アーケードゲームのFANTASY ZONEにはゲーム基盤としてSEGA SYSTEM16Aが採用されています。セガSYSTEM16AはX68000とハードスペックが酷似しているため、FANTASY ZONEを100%完全移植することに成功したと聞いています。 The arcade game FANTASY ZONE uses the SEGA SYSTEM 16A as its game platform. I have been told that the Sega SYSTEM 16A has similar hardware specs to the X68000 and has succeeded in porting 100% of the FANTASY ZONE games completely. Specifications and Main Characteristics ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%BB%E3%82%AC%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B7%E3%82%B9%E3%83%86%E3%83%A016 Main CPU : Motorola 68000@10MHz Sound chip : Yamaha YM2151, NEC μPD7751 ADPCM decoder Resolution : 320x224 Number of colors : 2048/32768 colors Sprite : Up to 128 sprites per screen Scroll screen : 2 screens Specifications and Main Characteristics ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/X68000# Main CPU : Motorola 68000@10MHz Sound chip : Yamaha YM2151, OKI MSM6258 ADPCM decoder Resolution : 768x512, 512x512, 512x256, 256x256 Number of colors : 16 or 256 colors can be freely selected from a palette of 65536 colors, or all 65536 colors can be displayed simultaneously (512x512 pixels only) Sprite : 128 sprites per screen, 16 sprites per line Scroll screen : Max.7 (4 graphics + 1 text + 2 BG)
アーケードゲームのFANTASY ZONEにはゲーム基盤としてSEGA SYSTEM16Aが採用されています。セガSYSTEM16AはX68000とハードスペックが酷似しているため、FANTASY ZONEを100%完全移植することに成功したと聞いています。
The arcade game FANTASY ZONE uses the SEGA SYSTEM 16A as its game platform. I have been told that the Sega SYSTEM 16A has similar hardware specs to the X68000 and has succeeded in porting 100% of the FANTASY ZONE games completely.
Specifications and Main Characteristics
Main CPU : Motorola 68000@10MHz
Sound chip : Yamaha YM2151, NEC μPD7751 ADPCM decoder
Resolution : 320x224
Number of colors : 2048/32768 colors
Sprite : Up to 128 sprites per screen
Scroll screen : 2 screens
Specifications and Main Characteristics
Main CPU : Motorola 68000@10MHz
Sound chip : Yamaha YM2151, OKI MSM6258 ADPCM decoder
Resolution : 768x512, 512x512, 512x256, 256x256
Number of colors : 16 or 256 colors can be freely selected from a palette of 65536 colors,
or all 65536 colors can be displayed simultaneously (512x512 pixels only)
Sprite : 128 sprites per screen, 16 sprites per line
Scroll screen : Max.7 (4 graphics + 1 text + 2 BG)