
  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ต.ค. 2024
  • So, yeah, WCR may be a little postponed, until I sort this stuff out!
    Also, remember, if you're dealing with the same stuff, talk with people about it. I'll be happy to help! So if you need to get something off your chest you can mail it to:
    I can't promise I can help, but I'll damn well try!
    I hope you guys will be patient while I work this out!
    Music: Transistor - Old friends

ความคิดเห็น • 30

  • @tineaus
    @tineaus 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for sharing this with us, Riser.
    I don't think I've ever commented on any of your videos before this one but I've been a big fan ever since your dreamkeepers review.
    I just wanted to say that I'm really glad that you decided to start a dialogue about this. More than that, you went out to do something about the problem as soon as you felt there was one.
    I have gone through depression on two separate occasions and both times things improved after I stopped denying what was happening and looked for help from friends and professionals.
    First time was midway through high-school and the second was around the time I had left.
    The first ended after about a year and it was all rather straightforward. Medication helped me get through it pretty easily.
    The second time was where it got dicey. I got to see first hand how ugly of a beast this illness could be. As the year went on I only felt worse and worse, no matter what I took or what I did about it. Meanwhile my physical health was declining dramatically due to constant stomach pains leaving me unwilling to eat. I just hated myself more and more as time went on.
    Then the most disturbing thoughts started creeping in. It wasn't necessarily a wanting to kill myself but I had started to think about death and/or dying and what it'd be like. A topic I'm usually extremely uncomfortable with.
    The thing that saved me is that I talked to people about it. I cannot stress how important it is to share your feelings. I owe my being here right now to tell this story to my online friends who helped carry me along through the worst of times. I honestly feel like I owe them more than I will ever be able to repay, but I certainly do try.
    I finally went out and told a professional how close I was to the bottom. The word was finally relayed to my family. Their reaction to the idea of losing me was powerful and something I won't soon forget.
    Since then I've climbed up and out of that hole I'd been stuck in. Something I'd begun to believe would never happen. I've been pretty well off too! No matter how bad things get I can reason out the difference between what the reality of any situation is and what's simply self destructive thinking.
    If there's anyone who reads this I only have one thing to say.
    From a person who has survived this; please. I beg you, don't end everything just because you feel bad now. You have a whole life of thrilling events in front of you. For every minute of bad time there's so much more good. I promise you this.
    Depression takes so many forms that there's no one way to deal with it. I've found mine and I desperately hope that others can find their own way.
    Just, please, don't try to hide it. It's okay to talk about this. It's one of the best things you can do. It might not feel like it does much but it does a whole lot more than you'd think. There are more than enough listening ears out there that want to help in any way they can .

    @THEGUITARSHAMMAN 10 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Depressions weird. It can come and go or stay for a while. I feel it now and then. I hope that you are able to sort this out. Wishing you luck!

  • @cherrycordiaI
    @cherrycordiaI 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm real glad you made this video. Too many people with depression resign to suffering in silence and not reaching out. I have BPD and a few other disorders and I was in denial about it for a really long time so it makes me smile to see you being so proactive about your own well-being. You take however much time you need, we'll always be here for you. Keep up the good work, my friend. We love you.

  • @viyhexe131
    @viyhexe131 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I know exactly how you feel man. Some days I'll come home and I just won't be able to get myself interested in any of my usual hobbies. Your videos have actually been one of the things I've used to help cheer myself up on days like that.

  • @MadQueenAlice
    @MadQueenAlice 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I understand exactly how you feel, Riiser. I have depression, too, and anxiety to go along with it. Losing enjoyment in the things I once loved was definitely one of the hardest parts. If you need to take a step back and take care of yourself, your fans will understand and we will be here when you are ready.

  • @sonsofawitch
    @sonsofawitch 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey, man, you should know you're not alone. I'm a big fan of your stuff and if you're going through a rough time, that puts me in a rough spot. And all your fans will say the same. We're all here to help shoulder your burdens, bud :)

  • @elrodrigo6188
    @elrodrigo6188 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Take as much time as you need. I suffer a bit from depression myself, and sometimes, it can be a challenge. Just remember, you are not alone. You've never alone. We care about you, and what you do, dude.

  • @zeldamaster52
    @zeldamaster52 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hope you feel better soon, Riser. I've struggled with my own depression since about February last year, and I know how to it is to lack motivation or even joy of any kind.

  • @nights2dreams
    @nights2dreams 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Depression comes in many, many forms. Self doubt, regret, sadness or even some unknown force we can't seem to see but surfaces one way or another. I used to be depressed all the time growing up. Lived in a crappy neighborhood, was bullied a lot and my parents had a lot of emotional weight going on. I've once even considered suicide.
    I've gotten help though, I've learned to talk my problems out and found something I really enjoyed sharing through art. If a problem came up, I'd always take time to handle it. But if it became much I'd simply take a break and relax before any unnecessary stress would fester.
    Your a good man Risser, take your time and don't force yourself to do anything. Take some time to relax, build up the spirit. Most of all, instead of looking at the things that make you sad, try finding the things that make you happy. Whether it be through card games, cat videos or what ever XP Heck maybe even try something new. Learn to enjoy the little things.
    One thing I do when ever I'm depressed or have a lot on my mind is going outside for a walk. If I'm alone I'd talk to myself about ideas, stories or characters I wish to work on and that always seems to cheer me up. Another thing that might help is changing your eating pattern to something you find more comfy. Just thoughts really ^^"
    Over all I hope the best for you and anyone going through depression right now, that reads this comment. Although it's true that not all of us will have the same experience, know that your not the only one going through it and that there are so many other people like you who are there at any time to help you through it =)
    So do take good care of yourself and if you still feel down, I'm always here if you need someone to talk to =)

  • @bio419
    @bio419 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    take all the time you need man. If you, or anyone else who suffers from depression wants to talk to someone, I would gladly lend an ear.
    håber du får det bedre snart.

  • @AD3PTUZ
    @AD3PTUZ 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    As someone who has suffered depression and has an anxiety disorder, I know how you're feeling, dude. You're not alone.
    And yes, definitely seek help and support from those around you. The biggest mistake I made was trying to deal with it alone.

  • @Flashbang1586
    @Flashbang1586 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Psychiatrist- the english word other than "shrink" you were looking for. I hope you begin feeling better very soon. I'm a huge fan of your work and I hope for the best.

  • @Voltanaut
    @Voltanaut 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had depression for about 1.5 years and it was really tough. The best thing I did was see a psychologist for 6 months. I was finally liberated from depression after seeing him. I was about 16 going on 17 at the time, making things strange to me, confusing, but at least I was able to rid myself of depression. Talking to someone, preferably a professional who can really help, can only do you good. Seeing him never once felt like defeat, like seeing a podiatrist for a broken ankle isn't admitting defeat.But I talked to my teachers at school, my parents and pros; did me a world of good.

  • @HellfireTheAwesome
    @HellfireTheAwesome 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Even though I just recently discovered your channel, I dig your stuff and hope that your depression situation improves.
    Hope you get some relief, Webcomic Man.

  • @ScottDerg2
    @ScottDerg2 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    As you mentioned tests on your video, I took some online and all of them seem to point out that I have severe depression. But I'm not exactly sure as to why.
    I guess I tend to disregard my depression because I try to focus a lot on what to do that will eventually make me happy and relaxed.
    Riiser, I'll be around for ya if you need to talk. I hope you get around to your depression.
    Remember that everyone here supports you!
    Also we would never get a replacement, you are the one and only Riiser!

  • @EmeraldSkiess
    @EmeraldSkiess 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've had bad depression for a long time. I was in the hospital and on 5 medications. I'm going back on some of them to help my anxiety now. I believe we all go through periods of depression but I know you can make it through this c:

  • @seth455
    @seth455 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Depression is a common mental health problem. I am still going though mine so I hope you get the help you need.

  • @2280shane
    @2280shane 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I know how you're feeling man. I too going through depression as well. I did talk to a doctor about and I'm getting through it but it still affects my work and my social life

  • @doshi64
    @doshi64 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was going to ask if I can help and talk with you about it. Then I saw this was made in September of last year. I assume you feel better by now, and if you are I'm very glad. Stay positive Riiser.

  • @HDxEXoThERMiA
    @HDxEXoThERMiA 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    "If you feel like there's something wrong, talk with your friends about it." We clearly have very different friends.
    About a month ago I were talking to this mate about how us course were going. I drearily said that I felt much more depressed this semester [no, I didn't have seen a doctor, but trust me, I knew (shorthand for; some people I IRL know also know by TH-cam name, and as such I am not going to go into detail)] than last, and it would probably be reflected in my grades [and, thinking about it, my attendance]. She just said ''[she] felt happier'', an' left it at that. I mean, sure, she's autistic, but I could hardly have made my point clearer.
    Unless you count alcohol poisoning, I've not tried... that, but being back at uni after easter, who knows.

  • @thefruitsong
    @thefruitsong 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Don't worry Riiser, things will always get better. Don't worry about the next Webcomic Relief until you have your personal life (and health!) sorted out. Stay strong, and remember, you have friends and people to talk to.
    And people who are reading this/watching the video: You are not alone. It's not an easy fight, but it is one you can win!

  • @casparlykke1
    @casparlykke1 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    There are some good things about depression, this might sound weird by now :) But you walked by me when I was down, so you know where this is comming from. When you are down there is only one direction (with the proper support ofcourse) and thats up! When your down you learn so much about yourself, bad things, but also good thing! I personally think that, the better you know your self, the better of a person you will become, for others and even yourself. Your character as a person will evolve (And I dont mean like, you will be ably to shoot freaking laser beams out you ahole, would be neat tho!). In the end you will become more focus on the things you really want out of your life. And I personaly think that is xxxstream importen, as our life isent going to go on forever. To say it simple, you must fall to lean to stand, this is also true for our mind and more importenly, our emotions as they are sometimes the hardest thing to control - Seacrest out!

  • @TheRantingMarauder
    @TheRantingMarauder 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    i get depressed cause of my school life and i try to pull through :l Hope you feel better bro!

  • @makotomikami
    @makotomikami 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm always depressed, but never suicidal, I'd rather slowly crush the people that have made me miserable instead of giving them the pleasure of offing myself :D

  • @StricklandAssistantManager
    @StricklandAssistantManager 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey man, relax. Take your time. Take a break and maybe take some sort of vacation? That sort of thing helps.

  • @Speed_Tales_
    @Speed_Tales_ 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do not worry! Riiser! For I am sure you will soon.... RIISE UP!!!
    Ok, thatwasreallybadI'msorryifthatmadeyourdepressionworse.

  • @CloudyDaze
    @CloudyDaze 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    The word you were looking for is "Psychologists". Those are shrinks.
    And, yea, Personally I only recently found out that I had depression... I mean I saw a Psychologist, pretty much on the same day when I first got to meet you on skype, I saw a shrink for the first time in my life and he managed to get me some medication.
    I've been taking them for about a week, Ritalin for ADHD and some name I can't pronounce that's an anti-depressant. At first, I didn't think they'd have a real effect on me but who knows. Before this point, I've been in a two year rut. I never picked up a paper to draw, I never opened flash to animate sprites, I couldn't even finish a game to the end anymore, but suddenly since I got a little help, I've been managing to work on projects again. Admittedly, the progress is slow... really slow... but I'm not getting scared away from doing my own art. Not anymore. Depression can be hard but it'll get better, and talking about it does help. I'm sure of it.
    Also, I'm glad that the flashbacks aren't just me. I've gotten those a lot too at the most random points in the day. I never really knew why I got them but I got them frequently, and now I barely even think about the embarrassing or stupid stuff anymore. I'm finally on my way to digging myself out of this bullshit rut.
    I look forward to seeing you climb out of this bullshit hole man. You've got tons of people to talk to, and I'm one of them. :) Remember. ARMSTRONG MUSCLES.

  • @sonsofawitch
    @sonsofawitch 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey, man, you should know you're not alone. I'm a big fan of your stuff and if you're going through a rough time, that puts me in a rough spot. And all your fans will say the same. We're all here to help shoulder your burdens, bud :)