I don't know why I cried and kept crying, I'm proud, I'm happy to see Indonesian women succeed in becoming the best for this country, thank you, I love you... keep up the good work and keep working
Lah kata siapa ga di hargai di Indonesia? Ngetik kok asal jeplak Lu ga liat mereka banyak di undang di podcast, isi gigs di berbagai kota di Indonesia Mangsa pasar mereka emang di setting untuk luar negeri, bukan berarti ga di hargai disini Kocak kocakkk
Indonesia always has great musicians which may not be well recognized by Indonesians themselves. VOB is one of em. Highly appreciate these girls for their music. Let's rock!!!!
Stunning.. A slapping bassist, a talented guitarist and, my favorite, a barefoot drummer, this fearless trio nailed it, together with their own additional touch.. Gotta check out their other work..
First of all, I saw a documentary about you ladies here on german TV and your gig on Wacken! You're awesome! How you are playing this cover... James Hatfield must be proud on you gals seeing it! Just awesome! Thank you fir being on stage! Greetings from Germany to all my sisters and brothers in metal!
Langkah yang brilian bagi ADMIN VOB untuk mengunggah masing-masing lagu dari FULL CONCERT nya mengingat tidak setiap orang berkenan atau memiliki waktu luang yang cukup untuk mendengarkan seluruh Full Concert. Selain itu pula langkah ini sesuai dengan pola VIDEO REAKSI di YT dimana para REAKTOR hampir seluruhnya akan memberikan reaksi hanya melalui 1 Lagu dan bukanlah Full Concert... (Hal yang perlu diingat adalah Video Reaksi sangat membantu dalam menyebarkan Informasi atas suatu HAL baik Musik, Olahraga atau berita apapun juga) Berharap ADMIN VOB akan melakukan hal yang SAMA terhadap masing2 lagu dalam Konser ini untuk diunggah sehingga selain memberikan KEMUDAHAN bagi Reaktor untuk memberikan Video Reaksi juga memanjakan Penggemarnya untuk dapat memilih mendengarkan masing2 lagu atau Full Concert... BRILIAN !!! Sukses Selalu untuk VOB !!!
I'm more a GNR fan, but I have a huge respect for these young girls, Metallica isn't an easy group to cover. Plus it's not the kind of music you would expect them to play, keep rocking girls, great stuff 🤟❤️🔥❤️💯
I think that could very well be the point of the music they choose to cover, I’ve noticed it’s a majority of Rock/Metal music, a genre of music that absolutely NO ONE would EVER expect 3 Indonesian Muslims to, not only listen to but to start a band and play the music?!? It’s absolutely INCREDIBLE and AMAZING!! ❤❤
@@dabsallday9938I'm a hijabi muslimah myself. You'd be surprised but I get your point though😂. However in countries like Indonesia and Maleisa it is very acceptable I noticed this. In my countru singing is accepted for a women but not in a punk/heavy metal/nu metal setting at least not if you're a hijabi women. If you're not a hijabi but still a muslim they wouldn't mind though. I used to attend LP concerts quite a few time, I still like rock/nu metal. I used to be a little bit of a punker myself😂 these girls are hella talented but as a muslim myself I have to say in one of their others songs (please God let me play or sing I think that was the title). I wish they would use other lyrics, cause it almost sounds like a mockery😢I know that's def not their intention at all but still should watch out with such lyrics it's disrespectful. Anyways they are very talented girls, I love a heavy bass(guitar) sound and there's just something special about rock and (nu) metal in my opinion.
Pemusik yang baik tidak hanya bisa menciptakan karya yang bagus, tapi juga bisa menampilkannya di panggung dengan rapi. Dan ini terbukti oleh VOB. Memang jam terbang tidak bisa dibohongi (FYI, meski mungkin baru2 ini viral, VOB sebenarnya udah cukup lama manggung dan dikenal Metalhead).
Mantaaap jg kereeen vob band rock metal fungky idola baladceprot smua ny, suport jg dukung terus smoga semakin sukses vob dlm menjalani konser tour d luar negeri, slm baladceprot fans base indonesia
Asli gw ga kuat nonton vob, terharu sepanjang nonton, bekaca2 terus, gmana ga, di usia muda udah sampai selevel itu, cewe lg, gw pencinta musik keras juga, gw dulu pun di usia sma udah manggung bawain lagu Burgerkill album petama sakit jiwa, revolt, dan band2 luar th 2000an tp jauh banget dibanding mereka... Ga bisa ngomong lg gw, kereeen pisan pokonamah ga da obat.
@@mezmerizeoded1673 saya juga terharus melihat VOB yang luar biasa sudah go international mungkin saya termasuk lebay. Tetapi VOB memang pantas di acung jempol dan diakui dunia.
@@Vanceydress when you are good at something everyone says "you are so talented". But most of the time there are 10.000 h of practice, and not some "gift" that you got from heaven.
Terharu dan Salut Kalian kebanggaan Garut . Kalian kebanggaan Indonesia. Terus berkarya Wanita Wanita Hebat👍👍👍. Terutama untuk Siti,, KAMU HEBAAAATTTT👍👍👍
Baceprot singajaya pride🤘 haturnuhun, udah bikin bangga daerah, garut, jawa barat, indonesia harum dengan adanya kalian, trimaksih juga buat para guru yg ngajarin sampai sekeren ini, trimakasih buat management nya juga berkat kalian, tiga wanita munggil ini bisa dilihat oleh negara lain, rock n roll 🤘 cita² pengen ketemu minta foto sama tandatangannya, smga ke sampaian😁
Pure bliss to watch and to listen to. And then to know that they are only in their early twenties. These awesome ladies are going to make it big ... very big.
Damn, these chicks totally SHRED! These Ladies are obviously VERY talented. I'd love to see them on tour with Lovebites and Accrassicauda and Nervosa and The Hu. That would be a PERFECT lineup tour in my opinion.
I just found your channel and music. VoB you rock girls! You guys remind me of me 15-20 years ago, dulu ngeband juga dan pake hijab, aku drummer, suka musik keras juga. Ikut festival musik sana sini. Dan jadi sorotan juga karena semua personilnya cewek. Dulu semangatku besar tapi sayang jaman dulu ga semudah sekarang. I support you girls. Keep going! 🤘🤘🖤🖤
Jaman skarang jg mereka merintis nya susah mb, walaupun dipermudah dr segi digital, tp mereka jg harus menghadapi hina an cemooh orang, mereka tetep berjuang di real live ,, dr panggung ke panggung,, bukan cuma ngandelin cover video ky konten konten yg skill nya lebih hebat tp jarang mau live show ...
@@Gatotkoco22 iya dari dulu sampe skrg tetep ya pandangan miring masyarakat masih ada. Padahal kita cuma melakukan hobi (sama seperti orang2 dgn hobinya masing2) dan ga melakukan hal2 yg negatif. Makanya pas lihat mereka aku seneng banget dan support. Supaya masyarakat bisa lebih open minded, ga selalu memandang buruk. Aku juga udah nontonin kok video2 lama mereka yg perform di panggung2,, keren2, dan skill mereka skrg udah banyak kemajuan nya👍👍
Voice Of Baceorot (VOB) Birthplace: Garut, West Java, Indonesia Lead Guitarist & Lead Vocalist: Firda MARSYA Kurnia (born 28 June 2000) Drummer: Euis SITTI Aisyah (born 17 August 2000) Bassist: WIDI Rahmawati (born 3 December 2001)
Baru sekitar sebulan lalu saya tahu VoB. Berasal dari kampung pelosok dengan segala keterbatasan akses terhadap informasi dan teknologi. Mereka pun besar di lingkungan yang cenderung konservatif. Dengan semua hambatan tersebut, mereka tetap tidak menyerah untuk menjadi diri sendiri. Dan yang paling saya kagumi adalah cara mereka (terutama Marsha) dalam mengentertain audience luar negeri. Sangat percaya diri, kuat mental dan psikologis. Dengan sedikit polesan, mereka bisa menjadi band besar secara global.
@@aefsafrudin555 garutnya nggak pelosok. Mereka dari Singajaya, 2 jam perjalanan dari Garut. Di daerah pegunungan selatan Garut dan masih banyak hutannya.
Dulu gue ngga suka musik metal, tapi sesudah tahu VOB gue langsung jatuh cinta dan jadi fans berat mereka, semoga VOB panjang umurnya dan terus maju berkarya menghibur seisi dunia..
So cool, Indonesian Young ladies doing this, even more when you visiting and enjoying food in our restaurant Waroeng Padang Lapek in The Haque,thank you for coming by.
As a Indonesian myself, in modern Indonesian life living in The Netherlands, they have to strugle with their believe, lots of them not aloud to do what they do, but this girl chasing and find and doing what they love to do!,Chapeau!!
Just goes to show you that how a person dresses does not define them. Those reasons are personal. But to see this rocking hard rendition, absolute talent. I'm 65 and I approve this band! Looking forward to hearing more in the future. 👍
Dunia sudah melihat, banyak utuber² Reaction hasil karya skill orang² Indonesia. Justru yg PICEK adlah Pejabat² Indonesia termasuk Mak Lampir Pedeipeh yg menghina anak² muda Indonesia yang katanya Anak Muda Indonesia sudah berbuat apa buat negara ini. Nahh....itulah salah contoh Piceknya Mantan Presiden !!
Hei@@DeniRisawanadijayabaca apa ngelindur lu? Dia kan minta VOB kembali manggung disana, komen ngasal sok tau padahal dia lebih tau dan sekaligus menonton langsung VOB disana😂😂
Voice Of Baceprot - sering disingkat VOB - adalah band rock perempuan Indonesia yang dibentuk di Garut, Jawa Barat pada tahun 2014. Terdiri dari trio muda berhijab Firdda Marsya Kurnia (vokal dan gitar), Widi Rahmawati (bass), dan Euis Siti Aisyah (drum), VOB menggabungkan berbagai pengaruh mereka, mulai dari rock, rap-rock, dan funk rock hingga nu-metal dan funk metal, menyatukan mereka ke dalam gaya musik rock yang unik dilengkapi dengan riff gitar virtuoso vokalis Marsya. , dentuman keras drummer Siti, dan tamparan bass khas Widi. Dijuluki "Band Metal yang Dibutuhkan Dunia Saat Ini" oleh Metal Hammer, VOB merilis single debut mereka yang ditulis sendiri yang telah lama ditunggu-tunggu "School Revolution" pada tahun 2018, yang diproduksi oleh produser terkenal Stephan Santoso.
Wow I've lived in Indonesia for 10 years and only just heard of these ladies, very talented, in fact alot of talented bands in Jakarta and Bali from what I have seen!
Ediyaaan... sdh 3 bulan aku dengerin n nyimak video2 kalian VOB, kok gak ada bosan2nyah.... Badan ikut goyang, kalian penuh energik, brillian menguasai semua lagu2mu. Tetap semangat dan berkarya. Indonesia bangga pada kalian Voice Of Baceprot..... 🤟😄
Cuando las vi, no imaginaba que eran tan buenas metaleras,, suenan muy bien, me he quedado sin palabras.. Olee y que viva por siempre el Rock Heavy Metal 🤘🤩🎸🎸🔥🌀🎵🎶‼️‼️‼️
Setiap kali melihat aksi mereka di panggung mata saya berkaca kaca terharu saya merasa bangga sebagai warga Indonesia negara ini begitu banyak talenta yg tersembunyi di seluruh pelosok dan vob muncul dari Garut,sehat selalu vob terus berkarya
Gak usah Lebay om, biasa aja, gak usah nangisan, dan gak usah bawa2 nama negara... setiap manusia punya keunggulan masing2 asal tekun berlatih dan bakat mereka bertiga di musik rock, udah gitu aja, cukup nikmati aja music nya gak perlu berlebihan sampai bercaka2 segala, wkwkwk
@@richardstrand2130that's not badass🌀🌀🌀 to the warning bands,unlike VoB creative varied sounds headbang talent superior I've heard their music, the sound is very easy for VoB music
That was amazing! Equally impressive is how you you owned the song. No sugar coated, cute rendition, you played it the way it's meant to be played. I subscribed to your channel.
I wonder if James Hettfield and the boys of Metallica has ever seen these ladies doing this cover of their hit!! I believe Metallica was done proud!!! They killed it!!!!
100 X mgkn gue udh dengerin lagu VOB yg ini... Bnr2 Luar biasa Lirik ny bnr2 MARSYA JENIUS... Bisa bikin Lagu sekeren ini... Sumpah gue Kagum dgn VOB.... Mereka bnr2 MUSISI TOP pantas JD contoh Band2 Indonesia yg slalu Lagu2 Cengeng dn cinta Gombal...😂😂😂
@MUSUH DIMANA NEMBAK KEMANA (bego) yg lebih kasian yg bisanya cuman ngomentari. Cuman pas kok sama nama mu. Nikmati aja toh kamu yo kesini buat dengerin.
@MUSUH DIMANA NEMBAK KEMANA (bego) Lah sah sah ja ngover lagu siapa saja vob juga punya lagu sndri skarng gua tanya lo bisa gak maen kayak vob jangan ngomong tapi lo ra bisa apa2 bang😂
Im Malaysian🇲🇾 and wife Indonesian🇲🇨, as a Islam, actually music is not prohibited in Islam if it doesn't run away from religious teachings, music will be banned when it goes beyond religious boundaries such as playing music with alcohol, drugs and immorality.. Peace be upon you all..❤
Agree with me, fellow moderate Muslims. As long as it is not excessive, and does not commit sins. If there is a hard line, Islam that forbids it means it is a hard line Wahhabism.
Your religion didn't tell you not to consume alcohol. It only says not to pray when drunk. Read your own book. It also says jews are from monkeys and pigs. Don't deny it
Mereka cuma bertiga tapi same mcm original 😭😭😍 giler gempak....
I don't know why I cried and kept crying, I'm proud, I'm happy to see Indonesian women succeed in becoming the best for this country, thank you, I love you... keep up the good work and keep working
Tony I feel like you do. These girls are very good. I'm proud of them and representing your country. I'm happy to have discovered them. 😊 🎸🎵
@@jeffkerr7418 Yes, as a country rich in arts and culture, I feel proud of them ❤️
Batının oyuncağı olmakla gurur duyan zavallı hir halk😀
Ko bs sama y om. Malah nangis saya
@@pratiwiMully i don't know!
The level of confident and skills. They really trust each other
Sebuah band yg tak dihargai di negerinya tapi mampu membuat harum negerinya di dunia. Indo lebih mahal tukang cover daripada multitalent.
Lah kata siapa ga di hargai di Indonesia?
Ngetik kok asal jeplak
Lu ga liat mereka banyak di undang di podcast, isi gigs di berbagai kota di Indonesia
Mangsa pasar mereka emang di setting untuk luar negeri, bukan berarti ga di hargai disini
Kocak kocakkk
Kata siapa gk dihargai dinegaranya 😂 kocak ni orang
Lah ini juga cover kocak lu
Hadeuh kocak lu😂
Ini bener" ODGJ yg mantaap.
ODGJ (Orang Dari Garut Jawa barat)....he...he...he...
Indonesia always has great musicians which may not be well recognized by Indonesians themselves.
VOB is one of em.
Highly appreciate these girls for their music.
Let's rock!!!!
Eddie Van Halen 1/4 indonesian :)
Vob from malesia, please don't claim. Salam serumput sekebon 🇲🇾😘 🇮🇱
@@avalulabil are you sure? all internet says they are from west java
From Garut, west java@@jaroswave
Skill bermusik sambil bernyanyi segarang seperti ini biasanya dimiliki laki2... ini sungguh perempuan yg hebat dgn bakat yg luar biasa.
Stunning.. A slapping bassist, a talented guitarist and, my favorite, a barefoot drummer, this fearless trio nailed it, together with their own additional touch.. Gotta check out their other work..
Its great that they did their own some improv version rather than straight up cover. It makes their performance for this unique.
I got no words…….unbelievable, still blown away. Drummer was smoking it
First of all, I saw a documentary about you ladies here on german TV and your gig on Wacken! You're awesome!
How you are playing this cover... James Hatfield must be proud on you gals seeing it! Just awesome! Thank you fir being on stage!
Greetings from Germany to all my sisters and brothers in metal!
Langkah yang brilian bagi ADMIN VOB untuk mengunggah masing-masing lagu dari FULL CONCERT nya mengingat tidak setiap orang berkenan atau memiliki waktu luang yang cukup untuk mendengarkan seluruh Full Concert. Selain itu pula langkah ini sesuai dengan pola VIDEO REAKSI di YT dimana para REAKTOR hampir seluruhnya akan memberikan reaksi hanya melalui 1 Lagu dan bukanlah Full Concert... (Hal yang perlu diingat adalah Video Reaksi sangat membantu dalam menyebarkan Informasi atas suatu HAL baik Musik, Olahraga atau berita apapun juga)
Berharap ADMIN VOB akan melakukan hal yang SAMA terhadap masing2 lagu dalam Konser ini untuk diunggah sehingga selain memberikan KEMUDAHAN bagi Reaktor untuk memberikan Video Reaksi juga memanjakan Penggemarnya untuk dapat memilih mendengarkan masing2 lagu atau Full Concert...
BRILIAN !!! Sukses Selalu untuk VOB !!!
@@ancharamansyah8176 Seeep, Brother ....
Setuju semoga admin membaca komentar ini
@@iraaabeyy4433 Seeep, Mbak ... Saya benar2 mengharapkan kerjasama ADMIN VOB...
Gak masalah sih. Saya sering dengar pas di motor. Heheee
This almost brought a tear to my eye. Reminded me of my youth playing in a band. I'm old now and those days are behind.
I'm more a GNR fan, but I have a huge respect for these young girls, Metallica isn't an easy group to cover. Plus it's not the kind of music you would expect them to play, keep rocking girls, great stuff 🤟❤️🔥❤️💯
I have something more than respect for them. I have..... well..❤😂
I think that could very well be the point of the music they choose to cover, I’ve noticed it’s a majority of Rock/Metal music, a genre of music that absolutely NO ONE would EVER expect 3 Indonesian Muslims to, not only listen to but to start a band and play the music?!?
It’s absolutely INCREDIBLE and AMAZING!! ❤❤
I don't think anyone's expectations of what this band would play would be accurate. This band is not predictable at all!
@@dabsallday9938I'm a hijabi muslimah myself. You'd be surprised but I get your point though😂. However in countries like Indonesia and Maleisa it is very acceptable I noticed this. In my countru singing is accepted for a women but not in a punk/heavy metal/nu metal setting at least not if you're a hijabi women. If you're not a hijabi but still a muslim they wouldn't mind though.
I used to attend LP concerts quite a few time, I still like rock/nu metal. I used to be a little bit of a punker myself😂 these girls are hella talented but as a muslim myself I have to say in one of their others songs (please God let me play or sing I think that was the title).
I wish they would use other lyrics, cause it almost sounds like a mockery😢I know that's def not their intention at all but still should watch out with such lyrics it's disrespectful.
Anyways they are very talented girls, I love a heavy bass(guitar) sound and there's just something special about rock and (nu) metal in my opinion.
Spero che questo gruppo viaggi sempre per la libertà semplicemente fantastiche
Круто! Я не ожидал такого! Девченки молодцы 👍👍👍👍👍
Pemusik yang baik tidak hanya bisa menciptakan karya yang bagus, tapi juga bisa menampilkannya di panggung dengan rapi. Dan ini terbukti oleh VOB. Memang jam terbang tidak bisa dibohongi (FYI, meski mungkin baru2 ini viral, VOB sebenarnya udah cukup lama manggung dan dikenal Metalhead).
Just booked ticket for London show see u 26 June can't wait ❤
What are the impressions?
@@tangocash342 they rock you have to see them live
Terimakasih, saya sendiri tinggal di Indonesia dan belum menyaksikan penampilan mereka secara langsung
Mantaaap jg kereeen vob band rock metal fungky idola baladceprot smua ny, suport jg dukung terus smoga semakin sukses vob dlm menjalani konser tour d luar negeri, slm baladceprot fans base indonesia
yuup dukung terus VOB anak bangsa yg membanggakan
Unbelievable…. Drummer is incredible…. The whole damn band is incredible.
That was what Lars saying..
Sitti the drummer@@deanprapanca
First time I've ever heard this song with the drummer staying in time.
Yeah rightttt... The Drummer is crazyyyy....
Asli gw ga kuat nonton vob, terharu sepanjang nonton, bekaca2 terus, gmana ga, di usia muda udah sampai selevel itu, cewe lg, gw pencinta musik keras juga, gw dulu pun di usia sma udah manggung bawain lagu Burgerkill album petama sakit jiwa, revolt, dan band2 luar th 2000an tp jauh banget dibanding mereka... Ga bisa ngomong lg gw, kereeen pisan pokonamah ga da obat.
syukur lah VOB bisa jadi generasi penerus band band Rock indonesia....dukung terus VOB
@@mezmerizeoded1673 saya juga terharus melihat VOB yang luar biasa sudah go international mungkin saya termasuk lebay. Tetapi VOB memang pantas di acung jempol dan diakui dunia.
Lebay bukan berarti cengeng taw puitis taw so2an taw apalah, karya VOB itu bukti dari kelebayan...
Seluruh mata sedang memandang mu, kesuksesan kalian semakin nyata,, Proud of you Cucut cicit Kakang Prabu Siliwangi di Tanah Sunda ❤❤❤❤❤
Sunda pride....🎉🎉🎉
สุดยอดเลยครับ เบสกับกลองซาวน์แน่นมาก สำเนียงชัด กีต้าร์ก็จัดแสบเอาเรื่องอยู่
เก่งทั้ง 3 คน เลย แต่สำหรับผม มือเบส เล่นได้ดุดันมากๆ ❤ มือกลองเท้าเปล่าเสียงแน่นๆ แต่คือสมส่วนดีทั้งวงครับ
their bass player actually makes me cry. so much talent
Bas rhcp inspiration
You mean practice...
This whole performance is making me CRY like a fucking baby, like I’ve never seen females rocking out like this before 😂😂
WTF is wrong with me?! 😂😂
@@machinehater5143 What's the difference?
@@Vanceydress when you are good at something everyone says "you are so talented". But most of the time there are 10.000 h of practice, and not some "gift" that you got from heaven.
Terharu dan Salut
Kalian kebanggaan Garut . Kalian kebanggaan Indonesia.
Terus berkarya Wanita Wanita Hebat👍👍👍.
Terutama untuk Siti,, KAMU HEBAAAATTTT👍👍👍
Siapa kamu gimana sya aja
@@yayathidayat3934 , maksudnya ??
You have a new fan from the UK. You girls rock!
being a single singer while playing guitar never be so easy. you just rock it
This is much better than I expected !! :) Greetings from Egypt. Keep Rocking..
Mich freut vor allem, dass eine indonesische Band weltweit Erfolg hat!
Absolutes Bravo!
Gruß aus Deutschland ❤❤❤❤
Thank yOu (terimakasih) bro 🔥🔥🔥
@@uye1992 I like the country
Several times I visited Sumatra, bali. And I have a friend there who studied with me .
@@berndhofmann752 🔥 🔥 🔥
OMG WHAT DID I JUST CLICK ON ?!?! @Metallica watch this!!! I am just BLOWN AWAY!!!
Baceprot singajaya pride🤘 haturnuhun, udah bikin bangga daerah, garut, jawa barat, indonesia harum dengan adanya kalian, trimaksih juga buat para guru yg ngajarin sampai sekeren ini, trimakasih buat management nya juga berkat kalian, tiga wanita munggil ini bisa dilihat oleh negara lain, rock n roll 🤘 cita² pengen ketemu minta foto sama tandatangannya, smga ke sampaian😁
They are awesome! Never never judge a rock and roll album by its cover.
Hopes that they get move exposure, international performance Love this Band
Rock on!! Much love from the United States ✌️
I have never seen a band where all members' playing attracted attention. The lead guitar, bass guitar, and drums all demand my attention. Tabik.
The only member of this band who doesn't attract attention is the keyboard player.
VOB!! I just want you to know that my dad is 75 and he loves you guys so much! Now i know that you are such a masterpiece! proud of u! 🇮🇩
Thank you ..thank you ..thank you... love love love love..
Pure bliss to watch and to listen to. And then to know that they are only in their early twenties. These awesome ladies are going to make it big ... very big.
Thanks bro......
I can't get the happy smile off my face. That was fantastic.
3:09 Love the riff going off the original and making their own.
That Bass solo was incredible!! Thick and heavy, Well done. Great show by the whole band...🤘🏻😮🤘🏻
It's been a few years since I've seen a band with genuine individual talent like this, the slap picking before the solo was so unexpected!
Damn, these chicks totally SHRED! These Ladies are obviously VERY talented.
I'd love to see them on tour with Lovebites and Accrassicauda and Nervosa and The Hu. That would be a PERFECT lineup tour in my opinion.
tanggal 24-30 Juni 2024 mendatang mereka akan bermain di glastonbury Inggris, mereka juga akan bermain dengan kaene, Avril levigne, coldplay
@@wangseng-gn3ccI wish they would play here in America, because I'd LOVE to see them live
Orgulho VOB..Voz de Barulho em português...viva de Sundaneses!! Viva Garut semore!!!
I remember about Suzi Quotro.....anda semua hebat.....
Kebanggaan VOB..Voz de Noulho dalam bahasa Portugis...hidup bahasa Sunda!! Hidup Garut selamanya!!!
Pulang kerja lelah langsung nonton VoB alhamdulillah menjadi berkah 😊
Sama bro...buka TH-cam... langsung klik VoB....
ok semoga sehat selalu dan lancar urusan nya ...
I just found your channel and music. VoB you rock girls! You guys remind me of me 15-20 years ago, dulu ngeband juga dan pake hijab, aku drummer, suka musik keras juga. Ikut festival musik sana sini. Dan jadi sorotan juga karena semua personilnya cewek. Dulu semangatku besar tapi sayang jaman dulu ga semudah sekarang. I support you girls. Keep going! 🤘🤘🖤🖤
Jaman skarang jg mereka merintis nya susah mb, walaupun dipermudah dr segi digital, tp mereka jg harus menghadapi hina an cemooh orang, mereka tetep berjuang di real live ,, dr panggung ke panggung,, bukan cuma ngandelin cover video ky konten konten yg skill nya lebih hebat tp jarang mau live show ...
@@Gatotkoco22 iya dari dulu sampe skrg tetep ya pandangan miring masyarakat masih ada. Padahal kita cuma melakukan hobi (sama seperti orang2 dgn hobinya masing2) dan ga melakukan hal2 yg negatif. Makanya pas lihat mereka aku seneng banget dan support. Supaya masyarakat bisa lebih open minded, ga selalu memandang buruk. Aku juga udah nontonin kok video2 lama mereka yg perform di panggung2,, keren2, dan skill mereka skrg udah banyak kemajuan nya👍👍
belum terlambat utk memulai kembali ;)
Voice Of Baceorot (VOB)
Garut, West Java, Indonesia
Lead Guitarist & Lead Vocalist:
Firda MARSYA Kurnia
(born 28 June 2000)
Euis SITTI Aisyah
(born 17 August 2000)
WIDI Rahmawati
(born 3 December 2001)
Music is universal. And anyone from anywhere can rock. VOB rocks particularly hard. Nice job, ladies.
Baru sekitar sebulan lalu saya tahu VoB. Berasal dari kampung pelosok dengan segala keterbatasan akses terhadap informasi dan teknologi. Mereka pun besar di lingkungan yang cenderung konservatif. Dengan semua hambatan tersebut, mereka tetap tidak menyerah untuk menjadi diri sendiri. Dan yang paling saya kagumi adalah cara mereka (terutama Marsha) dalam mengentertain audience luar negeri. Sangat percaya diri, kuat mental dan psikologis. Dengan sedikit polesan, mereka bisa menjadi band besar secara global.
Dan Juni July Agustus mereka mulai tour lagi brow. Di mulai di Sumbawa, kemudian ke Belanda Ceko Inggris Denmark dan Jerman.
Aamiin ...
kampung pelosok apaan bro, Garut punya nih, Garut bukan t4 terpencil, Swiss van java ., cuuuy
@@aefsafrudin555 garutnya nggak pelosok. Mereka dari Singajaya, 2 jam perjalanan dari Garut. Di daerah pegunungan selatan Garut dan masih banyak hutannya.
@@aefsafrudin555 bukan di kota garut nya.. singajaya jauh dari perkotaan
Dulu gue ngga suka musik metal, tapi sesudah tahu VOB gue langsung jatuh cinta dan jadi fans berat mereka, semoga VOB panjang umurnya dan terus maju berkarya menghibur seisi dunia..
Bagus lah. Belum telat
Same . Muslims women always amaze me they are so focused
This is progress. That extra section they’ve added in the middle fucking rules as well - they’ve actually developed and improved the composition.
Honestly ..... Who needs Metallica. They are outstanding these lovely ladies
So cool, Indonesian Young ladies doing this, even more when you visiting and enjoying food in our restaurant Waroeng Padang Lapek in The Haque,thank you for coming by.
As a Indonesian myself, in modern Indonesian life living in The Netherlands, they have to strugle with their believe, lots of them not aloud to do what they do, but this girl chasing and find and doing what they love to do!,Chapeau!!
Merdeka mbak kardono.. 🔥🤟🔥🤟🔥
@@metalheadforlife6184 merdeka!!
@@metalheadforlife6184 konser dimana tu
@@jakakumbara686 di Paris France
Just goes to show you that how a person dresses does not define them. Those reasons are personal. But to see this rocking hard rendition, absolute talent. I'm 65 and I approve this band! Looking forward to hearing more in the future. 👍
Я давно их смотрю, молодцы девушки!
Are you from Rusian?😅😅
Saya Memutar Ulang Beberapa Kali Untuk Lagu Ini Luar Biasa Untuk Kaian, Sukses Selalu VOB, Mantap... Good Job...🤘🤘
Ayo Anak-anak Indonesia " Guncang Dunia " Dengan Prestasi kalian.
Tunjukkan kepada Dunia Indonesia Bisa !!!
Dunia sudah melihat, banyak utuber² Reaction hasil karya skill orang² Indonesia.
Justru yg PICEK adlah Pejabat² Indonesia termasuk Mak Lampir Pedeipeh yg menghina anak² muda Indonesia yang katanya Anak Muda Indonesia sudah berbuat apa buat negara ini.
Nahh....itulah salah contoh Piceknya Mantan Presiden !!
Ich hoffe, ihr spielt noch mal auf dem Wacken Open Air!!
Ganz ❤ Grüße aus Deutschland
Anda terlambat saudara. VOB sudah mangung agustus 2023 di wacken ...😂
Hei@@DeniRisawanadijayabaca apa ngelindur lu? Dia kan minta VOB kembali manggung disana, komen ngasal sok tau padahal dia lebih tau dan sekaligus menonton langsung VOB disana😂😂
So amazing. Keep rocking. Warm greetings from Switzerland 🇨🇭🤘❤️
Voice Of Baceprot - sering disingkat VOB - adalah band rock perempuan Indonesia yang dibentuk di Garut, Jawa Barat pada tahun 2014. Terdiri dari trio muda berhijab Firdda Marsya Kurnia (vokal dan gitar), Widi Rahmawati (bass), dan Euis Siti Aisyah (drum), VOB menggabungkan berbagai pengaruh mereka, mulai dari rock, rap-rock, dan funk rock hingga nu-metal dan funk metal, menyatukan mereka ke dalam gaya musik rock yang unik dilengkapi dengan riff gitar virtuoso vokalis Marsya. , dentuman keras drummer Siti, dan tamparan bass khas Widi.
Dijuluki "Band Metal yang Dibutuhkan Dunia Saat Ini" oleh Metal Hammer, VOB merilis single debut mereka yang ditulis sendiri yang telah lama ditunggu-tunggu "School Revolution" pada tahun 2018, yang diproduksi oleh produser terkenal Stephan Santoso.
Lu juru bicaranya VOB yaa..subs aja blom lo..make jelasin aja panjang lebar..
Thank you for their names. :)
Orang Sunda memang gudangnyah panggung hiburan Musik dari dulu.
Gracias por la informacion..!!!
Fantastic les filles je suis fière de vous bravo 🎉 un bonjour de Paris ❤
Nabila kpn balik ke indo lg?
thanks for you🎉
hatur nuhunm
The Drummer is not getting enough praise! The Drummer is killing it... She is a machine
Better than lars
@@Bean-qt4dy😂 lars will sue you broo 😂😂
Wow I've lived in Indonesia for 10 years and only just heard of these ladies, very talented, in fact alot of talented bands in Jakarta and Bali from what I have seen!
From West Java, Garut Diamond City. Three Sundanese Girl.
Gak bosen2 denger ini lagu ..luarbiasa VOB...Marsha, Siti n Widi kalian sungguh berbakat besar ..sukses terus ya ,capailah cita2 kalian GBU.
Really good cover. Hatfield should be proud of the influence metalica has had around the world.
Ediyaaan... sdh 3 bulan aku dengerin n nyimak video2 kalian VOB, kok gak ada bosan2nyah.... Badan ikut goyang, kalian penuh energik, brillian menguasai semua lagu2mu.
Tetap semangat dan berkarya. Indonesia bangga pada kalian Voice Of Baceprot..... 🤟😄
Felicidades chicas son las mejores más éxitos desde México
They are unbelievable talented, wow 😲😲😲💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
VOB istimewa pokoknya.... music nya tidak monoton.... asyik di dengar....
I've loved Metal since the early days of Pantera and Metallica. These ladies are the greatest! ❤❤❤
The early days of Pantera and Metallica?
I feel so old.
What about Zeppelin and Deep Purple?
Singing and playing guitar at the same time is not easy. My God!! They’re truly gifted 🤍
Cuando las vi, no imaginaba que eran tan buenas metaleras,, suenan muy bien, me he quedado sin palabras.. Olee y que viva por siempre el Rock Heavy Metal 🤘🤩🎸🎸🔥🌀🎵🎶‼️‼️‼️
Yeeah Rock never die...🤘🤘🤘🤘
Setiap kali melihat aksi mereka di panggung mata saya berkaca kaca terharu saya merasa bangga sebagai warga Indonesia negara ini begitu banyak talenta yg tersembunyi di seluruh pelosok dan vob muncul dari Garut,sehat selalu vob terus berkarya
Modol ah lebai
Gak usah Lebay om, biasa aja, gak usah nangisan, dan gak usah bawa2 nama negara... setiap manusia punya keunggulan masing2 asal tekun berlatih dan bakat mereka bertiga di musik rock, udah gitu aja, cukup nikmati aja music nya gak perlu berlebihan sampai bercaka2 segala, wkwkwk
@@maspurmikrotiker8476 paan si anjing
@@yayathidayat3934 TAIK ANJING LO... !!!!
@@yayathidayat3934 iri ngomong nyettt!
Holy Moly…that bass solo takes my pride 👏👏👏👏
these young women are so epic as a metal head myself this video brought a tear to my eye because they're that good.
Mashallah... great cover love from philippines 🇵🇭🤘
The best Enter Sandman music ever 👍.
Bravo Garut girls 🇲🇨. We are proud of you❗
For a 3 piece band, the women killed it. Excellent job.
Check out the Warning. They do a cover as well. Very talented band.
@@richardstrand2130that's not badass🌀🌀🌀 to the warning bands,unlike VoB creative varied sounds headbang talent superior I've heard their music, the sound is very easy for VoB music
I was thinking the same thing very bold to do this with just guitar & bass, seems like that second guitar would be missing…but they make it work!
You all are on top of the world,!!!!!!!!
Les transmusicales de Rennes,l'un des meilleurs festivals du monde
That was amazing! Equally impressive is how you you owned the song. No sugar coated, cute rendition, you played it the way it's meant to be played. I subscribed to your channel.
Fanses of Voice of Baceprot called by BALACEPROT.
❤Baceprot means so noise.
This is probably one of the best covers of Enter Sandman, I have ever heard 😊 Love you
Omg, you guys make me so proud. Love, love, love!!!
VOB... amazing mantap 👍🤟🇮🇩
Saya berumur 65 Tahun, tapi menyaksikan penamilan VOB luar biasa semangat hidup jadi bertambah.
'm 67, we'll go see them live before we die
Iya kang dede semangat terus, badan boleh tua tapi jiwa dan hati tetap stabil kang❤
Pakde¿ Masi hidup kah?
@@AzmyNanda-ny9bf lol
klo kata wali band "ingat mati,ingat sakit" kira kira gituhlah kutipan ny
I wonder if James Hettfield and the boys of Metallica has ever seen these ladies doing this cover of their hit!! I believe Metallica was done proud!!! They killed it!!!!
yea the destroyed the song. true
Their stage presence also shook me!! They slayed it!!
Tom Morrell has
Ya hanya dengan 3 orang saja mereka buat Metallica pecah
100 X mgkn gue udh dengerin lagu VOB yg ini... Bnr2 Luar biasa Lirik ny bnr2 MARSYA JENIUS... Bisa bikin Lagu sekeren ini... Sumpah gue Kagum dgn VOB.... Mereka bnr2 MUSISI TOP pantas JD contoh Band2 Indonesia yg slalu Lagu2 Cengeng dn cinta Gombal...😂😂😂
Salam. Support dari Singapore.❤
this is the best enter sandman cover i have ever heard.they are great.
Their unique interpretation is the BEST way of covering a song and band putting their own signature on Metal Classic...👍🕊️
Its not just skill, they have the natural talent too, they do everything so smoothly
Gas trending guyssss ,
Like semua komen ,& komen nya jangan pake emot ,
Setelah selesai performa di wacken Jerman, audien banyak yang teriak. We want more... We want more... We want more. Luar angkasa
@MUSUH DIMANA NEMBAK KEMANA (bego) bang, perkaya literasi ttg VoB deh..VoB ga cuma cover tp jg bawain lagu sendiri..banyak kok videonya di you tube..
@MUSUH DIMANA NEMBAK KEMANA (bego) Ada bisa? Cover lagu & main di EROPA?
@MUSUH DIMANA NEMBAK KEMANA (bego) yg lebih kasian yg bisanya cuman ngomentari. Cuman pas kok sama nama mu. Nikmati aja toh kamu yo kesini buat dengerin.
Lah sah sah ja ngover lagu siapa saja vob juga punya lagu sndri skarng gua tanya lo bisa gak maen kayak vob jangan ngomong tapi lo ra bisa apa2 bang😂
Slipknot, linkinpark, limbizkit, korn dan masih banyak grup band terkenal lain pernah juga mengcover lagu orang. Sinis amat.
Love the way they twist and weave back in from the original. 😎
I love how the crowd showed em so much love
WOW! they surprised me, they are really great. Outstanding guitar and bass with a super cool barefoot drummer.
Connect to speaker with big bass. Amazing! The bass line is fantastic. Metallica must be proud of you girls.
Powerful little girls you are !!! Bravo to your stardom and success !!!
Parabéns pelo trabalho e que continuem assim. Pois talento vocês tem de sobra 👍👍
Saludos desde Argentina (país rockero si los hay)....esto me gusta más que el original
Realy??😅wow Argentina😅😅😅regards for Janetti Javier😅😅
Cheers from America ladies. Very impressive talent, You girls Rock!! 👍👍 I loved it!!!
Siapa yang setuju VOB tampil di acara perayaan Kemerdekaan Indonesia tahun 2024 di Istana Negara…angkat tangan. yang pasti saya setuju sekaleeeeee….
lebih cocok kosidahan 😂😂😂
Setuju banget
jangan... tar kebiasaan main curang kek yg di istana 😂😂😂😂
Im Malaysian🇲🇾 and wife Indonesian🇲🇨, as a Islam, actually music is not prohibited in Islam if it doesn't run away from religious teachings, music will be banned when it goes beyond religious boundaries such as playing music with alcohol, drugs and immorality.. Peace be upon you all..❤
Agree with me, fellow moderate Muslims. As long as it is not excessive, and does not commit sins. If there is a hard line, Islam that forbids it means it is a hard line Wahhabism.
Your religion didn't tell you not to consume alcohol. It only says not to pray when drunk. Read your own book. It also says jews are from monkeys and pigs. Don't deny it
Wa alaikum salam.res area cikebo maja majalengka hadir.