Are Big Expat Changes Coming in the Asian Theater ? Part 1

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • A series on big changes happening in the Expat world of Asia and the Philippines!!! And US changes affecting Expats soon possibly.

ความคิดเห็น • 129

  • @belter59
    @belter59 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    I say the media tells you what they want you to think.

    • @notsocrazyjohn5348
      @notsocrazyjohn5348 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Remember, with the advent of the internet in the last 30 years mainstream media was becoming obsolete, the government's have saved them by turning them into propaganda machines, this has happened because who in their right mind would bite the hand that feeds them. Cheers Aussie John

  • @markwukoman6847
    @markwukoman6847 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I know this is alittle off topic but I hope the Phillapines doesn't get too westernized were it starts to influence the women and become feminest. Pray it does not happen!

  • @randysalerno6274
    @randysalerno6274 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    love the topic, please do a series focusing on Chinese impacts on the Philippines and what filipinos think... I know some think siding with China is more beneficial then with the US

  • @pattskatoey3139
    @pattskatoey3139 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The plan is to faze out all paper money Steve. The smartphone will play a big part in that. Yes it is not a good thing at all.

  • @chuck9112
    @chuck9112 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    We actually came here because of the hard economic times ahead. Think about Southern California. Everything is brought in there from food and water to you name it.When SHTF people won't even have the fuel to leave. I lived there for 40 years and watched it go down the tubes. Here, people know how to live a simple life and will be better off for it. My wife is Filipina and we have her family to rely on as they have our help too. I don't think anything military will happen here.

  • @alanhughes1262
    @alanhughes1262 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Was in the submarket line in Australia today not one person payed in cash all card cash is slowly drifting out of fashion .

  • @daisyapontehavenmemoriestr8552
    @daisyapontehavenmemoriestr8552 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Once again I agree with this gentleman. Like the way he thinks. Because I think the same way

  • @williamhill2987
    @williamhill2987 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yes Steven, strange times indeed! Enjoy hearing your take....especially without muddling up the water with bias politics either way. I believe the world might be going through a very historical time in it's history and 50 yrs +/- in the future this time will be viewed as a very historical moment of change in our world...if life is still here as we know it? Anyhow, good subject and very thought provoking, more, more! Looking forward to seeing you soon Steve, William

  • @frederickwalker740
    @frederickwalker740 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I liked his documentaries as a teen and young man. A straight laced man believable man.

  • @mikestrickhorn4132
    @mikestrickhorn4132 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The vaccine show that a chip will be easy for government to implement

  • @axoiamthatiam
    @axoiamthatiam ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I know this sounds crazy but is there anything we could do to prepare for such as hideouts and stuff if there was WW3 and China tried to take the Philippines?

  • @jackraymond987
    @jackraymond987 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    In Canada, after covid it is cards and less cash. My brother told me he only uses cards now.

  • @aabikrman
    @aabikrman ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very timely topic especially for us older Americans. There is little doubt that the US monetary system is experiencing significant stress and I believe the proper context to understand this from is that the US dollar is currently the world's "reserve currency" which is a HUGE benefit to the US monetary system as reserve currency status provides for a huge stabilizing effect of the currency and is the main reason why the US has been able to get away with the hugely reckless, deficit spending. In short, we have been the best "game in town" as it relates to monetary systems, and we've gotten away with expatriating our inflation but that is rapidly coming to an end. There is about to be an alternative to the US dollar in terms of reserve currencies.
    The end of the US dollar as the dominant world reserve currency have been hastened by predominantly, Russia and China, and it's becoming more obvious that much of the world is weary of US hegemonic behavior. The western sanctions against Russia have failed spectacularly which is probably the main reason why this eventuality is happening so fast. Consider how much of the world viewed the unlawful sanctions the west imposed against Russia. Keep in mind there was no DUE PROCESS of law with these sanctions and they were imposed against not only Russian companies but also Russian private citizens. Would ANY thinking person or organization put their assets at risk in a system that by simple decree can and will take what is yours and do so simply because of your nationality ? If the Philippine government started seizing your money held in their banks, simply because you're American/British/Australian, etc., how long would it take you to seriously consider parking your currency outside of Philippine jurisdiction ? I think it would be insane to ignore that simple and obvious truth but perhaps it's just me...
    The sanctions are the main reasons why global polarization away from the US dollar is taking place so rapidly and those responsible for these acts of war are calling themselves "RULES BASED" vs laws based. Keep in mind these sanctions are commonly executed by organizations populated by unelected officials but I'm starting to digress... Just know there is a HUGE difference between a "rules based" society and one that is based on LAWS as they are not the same. This insanity of ignoring law is causing all sorts of problems that we are experiencing in our personal lives and will continue to get worse until we demand and get a return to the rule of law in our governments. Personally, I'm not going to hold my breath as the majority simply don't see or care enough at the moment and step one of resolving any problem is recognition of the problem !
    The practical question is what do we, older expats do in order in order to safeguard our standard of living ? I think that at a minimum, one should get any US savings spread across enough financial institutions so as to be within the SPIC/FDIC limits and realize in the event of a failure of that financial institution, any money held in a "protected" account may be unavailable for who knows how long. Note the absence of when money that is guaranteed/protected, would be returned to the account holder ! Perhaps one should keep some cash on hand and also consider what happens during power or computer/internet outages or worst of all, consider an EMP event, which with the current sabre rattling, what good is a credit card if it cannot be accepted to purchase your much needed food ? Next, diversify your assets and realize that what we call money is in fact NOT by traditional definition, money ! Money is historically, a tangible store of value and what we now call "money" is in fact only CURRENCY and is only an accepted medium of exchange that lacks tangible value in and of itself such as a gold or silver coin. So yes, true diversification should be viewed as seriously considering the holding of some assets outside of the US dollar whether it's in paper or tangible assets.
    I'm not predicting there will be a monetary collapse of the US dollar and my comments are simply my opinion and not advice. I think it should be obvious the current global situation deserves careful scrutiny as we are clearly approaching what will in the future, probably be viewed as a major turning point. History teaches the US dollar is in it's twilight years of being the world's reserve currency and I believe the quicker we Americans wake up to that fact and if we fail to reign in the incessant wars with deficit spending, our monetary system will continue to lose value ! The recent tightening/normalizing of interest rates of the US Federal Reserve is indicative of how the Fed is painted into a corner as the higher interest rates should be more accurately viewed as defending the dollar so as to prevent a global collapse in the purchasing power of the dollar. The flip side is, if the "tightening" is done too quickly, destroys the US economy that has sadly come to depend on the artificially low costs of borrowing. I
    The simple fact we're living or considering a life outside of the US is tangible PROOF we recognize that we do have alternatives and we see huge benefit to living in other societies with values or ways of life different than those we left behind. The global balance of power is changing very rapidly whether we like it or not and acknowledging these realities with informed decisions makes it more likely we make the right choices when it comes to maintaining our standard of living. I do not advise any rash or impromptu actions but only carefully considered actions made with knowledge of FACTS.
    I appreciate the fact Steve is acknowledging these shared concerns and hopefully we'll all make the right decisions in these uncertain times. I do see the expat community consisting of very savvy, open minded people not afraid to acknowledge reality and your insights are typically worthy of serious consideration ! I always find value in reading the comments section of content such as this and hopefully I've provided context that some of you may find value in...
    Thank you Steve and good luck to us all !

    • @pihomeboy7650
      @pihomeboy7650 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Agree with most of this... nice job on detailing it. To echo..most people don't realise what they think is their money in a bank is actual real money and theirs. The reality is it isnt money, it's currency... and it's not theirs, it's controlled by the bank. People need to be taking what they can now and putting it into hard assets such as real money (gold and silver).

  • @thomasboutin6045
    @thomasboutin6045 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The 3 card MONTE continues to distract .

  • @mattrichardson7882
    @mattrichardson7882 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The USA is so messed up other countries are looking at China and Russia and India and others as being safer and more sane. We are in a very self distructing mode. So hold on the world is moving at brake neck speed to a whole new economy.

  • @joandarc441
    @joandarc441 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hey bro you should talk about the corrupt Mega churches in the Philippines a lot of Filipinos can be tricked especially those mega pastors here.

  • @tamarackmi9195
    @tamarackmi9195 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It is better to watch independent news chans imo TC Steve&Family❤🙏

  • @joandarc441
    @joandarc441 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Remember when old TH-cam was for making animations/ funny videos or just people wanna create something goofy before TH-cam became very Political the good times hence why the golden age of the internet was over.

  • @Galavantin
    @Galavantin ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've been postponing my trip to the Philippines for several months now.
    My thinking is.... If things go hot in the South China Sea, airports will be shut down. And there you are... In the shit storm of what if's.
    Although I don't think the Philippine people would go into panic mode of desperation like they would here in the USA. Then I thought Id sail my boat there. Easy exit, if I don't wait. Once the patrol boats get there , it's a no go.
    Certainly can't make decisions on what I hear in the media. You're absolutely right, they're feeding us bad Intel.

  • @LB-ty6ks
    @LB-ty6ks ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The sky is falling cried Chicken Little, but it didn't.

  • @jamesalias595
    @jamesalias595 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The problem with the Chinese moving to the Philippines is not the Chinese but the Chinese government, they always want to exert control over their citizen abroad, even more than the USA does, which is too much. So are those changes good or bad, I don't know.

  • @notsocrazyjohn5348
    @notsocrazyjohn5348 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hi Steve, it is highly unlikely that a hot war will break out over Taiwan, historically it is a part of China and the Chinese know that it is only a matter of time before reunification occurs, so why go to war. Ukraine is actually a proxy war between the US and their NATO allies, the Ukrainians are getting there butts handed to them, their casualties are somewhere in the 8-10 to each Russian wounded or killed, meanwhile the NATO countries are suffering massive citizen riots and anger, the next 12 months will see major damage done to them leading to many of these governments falling. China doesn't want war, they can rise to the preemminant power thru trade, all the warmongering is coming g from Washington, because the powers to be know if Russia and China in particular but also including the other BRICS countries succeed in implementing a second world currency then they will have no way to finance the 30+trillion debt leading to a collapse of the USD. Once the US citizens start to really feel the pain caused by the insane excesses of in particular the last 30-40 years, the wars, corruption, insane gender politics ect, they will rise up and hold the administrations accountable just like in the NATO countries e.g. Europe. One of the reason I am moving to the Philippines is that I feel there economy will remain reasonably stable due to the low starting base and also considering that it may very well become one of the Tiger economies in the future. I'm not giving financial advice just saying what my plan is because Australia has the same problem re excessive debt and waste so I'm not that confident in the AUD either. Is China going to invade the Philippines, highly unlikely. If you want to get a good understanding of what is going on I will list some excellent TH-cam sites. Redpilll news (judge neapolitano) Col Douglas McGregor, Scott Ritter, Redacted, I earlgrey, usually they link to other highly informative vlogs. Cheers Aussie John

  • @tweeks211
    @tweeks211 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    brics scares me the most.

  • @davidstevens5009
    @davidstevens5009 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think the point really is that China is worried as to how they are going to sustain their population. If they "take back" Taiwan, then they get a whole swage of the North Pacific to fish, otherwise their fish resources are rather limited. It's not really about "owning Taiwan", it's about owning the ocean.

  • @edwardpeerenboom3666
    @edwardpeerenboom3666 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hi Steve Good evening. Thanks for the subject. With all the military stuff going on is this a good time to move to Philippines? Or wait and see time?

    • @notsocrazyjohn5348
      @notsocrazyjohn5348 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I don't know what Steve thinks but I know that I am champing at the bit to get over there. Unless there is a major change to pension portability or transfer of funds I think the impact thru inflation will still be less for expats than the impact on them if they stay in their home countries, because we are starting from a lower cost base in the Philippines. Cheers Aussie John

    • @MrSteven5975
      @MrSteven5975  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I don’t think it matters either way. Any damage will just be military bases because China owns so much here.

  • @JuanTorres-cs3tq
    @JuanTorres-cs3tq ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If you're gonna get into geopolitical issues and you yourself is skeptical of the main stream media, I suggest you follow The Duran on TH-cam and go from there.... Scott Ritter also and coronel Douglas Macgregor... Very knowledgeable ex US army personnel that tell it like it is... Judge Napolitano does great interviews with them... Just don't dismiss the stuff you're gonna hear...

    • @MrSteven5975
      @MrSteven5975  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Napolitano is a phenomenal man

  • @eliottrobinson8288
    @eliottrobinson8288 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    digital currency is a bad idea because it gives the government card blunch control over currency

  • @007thematrix007
    @007thematrix007 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    @ 9:55 speaking about changes, for ur nxt topic ..... "how diff. countries around the world are moving away from the doll3r and it's future implications for the u.s. of a.!"

    • @MrSteven5975
      @MrSteven5975  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      We are going to talk about this a lot more

  • @brianpaul9767
    @brianpaul9767 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Maybe you could talk more of people moving/investing their monies from US dollar.

  • @ph5915
    @ph5915 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Many topics! All part of the realignments. There was a book in the '90s, "The Fourth Turning" where the authors looked back in history about 1,000 yrs and there is this cycle, every long human life (~ 80 yrs) there were ~ 20 yr (generational) changes, the 4th is where the most upheaval is, often - but not always - wars. We still have a few years left in that. Now, for news, the Associated Press (AP) does a pretty good job of just reporting the bland facts/stories. China is likely rethinking their Taiwan plans. War would be globally devastating for economies, but also for China, they import most everything, if everything is embargo'd they would collapse in months. They also have a demographic decline of major proportions, they'll be half the population by the end of the century. I don't see any large-scale bank crisis in the US. One thing that props the US up is that the Dollar is he world's reserve currency, and there isn't any other that is near a threat to that. As long as that remains, that's a HUGE advantage. I've personally never seen the signifigance of holding gold/silver, it's just impractical. Lumps of metal to lug around that don't get ant interest, how much are you going to shave off for a bottle of water, a pound of chicken, etc.?

    • @notsocrazyjohn5348
      @notsocrazyjohn5348 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Pete, the problem with embargoes is that yes they cut the income of the target, but as Europe in particular but also the rest of the world now knows thru huge inflation, that the basic economic rule where scarcity ALWAYS leads to higher prices, we need to ensure that any embargo that is placed only affects the individual country it is placed on. The west over the last 30-40 years have sought to maximise our profits by sending our industries overseas, mainly to China. To revert back to industry based economies would take decades if not generations. If we tried to do this now then don't be surprised if 20%+ inflation became the norm. Are you sure that you want to foster Zimbabwean economies in pretty much all Western countries. Don't forget about the rioting, looting and massive increases in crime and corruption. Europe is finding out about embargoes placed on Russia who they described as just one huge petrol station, it has been devastating for them, imagine if we did that to the largest industrial supplier to all the world. Do you really want to go back to the 19th century. Talk about scoring an own goal. Cheers Aussie John

  • @commonscents7801
    @commonscents7801 ปีที่แล้ว

    Raising the retirement age, like they did in France, is a subject to cover. I have two more years to go and my biggest fear is that the assholes in DC raise the age or lower SS benefits.

  • @starryspicytacgogh4331
    @starryspicytacgogh4331 ปีที่แล้ว

    No expert, just my opinion. I think a navy battle in the South Sea is what will happen, if it happens. However, I don't think a Taiwan invasion will start the war. Why risk destroying the prize? It seems, at some point, there will be a naval blockade conducted from on side, a military slip-up, a sinking of the Lusitania moment or just a line drawn in the sand (or rather the sea). Whomever wins this sea battle will be awarded it's vast spoils. This includes the South Sea and an expanded influence in Asia. So, if China wins, it gets all of this and Taiwan will slowly become theirs in due time without an American presence. No invasion needed. All its resources and semi-conductor industry in tact. Now, if the U.S wins along with its allies, a destroyed Chinese navy will no longer have much impact in the South Sea. If any at all. China will pull back and new treaties will be made. In any case, I hope none of this happens and peace can prevail.

  • @dvriptx
    @dvriptx ปีที่แล้ว +1

    How low do you the Dollar/Peso exchange rate will fall? It is coming, I just don't know how fast and how steep, would like your opinion since you've been here a minute or two

    • @leonardmarlin4330
      @leonardmarlin4330 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I track the peso, dollar exchange rate every day.
      It's been very stable between 54 to 55 to 1 its been as low as 50 and as high as 59 in the last year.
      I just figure it at 50 to 1 and I'm doing alright.

    • @notsocrazyjohn5348
      @notsocrazyjohn5348 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@leonardmarlin4330 hi, remember tracking only tells you what happened in the past, we need to be trying to understand what is coming, remember forewarned is forearmed. Cheers Aussie John

    • @michaelbyrne5469
      @michaelbyrne5469 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My expert in the know person says 43 buy by December.

  • @6foot596
    @6foot596 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    All you old people do is complain about news that's out of your control 😂. We young bucks don't care about news and live our lives happily.

  • @51dbail
    @51dbail ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Things in are area have diffidently changed. In 2019 I would see maybe 1 or 2 white guys in a month. Now when I go out it’s more than 2 every time.

  • @robertmorse9574
    @robertmorse9574 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Exactly. I’ve been watching for a long time. The bigger problem is The Middle East. Not being talked about much. All of this was written about more than 2000 years ago. Just saying

  • @joshuarizalforeman816
    @joshuarizalforeman816 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Cooke wrote/broadcast "Letter from America for over 50 years. I really enjoyed it even though I was just a kid when I first heard it. It was one of the reasons I chose to spend a few years in the States.
    Regarding China, I trust in the US umbrella of protection in the region. I am a Brit living in the Philippines, but I am unashamedly pro USA. The US is aware of the strategic importance of the area and for all China's posturing, it still remains a paper tiger. It has a massive army but that army is ill-equipped and poorly trained. There is a huge anti-governmental movement within China, in spite of its crackdowns on dissent, and I truly believe that the CCP is losing control.

  • @PHExpatPrepper
    @PHExpatPrepper ปีที่แล้ว +10

    The whole world is about to change. I truly hope everyone is preparing for some hard times. Count only on yourself, and what you have.

    • @joshuarizalforeman816
      @joshuarizalforeman816 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Money in the bank, cash in the safe, cupboards full and escape plan organised!

  • @rfbos
    @rfbos ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Right now IMO, it's the worst time to buy into gold. At roughly $2k an ounce, it's a steep price and soon as the Americam dollar stabilizes somewhat, you'll see gold drop as it usually does. Gold was a good buy 1-2 years ago. Not sure how much more it will rise.
    As to changes here in PH, for sure prices are rising and more people coming here need to realize that your budget needs to reflect these increases. As to war? I think there will be some things that go on, but a physical war I don't believe is imminent. More so, sanctions, scarcity of things, and maybe continued inflation with banking being issues all of the world. We will survive!!!

  • @yukonjeffimagery
    @yukonjeffimagery ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I believe China will try take the Philippines, if they are successful at taking Tiawan.

  • @thomasboutin6045
    @thomasboutin6045 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    INFLATION is a world market issue that is quickly growing and becoming an issue of the masses. 198p - 9 months ago....224p 6 months ago & 233p last week for the exact same size can of SPAM. Please Philippine bloggers, inform any people thinking about coming here on a very SMALL BUDGET of under 1000 US DOLLARS. The tuna can prices are purchased 95.25p - 3 months ago and last week - 101p

  • @napoleonmdusa8877
    @napoleonmdusa8877 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Way too many people are just stupid about all this US banking stuff.

  • @majtom5421
    @majtom5421 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    How do you make ur car payment, auto insurance, medical bill with a one oz coin. So you find someone to buy it cash, will you get marked rate, no. If a lot of people are trying to exchange it for cash then the value of metal drops.

  • @outlawd1
    @outlawd1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Steve, I'm saying my Navy is better than any other and when the governments take over more and more ,,,The place to be will be someplace with water and food ??? Mangos anyone,???

  • @cy3969
    @cy3969 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Fear and confusion is contol.

  • @mikejones5364
    @mikejones5364 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Scared to put money in a USA bank? Really? Never heard that one. I just opened a CD from Capital One bank all done online. Paying 5% interest for a 11 month CD. Now is the great time to invest in banks. Just put about 200K in each bank to stay FDIC insured. It would be silly to remove your money from a bank, say you have 200k in the bank you are making $750 per month interest each month. Have a few CD here and there and life is good,.

    • @leonardmarlin4330
      @leonardmarlin4330 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't worry about having my money in bank of America why because the United States government is not going to let these banks fail. They always bail them out.

    • @notsocrazyjohn5348
      @notsocrazyjohn5348 ปีที่แล้ว

      But now you need to complete the Financial equation by factoring in inflation. I would argue that inflation is actually higher than the government is telling us (careful not to spook the horses) a reasonable estimate would be 10%plus, suddenly your real return is actually a $750/month loss. The US in particular is somewhere between a rock and a hard place, they can either fight inflation by raising interest rates or risk a complete failure of their banking system unless they reduce rates which means that inflation will only increase leading to even greater losses of value to depositors. In that case the logical step would be to withdraw your savings in order to find other ways to maintain the value of your wealth. Bank runs anyone? If that happens you watch how quickly the government's freeze your money. Digital currencies anyone = total government control of your finances. I actually watched a great TH-cam clip that explains this, I will see if I can find it for anyone who might like to see how this may very well play out. Cheers Aussie John

    • @notsocrazyjohn5348
      @notsocrazyjohn5348 ปีที่แล้ว

      That TH-cam clip is The fed just broke everything (this is bad) George Gammon

  • @konassal
    @konassal ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Appreciate your thoughts about the BRICS coalition and its impact to the american citizens and the whole world. Thanks

    • @MrSteven5975
      @MrSteven5975  ปีที่แล้ว

      Today it’s out and more on this subject

  • @JuanTorres-cs3tq
    @JuanTorres-cs3tq ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Love your channel by the way...

  • @michaelmcshane6280
    @michaelmcshane6280 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Oh this is a great video. I agree there are a lot of changes in the win. We don’t know exactly how it’s gonna play out and you are 100% correct about the news. We are spoonfed what they want us to see and they are smoking mirrors and smoke screens while they’re doing other things. thank you for this video. And yes, I will be interested in other things and topics along this line.

    • @MrSteven5975
      @MrSteven5975  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      We will definitely do more. Glad to get your feedback

  • @martypoll
    @martypoll ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I seldom think of any of these things. People just seem to want to find something to make themselves anxious. That isn’t going to be my retirement. Stuff is always happening in the world. You want to know what tumultuous times are like? Think back to the 60’s & 70’s.

  • @johnsherman4035
    @johnsherman4035 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I was wiring money from my U.S Bank account to my Philippine Peso account and paying rent with checks and other expenses with my Philippine bank debit card. Inexplicably, my U.S Bank will no longer allow me to wire because I'm not in.the Wealth Management Department. Interesting. As for a war, our government is owned by China so I doubt their will be war with them.

  • @JamesIsHereRightNow
    @JamesIsHereRightNow ปีที่แล้ว +2

    When it comes to your financial advice and political views, I enjoy everything else that you discuss on your channel.

  • @davidgonzales917
    @davidgonzales917 ปีที่แล้ว

    I mentioned this to you months ago guy I'm a silver Stacker and you told me nobody does that here well I've been stacking for a long time so this is not big news to me and if I ever go to the Philippines and I get in a jam all I got to do is call my daughter tell her grab my silver go to a local coin shop sell it get the money go to Western Union and send simple as that

  • @leonardmarlin4330
    @leonardmarlin4330 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think it's interesting that Taiwans last President just went and came back from China.
    Wonder what that was about ?😊

    • @notsocrazyjohn5348
      @notsocrazyjohn5348 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Probably looking at Taiwan's options, at least half of the Taiwanese citizens are pro China and would welcome a return to their mother country, just like the majority of citizens in the Donbas as once again being a part of the Russian Federation as basically going home.

    • @notsocrazyjohn5348
      @notsocrazyjohn5348 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      On another note, Western Ukraine is actually lands that were forcibly taken from mainly Poland but also some from Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. It's probably only a matter of time before they want their lands back. So much for the rules based order forcing their will thru military threats, go ask the Yugaslavs how they feel about the breakup of their country, this stuff is rarely talked about, but now their chickens are coming home to roost. Cheers Aussie John

    • @michaelbyrne5469
      @michaelbyrne5469 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Its easy they are coming to an agreement with the worlds super power the US in no longer #1. The Chinese are replacing our money with theirs in many world business markets. They are picking up allies , settling countries at edge with other to create treaties. What ever China wants they will get. They are the worlds military power we are number 2. At least we are starting to protect some of our land now and not allowing China to acquire it , although this move is late , they own so much of the US. The other thing we did which was a good move was to shut down the Chinese police department established on the east coast.

  • @richardbuch9265
    @richardbuch9265 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    People should not be stressing over their money sitting in banks. Single account holders are insured up to $250K and that goes up to $500K per joint account, per bank. Be smart with your money!!

    • @MrSteven5975
      @MrSteven5975  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      When banks fail money fails….

  • @kfox4973
    @kfox4973 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi Steve, hope you are doing well. I remember your vlogs some month ago. You mentioned everything will be nice, good...... . If you look back on the comments, i saw the situation different than you. More and more you (had) to change your vlogs. Wishes and reality based on facts are different. Also your comments of the war in Ukraine are not facts. You will see things will change even more.

  • @mikeroetker2749
    @mikeroetker2749 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Interesting perspectives Steve! I appreciate you sharing your insights and I value your input especially since you are in the Phills so the news you get, as well as the things you see happening around you regarding China are invaluable. Keep up the great work!

  • @comm2531
    @comm2531 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Fort Benifacio or Villamor air base. Get some intell and report how the wind is blowing.

  • @jeffwalker1322
    @jeffwalker1322 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Ukraine has already lost and has approached China for help. 🤣🤣 we have been sending weapon system to Ukraine that don’t work. The US started this war by continuing to expand nato against Russia. Watch as nato countries start turning away from the US.
    The Philippines is already overcrowded. I can’t imagine what it will be like after a flood of Chinese pile in there.

  • @thaidawg9231
    @thaidawg9231 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I worked in China for 10 years, I paid for everything with my we chat pay, everyone selling anything , anywhere, has a qr. I live in Thailand now and I can pay for almost everything with my mobile banking app.

  • @paperbagmarketinggroup
    @paperbagmarketinggroup ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Don't usually comment but thought it was worth mentioning that we already are being weimed off of paper currency.
    Most people pay all their bills and shop using their debit/credit card.
    It is VERY rare that I carry much more than $50 cash on me at any given time.
    We are already digitized in many ways.

  • @cristitabelleza512
    @cristitabelleza512 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    God bless us all and the whole world. Just trust GOD BECAUSE HE IS PERFECTLY GOOD NO MATTER WHAT. Thanks for this vedio

    • @notsocrazyjohn5348
      @notsocrazyjohn5348 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes mate, as a Christian the one thing we can hold onto is our faith. Cheers Aussie John