Get a parttime job, save every penny you can. If possible, place funds in a long-term account, CD or money-market checking account and let the money grow. Don't touch it. Plan on thetrade you want to pursue now and get the trai I g and skills you will need. Be flexible, because you will change and your goals will change as well.
I may not have lawson's wisdom, but as a 24 year old who is worried about my finnacial future, I suggest opening up a Roth IRA and put a portion of your income in there every 2 weeks. Dont touch it and let it grow. The exponential growth is good so starting as early as 17 can almost guarentee youll retire a millioinaire if you stay consistant with it. Everything else money wise should be budgeted according to your lifestyle( Have a reasonable lifestyle plz).
Hey, Lawson the job interview went great. I’m just waiting to hear back
That's awesome, good luck.
@@lwall6710thank you!
Hey Lawson, as a 17 year old I wanted to ask if you have any financial advice or things I should do earlier in life to set me up for the future.
Get a parttime job, save every penny you can. If possible, place funds in a long-term account, CD or money-market checking account and let the money grow. Don't touch it. Plan on thetrade you want to pursue now and get the trai I g and skills you will need. Be flexible, because you will change and your goals will change as well.
I may not have lawson's wisdom, but as a 24 year old who is worried about my finnacial future, I suggest opening up a Roth IRA and put a portion of your income in there every 2 weeks. Dont touch it and let it grow. The exponential growth is good so starting as early as 17 can almost guarentee youll retire a millioinaire if you stay consistant with it. Everything else money wise should be budgeted according to your lifestyle( Have a reasonable lifestyle plz).