ขนาดวิดีโอ: 1280 X 720853 X 480640 X 360
"There is one imposter among us."
But they’re all cowboys?
@@GroovyTunesssones a bird
@@Business_monke_OG still a cowboy
@@GroovyTunesssits a bird tho
@@GroovyTunesssstill a bird
This is where Tex whent when his bros left him out
@@sharkgam3z592 pink bird
Who's tex?
@@TimothyFragale the pink bird
I’m shocked “damn” was approved after all the age rating things
Same I had to watch 3 times to make sure I was not seeing things
It’s been in an emote before this one but yeah
Pump me up had ti
I'm pretty sure they're tryna let people know that Fortnite isn't just a kid's game
Bye bye emote when?
We need it
@Gala-vzme, I luv that emote. Well song!!!
@@Rr1ck_77well they need rights to the song
@Gala-vzthey need rights
Why does all my friends think it’s “ did your boobs stop working did your truck break 😂😂😂” when it’s BOOTS
@GregHeffley_ ikr all of my friends think it’s that
@@Kingofgames554-m7llike bro I was singing it in the car and my mom was like what
Average freaknite player
wtf 💀
@@Kingofgames554-m7lyour friends were talking about calamity
There are jiggle physics on that emote
yall find a way to include the damn birds in EVERTHINGyall, again 😳 thanks or the likes ❤
I know lol
the bird is cowgirl 🤠
I’m sorry are you insulting Tex Flamingo
@@ThePuff18no 🤭
I made a emote concept of this dance awhile back never thought it would come to the game.
They need to add gorillaz in Fortnite Festival
Maybe gorillaz come to Fortnite
@@glamrockfoxy6667 that would be clean 👌🏾
@@glamrockfoxy6667 what an odd reply lol, nothing related to what he’s saying.
I was sad I was broke while this was in the shop
So your telling me they allowed damn in this song but not murder on the dance floor 💀 (groove destroyer)
they allowed damn in pump me up and a lobby track
I love the flamingo randomly there
ikr, he is so cool.
I wish they add Snoop Dogg
wait till og 2....
@@RKRK-d9ethat's not true
I wish I had this emote so bad
Epic knows what they’re doing and I won’t question…
@@SilentRyze so? What are they doing?
The birds
@@Mister-Z-38019 huh
I think they put the bird there cuz of the cowboy hat
My mom loves this song when she’s felling cowboys lol
This emote is extremely catchy or is it just me (song name:Austin)
I don't think it'll come back since it was free during Chapter 2 Season 5
Aww now I’m barefoot 😅 THERES ALSO A SNAKE IN MY BOOT
This is very smooth
suits woody when he comes to the game since Disney
Love it!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
Yeee haw🦅🦅🦅👢👢🤠🤠🤠
Never let epic cook again
It’s fire bruh
Hate this but love that skibidi bs.
@@IAmProof.lol people aren’t allowed to have opinions anymore?
@@Fruitloops810 what an odd question.
Bring back the these boots are workin back please
This song is a total BOP BRO😊
Can u do keep up it’s my fav song and I will buy it if it ever came out and thank you Fortnite ❤
Fortnite and roblox and even maincraft are the best trio!❤
Rustler ❤ Always a cutie 🥰I saw the emote and then her on the shop. I see what you did there, Epic xD
the bird is like whaere is the imposter?
Honestly at this point put the bye bye bye from Deadpool and Wolverine
“Howdy partner.” Ahh emote
Bro this was all over my summer camp💀💀💀
Need more cowboy skin in the shop
Ya its to bad they don't put more cowboys in fortnite or have a cowboy season where we can ride horses and bulls. Would be fun.
The flamingo 😂😂😂😂
Bro this hits hard
this song is stuck in my head
Can you bring the Christmas skins back in Christmas?
Nice now add my fish
Yes fishpool
"My mom approves of this"
Being back brute🧙🏻♂️
This has to be my new favorite emote
Eh we wanted Katy Perry for Fortnite Festival we wanted Katy Perry in Fortnite
Anyone realise on sub titles it says re instead of ex and at the start it says so but it’s supposed to say boots
Fortnite ad in android before GTA 6 is crazy
This emote is stunning and good
Bro I love this song
I love it ❤❤
This hits different 😂fortnite cookin 😅
I love this dance
Bring this back bro please 😭😭
My cousin loves this and just found it 😂
This is so good
Such a good song for an emote.
I regret not getting this 😅
I NEED this
I love this song ❤❤❤
Dude I love this sing
Is it just me or when I do the emote there's jiggle physics
"Darn tootin" ahh emote
Starter up ol pal I think she's running rich there huh timbo
“When your trio makes earnings”
Work it Bird!
Should I buy the emote ?!!!
My mom and me loves the song
I’ve been waiting for epic to mak this song for a while now. Yay
Fortnite PLEASE add a skateboard emote!
Flamingo to 😂🎉❤
That’s where my money went
Bro is this going to be another sweaty skin?😮
The bird doesn’t have boots 💀
Only 1 has boots though 😅
Bro are they makin these skins hot on purpose ?! 😂 (just kidding)
Are we not noticing that one bird!
I like this song❤
I bought this emote right away 😂😂
Motivating me to save my money
Ill consider buying this
Stereotypical country song. Good job Fnite.
I mean, it's been a trend to dance to this song, so it makes sense.
Phew I thought that said something else
Anyone else realize this is just the cotton eye joe dance with a different song 😂
Epic can u add ikonic and scenario back pls 🙏🏼🙏🏼😂😍
Voice changes into a voice break when she sees the bird, should be rated r.
Add a no love in Oklahoma emote plzzz 🌪️
Saving the money on this one
Should’ve added mancake here 😞
J'adore cette danse
This revenge for the feel it emote
I’d love to see Luke Combs in an emote or festival
If they add Luke Combs in Fortnite Festival I will be happy
I heard BLACKPINK might be coming to Fortnite in a festival pass and I really want it to be true cause we have boring groups like BTS and Stray Kids but no BP 😞
They need to do a emote for the Tyla Water dance
How tf i miss this!? I could have got this emote instead of Karol G emote
W emote love the song
PLEASE READ THISYou should make the next update where you can make your own skin in the battle pass
This is a good song
Fix the locker and add back skin rarities
I luv this song
"There is one imposter among us."
But they’re all cowboys?
@@GroovyTunesssones a bird
@@Business_monke_OG still a cowboy
@@GroovyTunesssits a bird tho
@@GroovyTunesssstill a bird
This is where Tex whent when his bros left him out
@@sharkgam3z592 pink bird
Who's tex?
@@TimothyFragale the pink bird
I’m shocked “damn” was approved after all the age rating things
Same I had to watch 3 times to make sure I was not seeing things
It’s been in an emote before this one but yeah
Pump me up had ti
I'm pretty sure they're tryna let people know that Fortnite isn't just a kid's game
Bye bye emote when?
We need it
@Gala-vzme, I luv that emote. Well song!!!
@@Rr1ck_77well they need rights to the song
@Gala-vzthey need rights
Why does all my friends think it’s “ did your boobs stop working did your truck break 😂😂😂” when it’s BOOTS
@GregHeffley_ ikr all of my friends think it’s that
@@Kingofgames554-m7llike bro I was singing it in the car and my mom was like what
Average freaknite player
wtf 💀
@@Kingofgames554-m7lyour friends were talking about calamity
There are jiggle physics on that emote
yall find a way to include the damn birds in EVERTHING
yall, again 😳 thanks or the likes ❤
I know lol
the bird is cowgirl 🤠
I’m sorry are you insulting Tex Flamingo
@@ThePuff18no 🤭
I made a emote concept of this dance awhile back never thought it would come to the game.
They need to add gorillaz in Fortnite Festival
Maybe gorillaz come to Fortnite
@@glamrockfoxy6667 that would be clean 👌🏾
@@glamrockfoxy6667 what an odd reply lol, nothing related to what he’s saying.
I was sad I was broke while this was in the shop
So your telling me they allowed damn in this song but not murder on the dance floor 💀 (groove destroyer)
they allowed damn in pump me up and a lobby track
I love the flamingo randomly there
ikr, he is so cool.
I wish they add Snoop Dogg
wait till og 2....
@@RKRK-d9ethat's not true
I wish I had this emote so bad
Epic knows what they’re doing and I won’t question…
@@SilentRyze so? What are they doing?
The birds
@@Mister-Z-38019 huh
I think they put the bird there cuz of the cowboy hat
My mom loves this song when she’s felling cowboys lol
This emote is extremely catchy or is it just me (song name:Austin)
I don't think it'll come back since it was free during Chapter 2 Season 5
Aww now I’m barefoot 😅 THERES ALSO A SNAKE IN MY BOOT
This is very smooth
suits woody when he comes to the game since Disney
Love it!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
Yeee haw🦅🦅🦅👢👢🤠🤠🤠
Never let epic cook again
It’s fire bruh
Hate this but love that skibidi bs.
@@IAmProof.lol people aren’t allowed to have opinions anymore?
@@Fruitloops810 what an odd question.
Bring back the these boots are workin back please
This song is a total BOP BRO😊
Can u do keep up it’s my fav song and I will buy it if it ever came out and thank you Fortnite ❤
Fortnite and roblox and even maincraft are the best trio!❤
Rustler ❤ Always a cutie 🥰
I saw the emote and then her on the shop. I see what you did there, Epic xD
the bird is like whaere is the imposter?
Honestly at this point put the bye bye bye from Deadpool and Wolverine
“Howdy partner.” Ahh emote
Bro this was all over my summer camp💀💀💀
Need more cowboy skin in the shop
Ya its to bad they don't put more cowboys in fortnite or have a cowboy season where we can ride horses and bulls. Would be fun.
The flamingo 😂😂😂😂
Bro this hits hard
this song is stuck in my head
Can you bring the Christmas skins back in Christmas?
Nice now add my fish
Yes fishpool
"My mom approves of this"
Being back brute🧙🏻♂️
This has to be my new favorite emote
Eh we wanted Katy Perry for Fortnite Festival we wanted Katy Perry in Fortnite
Anyone realise on sub titles it says re instead of ex and at the start it says so but it’s supposed to say boots
Fortnite ad in android before GTA 6 is crazy
This emote is stunning and good
Bro I love this song
I love it ❤❤
This hits different 😂fortnite cookin 😅
I love this dance
Bring this back bro please 😭😭
My cousin loves this and just found it 😂
This is so good
Such a good song for an emote.
I regret not getting this 😅
I NEED this
I love this song ❤❤❤
Dude I love this sing
Is it just me or when I do the emote there's jiggle physics
"Darn tootin" ahh emote
Starter up ol pal I think she's running rich there huh timbo
“When your trio makes earnings”
Work it Bird!
Should I buy the emote ?!!!
My mom and me loves the song
I’ve been waiting for epic to mak this song for a while now. Yay
Fortnite PLEASE add a skateboard emote!
Flamingo to 😂🎉❤
That’s where my money went
Bro is this going to be another sweaty skin?😮
The bird doesn’t have boots 💀
Only 1 has boots though 😅
Bro are they makin these skins hot on purpose ?! 😂 (just kidding)
Are we not noticing that one bird!
I like this song❤
I bought this emote right away 😂😂
Motivating me to save my money
Ill consider buying this
Stereotypical country song. Good job Fnite.
I mean, it's been a trend to dance to this song, so it makes sense.
Phew I thought that said something else
Anyone else realize this is just the cotton eye joe dance with a different song 😂
Epic can u add ikonic and scenario back pls 🙏🏼🙏🏼😂😍
Voice changes into a voice break when she sees the bird, should be rated r.
Add a no love in Oklahoma emote plzzz 🌪️
Saving the money on this one
Should’ve added mancake here 😞
J'adore cette danse
This revenge for the feel it emote
I’d love to see Luke Combs in an emote or festival
If they add Luke Combs in Fortnite Festival I will be happy
I heard BLACKPINK might be coming to Fortnite in a festival pass and I really want it to be true cause we have boring groups like BTS and Stray Kids but no BP 😞
They need to do a emote for the Tyla Water dance
How tf i miss this!? I could have got this emote instead of Karol G emote
W emote love the song
PLEASE READ THISYou should make the next update where you can make your own skin in the battle pass
This is a good song
Fix the locker and add back skin rarities
I luv this song