-disorder/
You will, you just have to work towards it. I know you wish it would disappear on its own, but you have to help yourself. Things won't stay this way forever, you have to promise yourself that
shaun please put subtitles in Portuguese, I'm Brazilian and unfortunately I don't speak English, but your videos have helped me a lot in my recovery, I've seen and reviewed all of them that have subtitles available in Portuguese, your channel was the only one that was able to give me guidance and a guidance, I thank you very much. I wish I could have access to your course, but unfortunately due to the conversion it ends up being too expensive for me at the moment, I know it's an honest price, but the real thing doesn't help me hahaha, I apologize if I'm confused or there's something wrong in the text, I did it through the translator.
For me, it was because of my second experience smoking weed. I got a mild panic attack but it was enough for me to wake up the next day completely detached. It's been two weeks. I've been really scared, I don't know what to do to make it go away. Sometimes it feels like it'll last forever. I can't afford the manual, but i'm trying my best to accept these feelings and watching the videos to reassure myself that I'm not going insane.
Hey Thaís, thanks for your comment 😊 I know DPDR can be scary but just remember that it’s a natural reaction to stress and anxiety, and people experience it all the time. The National Institute on Mental Illness estimates that up to 75% of people experience at least one depersonalization / derealization episode in their lives. It's part of your brain's natural defence mechanism and usually it only lasts a few seconds or minutes at a time. It's only when it's focused on as a separate problem (feeling like you're going crazy / in a dream etc) that it can turn into a feedback loop with the anxiety that caused it in the first place. But no matter what caused it or how long you've had it, you can always switch it off completely by stopping that anxious feedback loop. You can and will get 100% back to normal ❤️ www.dpmanual.com/articles/back-to-normal-after-depersonalization/ And if you would like to speak to a medical professional please don't hesitate to do so. I would recommend finding an anxiety specialist if possible as they will likely be more familiar with DPDR 👍
Hi Shaun, It is very normal thing Dp and Dr. Some people fear that they having heart attack, some thing they are going crazy, some afraid of gravity. These are common with it. Love from. Punjab, India❤🙏🙏
Yes, fears and feelings like that are common with DPDR and other anxiety-based conditions. I know they can be frustrating but they will fade away and stop as you recover 😊 www.dpmanual.com/articles/depersonalization-fears-and-anxious-thoughts/ www.dpmanual.com/articles/depersonalization-three-reasons-youre-not-going-crazy-2/
I have depersonalization, and I know that the ideal approach to recovery is not to fight it but to forget about it. One of my symptoms is having trouble thinking clearly, which means I struggle with processing information, calculating thoughts, coming up with ideas, and articulating words. For example, in situations like trying to win an argument, I feel a strong need to think in order to avoid looking unintelligent. I’m unsure whether certain actions, such as trying to process information and think logically, are counterproductive. My concern is that I can’t distinguish whether this difficulty is part of the symptom itself or if it matters whether I keep trying to think. Even though I have a blank feeling in my brain and struggle to think, I can’t help but keep trying because I want to engage in these cognitive processes. I’m uncertain if continuing to try despite the difficulty is beneficial or not for my recovery.
Don’t worry, feelings of having a blank mind are super common with DPDR. I know they can be frustrating but they will fade away and stop as you recover 😊 www.dpmanual.com/articles/the-truth-about-blank-mind-syndrome/
Bro I feel the exact same way I thought it was just me, I struggle extremely in class as my thoughts are completely blank I fear I might lose relationships because sometimes I don’t know the right words to say
First I wanna thank Shaun O'Conner for this great content that helps every one how suffers from DPP .months ago I was suffering from DPP and I was searching for a treatment then when I found this channel ,the vidéos helped me greatly and gave me a reassurance also there were a groupe of questions that were going through my mind so I always found the answers in this channel and that helped me a lot to reduce panic and fear now in this month exactly I got recover from this problem by 90% and frankly there was two main reasons the first may be a bit strange which is vomiting , I ate something that caused me to vomit so i that moment exactly something changed like i start feeling by my self and the symptoms decreased and the second season is swimming and this helped me a lot to reduce the symptoms finally I hope this message well benefit u in some way and I would like to give a good news to every one that has this problem u ganna recover and return to the normal to the point that u will not remember the symptoms u experienced
@@fatima.ela6 hey :) i wanted to ask how do you know that you recovered 90%? Im Not sure how far I am in recovery 😄 I Guess I will try Swimming as well but im afraid due to my vision Problems. But one question: which Symptomes got less due vomiting?
hey this was really helpful! thank you shaun and mahad! I'm in grade 6 rn, and i really need dpdr sorted watching ur vids definitely helped but i still need some advice i dont know where or how it started but i think my dpdr started because of an infection in my kind of jaw area, (hasn't been solved yet sadly) which i was really worried about. Basically about last week/2weeks ago I started having existential thoughts then dpdr really bad. Literally like panic attacks every hour- it sucked. I just wanna feel normal again but everything feels so distant and dream like, basically my depersonalisation , derelisation , existential thoughts mixing. It's hard to get off my chest and I can't take any meds either. would really appreciate any help ❤ and thank you shaun again, ever since a few days ago after starting ur vids i can finally relate to something.❤ -Autumn
Hello Autumn, This is Mahad. Im happy that you found this video helpfull and i wanted to say that this will pass. Youll be back to normal and you wont even remember what dpdr felt like.
@@adenless4048Hi Mahad , thanks ❤! I loved this video it's really helpful, and I can relate to you so much! And i believe you, I'll just keep praying and going on with my life 😊 Thank you! God bless you :)
Hey, thanks for your comment ❤😊 Firstly, please make sure that you’re speaking to your parents about what’s happening. It’s very important that they know what’s going on. If they're not familiar with DPDR you can show them this video which will clear things up for them: th-cam.com/video/ANzyteEPKt8/w-d-xo.html And if you would like to speak to a medical professional please don't hesitate to do so. I would recommend finding an anxiety specialist if possible as they will likely be more familiar with DPDR.
What if my overthinking of negative thought about dpdr is causing it? It feels like when I snap out of autopilot and acknowledge I’m alive and a living human being is when I start to spiral of the thoughts of “why am I here, what am I doing, who am I , how are we all human, I feel uncomfortable in my skin,” “ how are these my parents and how am I me “ how do I fix this 😭
Think of it this way. When you are on youtube u see a video and u interracg with it. Ull see more of that same type of videos. If you dont like your youtube feed ull stop interracting with the videos sure theyll come but overtime new videos will come and the old fyp is gone.
Hey Damaris, thanks for your comment 😊 I know DPDR can be scary but just remember that it’s a natural reaction to stress and anxiety, and people experience it all the time. The National Institute on Mental Illness estimates that up to 75% of people experience at least one depersonalization / derealization episode in their lives. It's part of your brain's natural defence mechanism and usually it only lasts a few seconds or minutes at a time. It's only when it's focused on as a separate problem (feeling like you're going crazy / in a dream etc) that it can turn into a feedback loop with the anxiety that caused it in the first place. But no matter what caused it or how long you've had it, you can always switch it off completely by stopping that anxious feedback loop. Make sure to carefully read through all the articles and info on my website at www.dpmanual.com and my book The Depersonalization Manual. And if you would like to speak to a medical professional please don't hesitate to do so. I would recommend finding an anxiety specialist if possible as they will likely be more familiar with DPDR 👍
Hi there Shaun, i am curious to hear What are your thoughts on HPPD? Do you think it is really a condition? Or do you think it is actually just Depersonalisation which has been mislabled?
Bro i have the same exact problem like you. I smoked weed like 1.5 months ago and after smoking it was normal but after a month this was a day that i was feeling some kind of different and one time i was looking in the mirror and like i was thinking about some different things and like came back to reality and it was scary i’ve got a panic attack and like when i watched my legs it felt like their not mine so i drank some water and went to sleep. The whole next week i was having that feeling 24/7 till now and its been like 2 weeks. My motivation went away but im still going to the gym. My emotions are so numb and one time im feeling normal and one time im feeling so depressed. My vision is also like when i close my eyes and open them and i have like the a little blacknes and a little foggy. Im trying to accept it but in school im also feeling very unreal
Guys listen im only 14 years old i have dp/dpdr till dis day my first advice dont fight it at all you really gotta accept it and trust me it will get better focus on god 🙏🏿 be safe
@autumnbreez3 yes is I was really struggling there's times were I would have panick attacks until I found this channel I remember one thing he said don't think of it as an attack dont block it just let it be free and thats what I did one night I was on my bed I felt it comming again I breathe I didn't panicked I js let it out and under a few min im 90 percent recovered im not fully recoveed but im working there
Don't worry, it doesn't matter what caused it or how long it’s lasted, you can and will recover 100% 😊 Read this carefully: www.dpmanual.com/articles/how-long-does-depersonalization-last/
I’ve had dpdr for months now but it started too fade but one day I fell asleep for a second and woke up with a huge panic attack because I felt like I was in a lucid dream and I still feel like it and every second of the day I feel myself sleeping and like I’m about to wake up any second of the day and when I get daily panic attacks I try wake myself up and I feel like I’m about too but never do and I’m so disconnected and anxious all the time how do I fix this
Don't worry, it doesn't matter what caused it, how long it’s lasted, or whether it’s been 24/7 or episodic, you can always switch DPDR off completely by stopping the anxiety that's causing it 😊 Read this carefully: www.dpmanual.com/articles/how-long-does-depersonalization-last/
Glad to hear you're making progress 😊👍And to answer your question, read this, I think you'll find it very helpful: www.dpmanual.com/articles/what-does-depersonalization-recovery-feel-like/
Hi Shaun! I wanted to ask you about your thoughts on emdr therapy in relation to dpdr. I want to know if you thought it would be beneficial for dpdr? Or is it something someone in recovery should avoid? Please let me know !
Hi! 😊 I'm not a medical professional so can't give you specific recommendations re therapy. But in my experience a good approach is this: If you're finding the therapy practical and beneficial then by all means continue to use it. Just make sure that in the meantime you're also following all the rules in The DP Manual.
I really wanna book the call so bad, but is 250 euro is a bit expensive. I hope you do a sale or something soon. I have the book already but a zoom call would make a difference.
Hey, thanks for your comment. Firstly, please make sure that you’re speaking to your parents about what’s happening. It’s very important that they know what’s going on. If they're not familiar with DPDR you can show them this video which will clear things up for them: th-cam.com/video/ANzyteEPKt8/w-d-xo.html Secondly, I know DPDR can be frightening but remember that it's just your body and brain's natural response to stress and anxiety. It's not permanent and it can't hurt you. You can and will recover. Make sure to read through all the info and articles on my website at www.dpmanual.com And if you would like to speak to a medical professional please don't hesitate to do so. I would recommend finding an anxiety specialist if possible as they will likely be more familiar with DPDR 👍
I had it back 2005 and there was hardly any info available about it back then. I can only imagine what the search for answers must have been like in the 80s ❤️
recreational and medical accessories that mostly affect cannabinoid receptors are largely known for their overall effect on ones mental health which could be both positive and negative, but for those affected in your community in a negative way, it would be a big no for them.
Don’t worry Joe, feelings of lack of visualization (or blank mind) are super common with DPDR. I know they can be frustrating but they will fade away and stop as you recover 😊 www.dpmanual.com/articles/the-truth-about-blank-mind-syndrome/
@@Dpmanual thanks for coming back to me Shaun, have people you worked with mentioned lack of visualisation in particular? Like unable to form images in my head. It’s my most distressing symptom
Don't worry, it doesn't matter what caused it or how long it’s lasted, you can and will recover 100% 😊 Read this carefully: www.dpmanual.com/articles/how-long-does-depersonalization-last/
marijuana is a known factor for major causes of psychiatric ailments more than others drug despite a common belief that it has a high safety profile , but selectively it is hazardous and can pose serious challenges to a person with either dormant illness, or an individual who is screened as healthy with unknown predisposition and THC could be a trigger.
Hello. Is it possible to recover from visual snow? As I have seen, it is a syndrome, but if it develops with DPDR, it is also a syndrome and is also incurable. Help. My vision is quite bad.
Don’t worry, visual symptoms like that are super common with DPDR and will fade away and stop as you recover 😊 www.dpmanual.com/articles/does-depersonalization-affect-vision/
1 year free from this mess, just know I made a FULL RECOVERY!!!! It was bad the biggest thing that helped me was moving into a new place with my friend, my stress went down so much being around people I loved, I kinda just forgot about DPDR I still think about it but it’s almost like I never happened, it gets better when stress goes down :)
Just downloaded your Manual Kit today but I have a question :) Im suffering from dpdr since April, I would say im pretty far in the healing state (my headaches are gone, my vision got better, my ears are not clocked anymore, I start to see the world more real) but I have a question: You say in your manual that maybe medications were a good answer for healing from the symptoms. Do you think I should get SSRIs even If im like 80% healed? And also since you heard many many different stories: do you think the last steps go quite fast in healing if the vision already got better and other symptoms also? Im worried that the last steps will maybe also need many weeks to heal? Im not really scared anymore (I guess this is the reason for being in a far healing state) but the symptoms only get better in SMALL SMALL baby steps nevertheless :( also my right eye sees way more blurry than my left eye since dpdr, is this a common symptom as well? I have got glasses now but im really sure that I had no vision problems before this :/
Thanks for purchasing and downloading The DP Manual! 😊❤️ Re your question on medication, I'm not a medical professional so can't give you specific recommendations re medication. But please read this article, I think you'll find it useful: www.dpmanual.com/articles/can-medication-cure-depersonalization/ And if you have any further questions on medication please don’t hesitate to speak to a medical professional. And regarding your questions about the recovery process: These are all answered specifically in the 3rd video that came with your download 'What To Expect During Recovery', take a look at that when you can, I think you'll find it very helpful 😊 Keep up the good work and enjoy your recovery! 😊❤️
@@Dpmanual thank you very much for your answer :) but I find no Information about my blurry Vision, do you heard this from clients as well that one eye sees more blurry than the other eye and Both eyes see more blurry since dpdr? :)
@@GossipSis Don’t worry, visual symptoms like that are super common with DPDR and will fade away and stop as you recover 😊 www.dpmanual.com/articles/does-depersonalization-affect-vision/
Hey Shaun, How common are symptoms like visual snow, tinnitus and brain zaps? For me, the feelngs of disconnection and not feeling real have passed, but things like tingling sensations in my brain and visual/auditory hallucinations seem like they arent going away since this began for me 6 months ago
Don’t worry, feelings like that are super common with DPDR. I know they can be frustrating but they will fade away and stop as you recover 😊 www.dpmanual.com/about/do-i-have-depersonalization-disorder/ www.dpmanual.com/articles/does-depersonalization-affect-vision/
Dear Shawn I'm having anxiety about the size of objects like the size of earth and about it's rotating, The space , the night etc etc.... I knew it's derealization... It's been almost 2 years... I'm really worried about it very much.... I have a toddler daughter who needs my utmost care.... I checked for my vitamins and my vitamin D is very low... My question is does vitamin deficiency cause anxiety based condition?? Kindly reply dear Shaun...
The good news is that it doesn't matter what caused it, the method for recovery is always the same 😊 Read this carefully: www.dpmanual.com/articles/what-causes-depersonalization-disorder/
Hi Shaun , i developed DPDR after a bad weed experience and i can relate to a lot of symptoms that you talked about, but i have more symptoms like rethinking absolutely everything i do or say, and a big one is that question that is hunting me all the time « would i do that or say that if i was normal » And i feel that cut in my life when it first started , it’s horrible it’s like im living in a dream since then till now Are those also symptoms of DPDR or what is this I hope you answer 🙏🏻
Yes, that does sound like a typical case of anxiety and DP/DR to me 😊 But take a look at the lists of symptoms here and see if they sound familiar: www.dpmanual.com/about/do-i-have-depersonalization-disorder/ www.dpmanual.com/about/depersonalization-symptoms-the-10-most-common/ And if you would like to speak to a medical professional please don't hesitate to do so. I would recommend finding an anxiety specialist if possible as they will likely be more familiar with DPDR ❤️
Hello French ebook can help a lot and enough to overcome ? Cause I’m tired in France no one no specialist (psychologist, psychiatrist) know Dp :( They don’t know how to treat it
My symptoms after 3 weeks with dpdr began to grow and for the past month they have been so alien and constantly changing, but now my symptoms are more like how they where the first 3 weeks, just feeling slightly high,is this a good sign I am slowly recovering?
Ups and downs like that are common on the road to recovery 😊 Read this carefully, I think you'll find it useful ❤️ www.dpmanual.com/articles/what-does-depersonalization-recovery-feel-like/
Hi Ivan 😊 I'm not a medical professional so can't give you specific recommendations re medication. But please read this article, I think you'll find it useful: www.dpmanual.com/articles/can-medication-cure-depersonalization/ And if you have any further questions on medication please don’t hesitate to speak to a medical professional.
www.dpmanual.com/coaching/ 😊 And if you would like to speak to a medical professional please don't hesitate to do so. I would recommend finding an anxiety specialist if possible as they will likely be more familiar with DPDR.
My dpdr feels different a lot of the time? Is that normal, during my recovery it kinda feels like my symptoms are reversing like going back to what it felt like at when it wasn’t as strong
Remember that ultimately, DPDR is just a symptom of anxiety so when the symptoms vary, it's just your anxiety levels going up and down, and certain situations / environments can change them. I know it might seem difficult to believe but you actually have complete control over it 😊 www.dpmanual.com/about/depersonalization-definition-what-is-it/
Yes, tinnitus can be a symptom of anxiety 😊 www.healthline.com/health/anxiety/ringing-in-ears-anxiety www.dpmanual.com/articles/tinnitus-and-depersonalization/ And if you would like to speak to a medical professional please don't hesitate to do so. I would recommend finding an anxiety specialist if possible as they will likely be more familiar with DPDR.
I would say drop dpdr competely, dont search it up. The cure is to not think about it. I know its hard, but trust me. I am the guy in the video and i made a full recovery.
@@adenless4048thank you! My hardest thing right now is thinking about existence and how there are so many people in the world and “what is reality? “ also scared I’m going to think like this forever…. I can’t even watch shows and stuff bc of my thoughts…,Did you have thoughts like this? You can really go back to thinking normally again?
@@adenless4048 i have a question. Is is possible to recovery fully if you think about it a few times a day but only Panic very Little? Im at 90% I think and I never forgot it for a Full day :(
@@GossipSis you are still recovering. When i healed i didnt remember dp at all. Untill i saw shauns video after 2 months. I went from 24/7. To never thinking about it. Now that im trying to remember dp i cant remember what it felt like.
@@adenless4048 but how is This possible? Did you just have no Symptomes anymore or how did you stop thinking about it from time to time? And how did you know that you were healed now ? Did you wake up one day After not thinking about it for a while and thought „oh right I had dp and now its gone I Guess“
⚡ Start YOUR 💯 recovery from DPDR today! 👉🏼 www.dpmanual.com/purchase/
⭐ 1-on-1 DPDR Recovery Coaching 👉🏼 www.dpmanual.com/coaching/
Fully recovered after 2 years. Crazy how once you start doing the right things how fast you return to normal. Binged your videos daily and brought me immense comfort through the most difficult time in my life. Just want to say thank you for everything you do. Forever grateful.
So happy to hear you've recovered and that the channel was helpful along the way! 😊❤️
What has helped you?
@@chichilove4127 just living life as i would normally regardless of any of the symptoms. I even restarted coffee as I improved and alcohol when im in the mood. The key is to not use anything as a form of escape. Because there really isnt anything you need to escape from.
@@HndrxxFantasyFootball how Long did your Recovery take After really Starting to recover ? :)
@@GossipSis hard to say honestly. You eventually just truly don’t care that it’s there anymore and it slowly fades like a fog lifting. Just know you’ll get out of it, everyone does, key is to let go of the fear of it and just LIVE how you used to even if it isn’t fun at first
i recovered from DPDR. Huge thank you Shaun, after almost a year of unemployment i have been back to work for 2 months now. At some points i really never thought i could do it. After months of terror, panic attacks and probably 10 different hospital visits, i finally have peace and am back to doing the things i love. you change peoples lives for the better Shaun thank you.
Thanks for your comment Jordan and I'm delighted to hear that you've recovered and back to living your life fully! ❤️ Also, I'd love to feature you on the channel sometime -- If you'd like to share your story in an interview let me know 😊
@@Dpmanual Yes in the future i'd like that. Right now its not something i want to go to into depth on. Thank you
@@jordanmayenburg508 No worries at all Jordan, enjoy your recovery and drop me a line whenever you feel ready ❤😊
Hello. Am going through depersonalization would help me
Thank you shaun you helped me through something I thought would last forever I had I got dpdr in early March and recovered in late June and when I saw your videos in April I felt so much better. Thank you.
Happy to help, and I'm delighted to hear you're doing so well 😊 🙏❤️
@@RobotRobot-ho6mb it was mostly just muscle memory in my brain
@@RobotRobot-ho6mb it’s really simple just tell yourself positive talk and it calms you down a lot
@@RobotRobot-ho6mb trust me my case was horrible and every day at school I was crying because I though nothing was real but I got through it
I’m currently going through it right now, and your videos give me so much hope. I hope when it’s all set and done I can come share my story, one thing I’ve learned already is try your absolute best to not be scared and instead be excited KNOWING you will be your normal self very soon!
Thanks for your comment Michael and I'm very glad to hear the videos have been helpful! 😊 And don't worry, you can and will get 100% back to normal ❤️ www.dpmanual.com/articles/back-to-normal-after-depersonalization/
@@Dpmanual shoun some times i feel my mouth smelling i still have worry😨
Im just tired of feeling like I'm in a different time and I get this feeling of being stuck in a black void.
Don’t worry, feelings like that are super common with DPDR. I know they can be frustrating but they will fade away and stop as you recover 😊 www.dpmanual.com/about/do-i-have-depersonalization-disorder/
Such good advice thank you Mahad!
Im glad that you found it useful!
I hope one day to wake up and be good
You will! ❤️ You can always recover and get 100% back to normal 😊www.dpmanual.com/articles/back-to-normal-after-depersonalization/
You will, you just have to work towards it. I know you wish it would disappear on its own, but you have to help yourself. Things won't stay this way forever, you have to promise yourself that
Healing is a slow progression. It takes place over time but one day you will wake up good. Love 🙏
@@mikebeastsecond 😊❤
You will trust me I was in it for 10 months bro, I’m back to normal to normal now 😂
Thank You Shaun, Thank You Mahad 💪❤️
Thank you for vid, Shaun!
Happy to help 😊❤️
Thank you so much for the work you're doing.
Thank you for the support 😊❤️
Thank you for this channel ❤
Thank you 💕🇿🇼
Happy to help ☺️❤️
shaun please put subtitles in Portuguese, I'm Brazilian and unfortunately I don't speak English, but your videos have helped me a lot in my recovery, I've seen and reviewed all of them that have subtitles available in Portuguese, your channel was the only one that was able to give me guidance and a guidance, I thank you very much.
I wish I could have access to your course, but unfortunately due to the conversion it ends up being too expensive for me at the moment, I know it's an honest price, but the real thing doesn't help me hahaha, I apologize if I'm confused or there's something wrong in the text, I did it through the translator.
Passa algum contato teu irmão
@@andreyxdzchama la
@@andreyxdz minhas respostas tão sumindo
@@andreyxdzshdjisidbsmsnsms sjdkchdhsksns shisvcsjss
For me, it was because of my second experience smoking weed. I got a mild panic attack but it was enough for me to wake up the next day completely detached. It's been two weeks. I've been really scared, I don't know what to do to make it go away. Sometimes it feels like it'll last forever. I can't afford the manual, but i'm trying my best to accept these feelings and watching the videos to reassure myself that I'm not going insane.
Hey Thaís, thanks for your comment 😊 I know DPDR can be scary but just remember that it’s a natural reaction to stress and anxiety, and people experience it all the time. The National Institute on Mental Illness estimates that up to 75% of people experience at least one depersonalization / derealization episode in their lives. It's part of your brain's natural defence mechanism and usually it only lasts a few seconds or minutes at a time. It's only when it's focused on as a separate problem (feeling like you're going crazy / in a dream etc) that it can turn into a feedback loop with the anxiety that caused it in the first place. But no matter what caused it or how long you've had it, you can always switch it off completely by stopping that anxious feedback loop. You can and will get 100% back to normal ❤️ www.dpmanual.com/articles/back-to-normal-after-depersonalization/
And if you would like to speak to a medical professional please don't hesitate to do so. I would recommend finding an anxiety specialist if possible as they will likely be more familiar with DPDR 👍
Hi Shaun, It is very normal thing Dp and Dr. Some people fear that they having heart attack, some thing they are going crazy, some afraid of gravity. These are common with it. Love from. Punjab, India❤🙏🙏
Yes, fears and feelings like that are common with DPDR and other anxiety-based conditions. I know they can be frustrating but they will fade away and stop as you recover 😊 www.dpmanual.com/articles/depersonalization-fears-and-anxious-thoughts/
It's true it feels as if I am dizzy but only not going to fall
I have depersonalization, and I know that the ideal approach to recovery is not to fight it but to forget about it. One of my symptoms is having trouble thinking clearly, which means I struggle with processing information, calculating thoughts, coming up with ideas, and articulating words. For example, in situations like trying to win an argument, I feel a strong need to think in order to avoid looking unintelligent. I’m unsure whether certain actions, such as trying to process information and think logically, are counterproductive. My concern is that I can’t distinguish whether this difficulty is part of the symptom itself or if it matters whether I keep trying to think. Even though I have a blank feeling in my brain and struggle to think, I can’t help but keep trying because I want to engage in these cognitive processes. I’m uncertain if continuing to try despite the difficulty is beneficial or not for my recovery.
Don’t worry, feelings of having a blank mind are super common with DPDR. I know they can be frustrating but they will fade away and stop as you recover 😊 www.dpmanual.com/articles/the-truth-about-blank-mind-syndrome/
Bro I feel the exact same way I thought it was just me, I struggle extremely in class as my thoughts are completely blank I fear I might lose relationships because sometimes I don’t know the right words to say
0:31 I love this happy music
First I wanna thank Shaun O'Conner for this great content that helps every one how suffers from DPP .months ago I was suffering from DPP and I was searching for a treatment then when I found this channel ,the vidéos helped me greatly and gave me a reassurance also there were a groupe of questions that were going through my mind so I always found the answers in this channel and that helped me a lot to reduce panic and fear now in this month exactly I got recover from this problem by 90% and frankly there was two main reasons the first may be a bit strange which is vomiting , I ate something that caused me to vomit so i that moment exactly something changed like i start feeling by my self and the symptoms decreased and the second season is swimming and this helped me a lot to reduce the symptoms finally I hope this message well benefit u in some way and I would like to give a good news to every one that has this problem u ganna recover and return to the normal to the point that u will not remember the symptoms u experienced
@@fatima.ela6 hey :) i wanted to ask how do you know that you recovered 90%? Im Not sure how far I am in recovery 😄 I Guess I will try Swimming as well but im afraid due to my vision Problems. But one question: which Symptomes got less due vomiting?
hey this was really helpful! thank you shaun and mahad!
I'm in grade 6 rn, and i really need dpdr sorted
watching ur vids definitely helped but i still need some advice
i dont know where or how it started but i think my dpdr started because of an infection in my kind of jaw area, (hasn't been solved yet sadly) which i was really worried about. Basically about last week/2weeks ago I started having existential thoughts then dpdr really bad. Literally like panic attacks every hour- it sucked. I just wanna feel normal again but everything feels so distant and dream like, basically my depersonalisation , derelisation , existential thoughts mixing. It's hard to get off my chest and I can't take any meds either.
would really appreciate any help ❤
and thank you shaun again, ever since a few days ago after starting ur vids i can finally relate to something.❤
Hello Autumn,
This is Mahad. Im happy that you found this video helpfull and i wanted to say that this will pass. Youll be back to normal and you wont even remember what dpdr felt like.
@@adenless4048Hi Mahad , thanks ❤! I loved this video it's really helpful, and I can relate to you so much!
And i believe you, I'll just keep praying and going on with my life 😊
Thank you! God bless you :)
I am 16 years and for me it began in 2023 and now its affecting my education
Hey, thanks for your comment ❤😊 Firstly, please make sure that you’re speaking to your parents about what’s happening. It’s very important that they know what’s going on. If they're not familiar with DPDR you can show them this video which will clear things up for them: th-cam.com/video/ANzyteEPKt8/w-d-xo.html
And if you would like to speak to a medical professional please don't hesitate to do so. I would recommend finding an anxiety specialist if possible as they will likely be more familiar with DPDR.
What if my overthinking of negative thought about dpdr is causing it? It feels like when I snap out of autopilot and acknowledge I’m alive and a living human being is when I start to spiral of the thoughts of “why am I here, what am I doing, who am I , how are we all human, I feel uncomfortable in my skin,” “ how are these my parents and how am I me “ how do I fix this 😭
Think of it this way. When you are on youtube u see a video and u interracg with it. Ull see more of that same type of videos. If you dont like your youtube feed ull stop interracting with the videos sure theyll come but overtime new videos will come and the old fyp is gone.
I feel that way and I need to find myself
Hey Damaris, thanks for your comment 😊 I know DPDR can be scary but just remember that it’s a natural reaction to stress and anxiety, and people experience it all the time. The National Institute on Mental Illness estimates that up to 75% of people experience at least one depersonalization / derealization episode in their lives. It's part of your brain's natural defence mechanism and usually it only lasts a few seconds or minutes at a time. It's only when it's focused on as a separate problem (feeling like you're going crazy / in a dream etc) that it can turn into a feedback loop with the anxiety that caused it in the first place. But no matter what caused it or how long you've had it, you can always switch it off completely by stopping that anxious feedback loop. Make sure to carefully read through all the articles and info on my website at www.dpmanual.com and my book The Depersonalization Manual.
And if you would like to speak to a medical professional please don't hesitate to do so. I would recommend finding an anxiety specialist if possible as they will likely be more familiar with DPDR 👍
Hi there Shaun, i am curious to hear
What are your thoughts on HPPD?
Do you think it is really a condition?
Or do you think it is actually just Depersonalisation which has been mislabled?
Bro i have the same exact problem like you. I smoked weed like 1.5 months ago and after smoking it was normal but after a month this was a day that i was feeling some kind of different and one time i was looking in the mirror and like i was thinking about some different things and like came back to reality and it was scary i’ve got a panic attack and like when i watched my legs it felt like their not mine so i drank some water and went to sleep. The whole next week i was having that feeling 24/7 till now and its been like 2 weeks. My motivation went away but im still going to the gym. My emotions are so numb and one time im feeling normal and one time im feeling so depressed. My vision is also like when i close my eyes and open them and i have like the a little blacknes and a little foggy. Im trying to accept it but in school im also feeling very unreal
Guys listen im only 14 years old i have dp/dpdr till dis day my first advice dont fight it at all you really gotta accept it and trust me it will get better focus on god 🙏🏿 be safe
Alright, may i ask if urs is 24/7
@autumnbreez3 yes is I was really struggling there's times were I would have panick attacks until I found this channel I remember one thing he said don't think of it as an attack dont block it just let it be free and thats what I did one night I was on my bed I felt it comming again I breathe I didn't panicked I js let it out and under a few min im 90 percent recovered im not fully recoveed but im working there
Im going to buy manual soon I really hope that it will help me because ive been struggling for 6 months now 😢
Don't worry, it doesn't matter what caused it or how long it’s lasted, you can and will recover 100% 😊 Read this carefully: www.dpmanual.com/articles/how-long-does-depersonalization-last/
I want to do this too but i don’t have that money 😭
I’ve had dpdr for months now but it started too fade but one day I fell asleep for a second and woke up with a huge panic attack because I felt like I was in a lucid dream and I still feel like it and every second of the day I feel myself sleeping and like I’m about to wake up any second of the day and when I get daily panic attacks I try wake myself up and I feel like I’m about too but never do and I’m so disconnected and anxious all the time how do I fix this
I have been suffering from this for dpdr 7 months and I have been taking serotonin receptor antagonists to no avail.
Don't worry, it doesn't matter what caused it, how long it’s lasted, or whether it’s been 24/7 or episodic, you can always switch DPDR off completely by stopping the anxiety that's causing it 😊 Read this carefully: www.dpmanual.com/articles/how-long-does-depersonalization-last/
I have recovered. I have also gained control over my thoughts. But when will I be able to completely trust the environment around me?
Glad to hear you're making progress 😊👍And to answer your question, read this, I think you'll find it very helpful: www.dpmanual.com/articles/what-does-depersonalization-recovery-feel-like/
Hi Shaun! I wanted to ask you about your thoughts on emdr therapy in relation to dpdr. I want to know if you thought it would be beneficial for dpdr? Or is it something someone in recovery should avoid? Please let me know !
Hi! 😊 I'm not a medical professional so can't give you specific recommendations re therapy. But in my experience a good approach is this: If you're finding the therapy practical and beneficial then by all means continue to use it. Just make sure that in the meantime you're also following all the rules in The DP Manual.
I really wanna book the call so bad, but is 250 euro is a bit expensive. I hope you do a sale or something soon. I have the book already but a zoom call would make a difference.
I am 14 struggling with dr since march 17 i need someone to talk to to because i get anxious a lot and feel like it’s not gonna leave
Hey, thanks for your comment. Firstly, please make sure that you’re speaking to your parents about what’s happening. It’s very important that they know what’s going on. If they're not familiar with DPDR you can show them this video which will clear things up for them: th-cam.com/video/ANzyteEPKt8/w-d-xo.html
Secondly, I know DPDR can be frightening but remember that it's just your body and brain's natural response to stress and anxiety. It's not permanent and it can't hurt you. You can and will recover. Make sure to read through all the info and articles on my website at www.dpmanual.com
And if you would like to speak to a medical professional please don't hesitate to do so. I would recommend finding an anxiety specialist if possible as they will likely be more familiar with DPDR 👍
I went through it starting in 1983 before we had internet to help, it was a bitch for about 10 years.
I had it back 2005 and there was hardly any info available about it back then. I can only imagine what the search for answers must have been like in the 80s ❤️
recreational and medical accessories that mostly affect cannabinoid receptors are largely known for their overall effect on ones mental health which could be both positive and negative, but for those affected in your community in a negative way, it would be a big no for them.
Hi Shaun. Is a lack of visualisation a symptom of DPDR ? For example I feel like my mind eye is blind, never used to feel like this
Don’t worry Joe, feelings of lack of visualization (or blank mind) are super common with DPDR. I know they can be frustrating but they will fade away and stop as you recover 😊 www.dpmanual.com/articles/the-truth-about-blank-mind-syndrome/
@@Dpmanual thanks for coming back to me Shaun, have people you worked with mentioned lack of visualisation in particular? Like unable to form images in my head. It’s my most distressing symptom
7 months with dpdr i feel it will go
Don't worry, it doesn't matter what caused it or how long it’s lasted, you can and will recover 100% 😊 Read this carefully: www.dpmanual.com/articles/how-long-does-depersonalization-last/
marijuana is a known factor for major causes of psychiatric ailments more than others drug despite a common belief that it has a high safety profile , but selectively it is hazardous and can pose serious challenges to a person with either dormant illness, or an individual who is screened as healthy with unknown predisposition and THC could be a trigger.
I wrote this article on why weed is such a common trigger of DPDR 👇
Hello. Is it possible to recover from visual snow? As I have seen, it is a syndrome, but if it develops with DPDR, it is also a syndrome and is also incurable. Help. My vision is quite bad.
Don’t worry, visual symptoms like that are super common with DPDR and will fade away and stop as you recover 😊 www.dpmanual.com/articles/does-depersonalization-affect-vision/
I totally recovered i would love to make a interview with youu
Sure! Drop me a line and we can arrange 😊
1 year free from this mess, just know I made a FULL RECOVERY!!!! It was bad the biggest thing that helped me was moving into a new place with my friend, my stress went down so much being around people I loved, I kinda just forgot about DPDR I still think about it but it’s almost like I never happened, it gets better when stress goes down :)
Delighted to hear that you're doing so well! 😊❤
I got emotional numbness is it due to dpdr
Just downloaded your Manual Kit today but I have a question :) Im suffering from dpdr since April, I would say im pretty far in the healing state (my headaches are gone, my vision got better, my ears are not clocked anymore, I start to see the world more real) but I have a question: You say in your manual that maybe medications were a good answer for healing from the symptoms. Do you think I should get SSRIs even If im like 80% healed? And also since you heard many many different stories: do you think the last steps go quite fast in healing if the vision already got better and other symptoms also? Im worried that the last steps will maybe also need many weeks to heal? Im not really scared anymore (I guess this is the reason for being in a far healing state) but the symptoms only get better in SMALL SMALL baby steps nevertheless :( also my right eye sees way more blurry than my left eye since dpdr, is this a common symptom as well? I have got glasses now but im really sure that I had no vision problems before this :/
Thanks for purchasing and downloading The DP Manual! 😊❤️
Re your question on medication, I'm not a medical professional so can't give you specific recommendations re medication. But please read this article, I think you'll find it useful: www.dpmanual.com/articles/can-medication-cure-depersonalization/
And if you have any further questions on medication please don’t hesitate to speak to a medical professional.
And regarding your questions about the recovery process: These are all answered specifically in the 3rd video that came with your download 'What To Expect During Recovery', take a look at that when you can, I think you'll find it very helpful 😊
Keep up the good work and enjoy your recovery! 😊❤️
@@Dpmanual thank you very much for your answer :) but I find no Information about my blurry Vision, do you heard this from clients as well that one eye sees more blurry than the other eye and Both eyes see more blurry since dpdr? :)
@@GossipSis Don’t worry, visual symptoms like that are super common with DPDR and will fade away and stop as you recover 😊 www.dpmanual.com/articles/does-depersonalization-affect-vision/
@@Dpmanual thank you so much 🥰🥰
@@GossipSis Happy to help 😊❤
Hey Shaun, How common are symptoms like visual snow, tinnitus and brain zaps?
For me, the feelngs of disconnection and not feeling real have passed, but things like tingling sensations in my brain and visual/auditory hallucinations seem like they arent going away since this began for me 6 months ago
Don’t worry, feelings like that are super common with DPDR. I know they can be frustrating but they will fade away and stop as you recover 😊 www.dpmanual.com/about/do-i-have-depersonalization-disorder/
Dear Shawn I'm having anxiety about the size of objects like the size of earth and about it's rotating, The space , the night etc etc.... I knew it's derealization... It's been almost 2 years... I'm really worried about it very much.... I have a toddler daughter who needs my utmost care.... I checked for my vitamins and my vitamin D is very low... My question is does vitamin deficiency cause anxiety based condition?? Kindly reply dear Shaun...
The good news is that it doesn't matter what caused it, the method for recovery is always the same 😊 Read this carefully: www.dpmanual.com/articles/what-causes-depersonalization-disorder/
Hi Shaun , i developed DPDR after a bad weed experience and i can relate to a lot of symptoms that you talked about, but i have more symptoms like rethinking absolutely everything i do or say, and a big one is that question that is hunting me all the time « would i do that or say that if i was normal »
And i feel that cut in my life when it first started , it’s horrible it’s like im living in a dream since then till now
Are those also symptoms of DPDR or what is this
I hope you answer 🙏🏻
Yes, that does sound like a typical case of anxiety and DP/DR to me 😊 But take a look at the lists of symptoms here and see if they sound familiar:
And if you would like to speak to a medical professional please don't hesitate to do so. I would recommend finding an anxiety specialist if possible as they will likely be more familiar with DPDR ❤️
You guys keep saying you should forget about it and it will pass, but how can i do that it’s here all the time and the symptoms are so intense 😢
sir i dont have much money to treat my illness😭
Sorry I forget to mention the reason which is because of the earthquake that struck my country Morocco last year
I get DPDR when I don't sleep. It's horrible but that's what happens with chronic insomnia.
Read this, I think you'll find it helpful 😊www.dpmanual.com/articles/why-does-depersonalization-affect-sleep-and-dreams/
French ebook can help a lot and enough to overcome ?
Cause I’m tired in France no one no specialist (psychologist, psychiatrist) know Dp :(
They don’t know how to treat it
My symptoms after 3 weeks with dpdr began to grow and for the past month they have been so alien and constantly changing, but now my symptoms are more like how they where the first 3 weeks, just feeling slightly high,is this a good sign I am slowly recovering?
Ups and downs like that are common on the road to recovery 😊 Read this carefully, I think you'll find it useful ❤️ www.dpmanual.com/articles/what-does-depersonalization-recovery-feel-like/
Can medications, in this case cause more anxiety and stress, in this case favarin, olanzapin and mood stab, and prolong recovery? Tnx for answer
Hi Ivan 😊 I'm not a medical professional so can't give you specific recommendations re medication. But please read this article, I think you'll find it useful: www.dpmanual.com/articles/can-medication-cure-depersonalization/
And if you have any further questions on medication please don’t hesitate to speak to a medical professional.
Dont take them! The mirtazapine and terlidjen caused dp
Broo i really need ur help how can i reach out to u??
www.dpmanual.com/coaching/ 😊
And if you would like to speak to a medical professional please don't hesitate to do so. I would recommend finding an anxiety specialist if possible as they will likely be more familiar with DPDR.
My dpdr feels different a lot of the time? Is that normal, during my recovery it kinda feels like my symptoms are reversing like going back to what it felt like at when it wasn’t as strong
Remember that ultimately, DPDR is just a symptom of anxiety so when the symptoms vary, it's just your anxiety levels going up and down, and certain situations / environments can change them. I know it might seem difficult to believe but you actually have complete control over it 😊 www.dpmanual.com/about/depersonalization-definition-what-is-it/
Do you also hear Sound In ears😢 i hear some times and i have Dark aches on feet and on arm 😢😢😢
Yes, tinnitus can be a symptom of anxiety 😊
And if you would like to speak to a medical professional please don't hesitate to do so. I would recommend finding an anxiety specialist if possible as they will likely be more familiar with DPDR.
Does watching these interviews mean i have to put a X on the recovery weekly tracker under avoiding research and forums?
I would say drop dpdr competely, dont search it up. The cure is to not think about it. I know its hard, but trust me. I am the guy in the video and i made a full recovery.
@@adenless4048thank you! My hardest thing right now is thinking about existence and how there are so many people in the world and “what is reality? “ also scared I’m going to think like this forever…. I can’t even watch shows and stuff bc of my thoughts…,Did you have thoughts like this? You can really go back to thinking normally again?
@@adenless4048 i have a question. Is is possible to recovery fully if you think about it a few times a day but only Panic very Little? Im at 90% I think and I never forgot it for a Full day :(
@@GossipSis you are still recovering. When i healed i didnt remember dp at all. Untill i saw shauns video after 2 months. I went from 24/7. To never thinking about it. Now that im trying to remember dp i cant remember what it felt like.
@@adenless4048 but how is This possible? Did you just have no Symptomes anymore or how did you stop thinking about it from time to time? And how did you know that you were healed now ? Did you wake up one day After not thinking about it for a while and thought „oh right I had dp and now its gone I Guess“
Can Nicotine make DPDR worse? Like I smoke 50mg pods , will it make my anxiety and dpdr worst?
In my opinion quitting cigarettes / nicotine is not necessary for recovery but you should of course consider quitting anyways ❤️😊
Hey, I stopped vaping 65 days ago is when I started experiencing some anxiety and dpdr so I don’t think it can make worse
Most of the people that developed dp dr either smoked or took edible 🤦🏽♂️ since then never tried smoke
It's one of the most common causes of the condition: www.dpmanual.com/articles/what-causes-depersonalization-disorder/
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