Love the song .it reminds me of my husband and I. The things we went thru and made it 56 years.and made god is the center of our life's. To walk the last mile
Oh how my tears are flowing. My dad and mom began signing this song together several years ago. It was truly a testament of their life and live for each other. When they first started singing it together, my dad wasn't a Christian. In May of 2014, he became I'll with an abdominal aortic aneurysm. God wasn't ready for him yet, and I'm thankful because dad would have left this life without knowing Christ as his personal savior. At the time of this illness, we found out that he also had pancreatic cancer. September he went back into the hospital to address the cancer issue. Dad was in ICU until his passing on November 8th. Between May and November, my dad had accepted Christ and assured me that his heart was ready. So this song took on an entire different meaning, because in the end, my mom and dad had walked his last mile together and that someday in Heaven, this beautiful couple of 52 years will walk hand in hand down streets of gold. Sorry this was so long, but it brought such joy to hear because it's been a while since I'd heard it.
My mama and daddy sang this song together. Our grandson and granddaughters sang it to them for their 65 the anniversary. We lost mama in 2012 and daddy had this engraved on their tombstone. We walked the last mile together. I lost daddy a couple of years later. And I am sure they are walking together
Your parents are hands down my favorite gospel singers. I walked down the isle to this song, in my home church. We've been married for 11 years, together for 15. ❤ Tell your momma a girl named Summer loves all of you.
My husband passed away 10-12-14 He is in Heaven. I know when I pass he will be there to take me home. We will walk that last mile together. Praise God.
My husband and I were married for 22 years and he cheated with a 23 yr old. My heart still hurts and is broken so badly. I know it’s been several years now but I battle this pain everyday and I want him to hear this song. We use to sing it together a long time ago when we were in church together. Please pray for him! Thanks
WOW! I had forgotten about this song. My Nanny always said this song was hers and papa's song. I remember papa telling nanny after her breast cancer scare that he hopes she walks the last miles with him. In November of 2007, he passed away suddenly, it seemed like instantly she developed stage 2 alzheimers and it wasn't too long after that she passed away. say what you wanna say, but I truly believe alzheimers was God''s ways of letter nnanny keep that promise to papa.
Recently met the love of my life. I am 78 years old and God sent a wonderful man into my life two months. I have picked this song to be OUR SONG> Love it. thanks for posting it.
Oh What A Beautiful Song. Everytime I Listen to this song I think of my mom and dad. They would have been married for 62 years (08/17/2021) I Miss Them So Much. And They Did It All For me and my siblings. Bless Them.
I am so very glad that I know a man who can love me forgive me and set me free from all my Sins..Thank God for His Amazing Grace I'm proud to be a child of the King...King Jesus
Love this song , I'm praying that God continues to let me walk the last mile of my life with the man I've loved since I was 14, after. 63 yrs.apart he's brought us back to each other , I pray he takes me if he takes this man I've loved forever .
such a wonderful song... to my son, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, neices, etc... I can't wait until we are reunited before Jesus Himself... what a happy day that will be! Lord, I praise You and thank You on a daily basis for all the goodness and happiness you have bestowed upon me... lead me in God me where you would have me to be. thank you Jesus, I love you so so so very much, Praise You Lord, HALLELUJAH AND AMEN!!!
G0d gave me a wonderful christian husband an dad for our sons an granpa for our grankidsan great grankids an wonderful father in law for our daughterinlaws I give God the glory I pray all our family will live according to gods word so we can all walk the last mile together I love the words of theis song alcapella thk u
I'm so alone without my life long partner. This song says it all so well. I hope we walk the last mile together and we did. He is waiting for me up in heaven. Also waiting on his little girl. He went home to heaven on 4-7-2016 and he is sadly missed by those who really loved him. I'm walking the last mile together with him. Love always and forever Brenda and Jaryah.
I hope my mama and Daddy walk that last mile together she held his hand as he left this old world behind but I know he’s waiting on her around the bend 💕
i just came aross this comment and relized this is my good friend amanda who passed away a year ago. man i miss her so much i could call her at anytime day or night and she was there for me to talk to. i love u and miss u girl
I dedicate this song to my Mama & Daddy married 53 years until the Lord needed another rose in His garden. My Daddy could grow the most beautiful roses. Mama lives as though they are still together. She and my Daddy will always be together. I love you both................Gwen:)
Linda and I walked together for 50+ years, She went to Heaven on 01/01/2011, I will join her one day and We will walk the last mile together, with Jesus...
My dad loved this song I played it for him after my mom passed. They were married almost 55 yrs. Mom passed 6 days before their anniversary. He followed just 8 weeks later. He missed her so. They both had trouble walking. And because they both accepted the Lord before they passed, I know they are walking together on the streets of Heaven
my mom loved that song by the cooks she left this life in 2011 .she with Jesus now waiting on the rest of her family.i miss her very much wouldn't bring her back if i could.she suffered down here not now she happy well and walking and talking with Jesus and our heavenly father
We were married for 54 years. God took my husband home 5-24-15. This song says it well. We've been through some bad times, but our love was still strong. I know he is in heaven and I am looking forward to walk the last mile together with him.
I sure wish I could of Walked the Last Mile with the man I fell Madly In Love with Wayne Bryant in 1997 and I lost him on Dec.1, 2009. My heart misses him everyday.
I love this song. My husband and I have been married almost fifty four years and I pray we walk that last miles together. I love him so much I can't imagine life without him.
This song remind me of what my wife and I go through we had been through so much but GOD has been with us. My wife has cancer the last stages but she keeps her faith...
I am so sorry for you and her we just found out my husband has stage 4 prostate cancer its in his bones all over his body and in his lympnodes we are still trying to absorb this listening to this song gives me joy.
Larry Nations Very good song I had heard it before actually I play guitar in church just so hard to get to church with no car now we live 30 miles from church and it is so hard fore people to pick us up if you will keep us in prayer fore a car GOD bless..
Larry Nations so sorry fore your husband I would look at that this way yes of course you would miss him but he wont feel any pain he be up there with the lord and would be so happy I will keep him in prayer God bless
Thank you God for the Cook family this morning and I hope we do Walk The Last Mile together always makes me cry I believe that you are truly anointed thank you Lord for the Cook family
Everyday when I wake up I feel even more blessed even though my health is bad I know that he is helping me in every way he can I listen to a lot of gospel music spiritually and encourages me to move forward not backwards sort of like going up a set of steps walk forward two words the light never walk back and you will find peace that is within that will fill your life with greatness happiness and someday a street of gold for everyone who reads this today Jesus loves us this we know he left a book to tell us so have a God blessed day
They were doing a free concert 30 something years ago not long after I had gotten saved. It meant so much to me. Later, I went to another concert and saw them sing this song to each other and I loved it so much. It was so beautiful and touching. Thank you, Singing Cookes for bringing us such beautiful music that we can worship God to.
Thank you also singing Cooke's my husband and I trying to sing it for our forty six Anniversary, my husband is in love with this song, and I'm learning to love it
This song was play at my mom funral ever time I hear this song it make me cry and think of her she was a godly woman because of jer I still follow god path to this day
Linda Owens my grandma had me In church just about every time the doors were open. The last thing she said to me was I’m sorry for not getting you a birthday gift and you will need to be there for Shallon. God I have messed up. I know she will be disappointed in me but I’m trying. I have a post in my Facebook that says it doesn’t matter how many times you fall it matters it matters how many times you get back up and try again. So Mawmaw I’m trying to the best that I can be
I had a chance to grace this man of GOD presence at kemoer Baptist Church, with a few church members he looks exactly like this. He'll make you laugh and cry. I'm so blessed as he blessed me 🙏
Bobby Allen Terry. I hope we walk the last mile together because i wouldn't want to face a moment of the old world without you. You are only away at a wedding rehearsal now and I miss you terribly!! God has surely blessed me with a wonderful husband I love you honey!!
I can't listen to this song without tears and thoughts of My husband and I walking our last mile together. We will celebrate our 30th anniversary this year. We've seen good times and hard times. Love is an Amazing gift that Our Creator God did gift us with. Praise God! Praise Brother Jesus and Praise the Holy Spirit!!
I just walked the last mile with my wife of 27 years and 5 years of boyfriend and girlfriend. God called her home October 7 2020. He must of needed her more than I did. He got one of a kind I can tell you. I miss you so much Melissa Gail Holley Rose. I took you the last mile of the way. Everyone thought I was crazy to be a pallbearer it gave me peace to see you home. That's the only reason I did it. I'll all ways love you.
My mom and dad has passed away and I remember me and my mom singing this song together it's a very emotional song for me knowing that me and mom signed it together I just miss me mom and dad and I remember it's not our last mile together I pray for the ones has gone before us we will see again and love our precious father in heaven and we'll sing it again together 💞❤️💕🌹🦋🎶
The Lighthouse Gospel Singers - I'm going home some day I have no silver or no gold, no earthly mansion do I own But I have peace, wonderful peace in my soul I have no fear what man can do, the Lord I serve will take me through Some day, wonderful day, I’m going home I’m going home some day To a city far away Friends and loved will be waiting on the shore The pearly gates will open wide O’ what joy to step inside Some day, wonderful day, I’m going home
Rest in peace grandma, listening to this song reminds me of you. I miss you so much, and I wish you could see how much I've grown in the last two years. . . I love you grandma and miss you so much.
I feel you man i only had a grandpa from who I remember,so regret not cherishing him when i still had the chance.Just remember to say your prayers and read the Bible (just like and if your grandma taught you)
I followed my husband to grave we spent 53 years together; I am striving my best to meet him one day; Then we will rejoin hands together, and stroll over heaven with the all loved one's; God 's Blessing to you wonderful people; I think my brother met and talked with Ms. Cook ;
Nice songs beautiful. Words .I know I'll walk the lady mile with jesus. My dad pass away at the age of 83 yrs . now but I know he is with d lord. Thank God.
My grandparents were married for 38 years she was 13 and he was 16 when they got married....They loved each other so much and could not live without the other one, They did walk there last mile together they were murdered 14 years ago....My grandmothers last words was "Daddy (thats what she called my pawpaw) Ill see you in Heaven wait by the river for me" How it still breaks all of our hearts.....oh I miss them so much...
i been threw so much in my time i am so sad i know i have jesus its my b-day and my mother and i use to go see the cooks i have meet them a few times this song has warmed my heart .....i hope we r together in heaven becuz i sure miss her .
This just made an old dude shed a tear. When I hear this song, it is a stark reminder of the death of my mother and father who did all they could and went that last mile to raise we sons....and they did indeed walk that last mile together.
dad passed away 3mohts ago love my life with him. but l miss him more and more every day that pass by and make a big hole in my Hart for the rest of life love you dad miss you. more than you well ever known xxxxx
My husband passed September 1999 and we had 30 wonderful yrs together he is sadly missed and we walked those yrs together and now I plan on seeing him again when my last mile is up .as now I'm 78 and I'm ready to make my journey .
Love the song .it reminds me of my husband and I. The things we went thru and made it 56 years.and made god is the center of our life's. To walk the last mile
Thank god please pray for my😂husband he has to go for a test next Thursday they found a mase on his lungs
🙏✝️God is our refuge and we must ". TRUST." & hope he will do a.... " MIRACLE " 🙏✝️Amen and Amen
Oh how my tears are flowing. My dad and mom began signing this song together several years ago. It was truly a testament of their life and live for each other. When they first started singing it together, my dad wasn't a Christian. In May of 2014, he became I'll with an abdominal aortic aneurysm. God wasn't ready for him yet, and I'm thankful because dad would have left this life without knowing Christ as his personal savior. At the time of this illness, we found out that he also had pancreatic cancer. September he went back into the hospital to address the cancer issue. Dad was in ICU until his passing on November 8th. Between May and November, my dad had accepted Christ and assured me that his heart was ready. So this song took on an entire different meaning, because in the end, my mom and dad had walked his last mile together and that someday in Heaven, this beautiful couple of 52 years will walk hand in hand down streets of gold. Sorry this was so long, but it brought such joy to hear because it's been a while since I'd heard it.
Thank you for that my.wife and I have been married 50yrs.and it's our favorite Singing Cookes Song
My mama and daddy sang this song together. Our grandson and granddaughters sang it to them for their 65 the anniversary. We lost mama in 2012 and daddy had this engraved on their tombstone. We walked the last mile together. I lost daddy a couple of years later. And I am sure they are walking together
Your parents are hands down my favorite gospel singers. I walked down the isle to this song, in my home church. We've been married for 11 years, together for 15. ❤ Tell your momma a girl named Summer loves all of you.
My wife and I sing this song regularly ! If each couple keeps Jesus Christ first in their marriage then they shall walk the last mile together!!
Ted souvine
Love it
My husband passed away 10-12-14 He is in Heaven. I know when I pass he will be there to take me home. We will walk that last mile together. Praise God.
+Merry Cochran What a greeting that will be,,,God bless you.....
Thank you. God Bless.
Merry Cochran om
Merry Cochran im so sorry. we lost our dear mom two weeks ego
Aw I am sorry for your loss. May God bless you and your family.
My husband and I were married for 22 years and he cheated with a 23 yr old. My heart still hurts and is broken so badly. I know it’s been several years now but I battle this pain everyday and I want him to hear this song. We use to sing it together a long time ago when we were in church together. Please pray for him! Thanks
WOW! I had forgotten about this song. My Nanny always said this song was hers and papa's song. I remember papa telling nanny after her breast cancer scare that he hopes she walks the last miles with him. In November of 2007, he passed away suddenly, it seemed like instantly she developed stage 2 alzheimers and it wasn't too long after that she passed away. say what you wanna say, but I truly believe alzheimers was God''s ways of letter nnanny keep that promise to papa.
Recently met the love of my life. I am 78 years old and God sent a wonderful man into my life two months. I have picked this song to be OUR SONG> Love it. thanks for posting it.
Blessings to you & your sweetheart, Mary, happy for you !!!!!☺
+Mary Snow I'm so happy for you and your love!! May God bless you both with a long a happy life!!
Yes I am Sade for you I no what you gong my husdanboldide periljhs
Mary Snow
Mary Snow
This song brought me into tears. Amen I HOPE WE WALK THE LAST MILE TOGETHER. FRANK TOM N I.
Don't regret a second
PRAISE God Amen..crying thank you Jesus Amen beautiful song
My dad pass on one month I heard my mom say ,well this is our last mile of 64 years together I love this song God bless
My grandpa played this song for my grandmother to sing, & they sang it together so beautifully, how I miss them so much!
Thank you Jesus for the Cooke family a beautiful song amen thank you Jesus
Oh What A Beautiful Song. Everytime I Listen to this song I think of my mom and dad. They would have been married for 62 years (08/17/2021) I Miss Them So Much. And They Did It All For me and my siblings. Bless Them.
To God be the Glory. The Cooke's have lifted my spirit with their music
Ima sing this for my wife it’s her birthday today for This Sunday, this song is beautiful it can be sung a mother, father, sister or brother
My wife and I have gone 60 years so far, its been a great trip and we are almost to the finish line, Praise God.
Rick that's awesome.
I thought our journey would last this long God how I miss her.
I am so very glad that I know a man who can love me forgive me and set me free from all my Sins..Thank God for His Amazing Grace I'm proud to be a child of the King...King Jesus
Jtknbv is the first place in my heart that is the other jt to get to get a new book is like that the 8th to get a
Shirley Shaw
the best gospel songs .
the best gospel song ,memories can flash in our mind time to time reminding us of the last miles we walked together with our loved one .
the best gospel song.
Still brings tears to my eyes Dad and Mom walked the last mile there in heaven together again love miss them both so much
I knew the woman that wrote this song. She sang in our church in many revivals. Ms. Janie Riley wrote many beautiful songs.
Love this song , I'm praying that God continues to let me walk the last mile of my life with the man I've loved since I was 14, after. 63 yrs.apart he's brought us back to each other , I pray he takes me if he takes this man I've loved forever .
such a wonderful song... to my son, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, neices, etc... I can't wait until we are reunited before Jesus Himself... what a happy day that will be! Lord, I praise You and thank You on a daily basis for all the goodness and happiness you have bestowed upon me... lead me in God me where you would have me to be. thank you Jesus, I love you so so so very much, Praise You Lord, HALLELUJAH AND AMEN!!!
G0d gave me a wonderful christian husband an dad for our sons an granpa for our grankidsan great grankids an wonderful father in law for our daughterinlaws I give God the glory I pray all our family will live according to gods word so we can all walk the last mile together I love the words of theis song alcapella thk u
I'm so alone without my life long partner. This song says it all so well. I hope we walk the last mile together and we did. He is waiting for me up in heaven. Also waiting on his little girl. He went home to heaven on 4-7-2016 and he is sadly missed by those who really loved him. I'm walking the last mile together with him. Love always and forever Brenda and Jaryah.
My husband ?Kirt Huff is waiting for me in Heaven also. We will walk the last mile together! TEH
I love to hear the Singing Cooks they are an inspiration to me may God continue to Bless them..
Hi Shirley 💐💐
I hope my mama and Daddy walk that last mile together she held his hand as he left this old world behind but I know he’s waiting on her around the bend 💕
i just came aross this comment and relized this is my good friend amanda who passed away a year ago. man i miss her so much i could call her at anytime day or night and she was there for me to talk to. i love u and miss u girl
My wife's grandfather sang this at our wedding in 1998 this was the song I picked out thank you pop we miss you
I just love you guys so much thanks for wonderful songs that touch my heart love Laury Angus Canada
I dedicate this song to my Mama & Daddy married 53 years until the Lord needed another rose in His garden. My Daddy could grow the most beautiful roses.
Mama lives as though they are still together. She and my Daddy will always be together. I love you both................Gwen:)
Linda and I walked together for 50+ years, She went to Heaven on 01/01/2011, I will join her one day and We will walk the last mile together, with Jesus...
My dad loved this song
I played it for him after my mom passed. They were married almost 55 yrs. Mom passed 6 days before their anniversary. He followed just 8 weeks later. He missed her so. They both had trouble walking. And because they both accepted the Lord before they passed, I know they are walking together on the streets of Heaven
I love this song and to hear the cooks sing they are such a good group
my mom loved that song by the cooks she left this life in 2011 .she with Jesus now waiting on the rest of her family.i miss her very much wouldn't bring her back if i could.she suffered down here not now she happy well and walking and talking with Jesus and our heavenly father
my mom passed away 10-8-2015 I wanna walk that last mile together she loved the singing cookes
Amanda Hembree sorry
We were married for 54 years. God took my husband home 5-24-15. This song says it well. We've been through some bad times, but our love was still strong. I know he is in heaven and I am looking forward to walk the last mile together with him.
I sure wish I could of Walked the Last Mile with the man I fell Madly In Love with Wayne Bryant in 1997 and I lost him on Dec.1, 2009. My heart misses him everyday.
Hi Mary💐💐
I'm enjoying the songs when life brings you down its good to hear great music.
Oh so sweet this reminds me of my mom and dad so much.
Garland Edmondson mom and dad and my sister i will always love and miss you love Eddie Hurst
Garland Edmondson it does me to
one of my dads favorite song...... RIP Buster Kittle 5/25/2013
I have never heard a more beautiful song than this one.
It makes me cry every time I hear them singing this song amen and I hope we walk the last mile together
Hi Debra💐💐
Today is my anniversary 54 years with the same women that make this song enjoyable
Happy Valentine's day to all you Sweethearts out there!!!!❤ Cherish each other forever, while God has you both here, life is short.
yes it is
I love this song .it brings tears to my eyes.this song goes out to my fiancee.
I love this song. My husband and I have been married almost fifty four years and I pray we walk that last miles together. I love him so much I can't imagine life without him.
This song remind me of what my wife and I go through we had been through so much but GOD has been with us. My wife has cancer the last stages but she keeps her faith...
I am so sorry for you and her we just found out my husband has stage 4 prostate cancer its in his bones all over his body and in his lympnodes we are still trying to absorb this listening to this song gives me joy.
tony womack may god bless you both and i hope all is good
Tks tony this helps a lot and tks for sending it I still keeping the faith you both
Larry Nations Very good song I had heard it before actually I play guitar in church just so hard to get to church with no car now we live 30 miles from church and it is so hard fore people to pick us up if you will keep us in prayer fore a car GOD bless..
Larry Nations so sorry fore your husband I would look at that this way yes of course you would miss him but he wont feel any pain he be up there with the lord and would be so happy I will keep him in prayer God bless
Thank you God for the Cook family this morning and I hope we do Walk The Last Mile together always makes me cry I believe that you are truly anointed thank you Lord for the Cook family
God bless you sweetheart
I Hope We Walk The Last Mile Together / Boy what a Blessing 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hi Delores 💐💐💐
Everyday when I wake up I feel even more blessed even though my health is bad I know that he is helping me in every way he can I listen to a lot of gospel music spiritually and encourages me to move forward not backwards sort of like going up a set of steps walk forward two words the light never walk back and you will find peace that is within that will fill your life with greatness happiness and someday a street of gold for everyone who reads this today Jesus loves us this we know he left a book to tell us so have a God blessed day
My wife Becky and I just celebrated our 52nd wedding anniversary . we have walked many miles in life and I pray we walk the last one together.
They were doing a free concert 30 something years ago not long after I had gotten saved. It meant so much to me. Later, I went to another concert and saw them sing this song to each other and I loved it so much. It was so beautiful and touching. Thank you, Singing Cookes for bringing us such beautiful music that we can worship God to.
Thank you also singing Cooke's my husband and I trying to sing it for our forty six Anniversary, my husband is in love with this song, and I'm learning to love it
I love this song,one of the best....My Husband has already walked that last mile but when I start on my last mile I hope he will be with me.♥
miss you nanny. rest easy in heaven. love chris
I love this song. And I hope we walk the last mile together
Hi Sylvia 💐💐
at 71-yo, and married, this song has such Special meaning!!!!
This song was play at my mom funral ever time I hear this song it make me cry and think of her she was a godly woman because of jer I still follow god path to this day
Linda Owens my grandma had me In church just about every time the doors were open. The last thing she said to me was I’m sorry for not getting you a birthday gift and you will need to be there for Shallon. God I have messed up. I know she will be disappointed in me but I’m trying. I have a post in my Facebook that says it doesn’t matter how many times you fall it matters it matters how many times you get back up and try again. So Mawmaw I’m trying to the best that I can be
@@amandafreeman4589 Amen
I have the sound tract to this song.Pray for my family,for they have lost there way.My wife need all your prayers.
I, know the feeling my wife divorced me after 16yrs of marriage! Don't know why!
Reminds me of mom and dad RIP:( lovely song
Nicely Song guspel
My Wife JESUS AND MYSELF going walk that last mile together ❤ PRAISE GOD.
This song is blessing all so much Anna
I had a chance to grace this man of GOD presence at kemoer Baptist Church, with a few church members he looks exactly like this. He'll make you laugh and cry. I'm so blessed as he blessed me 🙏
great song and singers, when my time comes I hope to walk it with my one true love
Great song love it
so well written song. blessed to come across this song. Thank you Lord
Bobby Allen Terry. I hope we walk the last mile together because i wouldn't want to face a moment of the old world without you. You are only away at a wedding rehearsal now and I miss you terribly!! God has surely blessed me with a wonderful husband I love you honey!!
Lost my love and best friend 2010 and I'm in my 80s won't be long am looking forward to it
my wife passed away on 6 5 11 she always wanted to hold my hand when that song played. some day I'll get to hold her again in heaven
I can't listen to this song without tears and thoughts of My husband and I walking our last mile together. We will celebrate our 30th anniversary this year. We've seen good times and hard times.
Love is an Amazing gift that Our Creator God did gift us with.
Praise God! Praise Brother Jesus and Praise the Holy Spirit!!
I just walked the last mile with my wife of 27 years and 5 years of boyfriend and girlfriend. God called her home October 7 2020. He must of needed her more than I did. He got one of a kind I can tell you. I miss you so much Melissa Gail Holley Rose. I took you the last mile of the way. Everyone thought I was crazy to be a pallbearer it gave me peace to see you home. That's the only reason I did it. I'll all ways love you.
i know that i will meet my husband so we can walk the last mile together holding hands the Lord has him with him! so when i go i will meet him there
Hi Phyllis 💐💐
Lost my good friends last walke with him God took him home
Very Beautiful song! Good Night my friend & Have a Blessed weekend. Every time I visit my dad's grave I also pray for your family.
What a beautiful song .Brought tears to my eyes
Love this song
my mammas put this on my papaws head rock and song such blessing
The song makes me feel and touch the heavenly glories....its awesome music to draw someone to OUR HEAVENLY FATHER.......GOD BLESS YOU .....
We just lost the father he was a grate man r.i.h.
My mom and dad has passed away and I remember me and my mom singing this song together it's a very emotional song for me knowing that me and mom signed it together I just miss me mom and dad and I remember it's not our last mile together I pray for the ones has gone before us we will see again and love our precious father in heaven and we'll sing it again together 💞❤️💕🌹🦋🎶
The Lighthouse Gospel Singers - I'm going home some day
I have no silver or no gold, no earthly mansion do I own
But I have peace, wonderful peace in my soul
I have no fear what man can do, the Lord I serve will take me through
Some day, wonderful day, I’m going home
I’m going home some day
To a city far away
Friends and loved will be waiting on the shore
The pearly gates will open wide
O’ what joy to step inside
Some day, wonderful day, I’m going home
brings back many memories of moments shared
Rest in peace grandma, listening to this song reminds me of you. I miss you so much, and I wish you could see how much I've grown in the last two years. . . I love you grandma and miss you so much.
I feel you man i only had a grandpa from who I remember,so regret not cherishing him when i still had the chance.Just remember to say your prayers and read the Bible (just like and if your grandma taught you)
Eovnne Replies
Eovnne chack ssi woman WHO Tina Tami Mike
Beautiful God Bless you all 🙏❤️ we don't know what tomorrow brings us.
Lovely piece of music.good to trust him.
Thank you Jesus for my soul (AMEN)
I followed my husband to grave we spent 53 years together; I am striving my best to meet him one day; Then we will rejoin hands together, and stroll over heaven with the all loved one's; God 's Blessing to you wonderful people; I think my brother met and talked with Ms. Cook ;
absolutely beautiful.
in memory. of the love of my life. gone ' never forgotten.
Nice songs beautiful. Words .I know I'll walk the lady mile with jesus. My dad pass away at the age of 83 yrs . now but I know he is with d lord. Thank God.
I lost the love of my life 14 years Go can't wait until we meet again
My grandparents were married for 38 years she was 13 and he was 16 when they got married....They loved each other so much and could not live without the other one, They did walk there last mile together they were murdered 14 years ago....My grandmothers last words was "Daddy (thats what she called my pawpaw) Ill see you in Heaven wait by the river for me" How it still breaks all of our hearts.....oh I miss them so much...
i been threw so much in my time i am so sad i know i have jesus its my b-day and my mother and i use to go see the cooks i have meet them a few times this song has warmed my heart .....i hope we r together in heaven becuz i sure miss her .
That's a beautiful song
that was amazing love love love it y'all are fantastic singers love y'all 😀😀😀😀😀😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
This just made an old dude shed a tear.
When I hear this song, it is a stark reminder of the death of my mother and father who did all they could and went that last mile to raise we sons....and they did indeed walk that last mile together.
Remembering all my friends and family also my colleagues who departed this life.
Hope we will walk the last mile together to heaven.
dad passed away 3mohts ago love my life with him. but l miss him more and more every day that pass by and make a big hole in my Hart for the rest of life love you dad miss you. more than you well ever known xxxxx
" We walk the last mile together." ❤️💜❤️💕love this song🙏✝️Amen and Amen
My husband passed September 1999 and we had 30 wonderful yrs together he is sadly missed and we walked those yrs together and now I plan on seeing him again when my last mile is up .as now I'm 78 and I'm ready to make my journey .
This was my great grandparents song, they were married over 70 years. Now there walking the last mile together!!
Great song so true It takes not only two but three to make a house a home without GOD there is no home.
Hi Kathy💐💐
God bless you,your not just singing your ministering I will always love the u guys.
I love it
I love the singing cookes
Mercy is this a awesome song, the lady has a voice that sounds like Loretta Lynn.