People often misquote Matthew 7:22 to go AGAINST this movement. (What I say to that. And I believe the Holy Spirit gave me revelation on this.) Folks feel safe when they DO NOT pray nor expect signs and wonder because they “think” that as long as no miracles happen under their ministry that they will NEVER be put in this category: “Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?'” HOWEVER. If someone WHO DOES LOVE GOD AND DOES HAVE A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP “with” God, can and should be able to call upon the One who heals. He told us to! In this way the minister and the “ministered to” are blessed. Miracles are NOT a “stamp” of Gods approval of the one ministering. BUT NEITHER is it of deception. Be careful of misrepresenting Gods word and intention. The Atonement was a big deal in many areas. Healing AND deliverance. He died for this. But He also rose again for this. To indwell His kids. To go grab His other - “soon to be kids”!
One is .. Jesus was not talking about our time now. Its when He comes and sets foot on the earth.. He then gathers the nations that just came out of the great tribulation. One of the KEY words is "I NEVER knew you". Do you KNOW Jesus? He knows you. Jesus cant lie. I NEVER KNEW YOU! They were never saved.. are the goats..again came out of the great tribulation.
Mary Wow Yes. I understand that part. So it is good to clarify. What my concern is - is that people “bash” signs and wonders BECAUSE of this verse. Which is so strange because Jesus commanded the disciples to: GO THEREFORE... And those who follow Him to GO THEREFORE... So if someone is trying to obey Gods Word, pray for people like Matthew 10 and Luke 10 say, as well as the Book of Acts. But if they SEE healings and miracles, then some are called a deceiver because of that? very strange... That is all Im trying to express. 🔻1 Corinthians 4:20 (KJV) “For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.” 🔻 1 Thessalonians 1:5 “For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.” Blessings on all who read these threads with a hungry and teachable heart/spirit. I have no need or time to spar. Life is too short. God is good. Lets go be a blessing to someone today! ❤️🔥☺️
I was talking to god while making my bed. I recently gave myself to God. When I was done, I saw Jesus holding a lamb in my blankets. Not a vision, it was through the wrinkles of my blanket. Is this a false sign and wonders? I've had visions of Jesus while awake before. I'm confused about all this.
Deu 4:2 “You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
Kolenda is a great man of God and I love him, but I have to say his point about us not being responsible for healing not happening just because healing credit goes to Jesus is an oversimplification and not biblical and I hope he rethinks this. When the disciples couldnt drive out a demon, Jesus told them it was because of THEIR UNBELIEF. He didnt say, Well I provide the healing, so if it didnt happen, thats on me, guys. No. Jesus commanded us to heal, and our obedience includes unfettered belief. Any unbelief is of the flesh and not the Spirit, which means the more we pursue being like Jesus, the less unbelief we will have, and the more consistent we will be in the results. But again, I love these guys and WP Films thank you for all you do!
With all due respect in 1 Corinthians Paul states the Lord revealed to him Apostolic gifts would cease, and after the Book of Acts there is never another mention of any Signs and Wonders, during the Time of Acts Paul No longer had the ability to heal, I think its safe to say Signs and Wonders are no longer performed
@@ethanlorenzo702 with all due respect thats flat out wrong. I and countless others in my life and others have seen countless people miraculously healed by Jesus thru praying for them in laying on of hands. It never was said that the gifts ceased after Acts, we continue to do what they did in that book, amd Jesus' commission to heal the sick was not just for His disciples He was woth, it says the signs and wonders would follow anyone who believes--that applies to today. If youve never seen it for yourself I understand if you dont believe that--even John the Baptist doubted the very many he pointed out because he was stuck in prison, which is why Jesus had the messenger fill him in about what Jesus was doing. I was in that prison most of my life, then came across those healing the sick, studied deeply in the Word about it to find how biblical and relevant to today it is, and went out and did it with my wife and now we have hundreds of testimonies.
@@Bobbo825 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 clearly states God will cease signs and Wonders Paul himself in the Book of Acts states he can no longer perform Miracle healing after previously doing so
@@ethanlorenzo702 the last chapter of Paul he heals someone, so youd have to reference whatever verse saying he no longer could--most likely its in the context of his imprisonment. And i know what verses youre talking about from 1 Cor and it is clearly not talking about healing that is solely based on your trying to interpret it that way--healing isnt even listed in the things coming to an end, but knowledge is, and yet the Bible says continue to grow in the knowledge of Christ, so it goes to show that v 8-10 is NOT talking about right now--its talking about the future when we are all with Jesus again in His presence, because it is then that the other things, like prophecy and knowledge, are no longer needed because we have HIM! So many cessationists use out of context that verse. It is so clear that healing continues to be something disciples of Christ today do, and there is ample proof of it happening--its been proven by a myriad of born again believers long before either of us were alive and now, that healing is still going on today and is Gods will, as well as Jesus' commamd for disciples to do. There is ZERO biblical justification for cessationism.
all great.. though i have reservations over Shawn Bolz having been to his training conference and didnt like his methods. Daniel Kolenda is spot on Amen
I love what Daniel Kolenda said about the burden of miracles happening not being on us, but I feel like thats a big thing that Dan Mohler and Todd White teach. The healing doesn't happen because of "what we are failing to see." I feel like that puts a lot of the outcome on my shoulders. I have seen healing and prayed many times for it, but when it doesn't happen I always feel as though its because I didn't believe or something. I'm still very torn on the topic because I think Todd and Dan are speaking in truth most of the time. Idk man. Idk how to feel now.
You should just turn away from the NAR movement in whole. It’s all a bunch of lying signs and wonders, and “experiential” and “emotionalism” salvation. These false teachers can’t even accurately give the gospel. Just because they might perform miracles doesn’t make them trustable pastors. Remember in Matthew 7 that even those who could cast out demons were rejected by the Lord because they didn’t believe the Gospel. Judas could do miracles and wonders, yet we know he wasn’t saved because of his lack of faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.
@@zaoadore - Ephesians 4:11 is a great verse. If you don't have a grid for the apostolic and the prophetic, your church is missing its foundation, according to Paul in Ephesians 2. You might still have the cornerstone, which is important, but if you're deliberately removing your foundation, that building is in trouble. I'm not going to get into a debate with you, but people vilifying what they call the New Apostolic Reformation are doing the work of the accuser of the brethren for him. Let's not hand the enemy divisiveness and strife in the church. I want to make the enemy's job harder, not easier.
Cooper hodsdon - I have a lot of respect for the people in this video, to the extent that I'm familiar with them. However, it seems to me that the "I shouldn't take the blame, otherwise I'm taking the credit" argument is an oversimplification of things. Jesus is our example, and He didn't have a hit-and-miss healing ministry. Every single person who came to Him for healing or deliverance got healed and/or delivered. I believe that as we grow in sensitivity to the leading of the Spirit, in our intimacy with God, and in our faith, our results will look more and more like that of Jesus. That doesn't mean we take the credit. It just means that we're doing what the Father is doing and saying what the Father is saying, like Jesus did.
What is so sad. Is that the “church” is so divisive over signs and wonders and preaching the Gospel. If Jesus gave a COMMAND both in His immediate ministry and once the apostles started... WHY WOULD Jesus change His mind now? Because “some people” mishandled “it”? If - as a parent I told my kids to do something. They should do what I said. If they aren’t- Id see them as being disobedient. We must not pride ourselves as going against healings and miracles. He died for freedom and healing when able HERE. not JUST. When people get to heaven.
I think if you need a miracle ask for it, Ive had a few in my life, I didnt think it woud be immediate , I thought well maybe God is not hearing me or dont deserve but it was so. There are several times, that I have said God I need a miracle. It happened. No God is not my genie in a bottle, but he hears me
“Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:” Matthew 12:38-39 KJV The gospel is enough to get people saved. You don’t have to add signs and wonders into the equation.
Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believesw (NKJV) Salvation: Greek word ‘Soteria’ meaning: To deliver, save, heal, protect and make whole. Everywhere you see the word salvation, it can be interchanged for healing because it is the same word in the Greek. 1 Tim 2:3-4 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (NKJV) Saved: Greek word ‘Sozo’ meaning: To heal, to deliver, to preserve, to save, to protect, to do well, to make whole. Again, there is only one word for save and heal in the Greek. Everywhere you read saved, you can put healed. Everywhere you read healed, you can put save. Same word. Same thing to Jesus. One will that includes healing, deliverance & salvation. Jesus stated that signs will follow a believer and one of these signs is healing. Do you believe? Jesus isn’t asking you to heal, He’s telling you to. And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16:15-18
WP Films Well a majority of these so called “faith healers” such as Todd White don’t even preach the correct gospel, so this whole NAR thing is false from the get go
@@zaoadore That's fine if you believe that, but I wasn't talking about them. I was talking about Jesus. Jesus taught the kingdom and demonstrated it. He told us to do the same. End of story. Don't throw out Jesus' example because of the mistakes of men.
To see great miracles, the Body of Christ also needs to RECEIVE the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. That is the endument of power that Jesus told the disciples to not Not go Anywhere until you be endued with power from on High and that came the day of Pentecost and they all began speaking in tongues. I'm talking about Mark 16-type-tongues for ALL believers, not the Gift of the Holy Spirit tongues that not all believers get.
if you believe (trust in Jesus) then all will be healed but if you do not believe then nothing will happen as long as some one believes there will always be healing but to say its not my fault well my brother its not Gods fault. the word says the prayer of faith! the victory always goes To God not the failure. if you pray and nothing happens its on you thats it then shape up and tri again never quit even Jesus prayed twice to a blind man and did nit say well the first time it did not work its not my fault no He prayed again dont do the adam and eve move blame shift. you believe you lay hands on sick God always heals if you dont succeed the fist time then go again if Jesus did it twice then you know you might have to do it a 100 times but healing casting out of devils and saving the lost in the name of Jesus only does not work is wen you quit dont be a noob and not take responsibility for you failure. the disciples said way could we not cast him out and Jesus said because of your lack of faith
Sign and wonder is not the Gospel, the Gospel is Christ death, burried and His resurrection........ M save not because of healling and other, m save now because I believe in Him (Christ). He is my saviour.
Oh... this WP FILMS ... I see now. Had to look at allot of your videos......hmm....there is ONE body.. MANY tents.. seems some stay with a group of tents only.. I leave you..
I love Heidi Baker's heart for Jesus and the goodness of the news of Jesus. It's a beautiful fragrance to those that are being saved and her life has produced so much of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in others and in herself. I know and love holy spirit but I don't have any red flags going off.
Praise GOD glory to Jesus.. lets keep seeking the Father.. His righteousness. And keeping our eyes on Christ.. For me its thank you ... I leave you guys in peace.. :)
I'm asking the same question. They started out with Heidi Baker 🤔 and one of them said " GOSPEL+ MIRACLES" so you're right aka...Gospel is not enough and the scriptures are insufficient. This was cringy to hear.
@@mjbarbaraconstantestremera5509 Reading Jesus' ministry must be really confusing then, because Jesus IS the good news and he was constantly doing miracles. 1John says 'walk as Jesus walked'. Jesus said 'and you will do greater things than I'. Separating the factual 'truth' from the 'life' and 'way' of Christ is the fastest way to dilute the full unedited gospel. The Gospel isn't only a story you tell people to correct their behavior or fix their emotions. It's the lavish salvation of God upon those who will believe on Him for it, and with much redemption does it come. Why should it be any surprise that signs and wonders should come our model for life is Jesus himself?
For me the GOSPEL ... well I have a hard time sticking it in a box as ONLY WORDS. Its good news.. whats that good news? Holy JESUS its HIM.. He is everything.. everything you NEED. No where is it written it HAS to be GOSPEL 1st then signs and wonders. Those follow them that do YOU believe? They WILL follow you.. its all HIM.. What I dont see being talked about is.. one the 1st things Jesus said after IN MY NAME? CAST OUT DEMONS! YEAH.. just dont hear about that.. how strange.. as if they are all gone haha...WOW.
Thank you so much for sharing. I’m going to chew on this for a while!
My job is to obey..within the Gospel is the power
People often misquote Matthew 7:22 to go AGAINST this movement. (What I say to that. And I believe the Holy Spirit gave me revelation on this.)
Folks feel safe when they DO NOT pray nor expect signs and wonder because they “think” that as long as no miracles happen under their ministry that they will NEVER be put in this category:
“Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?'”
HOWEVER. If someone WHO DOES LOVE GOD AND DOES HAVE A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP “with” God, can and should be able to call upon the One who heals. He told us to!
In this way the minister and the “ministered to” are blessed.
Miracles are NOT a “stamp” of Gods approval of the one ministering.
BUT NEITHER is it of deception. Be careful of misrepresenting Gods word and intention.
The Atonement was a big deal in many areas. Healing AND deliverance. He died for this. But He also rose again for this. To indwell His kids. To go grab His other - “soon to be kids”!
One is .. Jesus was not talking about our time now. Its when He comes and sets foot on the earth.. He then gathers the nations that just came out of the great tribulation. One of the KEY words is "I NEVER knew you". Do you KNOW Jesus? He knows you. Jesus cant lie. I NEVER KNEW YOU! They were never saved.. are the goats..again came out of the great tribulation.
Mary Wow Yes. I understand that part. So it is good to clarify.
What my concern is - is that people “bash” signs and wonders BECAUSE of this verse. Which is so strange because Jesus commanded the disciples to: GO THEREFORE...
And those who follow Him to GO THEREFORE...
So if someone is trying to obey Gods Word, pray for people like Matthew 10 and Luke 10 say, as well as the Book of Acts. But if they SEE healings and miracles, then some are called a deceiver because of that? very strange...
That is all Im trying to express.
🔻1 Corinthians 4:20 (KJV)
“For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.”
🔻 1 Thessalonians 1:5
“For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.”
Blessings on all who read these threads with a hungry and teachable heart/spirit.
I have no need or time to spar. Life is too short. God is good. Lets go be a blessing to someone today!
Lapeer On 🔥 I think that particular passage is in regards to those that never trusted in God alone
Love it! Question: why's everyone wearing the same color shirt? Didn't know if that was a coincidence or a production decision 😄
The power of God unto "salvation" is in the gospel ! Jesus saves, heals & delivers because He loves us ! Tell them Jesus loves them !!!
The fellowship of grey shirts
I was talking to god while making my bed. I recently gave myself to God. When I was done, I saw Jesus holding a lamb in my blankets. Not a vision, it was through the wrinkles of my blanket. Is this a false sign and wonders? I've had visions of Jesus while awake before. I'm confused about all this.
Deu 4:2
“You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
Kolenda is a great man of God and I love him, but I have to say his point about us not being responsible for healing not happening just because healing credit goes to Jesus is an oversimplification and not biblical and I hope he rethinks this. When the disciples couldnt drive out a demon, Jesus told them it was because of THEIR UNBELIEF. He didnt say, Well I provide the healing, so if it didnt happen, thats on me, guys. No. Jesus commanded us to heal, and our obedience includes unfettered belief. Any unbelief is of the flesh and not the Spirit, which means the more we pursue being like Jesus, the less unbelief we will have, and the more consistent we will be in the results. But again, I love these guys and WP Films thank you for all you do!
Well that's the whole point of the show, to wrestle with things like this.
With all due respect in 1 Corinthians Paul states the Lord revealed to him Apostolic gifts would cease, and after the Book of Acts there is never another mention of any Signs and Wonders, during the Time of Acts Paul No longer had the ability to heal, I think its safe to say Signs and Wonders are no longer performed
@@ethanlorenzo702 with all due respect thats flat out wrong. I and countless others in my life and others have seen countless people miraculously healed by Jesus thru praying for them in laying on of hands. It never was said that the gifts ceased after Acts, we continue to do what they did in that book, amd Jesus' commission to heal the sick was not just for His disciples He was woth, it says the signs and wonders would follow anyone who believes--that applies to today. If youve never seen it for yourself I understand if you dont believe that--even John the Baptist doubted the very many he pointed out because he was stuck in prison, which is why Jesus had the messenger fill him in about what Jesus was doing. I was in that prison most of my life, then came across those healing the sick, studied deeply in the Word about it to find how biblical and relevant to today it is, and went out and did it with my wife and now we have hundreds of testimonies.
@@Bobbo825 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 clearly states God will cease signs and Wonders Paul himself in the Book of Acts states he can no longer perform Miracle healing after previously doing so
@@ethanlorenzo702 the last chapter of Paul he heals someone, so youd have to reference whatever verse saying he no longer could--most likely its in the context of his imprisonment. And i know what verses youre talking about from 1 Cor and it is clearly not talking about healing that is solely based on your trying to interpret it that way--healing isnt even listed in the things coming to an end, but knowledge is, and yet the Bible says continue to grow in the knowledge of Christ, so it goes to show that v 8-10 is NOT talking about right now--its talking about the future when we are all with Jesus again in His presence, because it is then that the other things, like prophecy and knowledge, are no longer needed because we have HIM! So many cessationists use out of context that verse. It is so clear that healing continues to be something disciples of Christ today do, and there is ample proof of it happening--its been proven by a myriad of born again believers long before either of us were alive and now, that healing is still going on today and is Gods will, as well as Jesus' commamd for disciples to do. There is ZERO biblical justification for cessationism.
all great.. though i have reservations over Shawn Bolz having been to his training conference and didnt like his methods. Daniel Kolenda is spot on Amen
I love what Daniel Kolenda said about the burden of miracles happening not being on us, but I feel like thats a big thing that Dan Mohler and Todd White teach. The healing doesn't happen because of "what we are failing to see." I feel like that puts a lot of the outcome on my shoulders. I have seen healing and prayed many times for it, but when it doesn't happen I always feel as though its because I didn't believe or something. I'm still very torn on the topic because I think Todd and Dan are speaking in truth most of the time. Idk man. Idk how to feel now.
You should just turn away from the NAR movement in whole. It’s all a bunch of lying signs and wonders, and “experiential” and “emotionalism” salvation. These false teachers can’t even accurately give the gospel. Just because they might perform miracles doesn’t make them trustable pastors. Remember in Matthew 7 that even those who could cast out demons were rejected by the Lord because they didn’t believe the Gospel. Judas could do miracles and wonders, yet we know he wasn’t saved because of his lack of faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.
@@zaoadore - Ephesians 4:11 is a great verse. If you don't have a grid for the apostolic and the prophetic, your church is missing its foundation, according to Paul in Ephesians 2. You might still have the cornerstone, which is important, but if you're deliberately removing your foundation, that building is in trouble. I'm not going to get into a debate with you, but people vilifying what they call the New Apostolic Reformation are doing the work of the accuser of the brethren for him. Let's not hand the enemy divisiveness and strife in the church. I want to make the enemy's job harder, not easier.
Cooper hodsdon - I have a lot of respect for the people in this video, to the extent that I'm familiar with them. However, it seems to me that the "I shouldn't take the blame, otherwise I'm taking the credit" argument is an oversimplification of things. Jesus is our example, and He didn't have a hit-and-miss healing ministry. Every single person who came to Him for healing or deliverance got healed and/or delivered. I believe that as we grow in sensitivity to the leading of the Spirit, in our intimacy with God, and in our faith, our results will look more and more like that of Jesus. That doesn't mean we take the credit. It just means that we're doing what the Father is doing and saying what the Father is saying, like Jesus did.
@@dagman85 simply awesome handling of that. I love these men too but we need to obey and rebuke error when found so that the body may be perfected.
cooper hodsdon I totally understand what you are struggling with here. I feel the same.
What is so sad. Is that the “church” is so divisive over signs and wonders and preaching the Gospel.
If Jesus gave a COMMAND both in His immediate ministry and once the apostles started... WHY WOULD Jesus change His mind now?
Because “some people” mishandled “it”? If - as a parent I told my kids to do something. They should do what I said. If they aren’t- Id see them as being disobedient.
We must not pride ourselves as going against healings and miracles.
He died for freedom and healing when able HERE. not JUST. When people get to heaven.
Healing last for a time. Salvation is eternal. Which one do you want?
Do you preach the gospel?
We are NOT supposed to seek signs and wonders.
I think if you need a miracle ask for it, Ive had a few in my life, I didnt think it woud be immediate , I thought well maybe God is not hearing me or dont deserve but it was so. There are several times, that I have said God I need a miracle. It happened. No God is not my genie in a bottle, but he hears me
the timewave zero
“Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:”
Matthew 12:38-39 KJV
The gospel is enough to get people saved. You don’t have to add signs and wonders into the equation.
The gospel is the only thing that can save. But even Jesus didn't JUST preach the gospel. He also demonstrated the kingdom of God along with it.
Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believesw (NKJV) Salvation: Greek word ‘Soteria’ meaning: To deliver, save, heal, protect and make whole.
Everywhere you see the word salvation, it can be interchanged for healing because it is the same word in the Greek. 1 Tim 2:3-4 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (NKJV) Saved: Greek word ‘Sozo’ meaning: To heal, to deliver, to preserve, to save, to protect, to do well, to make whole.
Again, there is only one word for save and heal in the Greek. Everywhere you read saved, you can put healed. Everywhere you read healed, you can put save. Same word. Same thing to Jesus.
One will that includes healing, deliverance & salvation.
Jesus stated that signs will follow a believer and one of these signs is healing. Do you believe? Jesus isn’t asking you to heal, He’s telling you to.
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Mark 16:15-18
WP Films
Well a majority of these so called “faith healers” such as Todd White don’t even preach the correct gospel, so this whole NAR thing is false from the get go
@@zaoadore That's fine if you believe that, but I wasn't talking about them. I was talking about Jesus. Jesus taught the kingdom and demonstrated it. He told us to do the same. End of story. Don't throw out Jesus' example because of the mistakes of men.
WP Films
All I’m saying is you don’t need signs and wonders to get people saved like Heidi Baker tries to do or any of these other heretical teachers.
To see great miracles, the Body of Christ also needs to RECEIVE the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. That is the endument of power that Jesus told the disciples to not Not go Anywhere until you be endued with power from on High and that came the day of Pentecost and they all began speaking in tongues. I'm talking about Mark 16-type-tongues for ALL believers, not the Gift of the Holy Spirit tongues that not all believers get.
if you believe (trust in Jesus) then all will be healed but if you do not believe then nothing will happen as long as some one believes there will always be healing but to say its not my fault well my brother its not Gods fault. the word says the prayer of faith! the victory always goes To God not the failure. if you pray and nothing happens its on you thats it then shape up and tri again never quit even Jesus prayed twice to a blind man and did nit say well the first time it did not work its not my fault no He prayed again dont do the adam and eve move blame shift. you believe you lay hands on sick God always heals if you dont succeed the fist time then go again if Jesus did it twice then you know you might have to do it a 100 times but healing casting out of devils and saving the lost in the name of Jesus only does not work is wen you quit dont be a noob and not take responsibility for you failure. the disciples said way could we not cast him out and Jesus said because of your lack of faith
Why do we have to neuter God from the supernatural???? This is not normal.
Sign and wonder is not the Gospel, the Gospel is Christ death, burried and His resurrection........ M save not because of healling and other, m save now because I believe in Him (Christ). He is my saviour.
Oh... this WP FILMS ... I see now. Had to look at allot of your videos......hmm....there is ONE body.. MANY tents.. seems some stay with a group of tents only.. I leave you..
Wow, they start out with Heidi Baker.
This should have bells, buzzers, and red flags 🚩 going off in your spirit.
I love Heidi Baker's heart for Jesus and the goodness of the news of Jesus. It's a beautiful fragrance to those that are being saved and her life has produced so much of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in others and in herself. I know and love holy spirit but I don't have any red flags going off.
Praise GOD glory to Jesus.. lets keep seeking the Father.. His righteousness. And keeping our eyes on Christ.. For me its thank you ... I leave you guys in peace.. :)
Soooo just giving the gospel isn’t enough?
Obviously you missed the point.
WP Films
No I didn’t 😂
I'm asking the same question. They started out with Heidi Baker 🤔 and one of them said " GOSPEL+ MIRACLES" so you're right aka...Gospel is not enough and the scriptures are insufficient. This was cringy to hear.
@@mjbarbaraconstantestremera5509 Reading Jesus' ministry must be really confusing then, because Jesus IS the good news and he was constantly doing miracles. 1John says 'walk as Jesus walked'. Jesus said 'and you will do greater things than I'. Separating the factual 'truth' from the 'life' and 'way' of Christ is the fastest way to dilute the full unedited gospel. The Gospel isn't only a story you tell people to correct their behavior or fix their emotions. It's the lavish salvation of God upon those who will believe on Him for it, and with much redemption does it come. Why should it be any surprise that signs and wonders should come our model for life is Jesus himself?
For me the GOSPEL ... well I have a hard time sticking it in a box as ONLY WORDS. Its good news.. whats that good news? Holy JESUS its HIM.. He is everything.. everything you NEED. No where is it written it HAS to be GOSPEL 1st then signs and wonders. Those follow them that do YOU believe? They WILL follow you.. its all HIM..
What I dont see being talked about is.. one the 1st things Jesus said after IN MY NAME? CAST OUT DEMONS! YEAH.. just dont hear about that.. how strange.. as if they are all gone haha...WOW.
Shame on you for deleting all your videos from other pages, is it really all about the money?
You do realize it's illegal, correct?