As a former protestant I was once sucked in by Alexander Hislop's Two Babylons. I loved that book and used it extensively in my debates with catholics. I'll be confirmed into the Catholic Church during this years Easter Virgil - Hislop will be turning in his grave...
I was a Protestant that became an Atheist and I have used every Protestant argument against Catholicism and every Atheist argument against Christianity as a whole in my time. I was confirmed last year! Welcome home!!
You obviously not born from the Spirit of truth. The 3 lies of the Roman papacy'. The biggest forgery. In Christendom was their donation of Constantine,that gave them their illegitimate power over all. Luther found this out by the the brilliant Lorenzo Valla. The key's of David compare revelation of john chapter 1v18 keys to death and the dead.
@@Western-Supremacist check out the Roman papacy' biggest fake document of the donation of Constantine,the biggest forgery in Christendom. Luther knew about that. But many dismiss this document for their illegitimate misuse of power.
Check out their biggest lie in Christendom. Donation of Constantine. Luther knew about it. The brilliant Lorenzo Valla j exposed it. The misuse of illegitimate power over all.
Trent I think it’s absolutely necessary to write that book about Catholic conspiracy theories. The new generation has been bombarded with these theories and they accept them as facts. We need a book to turn to to respond to these theories. Even my own daughter has been subjected to these theories, making her question and not open to the faith. I pray for her conversion as well as my adult sons. Please write that book or at least address them in videos.
Actually there is a difference between Catholic and Roman Catholic. And if people read the scriptures you can see Roman Catholicism is in violation in many areas there's a reason why Matthew 24 warns that that even the very elect would be deceived if possible by how close the deception would be to the real thing. It's like comparing an authentic to a forgery. Treat the Scripture like a guide to discerning forgery, it says to search and compare all spirits to the word found in its pages. Acts 17. If the tradition is not found in the scriptures it is not biblically founded and pagan, the Apostles stated by the written or oral traditions you receive from us This means that both the oral and written will be in alignment not be different.
It is important to understand that like any large governmental organization like the Catholic Church or a nation state government there will be corruption, crimes, etc. Human nature takes hold. Additionally Satan wants to destroy the Church, so naturally you have to assume his servants are in the Catholic Church leity and leadership. At this point his servants are obvious if you use discernment. Many “conspiracy theories” are not theories. It is fact that the Catholic Church smuggled Nazi war criminals out of Europe. It is fact that massive pedophilia scandals have been swept under the rug. It is fact that indulgences were sold and misused. It is fact that Easter Sunday is not the day our savior rose from the dead. He was crucified the day after Passover ended, it’s in the text. However we celebrate His resurrection as much as a month after Passover. We decorate churches with trees adorned in silver and gold for Christmas, in Jeremiah it warns against that tradition. Discernment is crucial, I am a Catholic, and I believe some things in the church could very well have been perverted and that the Catholic church of 2024 is nothing like the church founded 2000 years ago. I would like to see it held accountable for the moral atrocities it has committed over the years. Because how can we claim to be the Church founded by Christ when we allow it to protect the thousands clergy that have harmed tens of thousands of children. Seems a bit hypocritical, immoral, and disingenuous to me. We need to be better, expect better, and hold our Church leaders accountable.
Imagine one of these Protestants going back in time and witnessing the Jewish Tabernacle/Temple worship. They would probably accuse that of being pagan too.
@Eucharist Angel I appreciate your concern, but as far as I can tell from my studies so far it seems that the Orthodox Church has most faithfully preserved the original doctrine and practices handed down from the apostles. Summarizing their doctrine of salvation as “saved by works” is not accurate. If anything, it seems that the Protestant reformers were the ones who reinterpreted the gospel in opposition to1500 years of Church teaching. I don’t believe the Holy Spirit would allow the church to exist without the true gospel for such a long period of time, especially in light of the promise Christ gave to build his Church and preserve it from the power of hell.
These are the same Protestants who call Catholic Answers demanding explanations for distinctively Catholic doctrines, get Scripture citations with chapter and verse (and not even from the Deuterocanon), and still respond with "that's not Biblical."
I had an instructor, and I'm gonna tell you where I had his instruction: I was a young, DUM, thick, little know-it-all Police Academy trainee. The instructor was a semi-retired criminal trail lawyer, complete with polished silver cufflinks and quite a record. His advice, QUOTE, UNQUOTE: "Attack your OWN ARGUMENT from every angle you can conceive of, first. THEN maybe, just maybe, the good Lord will push you over to the right side." I was 24 years old. I'm 50 now. And I'll never forget it.
Hey Trent! There is a Independent Baptist preacher by the name of Spencer Smith who creates some very anti-catholic content on TH-cam, and constantly links and insists that Catholicism is of Pagan origin. This is particularly the case in his series “Third Adam.” I would like to see your rebuttal for some of his points made in his videos, namely to the second video in his series, “Third Adam 2: The Great Seduction.” Thanks!
the existence of these anti-Catholic preachers who try to link the ancient Church to paganism are the reason videos like this get made! for me it was those Chick Tracts, and occasionally you'd get some snarky comment on the internet about "Catholics are different from Christians" or talking about how the end was coming soon (Left Behind, etc) implying that the Pope is really "you-know-who" and the miter is just to cover up the horns, I guess.
The timing on this is perfect! Just this weekend I was with the US Marines, talking about Christian music, when one of them claimed "Catholicism isn't Christianity. It's Roman paganism," to which I said "No no friend, Protestantism is watered-down, knock-off brand Christianity." Although he was totally serious with his accusation, I responded in jest to facilitate conversation. He definitely wasn't expecting a counter to his claim and our discussion sadly ceased there. Hopefully he'll want to continue later.
@Eucharist Angel well if that is the case, it's all the more important that we do continue to talk so he can save me and bring me into the true faith. Either way the conversation will hopefully lead to a greater understanding of truth.
Someone ACTUALLY TOLD ME that our Blessed Lord never existed [on Earth] simply because the Gospels "conflict" so much. So I thanked him, PROFUSELY. And that I was going into my wallet to tear up all my dollar bills...because George Washington must have never existed....since there are so many conflicting biographies of him.
Someone ACTUALLY TOLD ME that our Blessed Lord Krishna never existed [on Earth] simply because the vedas and puranas "conflict" so much. So I thanked him, PROFUSELY. And that I was going into my wallet to tear up all my dollar bills...because George Washington must have never existed....since there are so many conflicting biographies of him.
@Ádhamh Ó Donnabháin It wasn't supposed to. It was to show that the OP's argument can be applied to any other unproven character. This wasn't a defeater for Jesus/ Abrahamic god, but I have other evidence and logic that does
@@zengfukushang532 you're like a flat earther, every credible historian and archaeologist all attest that JC existed except people like you who make things up on the go just cause.
@@nenabunena Nah its all a myth. The Jeesus of virgin birth, walking on water, etc (all the superhuman/supernatural claims) certainly didn't exist If the OT was myth - then 1. Jeesus was mistaken 2. he was lying 3. whoever wrote about the Jeesus character was mistaken, or was lying Argumentum ad populum is a fallacy
@@zengfukushang532 no historian agrees with unfortunately, fact disagrees with you as well. Sorry maybe you should try going back to school. You seem uneducated
48:00 in hispanic nations we call Easter Pascua, so the argument that it is derivative from that Ishtar deity just falls flat for the rest of none-English speaking catholic nations, which would be the majority of catholics right now.
@@lucas29210 It is a local tradition in europe. All Catholics does not practice easter egg hunting. Though it ws generally understood that during lent season, egg would not be consumed. Thats why during easter, people have a lot of eggs to make activities with. Also Easter follow from the Passover which is a harvest festival.
@@lucas29210eggs weren’t consumed during lent, people boiled them to last the season at the end of lent, people would break their fast with this abundance of eggs. Eggs were given as gifts because there were just so many of them, some used for games and activities, decorated etc. Rabbits are just a symbol for fertility and new life. It’s believed German just tied the two together and made up a story about a bunny that drops eggs
These types of videos are absolutely necessary for these times. There are so many heretic evangelicals posting TH-cam videos about how praying to Mary is tantamount to praying to demons, they are leading people away from Jesus and it sucks.
As a Protestant, I will agree with Catholics on Two things: 1. The connection between Catholicism and Paganism is bonkers. 2. The "miracle" at Fatima does make Catholicism more plausible than if it never occurred.
@C&M K From my viewpoint, there's very good Biblical evidence that Catholicism is false and for me, that must be balanced with any evidence of miracles.
@@michaelsayad5085 The problem is that it's YOU. You're not an expert. I'd rather trust the 2,000 year old Church with St Peter's bones under the Basilica in Rome than some intepretation of the Bible, no two protestant sects share equally.
Check out the tilma on display today in the lady of Guadalupe story. That’s my favorite story because we can actually view and scientifically analyze the tilma
@@brittoncain5090 What about this one? A priest and a rabbi are walking down the street and they come to a kid playing in a sandbox. The Catholic priest says, “Hey, you wanna go screw that kid?” To which the rabbi replies, "Out of what?
@@lukemiller2836 unfortunate But makes sense He is probably not even a devout Catholic Or a Catholic in the first place Interesting that the school has gone to crap under a guy who believes conspiracy theories That makes much sense
It is all given in Ralph Woodrow's book "Babylon Mystery Religion" which He retracted and wrote another book "Babylon Connection? - after those arguments were used against Christianity as such
This claim was first advanced by Alexander Hislop's "The Two Babylons," published in 1853. The phony, cut-and-paste learning of modern fundies traces back to Hislop, though most of them have no idea of the origins of the theory.
You are talking about the mitre .... that head of the fish shaped hat is not exclusively Catholics since Anglican bishops also use it and it can be traced back to Jesus mandating HIS disciples to become “fishers of men” and consequently, the first Christian symbolism is that of a fish, connecting it with the Babylonian soldier helmet is superficial. By the way, Christian symbolism changed into a wheel (circle with a cross inside) to escape persecution and into the cross that we knew which is similar to the last Hebrew letter tav (not the Egyptian ankh .... aleph, tav ... the first and the last Hebrew letter , compare it with the Greek alpha and omega)
Krzysztof Karon, a Polish Academic in his book, the History of Anti-Culture, describes the chief difference between Catholic and Protestant work ethic. In Catholicism Sundays were off, by law. The Catholic was obligated to protect his employees and had some degree of care he needed to provide them, via Christ's teachings - what you don't do for the least of these, you don't do to Me. Protestants had a different connection to God/Christ. It was and is, a parallel connection, protestant to God and vice versa. For Catholics the line lines Catholic to God and vice versa and Catholic to fellow man. Sadly the book is not translated into English but it's a scholarly work of years of research. A Protestant could work his workers to death but if he gave due honour or devoted this work to God, he was righteous. Catholic, could not do this.
Guys you are excellent. You are shaking the roots of Protestantism. If they recognize the historic facts and the truth, all pastors would loose their jobs or need to become priests. And their flock would need to return to true apostolic Churches, including Catholic, Eastern and Orthodox Churches.
The "Easter comes from Ishtar" thing really turns my skin inside out. The word 'easter' is of Germanic origin, it has NOOOOOOTHING to do with Ishtar. The pre-Christian Germanics celebrated the return of spring around the same time of the year Jesus his resurrection would be celebrated later on and they called it "Easter", because the sun rises in the east and is the symbol of the rebirth of spring. When the Germanics were Christened they stopped the spring celebration and Jesus his resurrection was then celebrated and the name Easter remained.
Our oldest source is Venerable Bede, writing at a time when 89 popes had reigned and died, and he basically said "idk why they call April 'Eastermonth', probably named afte a goddess or something."
Every Catholic conversion story I hear about for some reason conviction of sin and asking God to save them is often left out. It's always apostolic succession arguments. Basically it's a head knowledge conversion not a change of the heart. If someone realizes that they are a sinner and ask God to save them then it's a done deal. They are sealed with the Holy Ghost regardless whether they ever go to church or not. Salvation is always simple.
@@pianoplayer2260 I appreciate your comment since it raises some points that are good to discuss! Even though conversions often do occur through "head knowledge," that doesn't mean that their hearts have not been changed, they do not have a conviction of sin, or they haven't asked God to save them. Conversion can involve both the mind and heart. Both are important aspects of us as humans. On your point about it being a done deal if someone realizes they are a sinner and asks God to save them, James 2:24 is a commonly cited verse, but there are others that back up the idea there is a need for something more. Galatians 5:6 tells us "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." The parable Jesus gave in Matthew 25 about the sheep and the goats demonstrated that we need to have more than just recognition that we are sinners and asking for forgiveness to be saved. Regarding your point about "They are sealed with the Holy Ghost regardless whether they ever go to church or not," the Bible tells us that it is baptism is what seals us with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38 states "Peter replied, 'Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.'” The Bible also makes it clear that Church fellowship is important. Hebrews 10:24-25 says "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Acts 2:46-46 says "Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." This comment is long enough as is, so I'll wrap it up here. I hope this helps explain the points you brought up from a different perspective 😄
@@pianoplayer2260, has every Catholic conversion story you've heard about been of somebody who is already a Christian becoming a Catholic? If so, that might explain why they didn't mention conviction of sin or asking God to save them. They had already done that. When they became Catholic, they moved closer to truth and farther away from heresy.
The most laughable theories are based on similarity of words that don't work in any other language. I heard that we worship roman god Pan because in Polish Pan means Lord, mister, sir and is often used in reference to God. What was even weirder this person was american baptist and knew that it doesn't work in any other language.
Kinda like the joke Dog is God backwards. Yeah in English, but that’s about it. Language is a weird and fascinating thing something, especially when they’re influenced by various old ones.
My favorite stupid argument like this is from Jack Chick: That the IHS letters, which represent a Latin monogram of Jesus' name, somehow stand for Isis, Horus, Set. Egyptian doesn't even use the same alphabet!
Do you know the joke about the atheist who did not believe in God? He drowned in Bug. (Bug is a Polish river, Bug = God in Polish). Bug in Polish is pronounced Boog,for the Americans.
There is a heretic here on TH-cam who posted a video claiming that the name of the Lord is actually Satan and the English bible is evil because of that fallacy. Absolute foolish fools, fake intellectual sycophant's who do not posses sanctifying grace so they are forced to put on an act and pretend like they are holy, but in reality they are just like the New Agers who always put on an act during their Yoga sessions and post séance rituals in order to confirm themselves in sin(so that they wont have to face their conscience).
Yes I see so many people say that the English word Easter is derived from the ancient Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar. But why would people in ancient Britain even know about a goddess from the Middle East? And what would make them name the resurrection day after her?
I remember reading the Epic of Gilgamesh in college and those were some of my favorite discussions. Ancient cultures and legends are quite interesting, especially of a 1/3rd man, 2/3rds god on his mother’s side being like Gilgamesh (yes, that is how he is described and I still haven’t figured out the math on that). In regards to the flood story, from what I remember Ellil was the main god who got tired of humans being noisy and dirty so he decided to wipe them out. The other gods didn’t care too much except for one, who warned a guy and his wife about the upcoming doom. The flood came, the other gods cried and scurried away out of fear, the boat survived, and Ellil was not happy when he found out one of his underlings had saved some humans. Eventually he decides to make the couple immortal like the gods, but not necessarily give them any powers. Just told them to run off and enjoy their eternal lives. Personally, I always thought it was a way for Ellil to claim he did accomplish what he wanted, destroy mankind, and not get the other gods mad him if he struck down the couple in front of them. Heard other reasons, but that’s my personal theory. So yes, same event but highly different in their meaning and consequences. The Norse myth of the flood is even weirder as the flood is from the blood of the giant Ymir after Odin and his brothers kill him. Some giants survive so the species isn’t entirely wiped out, and the young gods take the body of Ymir and use it to create Midgard which is where the Earth resided among the realms. So once again, similar idea but VERY different context.
the whole argument that Gilgamesh is an "exact copy" of the Torah is so silly. it's a great story (what we have of it) but the closest we get to anything is the flood account within it, and even that has some clear differences. if you're trying to convince me there was a super flood in ancient times that inspired all these stories, you can strengthen that by forcing me to read the EOG, but you're not going to convince me Moses is a myth and the Torah is a pagan plagiarism that way. I've read the Enuma Elish as well and there's no clear parallel other than a world is created (a sea monster getting ripped up in battle vs. water being divided from land and the sky is a parallel in only the most poetic of views). similarly its claimed that the "Egyptian Book of the Dead" is the source of the 10 commandments, despite there being no real parallel other than some shared ideas of moral principles (don't murder, steal, lie, etc). these were intended as prayers (or spells) to prevent dead officials and rulers from going into a bad afterlife and buried with them in their tombs (and later they were collected together for posterity, long after they were written), vs. the commandments that are precepts within a narrative about the Hebrews coming out of slavery to form the Israelite nation under the leadership of Moses and Aaron and their successors. reading the pagan stories is awesome, but you see just how shabby the "this is where they copied it from!" claims really are. at best they establish a common human experience from which some similar ideas are expounded in response (but also important differences.. consider how some of the biblical stories riff on the pagan ones... the flood in particular). just because something was written first doesn't mean it inspired all others... some ideas are arrived at independently, or were both inspired by an even earlier (lost) source.
@@HeroQuestFans I have a theory regarding why there would be "similarities" between epic of Gigalmesh and Noah's flood in Genesis (keep it in mind this one of possible theories): Since that epic of gilgalmesh (surviving historical artifact) was found in Mesopotamia, where Abraham had lived (city of Ur). Since Noah's ark had landed on Mt Ararat, all of Noah's descedant would traveled further out (some to Mesopotamia and elsewhere) are the earliest source to have heard about great flood. The story of flood had passes down through many generations (Abraham being of one them) which ended up as epic of gilgalmesh. So therefore it's possible the epic of gilgalmesh was inspired by the actual event of Noah's flood, they story continued passing down and spreading around. As Abraham, being the father of Jewish nation, had possibly passed down the Noah's flood story. I can also say that God could have guided the writer (possibly Moses) to re-tell the story of Noah's flood in more truthful context in the book of Genesis.
Father Stephen DeYoungs “Religion of the Apostles.” Was amazing. It shows that Protestantism is ridiculous in comparison to Ancient Judaism/Christianity.
Wow!! Too many things I didn’t knew!!! Thank you guys!!! This needs to get out more often!! Because of Zeitgeist and The Two Babylons I was led astray away from the Church for too long!! Until Christ found me and brought me back!! Just wished I had this information way earlier. God bless you guys!!!
if I thought things like the Da Vinci Code or "Crusader Comics" (Jack Chick) were true, I'd probably hate and fear the Catholic Church as well! Thankfully, logic and evidence prevail and these pseudohistorical conspiracy theories have been completely exploded with facts, and it's a simple matter to educate people on them, if you can maintain your composure, of course... (God grant us composure and patience!).
@Mark Roberts so, in our time, Churches are being burned down all around the world, Christians are being persecuted, murdered, decapitated, harassed by this world in this time, I am talking about, now, today. The “woke” culture is threatening the stability of the family. Preachers, Priests, Bishops, leaders of the Church have been coming out as hypocrites while their sins come out to light. Humanity has become prideful and lovers of self. Most people have become self righteous with lack of humility. Information and misinformation has spread all around the globe. Black is the new white, and words have been voided off of their true meaning. The Words of our Lord comes to mind. As the times of Noa. What is that Ark that Noa built? Were himself and his family came in, and creatures, male and female were saved in. What winds of doctrine are blowing out there? that takes us away from God’s truth? There is only one Church, one Baptism, one Faith, one Ark that will stand the deluge. Christ is our Lord, but we were not left alone on our own, to make up all kind of different doctrines and create division, but He made us united, into one visible body, representing the invisible one. Like Martin Luther said: “There are as many sects and beliefs as there are heads…” division is what happened after the reformation, and a divided kingdom cannot stand, but only if it is from God it can stand. It has been 2000 years, we’ll see. Regarding “get out of her” have you considered Jerusalem? Read “Mystery Babylon: When Jerusalem embraces the antichrist” by Chris White. A good read. God bless you!
A lot of it is protestants don't understand Temple Judaism and its liturgy and practices which is the origin of many of our customs, traditions and practices Liturgical worship in Temple Judaism was sacrificial in nature, Catholicism liturgical worship is sacrificial in nature with the Mass. That is why everything Catholics believe/do is so strange to Protestants and modern rabbinic Jews because almost everything we believe is from Temple Judaism in origin, custom and practice. "Remember that the Catholic Church was an OFFICIAL sect within Judaism. If you read Acts 1 and you are familiar with Halakhah Law you will immediately notice that the Catholic Church is a legal entity WITHIN Judaism. If you read you will notice that there are 120 members in this synagogue. Why is this important? It is the exact number of persons in the Halakhah regulations to form a full fledged synagogue. Next according to Halakhah regulations there must be a beit din (jewish court) formed. We see that there is a beit din and it draws lots and Matthias a disciple is chosen to take over Judas bishopric (episkopen). So two of the three requirements are met. The third requirement is that there must be a "nasi" (prince, temporal) and an "ab" ( father, spiritual) appointed. Curiously Peter is filling both these positions in this beit din. Why? In 190 BC the Kohan Gadol (jewish high priesthood) fell into apostasy and beit din gadol cast a vote of no confidence splitting the two offices of the kohan gadol into the "nasi" and "ab" within the beit din gadol. However, in this new beit din which is actually a beit din gadol (70 disciples) Christ has placed His confidence in Peter by presenting him the Keys to the temple and bringing the two offices back together the way it originally was. The pope has both temporal and spiritual powers. Peter is the prince of the apostles and the pope (Pope meaning papa - meaning father) as you see even today the pope is both "nasi" and the "ab" in Catholicism. So is Temple Judaism dead? No! It is now known as Catholicism." Deus Imperator
@@lonelyberg1808 I forgot to add - The Catholic Church returned the sacred items removed by King Josiah from Solomons Temple during the first protestant movement in 640BC-609BC. King Josiah removed the altar, the anointing oil, the real menorah, the incense and the Bread of the Presence (showbread) from Solomons Temple. The Essenes and the Qumrans saw King Josiahs act as desecrating the temple and insulting God. They viewed the second temple as corrupted. Christ the high priest-king instituted a new Temple with new Priests and a new Sacrifice and reinstated the Melchizedek priesthood hence all Catholic priests belong to the Order of Melchizedek which is pre-mosaic.
@@SaintCharbelMiracleworker hey bro, you are mixing history massively Josiah lived during the first temple, he destroyed Baal's altars and cult, he returned to the original beliefs Essenes formed during and after the Macabbee revolt, that is second temple age, centuries later
@@nemgyuri If you re-read my post I said King Josiah removed the sacred items fro Solomons Temple. Nothing to do with Baals altar. I also stated the Essenes saw the Second Temple as corrupted and what Josiah did in history as insulting to God.
Most people get this misinformation from films like the Zeitgeist documentary. No one researches the claims made in these films or even popluar works of Fiction like Dan Brown or popular new atheist writers out there, hence, people assume that its all true.
Hey Trent! Could you provide a list of some of the sources that you quoted in this podcast? It is in this very area that I have the most conflict with my boyfriend in discussing Christianity, especially the "borrowed myths" areas.
you may also want to check out Trent's book "The Case for Catholicism" for the notes. Jimmy Akin's podcast (Mysterious World) has a lot of notes even though he deals with a lot more than apologetics. but yes, more sources please! Catholic Answers has a lot, but sometimes people will jump on an apologist misspeaking or leaving out something, when it's nice to be able to check the sources yourself and see that it's not just hot air being blown around
I once found one of those Chick tracts regarding the liturgical fans we use in Eastern Catholicism; the comparisons would be laughable if there weren't a contingent of Protestants that actually believe them.
Everyone speaks like its a common thing to have received one if these tracks...I am 60 and have never seen or heard one. Are they designed to glorify Protestantism or are they anti Catholic rubbish? I am just curious...thank you! 🌷
@@rosiegirl2485 I am 40 years old and remember seeing them as a boy given to me by North American evangelists during the 80s in front of the church! They are protestant propaganda: anticatholic, Pro-rapture, Anti Islamic, anti gay living style, anti Halloween. as all Protestant doctrine they have many things which are good, but also lacking, like a badly tuned radio station.
I was out with my friends when we picked up a little book bout finding Jesus or something. No pictures and can’t remember if it was a Chit Trak, but I fondly remember giving it to one of the guys in our group who is very knowledgable about scripture and doctrine. As the rest of us chatted, he took out a pen, borrowed the Bible app on my phone, and completely blotted out the book with corrections and statements why everything was so wrong 😂 totally wish I kept the thing.
@@wlg2677 Great unturned radio station..ha! I am in the suburbs of Philadelphia..and I have only gone to small town Catholic churches. I guess this is done in front of protestant churches..which I have no experience with! Thank you for the explanation...and I also agree with you that they do have a lot of good! I do find it frustrating that most just accept what they have been told..and never research it for themselves ...though the same could be said for the Catholic's! God bless my friend! 💠
@@pianoplayer2260 - you’re entitled to your opinion, but I don’t go chase URL’s put her by trolls. I’ll never understand why supposed “Christians” feel the need to troll Catholic TH-cam channels. Do you really think I will watch your stupid video and convert back to Protestantism? Is this where you want to be (trolling Catholics) when Jesus returns? Grow up.
@@Saul2PaulCatholic Typical condescending Catholic apologist with an elitist attitude. Protestants killed bible believing ana-Baptists by the way. I have no desire in reforming Roman Catholicism. The playlist proves that Catholics are forced to do mental gymnastics to defend their cult. If you don't want to watch it I can't help you. The spiritual fruit of Protestantism is very little, but there is no spiritual fruit of a political Roman Catholic system. There are no true great awakening Catholic revivals throughout history. You judge something by the fruit it bears. No church fathers argument will debunk that.
I never read 'Christianity Before Christ' but that's the title of a book that came out in 1985 by John G. Jackson. I wasn't really exposed to Jesus Mythicism until Brian Flemming's "The God Who Wasn't There" indie film (2 years before Zeitgeist) but I did hear a soft version of it when I was at university (taught by a recently deceased atheist scholar who was sympathetic to mythicism towards the end of his life, despite being only an OT scholar) which basically says that the Gospels were written with a bunch of pagan books in the other hand (not pushed hard in the classes, but the books we had were sympathetic to the theory
@Eucharist Angel The word "Trinity" isn't used in the Bible, therefore Trinitarianism is false. The phrase "hypostatic union" in the Bible therefore we can't define how Christ was God and man. The word "Pneumatology" isn't in the Bible therefore we can't have a theological study on the Holy Spirit. Congratulations, you've upended the whole of Christian foundational theology using Protestant fundamentalism
@Eucharist Angel Only an idiot would think that the pope was filled with all truth and justice. After all, the first pope couldn't go 12 hours without denying Christ. We are a Church of sinners. The problem many protestants have with the pope is that they think that THEY aren't sinners too. When one thinks that "all truth and justice!" resides with one's self it becomes difficult to forgive the pope for his sins. Sure the pope is a sinner, but so am I. We fit together well. He, desiring heaven for himself, throws open the gates of heaven so all sorts of undesirables like me can get in.
@Eucharist Angel The Bible is not silent on most of the things you named. St. Peter was the first pope and granted the keys to heaven by Christ. It's in the Bible. There were apostles (bishops) in the Bible. When Judas committed suicide, the apostles laid hands on a candidate elevating him to apostle status. So it can't be claimed the apostles died out centuries ago. They were sacred leaders (apostles, also called bishops) while pastoral leaders were deacons, also in the Bible. I'm not sure if apostles' helpers (priests) were in the Bible though. Still, under Church Cannon, priests are subordinate to bishops and bishops exercise their ordinary duties through priests some of the time. Priests don't operate without apostolic oversight. Purgatory is simply the time and process between death and heaven. We don't know how long it lasts, but scripture does talk about us being made perfect for God, so we know something happens. Indulgences are not free passes on sin. They are reductions in the assumed pain of purgatory for doing something purifying here on earth. (They have been misused in the past by greedy prelates.) Transubstantiation is definitely in scripture. Jesus said, "This is my body." He also said, "Unless you eat my body and drink my blood, you will not have life within you." Thus transubstantiation is a statement that we believe Christ's commands and promises are more important than secular or scientific reality. We believe in Christ first.
@Blue Mags Scripture copies exist from the early Second Century C.E. Given Christ lived in the mid First Century C.E., that's not a lot of time for the Vatican to corrupt or alter all the copies of the Bible across the world. And they had to do so while dodging lions. Still, Satan is powerful. But so to is paranoia. Fortunately Satan doesn't usually use all caps, so they are easy to tell apart.
After reading the prot responses in the comment section... all I can say is Lord have mercy on us, the only way to get these people to understand is divine intervention straight up. You can have the most non disputable argument and they will still say we’re all pagan liars
Saw the thumbnail and immediately swapped to this video. Those tracts imaged there were favourites of mine for a while in the past - now I know better.
This is such a lame argument. For starters it commits the logical fallacy of insisting that similarities instantly imply descent. And it in fact smacks of a sort of Platonism or Semi-Gnosticism that is skeptical or even despises God's creation as intrinsically evil(which it's not). Taking the good parts of God's creation that were paganized-like days, trees, etc.-and re-consecrating them back to God doesn't "paganize" Christianity. Only someone possessed of an extremely week and feeble faith would think such.
right. they were doing the ancient equivalent of "Skateboarders for Christ" and translating the bible into the common tongue. using pagan language metaphors as a way to instruct people familiar with them and converting formerly God-blaspheming traditions into God-honoring ones (here's a word my Protestant brothers will understand REFORMING them) is not unbiblical. Paul himself praised the wisdom of certain pagan poets and a certain pagan shrine... not because he was honoring the false conceptions of God, but finding those bits of truth that still shone forth in those mounds of error in order to build upon them the true message and fullness of truth found in the Gospel. Christ himself urged the people to obey the teachers of the Law when they sat in Moses' seat (but not to obey their hypocritical example). he praised what they did which was right, why attacking what they did that was corrupt. so it's not a case of burning down the world because its tainted by paganism and then rebuilding it back up again. it's reclaiming the goodness that God built in from the beginning that was only obscured, misused or misunderstood by these "pagans" (and Jews, the Jews didn't get everything right either, despite having the Law and the Prophets).
Trent Horn , I dont know if you read your comments Im a protestant who admires your work and aspires to defend the Christian faith as well you do !!!! I never had an interest in Catholicism until I went to bible college now Im considered the Catholic guy at my Church . Even though Im not "Roman" Catholic" I personal believe Roman Catholicism , the Orthodox Church ,and Protestants together make up the Holy Catholic Church of Christ . I know we dont agree on that but I would love to here what you have to say about the objections to The Roman Church I hold . Im definately not Anti-Catholic .
@Christian Stephens. I would suggest you can consider reading the history of the bible, history of the Church from independent non sectarian sources. I would also like to suggest that you look up Catholic Answers and the Catechism for official and authentic Catholic teachings instead of what some Protestant pastors think what Catholic teachings are when we don't even believe in them.
@Eucharist Angel you are speaking as prophesied by scripture Matthew 24:24 : "For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."
@Eucharist Angel I sent you a Bible verse, take it or leave it. We all know that Church history started in the 16th century. The Church does not say that we save ourselves (which seems to be what you are claiming, essentially). But continue attacking a strawman. The internet has many resources that explain the Catholic position. I, for one, am not going to waste my time talking with you (so respond however you want or call me names, I won't respond).
I heard Fulton Sheen say once that the Jews used to use incense in their worship, but at the time of Jesus incense was also used by pagans. When the Church founded by Christ, the Catholic Church, began to use incense in their worship, it restored incense to its proper place in worshiping the one Triune Godhead.
@@georgespence4423 Interesting. Still not sure how he could say it originated with pagans unless it was prior to Leviticus, which it may well have been for all I know.
This is how I've been viewing the significant overlaps in Christianity and pre christian myths, as well as myths all over the world having so much overlap. Its not "theft" its concensus. People are all trying to understand the same questions using the same reasoning. We had the age of myths, and the age of revelation. Our combined understanding evolves over time, it doesn't restart entirely. We carry over the correct parts and adjust the incorrect parts. Its not the 80% of Christianity that agrees with other faiths of the world that makes it "stolen". That makes that 80% that much more true, it has consensus. Now we can delve into the remaining 20% and those differences to see which is truly correct.
I have this same thought as well. We know that truth is revealed to all people in some way, so it's not surprising and even expected that it is practiced the same way over different cultures/ages
I appreciate Trent and his videos. They’ve helped me a lot as I’ve moved away from Protestantism back towards my cradle faith upbringing...but at this point, especially with the past 2.5 years, that just saying “conspiracy theory” not an argument. Your incredulity is not an argument. The question is always does the preponderance of evidence point to this being the case. It’s an indisputable fact that conspiracies exist all across the highest levels of every institution. Investigate the claim honestly.
Catholicism's Rites, as somehow "pagan", is post hoc ergo propter hoc, one of the most common logical fallacies offered by, "LOGICAL MINDED". To say nothing of the logic that DICTATES that something may certainly be adapted into its truth from something bad. BUT EVEN STILL... Suppose they're correct. Suppose our early brothers and sisters did "borrow" from ancient pagan rituals? SO WHAT?
This video should be mandatory for ALL in school and university! That's very much, what our poor generation required for so long!! Thank God for Mr. Trent Horn, God bless him!
Hey Trent Horn, I'm a big fan of yours and this was an awesome video. Every time I listen to you I swear I'm learning lots of stuff. Anyway, I was wondering if you could make a video about the paradox of existential nihilism sometime and hear your thoughts on that. I also want to know if you think it's a good argument to say while atheists don't necessarily have to be moral nihilists they must at least affirm existential nihilism in order to deny the existence of any God concept (even the impersonal ones like Einsteins Spinoza). Based on my understanding, the existential nihilist denies there being any objective meaning or purpose to our lives & the universe. For some reason not to mock the atheists but a reality that just exists and does things without a cause, reason, or purpose makes me think I exist in neverland or something. Anyway, would it be a good contradictory argument to say the atheist must agree by the law of cause & effect that the universe in some manner has caused us to feel as if our lives have meaning, purpose, & moral value? And if the universe has caused that effect then doesn't that imply existential nihilism is wrong? I'm asking because I've been thinking about this a lot but I'm not too familiar with all the rebuttals and contrary points of view. My assumption I'll admit is favoring the materialist deterministic viewpoint & the nature of cause & effect when it comes to our experiences. So when the atheist argues that there is no objective meaning, purpose, or moral value wouldn't that be contradictory if nature is also causing it to happen? As an analogy, I guess it's an analogy forgiving me if I'm using the wrong word. If natural processes are forcing me to care about my own existence as if my life has meaning, purpose, & moral value then that sounds like God's work in nature (or some kind of guiding process). Anyway, thank you Trent I love the video as always.
In the protestant church I grew up in the pastor said that Christians got tired of being persecuted so when Constantine came out as somewhat Christian or at least friendly to Christians that they decided to compromise rather than die.
48:49 unrelated but that myth of a goddess going down to the underworld for a time being related to the seasonal cycle sounds like the Greek myth of Persephone. Maybe there’s a connection there, but not between Easter and Ishtar
Yes that is what I do especially talking to born agains they are surprisingly hostile. I pray to God for patience and grace to help them see what they need to see and it’s amazing I never get through to people as much as I do when I pray before talking to other Christian denominations, but yes I find the most success is when I hold my temper and practice God’s example of patience and charity. I ask them about their sources and why they believe these things they either are silent or might move to another subject but they usually stop yelling. So there I plant my seed of doubt so they may look into the actual knowledge of the subject. 🙏🏼🕊🥰
Easter = Eostre, an Anglo-Saxon goddess (small G). The whole month of what we call April was called Eostramanuð. Of course it depends on the language. In Scandinavian languages, Easter is called Påske, which comes from Pesach.
Our oldest source is Venerable Bede, who wrote at a time when 89 different popes had reigned and died. And even he is like "idk why they call April 'Eastermonth', probably some goddess or something."
Baptizing culture, like “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and (B)that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Sorry but the Catholic's did adopt pagan traditions whether you want to believe it or not look at the Bible you only need the word of God! HE even goes on to talk about the Pagan Christmas tree though it's not called that one moment. It's in the Bible so how do you say it's still ok to keep Christmas trees around.? I go by what is in the Bible 100% not man's words or thoughts. Jeremiah 10 Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: 2Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. 5They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good. 6Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O LORD; thou art great, and thy name is great in might. 7Who would not fear thee, O King of nations? for to thee doth it appertain: forasmuch as among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their kingdoms, there is none like unto thee. 8But they are altogether brutish and foolish: the stock is a doctrine of vanities. 9Silver spread into plates is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the workman, and of the hands of the founder: blue and purple is their clothing: they are all the work of cunning men. 10But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation. 11Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens. 12He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion.
@@MSBowen-pk6ww but the bible also tells us that the Church is the pillar of the truth. There are things which were not recorded in the bible and it doesn't mean that they are wrong. A moral conduct is wrong when it goes against the teachings of the bible, if the Christmas tree is used to beautify Christmas day, how is bad? That is just like converting a pagan to Christianity. In other words those who argue so much about the Catholic traditions i feel like asking them that if the apostles never built big Churches does it mean that the modern day Christians shouldn't???? I think that in order to understand the word of God properly, we should try to understand or make guesses of what might have prompt a certain event to happen or not happen or even why some certain things were said.
as a former fundie, its becoming crystal clear to me that the only logical options after allowing myself to think critically about my faith are Judaism or catholicism. so many Baptist, pentecostal, church of God, or non-denom fundies try to play both sides of "well we have the New Covenant, but the only traditions we have come from first century messianic Jewish worship." (ex. Hebrew Roots) and then you talk to a Jew and they are appalled at how Christians mangle their monotheistic, anticipatory faith into some Trinitarian, finished work, dead God theology. no fundie who practices the passover seder instead of Easter has ever spoken to a true Jewish person. If you want to be Jewish, be Jewish, but the church decided in the first century that we are no longer under the law and that being Jewish avails nothing and doesn't build your Christian faith. that said, the only way I see it to build whatever meager faith I have left, I have to as CS Lewis put it, "Go further up and further in." and that seems to me to be where Catholicism goes. the Catholic faith is everything independent fundamentalist Baptist, Seventh Day Adventists, Pentecostals, or Presbyterians wish that they were. there is only one church who has the authority of That Church that Christ founded.
There are pagan creator gods, and you believe in a creator God. There are pagan gods in Athens in the book of Acts. But God isn’t a pagan creator god? Is God an author of confusion? Or are you just easily confused and use your inability to tell the difference between truth and falsehood as a cudgel against Catholics? God gave you the ability to reason, use it. Leave ignorance behind.
Was there a particular time your life when you asked God to save you from your sin after you realized that you personally are a filthy sinner who deserves to burn in hell? Are you trusting in the finished work on the cross to save you?
Hi Trent, would you be willing to have a discussion on patterns with a secular friend of mine focusing on Mary and the Divine Feminine as an orientation to finding connectedness in the Common Good or what we Share?
I just say read how the sin offerings were performed in the books of Moses, along with the presence of bread and wine, and tell me that isn't the Mass.
Though I'm catholic, I still think it's pretty obvious that our religion is influenced by pagan religions a great deal. The holy amulets, scapulars and miraculous images that grant wishes (of Mary or other saints) is something unheard of in Christian tradition or the Bible, and it's pretty clear as you look back into Church history that the reason why this was gradually more and more allowed in the first place was to give pagan converts something back from their old habits. We can even see this to this day in South America, for example, with the Pachamama controversy, when a pagan diety is being somewhat re-titled into Mary and her worship is allowed, even though the theology of Mary and pagan theology of Mother Earth is not nearly compatible, and what is given to said diety-now-Mary is very demonstrably latria (god worship), not the allowed dulia or hyper-dulia (devotion to saints). Same can be said about the rosaries and other prayer beads. Christians never used those in ancient traditions, nor they use them in the Bible, but we can see them being more and more used as Christianity is being exposed to eastern religions that have used them for hundreds of years, and today, they are a common sight. The practice of giving saints very concrete attributes and something akin to special powers to pray over specific things better then others, is also almost indistinguishable from typical polytheistic pantheons. It was a very common thing in polytheistic religions to have a multitude of deities with different functions and praying to a different one for different things. In Christianity we also see God being the source of all graces and all things, very consistently in the early Church and in the Bible, but as Christianity grows and assimilates other cultures, we see the gods are just being swapped for saints even though the practices do not change. Till this day I know many Catholics who only pray for certain thing to certain saints, for example, they always pray to st. Christopher before hitting the rode, even though St. Christopher is more of a legend than an actual saint, with most historians even doubting his existence, and even though they easily could pray directly to Christ. Catholic doctrine is a secondary issue, it's the allowed and common practices of Catholics that really are a problem here. We may have perfectly biblical and sound doctrine but there's still plenty of Catholics who are engaged in obviously pagan practices and nobody bothers to correct them. Church is very hesitant to actually providing proper formation that would include restrictions when it comes to dulia (devotion to saints) or any other of these controversial issues. As if there was shame in even talking about this stuff. This is very sad.
You might want to educate yourself regarding holy images. Icons of the saints have been a staple in Eastern Christianity for at least 1500 years. Not only icons, actually - look up for instance ancient pilgrim flasks (ampullae) with a depiction of St. Menas (or was it St. George on the particular flask I'm thinking of). The same goes for relics of the saints. The Pachamama controversy is touted by pseudo-Traditionalists who do not wish to listen to the Holy See who have numerous times officially declared that at no point the infamous statue was meant to represent anything but Mary. The art style is different, of course, but Mary has been depicted in different ways, postures or artistic traditions in the past two millenia, so that hardly proves a point. On prayer beads, no, again. The prayer rope was reportedly invented by St. Pachomius, who lived in the 3rd - 4th century. It has nothing to do with Asian religions or philosophies. And the Rosary is a Medieval, Western European invention. On saints, you're asking holy people in Heaven to pray for you. All the power comes from God and God is the one who decides what happens.
You are just wrong. Please learn about the ancient prayers to Mary. She gave the rosary to St Dominic. I feel sorry for Catholic like you. Please don't let those big wooden doors hit you on the butt on the way out.
You’re greatly mistaken if you really think the Church supports this belief that icons of saints “grant wishes” and sees the objects such as scapulars and rosaries as good luck charms, those would be superstitions which are rejected by the Church
Alberto Rivera was a real Jesuit priest and exposed the one world agenda of Jesuitism. Doubt his legitimacy? Read "Is Alberto For Real?" I thank God for Jack and Alberto without apology.
I think the similarities and parallels within pagan religions to only affirm the truth of gods grand plan throughout the time. Why wouldn’t Satan use pieces of truth To ultimately cost exception?
Protestantism has removed Christ from the physical world and locked him in people's minds. Salvation depends on knowledge, not personal holiness. Faith is merely an intellectual assent or acknowledgement of what Christ has gained for us (justification by faith alone). Charity in God's grace doesn't lead to our salvation but is merely a sign of being saved by Christ's merits alone. What protestants hope for is merely a greater allotment of heavenly rewards rather than their salvation which is assured as long as they put their intellectual faith in Christ's external merits which are imputed to them despite their sinfulness. But Paul speaks of salvation in terms of three dimensional time: "have been saved", "being saved", and "our salvation is nearer now". Catholics do not believe that we must "work for" our salvation but rather in what Paul teaches: "We must 'work out' our salvation in fear and trembling." Justification or sanctification is progressive. Faith must be put into action for it to be saving faith. Intellectual assent must be informed by good works done in charity and grace. Otherwise, our faith is "dead" as James puts it.
@Eucharist Angel except the Sacraments are non anything we do. We do not perform Sacraments, we receive them. If you receive something, then this thing must be given by another actor. Who is this actor that gives us the Sacraments? God. We receive baptism, but it is God who cleanses. We receive reconciliation, but it is God who heals.
"What protestants hope for is merely a greater allotment of heavenly rewards rather than their salvation which is assured as long as they put their intellectual faith in Christ's external merits which are imputed to them despite their sinfulness." Ah, yeah, that's the whole point. The entire argument against faith-alone hinges on the idea that people need the fear of hell rather than a love of God to "not sin". Ya'll constantly accuse others of supposedly "not doing enough" in the body, as if you know what others are doing, or their condition before God. You think you are "doing enough" because you sit in church and pray a rosary. The people I know who believe in faith alone seem to actually be more relaxed, more confident in their position before God, and enjoy the fruits of that communion = not struggling with sin, being gracious and kind, while the works-based people are always under a sentiment of despair or arrogance.
@Blue Mags Listen with your heart and you will understand. Jesus loved us to the end, to the very limit, dying on the cross. We must have the same Love which comes from within, from our Union with jesus.
Baloney! Justification is INSTANTANEOUS and SANCTIFICATION is the continual maturity as a Christian as we "continue" to walk in faith and walk in and with Christ. All you said was nonsense. It's Catholicism that has removed CHRIST from the foundation and put Peter as the rock and foundation of God's own church. Catholicism has removed the simple gospel of Christ and replaced with paganism and a bunch of add on doctrines CHRIST NEVER taught!
@@spirit-walkerwaters4521 Be blessed! Remember to love 💕.others as Christ loved you. Especially the most unlovable, because remember you were unlovable when Christ first loved you. Peace!
The penetration of the religion of Babylon became so general and well known that Rome was called the "New Babylon." -Faith of our fathers 1917 ed. Cardinal Gibbons, p. 106
@@tryingnottobeasmartass757 Probably the edition that the Jesuits decided would be to obvious. By the way, very Christlike username you have. You need to repent.
@@pianoplayer2260, it does not come from any edition -- ANY edition -- of that book, which means that @onemarktwoyou is a liar. @onemarktwoyou probably did not invent this alleged quote, but he or she was too intellectually dishonest to verify it before posting it, and therefore making him or her as much of a liar as the one who made up this quote. And frankly, I don't care what YOU think about my name, and YOU need to repent of joining in with @onemarktwoyou's lie.
@onemarktwoyou Hey I'm on your side, but just to be honest and fair could you please give further evidence about statement concerning about the question he brought up?
@@tryingnottobeasmartass757 Okay I politely asked him for more clarification on the quotation, but that doesn't excuse the fact that you are using profanity in your username. If you're apart of Christ's church start looking like it. Worldliness doesn't turn people to Christ. I need better understand where this quotation originated before I know he's lying. I don't know, two people are telling me different things.
Let's be real here.... Remove the images and status... Simple a Jew who accepts Christ , and see Catholisism , I'd rather be called "protestant" honestly , kissing statues ? Uh , Lord, Forgive Them for They Do Not Know... What They Are Doing.... I'd still call you brothers in Christ but ... Uhh please....
What is wrong with images and statues? Paintings, stained glass windows, statues and other religious art has been used throughout history to teach the Bible stories to those who could not read. Some of the most beautiful works of art have been inspired by the story of our salvation. And no. Before anyone comes back with the usual comment from Protestants, Catholics do not worship statues!
@@tony1685 Anti-Catholic bias is far from dead. Wrong assumptions. Errors. Misunderstandings. Even fear-based propaganda about the Church, what Catholics believe, and how we worship is not uncommon. What’s to be done? Plenty. By Donna Caito 7 January 2020 Iwas amazed one afternoon when a news article came through my phone. It featured a son-in-law of a popular reality television show family. During one of his sermons he called Catholicism a “demonic” religion. He also used words like “defile” and “distorted” to describe Catholicism. Moreover, he said he would never hold hands with Catholics because, according to him, we’re not even Christian. Que record scratch. When I heard this, I chuckled a bit. When you’re a semi-knowledgeable Catholic who loves their religion and enjoy learning more about it, it’s always fascinating to hear other people’s conjectures. Most people fear Catholicism. They’re afraid of what they don’t know so they make assumptions. And we all know what happens when someone makes negative assumptions out of fear. Others are simply misinformed. Still others are ignorant because they choose to be. Whatever the reason, much of this adds up to anti-Catholic bias. And there’s still plenty of it out there. Idolatry: one of the things Catholics are “charged” with time and time again and one that this particular pastor had vehement issues with. The words idolatry is often associated with Catholicism. When people see our churches filled with beautiful statues and pictures of the saints, they automatically assume we’re worshipping them. And worshipping them means we have more than one God. Again, this is where ignorance and fear come into play. Read: do Catholics bow down to statues and worship saints? I always ask people when they talk about idolatry and the Catholic faith if they have pictures of their relatives in their home. Most say they do. Next, I ask if they have pictures of relatives who have passed away, maybe even carry them around. Again, most say they do. Finally, I ask if they’ve ever talked to those pictures while missing the person they represent. Just a, “Hey, Grandma. I know you’re in heaven so can you put in a good word for me?” Or do they keep a memento of their loved one around just to feel closer to them. Maybe even visited a grave of a family member and said a few words. If they categorically deny those things are the same as a Catholic having a picture, a statue, or a memento of a saint, I always use the same comeback: Do you have a Nativity scene at home? Our lo
ur love for the Blessed Mother: She’s the mother of God and yet we’re not supposed to acknowledge that? We pray the Rosary. When people see those beads wrapped around our hands surely we’re worshipping Mary. I remember talking to my brother about this and how frustrating it was to have to explain all the time we ask for Mary’s intercession and not worship her. He said, “Just explain it this way; when you want something from your Dad who do you go to? You ask your Mom to talk to him for you.” It’s interesting to me when people also argue Mary wasn’t a virgin. They cite the passages when Jesus is in ministry and it’s written his “brothers and sisters” were with him. However, like a lot of things when it comes to Catholicism, the people citing those passages completely ignore historical context. We must remember the Bible is written during the New Testament times. English as we know it wasn’t even a language. Moreover, the people who wrote the New Testament spoke Aramaic yet wrote it in Greek to reach a wider audience. Therefore, certain situations and words originally in Aramaic were translated into the best term they could think of in Greek. When the texts were translated from Greek to Latin, the same thing happened. It happened again when the texts were translated from Latin to English. Just like Eskimos have over fifty words for snow or the Russians have two words for blue or the Japanese term for “love” has a stronger meaning than ours, when translating we’d try to find the closest approximation of these terms. In New Testament times families lived together in the same community. Oftentimes extended families lived in the same home. The Greek word used to indicate “brothers and sisters”, adelphios, was a term used to indicate all children within an immediate family. Therefore, adelphios also meant cousins. As we know, Jesus had at least one cousin; Saint John the Baptist, and probably had many more. After all, Joseph may have had a family of his own prior to having married the Virgin Mary. It’s not outside the realm of possibility Jesus had many cousins on Joseph’s side of the family. Moreover, we must remember what Jesus did with his dying breath. John 19:26-27, “When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then he said to his disciple, “Behold your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.” These were Jesus’s last words. I tend to think that’s a pretty big deal. He wanted his mother taken care of. In New Testament times this was vitally imperative. When a woman became a widow, she went to the home of her son to be taken care of. If Jesus had any brothers or sisters, Mary simply would’ve gone to live with them. Since Jesus was an only child, he needed someone to take care of her. And who would he want to take care of his mother? The disciple he loved. Mary is not simply some woman who happened to give birth to Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, which to me feels strange even writing because in and of itself that’s a huge deal. She’s our Blessed Mother, someone we can turn to when times are hard. She’s the woman I come to with my troubles and say, “Can you talk to Dad for me?” Papal Succession: Being a key-holder was not merely symbolic. It was a big deal. When we hear the te
Papal Succession: Being a key-holder was not merely symbolic. It was a big deal. When we hear the term “keys to the kingdom” now, we think of a popular saying without much meaning. Even a mayor giving the keys to the city is symbolic. The key isn’t actually a key. The kingdom is usually a small town. It’s more a representation of an ancient practice no longer well known. The land Jesus lived in wasn’t a republic but a monarchy. Kings ruled the world. It was believed kings had every right to everything in their kingdom. When you lived under a king’s rule, your home wasn’t yours, your personal items weren’t yours, the food you ate wasn’t yours, et cetera. Everything within that kingdom was property of the king. You were merely borrowing those items out of the “goodness” of the king’s heart. Within the kingdom, the king had several different advisors. However, there was always one who had a place of prominence; the key-holder. They literally held the keys to the kingdom around their necks and body on a chain (where we get the term “key chain”). This person had access to every part of the kingdom. The key-holder was the king’s second in command, a trusted advisor, the highest position within the kingdom without being the king himself. Joseph in Genesis was a key-holder. If the king was sick, the key-holder led until the king was better. If the king died and his son was too young to rule, the key-holder would lead until the young king was fit. If the king were away, say an Ascension into heaven, the key-holder would run things until the king got back. The key-holder wasn’t a king but was someone who stood in for the king in his absence. When Jesus handed Saint Peter the keys to heaven, it wasn’t a symbolic gesture. Jesus was telling Peter and everyone around Peter was his second in command. And when Jesus was gone, it was Peter who would lead in his stead. And when Saint Peter died a new key-holder needed to be named. And so on and so forth throughout the years. Papal succession isn’t something we just made up one day. It happened the moment Peter announced Jesus is the Son of God. To which Jesus replied, Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so, I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give to you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:17-19) Sola Scriptura: The age-old argument about “the Bible alone” and why we don’t believe it. I could go into all the passages in the Bible that argue against sola Scriptura. Passages like 2 Thess. 2:15 and 3:6, 2 Tim. 1:13-14, 2:2, 3:14, 1 Cor. 11:2, 2 Peter 2:21. But what I’d like to point out is one very important thing about the Bible. Something we often forget. It’s also something Protestants usually don’t have an argument for. There is no place in the Bible that argues for sola Scriptura. If someone is going to believe “Bible alone” don’t you think there’d be a passage about it in the Bible? It was the Catholic Church who deemed the books of the Bible holy works of God. Pope Damasus in the year 382 decreed the seventy-two books of the Bible scriptural canon. This was reaffirmed during Hippo in 393, Carthage in 397, and Florence in 1442. Before the Bible was put together, what did the early Christians rely on? Sacred texts and sacred tradition. For hundreds of years they had certain parts of the Bible until late in the fourth century. Are the people who follow Sola Scriptura today saying the early Christians weren’t really Christians? Anti-Catholic bias has been around a long time. Many other Christian denominations think Catholics aren’t Christian because of things they heard from one biased person to another. And Catholics in America have been hearing such things from the moment we came to the shores. America, after all, is a Protestant nation founded on Protestant principals. It was the Catholics of Maryland who stood firm our nation was to separate church and state. It’s unfortunate even hundreds of years after the settlement of this country, we’re still hearing the same arguments against Catholicism. As for that pastor? I’d love to shak
@@tony1685 What these statemrnts were trying to illustrate is people who attacg Catholicism deal with statements that are simplistic and when are elaborated on show how distorted were the original comments.
God saw the light was GOOD and separated the light from the darkness BEFORE creating the sun. How? Because the light was the GOOD angels and darkness was the bad. It was the fall. Can’t remember if it was St Augustine or Aquinas who said that but I think it offers a fantastic interpretation and one you don’t hear too often but certainly makes sense
I'm sure it's hard for people who were either raised their whole lives to believe these "theories" about the Church, or who were never particularly devout (much less knowledgeable about their faith), and then had an emotional conversion to (essentially a cult) that strongly pushes these theories. but even if someone got you off drugs, solved your marriage problems, helped you get a good job, improved your personal hygiene and manners or whatever, that doesn't necessarily mean everything they taught you about history is accurate. "good and sincere" people can still be factually wrong about things. honest, hard-working folks can still be misled or even deluded as we all can see if we look around the world today. thus you still have to evaluate those claims based one evidence. there are plenty of ignorant Catholics who believe all kinds of weird stuff that is not the official teaching of the Church or can't really explain themselves if called upon to debate, and that's sad, but it doesn't prove that Catholicism itself is wrong, just as the same can't be said for evangelicals who are in the same situation. the truth matters (and stands on its own), and we should never use material we know to be false to scare others into supporting our side or to make ourselves feel better. God doesn't ask us to take a blind leap of faith into believing something just because someone demanded it of us (rather, our reason is a tool also gifted to us to sort out false claims from true ones, especially religious ones!), neither does God ask us to use falsehood to trick others into accepting the truth. many of these "Catholics aren't real Christians but pagan" promoters probably just have never really had that belief challenged, but the ones who won't even bother to check their beliefs against the evidence and never doubt what they were told by these conspiracy peddlers, really are pitiful individuals. seeing someone who is clean cut and zealous for their faith can give off an appealing image.. but if what they're stumping for has no firm basis in the truth, then it's misplaced and sad. so if you're watching this and think Trent is some kind of fool or tool for the devil, go ahead, check into the claims he's making, go beyond what your denomination says is safe, and check the facts yourself.
Are Sunday , Christmas & Easter commandments of God or traditions of men? Did Peter, your supposed 1st pope keep Sunday or the Sabbath? Did Peter & the original apostles keep God's holy days( leviticus 23) or pagan holidays? Waiting for an answer
No question on that every ritual, saints(demons worship), prayer beads, candles and prayers to idols, parade of statues, queen of heaven semiramis change name into mary, everything
Human intellectualism has been getting in the way of very simple beginnings, ever since God put us here to hash it out. It's very, very plain. The ones who wailed, "Crucify [H]im!" and "Let [H]is Blood be on us and our children!" remained Jews. The ones who REMAINED with our Blessed Lord, became Christendom. WHAT'S. SO. HARD. TO. GET. ABOUT. THAT?
I know at least three couples where one person claims to be a Catholic and their partner is a witch/wicca. This appears to be supported/accepted within the Catholic Church. But Leviticus clearly condemns witchcraft an divination as heresy. There appears to be a relationship between the two. Can you explain this more for me please. What's the truth here? I really need meaningful answers to this question.
The Catholic Church absolutely does not condone witchcraft and it is heavily forbidden and condemned. People that claim to be catholic and practice witchcraft are ignorant of their own Church teachings
❤ , great discussion ,i am just a follower of Jesus ❤❤❤, not a part of any church , what if everyone is wrong? But everyone is still right ? , what if it don't matter? , Everybody's brothers and sisters under Christ , belief in Jesus is on a personal level anyway, .
Jesus built a church, which is the pillar and foundation of truth. It is also called the household of God and the kingdom of heaven. How can you accept Christ is king and reject His kingdom? Yes belief is personal, but what you believe depends upon having an orthodox understanding of Christianity.
@@IG88AAA John 4 19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. 20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. 21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
15:38 is why I left protestantism. and instead of intercession prayer, they beat You with their interpretation of the Bible like JOB's friends. Contemporary Protestant music is on a different level of sucks . Like my chromosomes almost prove there's no gender when it plays. Then I heard DA PACEM DOMINE. WOW PLEASE DON'T TRY TO "REDEEM" CATHOLIC MUSIC 🥺
Every Catholic conversion story I hear about for some reason conviction of sin and asking God to save them is often left out. It's always apostolic succession arguments. Basically it's a head knowledge conversion not a change of the heart. If someone realizes that they are a sinner and ask God to save them then it's a done deal. They are sealed with the Holy Ghost regardless whether they ever go to church or not. Salvation is always simple.
@@pianoplayer2260 when protestants hear worship in spirit and in truth, they really mean gnosticism and chill at Starbucks 😒... BWHAHAHAHA AHAH WHAHAHAHAHAHA 😭🤣😭
@@pianoplayer2260 God bless.... most can afford not to know better in this life but nobody is saved yet until we are physically passed away and ran the race.... I do not claim to be that holy but as a convert in progress, I am absolutely not going to take that ultimatum advice from pastor Joe schmo who probably didn't even fast or avoid his wife before cracker and cool aid communion, so if someone is going to burst my bubble and tell me my life is always going to s*** and I'm full of vanity then I will only listen to a priest now, not pastor Billy Bob Joe Schmo. Billy Graham the Wrestler should have smacked down Billy Grahm the pastor with this faith alone nonsense 🤣
@@orthocatsr.8723 I'm not a fan of Billy Graham, but I believe that in the church age salvation is by grace through faith and that is plain bible. Ephesians 2/Romans 4/Titus 3 clearly teaches grace through faith not of works and Matthew 24-25/James 2/Revelation 14 teaches faith and works. An honest person can it seems like a contradiction, but that is exactly why I believe in dispensational salvation. I don't try to spiritualize everything to mash potatoe everything together. Dr. Gene Kim explains this doctrine best. It just makes perfect sense with everything in its proper place.
I have no opinion. Only the scriptures. Isaiah 8: ”16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. 20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” ◄ 2 Corinthians 11:4 ► King James Bible For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
@@alhilford2345 Not the AV 1611. Luke 2 clearly teaches that Mary had to be purified. And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;) And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons. Luke 2:22-24 KJV You have to do mental gymnastics to be a Catholic apologist.
Apostolic succession delegitimized: Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Acts 20:28-30 - St Paul 60 AD to the elders at Ephesus
“Moreover, the same holy council considering that not a little advantage will accrue to the Church of God if it be made known which of all the Latin editions of the sacred books now in circulation is to be regarded as authentic, ordains and declares that the old Latin Vulgate Edition, which, in use for so many hundred years, has been approved by the Church, be in public lectures, disputations, sermons and expositions held as authentic, and that no one dare or presume under any pretext whatsoever to reject it.” This is from the 4th session of the Council of Trent. I would think that “pride of place”, as it was put, should be used to have the Old Vulgate be held above other translations. I also think that the argument that the meaning or sense of the text can be lost in the Douay Rheums can also be applied to the newer translations. People should be challenged when reading the Scriptures. Commentaries such as Lapide, the Catena Aurea, and Haydock make it easier as well
In order to understand Catholicism/Christianity, we must resort to the origins of Hebrew Old Testament aka Tanakh. YHWH, or Tretragrammaton , originated in ancient Caanite and Phoenician cultures according to archeological religious studies. I would recommend the book, "God : An Anatomy."
This is good, but not good enough in many areas, dragons do exist, the leviathan is not some fictional character, and the way scripture is written is not using some fancy ways of describing reality so that the ancient pagans could understand, that's just not true, the Bible is timeless is beyond time, the realities described there are meant to guide everyone not just ancient people who learned about it thousands of years ago and we should just look at them as some "allegorical" legends. The Bible describes reality, everything in scripture is absolutely real, the modern/post-modern way of understanding what's real, and reality is quite different than even the church fathers, and that's why many Catholics end up describing these things in such a simplistic way. You guys need to get more into traditional thinking, not what is know now as traditional catholicism (which is mostly just a modern approach to hold onto what came before us), but actual traditional thinking, every religious tradition has understand the world holistically, thus symbolically (symbolically meaning "realistically", not allegorically and fictionally).
@@krysta-ajhaah-min-yah8368 I mean, you must learn about traditional way of seeing life in general, any ancient tradition keeps a full cosmovision of the world, they view all their life according to their tradition, every single aspect of it. So nothing in that tradition is "fictional" everything is absolutely real, and everything permeates all that life contains. So tradition is not just a set of beliefs and rules handed over to you, but a full vision of life and the cosmos that must be LIVED and not only preached (ora et labora). For this topic I recommend you these videos:
@@billie5057 it is everything you said in a way. We must understand the ancient language through ancient categories, and ancient doesn't mean "not sofisticated" or "wrong", but we can't see symbolic language with the modern forensic lens of modernity, that's simply wrong and leads nowhere. The leviathan is a sea creature, a monster, a dragon, a demon, a fish, it's also death, darkness. He fits in all of those categories, but those categories are not modern scientific categories, they are symbolic categories that describes that reality. Biblical language is a meaningful language, reality is described by its meaning and it is written in a way the language that our consciousness understands best (that's why is the most read Book ever, and it has been around for thousands of years), if you want to understand the "meaning" of Water for example, read all the passages involving water in the Bible and you will get a better idea of what water actually is and it's "Logos" its meaning or reason to be. The same happens with sea creatures if you want to understand what they are and their meaning, read all the passages involving sea creatures, either fish, or the leviathan or a sea dragon and you will learn about that reality. Just try to not use the modern scientific approach because you will fail. An evangelical looking for the real leviathan is as wrong as a catholic saying that a leviathan is just a "symbol" or an allegorical figure in the sense that it is not "real" or that is not "literal" in the eyes of modern scientific understanding, both don't get it. The WORD o God is the LOGOS of God the REASON of God, and the Bible is the inspired Word of God which means that everything there is full of Logos, full of meaning, not full of modern scientific descriptions of reality, that's why if you read it as a history book, as a science book, as a literature book you will fail and not get the full picture, it is neither of those yet it contains all of those things. There is a video that should help you understand what I am talking about:
@@billie5057 Jonathan Pageau is not Jordan Peterson-esque, he is a friend of his but he is a critic of him also. Don't know Michael E. Jones. There is a word in greek καθολικός which means "catholic", that term means universal, but more accurately means "according to the whole". As Christians we are called to understand life catholically, because the Christian principles are universal, they apply to absolutely everything (Christ the King), Christianity is encompassing. In modernity we think separately, divided, so it's hard for us to understand that something can be a union of many things, but that's how reality exists. The union between heaven and earth, form and matter, idea and fact. These two are united by God's love. So everything that exists either the leviathan or a chair or us is a union of many things into an individual thing or person. I use the word Logos because it's more accurate in english the translation is "The Word" in Latin is "Verbum" (the Verb), but it's derived from a Greek word variously meaning "ground", "plea", "opinion", "expectation", "word", "speech", "account", "reason", "proportion", and "discourse". In Christianity is the reason to be of everything, the Logos is The Son, the word of God who is also God himself. Sorry if I try to condense a million things into a youtube comment but this would have to be more of an actual conversation. I don't want to make you more confused but I don't want you to get the wrong ideas.
Pascha in Latin is from the Greek πάσχα (páskha) from the Hebrew פסח (pésakh) meaning Passover, not passion. For example, the Easter Preface V says: "It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, at all times to acclaim you, O Lord, but in this time above all to laud you yet more gloriously when Christ our *Passover* has been sacrificed." that last part in Latin is "cum *Pascha* nostrum immolatus est Christus."
@@henrymalinowski5125 That is why when I refer to the Holy Fire at the Tomb of Jesus I use Pascha instead of Easter a word now used as a tool to attack Jesus.
As a non-Catholic I don't understand why you get angry when we talk about you guys. And I read a comment on one of your videos about how protestant is waterd down gospel or something like that. How are people who don't believe in your pope system but we believe 100% in Jesus. How is that waterd down? The pope is not a position in the Bible no matter what they claim. The fact is as a Christian I know that God is real and he sent Jesus to suffer and sacrifice his own life and rise from the dead 3 days later. He defeated death and made a way for us to get saved and be reunited with our Heavenly Father. So if I believe that truth of God's word and I surrendered my life into his hands then how am I less of a Christian? I am not sure why you guys act like a lack of willingness to support the papacy which is man made position. Why do you believe that lack of faith in a human man who rules your catholic church makes me less of a Christian? Again I am saved and I surrendered my life to Jesus and I am willing to die for him. I just don't understand how you feel like you are better than me? I am trying to ask this because too few will answer me. I don't understand how too explain myself any better. I have tried to be loving.
Would you not get angry if you were constantly being misrepresented and lied about? Part of the problem is that you look at the Bible as the entirety of God's Word, but the Bible does not contain everything we need to know for Christian doctrine and practice neither does it claim to contain everything we need to know for Christian doctrine and practice.
@@tryingnottobeasmartass757 in fact we as Catholics are quite calm from what i have seen so far, all these protestants keep on attacking our faith, i think that they must be the perfect creatures on this planet
@@33-vertebrae 100% truth that guy who said that the Bible isn't enough? Seriously?!??! How is the Bible not enough? The Bible is all I need! The catholic's are deceived by the pope and others. They pretend to be of the light but aren't. I had no clue that they actually believed the Bible wasn't enough!
@@ReactAndBeyond You aren't calm you are suprior acting and rude, you refuse to talk about anything with Christian's who aren't catholic based. I find you guys are rude and vague. There is no time in which you are really persecuted. The millions of Christian's who died because the Catholic church wanted to keep power are the true Martyrs not yourself and I don't see anyone about to burn you to stake for not agreeing with the Pope. I am willing to stand against the Pope because he's no where in the Bible which even warns of many of your beliefs in church. So ya you guys ignore the Bible which is sad. I just dont understand why you guys think you are being persecuted right now Just because you aren't back in power. IF you had that same power the Catholic church would still crush the rest of us. Just like they always did. They burned millions of Christians to death and called them blasphemer's which I find odd since you guys put a man on equal ground to God. That is true blasphemy! Not a Christian who believes 100% in God and Jesus and read the Bible and praises God and tries to share the word of God with others. We're not the problem you guys painted us to be. I don't kill you just because you and I don't see eye to eye. All I can say is that you guys are not being beat down the way you think you are. People are just seeing the truth of it and now you're claiming it's all lies. Fact the Catholic church admitted to the slaying of millions of Christians and they even apologized. Truth they claim that Sunday is Sabbath but it's the 1st day of the week. Truth they ignore the Bible. God's word says don't bow and worship graven images... they do it. The truth isn't something you like to hear. That's fine that's the way it works when darkness tries to keep you blind. I know God's truth and I know that your church has done nothing but murder millions of us Christians in the past and less face it you'd do it today if you could. We are under Jesus as one Church that's all there is in this set up. Ask Jesus to forgive you and proclaim him your Lord and Savior! Then you read the Bible daily and pray to God for discernment. I grew up in Church at a Baptist church and truly thought that I was saved but I realized later I wasn't. I believed in God and Jesus with out a doubt but so does Satan and he's not going to Heaven! God woke me up spiritually and I began to read the Bible and in Jan 2020 truly came to him in Salvation. So yes I know quite a few things about dif denimations of churches etc. But until more recently I hadn't read the Bible thru fully! Only pieces here and there. God can help you wake up as well spiritually if you ask him. You need to give yourself over to him and the truth of the Bible not the church where you grew up. As I said the Baptist Chuch is full of lies too. The fact is that I didn't' question those because I didn't spend enough time reading the Bible and praying.
Where is Pope in 1 Clement? Bishops are interchangeable with Presbyters in NT and earliest church fathers. I think there is good in RC but things i disagree is apostolic.
I heard a guy state zealously that the name "Jesus" is pagan meaning "hail-zeus". Like if you say "Jesus" in english only, and in an accent can you come to something like that. Another are those that say the title "LORD" mentioned in the bible is always a stand-in for Satan. So if you call God "Lord" you are worshipping Satan. smh
I mean, in Spanish the ‘J’ has a ‘h’ sound. So the word for garden which is “jardin” sounds like “har-den”. With that logic and going very slow, one could say “Jesus” as “Heeyyyy- Suse” which could sound like ‘hail zeus’ if ya aren’t paying attention and prefer the Roman/Greek pantheon (can’t remember which one Zeus is at the top of my head).
@@ХристоМартунковграфЛозенски granted, I am stretching the example probably way beyond what someone means. It’s more with the idea that because a word sounds like or means something in ‘pagan’, that means it’s always something related to pagan. I mention the Spanish pronunciation of “j” as more of a “h” sound to show that languages aren’t always a one-to-one translation or meaning.But there are people who take this extreme idea. The big one I can think of now is “son” and “sun” in English implying Christians worship Jesus the “son” as a “sun” god. However, in Spanish sun is “sol” and son can be “hijo” or “nino.” So obviously that doesn’t work. If ya go through all languages, it becomes pretty obvious language structure and meaning are pretty specific and a 95% way to dismiss most conspiracies.
I have a better challenge for American Catholics. Lately I've been seeing on some sites that some American conservatives claim that America has gone to heck since the Protestant work ethic was abandoned. Could we compare the Protestant work ethic in say US or maybe say a protestant state of Germany with that of Catholic Bavaria and other states and how that relates to Catholic subsidiarity and the political movement in 19th c Germany.
I made a shirt to wear around Christmas, its got a paragraph about why christmas isnt pagan, and one for easter and the front says NOT ISHTAR then on the back, explaining why thats just the dumbest thing anyones every believed.
This is more than just a Protestant critique; it's an idea that has been seized on by all of the self-styled "neo pagans" from the 60s and onward. I do think that Protestants have accepted the idea as well, at least as far as they can apply it to Catholicism; I know that as a Protestant who is examining Catholicism, it is a concern that I have. (Which is my reason for watching this video.)
As a former protestant I was once sucked in by Alexander Hislop's Two Babylons. I loved that book and used it extensively in my debates with catholics. I'll be confirmed into the Catholic Church during this years Easter Virgil - Hislop will be turning in his grave...
I was a Protestant that became an Atheist and I have used every Protestant argument against Catholicism and every Atheist argument against Christianity as a whole in my time.
I was confirmed last year! Welcome home!!
You obviously not born from the Spirit of truth. The 3 lies of the Roman papacy'. The biggest forgery. In Christendom was their donation of Constantine,that gave them their illegitimate power over all. Luther found this out by the the brilliant Lorenzo Valla. The key's of David compare revelation of john chapter 1v18 keys to death and the dead.
@@Western-Supremacist check out the Roman papacy' biggest fake document of the donation of Constantine,the biggest forgery in Christendom. Luther knew about that. But many dismiss this document for their illegitimate misuse of power.
Check out their biggest lie in Christendom. Donation of Constantine. Luther knew about it. The brilliant Lorenzo Valla j exposed it. The misuse of illegitimate power over all.
Trent I think it’s absolutely necessary to write that book about Catholic conspiracy theories. The new generation has been bombarded with these theories and they accept them as facts. We need a book to turn to to respond to these theories. Even my own daughter has been subjected to these theories, making her question and not open to the faith. I pray for her conversion as well as my adult sons. Please write that book or at least address them in videos.
I think so too. Cults and some sects in my country keep spreading conspiracy theories and false information about the Catholic Church.
Actually there is a difference between Catholic and Roman Catholic. And if people read the scriptures you can see Roman Catholicism is in violation in many areas there's a reason why Matthew 24 warns that that even the very elect would be deceived if possible by how close the deception would be to the real thing. It's like comparing an authentic to a forgery. Treat the Scripture like a guide to discerning forgery, it says to search and compare all spirits to the word found in its pages. Acts 17. If the tradition is not found in the scriptures it is not biblically founded and pagan, the Apostles stated by the written or oral traditions you receive from us This means that both the oral and written will be in alignment not be different.
It is important to understand that like any large governmental organization like the Catholic Church or a nation state government there will be corruption, crimes, etc. Human nature takes hold. Additionally Satan wants to destroy the Church, so naturally you have to assume his servants are in the Catholic Church leity and leadership. At this point his servants are obvious if you use discernment. Many “conspiracy theories” are not theories. It is fact that the Catholic Church smuggled Nazi war criminals out of Europe. It is fact that massive pedophilia scandals have been swept under the rug. It is fact that indulgences were sold and misused. It is fact that Easter Sunday is not the day our savior rose from the dead. He was crucified the day after Passover ended, it’s in the text. However we celebrate His resurrection as much as a month after Passover. We decorate churches with trees adorned in silver and gold for Christmas, in Jeremiah it warns against that tradition. Discernment is crucial, I am a Catholic, and I believe some things in the church could very well have been perverted and that the Catholic church of 2024 is nothing like the church founded 2000 years ago. I would like to see it held accountable for the moral atrocities it has committed over the years. Because how can we claim to be the Church founded by Christ when we allow it to protect the thousands clergy that have harmed tens of thousands of children. Seems a bit hypocritical, immoral, and disingenuous to me. We need to be better, expect better, and hold our Church leaders accountable.
You can of course ditch your and your spouse's wedding ring?! Or did you even watch the video fully?!
Imagine one of these Protestants going back in time and witnessing the Jewish Tabernacle/Temple worship. They would probably accuse that of being pagan too.
@Eucharist Angel It’s a good point. It’s one reason why I am inquiring into Eastern Orthodoxy.
@Eucharist Angel I appreciate your concern, but as far as I can tell from my studies so far it seems that the Orthodox Church has most faithfully preserved the original doctrine and practices handed down from the apostles. Summarizing their doctrine of salvation as “saved by works” is not accurate. If anything, it seems that the Protestant reformers were the ones who reinterpreted the gospel in opposition to1500 years of Church teaching.
I don’t believe the Holy Spirit would allow the church to exist without the true gospel for such a long period of time, especially in light of the promise Christ gave to build his Church and preserve it from the power of hell.
@@jaredvizzi8723 the orthodox believe in the papacy too. They just disagree on how much power he has over other bishops
@@jaredvizzi8723 and his promise that the spirit will reveal all truths to us.
These are the same Protestants who call Catholic Answers demanding explanations for distinctively Catholic doctrines, get Scripture citations with chapter and verse (and not even from the Deuterocanon), and still respond with "that's not Biblical."
I had an instructor, and I'm gonna tell you where I had his instruction: I was a young, DUM, thick, little know-it-all Police Academy trainee.
The instructor was a semi-retired criminal trail lawyer, complete with polished silver cufflinks and quite a record.
His advice, QUOTE, UNQUOTE: "Attack your OWN ARGUMENT from every angle you can conceive of, first. THEN maybe, just maybe, the good Lord will push you over to the right side."
I was 24 years old. I'm 50 now. And I'll never forget it.
Hey Trent!
There is a Independent Baptist preacher by the name of Spencer Smith who creates some very anti-catholic content on TH-cam, and constantly links and insists that Catholicism is of Pagan origin. This is particularly the case in his series “Third Adam.” I would like to see your rebuttal for some of his points made in his videos, namely to the second video in his series, “Third Adam 2: The Great Seduction.”
Oh I know this guy, hope Trent sees your message, Spencer needs to be debunked
the existence of these anti-Catholic preachers who try to link the ancient Church to paganism are the reason videos like this get made! for me it was those Chick Tracts, and occasionally you'd get some snarky comment on the internet about "Catholics are different from Christians" or talking about how the end was coming soon (Left Behind, etc) implying that the Pope is really "you-know-who" and the miter is just to cover up the horns, I guess.
The timing on this is perfect! Just this weekend I was with the US Marines, talking about Christian music, when one of them claimed "Catholicism isn't Christianity. It's Roman paganism," to which I said "No no friend, Protestantism is watered-down, knock-off brand Christianity." Although he was totally serious with his accusation, I responded in jest to facilitate conversation. He definitely wasn't expecting a counter to his claim and our discussion sadly ceased there. Hopefully he'll want to continue later.
Share this video to him
@@lonelyberg1808 now there's an idea!
@Eucharist Angel well if that is the case, it's all the more important that we do continue to talk so he can save me and bring me into the true faith. Either way the conversation will hopefully lead to a greater understanding of truth.
@Eucharist Angel totally agreed.
@Eucharist Angel 382AD Council of Rome, 393AD Council of Hippo, 397AD Council of Carthage.
Someone ACTUALLY TOLD ME that our Blessed Lord never existed [on Earth] simply because the Gospels "conflict" so much.
So I thanked him, PROFUSELY. And that I was going into my wallet to tear up all my dollar bills...because George Washington must have never existed....since there are so many conflicting biographies of him.
Someone ACTUALLY TOLD ME that our Blessed Lord Krishna never existed [on Earth] simply because the vedas and puranas "conflict" so much.
So I thanked him, PROFUSELY. And that I was going into my wallet to tear up all my dollar bills...because George Washington must have never existed....since there are so many conflicting biographies of him.
@Ádhamh Ó Donnabháin It wasn't supposed to. It was to show that the OP's argument can be applied to any other unproven character. This wasn't a defeater for Jesus/ Abrahamic god, but I have other evidence and logic that does
@@zengfukushang532 you're like a flat earther, every credible historian and archaeologist all attest that JC existed except people like you who make things up on the go just cause.
@@nenabunena Nah its all a myth. The Jeesus of virgin birth, walking on water, etc (all the superhuman/supernatural claims) certainly didn't exist
If the OT was myth - then
1. Jeesus was mistaken
2. he was lying
3. whoever wrote about the Jeesus character was mistaken, or was lying
Argumentum ad populum is a fallacy
@@zengfukushang532 no historian agrees with unfortunately, fact disagrees with you as well. Sorry maybe you should try going back to school. You seem uneducated
48:00 in hispanic nations we call Easter Pascua, so the argument that it is derivative from that Ishtar deity just falls flat for the rest of none-English speaking catholic nations, which would be the majority of catholics right now.
What a bunny who drop eggs has to do with Pascoa?
@@lucas29210 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷👏
@@lucas29210 It is a local tradition in europe. All Catholics does not practice easter egg hunting. Though it ws generally understood that during lent season, egg would not be consumed. Thats why during easter, people have a lot of eggs to make activities with. Also Easter follow from the Passover which is a harvest festival.
@@lucas29210eggs weren’t consumed during lent, people boiled them to last the season at the end of lent, people would break their fast with this abundance of eggs. Eggs were given as gifts because there were just so many of them, some used for games and activities, decorated etc. Rabbits are just a symbol for fertility and new life. It’s believed German just tied the two together and made up a story about a bunny that drops eggs
These types of videos are absolutely necessary for these times. There are so many heretic evangelicals posting TH-cam videos about how praying to Mary is tantamount to praying to demons, they are leading people away from Jesus and it sucks.
Keith preaches Catholicism with a Protestant zeal. I love his passion.
As a Protestant, I will agree with Catholics on Two things:
1. The connection between Catholicism and Paganism is bonkers.
2. The "miracle" at Fatima does make Catholicism more plausible than if it never occurred.
Christ be with you
then come abide in Christ
God bless you
I'll save a spot in the pew for you 👍
@C&M K From my viewpoint, there's very good Biblical evidence that Catholicism is false and for me, that must be balanced with any evidence of miracles.
@@michaelsayad5085 The problem is that it's YOU. You're not an expert. I'd rather trust the 2,000 year old Church with St Peter's bones under the Basilica in Rome than some intepretation of the Bible, no two protestant sects share equally.
Check out the tilma on display today in the lady of Guadalupe story. That’s my favorite story because we can actually view and scientifically analyze the tilma
This was a good one... I'm glad Keith is getting more attention.
@@P4yn3 Oh wow, what an original joke, I've never heard that one before
@@brittoncain5090 What about this one?
A priest and a rabbi are walking down the street and they come to a kid playing in a sandbox. The Catholic priest says, “Hey, you wanna go screw that kid?”
To which the rabbi replies, "Out of what?
@@P4yn3 Is this how you spend your spare time..? Kinda sad. I'll pray for you. 🙏 ✝️
@@OrthoLou I'll pray to Satan for you. 🙏 😈
What did the choir boy sing to the Catholic priest? Nothing his mouth was full.
@@P4yn3 I’ll pray for you as well
I had a teacher who taught some of these pagan Catholicism ideas... He's now the principal of the Catholic School I attended.
So does he still believe it??
@@crossbearer6453 Probably, the school kinda went to crap pretty quickly after he took over.
@@lukemiller2836 unfortunate
But makes sense
He is probably not even a devout Catholic
Or a Catholic in the first place
Interesting that the school has gone to crap under a guy who believes conspiracy theories
That makes much sense
I’m here for Trent’s brain. 🧠
Don't forget the Bishop's hat looks like a fish, just like the Babylonians, and that the Monstrance is shaped like a sun after pagan sun-worship.
Hahaha! That’s a new one for me!
@@EpoRose1 I had a WAY too long argument with a protestant once about that...he also said the Catholic Church was based on the Aztecs...
It is all given in Ralph Woodrow's book "Babylon Mystery Religion" which He retracted and wrote another book "Babylon Connection? - after those arguments were used against Christianity as such
This claim was first advanced by Alexander Hislop's "The Two Babylons," published in 1853. The phony, cut-and-paste learning of modern fundies traces back to Hislop, though most of them have no idea of the origins of the theory.
You are talking about the mitre .... that head of the fish shaped hat is not exclusively Catholics since Anglican bishops also use it and it can be traced back to Jesus mandating HIS disciples to become “fishers of men” and consequently, the first Christian symbolism is that of a fish, connecting it with the Babylonian soldier helmet is superficial. By the way, Christian symbolism changed into a wheel (circle with a cross inside) to escape persecution and into the cross that we knew which is similar to the last Hebrew letter tav (not the Egyptian ankh .... aleph, tav ... the first and the last Hebrew letter , compare it with the Greek alpha and omega)
Krzysztof Karon, a Polish Academic in his book, the History of Anti-Culture, describes the chief difference between Catholic and Protestant work ethic. In Catholicism Sundays were off, by law. The Catholic was obligated to protect his employees and had some degree of care he needed to provide them, via Christ's teachings - what you don't do for the least of these, you don't do to Me. Protestants had a different connection to God/Christ. It was and is, a parallel connection, protestant to God and vice versa. For Catholics the line lines Catholic to God and vice versa and Catholic to fellow man. Sadly the book is not translated into English but it's a scholarly work of years of research. A Protestant could work his workers to death but if he gave due honour or devoted this work to God, he was righteous. Catholic, could not do this.
No you couldnt do that because its not loving them.
Guys you are excellent. You are shaking the roots of Protestantism. If they recognize the historic facts and the truth, all pastors would loose their jobs or need to become priests. And their flock would need to return to true apostolic Churches, including Catholic, Eastern and Orthodox Churches.
The "Easter comes from Ishtar" thing really turns my skin inside out. The word 'easter' is of Germanic origin, it has NOOOOOOTHING to do with Ishtar. The pre-Christian Germanics celebrated the return of spring around the same time of the year Jesus his resurrection would be celebrated later on and they called it "Easter", because the sun rises in the east and is the symbol of the rebirth of spring. When the Germanics were Christened they stopped the spring celebration and Jesus his resurrection was then celebrated and the name Easter remained.
What really ought to turn your skin inside out is the fact you fight for the largest paedophile ring in history.
Our oldest source is Venerable Bede, writing at a time when 89 popes had reigned and died, and he basically said "idk why they call April 'Eastermonth', probably named afte a goddess or something."
Keith is one of my favorite Catholic converts to listen to! He's up there with Scott Hahn and Steve Ray! I'm glad he was able to come on!
I am humbled by these kind words Ellie. Thank you!
Every Catholic conversion story I hear about for some reason conviction of sin and asking God to save them is often left out.
It's always apostolic succession arguments. Basically it's a head knowledge conversion not a change of the heart.
If someone realizes that they are a sinner and ask God to save them then it's a done deal. They are sealed with the Holy Ghost regardless whether they ever go to church or not. Salvation is always simple.
@@pianoplayer2260 I appreciate your comment since it raises some points that are good to discuss!
Even though conversions often do occur through "head knowledge," that doesn't mean that their hearts have not been changed, they do not have a conviction of sin, or they haven't asked God to save them. Conversion can involve both the mind and heart. Both are important aspects of us as humans.
On your point about it being a done deal if someone realizes they are a sinner and asks God to save them, James 2:24 is a commonly cited verse, but there are others that back up the idea there is a need for something more. Galatians 5:6 tells us "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." The parable Jesus gave in Matthew 25 about the sheep and the goats demonstrated that we need to have more than just recognition that we are sinners and asking for forgiveness to be saved.
Regarding your point about "They are sealed with the Holy Ghost regardless whether they ever go to church or not," the Bible tells us that it is baptism is what seals us with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38 states "Peter replied, 'Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.'” The Bible also makes it clear that Church fellowship is important. Hebrews 10:24-25 says "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Acts 2:46-46 says "Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."
This comment is long enough as is, so I'll wrap it up here. I hope this helps explain the points you brought up from a different perspective 😄
@@elliesteffens7457 I believe in dispensational salvation
@@pianoplayer2260, has every Catholic conversion story you've heard about been of somebody who is already a Christian becoming a Catholic? If so, that might explain why they didn't mention conviction of sin or asking God to save them. They had already done that. When they became Catholic, they moved closer to truth and farther away from heresy.
The most laughable theories are based on similarity of words that don't work in any other language.
I heard that we worship roman god Pan because in Polish Pan means Lord, mister, sir and is often used in reference to God.
What was even weirder this person was american baptist and knew that it doesn't work in any other language.
Kinda like the joke Dog is God backwards. Yeah in English, but that’s about it. Language is a weird and fascinating thing something, especially when they’re influenced by various old ones.
My favorite stupid argument like this is from Jack Chick: That the IHS letters, which represent a Latin monogram of Jesus' name, somehow stand for Isis, Horus, Set. Egyptian doesn't even use the same alphabet!
Do you know the joke about the atheist who did not believe in God? He drowned in Bug. (Bug is a Polish river, Bug = God in Polish). Bug in Polish is pronounced Boog,for the Americans.
There is a heretic here on TH-cam who posted a video claiming that the name of the Lord is actually Satan and the English bible is evil because of that fallacy. Absolute foolish fools, fake intellectual sycophant's who do not posses sanctifying grace so they are forced to put on an act and pretend like they are holy, but in reality they are just like the New Agers who always put on an act during their Yoga sessions and post séance rituals in order to confirm themselves in sin(so that they wont have to face their conscience).
Yes I see so many people say that the English word Easter is derived from the ancient Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar. But why would people in ancient Britain even know about a goddess from the Middle East? And what would make them name the resurrection day after her?
I remember reading the Epic of Gilgamesh in college and those were some of my favorite discussions. Ancient cultures and legends are quite interesting, especially of a 1/3rd man, 2/3rds god on his mother’s side being like Gilgamesh (yes, that is how he is described and I still haven’t figured out the math on that).
In regards to the flood story, from what I remember Ellil was the main god who got tired of humans being noisy and dirty so he decided to wipe them out. The other gods didn’t care too much except for one, who warned a guy and his wife about the upcoming doom. The flood came, the other gods cried and scurried away out of fear, the boat survived, and Ellil was not happy when he found out one of his underlings had saved some humans. Eventually he decides to make the couple immortal like the gods, but not necessarily give them any powers. Just told them to run off and enjoy their eternal lives.
Personally, I always thought it was a way for Ellil to claim he did accomplish what he wanted, destroy mankind, and not get the other gods mad him if he struck down the couple in front of them. Heard other reasons, but that’s my personal theory.
So yes, same event but highly different in their meaning and consequences.
The Norse myth of the flood is even weirder as the flood is from the blood of the giant Ymir after Odin and his brothers kill him. Some giants survive so the species isn’t entirely wiped out, and the young gods take the body of Ymir and use it to create Midgard which is where the Earth resided among the realms. So once again, similar idea but VERY different context.
the whole argument that Gilgamesh is an "exact copy" of the Torah is so silly. it's a great story (what we have of it) but the closest we get to anything is the flood account within it, and even that has some clear differences. if you're trying to convince me there was a super flood in ancient times that inspired all these stories, you can strengthen that by forcing me to read the EOG, but you're not going to convince me Moses is a myth and the Torah is a pagan plagiarism that way. I've read the Enuma Elish as well and there's no clear parallel other than a world is created (a sea monster getting ripped up in battle vs. water being divided from land and the sky is a parallel in only the most poetic of views). similarly its claimed that the "Egyptian Book of the Dead" is the source of the 10 commandments, despite there being no real parallel other than some shared ideas of moral principles (don't murder, steal, lie, etc). these were intended as prayers (or spells) to prevent dead officials and rulers from going into a bad afterlife and buried with them in their tombs (and later they were collected together for posterity, long after they were written), vs. the commandments that are precepts within a narrative about the Hebrews coming out of slavery to form the Israelite nation under the leadership of Moses and Aaron and their successors. reading the pagan stories is awesome, but you see just how shabby the "this is where they copied it from!" claims really are. at best they establish a common human experience from which some similar ideas are expounded in response (but also important differences.. consider how some of the biblical stories riff on the pagan ones... the flood in particular). just because something was written first doesn't mean it inspired all others... some ideas are arrived at independently, or were both inspired by an even earlier (lost) source.
@@HeroQuestFans I have a theory regarding why there would be "similarities" between epic of Gigalmesh and Noah's flood in Genesis (keep it in mind this one of possible theories): Since that epic of gilgalmesh (surviving historical artifact) was found in Mesopotamia, where Abraham had lived (city of Ur). Since Noah's ark had landed on Mt Ararat, all of Noah's descedant would traveled further out (some to Mesopotamia and elsewhere) are the earliest source to have heard about great flood. The story of flood had passes down through many generations (Abraham being of one them) which ended up as epic of gilgalmesh. So therefore it's possible the epic of gilgalmesh was inspired by the actual event of Noah's flood, they story continued passing down and spreading around. As Abraham, being the father of Jewish nation, had possibly passed down the Noah's flood story. I can also say that God could have guided the writer (possibly Moses) to re-tell the story of Noah's flood in more truthful context in the book of Genesis.
IIRC, the fractions basically work out because the god side just counted for that much more. I just chalk that up to a cultural thing.
Father Stephen DeYoungs “Religion of the Apostles.” Was amazing.
It shows that Protestantism is ridiculous in comparison to Ancient Judaism/Christianity.
Short answer: no
Long answer: lol no.
Wow!! Too many things I didn’t knew!!! Thank you guys!!! This needs to get out more often!! Because of Zeitgeist and The Two Babylons I was led astray away from the Church for too long!! Until Christ found me and brought me back!! Just wished I had this information way earlier. God bless you guys!!!
if I thought things like the Da Vinci Code or "Crusader Comics" (Jack Chick) were true, I'd probably hate and fear the Catholic Church as well! Thankfully, logic and evidence prevail and these pseudohistorical conspiracy theories have been completely exploded with facts, and it's a simple matter to educate people on them, if you can maintain your composure, of course... (God grant us composure and patience!).
@Mark Roberts so, in our time, Churches are being burned down all around the world, Christians are being persecuted, murdered, decapitated, harassed by this world in this time, I am talking about, now, today. The “woke” culture is threatening the stability of the family. Preachers, Priests, Bishops, leaders of the Church have been coming out as hypocrites while their sins come out to light. Humanity has become prideful and lovers of self. Most people have become self righteous with lack of humility. Information and misinformation has spread all around the globe. Black is the new white, and words have been voided off of their true meaning. The Words of our Lord comes to mind. As the times of Noa. What is that Ark that Noa built? Were himself and his family came in, and creatures, male and female were saved in. What winds of doctrine are blowing out there? that takes us away from God’s truth? There is only one Church, one Baptism, one Faith, one Ark that will stand the deluge. Christ is our Lord, but we were not left alone on our own, to make up all kind of different doctrines and create division, but He made us united, into one visible body, representing the invisible one. Like Martin Luther said: “There are as many sects and beliefs as there are heads…” division is what happened after the reformation, and a divided kingdom cannot stand, but only if it is from God it can stand. It has been 2000 years, we’ll see. Regarding “get out of her” have you considered Jerusalem? Read “Mystery Babylon: When Jerusalem embraces the antichrist” by Chris White. A good read. God bless you!
A lot of it is protestants don't understand Temple Judaism and its liturgy and practices which is the origin of many of our customs, traditions and practices
Liturgical worship in Temple Judaism was sacrificial in nature, Catholicism liturgical worship is sacrificial in nature with the Mass. That is why everything Catholics believe/do is so strange to Protestants and modern rabbinic Jews because almost everything we believe is from Temple Judaism in origin, custom and practice.
"Remember that the Catholic Church was an OFFICIAL sect within Judaism. If you read Acts 1 and you are familiar with Halakhah Law you will immediately notice that the Catholic Church is a legal entity WITHIN Judaism. If you read you will notice that there are 120 members in this synagogue. Why is this important? It is the exact number of persons in the Halakhah regulations to form a full fledged synagogue. Next according to Halakhah regulations there must be a beit din (jewish court) formed. We see that there is a beit din and it draws lots and Matthias a disciple is chosen to take over Judas bishopric (episkopen). So two of the three requirements are met. The third requirement is that there must be a "nasi" (prince, temporal) and an "ab" ( father, spiritual) appointed. Curiously Peter is filling both these positions in this beit din. Why?
In 190 BC the Kohan Gadol (jewish high priesthood) fell into apostasy and beit din gadol cast a vote of no confidence splitting the two offices of the kohan gadol into the "nasi" and "ab" within the beit din gadol. However, in this new beit din which is actually a beit din gadol (70 disciples) Christ has placed His confidence in Peter by presenting him the Keys to the temple and bringing the two offices back together the way it originally was. The pope has both temporal and spiritual powers. Peter is the prince of the apostles and the pope (Pope meaning papa - meaning father) as you see even today the pope is both "nasi" and the "ab" in Catholicism.
So is Temple Judaism dead? No! It is now known as Catholicism." Deus Imperator
Thanks Charbel
@@lonelyberg1808 I forgot to add - The Catholic Church returned the sacred items removed by King Josiah from Solomons Temple during the first protestant movement in 640BC-609BC. King Josiah removed the altar, the anointing oil, the real menorah, the incense and the Bread of the Presence (showbread) from Solomons Temple.
The Essenes and the Qumrans saw King Josiahs act as desecrating the temple and insulting God. They viewed the second temple as corrupted. Christ the high priest-king instituted a new Temple with new Priests and a new Sacrifice and reinstated the Melchizedek priesthood hence all Catholic priests belong to the Order of Melchizedek which is pre-mosaic.
@@SaintCharbelMiracleworker wow thanks St Charbel
@@SaintCharbelMiracleworker hey bro, you are mixing history massively
Josiah lived during the first temple, he destroyed Baal's altars and cult, he returned to the original beliefs
Essenes formed during and after the Macabbee revolt, that is second temple age, centuries later
@@nemgyuri If you re-read my post I said King Josiah removed the sacred items fro Solomons Temple. Nothing to do with Baals altar.
I also stated the Essenes saw the Second Temple as corrupted and what Josiah did in history as insulting to God.
Most people get this misinformation from films like the Zeitgeist documentary. No one researches the claims made in these films or even popluar works of Fiction like Dan Brown or popular new atheist writers out there, hence, people assume that its all true.
Keith is a sincere seeker. Trent is as usual interesting to listen to.
Hey Trent! Could you provide a list of some of the sources that you quoted in this podcast? It is in this very area that I have the most conflict with my boyfriend in discussing Christianity, especially the "borrowed myths" areas.
you may also want to check out Trent's book "The Case for Catholicism" for the notes. Jimmy Akin's podcast (Mysterious World) has a lot of notes even though he deals with a lot more than apologetics. but yes, more sources please! Catholic Answers has a lot, but sometimes people will jump on an apologist misspeaking or leaving out something, when it's nice to be able to check the sources yourself and see that it's not just hot air being blown around
I once found one of those Chick tracts regarding the liturgical fans we use in Eastern Catholicism; the comparisons would be laughable if there weren't a contingent of Protestants that actually believe them.
Everyone speaks like its a common thing to have received one if these tracks...I am 60 and have never seen or heard one.
Are they designed to glorify Protestantism or are they anti Catholic rubbish?
I am just curious...thank you! 🌷
I've found one on my car. They're anti-catholic nonsense that's entirely composed of strawman arguments. They're so bad it's funny.
@@rosiegirl2485 I am 40 years old and remember seeing them as a boy given to me by North American evangelists during the 80s in front of the church! They are protestant propaganda: anticatholic, Pro-rapture, Anti Islamic, anti gay living style, anti Halloween. as all Protestant doctrine they have many things which are good, but also lacking, like a badly tuned radio station.
I was out with my friends when we picked up a little book bout finding Jesus or something. No pictures and can’t remember if it was a Chit Trak, but I fondly remember giving it to one of the guys in our group who is very knowledgable about scripture and doctrine.
As the rest of us chatted, he took out a pen, borrowed the Bible app on my phone, and completely blotted out the book with corrections and statements why everything was so wrong 😂 totally wish I kept the thing.
Great unturned radio station..ha!
I am in the suburbs of Philadelphia..and I have only gone to small town Catholic churches.
I guess this is done in front of protestant churches..which I have no experience with!
Thank you for the explanation...and I also agree with you that they do have a lot of good!
I do find it frustrating that most just accept what they have been told..and never research it for themselves ...though the same could be said for the Catholic's!
God bless my friend! 💠
I owe much of my conversion to Keith Nester and other like Trent Horn, Jimmy Akins, and of course Scott Hahn.
I owe my almost conversation and then ultimate rejection of Catholicism to:
@@pianoplayer2260 - you’re entitled to your opinion, but I don’t go chase URL’s put her by trolls. I’ll never understand why supposed “Christians” feel the need to troll Catholic TH-cam channels. Do you really think I will watch your stupid video and convert back to Protestantism? Is this where you want to be (trolling Catholics) when Jesus returns? Grow up.
@@Saul2PaulCatholic Typical condescending Catholic apologist with an elitist attitude. Protestants killed bible believing ana-Baptists by the way. I have no desire in reforming Roman Catholicism.
The playlist proves that Catholics are forced to do mental gymnastics to defend their cult. If you don't want to watch it I can't help you.
The spiritual fruit of Protestantism is very little, but there is no spiritual fruit of a political Roman Catholic system. There are no true great awakening Catholic revivals throughout history. You judge something by the fruit it bears. No church fathers argument will debunk that.
Exposing false religion is profitable work for Christ.
@@lois2997 I'm not a heathen
I never read 'Christianity Before Christ' but that's the title of a book that came out in 1985 by John G. Jackson. I wasn't really exposed to Jesus Mythicism until Brian Flemming's "The God Who Wasn't There" indie film (2 years before Zeitgeist) but I did hear a soft version of it when I was at university (taught by a recently deceased atheist scholar who was sympathetic to mythicism towards the end of his life, despite being only an OT scholar) which basically says that the Gospels were written with a bunch of pagan books in the other hand (not pushed hard in the classes, but the books we had were sympathetic to the theory
How can the only Church ever founded by Our Lord be pagan?!?!?
@Eucharist Angel The word "Trinity" isn't used in the Bible, therefore Trinitarianism is false. The phrase "hypostatic union" in the Bible therefore we can't define how Christ was God and man. The word "Pneumatology" isn't in the Bible therefore we can't have a theological study on the Holy Spirit.
Congratulations, you've upended the whole of Christian foundational theology using Protestant fundamentalism
@Eucharist Angel Only an idiot would think that the pope was filled with all truth and justice. After all, the first pope couldn't go 12 hours without denying Christ. We are a Church of sinners.
The problem many protestants have with the pope is that they think that THEY aren't sinners too. When one thinks that "all truth and justice!" resides with one's self it becomes difficult to forgive the pope for his sins. Sure the pope is a sinner, but so am I. We fit together well. He, desiring heaven for himself, throws open the gates of heaven so all sorts of undesirables like me can get in.
@Eucharist Angel The Bible is not silent on most of the things you named. St. Peter was the first pope and granted the keys to heaven by Christ. It's in the Bible. There were apostles (bishops) in the Bible. When Judas committed suicide, the apostles laid hands on a candidate elevating him to apostle status. So it can't be claimed the apostles died out centuries ago. They were sacred leaders (apostles, also called bishops) while pastoral leaders were deacons, also in the Bible. I'm not sure if apostles' helpers (priests) were in the Bible though. Still, under Church Cannon, priests are subordinate to bishops and bishops exercise their ordinary duties through priests some of the time. Priests don't operate without apostolic oversight.
Purgatory is simply the time and process between death and heaven. We don't know how long it lasts, but scripture does talk about us being made perfect for God, so we know something happens. Indulgences are not free passes on sin. They are reductions in the assumed pain of purgatory for doing something purifying here on earth. (They have been misused in the past by greedy prelates.)
Transubstantiation is definitely in scripture. Jesus said, "This is my body." He also said, "Unless you eat my body and drink my blood, you will not have life within you." Thus transubstantiation is a statement that we believe Christ's commands and promises are more important than secular or scientific reality. We believe in Christ first.
@Blue Mags So which of the 24,000 Protestant denominations is the one Christ founded?
@Blue Mags Scripture copies exist from the early Second Century C.E. Given Christ lived in the mid First Century C.E., that's not a lot of time for the Vatican to corrupt or alter all the copies of the Bible across the world. And they had to do so while dodging lions.
Still, Satan is powerful. But so to is paranoia. Fortunately Satan doesn't usually use all caps, so they are easy to tell apart.
Halfway through and no one's mentioned that correlation doesn't equal causation
The simple things are easy to overlook I guess 😆
After reading the prot responses in the comment section... all I can say is Lord have mercy on us, the only way to get these people to understand is divine intervention straight up. You can have the most non disputable argument and they will still say we’re all pagan liars
@Eucharist Angel lol can’t wait til you see Jesus, praying for you
@Eucharist Angel ok where’s ur faith
Saw the thumbnail and immediately swapped to this video. Those tracts imaged there were favourites of mine for a while in the past - now I know better.
This is such a lame argument. For starters it commits the logical fallacy of insisting that similarities instantly imply descent. And it in fact smacks of a sort of Platonism or Semi-Gnosticism that is skeptical or even despises God's creation as intrinsically evil(which it's not).
Taking the good parts of God's creation that were paganized-like days, trees, etc.-and re-consecrating them back to God doesn't "paganize" Christianity. Only someone possessed of an extremely week and feeble faith would think such.
right. they were doing the ancient equivalent of "Skateboarders for Christ" and translating the bible into the common tongue. using pagan language metaphors as a way to instruct people familiar with them and converting formerly God-blaspheming traditions into God-honoring ones (here's a word my Protestant brothers will understand REFORMING them) is not unbiblical. Paul himself praised the wisdom of certain pagan poets and a certain pagan shrine... not because he was honoring the false conceptions of God, but finding those bits of truth that still shone forth in those mounds of error in order to build upon them the true message and fullness of truth found in the Gospel. Christ himself urged the people to obey the teachers of the Law when they sat in Moses' seat (but not to obey their hypocritical example). he praised what they did which was right, why attacking what they did that was corrupt. so it's not a case of burning down the world because its tainted by paganism and then rebuilding it back up again. it's reclaiming the goodness that God built in from the beginning that was only obscured, misused or misunderstood by these "pagans" (and Jews, the Jews didn't get everything right either, despite having the Law and the Prophets).
Trent Horn , I dont know if you read your comments Im a protestant who admires your work and aspires to defend the Christian faith as well you do !!!! I never had an interest in Catholicism until I went to bible college now Im considered the Catholic guy at my Church . Even though Im not "Roman" Catholic" I personal believe Roman Catholicism , the Orthodox Church ,and Protestants together make up the Holy Catholic Church of Christ . I know we dont agree on that but I would love to here what you have to say about the objections to The Roman Church I hold . Im definately not Anti-Catholic .
Maybe if you told everone what they were, we could find videos from Trent or from other well-known Catholic apologists on the subject.
@Christian Stephens. I would suggest you can consider reading the history of the bible, history of the Church from independent non sectarian sources. I would also like to suggest that you look up Catholic Answers and the Catechism for official and authentic Catholic teachings instead of what some Protestant pastors think what Catholic teachings are when we don't even believe in them.
@Eucharist Angel you are speaking as prophesied by scripture
Matthew 24:24 : "For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."
@Eucharist Angel James 2:24
@Eucharist Angel I sent you a Bible verse, take it or leave it.
We all know that Church history started in the 16th century.
The Church does not say that we save ourselves (which seems to be what you are claiming, essentially). But continue attacking a strawman.
The internet has many resources that explain the Catholic position. I, for one, am not going to waste my time talking with you (so respond however you want or call me names, I won't respond).
Pardon, but how does Newman say insence has a pagan origin when it was used in OT worship and in heaven by the angel in Revelation?
I heard Fulton Sheen say once that the Jews used to use incense in their worship, but at the time of Jesus incense was also used by pagans. When the Church founded by Christ, the Catholic Church, began to use incense in their worship, it restored incense to its proper place in worshiping the one Triune Godhead.
@@georgespence4423 Interesting. Still not sure how he could say it originated with pagans unless it was prior to Leviticus, which it may well have been for all I know.
This is how I've been viewing the significant overlaps in Christianity and pre christian myths, as well as myths all over the world having so much overlap.
Its not "theft" its concensus. People are all trying to understand the same questions using the same reasoning.
We had the age of myths, and the age of revelation. Our combined understanding evolves over time, it doesn't restart entirely. We carry over the correct parts and adjust the incorrect parts.
Its not the 80% of Christianity that agrees with other faiths of the world that makes it "stolen". That makes that 80% that much more true, it has consensus.
Now we can delve into the remaining 20% and those differences to see which is truly correct.
I have this same thought as well. We know that truth is revealed to all people in some way, so it's not surprising and even expected that it is practiced the same way over different cultures/ages
Could you do a video on why England was known as the Dowry of Mary?
I'd like to see that.
Medieval England was very Catholic!
@@alhilford2345 I wish it still was
@@jamesburke1168 Its not even Protestant now. Even the COE talked about its own possible demise in 30 years.
@@jeremiahong248 Hopefully more will come and join the Catholic Church. Most of my family are COE
@@jamesburke1168 🙏🙏🙏
I appreciate Trent and his videos. They’ve helped me a lot as I’ve moved away from Protestantism back towards my cradle faith upbringing...but at this point, especially with the past 2.5 years, that just saying “conspiracy theory” not an argument. Your incredulity is not an argument. The question is always does the preponderance of evidence point to this being the case. It’s an indisputable fact that conspiracies exist all across the highest levels of every institution. Investigate the claim honestly.
Catholicism's Rites, as somehow "pagan", is post hoc ergo propter hoc, one of the most common logical fallacies offered by, "LOGICAL MINDED". To say nothing of the logic that DICTATES that something may certainly be adapted into its truth from something bad.
Suppose they're correct. Suppose our early brothers and sisters did "borrow" from ancient pagan rituals?
This video should be mandatory for ALL in school and university!
That's very much, what our poor generation required for so long!!
Thank God for Mr. Trent Horn, God bless him!
Hey Trent Horn, I'm a big fan of yours and this was an awesome video. Every time I listen to you I swear I'm learning lots of stuff. Anyway, I was wondering if you could make a video about the paradox of existential nihilism sometime and hear your thoughts on that. I also want to know if you think it's a good argument to say while atheists don't necessarily have to be moral nihilists they must at least affirm existential nihilism in order to deny the existence of any God concept (even the impersonal ones like Einsteins Spinoza).
Based on my understanding, the existential nihilist denies there being any objective meaning or purpose to our lives & the universe. For some reason not to mock the atheists but a reality that just exists and does things without a cause, reason, or purpose makes me think I exist in neverland or something. Anyway, would it be a good contradictory argument to say the atheist must agree by the law of cause & effect that the universe in some manner has caused us to feel as if our lives have meaning, purpose, & moral value? And if the universe has caused that effect then doesn't that imply existential nihilism is wrong? I'm asking because I've been thinking about this a lot but I'm not too familiar with all the rebuttals and contrary points of view. My assumption I'll admit is favoring the materialist deterministic viewpoint & the nature of cause & effect when it comes to our experiences. So when the atheist argues that there is no objective meaning, purpose, or moral value wouldn't that be contradictory if nature is also causing it to happen?
As an analogy, I guess it's an analogy forgiving me if I'm using the wrong word. If natural processes are forcing me to care about my own existence as if my life has meaning, purpose, & moral value then that sounds like God's work in nature (or some kind of guiding process).
Anyway, thank you Trent I love the video as always.
In the protestant church I grew up in the pastor said that Christians got tired of being persecuted so when Constantine came out as somewhat Christian or at least friendly to Christians that they decided to compromise rather than die.
The Catholic church evolved from the early centuries before Constantine, but it did not exist in 33 AD.
2 of my fav apologist...Godbless guys. 🙏
48:49 unrelated but that myth of a goddess going down to the underworld for a time being related to the seasonal cycle sounds like the Greek myth of Persephone. Maybe there’s a connection there, but not between Easter and Ishtar
Yes that is what I do especially talking to born agains they are surprisingly hostile. I pray to God for patience and grace to help them see what they need to see and it’s amazing I never get through to people as much as I do when I pray before talking to other Christian denominations, but yes I find the most success is when I hold my temper and practice God’s example of patience and charity. I ask them about their sources and why they believe these things they either are silent or might move to another subject but they usually stop yelling. So there I plant my seed of doubt so they may look into the actual knowledge of the subject. 🙏🏼🕊🥰
Easter = Eostre, an Anglo-Saxon goddess (small G). The whole month of what we call April was called Eostramanuð. Of course it depends on the language. In Scandinavian languages, Easter is called Påske, which comes from Pesach.
Our oldest source is Venerable Bede, who wrote at a time when 89 different popes had reigned and died. And even he is like "idk why they call April 'Eastermonth', probably some goddess or something."
Baptizing culture, like “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and (B)that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Please write a book on this topic please! It would be a great weapon for us Catholics to defend our beliefs and our one true catholic religion.
Sorry but the Catholic's did adopt pagan traditions whether you want to believe it or not look at the Bible you only need the word of God! HE even goes on to talk about the Pagan Christmas tree though it's not called that one moment. It's in the Bible so how do you say it's still ok to keep Christmas trees around.? I go by what is in the Bible 100% not man's words or thoughts.
Jeremiah 10
Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:
2Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
3For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
4They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
5They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.
6Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O LORD; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.
7Who would not fear thee, O King of nations? for to thee doth it appertain: forasmuch as among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their kingdoms, there is none like unto thee.
8But they are altogether brutish and foolish: the stock is a doctrine of vanities.
9Silver spread into plates is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the workman, and of the hands of the founder: blue and purple is their clothing: they are all the work of cunning men.
10But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation.
11Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens.
12He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion.
@@MSBowen-pk6ww but the bible also tells us that the Church is the pillar of the truth. There are things which were not recorded in the bible and it doesn't mean that they are wrong. A moral conduct is wrong when it goes against the teachings of the bible, if the Christmas tree is used to beautify Christmas day, how is bad? That is just like converting a pagan to Christianity. In other words those who argue so much about the Catholic traditions i feel like asking them that if the apostles never built big Churches does it mean that the modern day Christians shouldn't???? I think that in order to understand the word of God properly, we should try to understand or make guesses of what might have prompt a certain event to happen or not happen or even why some certain things were said.
@@MSBowen-pk6wwThis was about making idols, not Christmas trees. Let’s try to use context!
Really enjoyed this.
as a former fundie, its becoming crystal clear to me that the only logical options after allowing myself to think critically about my faith are Judaism or catholicism.
so many Baptist, pentecostal, church of God, or non-denom fundies try to play both sides of "well we have the New Covenant, but the only traditions we have come from first century messianic Jewish worship." (ex. Hebrew Roots)
and then you talk to a Jew and they are appalled at how Christians mangle their monotheistic, anticipatory faith into some Trinitarian, finished work, dead God theology. no fundie who practices the passover seder instead of Easter has ever spoken to a true Jewish person. If you want to be Jewish, be Jewish, but the church decided in the first century that we are no longer under the law and that being Jewish avails nothing and doesn't build your Christian faith.
that said, the only way I see it to build whatever meager faith I have left, I have to as CS Lewis put it, "Go further up and further in." and that seems to me to be where Catholicism goes.
the Catholic faith is everything independent fundamentalist Baptist, Seventh Day Adventists, Pentecostals, or Presbyterians wish that they were. there is only one church who has the authority of That Church that Christ founded.
Finally, comment that make sense and it's not emotionaly driver, thank you brother. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Is Catholicism pagan?
There, I settled it !
What about the Queen of heaven? The Queen of heaven in Jeremiah is a pagan goddess, but Mary isn't a pagan goddess. Is God an author or confusion?
There are pagan creator gods, and you believe in a creator God. There are pagan gods in Athens in the book of Acts. But God isn’t a pagan creator god? Is God an author of confusion?
Or are you just easily confused and use your inability to tell the difference between truth and falsehood as a cudgel against Catholics? God gave you the ability to reason, use it. Leave ignorance behind.
54:46 … so what you’re saying is, the snoot droops?
For Christmas, Easter, and Jesus mythicist myths, check out inspiring philosophy's videos on those subjects
Also "Horus Ruins Christmas."
And a blog called history for atheists, written by an atheist who got annoyed with bogus historical claims
@@erravi that's really good too, especially for things like the Galileo affair and the myth that the medieval Church taught flat earth.
4:39 Any of you who did some attempt at contacting and converting Acharya Sanning?
As a beginning Orthodox Christian I really enjoy the work you do. It helps me in my Orthodoxy, oddly enough. Keep up the great work!🎉
Was there a particular time your life when you asked God to save you from your sin after you realized that you personally are a filthy sinner who deserves to burn in hell? Are you trusting in the finished work on the cross to save you?
Hi Trent, would you be willing to have a discussion on patterns with a secular friend of mine focusing on Mary and the Divine Feminine as an orientation to finding connectedness in the Common Good or what we Share?
Watch Third Adam 3 the Divine Feminine
Best podcast yet! You guys are the best.
I just say read how the sin offerings were performed in the books of Moses, along with the presence of bread and wine, and tell me that isn't the Mass.
Though I'm catholic, I still think it's pretty obvious that our religion is influenced by pagan religions a great deal. The holy amulets, scapulars and miraculous images that grant wishes (of Mary or other saints) is something unheard of in Christian tradition or the Bible, and it's pretty clear as you look back into Church history that the reason why this was gradually more and more allowed in the first place was to give pagan converts something back from their old habits. We can even see this to this day in South America, for example, with the Pachamama controversy, when a pagan diety is being somewhat re-titled into Mary and her worship is allowed, even though the theology of Mary and pagan theology of Mother Earth is not nearly compatible, and what is given to said diety-now-Mary is very demonstrably latria (god worship), not the allowed dulia or hyper-dulia (devotion to saints).
Same can be said about the rosaries and other prayer beads. Christians never used those in ancient traditions, nor they use them in the Bible, but we can see them being more and more used as Christianity is being exposed to eastern religions that have used them for hundreds of years, and today, they are a common sight.
The practice of giving saints very concrete attributes and something akin to special powers to pray over specific things better then others, is also almost indistinguishable from typical polytheistic pantheons. It was a very common thing in polytheistic religions to have a multitude of deities with different functions and praying to a different one for different things. In Christianity we also see God being the source of all graces and all things, very consistently in the early Church and in the Bible, but as Christianity grows and assimilates other cultures, we see the gods are just being swapped for saints even though the practices do not change. Till this day I know many Catholics who only pray for certain thing to certain saints, for example, they always pray to st. Christopher before hitting the rode, even though St. Christopher is more of a legend than an actual saint, with most historians even doubting his existence, and even though they easily could pray directly to Christ.
Catholic doctrine is a secondary issue, it's the allowed and common practices of Catholics that really are a problem here. We may have perfectly biblical and sound doctrine but there's still plenty of Catholics who are engaged in obviously pagan practices and nobody bothers to correct them. Church is very hesitant to actually providing proper formation that would include restrictions when it comes to dulia (devotion to saints) or any other of these controversial issues. As if there was shame in even talking about this stuff. This is very sad.
You might want to educate yourself regarding holy images. Icons of the saints have been a staple in Eastern Christianity for at least 1500 years. Not only icons, actually - look up for instance ancient pilgrim flasks (ampullae) with a depiction of St. Menas (or was it St. George on the particular flask I'm thinking of). The same goes for relics of the saints.
The Pachamama controversy is touted by pseudo-Traditionalists who do not wish to listen to the Holy See who have numerous times officially declared that at no point the infamous statue was meant to represent anything but Mary. The art style is different, of course, but Mary has been depicted in different ways, postures or artistic traditions in the past two millenia, so that hardly proves a point.
On prayer beads, no, again. The prayer rope was reportedly invented by St. Pachomius, who lived in the 3rd - 4th century. It has nothing to do with Asian religions or philosophies. And the Rosary is a Medieval, Western European invention.
On saints, you're asking holy people in Heaven to pray for you. All the power comes from God and God is the one who decides what happens.
You are just wrong. Please learn about the ancient prayers to Mary. She gave the rosary to St Dominic. I feel sorry for Catholic like you. Please don't let those big wooden doors hit you on the butt on the way out.
You’re greatly mistaken if you really think the Church supports this belief that icons of saints “grant wishes” and sees the objects such as scapulars and rosaries as good luck charms, those would be superstitions which are rejected by the Church
The DEATH COOKIE in the thumbnail is hilarious
Jack Chick is dead , however, his estate continues to spread lies about our Holy Mother the Church.
What lies? That they don't worship God because that's not a lie.
@@MSBowen-pk6ww Read the Nicene, Athanasian and Apostles Creeds to find ou what Catholics believe.
Alberto Rivera was a real Jesuit priest and exposed the one world agenda of Jesuitism. Doubt his legitimacy? Read "Is Alberto For Real?"
I thank God for Jack and Alberto without apology.
I think the similarities and parallels within pagan religions to only affirm the truth of gods grand plan throughout the time. Why wouldn’t Satan use pieces of truth To ultimately cost exception?
Hey Trent what's your email? Yah bless
Patreon him and then you can post a question.
Could you make a video refuting DM Murdock please? That would be pretty good.
Protestantism has removed Christ from the physical world and locked him in people's minds. Salvation depends on knowledge, not personal holiness. Faith is merely an intellectual assent or acknowledgement of what Christ has gained for us (justification by faith alone). Charity in God's grace doesn't lead to our salvation but is merely a sign of being saved by Christ's merits alone. What protestants hope for is merely a greater allotment of heavenly rewards rather than their salvation which is assured as long as they put their intellectual faith in Christ's external merits which are imputed to them despite their sinfulness. But Paul speaks of salvation in terms of three dimensional time: "have been saved", "being saved", and "our salvation is nearer now". Catholics do not believe that we must "work for" our salvation but rather in what Paul teaches: "We must 'work out' our salvation in fear and trembling." Justification or sanctification is progressive. Faith must be put into action for it to be saving faith. Intellectual assent must be informed by good works done in charity and grace. Otherwise, our faith is "dead" as James puts it.
@Eucharist Angel except the Sacraments are non anything we do. We do not perform Sacraments, we receive them. If you receive something, then this thing must be given by another actor. Who is this actor that gives us the Sacraments? God. We receive baptism, but it is God who cleanses. We receive reconciliation, but it is God who heals.
"What protestants hope for is merely a greater allotment of heavenly rewards rather than their salvation which is assured as long as they put their intellectual faith in Christ's external merits which are imputed to them despite their sinfulness."
Ah, yeah, that's the whole point.
The entire argument against faith-alone hinges on the idea that people need the fear of hell rather than a love of God to "not sin".
Ya'll constantly accuse others of supposedly "not doing enough" in the body, as if you know what others are doing, or their condition before God. You think you are "doing enough" because you sit in church and pray a rosary.
The people I know who believe in faith alone seem to actually be more relaxed, more confident in their position before God, and enjoy the fruits of that communion = not struggling with sin, being gracious and kind, while the works-based people are always under a sentiment of despair or arrogance.
@Blue Mags Listen with your heart and you will understand. Jesus loved us to the end, to the very limit, dying on the cross. We must have the same Love which comes from within, from our Union with jesus.
Baloney! Justification is INSTANTANEOUS and SANCTIFICATION is the continual maturity as a Christian as we "continue" to walk in faith and walk in and with Christ.
All you said was nonsense. It's Catholicism that has removed CHRIST from the foundation and put Peter as the rock and foundation of God's own church.
Catholicism has removed the simple gospel of Christ and replaced with paganism and a bunch of add on doctrines CHRIST NEVER taught!
@@spirit-walkerwaters4521 Be blessed! Remember to love 💕.others as Christ loved you. Especially the most unlovable, because remember you were unlovable when Christ first loved you. Peace!
The penetration of the religion of Babylon became so general and well known that Rome was called the "New Babylon." -Faith of our fathers 1917 ed. Cardinal Gibbons, p. 106
I don't know where this "quote" came from, but it is NOT in Gibbons's "Faith of Our Fathers" in any edition.
@@tryingnottobeasmartass757 Probably the edition that the Jesuits decided would be to obvious.
By the way, very Christlike username you have. You need to repent.
@@pianoplayer2260, it does not come from any edition -- ANY edition -- of that book, which means that @onemarktwoyou is a liar. @onemarktwoyou probably did not invent this alleged quote, but he or she was too intellectually dishonest to verify it before posting it, and therefore making him or her as much of a liar as the one who made up this quote.
And frankly, I don't care what YOU think about my name, and YOU need to repent of joining in with @onemarktwoyou's lie.
Hey I'm on your side, but just to be honest and fair could you please give further evidence about statement concerning about the question he brought up?
@@tryingnottobeasmartass757 Okay I politely asked him for more clarification on the quotation, but that doesn't excuse the fact that you are using profanity in your username. If you're apart of Christ's church start looking like it. Worldliness doesn't turn people to Christ. I need better understand where this quotation originated before I know he's lying. I don't know, two people are telling me different things.
Let's be real here.... Remove the images and status... Simple a Jew who accepts Christ , and see Catholisism , I'd rather be called "protestant" honestly , kissing statues ? Uh , Lord, Forgive Them for They Do Not Know... What They Are Doing.... I'd still call you brothers in Christ but ... Uhh please....
What is wrong with images and statues?
Paintings, stained glass windows, statues and other religious art has been used throughout history to teach the Bible stories to those who could not read.
Some of the most beautiful works of art have been inspired by the story of our salvation.
And no.
Before anyone comes back with the usual comment from Protestants, Catholics do not worship statues!
@@tony1685 Anti-Catholic bias is far from dead. Wrong assumptions. Errors. Misunderstandings. Even fear-based propaganda about the Church, what Catholics believe, and how we worship is not uncommon. What’s to be done? Plenty.
By Donna Caito
7 January 2020
Iwas amazed one afternoon when a news article came through my phone. It featured a son-in-law of a popular reality television show family. During one of his sermons he called Catholicism a “demonic” religion. He also used words like “defile” and “distorted” to describe Catholicism. Moreover, he said he would never hold hands with Catholics because, according to him, we’re not even Christian.
Que record scratch.
When I heard this, I chuckled a bit. When you’re a semi-knowledgeable Catholic who loves their religion and enjoy learning more about it, it’s always fascinating to hear other people’s conjectures. Most people fear Catholicism. They’re afraid of what they don’t know so they make assumptions. And we all know what happens when someone makes negative assumptions out of fear.
Others are simply misinformed. Still others are ignorant because they choose to be. Whatever the reason, much of this adds up to anti-Catholic bias. And there’s still plenty of it out there.
Idolatry: one of the things Catholics are “charged” with time and time again and one that this particular pastor had vehement issues with.
The words idolatry is often associated with Catholicism. When people see our churches filled with beautiful statues and pictures of the saints, they automatically assume we’re worshipping them. And worshipping them means we have more than one God. Again, this is where ignorance and fear come into play.
Read: do Catholics bow down to statues and worship saints?
I always ask people when they talk about idolatry and the Catholic faith if they have pictures of their relatives in their home. Most say they do. Next, I ask if they have pictures of relatives who have passed away, maybe even carry them around. Again, most say they do. Finally, I ask if they’ve ever talked to those pictures while missing the person they represent. Just a, “Hey, Grandma. I know you’re in heaven so can you put in a good word for me?”
Or do they keep a memento of their loved one around just to feel closer to them.
Maybe even visited a grave of a family member and said a few words.
If they categorically deny those things are the same as a Catholic having a picture, a statue, or a memento of a saint, I always use the same comeback:
Do you have a Nativity scene at home?
Our lo
ur love for the Blessed Mother: She’s the mother of God and yet we’re not supposed to acknowledge that?
We pray the Rosary. When people see those beads wrapped around our hands surely we’re worshipping Mary. I remember talking to my brother about this and how frustrating it was to have to explain all the time we ask for Mary’s intercession and not worship her. He said, “Just explain it this way; when you want something from your Dad who do you go to? You ask your Mom to talk to him for you.”
It’s interesting to me when people also argue Mary wasn’t a virgin. They cite the passages when Jesus is in ministry and it’s written his “brothers and sisters” were with him. However, like a lot of things when it comes to Catholicism, the people citing those passages completely ignore historical context.
We must remember the Bible is written during the New Testament times. English as we know it wasn’t even a language. Moreover, the people who wrote the New Testament spoke Aramaic yet wrote it in Greek to reach a wider audience. Therefore, certain situations and words originally in Aramaic were translated into the best term they could think of in Greek. When the texts were translated from Greek to Latin, the same thing happened. It happened again when the texts were translated from Latin to English. Just like Eskimos have over fifty words for snow or the Russians have two words for blue or the Japanese term for “love” has a stronger meaning than ours, when translating we’d try to find the closest approximation of these terms.
In New Testament times families lived together in the same community. Oftentimes extended families lived in the same home. The Greek word used to indicate “brothers and sisters”, adelphios, was a term used to indicate all children within an immediate family. Therefore, adelphios also meant cousins. As we know, Jesus had at least one cousin; Saint John the Baptist, and probably had many more. After all, Joseph may have had a family of his own prior to having married the Virgin Mary. It’s not outside the realm of possibility Jesus had many cousins on Joseph’s side of the family.
Moreover, we must remember what Jesus did with his dying breath. John 19:26-27, “When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then he said to his disciple, “Behold your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.”
These were Jesus’s last words. I tend to think that’s a pretty big deal. He wanted his mother taken care of. In New Testament times this was vitally imperative. When a woman became a widow, she went to the home of her son to be taken care of. If Jesus had any brothers or sisters, Mary simply would’ve gone to live with them. Since Jesus was an only child, he needed someone to take care of her. And who would he want to take care of his mother? The disciple he loved.
Mary is not simply some woman who happened to give birth to Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, which to me feels strange even writing because in and of itself that’s a huge deal. She’s our Blessed Mother, someone we can turn to when times are hard. She’s the woman I come to with my troubles and say, “Can you talk to Dad for me?”
Papal Succession: Being a key-holder was not merely symbolic. It was a big deal.
When we hear the te
Papal Succession: Being a key-holder was not merely symbolic. It was a big deal.
When we hear the term “keys to the kingdom” now, we think of a popular saying without much meaning. Even a mayor giving the keys to the city is symbolic. The key isn’t actually a key. The kingdom is usually a small town. It’s more a representation of an ancient practice no longer well known.
The land Jesus lived in wasn’t a republic but a monarchy. Kings ruled the world. It was believed kings had every right to everything in their kingdom. When you lived under a king’s rule, your home wasn’t yours, your personal items weren’t yours, the food you ate wasn’t yours, et cetera. Everything within that kingdom was property of the king. You were merely borrowing those items out of the “goodness” of the king’s heart.
Within the kingdom, the king had several different advisors. However, there was always one who had a place of prominence; the key-holder. They literally held the keys to the kingdom around their necks and body on a chain (where we get the term “key chain”). This person had access to every part of the kingdom. The key-holder was the king’s second in command, a trusted advisor, the highest position within the kingdom without being the king himself. Joseph in Genesis was a key-holder.
If the king was sick, the key-holder led until the king was better. If the king died and his son was too young to rule, the key-holder would lead until the young king was fit. If the king were away, say an Ascension into heaven, the key-holder would run things until the king got back. The key-holder wasn’t a king but was someone who stood in for the king in his absence.
When Jesus handed Saint Peter the keys to heaven, it wasn’t a symbolic gesture. Jesus was telling Peter and everyone around Peter was his second in command. And when Jesus was gone, it was Peter who would lead in his stead. And when Saint Peter died a new key-holder needed to be named. And so on and so forth throughout the years.
Papal succession isn’t something we just made up one day. It happened the moment Peter announced Jesus is the Son of God. To which Jesus replied,
Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so, I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give to you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:17-19)
Sola Scriptura: The age-old argument about “the Bible alone” and why we don’t believe it.
I could go into all the passages in the Bible that argue against sola Scriptura. Passages like 2 Thess. 2:15 and 3:6, 2 Tim. 1:13-14, 2:2, 3:14, 1 Cor. 11:2, 2 Peter 2:21.
But what I’d like to point out is one very important thing about the Bible. Something we often forget. It’s also something Protestants usually don’t have an argument for.
There is no place in the Bible that argues for sola Scriptura.
If someone is going to believe “Bible alone” don’t you think there’d be a passage about it in the Bible?
It was the Catholic Church who deemed the books of the Bible holy works of God. Pope Damasus in the year 382 decreed the seventy-two books of the Bible scriptural canon. This was reaffirmed during Hippo in 393, Carthage in 397, and Florence in 1442.
Before the Bible was put together, what did the early Christians rely on? Sacred texts and sacred tradition. For hundreds of years they had certain parts of the Bible until late in the fourth century. Are the people who follow Sola Scriptura today saying the early Christians weren’t really Christians?
Anti-Catholic bias has been around a long time.
Many other Christian denominations think Catholics aren’t Christian because of things they heard from one biased person to another. And Catholics in America have been hearing such things from the moment we came to the shores. America, after all, is a Protestant nation founded on Protestant principals. It was the Catholics of Maryland who stood firm our nation was to separate church and state. It’s unfortunate even hundreds of years after the settlement of this country, we’re still hearing the same arguments against Catholicism.
As for that pastor? I’d love to shak
@@tony1685 What these statemrnts were trying to illustrate is people who attacg Catholicism deal with statements that are simplistic and when are elaborated on show how distorted were the original comments.
God saw the light was GOOD and separated the light from the darkness BEFORE creating the sun. How? Because the light was the GOOD angels and darkness was the bad. It was the fall. Can’t remember if it was St Augustine or Aquinas who said that but I think it offers a fantastic interpretation and one you don’t hear too often but certainly makes sense
I'm sure it's hard for people who were either raised their whole lives to believe these "theories" about the Church, or who were never particularly devout (much less knowledgeable about their faith), and then had an emotional conversion to (essentially a cult) that strongly pushes these theories. but even if someone got you off drugs, solved your marriage problems, helped you get a good job, improved your personal hygiene and manners or whatever, that doesn't necessarily mean everything they taught you about history is accurate. "good and sincere" people can still be factually wrong about things. honest, hard-working folks can still be misled or even deluded as we all can see if we look around the world today. thus you still have to evaluate those claims based one evidence. there are plenty of ignorant Catholics who believe all kinds of weird stuff that is not the official teaching of the Church or can't really explain themselves if called upon to debate, and that's sad, but it doesn't prove that Catholicism itself is wrong, just as the same can't be said for evangelicals who are in the same situation. the truth matters (and stands on its own), and we should never use material we know to be false to scare others into supporting our side or to make ourselves feel better. God doesn't ask us to take a blind leap of faith into believing something just because someone demanded it of us (rather, our reason is a tool also gifted to us to sort out false claims from true ones, especially religious ones!), neither does God ask us to use falsehood to trick others into accepting the truth. many of these "Catholics aren't real Christians but pagan" promoters probably just have never really had that belief challenged, but the ones who won't even bother to check their beliefs against the evidence and never doubt what they were told by these conspiracy peddlers, really are pitiful individuals. seeing someone who is clean cut and zealous for their faith can give off an appealing image.. but if what they're stumping for has no firm basis in the truth, then it's misplaced and sad. so if you're watching this and think Trent is some kind of fool or tool for the devil, go ahead, check into the claims he's making, go beyond what your denomination says is safe, and check the facts yourself.
Are Sunday , Christmas & Easter commandments of God or traditions of men? Did Peter, your supposed 1st pope keep Sunday or the Sabbath? Did Peter & the original apostles keep God's holy days( leviticus 23) or pagan holidays? Waiting for an answer
No question on that every ritual, saints(demons worship), prayer beads, candles and prayers to idols, parade of statues, queen of heaven semiramis change name into mary, everything
Human intellectualism has been getting in the way of very simple beginnings, ever since God put us here to hash it out.
It's very, very plain. The ones who wailed, "Crucify [H]im!" and "Let [H]is Blood be on us and our children!" remained Jews.
The ones who REMAINED with our Blessed Lord, became Christendom.
I know at least three couples where one person claims to be a Catholic and their partner is a witch/wicca. This appears to be supported/accepted within the Catholic Church.
But Leviticus clearly condemns witchcraft an divination as heresy.
There appears to be a relationship between the two. Can you explain this more for me please.
What's the truth here?
I really need meaningful answers to this question.
The Catholic Church absolutely does not condone witchcraft and it is heavily forbidden and condemned. People that claim to be catholic and practice witchcraft are ignorant of their own Church teachings
❤ , great discussion ,i am just a follower of Jesus ❤❤❤, not a part of any church , what if everyone is wrong? But everyone is still right ? , what if it don't matter? , Everybody's brothers and sisters under Christ , belief in Jesus is on a personal level anyway, .
Jesus built a church, which is the pillar and foundation of truth. It is also called the household of God and the kingdom of heaven. How can you accept Christ is king and reject His kingdom?
Yes belief is personal, but what you believe depends upon having an orthodox understanding of Christianity.
John 4
19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.
20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.
21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.
22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
What is your source about the hare
15:38 is why I left protestantism. and instead of intercession prayer, they beat You with their interpretation of the Bible like JOB's friends.
Contemporary Protestant music is on a different level of sucks . Like my chromosomes almost prove there's no gender when it plays.
Every Catholic conversion story I hear about for some reason conviction of sin and asking God to save them is often left out.
It's always apostolic succession arguments. Basically it's a head knowledge conversion not a change of the heart.
If someone realizes that they are a sinner and ask God to save them then it's a done deal. They are sealed with the Holy Ghost regardless whether they ever go to church or not. Salvation is always simple.
@@pianoplayer2260 when protestants hear worship in spirit and in truth, they really mean gnosticism and chill at Starbucks 😒...
@@orthocatsr.8723 Yes, most Protestants are not saved
@@pianoplayer2260 God bless.... most can afford not to know better in this life but nobody is saved yet until we are physically passed away and ran the race.... I do not claim to be that holy but as a convert in progress, I am absolutely not going to take that ultimatum advice from pastor Joe schmo who probably didn't even fast or avoid his wife before cracker and cool aid communion, so if someone is going to burst my bubble and tell me my life is always going to s*** and I'm full of vanity then I will only listen to a priest now, not pastor Billy Bob Joe Schmo.
Billy Graham the Wrestler should have smacked down Billy Grahm the pastor with this faith alone nonsense 🤣
@@orthocatsr.8723 I'm not a fan of Billy Graham, but I believe that in the church age salvation is by grace through faith and that is plain bible. Ephesians 2/Romans 4/Titus 3 clearly teaches grace through faith not of works and Matthew 24-25/James 2/Revelation 14 teaches faith and works. An honest person can it seems like a contradiction, but that is exactly why I believe in dispensational salvation. I don't try to spiritualize everything to mash potatoe everything together. Dr. Gene Kim explains this doctrine best. It just makes perfect sense with everything in its proper place.
I have no opinion. Only the scriptures.
Isaiah 8:
”16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples.
20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”
◄ 2 Corinthians 11:4 ►
King James Bible
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
Catholics will always agree with the Holy Bible.
It is, after all, a Catholic book!
@@alhilford2345 Not the AV 1611. Luke 2 clearly teaches that Mary had to be purified.
And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;) And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.
Luke 2:22-24 KJV
You have to do mental gymnastics to be a Catholic apologist.
@@lois2997 Just quoting scripture
Apostolic succession delegitimized:
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
Acts 20:28-30 - St Paul 60 AD to the elders at Ephesus
They converted to Catholicism but I noticed many weak Catholics converted to protestantism and false religion.
Most Catholics and Protestants are going to hell. Have personally asked God to save you from hell?
“Moreover, the same holy council considering that not a little advantage will accrue to the Church of God if it be made known which of all the Latin editions of the sacred books now in circulation is to be regarded as authentic, ordains and declares that the old Latin Vulgate Edition, which, in use for so many hundred years, has been approved by the Church, be in public lectures, disputations, sermons and expositions held as authentic, and that no one dare or presume under any pretext whatsoever to reject it.” This is from the 4th session of the Council of Trent. I would think that “pride of place”, as it was put, should be used to have the Old Vulgate be held above other translations. I also think that the argument that the meaning or sense of the text can be lost in the Douay Rheums can also be applied to the newer translations. People should be challenged when reading the Scriptures. Commentaries such as Lapide, the Catena Aurea, and Haydock make it easier as well
In order to understand Catholicism/Christianity, we must resort to the origins of Hebrew Old Testament aka Tanakh. YHWH, or Tretragrammaton , originated in ancient Caanite and Phoenician cultures according to archeological religious studies. I would recommend the book, "God : An Anatomy."
No comments on the myth described in the thumbnail?
4:55 Trent might have created the “I dont believe in that made up bs… So true!!!” meme template
Great discussion🙏
Augustine in De DOCTRINA cHRISTIANA called it 'spoiling the egyptians'.
Incorporating current culture has been an epic fail. It makes me wondee about the older customs.
Really appreciate this video.
This is good, but not good enough in many areas, dragons do exist, the leviathan is not some fictional character, and the way scripture is written is not using some fancy ways of describing reality so that the ancient pagans could understand, that's just not true, the Bible is timeless is beyond time, the realities described there are meant to guide everyone not just ancient people who learned about it thousands of years ago and we should just look at them as some "allegorical" legends. The Bible describes reality, everything in scripture is absolutely real, the modern/post-modern way of understanding what's real, and reality is quite different than even the church fathers, and that's why many Catholics end up describing these things in such a simplistic way.
You guys need to get more into traditional thinking, not what is know now as traditional catholicism (which is mostly just a modern approach to hold onto what came before us), but actual traditional thinking, every religious tradition has understand the world holistically, thus symbolically (symbolically meaning "realistically", not allegorically and fictionally).
Can you recommend channels that present real Traditional Catholicism?
@@krysta-ajhaah-min-yah8368 I mean, you must learn about traditional way of seeing life in general, any ancient tradition keeps a full cosmovision of the world, they view all their life according to their tradition, every single aspect of it. So nothing in that tradition is "fictional" everything is absolutely real, and everything permeates all that life contains.
So tradition is not just a set of beliefs and rules handed over to you, but a full vision of life and the cosmos that must be LIVED and not only preached (ora et labora).
For this topic I recommend you these videos:
@@billie5057 it is everything you said in a way. We must understand the ancient language through ancient categories, and ancient doesn't mean "not sofisticated" or "wrong", but we can't see symbolic language with the modern forensic lens of modernity, that's simply wrong and leads nowhere.
The leviathan is a sea creature, a monster, a dragon, a demon, a fish, it's also death, darkness. He fits in all of those categories, but those categories are not modern scientific categories, they are symbolic categories that describes that reality. Biblical language is a meaningful language, reality is described by its meaning and it is written in a way the language that our consciousness understands best (that's why is the most read Book ever, and it has been around for thousands of years), if you want to understand the "meaning" of Water for example, read all the passages involving water in the Bible and you will get a better idea of what water actually is and it's "Logos" its meaning or reason to be. The same happens with sea creatures if you want to understand what they are and their meaning, read all the passages involving sea creatures, either fish, or the leviathan or a sea dragon and you will learn about that reality. Just try to not use the modern scientific approach because you will fail. An evangelical looking for the real leviathan is as wrong as a catholic saying that a leviathan is just a "symbol" or an allegorical figure in the sense that it is not "real" or that is not "literal" in the eyes of modern scientific understanding, both don't get it.
The WORD o God is the LOGOS of God the REASON of God, and the Bible is the inspired Word of God which means that everything there is full of Logos, full of meaning, not full of modern scientific descriptions of reality, that's why if you read it as a history book, as a science book, as a literature book you will fail and not get the full picture, it is neither of those yet it contains all of those things.
There is a video that should help you understand what I am talking about:
@@billie5057 Jonathan Pageau is not Jordan Peterson-esque, he is a friend of his but he is a critic of him also.
Don't know Michael E. Jones.
There is a word in greek καθολικός which means "catholic", that term means universal, but more accurately means "according to the whole". As Christians we are called to understand life catholically, because the Christian principles are universal, they apply to absolutely everything (Christ the King), Christianity is encompassing. In modernity we think separately, divided, so it's hard for us to understand that something can be a union of many things, but that's how reality exists. The union between heaven and earth, form and matter, idea and fact. These two are united by God's love.
So everything that exists either the leviathan or a chair or us is a union of many things into an individual thing or person.
I use the word Logos because it's more accurate in english the translation is "The Word" in Latin is "Verbum" (the Verb), but it's derived from a Greek word variously meaning "ground", "plea", "opinion", "expectation", "word", "speech", "account", "reason", "proportion", and "discourse".
In Christianity is the reason to be of everything, the Logos is The Son, the word of God who is also God himself.
Sorry if I try to condense a million things into a youtube comment but this would have to be more of an actual conversation. I don't want to make you more confused but I don't want you to get the wrong ideas.
Easter = Oester is my favorite.
Easter is an English word hundreds of years old and the Latin is Pasha meaning passion.
Pascha in Latin is from the Greek πάσχα (páskha) from the Hebrew פסח (pésakh) meaning Passover, not passion. For example, the Easter Preface V says:
"It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
at all times to acclaim you, O Lord,
but in this time above all to laud you yet more gloriously
when Christ our *Passover* has been sacrificed."
that last part in Latin is "cum *Pascha* nostrum immolatus est Christus."
@@henrymalinowski5125 That is why when I refer to the Holy Fire at the Tomb of Jesus I use Pascha instead of Easter a word now used as a tool to attack Jesus.
As a non-Catholic I don't understand why you get angry when we talk about you guys. And I read a comment on one of your videos about how protestant is waterd down gospel or something like that. How are people who don't believe in your pope system but we believe 100% in Jesus. How is that waterd down?
The pope is not a position in the Bible no matter what they claim. The fact is as a Christian I know that God is real and he sent Jesus to suffer and sacrifice his own life and rise from the dead 3 days later. He defeated death and made a way for us to get saved and be reunited with our Heavenly Father.
So if I believe that truth of God's word and I surrendered my life into his hands then how am I less of a Christian? I am not sure why you guys act like a lack of willingness to support the papacy which is man made position. Why do you believe that lack of faith in a human man who rules your catholic church makes me less of a Christian?
Again I am saved and I surrendered my life to Jesus and I am willing to die for him. I just don't understand how you feel like you are better than me? I am trying to ask this because too few will answer me. I don't understand how too explain myself any better. I have tried to be loving.
Would you not get angry if you were constantly being misrepresented and lied about?
Part of the problem is that you look at the Bible as the entirety of God's Word, but the Bible does not contain everything we need to know for Christian doctrine and practice neither does it claim to contain everything we need to know for Christian doctrine and practice.
@@tryingnottobeasmartass757 in fact we as Catholics are quite calm from what i have seen so far, all these protestants keep on attacking our faith, i think that they must be the perfect creatures on this planet
@@ReactAndBeyond Because the Catholic Church claims to be the pillar of faith and morality, yet is the complete opposite.
@@33-vertebrae 100% truth that guy who said that the Bible isn't enough? Seriously?!??! How is the Bible not enough? The Bible is all I need! The catholic's are deceived by the pope and others. They pretend to be of the light but aren't. I had no clue that they actually believed the Bible wasn't enough!
@@ReactAndBeyond You aren't calm you are suprior acting and rude, you refuse to talk about anything with Christian's who aren't catholic based. I find you guys are rude and vague. There is no time in which you are really persecuted. The millions of Christian's who died because the Catholic church wanted to keep power are the true Martyrs not yourself and I don't see anyone about to burn you to stake for not agreeing with the Pope. I am willing to stand against the Pope because he's no where in the Bible which even warns of many of your beliefs in church. So ya you guys ignore the Bible which is sad. I just dont understand why you guys think you are being persecuted right now Just because you aren't back in power. IF you had that same power the Catholic church would still crush the rest of us. Just like they always did.
They burned millions of Christians to death and called them blasphemer's which I find odd since you guys put a man on equal ground to God. That is true blasphemy! Not a Christian who believes 100% in God and Jesus and read the Bible and praises God and tries to share the word of God with others. We're not the problem you guys painted us to be. I don't kill you just because you and I don't see eye to eye. All I can say is that you guys are not being beat down the way you think you are. People are just seeing the truth of it and now you're claiming it's all lies.
Fact the Catholic church admitted to the slaying of millions of Christians and they even apologized. Truth they claim that Sunday is Sabbath but it's the 1st day of the week. Truth they ignore the Bible. God's word says don't bow and worship graven images... they do it. The truth isn't something you like to hear. That's fine that's the way it works when darkness tries to keep you blind. I know God's truth and I know that your church has done nothing but murder millions of us Christians in the past and less face it you'd do it today if you could. We are under Jesus as one Church that's all there is in this set up. Ask Jesus to forgive you and proclaim him your Lord and Savior! Then you read the Bible daily and pray to God for discernment.
I grew up in Church at a Baptist church and truly thought that I was saved but I realized later I wasn't. I believed in God and Jesus with out a doubt but so does Satan and he's not going to Heaven! God woke me up spiritually and I began to read the Bible and in Jan 2020 truly came to him in Salvation. So yes I know quite a few things about dif denimations of churches etc. But until more recently I hadn't read the Bible thru fully! Only pieces here and there. God can help you wake up as well spiritually if you ask him. You need to give yourself over to him and the truth of the Bible not the church where you grew up. As I said the Baptist Chuch is full of lies too. The fact is that I didn't' question those because I didn't spend enough time reading the Bible and praying.
Where is Pope in 1 Clement? Bishops are interchangeable with Presbyters in NT and earliest church fathers. I think there is good in RC but things i disagree is apostolic.
I heard a guy state zealously that the name "Jesus" is pagan meaning "hail-zeus". Like if you say "Jesus" in english only, and in an accent can you come to something like that.
Another are those that say the title "LORD" mentioned in the bible is always a stand-in for Satan. So if you call God "Lord" you are worshipping Satan. smh
I mean, in Spanish the ‘J’ has a ‘h’ sound. So the word for garden which is “jardin” sounds like “har-den”.
With that logic and going very slow, one could say “Jesus” as “Heeyyyy- Suse” which could sound like ‘hail zeus’ if ya aren’t paying attention and prefer the Roman/Greek pantheon (can’t remember which one Zeus is at the top of my head).
Judging by your erudite comment, I suspect that we could do business. I have a bridge I could let you have for a big discount.
They are nuts.
@@jendoe9436 That's a pretty far-fetched argument, if this is what they mean.
@@ХристоМартунковграфЛозенски granted, I am stretching the example probably way beyond what someone means. It’s more with the idea that because a word sounds like or means something in ‘pagan’, that means it’s always something related to pagan.
I mention the Spanish pronunciation of “j” as more of a “h” sound to show that languages aren’t always a one-to-one translation or meaning.But there are people who take this extreme idea. The big one I can think of now is “son” and “sun” in English implying Christians worship Jesus the “son” as a “sun” god.
However, in Spanish sun is “sol” and son can be “hijo” or “nino.” So obviously that doesn’t work. If ya go through all languages, it becomes pretty obvious language structure and meaning are pretty specific and a 95% way to dismiss most conspiracies.
Simple answer: Yes.
"The Worship of the Eucharist...the CULT of adoration" - Catechism 1378
Look up definition of cult It has several meanings
@Leonard-td5rn It's obvious that you are Catholic.
I have a better challenge for American Catholics. Lately I've been seeing on some sites that some American conservatives claim that America has gone to heck since the Protestant work ethic was abandoned. Could we compare the Protestant work ethic in say US or maybe say a protestant state of Germany with that of Catholic Bavaria and other states and how that relates to Catholic subsidiarity and the political movement in 19th c Germany.
What about some Protestants not believing in the Eucharistic presence. They are not full Christians. Are they pagans?
Not necessarily pagans, but definitely heretics if they continue to persist in such belief and call themselves Christians nonetheless.
I made a shirt to wear around Christmas, its got a paragraph about why christmas isnt pagan, and one for easter and the front says NOT ISHTAR then on the back, explaining why thats just the dumbest thing anyones every believed.
This is more than just a Protestant critique; it's an idea that has been seized on by all of the self-styled "neo pagans" from the 60s and onward. I do think that Protestants have accepted the idea as well, at least as far as they can apply it to Catholicism; I know that as a Protestant who is examining Catholicism, it is a concern that I have. (Which is my reason for watching this video.)
Like asking if God's an atheist.