NTNG 2016: Mother Courage and her Children, tv spot

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ต.ค. 2024
  • Launch: Theatre of the Society for Macedonian Studies, 20/10/2016
    Director’s Note
    I think that Mother Courage is a great play of particular interest to the Greek audience since it reflects the current condition of the country. It is sad, but I have the impression that Greece today is a Mother Courage. As is, also, Serbia. In the foreground, however, is not so much the futility of war but the futility of greed. Moreover, greed is one of the main characteristics of the world in which we live. Almost everything happens because of greed. Due to our small, selfish personal interests, we lose big, incomparably more valuable things. Mother Courage loses her children. Moreover, we could see another phenomenon: one generation (the oldest) sold the other (the younger). Finally, I am concerned that this very moment millions of people look for a more tranquil and decent place to live. Mother Courage is a theatre production that refers to all these issues.
    Nikita Milivojevic
    Playwright: Bertolt Brecht
    Music: Paul Dessau
    Translation: Giorgos Depastas
    Director: Nikita Milivojevic
    Sets - Costumes: Kenny MacLellan
    Music director: Nikos Kapetanios
    Lighting: Stelios Tzolopoulos
    Sound design - Music instruction: Nikos Galenianos
    Choreography: Amalia Bennett
    Assistant Director: Elias Papadopoulos
    Assistant Sets - Costumes: Maria Mylona
    Production co-ordinator: Natalia Lampropoulou
    Lydia Fotopoulou (Mother Courage)
    Emmanuela Magkoni (Katrin, her mute daughter)
    Orestis Halkias (Eilif, her older son)
    Emmanuel Kontos (Emmental, her younger son)
    Eleftheria Angelitsa (Young Soldier)
    Stellina Vogiatzi (Yvette Pottier/A voice/Young Peasant)
    Sofia Kalemkeridou (Cook/Peasant Woman)
    Giorgos Kolovos (Cook/Sergeant/Chaplain/Soldier)
    Dimitris Morfakidis (Ordinance Officer/Old Colonel/Old Soldier/Chaplain/Peasant)
    Angeliki Noea (Recruiting Officer/Soldier/Yvette Pottier)
    Christos Papadimitriou (General/Chaplain/Peasant/Clerk/Soldier)
    Panagiotis Papaioannou (Sergeant/Chaplain/Soldier)
    Alexandros Sitars (Clerk/Soldier/Soldier)
    Mihalis Sionas (Man with the Bandage/Cook)
    Musicians (on stage):
    Artemis Vavatsika (bayan), Ioanna Ganiti (trumpet), Konstantinos Ioannidis (flute), Iro Menegou (piano), Theofilos Bikos (guitar), Andreas Papakostas-Smyris (flute), Valentini Papanikolaou (percussion), Paschalina Tsernou (piano)

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