Im at library. I dont have home wifi. I just found this opera. I will watch a little now, return to library tomorrow and watch the rest. I cant wait! Guess what! I can buy dvd. I will also buy dvd. Its so beautiful! I just finish watching the entire opera at my friends house. Just outstanding, fantastic! I have never seen anything so beautiful. I love it so much. Thank you for putting this on youtube. 💝💖💕❤🧡💛💚💜💙💐💐🌹💐💐🌹🌹
This has to be one of the best and most original opera productions so far in the 21st century. So many references to other art and the cast! Outstanding. To have one singer with such a voice in a production is rare these days. To have 6 is a rare treat. Great music and conducting too. Love it.
@@Phioletovii The drawing of the naked man in the background is known as Vitruvian Man and is by Leonardo da Vinci -it's just a subtle allusion for those in the know to Leonardo Vinci(who lived in early 18th century)-to his namesake Leonardo da Vinci -scientist ,artist and inventor who lived in 15th century (approx)
@@annacwiekala6280 It is banal, absolutely not subtle. The director just wanted to show off his "knowledge" in a childish way. Of course there is no connection whatever between the 15th century painter and the 18th c composer.
За шесть лет наизусть выучила все арии (в голове:)), спасибо, что жил триста лет назад такой Леонардо Винчи. Про певцов вообще молчу, как классно, что Диего Фазолис собрал их всех вместе - аргентинца, словака, испанца, румына, француза, украинца и извлек из них самое лучшее! Всем браво!!!!!
Franco Fagioli estupendo, genial maravilloso, ¡¡¡ que rango vocal !!! impresionante. Un actor excepcional !!! Bravo !!! Un elenco de contratenores impresionante !!! y un gran tenor !!! Todos espléndidos !!!
Cet opéra baroque devrait pouvoir passer dans les salles de cinéma, le meilleur et le seul moyen de le faire connaitre à tous les publics . Un chef d'oeuvre historique et éducatif d'une telle qualité est indispensable et aurait du succès, j'en suis persuadée .
Rarement une oeuvre aura été d'un tel niveau de perfection!Tout est sublime les costumes ,les voix la mise en scène le décor la musique!On en sort bouleversé, émerveillé ! Et ces voix venues des dieux de la musique vous emportent si loin C'est vraiment du très grand Art! !
Già è stato scritto, ma vale la pena riaffermare a distanza di anni che questo ARTASERSE è frutto di una irripetibile alchimia di componenti diverse: Voci, presenze in scena, costumi, atmosfera, Musica, grazia, gesti sobri, misurati ed eleganti. È una vera e rara epifania della Bellezza, se oggi non si avesse timore di pronunciare questa parola…❤❤❤
Это лучшее для меня, волшебство музыки, потрясающие исполнители, опера для всех времен и народов, номер 1, хотя, я ненавижу рейтинги. Я постоянно смотрю и слушаю, но пока остаюсь верна своему выбору
Coups de maîtres multiples que cet opéra de Vinci à Nancy. De Vinci lui-même qui se place tout en haut de la pyramide des génies de l'opéra de par l'ahurissante abondance d'airs tous plus époustouflants les uns que les autres et d'une liberté d'écriture à peine croyable...Par la distribution des rôles et des chanteurs qui se complètent et s'affrontent à merveille, à une période de leur carrière où tous n'étaient pas connus et reconnus, mais encore jeunes et déjà au sommet de leur art. De Philippe Jaroussky et de Max Cencic déjà fort renommés il n'était plus besoin de faire leur présentation tant leurs noms étaient déjà synonymes d'excellence et de brio. Mais des virtuoses ont pu, grâce à cet opéra en particulier devenir les égaux des deux personnalités précitées et lancer leurs carrières : MM. Fagioli, Valer-Sabadus, Mynenko et Sancho qui ont fait depuis le parcours que l'on sait. Sous la baguette du très tonique et fédérateur chef d'orchestre Diego Fasolis, le Concerto Köln remonté comme une pendule a produit un travail remarquable. Très sincèrement cette oeuvre reste le tout meilleur concert qu'il m'ait été donné de voir et d'entendre...Tout y était magique et puissant et des frissons d'émotion n'ont cessé de me parcourir...des larmes aussi. Elle était là, la musique que tant recherchent, magistralement amplifiée par l'acoustique et les proportions idéales de l'édifice. Par bonheur cette merveille a été enregistrée sur disque et sur scène. Remerciements et applaudissements sans fins à Diego Fasolis, Philippe Jaroussky et surtout Max Emanuel Cencic, véritable maître-d'oeuvre et architecte de cet Artaserse de rêve.
J'ai gardé un souvenir grandiose de Max Emanuel CENCIC dans le rôle de Mandane d'Artaserse à l'Opéra de Nancy et à l'Opéra Royal de Versailles ! Max Emanuel est un rêveur, un idéaliste, ce qui est extrêmement difficile aujourd'hui, dans notre société d'intérêts et d'argent, et de tant d’obstacles à surmonter !! La vie est si courte alors qu’il y a tant à réaliser… Il faut soutenir Max Emanuel dans une période difficile pour lui (perte d'êtres chers), mais tout autant pour nous (ce confinement qui n'en finit pas...), et l'économie qui aura du mal à repartir !! Je souhaite qu'on mette en ligne des opéras et concerts où Max Emanuel chante ! Oui, Max Emanuel, votre père vous écoute toujours : il s'est prolongé en vous ! "Se d'un amor tiranno..."
Finally, someone who knows how to stage these works, without making them look like anime comics. Performers, sets and costumes form a satisfying whole. Thank you. Now, if we could have English subtitles, that would be great.
Well, you should buy the dvd or blu-ray; the fact that this is uploaded in a whole is very appalling to me. So, do not complain: buy! Then the entiteled producers are able to make more of these gems!
Quel immense bonheur pour moi qui suis une grande fan d’opéra d’avoir vu Artaserse en entier.Toutetait parfait :les artistes qui se sont surpassés,les costumes magnifiques ,et la musique sublime! Un enchantement à l’état pur .Merci
La puissance vocale de Yurii Mynenko est proprement surprenante, il mérite toutes les attentions! Vocalises extrêmement périlleuses réussies, clarté du son, sens du drame et du théâtre; un grand maître qui n'est pas suffisamment reconnu, loin s'en faut.
L'air effaré d'Arbace (3h44)face au refus de l'Amour et face à la cruauté du destin...Magnifique !Quel talent,quelle voix et quelle interprétation, chapeau bas mon cher Franco FAGIOLI ❤
Today, 27th May is the 294th death anniversary of Maestro Leonardo Vinci; the lesser known as well as the obscure Italian Neopolitan composer. The giant, virtuoso, enegmatic and versatile musician, par excellance. His magnificent " Artaserse" is the most noble example , one of the greatest musical creations of the Baroque period. Thanks for bringing infront of opera lovers across the world. I pay my humble tributes to his memory.
Sinfonia (5:41) Allegro (5:41) Grave (7:33) Minuetto (9:28) Atto I Aria di Mandane: “Conservati fedele” (14:45) Aria di Arbace: “Fra cento affanni e cento” (17:56) Aria di Arbano: “Su le sponde del torbido Lete” (25:08) Aria di Artaserse: “Per pieta bell’idol mio” (29:55) Aria di Megabise: “Sogna il guerrier le schiere” (37:50) Aria di Semira: “Bramar di perdere per troppo affetto” (41:22) Aria di Artaserse: “Deh respirar lasciatemi” (53:14) Aria di Artabano: “Non ti son padre” (59:17) Aria di Semira: “Torna innocente e poi” (1:02:30) Aria di Mandane: “Dimmi ch’un empio sei” (1:09:01) Aria di Arbace: “Vo solcando un mar crudele” (1:13:33) Atto II Aria di Artaserse: “Rendimi il caro amico” (1:44:47) Aria di Arbace: “Mi scacci sdegnato” (1:50:34) Aria di Artabano: “Amalo e se al tuo sguardo” (2:00:22) Aria di Megabise: “Non temer ch’io mai ti dica” (2:05:57) Aria di Mandane: “Se d’un amor tiranno” (2:12:23) Aria di Semira: “Se del fiume altera l’onde” (2:20:24) Aria di Arbace: “Per quel paterno amplesso” (2:31:34) Aria di Mandane: “Va tra le selve Arcane” (2:38:38) Aria di Semira: “Per quell’affetto che l’incatena” (2:41:41) Aria di Artaserse: “Non conosco in tal momento” (2:47:47) Aria di Artabano: “Così stupisce e cade” (2:52:34) Atto III Aria di Arbace: “Perche’ tarda e’ mai la morte” (3:13:18) Aria di Arbace: “L’onda del mar divisa” (3:18:30) Aria di Artaserse: “Nuvoletta opposta al sole” (3:25:11) Aria di Megabise: “Ardito ti renda” (3:29:30) Aria di Artabano: “Figlio se più non vivi” (3:33:20) Duetto di Mandane e Arbace: “Tu vuoi ch’io viva” 3:40:40 Coro: “Giusto re la Persia adora” 3:58:31
Incroyable de beauté de maestria de talent mais comment pas mentionner l'extraordinaire Franco fagioli ?????? C'est impensable alors qu'il est sans doute celui qui offre la prestation la plus éblouissante !!!! Et c'est dire vu le niveau général !!!
Si j avais vu cet opéra dans la salle je crois que je me serai évanoui tant l intensité émotionnelle m a bouleversé! Mais avec un bon casque et sur grand écran j ai pu profiter égoistement de ce prodige de mise en scène, a la fois spectaculaire et intimiste dans la façon de filmer les détails, les costumes, les maquillages et surtout la parfaite interprétation de ces merveilleux acteurs! Quel moment unique! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!🥰🙏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
J’ai entendu la deuxième production à l’Opéra Royal de Versailles. C’est un moment inoubliable pour moi. C’est le seul opéra que je connaisse avec autant de grands airs qui se succèdent. Je l’écoute très souvent avec le même immense plaisir 🙏
Astonishing creativity. The whole scenery is vivid and enchanting! The singers are wonderful, everyone in his own unique way. Its a great fun to listen to and to watch.
Was für ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Faszinierend diese aussergewoehnlichen traumhaften Stimmen zu hören. Ganz besonders herauszugeben ist für mich Franco Fagioli. Unvergleichlich und einmalig.
El vestuario muy de los dandis... La escenografía esta impecable, da la impresion de que se viaja en el tiempo y de ambod tiempis coexisten en uno solo alternandose. Increible... Me encanta ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I saw part of this opera a long time ago. I never returned to finish it, and over time, I completely forgot about its existence. ( I never forgot the introduction, outside the opera house. ) Tonight, without ⚠️ I heard the incredible musical sounds of his voice. The mesmerizingly dynamic voice-inflections ; the beautiful rhythms, harmonies and melodies. I tried to remember where I heard it but it was so long ago, my memory was in fragments. I couldn't even remember the name of the opera. I just had a solid memory of the face and "coloring" of the presenter who lit the fire and who give us that very long introduction. Tonight, out of nowhere, I saw and recognized the face and voice of that young "historian" explaining the history of the opera and the singers. This time, I saved it to my records. Now, I can hear and imagine what Shakespeare's plays must sound like in French. No one in the history of that language has ever spoken that language like that guy, with the microphone standing outside the opera house. After hearing him speak French, as no other Frenchmen has ever spoken. _Listening to the opera after hearing the presenter, is disappointing._ That language is the language of YHWH/Allah/Buddha/ Confucius. It is the language of GOD ! That young guy was/is one of GOD's apparitions.
Tout est admirable dans cette production. La distribution, avec une mention particulière pour Fagioli, les costumes, la mise en scène. Un seul regret ... n'avoir pas été présent dans la salle ....
La musica di Vinci, la sua particolarita e di creare un'espressione emotiva. Un compositore che ha influenzato notevolmente i suoi contemporanei, Vivaldi, Nicola Porpora, Haendel. Max Cencic ha incontrato Silviu Purcarete in occasione dello spettacolo Castor e Pollux esendo felice del modo in cui il regista rumeno mescola elementi barrochi e moderni con grande immaginazione. È la prima volta che una produzione lirica e suonata da cinque controtenori - Philipe Jaroussky, Franco Fagioli, Max Emanuel Cencic, Valer Barna-Sabadus e Yuriy Mynenko e da un tenore- Juan Sancho . Un meraviglioso spettacolo con infinite colorazioni, trilli, tremoli, una vera gioia per quelli che amano la musica antica, l'estrema virtuosità e soprattutto i controtenori.
Artaserse est un véritable chef d'oeuvre : la force du livret de Métastase est intacte depuis le 18ème siècle, et l'esthétique napolitaine est présente par la réunion du théâtre et de la musique. L'écriture vocale est virtuose (Arie chantées par Arbace = Franco Fagioli), mais elle suit aussi beaucoup le rythme des paroles du texte, de la phrase parlée (Arie chantées par Mandane = Max Emanuel Cencic), des sentiments des personnages !
An artistic achievement of sheer beauty. Stunning! Who and what to mention first; an inspired composer, a great conductor, the singers are all wonderful with an outstanding Fagioli as Arbace (in essence the leading role of this opera), the excellent staging, the costumes, the lights which are all a delight for the eye. I would say that the son-father relationship is particularly featured in this opera. The father (Artabano) would do the most hideous crimes projecting his over-ambition to his son (Arbace) and demanding from him to sacrifice everything he loves for becoming what he (Artabano) thinks best for him: a king. Interestingly, when this opera was written the fathers of the castrati also did sacrifice their sons (along with their genitals their biological succession) supposedly for their good: for becoming very famous …kings of the opera! One can hardly imagine what the castrato playing Arbace in 18th-century Rome would have felt on stage had he made the connection.
sophisticated and practical of the day played the game as people of our own time. the excellence found in great talent brought not only recognition and wealth - but the sheer joy, freedom, security, and fulfillment as justly earned rewards - the gift shared by all, appreciated and admired universally. yes, beautiful music, art, wonderful singing is it's own bounty. love this opera and the lively song & action! the artists move my heart! they're outstanding and beautiful in every way! GREAT!!!
Interpreti straordinari, coreografia originale al limite del geniale! Un superbo riconoscimento all'incommensurabile e inarrivabile grandezza della scuola musicale Partenopea! Leonardo Vinci fu, per breve tempo, il primo insegnante del più grande musicista di tutti i tempi: Giovanni Battista Draghi detto Pergolesi. Per interpretare lo sterminato repertorio Napoletano non è assolutamente sufficiente possedere un tecnica sopraffina, ci vuole un pathos molto ma molto particolare, unico nella storia della musica. Gli autori germanici non riuscirono mai a eguagliare la grandezza Partenopea, riuscirono solo a copiare...
Grazie, un commento quantomai veritiero e ricco di quella verità che, se ancor possa sembrare vanità, non è altro che un dato di fatto. L’arte italiana, e in particolare quella partenopea, hanno donato al mondo meraviglie incommensurabili, come quest’opera, che il resto del mondo, inerme, non può affatto che ammirare e, nei casi più lodevoli, provare a imitare. Grazie per questo commento 💚🤍❤️, nonostante le mille contraddizioni, sono immensamente fiero di essere italiano.
I have been waiting to see this full opera production for a few years The snippets here and there left me hungry Seeing this has chased the darkness of a Minnasota Winter away for a few precious moments
The all-male cast is perhaps singular but quite impressive! It's probably the closest to the original castrati performances of early 18th century Rome we'll ever hear. Thankfully, the five countertenors' voices have each their own colour, lyrical and dramatic virtuosity, which makes this performance far from being a bland and "monotone" affair. If anything, I would qualify this as a very athletic performance, overall. The wide tessitura of Cenčić, and especially Fagioli, who is astonishingly thrilling in the last aria of the first act, brings life to this opera, and their duo 'Tuo vuoi...' is beautiful and superbly inspired. Even the tenor, interestingly, sings solidly when reaching the baritone range. The whole cast is wonderful, without forgetting the conductor Fasiolis and Concerto Köln. The staging is particular, due to an all-cast in-drag showing, but is interesting enough to keep watching. I really wonder though, how switching the role of Jaroussky (King Artaserse) and Cenčić (Mandane, Artaserse's sister) would have changed, for better or worse, the dynamic of the performance because of the quality and different timber of their voices.
Otto Jihaad I find subtitles distracting, and can't bear surtitles in houses like Covent Garden or the Met. Surely the emotions (and the programme notes) are enough to give an idea of what is happening. Even Italians I know say that this operatic Italian is unlike the modern language. My advice would be to just enjoy it and feel the emotion and spectacle.
THE OPERA WAS AMAZING! I SEPARATE WITH MY OWN AESTHETIC THIS : Sinfonia (5:41 - 7:33) Minuetto (9:28 - 10:25) “Sogna il guerrier le schiere” (37:50 - 40:44) “Rendimi il caro amico” (1:44:47 - 1:48:50) “Amalo e se al tuo sguardo” (2:00:22 - 2:04:16) “Giusto re la Persia adora” (3:58:31 - 4:07:00)
Большое спасибо, за то, что выставили эту постановку. Я первый раз увидела ее по французскому каналу Mezzo и влюбилась. А поют все мои любимчики контртенора. Моя бесконечная Вам благодарность и признательность!
Que gran y bella suerte poder escuchar estos espectáculos tan hermosos y perfectamente producidos; obvio es primer mundo!!!!, ¿cuando lo podre disfrutar en México?
Bonito magnifico sublime os quiero wonderfull os quiero. La he escuchado 50 veces y cada vez me gusta. Si te hartas deja pasar un año y te gustará más Leonardo vinci😘😘😘🤩
Magnifico trabajo... Siento que es monumental esta obra¡ extremadamente exigente, si algo caracteriza este compositor es que es muy puntual con la puesta en escena de cada accion sin dejar escapar casi nada de los textos de los que se enriqueció para componer.... Siento que implicó mucho trabajo poder traer nuevamente a la vida una obra que implica tantisimo trabajo y detalle. Excelentes todos me encanta como fue lograda... Un abrazo los admiro con mi corazón y no puedo dejar de disfrutar cada nota de esta obra en boca de ustedes. Magnificos actores y cantantes. ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤓
37:50 , una vera poesia ❤️ Sogna il guerrier le schiere, le selve il cacciator; e sogna il pescator le reti e l'amo. Sopito in dolce obblio, sogno pur io così colei che tutto il dì sospiro e chiamo. (Parte)
Que maravilla de voz la de Franco Faglioli!!!! deliciosos en toda le extension de su registro que es impresionante!!! Y suena...como un hombre!!! y no como una damisela.....
5:42, overture 14:47, Conservati fedele (Mandane, Farfallino) 16:57, recitativo 17:57, Fra cento affanni e cento (Arbace, Carestini) 21:44, recitativo 25:07, Su le sponde (Artabano, Francesco Tolve, tenore) 29:56, Per pietà, bell'idol mio (Artaserse) 37:50, Sogna il guerrier le schiere (Megabise, Giovanni Ossi) 41:23, Bramar di perdere (Semira, Giuseppe Appiani) 49:43, Vedrò nel genitore (rec. accompagnato, Artaserse) 50:42 recitativo secco 53:14, Deh respirar lasciatemi (Artaserse) 59:18, Non ti son padre (Artabano) 1:02:34, Torna innocente e poi 1:09:04, Dimmi che un'empio sei (ripresa con fermate?) 1:11:56, recitativo secco poi accompagnato (Arbace) ,1:13:33, Vo solcando un mar crudele 1:43:35, II ATTO 1:44:47, Artaserse Rendimi il caro amico 1:50:34, Aria Arbace Mi scacci sdegnato! 2:00:23, Aria Artabano Amalo e se al tuo sguardo 2:05:57, Aria Megabise Non temer ch'io mai ti dica 2:12:24, Aria Mandane Se d'un amor tiranno 2:20:25, Aria Semira Se del fiume altera onda 2:24:42, piccola sinfonia 2:31:33, Aria Arbace Per quel paterno amplesso 2:38:41, Aria Mandane Va' tra selve ircane 2:41:53, Aria Semira Per quell'affetto 2:47:58, Aria Artaserse Non conosco in tal momento 2.52.31, Aria Artabano Così stupisce e cade III Atto 3:13:38, Aria Arbace Perché tarda è mai la morte 3:18:30, Aria Arbace L'onda del mar divisa 3:25:11, Aria Artaserse Nuvoletta opposta al sole 3:29:31Aria Megabise Ardito ti renda 2:33:20, Aria Artabano Figlio se più non vivi 3:40:41, Aria Mandane Mi credi spetata? Aria Semira Non è ver che sia contento Duetto Arbace e Mandane Tu vuoi ch'io viva o cara 3:49:29, Lucido Dio, rec. accompagnato 3:54:04, Lucido Dio, recitativo accompagnato 3:58:31, Coro Giusto re, la Persia adora
The real stage performed at Opera National de Lorraine,November 10th 2012 of this program was displaced a few aria numbers last autumn. It was very disappointed with Baroque Opera fans and enthusiasts. But on this March,this remarkable program has come back again. Big appreciation to all of the concerned!! Great TH-cam!! "ERAI! Yatta!!"
It would be nice to see in Lithuania. It's small Country just 3 mil people buts still I hope some day they will come :). Thank you for such beautiful and spiritually refreshing MASTERPIECE.
14:46 - Aria di Mandane “Conservati Fedele” 17:57 - Aria di Arbace “Fra cento affanni e cento” 25:09 - Aria di Artabano “Sulle sponde del torbido Lete” 29:56 - Aria di Arteserse “Per pietà bell’Idol mio” 37:51 - Aria di Megabise “Sogna il guerrier le schiere” 41:23 - Aria di Semira “Bramar di perdere” 53:15 - Aria di Arteserse “Deh respirar lasciatemi” 59:18 - Aria di Artabano “Non ti son padre” 1:02:31 - Aria di Semira “Torna innocente” 1:09:03 - Aria di Mandane “Dimmi che un empio sei” 1:13:34 - Aria di Arbace “Vo solcando un mar crudele”
Jaroussky a une diction plus claire, mais je pense que Fagioli le surpasse merveilleusement dans son jeu subtil (1:17:27) comme son interprétation et l'incroyable agilité de sa voix dans "Vo solcando un mar crudele" à 1:14:00 et "L'onda del mar divisa" à 3:18:55, au point que Jaroussky en est admiratif à 3:22:39 et 3:20:28, qu'il l'encourage même... à 3:21:27 et que Fagioli en exprime son contentement à 3:21:48. Costumes originaux, mise en scène intéressante, etc, et un excellent montage video pour un enregistrement en direct..., notamment à 3:23:15 ou 3:19:09 (jeux de miroirs) ou 3:21:30 et ses gros plans impressionnants sur le visage et la technique de chant de Fagioli à 1:15:15, 1:15:45, 1:16:05, 1:15:44, 1:17:05, 1:18:00, 1:18:22, 1:18:46, etc... Une excellente production de l'opéra de Nancy, pourtant une ville de province !
Im at library. I dont have home wifi. I just found this opera. I will watch a little now, return to library tomorrow and watch the rest. I cant wait! Guess what! I can buy dvd. I will also buy dvd. Its so beautiful!
I just finish watching the entire opera at my friends house.
Just outstanding, fantastic! I have never seen anything so beautiful. I love it so much. Thank you for putting this on youtube.
It seemed impossible to see such a spectacular performance with the eyes of a 18 centure person. But it turned to be possible in fact. So grateful!!!
This has to be one of the best and most original opera productions so far in the 21st century. So many references to other art and the cast! Outstanding. To have one singer with such a voice in a production is rare these days. To have 6 is a rare treat. Great music and conducting too. Love it.
what are the references to other art?
@@Phioletovii The drawing of the naked man in the background is known as Vitruvian Man and is by Leonardo da Vinci -it's just a subtle allusion for those in the know to Leonardo Vinci(who lived in early 18th century)-to his namesake Leonardo da Vinci -scientist ,artist and inventor who lived in 15th century (approx)
@@kaloarepo288 how is it subtle??
@@annacwiekala6280 It is banal, absolutely not subtle. The director just wanted to show off his "knowledge" in a childish way. Of course there is no connection whatever between the 15th century painter and the 18th c composer.
@@christianwouters6764 this is kind of what I meant
За шесть лет наизусть выучила все арии (в голове:)),
спасибо, что жил триста лет назад такой Леонардо Винчи.
Про певцов вообще молчу, как классно, что Диего Фазолис собрал их всех вместе - аргентинца, словака, испанца, румына, француза, украинца и извлек из них самое лучшее!
Всем браво!!!!!
I can not believe human beings can make music as amazing as this!
...and so many hours on stage!
Franco Fagioli estupendo, genial maravilloso, ¡¡¡ que rango vocal !!! impresionante. Un actor excepcional !!!
Bravo !!!
Un elenco de contratenores impresionante !!! y un gran tenor !!! Todos espléndidos !!!
Cet opéra baroque devrait pouvoir passer dans les salles de cinéma, le meilleur et le seul moyen de le faire connaitre à tous les publics . Un chef d'oeuvre historique et éducatif d'une telle qualité est indispensable et aurait du succès, j'en suis persuadée .
Bien d'accord!
Magical staqing, lighting, and costumes. Such great vocalists. And the exquisite Franco Fagioli...what a show-stopper he is.
Rarement une oeuvre aura été d'un tel niveau de perfection!Tout est sublime les costumes ,les voix la mise en scène le décor la musique!On en sort bouleversé, émerveillé ! Et ces voix venues des dieux de la musique vous emportent si loin C'est vraiment du très grand Art! !
Già è stato scritto, ma vale la pena riaffermare a distanza di anni che
questo ARTASERSE è frutto di una irripetibile alchimia di componenti diverse: Voci, presenze in scena, costumi, atmosfera, Musica, grazia, gesti sobri, misurati ed eleganti. È una vera e rara epifania della Bellezza, se oggi non si avesse timore di pronunciare questa parola…❤❤❤
Это лучшее для меня, волшебство музыки, потрясающие исполнители, опера для всех времен и народов, номер 1, хотя, я ненавижу рейтинги. Я постоянно смотрю и слушаю, но пока остаюсь верна своему выбору
Coups de maîtres multiples que cet opéra de Vinci à Nancy. De Vinci lui-même qui se place tout en haut de la pyramide des génies de l'opéra de par l'ahurissante abondance d'airs tous plus époustouflants les uns que les autres et d'une liberté d'écriture à peine croyable...Par la distribution des rôles et des chanteurs qui se complètent et s'affrontent à merveille, à une période de leur carrière où tous n'étaient pas connus et reconnus, mais encore jeunes et déjà au sommet de leur art. De Philippe Jaroussky et de Max Cencic déjà fort renommés il n'était plus besoin de faire leur présentation tant leurs noms étaient déjà synonymes d'excellence et de brio. Mais des virtuoses ont pu, grâce à cet opéra en particulier devenir les égaux des deux personnalités précitées et lancer leurs carrières : MM. Fagioli, Valer-Sabadus, Mynenko et Sancho qui ont fait depuis le parcours que l'on sait. Sous la baguette du très tonique et fédérateur chef d'orchestre Diego Fasolis, le Concerto Köln remonté comme une pendule a produit un travail remarquable. Très sincèrement cette oeuvre reste le tout meilleur concert qu'il m'ait été donné de voir et d'entendre...Tout y était magique et puissant et des frissons d'émotion n'ont cessé de me parcourir...des larmes aussi. Elle était là, la musique que tant recherchent, magistralement amplifiée par l'acoustique et les proportions idéales de l'édifice. Par bonheur cette merveille a été enregistrée sur disque et sur scène. Remerciements et applaudissements sans fins à Diego Fasolis, Philippe Jaroussky et surtout Max Emanuel Cencic, véritable maître-d'oeuvre et architecte de cet Artaserse de rêve.
Это невероятно❤ Высокое мастерство исполнителей. Часто возвращаюсь,чтобы послушать это гениальное исполнение. Певцы высочайшего класса❤😊
J'ai gardé un souvenir grandiose de Max Emanuel CENCIC dans le rôle de Mandane d'Artaserse à l'Opéra de Nancy et à l'Opéra Royal de Versailles ! Max Emanuel est un rêveur, un idéaliste, ce qui est extrêmement difficile aujourd'hui, dans notre société d'intérêts et d'argent, et de tant d’obstacles à surmonter !! La vie est si courte alors qu’il y a tant à réaliser… Il faut soutenir Max Emanuel dans une période difficile pour lui (perte d'êtres chers), mais tout autant pour nous (ce confinement qui n'en finit pas...), et l'économie qui aura du mal à repartir !! Je souhaite qu'on mette en ligne des opéras et concerts où Max Emanuel chante ! Oui, Max Emanuel, votre père vous écoute toujours : il s'est prolongé en vous ! "Se d'un amor tiranno..."
Finally, someone who knows how to stage these works, without making them look like anime comics. Performers, sets and costumes form a satisfying whole. Thank you. Now, if we could have English subtitles, that would be great.
Well, you should buy the dvd or blu-ray; the fact that this is uploaded in a whole is very appalling to me. So, do not complain: buy! Then the entiteled producers are able to make more of these gems!
Quel immense bonheur pour moi qui suis une grande fan d’opéra d’avoir vu Artaserse en entier.Toutetait parfait :les artistes qui se sont surpassés,les costumes magnifiques ,et la musique sublime! Un enchantement à l’état pur .Merci
La puissance vocale de Yurii Mynenko est proprement surprenante, il mérite toutes les attentions! Vocalises extrêmement périlleuses réussies, clarté du son, sens du drame et du théâtre; un grand maître qui n'est pas suffisamment reconnu, loin s'en faut.
This opera is just delightful - I've watched it many times and never tire of it! Thank you so much to everyone involved in its production!
L'air effaré d'Arbace (3h44)face au refus de l'Amour et face à la cruauté du destin...Magnifique !Quel talent,quelle voix et quelle interprétation, chapeau bas mon cher Franco FAGIOLI ❤
Пересматриваю уже раз пятый)) Шедевр какой-то)))💙
Today, 27th May is the 294th death anniversary of Maestro Leonardo Vinci; the lesser known as well as the obscure Italian Neopolitan composer.
The giant, virtuoso, enegmatic and versatile musician, par excellance.
His magnificent " Artaserse" is the most noble example , one of the greatest musical creations of the Baroque period.
Thanks for bringing infront of opera lovers across the world.
I pay my humble tributes to his memory.
Sinfonia (5:41)
Allegro (5:41)
Grave (7:33)
Minuetto (9:28)
Atto I
Aria di Mandane: “Conservati fedele” (14:45)
Aria di Arbace: “Fra cento affanni e cento” (17:56)
Aria di Arbano: “Su le sponde del torbido Lete” (25:08)
Aria di Artaserse: “Per pieta bell’idol mio” (29:55)
Aria di Megabise: “Sogna il guerrier le schiere” (37:50)
Aria di Semira: “Bramar di perdere per troppo affetto” (41:22)
Aria di Artaserse: “Deh respirar lasciatemi” (53:14)
Aria di Artabano: “Non ti son padre” (59:17)
Aria di Semira: “Torna innocente e poi” (1:02:30)
Aria di Mandane: “Dimmi ch’un empio sei” (1:09:01)
Aria di Arbace: “Vo solcando un mar crudele” (1:13:33)
Atto II
Aria di Artaserse: “Rendimi il caro amico” (1:44:47)
Aria di Arbace: “Mi scacci sdegnato” (1:50:34)
Aria di Artabano: “Amalo e se al tuo sguardo” (2:00:22)
Aria di Megabise: “Non temer ch’io mai ti dica” (2:05:57)
Aria di Mandane: “Se d’un amor tiranno” (2:12:23)
Aria di Semira: “Se del fiume altera l’onde” (2:20:24)
Aria di Arbace: “Per quel paterno amplesso” (2:31:34)
Aria di Mandane: “Va tra le selve Arcane” (2:38:38)
Aria di Semira: “Per quell’affetto che l’incatena” (2:41:41)
Aria di Artaserse: “Non conosco in tal momento” (2:47:47)
Aria di Artabano: “Così stupisce e cade” (2:52:34)
Atto III
Aria di Arbace: “Perche’ tarda e’ mai la morte” (3:13:18)
Aria di Arbace: “L’onda del mar divisa” (3:18:30)
Aria di Artaserse: “Nuvoletta opposta al sole” (3:25:11)
Aria di Megabise: “Ardito ti renda” (3:29:30)
Aria di Artabano: “Figlio se più non vivi” (3:33:20)
Duetto di Mandane e Arbace: “Tu vuoi ch’io viva” 3:40:40
Coro: “Giusto re la Persia adora” 3:58:31
Wow, this is great! Thanks so much for the highlights!!!
@@aag1512 No problem! It's every aria.
Thank you.
Thank you for the tracklist
Thank you!
FRANCO FAGIOLI : Brilliant! Wonderfull!Generous! Many thanks
Incroyable de beauté de maestria de talent mais comment pas mentionner l'extraordinaire Franco fagioli ?????? C'est impensable alors qu'il est sans doute celui qui offre la prestation la plus éblouissante !!!! Et c'est dire vu le niveau général !!!
Straordinaria Edizione con i più grandi virtuosi del barocco!!!
Grazie ❤️
Arte en su máxima expresión, sublime por donde se le mire, faltan palabras para describir tal majestuosidad, maravilloso, maravilloso.
Si j avais vu cet opéra dans la salle je crois que je me serai évanoui tant l intensité émotionnelle m a bouleversé! Mais avec un bon casque et sur grand écran j ai pu profiter égoistement de ce prodige de mise en scène, a la fois spectaculaire et intimiste dans la façon de filmer les détails, les costumes, les maquillages et surtout la parfaite interprétation de ces merveilleux acteurs! Quel moment unique!
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!🥰🙏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
J’ai entendu la deuxième production à l’Opéra Royal de Versailles. C’est un moment inoubliable pour moi. C’est le seul opéra que je connaisse avec autant de grands airs qui se succèdent. Je l’écoute très souvent avec le même immense plaisir 🙏
Astonishing creativity. The whole scenery is vivid and enchanting! The singers are wonderful, everyone in his own unique way. Its a great fun to listen to and to watch.
Burning Man should steal a few Acts...
Beautiful, Alluring
Was für ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Faszinierend diese aussergewoehnlichen traumhaften Stimmen zu hören. Ganz besonders herauszugeben ist für mich Franco Fagioli. Unvergleichlich und einmalig.
Изумительной красоты опера. Полный восторг!
Спасибо Леонардо Винчи через триста лет.
This is the second time I have watched the whole opera. I have enjoyed the voices more and the expression of the actors. I love it.
Опера бесподобна.Давно не получал такого наслаждения.Браво!!!!!!!!
El vestuario muy de los dandis... La escenografía esta impecable, da la impresion de que se viaja en el tiempo y de ambod tiempis coexisten en uno solo alternandose. Increible... Me encanta ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I saw part of this opera a long time ago. I never returned to finish it, and over time, I completely forgot about its existence. ( I never forgot the introduction, outside the opera house. )
Tonight, without ⚠️ I heard the incredible musical sounds of his voice. The mesmerizingly dynamic voice-inflections ; the beautiful rhythms, harmonies and melodies.
I tried to remember where I heard it but it was so long ago, my memory was in fragments. I couldn't even remember the name of the opera. I just had a solid memory of the face and "coloring" of the presenter who lit the fire and who give us that very long introduction.
Tonight, out of nowhere, I saw and recognized the face and voice of that young "historian" explaining the history of the opera and the singers.
This time, I saved it to my records.
Now, I can hear and imagine what Shakespeare's plays must sound like in French.
No one in the history of that language has ever spoken that language like that guy, with the microphone standing outside the opera house.
After hearing him speak French, as no other Frenchmen has ever spoken.
_Listening to the opera after hearing the presenter, is disappointing._
That language is the language of YHWH/Allah/Buddha/ Confucius.
It is the language of GOD ! That young guy was/is one of GOD's apparitions.
Фантастической красоты постановка! Исполнители на высоте. Костюмы, грим - отдельный шедевр. Операторская работа - нет слов.
Wonderful as always!
Gyönyörű opera .Nagyon szeretem minden szereplőjének a művészetét.
Tout est admirable dans cette production. La distribution, avec une mention particulière pour Fagioli, les costumes, la mise en scène. Un seul regret ... n'avoir pas été présent dans la salle ....
idem pour moi!
Fagioli qui n'a même pas été cité au début 😅 shame
Auguri di Buon Natale a questi grandissimi interpreti, ai quali sono molto affezionata!🎄
This is my 3rd viewing. Enjoying every minute of it.
I've watched it a dozen times and still enjoying it . In my opinion its one of the best operas created. Love it
Indeed. While I am usually fond of the Lullian type of opera, this was just exquisit
@@ΧρῆστοςΚωστελίδης-γ3φ I wil watch this many, many times! I love it!💙💜💖💝💜💙💐💐💐🌹🌹🌹🌹💗
Todos perfeitos. Franco Magnífico. ❤
La musica di Vinci, la sua particolarita e di creare un'espressione emotiva. Un compositore che ha influenzato notevolmente i suoi contemporanei, Vivaldi, Nicola Porpora, Haendel. Max Cencic ha incontrato Silviu Purcarete in occasione dello spettacolo Castor e Pollux esendo felice del modo in cui il regista rumeno mescola elementi barrochi e moderni con grande immaginazione. È la prima volta che una produzione lirica e suonata da cinque controtenori - Philipe Jaroussky, Franco Fagioli, Max Emanuel Cencic, Valer Barna-Sabadus e Yuriy Mynenko e da un tenore- Juan Sancho . Un meraviglioso spettacolo con infinite colorazioni, trilli, tremoli, una vera gioia per quelli che amano la musica antica, l'estrema virtuosità e soprattutto i controtenori.
Artaserse est un véritable chef d'oeuvre : la force du livret de Métastase est intacte depuis le 18ème siècle, et l'esthétique napolitaine est présente par la réunion du théâtre et de la musique. L'écriture vocale est virtuose (Arie chantées par Arbace = Franco Fagioli), mais elle suit aussi beaucoup le rythme des paroles du texte, de la phrase parlée (Arie chantées par Mandane = Max Emanuel Cencic), des sentiments des personnages !
! Спасибо! Постановка просто шедевр! ! А грим и костюмы чем-то напомнили гравюры Хиросиге и Утамара Куниеси.
Magnificent performance!!!
Семире прекрасна как ангел! Как мог мужчина сыграть женщину? Нежную, искреннюю! Невероятно!
оу май
An artistic achievement of sheer beauty. Stunning! Who and what to mention first; an inspired composer, a great conductor, the singers are all wonderful with an outstanding Fagioli as Arbace (in essence the leading role of this opera), the excellent staging, the costumes, the lights which are all a delight for the eye.
I would say that the son-father relationship is particularly featured in this opera. The father (Artabano) would do the most hideous crimes projecting his over-ambition to his son (Arbace) and demanding from him to sacrifice everything he loves for becoming what he (Artabano) thinks best for him: a king. Interestingly, when this opera was written the fathers of the castrati also did sacrifice their sons (along with their genitals their biological succession) supposedly for their good: for becoming very famous …kings of the opera! One can hardly imagine what the castrato playing Arbace in 18th-century Rome would have felt on stage had he made the connection.
Great comment, full of sensibility...
sophisticated and practical of the day played the game as people of our own time. the excellence found in great talent brought not only recognition and wealth - but the sheer joy, freedom, security, and fulfillment as justly earned rewards - the gift shared by all, appreciated and admired universally. yes, beautiful music, art, wonderful singing is it's own bounty. love this opera and the lively song & action! the artists move my heart! they're outstanding and beautiful in every way! GREAT!!!
Bravo, bravo bravo....Zo ontzettend genieten dit....
Какая красота,вокальная техника,костюмы,музыкальное сопровождение---- просто наслаждение!!!!!!! Спасибо большое за Ваш труд дорогие!!!!!
Absolutely outstanding in every way! This really captures the essence of Baroque Opera Seria from the time of the great castrati
Wonderful music with an amazing cast
Interpreti straordinari, coreografia originale al limite del geniale! Un superbo riconoscimento all'incommensurabile e inarrivabile grandezza della scuola musicale Partenopea! Leonardo Vinci fu, per breve tempo, il primo insegnante del più grande musicista di tutti i tempi: Giovanni Battista Draghi detto Pergolesi. Per interpretare lo sterminato repertorio Napoletano non è assolutamente sufficiente possedere un tecnica sopraffina, ci vuole un pathos molto ma molto particolare, unico nella storia della musica. Gli autori germanici non riuscirono mai a eguagliare la grandezza Partenopea, riuscirono solo a copiare...
Grazie, un commento quantomai veritiero e ricco di quella verità che, se ancor possa sembrare vanità, non è altro che un dato di fatto.
L’arte italiana, e in particolare quella partenopea, hanno donato al mondo meraviglie incommensurabili, come quest’opera, che il resto del mondo, inerme, non può affatto che ammirare e, nei casi più lodevoli, provare a imitare.
Grazie per questo commento 💚🤍❤️, nonostante le mille contraddizioni, sono immensamente fiero di essere italiano.
@@marcocherubini874 Ti ringrazio per il prezioso riscontro!
I have been waiting to see this full opera production for a few years The snippets here and there left me hungry Seeing this has chased the darkness of a Minnasota Winter away for a few precious moments
Superb perfomance! Franco Fagioli 🙏🙏
Lovely, Lovely, lovely! The estate of the best!!!
Fantastico!!!! Grazie! Magnifico. Bravi tutti 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💖💖💖💖
Thanks so much for posting that.
Какое великолепие!!!!!! Получаешь истинное наслаждение!!!!!!
The all-male cast is perhaps singular but quite impressive! It's probably the closest to the original castrati performances of early 18th century Rome we'll ever hear. Thankfully, the five countertenors' voices have each their own colour, lyrical and dramatic virtuosity, which makes this performance far from being a bland and "monotone" affair. If anything, I would qualify this as a very athletic performance, overall. The wide tessitura of Cenčić, and especially Fagioli, who is astonishingly thrilling in the last aria of the first act, brings life to this opera, and their duo 'Tuo vuoi...' is beautiful and superbly inspired. Even the tenor, interestingly, sings solidly when reaching the baritone range. The whole cast is wonderful, without forgetting the conductor Fasiolis and Concerto Köln. The staging is particular, due to an all-cast in-drag showing, but is interesting enough to keep watching. I really wonder though, how switching the role of Jaroussky (King Artaserse) and Cenčić (Mandane, Artaserse's sister) would have changed, for better or worse, the dynamic of the performance because of the quality and different timber of their voices.
Haha... Yes I get the frustration. I speak French so subtitles worked for me. Maybe one day TH-cam will have subtitles capacity...for now, sorry
No problem - buy the DVD! They have subtitles in all major languages) In fact I've got mine signed by Franco!!!
Otto Jihaad I find subtitles distracting, and can't bear surtitles in houses like Covent Garden or the Met. Surely the emotions (and the programme notes) are enough to give an idea of what is happening. Even Italians I know say that this operatic Italian is unlike the modern language. My advice would be to just enjoy it and feel the emotion and spectacle.
@@mscott3918 Exactly! I watch movies for the plot, not operas...
I'm Italian and I need subtitles in Italian, too...
Неземные существа,проникновенное исполнение,божественные голоса!
Петушня какая то?????
Pure extravaganza.
Sinfonia (5:41 - 7:33)
Minuetto (9:28 - 10:25)
“Sogna il guerrier le schiere” (37:50 - 40:44)
“Rendimi il caro amico” (1:44:47 - 1:48:50)
“Amalo e se al tuo sguardo” (2:00:22 - 2:04:16)
“Giusto re la Persia adora” (3:58:31 - 4:07:00)
Большое спасибо, за то, что выставили эту постановку. Я первый раз увидела ее по французскому каналу Mezzo и влюбилась. А поют все мои любимчики контртенора. Моя бесконечная Вам благодарность и признательность!
Fascinating... Absolutely fascinating...
If this is the music played in heaven....I'd love to go there!
Bravissimo. Perfetto
Bravo Bravo Bravo !!!! Sumptuously! Many thanks for the pleasure. Great performance.
Que gran y bella suerte poder escuchar estos espectáculos tan hermosos y perfectamente producidos; obvio es primer mundo!!!!, ¿cuando lo podre disfrutar en México?
C'est magnifique💙💎💐 formidable! Quel esprit! 😊
A lot of thanks! Love❤❤❤❤
Bonito magnifico sublime os quiero wonderfull os quiero.
La he escuchado 50 veces y cada vez me gusta.
Si te hartas deja pasar un año y te gustará más Leonardo vinci😘😘😘🤩
Gracias por poner al alcance de todos esta joya
Спасибо! Постановка просто шедевр! А грим и костюмы чем-то напомнили гравюры Хиросиге и Утамара Куниеси.
You are right. The producers of this opera studied the kabuki tradition well.
Это какой-то праздник! Я в восторге!
Magnifico trabajo... Siento que es monumental esta obra¡ extremadamente exigente, si algo caracteriza este compositor es que es muy puntual con la puesta en escena de cada accion sin dejar escapar casi nada de los textos de los que se enriqueció para componer.... Siento que implicó mucho trabajo poder traer nuevamente a la vida una obra que implica tantisimo trabajo y detalle. Excelentes todos me encanta como fue lograda... Un abrazo los admiro con mi corazón y no puedo dejar de disfrutar cada nota de esta obra en boca de ustedes. Magnificos actores y cantantes. ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤓
Thank You so much, it is stunning.
1:13:33 Artaserse vinci, Franco Fagioli, Vo solcando un mar crud.avi
Gracias por difundirla, muy buena.
ARTASERSE ,una joya del arte mas puro del periodo barroco
37:50 , una vera poesia ❤️
Sogna il guerrier le schiere,
le selve il cacciator;
e sogna il pescator
le reti e l'amo.
Sopito in dolce obblio,
sogno pur io così
colei che tutto il dì
sospiro e chiamo. (Parte)
Que maravilla de voz la de Franco Faglioli!!!! deliciosos en toda le extension de su registro que es impresionante!!! Y suena...como un hombre!!! y no como una damisela.....
5:42, overture
14:47, Conservati fedele (Mandane, Farfallino)
16:57, recitativo
17:57, Fra cento affanni e cento (Arbace, Carestini)
21:44, recitativo
25:07, Su le sponde (Artabano, Francesco Tolve, tenore)
29:56, Per pietà, bell'idol mio (Artaserse)
37:50, Sogna il guerrier le schiere (Megabise, Giovanni Ossi)
41:23, Bramar di perdere (Semira, Giuseppe Appiani)
49:43, Vedrò nel genitore (rec. accompagnato, Artaserse)
50:42 recitativo secco
53:14, Deh respirar lasciatemi (Artaserse)
59:18, Non ti son padre (Artabano)
1:02:34, Torna innocente e poi
1:09:04, Dimmi che un'empio sei (ripresa con fermate?)
1:11:56, recitativo secco poi accompagnato (Arbace)
,1:13:33, Vo solcando un mar crudele
1:43:35, II ATTO
1:44:47, Artaserse Rendimi il caro amico
1:50:34, Aria Arbace Mi scacci sdegnato!
2:00:23, Aria Artabano Amalo e se al tuo sguardo
2:05:57, Aria Megabise Non temer ch'io mai ti dica
2:12:24, Aria Mandane Se d'un amor tiranno
2:20:25, Aria Semira Se del fiume altera onda
2:24:42, piccola sinfonia
2:31:33, Aria Arbace Per quel paterno amplesso
2:38:41, Aria Mandane Va' tra selve ircane
2:41:53, Aria Semira Per quell'affetto
2:47:58, Aria Artaserse Non conosco in tal momento
2.52.31, Aria Artabano Così stupisce e cade
III Atto
3:13:38, Aria Arbace Perché tarda è mai la morte
3:18:30, Aria Arbace L'onda del mar divisa
3:25:11, Aria Artaserse Nuvoletta opposta al sole
3:29:31Aria Megabise Ardito ti renda
2:33:20, Aria Artabano Figlio se più non vivi
3:40:41, Aria Mandane Mi credi spetata?
Aria Semira Non è ver che sia contento
Duetto Arbace e Mandane Tu vuoi ch'io viva o cara
3:49:29, Lucido Dio, rec. accompagnato
3:54:04, Lucido Dio, recitativo accompagnato
3:58:31, Coro Giusto re, la Persia adora
You. Sweety. Thank. You. From. My. Soull.
The real stage performed at Opera National de Lorraine,November 10th 2012 of this program was displaced a few aria numbers last autumn. It was very disappointed with Baroque Opera fans and enthusiasts.
But on this March,this remarkable program has come back again.
Big appreciation to all of the concerned!! Great TH-cam!! "ERAI! Yatta!!"
It would be nice to see in Lithuania. It's small Country just 3 mil people buts still I hope some day they will come :). Thank you for such beautiful and spiritually refreshing MASTERPIECE.
대본이나 한글자막이 있다면 훨씬 재미있게 감상할 수 있겠지만, 그냥 음악만 들어도 지나칠 정도로 아름다운 오페라네요. 성악가들의 기량이 무척 뛰어나고, 카운터테너들의 목소리는 그야말로 최고네요. 좋은 영상 소개해 주셔서 감사합니다.
Uno queda atónito frente al desmedido gusto y delicadamente exquisito drama vinciniano. Toda la ejecución fue apabullantemente existante. Un éxito.
1:13:33 ; lo mejor !! Soberbio , es fascinante ..........Franco Fagioli . Bravo !!!!
Simply brilliant!
that finale gave me life
Authentic and Modern. How do they do that?!
Sensational good stuff! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for downloading this, my dear 윤나영 (whatever that means).
14:46 - Aria di Mandane “Conservati Fedele”
17:57 - Aria di Arbace “Fra cento affanni e cento”
25:09 - Aria di Artabano “Sulle sponde del torbido Lete”
29:56 - Aria di Arteserse “Per pietà bell’Idol mio”
37:51 - Aria di Megabise “Sogna il guerrier le schiere”
41:23 - Aria di Semira “Bramar di perdere”
53:15 - Aria di Arteserse “Deh respirar lasciatemi”
59:18 - Aria di Artabano “Non ti son padre”
1:02:31 - Aria di Semira “Torna innocente”
1:09:03 - Aria di Mandane “Dimmi che un empio sei”
1:13:34 - Aria di Arbace “Vo solcando un mar crudele”
Excelentes maravilloso una profunda entrega
Jaroussky a une diction plus claire, mais je pense que Fagioli le surpasse merveilleusement dans son jeu subtil (1:17:27) comme son interprétation et l'incroyable agilité de sa voix dans "Vo solcando un mar crudele" à 1:14:00 et "L'onda del mar divisa" à 3:18:55, au point que Jaroussky en est admiratif à 3:22:39 et 3:20:28, qu'il l'encourage même... à 3:21:27 et que Fagioli en exprime son contentement à 3:21:48. Costumes originaux, mise en scène intéressante, etc, et un excellent montage video pour un enregistrement en direct..., notamment à 3:23:15 ou 3:19:09 (jeux de miroirs) ou 3:21:30 et ses gros plans impressionnants sur le visage et la technique de chant de Fagioli à 1:15:15, 1:15:45, 1:16:05, 1:15:44, 1:17:05, 1:18:00, 1:18:22, 1:18:46, etc... Une excellente production de l'opéra de Nancy, pourtant une ville de province !
Thanks for sharing this amazing video(ópera)!!!
Simple y sencillamente fabuloso