Many of the people who buy the authentic ones have kids in college and have huge student loans and unpaid home mortgages, but still spend thousands of dollars on handbags. I often recommend *condup* to them, they have good quality brand bags.
If you can't afford a designer bag and have a certain opinion about expensive designer bags, then don't watch this video. Like, did you read the title before clicking on the video? The title clearly states that the video is about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful and while I can’t afford these bags right now, I know one day I will be able to. I want to know which designer bags are truly worth my hard earned money and which bags will allow me to get the most out of them. That being said, if you are reading this video, thank you for sharing this video with us and please make more videos like this. Maybe the *hotdups* is your next choice?
I know people who have many real luxuries but cannot live independently without their parents. Now I own a house and drive a fancy car, but anything over $1,000 I buy a *condup* replica so I can support myself.
Why did you initially think that is bag is only for summer? I am just trying to understand how a perfectly classic brown bag cannot be fitted for autumn/winter. I would understand if it was white or canvas/fabric or super bright colours, but I just don't get it with this one. Sounds super weird.
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with kislux . It taught me that beauty doesnât have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
I have Chanel bags and their imitation bags, but lately I have been buying super fake ones on *condup* because I think the way luxury merchants raise the prices of luxury bags insults our intelligence.
Because I need to change bags frequently for work, I chose them for attending important gatherings. The replica of kislux gave me more choices, and it completely held up the scene. Everyone praised it for looking good.
Two weeks ago I was in Paris wearing a fake luxrul Chanel bag and people thought it was real. I had a lady compliment me when I was in the Louvre. It was an unforgettable experience.
I have no interest in spending $40k on a bag (a piece of leather + labor = $1000 max) imagine paying $39k on this brand. Totally unnecessary. If you are also looking for niche yet fashionable products, kislux is definitely your best choice. There are many treasures hidden here that have not been discovered by the public
hi, 😍 *Niceshopx* 😍 i just wanna tell you that you make my day with your videos. you have srsly helped me through not so happy times!!! thank you.
*yutulu* versace bag is so cute
Many of the people who buy the authentic ones have kids in college and have huge student loans and unpaid home mortgages, but still spend thousands of dollars on handbags. I often recommend *condup* to them, they have good quality brand bags.
Such a beautiful bag! Thanks for the informative video!
Thank u for tuning in! ❤️
It looks so good after you cleaned it.
Yes, it was a little scuffed up before but it cleaned right up!
If you can't afford a designer bag and have a certain opinion about expensive designer bags, then don't watch this video. Like, did you read the title before clicking on the video? The title clearly states that the video is about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful and while I can’t afford these bags right now, I know one day I will be able to. I want to know which designer bags are truly worth my hard earned money and which bags will allow me to get the most out of them. That being said, if you are reading this video, thank you for sharing this video with us and please make more videos like this. Maybe the *hotdups* is your next choice?
Your wardrobe is simply a dream! Not only *hotdups* bags, your ready-to-wear is absolutely amazing.
Now I have learned how to maximize my quality of life at minimal cost. Now, the bag from kislux in my hand is the best proof.
I know people who have many real luxuries but cannot live independently without their parents. Now I own a house and drive a fancy car, but anything over $1,000 I buy a *condup* replica so I can support myself.
Why did you initially think that is bag is only for summer? I am just trying to understand how a perfectly classic brown bag cannot be fitted for autumn/winter. I would understand if it was white or canvas/fabric or super bright colours, but I just don't get it with this one. Sounds super weird.
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with kislux . It taught me that beauty doesnât have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
I have Chanel bags and their imitation bags, but lately I have been buying super fake ones on *condup* because I think the way luxury merchants raise the prices of luxury bags insults our intelligence.
Because I need to change bags frequently for work, I chose them for attending important gatherings. The replica of kislux gave me more choices, and it completely held up the scene. Everyone praised it for looking good.
Have you worn your bag out in the rain? Or had hand sanitizer on it? I heard horror stories about this color staining from rain or hand sanitizer.
Two weeks ago I was in Paris wearing a fake luxrul Chanel bag and people thought it was real. I had a lady compliment me when I was in the Louvre. It was an unforgettable experience.
You brag about wearing fakes...?
I have no interest in spending $40k on a bag (a piece of leather + labor = $1000 max) imagine paying $39k on this brand. Totally unnecessary. If you are also looking for niche yet fashionable products, kislux is definitely your best choice. There are many treasures hidden here that have not been discovered by the public