Here’s the big secret. Everything from homeownership, health and homeowner’s insurance and now I can add the end of life care is all about profits for companies and people do not matter except when it comes to their money.
The Big Secret is to put your assets in a trust at least five years (I believe) prior to needing medicaid. And how do these places have the gall to charge a person EIGHT THOUSAND dollars a month for their lousy care? I'd like to see a cost breakdown on that.
is there a way i can do this? i dont hve anything but a small double wide on an acre lot. it has mine & my bryter half name on it. i know its not much but both of us want our son to hve it when that faithful day comes. he'll at least be better off than we were.
Owners and administrators have to drive Mercedes so they have to charge the big bucks. Employees of nursing homes are among the lowest paid in any industry. Fast food places pay more.
I feel like that's what they want. I'm 61 & have Congestive Heart FaiIure, COPD, and a long list of other aiIments, and I'll be out on the streets homeIess in two days (not even with a car). At 5'10'', I weigh onIy 95Ibs, so there's no possible way I can protect myseIf out there. It's such a complex, complicated system in order to get ANY kind of heIp. You have to get a ''referral'' and then be taken to one of the sheIters. But most of them are filled. I'm terrified.
Thank you so much! For me, unfortunately I'm learning all this too late. My 96yr old dad has was admitted to a long term nursing facility about 3 weeks ago. In applying for Medicaid I was just informed that he does not qualify because of a 8k insurance policy. I have to cash it out and pay the nursing home. My dad is dirt poor and this policy was all he had towards a decent burial. Medicaid does not care, if he's buried or not, they say that's my problem. So sad... He was living with me but, I couldn't physically give him the care he needs. My house is not set up for it either. Pray for us!
I was very fortunate that my 82 yr old daddy was willing to work w me( his oldest daughter and first successor of his trust). We locked in a set price w the Cremation Society of Oklahoma, the balance left over to be paid from his estate.( no ridiculously high funeral ). He is now 88 and he just moved into an Alzheimer’s unit. I had the privilege of caring for daddy for the last 7 years, but at this level of his dementia he needs 24 hr care. I am ready to visit daddy as his daughter, not full time caregiver ❤ 7:18
Wish I had seen this sooner. In Kansas, you are allowed to keep $2000. You are also allowed to have a prepaid irrevocable burial plan. You should have been able to use the life insurance funds to meet your dad’s needs. Did he need his own TV at the nursing home, or air mattress to prevent bedsores. If he is still able to drive he could use the funds to upgrade his vehicle. It is a sad state our country is in in caring for the elderly or disabled. God bless.
I pray to God that I never have to go to a nursing home. I was in the health field for 20 year's and most of the younger generation not all of them but, most of them were horrible. Such a sad situation. I feel if you sign up for the position be ready to do it right. I pray for the world we live in today.
Basically you work your whole life, save and invest so that nursing companies can fleece you with substandard services. I think it would be a lot cheaper to remodel your house for accessibility and then hire people to take care of you, in your house. The only problem with this scenario is that you will need to coordinate with the kids if they even think of getting back some inheritance.
“Hiring people” is far more expensive than a nursing home. I looked into keeping my dad at home when his Alzheimer’s got bad by hiring a nurses aide (an AIDE, not even a nurse) and they wanted $35 an hour. I would need 12 hours of help 7 days a week so I can sleep/eat/shower, and when I did the math I realized a nursing home was cheaper. Medicare does not pay for a nurses aide for Alzheimer’s or for any care for that matter which is absolutely unbelievable!
@@turquoise_sky It's not easy. The scenario that I put out is for people that can't qualify for medicare because of relative wealth in assets and funds. If I had no money, surely, I would opt for the nursing home paid partially or fully by medicare. I would have no choice, unless I pretend to rob a bank and end up in jail fed and sheltered. Another solution is to move all wealth into trusts, years before needing care, then apply with medicare to a nursing home.
Yet, we’ll fight each other and burn down CVS’s or storm the Capital based on a conspiracy, when we should band together and storm the capital to end corruption!
Democrats became Republican-lite after blue collar white men defected en masse to the GOP under Reagan. They chose Fox News and the culture war over their own economic self-interest, this is the result.
If someone tells you that you have to cash out that life insurance policy, say "no I'm NOT!" You have a prepaid funeral that you paid off and you have a life insurance policy with everything set up, intended beneficiaries, etc, DON'T touch it or let anyone else convince you otherwise If you feel threatened that someone may override your protections and tamper with those arrangements, call your providers and report it by naming names, locations, EVERYTHING You can also report those violators to the IRS and have them audited
I had to fight a nursing home in probate court that illegally held my mother for the insurance money. I'm writing a graphic memoir and it starts with this story. I used my health and fitness knowledge to stop my mother with mild dementia from forgetting me, and it worked. I tricked her off caffeine, then no prescription meds, forced her/tricked her/incentivized her to drink water, kept her away from high fructose corn syrup and other poison, because they made her mean and delusional, and kept her away from gluten.
Good for you. I've had stage 4 cancer twice. I've also taken care of my own aged parents the last three years of their lives. People have NO CLUE how much some of these things effect elderly....actually, effect us ALL! Good for you girl! You sound like me...major proactive caring for my folks. Wish I had kids now that I am getting close to their age because these institutions are horrendous and it was a full time job just trying to "protect" my parents from this kind of stuff the last 3 years of their lives. P.S. I am using my roommate computer. So, it's a woman writing this - not a man.
That is awesome you were able to do that, please share on how you did that to help your mom. Right now our mother has dementia and it is so difficult to get her to even take her meds, bathe, eat right. Everyday it’s a battle. She is mean mean mean and gets very angry at times. We were looking into placing her into a nursing home so they can help her but after this video I’m not so sure if that’s the right thing to do at least for now.
@@donnaindigo I definitely do not recommend a nursing home. They are only going to make her deteriorate faster, and I'm questioning all prescription meds. Statins cause memory loss and the anti-psychotics cause them to be psychotic and mean. When I got my mother off all meds, it made a huge difference. Keep finding a doctor that will do what you want. They have to give you informed consent. My mother hated taking the meds too, so it makes me wonder, that they inherently know that they are hurting them.
if your loved one are in this situation, have them put the family in a type of a living trust, talk to a attorney, he will explain the different ones that are available that will suit your needs... they can't go after shit when you do that. do that before they are needing to go into a facility. I work with the elderly, a family member did this to protect their assets, the nursing facility or the government couldn't touch her home.
@@jeanpeters3499 It's been my experience, that it doesn't matter if you have the correct legal documents, anybody can sue if they find a disreputable attorney, and this happened several times to me. This nursing home illegally fought me in court to hold my mother against her and my will. I was persistent and won, but if I wasn't persistent, they would have taken advantage and the last years of my mother's life would have been devastatingly cruel.
Yes it does and she didn't give out any info besides call us and pay us. These people have worked all their lives and idiots say things like why should I as a tax payer pay for their care. After all these older people have paid for and gave the state.
@mikebgoog, Our government is providing a safety net so you don’t necessarily need to sell your home and transfer your wealth to a nursing home. But if you don’t want or need that safety net, you’re quite welcome to live in your family home. If you’re aware of some government jurisdiction (foreign or domestic) where you can keep your assets AND be a ward of the State, please enlighten us all.
"A" home health aide? If your person is nursing home status you'd better think in terms of having 3 home health aides (at least) & hope you can manage their schedules to keep someone there all the time. It's a pretty big job in itself to keep help in place when someone is staying in their home as opposed to being moved to a nursing home. Sure, it's preferable but no where near as simple/easy as you are making it sound.
Good idea. Yet, you still have to pay the home health aide, which is less, and 24 hr care if needed. Its better to change the laws and stop the robbery of widows resulting is poverty. Laws should be better. This is greed on a government level.
@@knitordi Yes, and no. Medicare does not pay for custodial care. Period. Medicaid is a seperate program, it is health care for indigents. So Medicaid will pay for custodial care IF and WHEN you are broke. Don't like the truth? Have your representatives change the law.
I'm 50 and living in a nursing home and have all my mental faculties. I'm sure you did work in a nursing home. It seems they hire the people with the least amount of compassion to work in these places. I don't see how you can live with yourself! There's nothing funny about dimentia! You should be ashamed of yourself!
@@stanphillips7277 These places are a stain on the earth. I just started working at a nursing home as a CNA, and my co-workers are horrible. They talk crap about the residents and resident's family. They cause the residents unnecessary pain when it could be avoided. They taunt and baby talk the residents. They don't flip bed bound residents at all, and the images of the terrible, open wounds that I've seen are haunting me. I can't sleep because it's so disturbing. I've spent my breaks crying. I can't stand the way people are treated in these places. When I walk through the facility doors, it feels like I'm walking through a portal to hell.
@@rebekahhobbs9605 I wish they're were more like you in this fascility. I'm a 50 year old man and I've lived in 2 sperate nursing homes now. The only thing that's important to the majority of people who work in these places is how things look when ACHA shows up to inspect them. Anytime I've seen nursing homes depicted on TV or in movies the patients have private rooms and are treated with dignity. Or it's the opposite and they're treated terribly for the sake of the plot and then there's some redemption. I took care of my mom for about 15 years on my own, even after I was diagnosed with emphasema. Her worst fear was winding up in a nursing home but , with me she had no fear because she knew I'd never let that happen. I wouldn't even let her stay in a good hospital without sleeping in a chair in her room so although it hurt more than I can say when she passed away, lately I take some comfort in thinking that if she were still alive when I broke my back (it had hurt for years and I wore a brace but one day I awakened to find I couldn't stand up. ) I couldn't agree with you more of course. The ones in south Florida that aren't privately owned. The ones paid for by Medicaid really are horrible places to spend your final days. I try to stay as positive as I can but , it's of course very difficult. It's no life. They want to spend the least amount on each patient as possible so they're always so short staffed it's not possible to get the attention paid to any single resident for it to be anything resembling quality. I've been here 9 months and I'm "Alert" which is why I'm not dead or sicker than I should be. My pain medicine constipated me (for example) so I'm supposed to have a salad and prune juice plus I take Myralax powder once a day. Suppositories as well. The trays I've been getting from the kitchen are not only very low quality, white wonder type bread, lots of white rice and beans, the menus say chocolate cake and instead I receive applesauce. Chocolate chip cookies and I get mixed fruit. The portions are pitifully small anyway. I'm 6 feet tall and I'm down to 90 lbs. ! Possibly less. 2 TV's in 1 room makes it difficult to relax if you long for peace and quiet. Just now my roommates light wax turned out and his TV's off. I'm going to do tonight what I do each night and stay up until 6:30 am just so I can have the peace I don't get during the day. This of course means I never get 8 hrs sleep in a row. I'm awakened at least 3 times a day to take my medicines and I try to go straight back. I cover my eyes with a bandana 😂 The place I was previous to this was worse in some respects. The little girls so proud to have become CNAs or nurses talked to each other and shopped online, even slept while I waited for assistance or pain medication. There the call light meant to get there attention lit up but made no sound so if they weren't looking they'd never know you needed them. Here it works but I end up calling the receptionist who transfers me to the nurses station and I get voicemail. I call again and if I'm lucky they'll contact the supervisor and I'll get some attention. My advantage is that I'm under Hospice Care. I've had my Myralax, suppositories, and other medications run out often. Each day I've been told it's been ordered until I finally realize nothing is going to happen. I call hospice and since I have a nurse, social worker, Chaplin, an entire team devoted to my care they take care of it. I've had occasions where if I hadn't been "Alert" I'd have taken someone else's medication or not taken my own. I'm sure you're aware that ones either "Alert" or not. So much of the frustration comes from the baby talk you refered to. I have bad lungs and a bad back and under Hospice Care no physical therapy so I've lost my ability to walk. I'm still filled with the wisdom I gained taking care of my mom for all of those years and I know I'm (I'll try to put this as humbly as possible) far more intelligent than these young CNAs and nurses but they have authority over me. They control when I can have a bowel movement! When I can have water. Everything is cheap from the toothbrushes and razors, to the meals and of course the amount of money they're willing to spend on staff. I'm just 214B. Just another one of too many patients per CNA/Nurse. I have been waiting for what's called a "personal needs allowance" for the 10 months I've been here and first mistakes were made in the paperwork and it was resent. Another 3 months passed and the business office woman said (while on speaker phone) "just be patient" but I've lost my patience and I know something is wrong because I received it after just a couple of months in the previous fascility. I called social security, Medicaid, and finally the Department of Children and Families for the state of Florida. I was told my account "was a mess and someone was going to have to complete and return a document that would fix it. " So that was on the 21st, I received it 2 days later and the administrator, 2 from the business office and a social worker held a meeting in my room (4 hrs later than I was told of course) and it's been sent. The woman in the business office said "I've never had a case like this" . I can't even afford a basic Netflix subscription. I pay $7 per month for this tablet I'm using, 6 to Amazon because that account has a Medicaid discount but it's a process so I want to keep it, and the bank takes $12 per month. I'm receiving $30.00 of my $740.00 disability check because the facility keeps the rest but it's difficult to get a small packet of mustard for the tiny ham and cheese on white bread they send me along with a salad along with the small meals such as a boiled egg, and half a piece of toast. I'm sorry to be ranting and raving but very few people can truly understand my situation. I read "a stain on the earth" and that you cried on your break and it resonated with me. Truer and more accurate words have never been spoken. The administrator during the meeting said "You're going to get a thousand dollars when you're check arrives, maybe you'll loan me some" jokingly. These people are making a fortune and it's their mistake causing me to be going without any of the creature comforts I've got left. I used to order online and have things like peanut butter and snacks and drinks. I could afford to have services like Netflix but now being as my Mom was my only family and the friends I did have are now far away from me. I've got 1 friend who's like a brother to me but I can only muster the strength to ask him for very much. He came and helped me with a couple of things a few weeks ago and I'll soon need to call him. Rubbing alcohol to sanitize my hands! It's essential things like these. Plus I'm in bed so I can't even watch a movie and forget the way I could before I went broke. Nobody apologized for the error, so now I wait. It's a personal needs allowance, not wants but needs you know? I don't care very much about money but it's the food here and the loneliness and boredom. . I do apologize for running so long but it did me good to talk about it. I know I'm all over the place 😂 , stream of consciousness and I do hope you can make a difference in the lives you touch. The CNAs are more in touch with the residents than anyone. I'm sure anyone who is assigned to you is very fortunate. God bless you, you're crying because you're not like the others. You have sympathy and you're shocked at the level of care you're witnessing. I became close enough to a CNA at my previous fascility that when she retired she brought me out of there and home with her. She had 35 years of experience and still cried over the very same things you describe. She got sick so I had to come here but if I'm ever able to walk again I can move back in with her. There's no reason I can't with physical therapy. I'm hospice so I can't get any unless I sign out which is out of the question. . I've taken up enough of your time but I really mean this. God bless you for being a good human being and I'm sure you're in a position to change the quality of people's lives. God bless you in your efforts and please try and never become like the others. Never change who you are or allow what you do to get inside your head enough to cause you to suffer. God bless you for carin, I'll pray for you Rebekah 🙏
This is hands down the best description of the Medicaid spend-down I have ever seen. As America "ages," more of us will be in this situation. Very sobering. Long-term Care insurance is not always the answer either. And remember the Medicaid 5-year look-back. Another big shock: Most adults do not realize that Medicare (as opposed to Medicaid) does not cover long-term care. Seriously, there is no real solution beyond either (1) saving like crazy and paying for care yourself, or (2) being broke already. This video was superb - thank you for explaining!
Agreed, very well described. Why did I pay cash for everything and save like crazy my while life. I should have listened when they told me to DIE BROKE, make your last check bounce.
William Breeden Well Sir there is another way. It's the same way you purchase life insurance. You can also purchase long term care insurance. The trick with both of these is to get these insurances when you are relatively young. It is a very strange thing indeed that we are forced by the state to purchase home insurance and vehicle insurance but not life insurance and long term care insurance. There should be a package deal when you begin working that would follow you from job to job. It would consist of Social Security, Medicare, Life Insurance, and Long Term Care Insurance. A single payment per month and mandatory. But, we don't have any government employees that have a clue so it will never happen.
@@FlaThunderstorm A friend and her husband paid into long-term care for years - a lot of money $600/month for both. He died within a week of being placed into a care facility. No long-term insurance payback for them. Had a lawyer once tell us never buy long-term care insurance. It usually kicks in six months after being placed for care and when most people are placed in long-term care, they might have only six months to live. If you're lucky you might live longer, but I wouldn't count on it. I understand the new hybrid policies are very expensive. Not sure if that what my friends had.
I know right. My 83 year old uncle and aunt are in a tuff situation they don’t have kids and we are all busy with working and and stuff and really can’t afford to take care of them. And we tired for home health but they say his check is too much and doesn’t qualify for it. And he needs it he constantly falls and can’t walk and my aunt can’t lift up on him and they really have no one to help. And she doesn’t want to put him into a nursing home and I don’t either. I don’t know what to do at this point the social workers want him a home but we don’t want to throw him away.
Except at Coronado in San Antonio Texas. This is a huge rehab/nursing home. Carpet in the hall ways so that what rolls by doesn't make noise. No one yelling from their rooms needing help because there are plenty of staff. The social worker was weird. He seemed to be angry and other times he laughed, but I am not sure it was a genuine laugh. Otherwise I know that because now I am in a nursing home that is loud with yelling people needing service. Their floors are laminate, so all rolling trashcans are heard. I was previously living in an RV where it was very quiet. All this yelling is super interesting. One man almost constantly yelled if left in his bed too long. Sometimes they would leave him in his bed all day long so that he yelled a whole lot more all night long. It is amazing that the workers can ignore him. I told them that they were being disrespectful to him AND me and everyone else that had to listen to him yell. Then they started asking him what he was yelling about. They told him to be quiet. Sometimes they shut the door on him. he couldn't walk and once fell out of his bed and bruised the side of his head. That bruise is still there from 2 weeks ago. The rules say that people living in nursing homes can go for a meal anytime they want. He should have been helped into his wheelchair. Read the resident rules they post on the walls. Start speaking back to these workers. When the business manager thought it okay to be angry at me, I asked her if she rather I leave. Then she started calling me sweetheart. Schizophrenia at the top.
Bernie Sanders wanted to fix U.S. health and elder care. He wanted to make U.S. health and elder care like that in Scandinavia but U.S. voters called him a communist. Scandinavia is socialist, not communist. And Bernie is a socialist, not communist.
So Wanda gets to die alone in the gutter cuz she just sold her house and she didn't get anything bc the federal government took it all for what her husband owed. How effing sad!
I am currently residing in a nursing home in Wilmington Delaware called the Coral Springs Nursing facility. I've been here for a year. I was made long term after a bad stroke from having a serious case of COVID. This place is just wrong. Had hardly any therapy, the food is beyond terrible and the employee turn over rate is unreal. I'm getting thrown out on March 31 st because I only have Medicaid right now. I have no where to go. I'm open to any Advice... Update! I'm out of that place and now I'm living a Great life in Southwest Florida. Thank you for the prayers. They worked!!!!
To solve this problem, in the future, The Department of Health and Human Services should set up an insurance program similar to Medicare and Social Security. Everyone working would automatically pay into a Long Term Care program on a monthly basis their entire working life. If and when they would need long term care it will be there without having to be paid out of pocket and bankrupting them. You would think the politicians would have figured this out by now.
There actually was legislation to make this happen, but it got killed. I can't recall all of the details, but it wasn't that long ago. It makes me so mad that we don't have this available.
@@Wayfarer889 Probably the political class can't get their cut of it so it doesn't interest them. They've already drained the Social Security Fund and Medicare Fund of everything. SS and Medicare are now paid out of the general funds which means they come off a printing press.
I work with nurses and aids who should all be in prison for crimes against humanity. They keep their jobs no problem. Its people who report the abuse and theft are the losing their jobs. God bless and keep you.
So did MAJOR hospitals in this region! During the Ebola scare, my 400+ bed hospital, near us, had ONE appropriate suit! ONE! During Covid, we were told to save our masks by puting them in & out of a paper lunch bag!!! Impossible to not contaminate! Masks, especially the appropriate N-95's, were locked up, & doled out "as needed." CDC suggestions of how to don & doff gloves & gowns would ABSOLUTELY cause contamination! My faith in CDC was destroyed. Doctors Without Borders are the ONLY true & dedicated authority. Please support them.
Life in nursing homes is awful. We've had several family members go that path and it is just sad.. Life is done at that point so take an exit when you get to that point.
I have my mom at home. It’d sure be nice to have her in care. Why did you put yours in? And how? Take an exit? Kill yourself or them? What does that mean?
After working as a cna in nursing homes for most of my life, I have decided that, if it comes down to it, I will donate all I have to charity and take the legal exit. The idea of giving thousands of my hard earned money to nursing home corporations makes me want to throw up: the service is not worth what they charge, nor is it what it should be. It was not always like this, things have really gotten bad in the last few years because of investors.
@@LoisSnodgrassAs much as the nursing homes get paid. Some nurses aides have 8 people to care for. Split even 2 to 4 or more people and the bare basics only get done. It's a hard job especially when short handed. Low pay is a reason there short handed. Nursing homes should be fined for this. -John's wife
my dad went into assisted living after a massive stroke, it was around 4 grand a month, a very nice place but after his death i asked my sister, who was his power of attorney, if he had any estate or monies for us, she said the place bled him i see how.
I'm not sure what state you're in, but in Penna, if property is owned as tenants by entirety or joint tenants with rights of survivorship, the state will not put a lien on the property. It goes to the surviving spouse. The state will only make a claim of the probate assets of the estate for repayment of the Medicaid.
Mom passed away 5- years ago… and Dad tried to doing the good fight- keeping up with his house from cutting a acre of grass to the upkeep on the house. It became too much, and decided to move in with my wife and I. He decided upon moving in with me 3- years ago, to have joint banking accounts with him (him and I only). Is this a safety net… as legally it is all mine, as much as it is his. Does Medicaid acknowledge this fact, and therefore his banking is non- applicable to their rules.
Even so, they are going to try and take every penny. They don't care if she has to move to a seedy area of town where she can be a victim just to be able to eat and have shelter.
I'm 36 and I take care of my 86 year old Gramma. She had such a mouth and lies being cognitively aware, that she gets mad at me for trying to explain why she can't go into one of these and do that. She is so used to me or my doing everything, without here having ever driven,. She doesn't understand I haven't even found many other grandkids caring for grandparents. I'm to the point of caregiver burnout and she doesn't understand
Still might have dementia. Anger and repeat explanations are a give away. Might not show up in tests yet. I know it’s extremely hard. Try, instead of explaining why you cannot do things, say instead, I am doing the best I can to be here for you because I love you, please try to understand that. Keep that same response everytime she challenges you. You’re a good grandson. ❤️
I ended up being the one having to take care of my the other kids were completely completely out the picture they only care about inheritance. it's very tolling I know. she recently passed weeks ago
I know how you are feeling, it's draining especially without help. Keep praying and stay the curse. You are a living example of a good man.. hey, that's grandma, we can't forget the things we said, and did . laughing I miss my g mom. You got this champ
I made a comment just a few days ago, on 2/08/2023, but apparently it was deleted. My question has to do with the elderly who aren't vet, can no longer live alone, but have ZERO assets aside from their meager monthly SS check. Soon, we're going to see millions of 'baby boomers' in this category. What will THESE people do? Where will they live when they have NO money for attorney fees? There 'certainly' aren't enough facilities in the U.S. to take care of these people, whose numbers will increase annually.
$8,000/mo is cheap compared to what most skilled care homes charge. We were paying over $135,000/year for mom’s care in a non-profit nursing home until all her assets were depleted. The costs are outrageous, just like so many of the misinformed comments to this video. She speaks the truth. The $6,000 we spent on an experienced elder care attorney for mom’s planning was money well spent. We saved many times that amount by implementing his recommended plans, much of which was accomplished less than 5 years before she applied for Medicaid.
Lots of people do not know theres insurance to cover this exact scenario. Its called long term care. Never cash out your life insurance & if you're worried about your home being taken away because you have life insurance, just asign someone else as the payor. There's so much to learn in life insurance.
I don't know how other states operate, but in case mix states your financial status does not impact how much the nursing home gets paid. It does affect if medicaid will pay for your stay, though, and if the state will recover from your estate after you pass. Nursing homes get paid according to a "case mix" which is a score determined by how much care the medicaid residents need on average. Honestly, it ain't a whole lot of money. The big money comes from the short term rehab patients on medicare and from private pay.
My dad owned a home, had a life insurance policy, went into a nursing home, and we found out he had a t o d on the home well in advance, so that home went straight to the intended beneficiary I don't know if he still had Blue Cross Blue Shield or another coverage, but if you have a t o d on your home well in advance, then no, Medicaid CAN'T touch it lest it be STEALING If you have a t o d on your home then no one can touch it Another thing you can do is sell it well in advance or gift it to whoever your intended beneficiary is, you CAN keep it out of Medicaid's hands
@@margaretgarcia-mw6kw they might have you put his money into a Miller Trust fund account. My advice is if at all possible get a decent lawyer and or advocate for this. Most nursing homes have a Medicaid Manager over the facility who in essence becomes the patient's/client's authorized representative like a p.o.a. I'm not sure what state you live in but you can start with a Division of Family Resources like Family Social Services Administration. It can get to be a lot. But ask questions and KEEP asking or getting the answers you can!!!!
I have another option: move your loved one into a long term care facility abroad. Have them live the ex-pat life they deserve in a place that will take better care of them, provide them with round the clock care, and quality medical care all at an affordable price. Many of these countries, the dollar is still strong enough that the $8k a month some of these crap-hole agencies charge for leaving your loved one in a room, alone, eating pre-packaged meals...will easily cover about 6 months in a nice tropical facility with fresh, nutritious food that would put most all-inclusive resorts to shame. No need to spend down your life savings, or worse, lose your family home to pay for sub-par care and government graft.
worked as a cna 8yrs. nursing homes are about making money. period. if your lucky you may find a few nurses /cna that genuinely care. adon up to administrator are about the money
Sooo, the best thing a young person could ever do is : NEVER go to work at all, on your 18 th birthday have your 19 yr. old pregnant sister take you to the welfare department and sign up on ebt, medicaid lieap ect. This was an excellent video, Thank You !
This is the ugly truth. My parents, my husband and I have gone through this. Some states are worse! See a lawyer or legal aid to find what your state rules are. Some will sell your house for what you owe and keep the amount the sale made over what they spent on the owner. This can be thousands of dollars. They can can take it and insurance from you beneficiaries. See legal aid. Sign nothing until you do. Ask for a disability trust! I was told its a felony to give life insurance to a disabled person on ssi or ssdi. See a lawyer to get a trust. No elected official is going to stop this. A governor said the "state needs the money."
Wow, great talk. You helped me understand. So either you must be very poor (and goodness knows their care can be lacking); or, you are wealthier and can access pros who advise clients who ultimately have much better care.
WHAT NURSING HOME ONLY CHARGES 8k /month ? Nursing homes here in Phoenix AZ. run at minimum 40K plus, memory care facilities tag on another 10k to 20K. I wish I could find a nursing home that only charges 8 k to 10k. Right now I’m fighting with Arizona Medicaid Long Term Care to get my wife help, because she has Advanced Parkinson’s and was just diagnosed with mild to moderate Altsheimers.
Yes, I've been there. I know what you're dealing with. Most of those homes are run by large for-profit corporations that milk every penny from the poorest people and then bill the state for the rest. Animal shelters are better at taking care of the dogs/cats than these nasty places are for people. If child care centers were this horrid people who be rioting, but it's old people so who cares. OMG OMG. Any nursing home that takes Medicaid is not a good nursing home. My sister was in one for 3 years and it cost $11,000/mon and she paid $1885 which was her entire income minus $40. The difference was paid by the state to the nursing home each month. The quality of care is inconsistent, lousy food, high staff turnover (it is a tough job). Fortunately, both myself and another person are her advocate and we are constantly on the phone with them insisting they do things. Certain staff members would lie and say they changed her soiled sheets but they did not. The managers believe their staff over a resident.
What state does your law firm operate in? Is the seminar online and is also applicable to other states where your firm may not operate in? Thank you for your feedback.
I heard some coupled get a paper divorce that exonerates a spouse from financial responsibility should other spouse need to apply for medicaid.. anyone have any experience with this?
So basically the system financially drains you down to your last dollar before you can get help from the state, and the state still doesn't cover things like hearing aids etc? I have so much I could say about all of this, but I would be here for days. Our system is so damn broken, and our government is absolutely disgraceful and disgusting.... I just can't... i feel so selfish for wanting to have babies... I can't believe I brought my kids into this world...
There are good videos online for anything you may want to look up or learn. We are ahead of the curve by being aware and watching this video. God is in charge. He has us. We must do the best we know how and can do.
@johnkelly9451 You are absolutely right. I started my journey & started to seek God about a year ago. I wish I would have found him sooner, but since I have, I have had so many blessings, and I have truly learned to put all of my trust and faith in our father. He knows what he is doing 💜
The big secret, she doesn’t reveal a big secret. I found that relatively unfair that she didn’t state anything of substance at the end. The video was helpful though.
What a letdown. You are using click bait by telling us at the END OF THE VIDEO that note you have to CALL MY FIRM to get any semblance of an answer. Shame on you!
If you have no one to leave an inheritance to, and you know you are going to die or end up in a home in a couple years or few months, get yourself 3-4 credit cards, max them out and enjoy the rest of your life, and don't worry about who's going to pay them off.
At 45 I bought long term insurance. Never know what’s going to happen to your health. Low premiums. I’m 71 and pay $97.00 a month. I’m a caregiver so I see what can has their own problems to deal with. Hospice is wonderful if you have a disease that’s non curable. Medicaid is by state. Check it out. Mercy care also. Other options always.
Cheryl Campbell At $97 per month you have already paid out nearly $31,000. If you went into a nursing home now and lived for 3 years in the nursing home you would not be ahead until you entered your 4th year in the nursing. Of course if you lived 10 years or more you would be ahead financially. Just making a mathematical point which probably has not relevance considering with the long term care insurance all of your assets are protected from confiscation by the government. It's still a very good deal as far as I'm concerned.
dWhen my mom died after 8 years in skilled care, on medicaid. she had alzheimers. I (her daughter)was sent a bill for 88k ! but,I had guardianship over my mom. we did not have blended assets ,I sent a simple letter advising this and I never heard from them again.If your loved one has to be placed and you are the primary caregiver and not the spouse see a lawyer and consider this.
Special needs trusts then make yourselfs a special trust inside that trust. When that perspon dies your trusts come out of thier trusts. So your really not on any paper work per say ever. Nursing homes all suck. Parent has been in them for rehab and I did some work in them. No person care they just leave you out in front of the nursing stations all day. Always show up whenever you feel like when I loved one is in thier. Suprise the staff with random visits.
Now nursing homes and hospitals hide behind no visiting policies because of covid or very limited. It's a convenience way to people out that would discover their incompetence
So you deliberately impoverished yourself so that someone else (the rest of us taxpayers) will be on the hook to pay for your care for the rest of your life. Have you been reading the posts from people who are living in the places like you will be going to? They take all of your social security and other income then maybe give you $30 per month to buy your personal items like toothpaste and diapers. Seems like a truly horrible way to spend your final years.
I hear those crooks can even go after the estate's property, if the person in their "care" passes away and there is unpaid medicaid bills (lodging, medicine, nurses, etc.,) Just major crooks.
I had my husband in a nursing home for 4 months Medicaid paid for it and they do not take away social security , I received all those months his social security
Based on this reality we are creating a nursery Home in Ecuador. For only 2400$ per month including organic and fresh food, nurses 24h taking care, one resident doctor doing monthly checks, psychological care, laundry, and also open spaces surrounded by nature
@@lisaveta8565 good question. People can ask for permanent visas or just asylum based on age. Ecuador have the rigth to migration in their constitution. This kind of process are not so difficult. Of course everyone must complies with law and are several options to do it.
Please Read: So Medicaid Recovery does have a few exceptions and generally this is accurate. At some point, Wanda would want to apply for QMB for her husband and herself and that would stop some of the drain for doctors visits, some states do cover hearing aids. Under federal recovery laws, inpatient hospital and outpatient claims are NOT recoverable if they were paid on Medicare, premiums, deductibles, the 20% coinsurance paid by the state is all except from recoupment The state has the option to go for just the nursing home/community based care or everything minus QMB expenses, Also, If the billing is incorrect or disputed, it can be thrown out of asset recovery as well. Any medical coder trained in QMB should be able to help,
Nursing homes do Medicaid applications and decisions in what states?? No mention of appealing the Attribution amount to address the shortfall in Wanda's income, i.e. set aside more for Wanda from the beginning, reducing the "spenddown"?? Awesome commercial though, using free TH-cam instead of paying to advertise for scared and elderly clients.
This video is educational and the only one of its kind. This is reality and elderly lawyers can help get affairs in place at least 5 years before a nursing home. In the meantime, it gives us time to figure out any options to protect our assets for the other spouse and children. There are lawyer videos we couldn't afford. To see like this one.
With all the money these nusrsing homes are raking in, why are they in such horrific condition?. WHO EXACTLY is stealing our life savings? This should be illegal.
If my mother has no investments and no life insurance policy can she get nursing home care? She has her social security check and that's it for income that really doesn't cover all her expenses, I've had to help her. My father died decades ago and it's just her and I've had to care for her and well now I've been diagnosed with some medical conditions that is making it where I can't care for her anymore. I have tried getting family members to help but they have abandoned me when they lied earlier saying they were going to help. I don't know what to do
Here’s the big secret. Everything from homeownership, health and homeowner’s insurance and now I can add the end of life care is all about profits for companies and people do not matter except when it comes to their money.
All rscams
Considering all the taxes we pay, this is something that should never happen to anyone. Amazing video, thank you for caring.
The Big Secret is to put your assets in a trust at least five years (I believe) prior to needing medicaid. And how do these places have the gall to charge a person EIGHT THOUSAND dollars a month for their lousy care? I'd like to see a cost breakdown on that.
is there a way i can do this? i dont hve anything but a small double wide on an acre lot. it has mine & my bryter half name on it. i know its not much but both of us want our son to hve it when that faithful day comes. he'll at least be better off than we were.
are you saying an irrevocable trust or a revocable trust - big difference
@@dianebarron8362 Medicaid trusts are irrevocable
Owners and administrators have to drive Mercedes so they have to charge the big bucks. Employees of nursing homes are among the lowest paid in any industry. Fast food places pay more.
Makes you wish to just go ahead and die rather than leave the burden on others. What they are doing to us is beyond criminal.
Yes I agree
I feel like that's what they want. I'm 61 & have Congestive Heart FaiIure, COPD, and a long list of other aiIments, and I'll be out on the streets homeIess in two days (not even with a car). At 5'10'', I weigh onIy 95Ibs, so there's no possible way I can protect myseIf out there. It's such a complex, complicated system in order to get ANY kind of heIp. You have to get a ''referral'' and then be taken to one of the sheIters. But most of them are filled. I'm terrified.
planning on it!
It sure is!
@@jennifersignsoflife1375you’re in my prayers 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much! For me, unfortunately I'm learning all this too late. My 96yr old dad has was admitted to a long term nursing facility about 3 weeks ago. In applying for Medicaid I was just informed that he does not qualify because of a 8k insurance policy. I have to cash it out and pay the nursing home. My dad is dirt poor and this policy was all he had towards a decent burial. Medicaid does not care, if he's buried or not, they say that's my problem. So sad... He was living with me but, I couldn't physically give him the care he needs. My house is not set up for it either. Pray for us!
Can you have the insurance agent transfer that into a prepaid burial or a burial policy?
I was very fortunate that my 82 yr old daddy was willing to work w me( his oldest daughter and first successor of his trust).
We locked in a set price w the Cremation Society of Oklahoma, the balance left over to be paid from his estate.( no ridiculously high funeral ).
He is now 88 and he just moved into an Alzheimer’s unit.
I had the privilege of caring for daddy for the last 7 years, but at this level of his dementia he needs 24 hr care.
I am ready to visit daddy as his daughter, not full time caregiver ❤ 7:18
That's how these damm corporations have taken our wealth. Cut Bidem, Feds etc out of the people's money!
Howard's Cremation is only 800.00 dollars. USE THEM in Ar.
Wish I had seen this sooner. In Kansas, you are allowed to keep $2000. You are also allowed to have a prepaid irrevocable burial plan. You should have been able to use the life insurance funds to meet your dad’s needs. Did he need his own TV at the nursing home, or air mattress to prevent bedsores. If he is still able to drive he could use the funds to upgrade his vehicle. It is a sad state our country is in in caring for the elderly or disabled. God bless.
I pray to God that I never have to go to a nursing home. I was in the health field for 20 year's and most of the younger generation not all of them but, most of them were horrible. Such a sad situation. I feel if you sign up for the position be ready to do it right. I pray for the world we live in today.
Agree 100%..retired.. nursing homes are horrible..things I’ve seen😢
Basically you work your whole life, save and invest so that nursing companies can fleece you with substandard services. I think it would be a lot cheaper to remodel your house for accessibility and then hire people to take care of you, in your house. The only problem with this scenario is that you will need to coordinate with the kids if they even think of getting back some inheritance.
“Hiring people” is far more expensive than a nursing home. I looked into keeping my dad at home when his Alzheimer’s got bad by hiring a nurses aide (an AIDE, not even a nurse) and they wanted $35 an hour. I would need 12 hours of help 7 days a week so I can sleep/eat/shower, and when I did the math I realized a nursing home was cheaper. Medicare does not pay for a nurses aide for Alzheimer’s or for any care for that matter which is absolutely unbelievable!
@@turquoise_sky It's not easy. The scenario that I put out is for people that can't qualify for medicare because of relative wealth in assets and funds. If I had no money, surely, I would opt for the nursing home paid partially or fully by medicare. I would have no choice, unless I pretend to rob a bank and end up in jail fed and sheltered. Another solution is to move all wealth into trusts, years before needing care, then apply with medicare to a nursing home.
I helped out in homes often enjoyed it. Now im facing dying alone
This is depressing. Our politicians really don’t care for us. People fight for one party but don[t realize they are both fleecing us
Yet, we’ll fight each other and burn down CVS’s or storm the Capital based on a conspiracy, when we should band together and storm the capital to end corruption!
Democrats became Republican-lite after blue collar white men defected en masse to the GOP under Reagan. They chose Fox News and the culture war over their own economic self-interest, this is the result.
So true
Really depressing
Wanted to like the video but the ending was as deceiving as the nursing home industry.
The Big Secret is; don’t call the ambulance. Everyone dies at home to save the home.
You are right.. that is why a lot of people die at home.
what if you are in GREAT PAIN at home and covered in feces@@aquilaclark814
seriously. It is sad but i think everyone should have a DNR.
If someone tells you that you have to cash out that life insurance policy, say "no I'm NOT!"
You have a prepaid funeral that you paid off and you have a life insurance policy with everything set up, intended beneficiaries, etc, DON'T touch it or let anyone else convince you otherwise
If you feel threatened that someone may override your protections and tamper with those arrangements, call your providers and report it by naming names, locations, EVERYTHING
You can also report those violators to the IRS and have them audited
I had to fight a nursing home in probate court that illegally held my mother for the insurance money. I'm writing a graphic memoir and it starts with this story. I used my health and fitness knowledge to stop my mother with mild dementia from forgetting me, and it worked. I tricked her off caffeine, then no prescription meds, forced her/tricked her/incentivized her to drink water, kept her away from high fructose corn syrup and other poison, because they made her mean and delusional, and kept her away from gluten.
Good for you. I've had stage 4 cancer twice. I've also taken care of my own aged parents the last three years of their lives. People have NO CLUE how much some of these things effect elderly....actually, effect us ALL! Good for you girl! You sound like me...major proactive caring for my folks. Wish I had kids now that I am getting close to their age because these institutions are horrendous and it was a full time job just trying to "protect" my parents from this kind of stuff the last 3 years of their lives. P.S. I am using my roommate computer. So, it's a woman writing this - not a man.
That is awesome you were able to do that, please share on how you did that to help your mom. Right now our mother has dementia and it is so difficult to get her to even take her meds, bathe, eat right. Everyday it’s a battle. She is mean mean mean and gets very angry at times. We were looking into placing her into a nursing home so they can help her but after this video I’m not so sure if that’s the right thing to do at least for now.
@@donnaindigo I definitely do not recommend a nursing home. They are only going to make her deteriorate faster, and I'm questioning all prescription meds. Statins cause memory loss and the anti-psychotics cause them to be psychotic and mean. When I got my mother off all meds, it made a huge difference. Keep finding a doctor that will do what you want. They have to give you informed consent. My mother hated taking the meds too, so it makes me wonder, that they inherently know that they are hurting them.
if your loved one are in this situation, have them put the family in a type of a living trust, talk to a attorney, he will explain the different ones that are available that will suit your needs... they can't go after shit when you do that. do that before they are needing to go into a facility. I work with the elderly, a family member did this to protect their assets, the nursing facility or the government couldn't touch her home.
@@jeanpeters3499 It's been my experience, that it doesn't matter if you have the correct legal documents, anybody can sue if they find a disreputable attorney, and this happened several times to me. This nursing home illegally fought me in court to hold my mother against her and my will. I was persistent and won, but if I wasn't persistent, they would have taken advantage and the last years of my mother's life would have been devastatingly cruel.
I like that she simplified this matter and gave an example.
It's not her fault that our government sucks.
Another viewpoint is- Why should I as a taxpayer pay for your parent, so you can get the inheritance?
Yes it does and she didn't give out any info besides call us and pay us. These people have worked all their lives and idiots say things like why should I as a tax payer pay for their care. After all these older people have paid for and gave the state.
@@SandfordSmythe You hit the nail on the head with that comment.
@mikebgoog, Our government is providing a safety net so you don’t necessarily need to sell your home and transfer your wealth to a nursing home. But if you don’t want or need that safety net, you’re quite welcome to live in your family home. If you’re aware of some government jurisdiction (foreign or domestic) where you can keep your assets AND be a ward of the State, please enlighten us all.
@Greg O irrevocable trust will work
The summation: get a home health aid, remove all valuables & keep contact with the situation, avoid placing elderly in “homes”
"A" home health aide? If your person is nursing home status you'd better think in terms of having 3 home health aides (at least) & hope you can manage their schedules to keep someone there all the time. It's a pretty big job in itself to keep help in place when someone is staying in their home as opposed to being moved to a nursing home. Sure, it's preferable but no where near as simple/easy as you are making it sound.
Good idea. Yet, you still have to pay the home health aide, which is less, and 24 hr care if needed. Its better to change the laws and stop the robbery of widows resulting is poverty. Laws should be better. This is greed on a government level. that you? Bkitty
@@knitordi Yes, and no. Medicare does not pay for custodial care. Period. Medicaid is a seperate program, it is health care for indigents. So Medicaid will pay for custodial care IF and WHEN you are broke. Don't like the truth? Have your representatives change the law.
And be careful not to let caregivers spend the night ( except once or twice if emergency: otherwise they may become you grandkids squatters)
I think I'm going to take up bridge jumping before I ever go into a nursing home!
😆I worked in Nursing Home they all have dementia and forgets this jumping idea 😆
I'm 50 and living in a nursing home and have all my mental faculties. I'm sure you did work in a nursing home. It seems they hire the people with the least amount of compassion to work in these places. I don't see how you can live with yourself! There's nothing funny about dimentia! You should be ashamed of yourself!
@@stanphillips7277 These places are a stain on the earth. I just started working at a nursing home as a CNA, and my co-workers are horrible. They talk crap about the residents and resident's family. They cause the residents unnecessary pain when it could be avoided. They taunt and baby talk the residents. They don't flip bed bound residents at all, and the images of the terrible, open wounds that I've seen are haunting me. I can't sleep because it's so disturbing. I've spent my breaks crying. I can't stand the way people are treated in these places. When I walk through the facility doors, it feels like I'm walking through a portal to hell.
@@rebekahhobbs9605 I wish they're were more like you in this fascility. I'm a 50 year old man and I've lived in 2 sperate nursing homes now. The only thing that's important to the majority of people who work in these places is how things look when ACHA shows up to inspect them.
Anytime I've seen nursing homes depicted on TV or in movies the patients have private rooms and are treated with dignity. Or it's the opposite and they're treated terribly for the sake of the plot and then there's some redemption.
I took care of my mom for about 15 years on my own, even after I was diagnosed with emphasema. Her worst fear was winding up in a nursing home but , with me she had no fear because she knew I'd never let that happen. I wouldn't even let her stay in a good hospital without sleeping in a chair in her room so although it hurt more than I can say when she passed away, lately I take some comfort in thinking that if she were still alive when I broke my back (it had hurt for years and I wore a brace but one day I awakened to find I couldn't stand up. )
I couldn't agree with you more of course. The ones in south Florida that aren't privately owned. The ones paid for by Medicaid really are horrible places to spend your final days.
I try to stay as positive as I can but , it's of course very difficult. It's no life. They want to spend the least amount on each patient as possible so they're always so short staffed it's not possible to get the attention paid to any single resident for it to be anything resembling quality.
I've been here 9 months and I'm "Alert" which is why I'm not dead or sicker than I should be.
My pain medicine constipated me (for example) so I'm supposed to have a salad and prune juice plus I take Myralax powder once a day. Suppositories as well.
The trays I've been getting from the kitchen are not only very low quality, white wonder type bread, lots of white rice and beans, the menus say chocolate cake and instead I receive applesauce.
Chocolate chip cookies and I get mixed fruit.
The portions are pitifully small anyway. I'm 6 feet tall and I'm down to 90 lbs. ! Possibly less. 2 TV's in 1 room makes it difficult to relax if you long for peace and quiet.
Just now my roommates light wax turned out and his TV's off. I'm going to do tonight what I do each night and stay up until 6:30 am just so I can have the peace I don't get during the day.
This of course means I never get 8 hrs sleep in a row. I'm awakened at least 3 times a day to take my medicines and I try to go straight back. I cover my eyes with a bandana 😂
The place I was previous to this was worse in some respects. The little girls so proud to have become CNAs or nurses talked to each other and shopped online, even slept while I waited for assistance or pain medication. There the call light meant to get there attention lit up but made no sound so if they weren't looking they'd never know you needed them.
Here it works but I end up calling the receptionist who transfers me to the nurses station and I get voicemail. I call again and if I'm lucky they'll contact the supervisor and I'll get some attention.
My advantage is that I'm under Hospice Care. I've had my Myralax, suppositories, and other medications run out often. Each day I've been told it's been ordered until I finally realize nothing is going to happen. I call hospice and since I have a nurse, social worker, Chaplin, an entire team devoted to my care they take care of it.
I've had occasions where if I hadn't been "Alert" I'd have taken someone else's medication or not taken my own.
I'm sure you're aware that ones either "Alert" or not.
So much of the frustration comes from the baby talk you refered to.
I have bad lungs and a bad back and under Hospice Care no physical therapy so I've lost my ability to walk. I'm still filled with the wisdom I gained taking care of my mom for all of those years and I know I'm (I'll try to put this as humbly as possible) far more intelligent than these young CNAs and nurses but they have authority over me. They control when I can have a bowel movement! When I can have water. Everything is cheap from the toothbrushes and razors, to the meals and of course the amount of money they're willing to spend on staff. I'm just 214B.
Just another one of too many patients per CNA/Nurse.
I have been waiting for what's called a "personal needs allowance" for the 10 months I've been here and first mistakes were made in the paperwork and it was resent.
Another 3 months passed and the business office woman said (while on speaker phone) "just be patient" but I've lost my patience and I know something is wrong because I received it after just a couple of months in the previous fascility.
I called social security, Medicaid, and finally the Department of Children and Families for the state of Florida.
I was told my account "was a mess and someone was going to have to complete and return a document that would fix it. "
So that was on the 21st, I received it 2 days later and the administrator, 2 from the business office and a social worker held a meeting in my room (4 hrs later than I was told of course) and it's been sent.
The woman in the business office said "I've never had a case like this" .
I can't even afford a basic Netflix subscription. I pay $7 per month for this tablet I'm using, 6 to Amazon because that account has a Medicaid discount but it's a process so I want to keep it, and the bank takes $12 per month.
I'm receiving $30.00 of my $740.00 disability check because the facility keeps the rest but it's difficult to get a small packet of mustard for the tiny ham and cheese on white bread they send me along with a salad along with the small meals such as a boiled egg, and half a piece of toast.
I'm sorry to be ranting and raving but very few people can truly understand my situation. I read "a stain on the earth" and that you cried on your break and it resonated with me.
Truer and more accurate words have never been spoken.
The administrator during the meeting said "You're going to get a thousand dollars when you're check arrives, maybe you'll loan me some" jokingly.
These people are making a fortune and it's their mistake causing me to be going without any of the creature comforts I've got left.
I used to order online and have things like peanut butter and snacks and drinks. I could afford to have services like Netflix but now being as my Mom was my only family and the friends I did have are now far away from me. I've got 1 friend who's like a brother to me but I can only muster the strength to ask him for very much. He came and helped me with a couple of things a few weeks ago and I'll soon need to call him. Rubbing alcohol to sanitize my hands! It's essential things like these. Plus I'm in bed so I can't even watch a movie and forget the way I could before I went broke. Nobody apologized for the error, so now I wait. It's a personal needs allowance, not wants but needs you know?
I don't care very much about money but it's the food here and the loneliness and boredom. .
I do apologize for running so long but it did me good to talk about it. I know I'm all over the place 😂 , stream of consciousness and I do hope you can make a difference in the lives you touch. The CNAs are more in touch with the residents than anyone. I'm sure anyone who is assigned to you is very fortunate. God bless you, you're crying because you're not like the others. You have sympathy and you're shocked at the level of care you're witnessing.
I became close enough to a CNA at my previous fascility that when she retired she brought me out of there and home with her. She had 35 years of experience and still cried over the very same things you describe. She got sick so I had to come here but if I'm ever able to walk again I can move back in with her. There's no reason I can't with physical therapy. I'm hospice so I can't get any unless I sign out which is out of the question. .
I've taken up enough of your time but I really mean this.
God bless you for being a good human being and I'm sure you're in a position to change the quality of people's lives. God bless you in your efforts and please try and never become like the others. Never change who you are or allow what you do to get inside your head enough to cause you to suffer. God bless you for carin, I'll pray for you Rebekah 🙏
I’m worried about my grandparents and I’m so glad you made this video.
This is hands down the best description of the Medicaid spend-down I have ever seen. As America "ages," more of us will be in this situation. Very sobering. Long-term Care insurance is not always the answer either. And remember the Medicaid 5-year look-back. Another big shock: Most adults do not realize that Medicare (as opposed to Medicaid) does not cover long-term care. Seriously, there is no real solution beyond either (1) saving like crazy and paying for care yourself, or (2) being broke already. This video was superb - thank you for explaining!
Agreed, very well described. Why did I pay cash for everything and save like crazy my while life. I should have listened when they told me to DIE BROKE, make your last check bounce.
You should watch Paul Rabalsis’ videos. He is an estate lawyer and he lays it all out very precisely. He has a different video on each topic.
William Breeden
Well Sir there is another way. It's the same way you purchase life insurance. You can also purchase long term care insurance. The trick with both of these is to get these insurances when you are relatively young. It is a very strange thing indeed that we are forced by the state to purchase home insurance and vehicle insurance but not life insurance and long term care insurance. There should be a package deal when you begin working that would follow you from job to job. It would consist of Social Security, Medicare, Life Insurance, and Long Term Care Insurance. A single payment per month and mandatory. But, we don't have any government employees that have a clue so it will never happen.
@@FlaThunderstorm A friend and her husband paid into long-term care for years - a lot of money $600/month for both. He died within a week of being placed into a care facility. No long-term insurance payback for them. Had a lawyer once tell us never buy long-term care insurance. It usually kicks in six months after being placed for care and when most people are placed in long-term care, they might have only six months to live. If you're lucky you might live longer, but I wouldn't count on it. I understand the new hybrid policies are very expensive. Not sure if that what my friends had.
CALIFORNIA look back period is 30 months; NOT 5 years. Perhaps other states are less also. But most states are full 60 months
Health and elder care is competely broken in the US.
I know right. My 83 year old uncle and aunt are in a tuff situation they don’t have kids and we are all busy with working and and stuff and really can’t afford to take care of them. And we tired for home health but they say his check is too much and doesn’t qualify for it. And he needs it he constantly falls and can’t walk and my aunt can’t lift up on him and they really have no one to help. And she doesn’t want to put him into a nursing home and I don’t either. I don’t know what to do at this point the social workers want him a home but we don’t want to throw him away.
Except at Coronado in San Antonio Texas. This is a huge rehab/nursing home. Carpet in the hall ways so that what rolls by doesn't make noise. No one yelling from their rooms needing help because there are plenty of staff. The social worker was weird. He seemed to be angry and other times he laughed, but I am not sure it was a genuine laugh. Otherwise I know that because now I am in a nursing home that is loud with yelling people needing service. Their floors are laminate, so all rolling trashcans are heard.
I was previously living in an RV where it was very quiet. All this yelling is super interesting. One man almost constantly yelled if left in his bed too long. Sometimes they would leave him in his bed all day long so that he yelled a whole lot more all night long. It is amazing that the workers can ignore him. I told them that they were being disrespectful to him AND me and everyone else that had to listen to him yell. Then they started asking him what he was yelling about. They told him to be quiet. Sometimes they shut the door on him. he couldn't walk and once fell out of his bed and bruised the side of his head. That bruise is still there from 2 weeks ago. The rules say that people living in nursing homes can go for a meal anytime they want. He should have been helped into his wheelchair. Read the resident rules they post on the walls. Start speaking back to these workers.
When the business manager thought it okay to be angry at me, I asked her if she rather I leave. Then she started calling me sweetheart. Schizophrenia at the top.
Bernie Sanders wanted to fix U.S. health and elder care. He wanted to make U.S. health and elder care like that in Scandinavia but U.S. voters called him a communist. Scandinavia is socialist, not communist. And Bernie is a socialist, not communist.
@@jeffweed3947 Democratic socialism is communism. Study more.
So Wanda gets to die alone in the gutter cuz she just sold her house and she didn't get anything bc the federal government took it all for what her husband owed. How effing sad!
Better to just run across the freeway in front of a Mac truck if you dont have a couple million bucks when you turn 85.
I am currently residing in a nursing home in Wilmington Delaware called the Coral Springs Nursing facility. I've been here for a year. I was made long term after a bad stroke from having a serious case of COVID. This place is just wrong. Had hardly any therapy, the food is beyond terrible and the employee turn over rate is unreal. I'm getting thrown out on March 31 st because I only have Medicaid right now. I have no where to go. I'm open to any Advice... Update! I'm out of that place and now I'm living a Great life in Southwest Florida. Thank you for the prayers. They worked!!!!
Praise the lord. 😊
Thank you Lord 🙏
Another thing the nursing home won’t do is tell you how much it will cost per month until you give them all of your financial information.
Hmmmm, car sales just came to my mind.
I hung up on every nursing home administrator/ salesperson who asked me if my mother owned her own home and/ or what her monthly pension was
You only need give parents info
How ironic the state keeps track of everything they spend on you, how about we keep track of all of our money that they spend?.
It’s public info- if you look.
To solve this problem, in the future, The Department of Health and Human Services should set up an insurance program similar to Medicare and Social Security. Everyone working would automatically pay into a Long Term Care program on a monthly basis their entire working life. If and when they would need long term care it will be there without having to be paid out of pocket and bankrupting them. You would think the politicians would have figured this out by now.
Yes! The best idea I've heard yet.
There actually was legislation to make this happen, but it got killed. I can't recall all of the details, but it wasn't that long ago. It makes me so mad that we don't have this available.
@@Wayfarer889 Probably the political class can't get their cut of it so it doesn't interest them. They've already drained the Social Security Fund and Medicare Fund of everything. SS and Medicare are now paid out of the general funds which means they come off a printing press.
They can't figure out how to siphon money out of Medicare for their own pockets that way
Too expensive and will anger tax payers.And forget the troll comments about money being stolen from SS.
I am a RN who was fired for being a whistleblower. Diversicare had PPE locked up.
Ppe ?
@@sirbey9608 PPE = Personally Protective Equipment
So sorry, these kinds of things should never happen but it does expose the bad guys, hope you find a good job elsewhere 👍
I work with nurses and aids who should all be in prison for crimes against humanity. They keep their jobs no problem. Its people who report the abuse and theft are the losing their jobs. God bless and keep you.
So did MAJOR hospitals in this region! During the Ebola scare, my 400+ bed hospital, near us, had ONE appropriate suit! ONE!
During Covid, we were told to save our masks by puting them in & out of a paper lunch bag!!! Impossible to not contaminate!
Masks, especially the appropriate N-95's, were locked up, & doled out "as needed." CDC suggestions of how to don & doff gloves & gowns would ABSOLUTELY cause contamination! My faith in CDC was destroyed.
Doctors Without Borders are the ONLY true & dedicated authority.
Please support them.
Such clickbait. Turns out the nursing homes aren't the only ones that won't tell you the big secret.
Agree. The tease clearly indicates there's a "secret" within the video, but it's a bait-and-switch.
Life in nursing homes is awful. We've had several family members go that path and it is just sad.. Life is done at that point so take an exit when you get to that point.
I have my mom at home. It’d sure be nice to have her in care. Why did you put yours in? And how? Take an exit? Kill yourself or them? What does that mean?
Take an exit ? You are sick.
After working as a cna in nursing homes for most of my life, I have decided that, if it comes down to it, I will donate all I have to charity and take the legal exit. The idea of giving thousands of my hard earned money to nursing home corporations makes me want to throw up: the service is not worth what they charge, nor is it what it should be. It was not always like this, things have really gotten bad in the last few years because of investors.
The cost of nursing homes is ridiculous.
The people who work in nursing homes don’t get paid a lot to care for patients,the homes are short of employees.
no excuse
@@LoisSnodgrassAs much as the nursing homes get paid. Some nurses aides have 8 people to care for. Split even 2 to 4 or more people and the bare basics only get done. It's a hard job especially when short handed. Low pay is a reason there short handed. Nursing homes should be fined for this. -John's wife
Some Nursing homes in New York State charge Medicaid upwards of 17,000 a Month. That's with the monthly rate and the extra add ons...
Scaring people into her office. Very professional
my dad went into assisted living after a massive stroke, it was around 4 grand a month, a very nice place but after his death i asked my sister, who was his power of attorney, if he had any estate or monies for us, she said the place bled him i see how.
Well that's 7 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
I'm not sure what state you're in, but in Penna, if property is owned as tenants by entirety or joint tenants with rights of survivorship, the state will not put a lien on the property. It goes to the surviving spouse. The state will only make a claim of the probate assets of the estate for repayment of the Medicaid.
Don't wast your time watching to the end...It's just a big AD. What a bunch of jerks!
Mom passed away 5- years ago… and Dad tried to doing the good fight- keeping up with his house from cutting a acre of grass to the upkeep on the house. It became too much, and decided to move in with my wife and I.
He decided upon moving in with me 3- years ago, to have joint banking accounts with him (him and I only).
Is this a safety net… as legally it is all mine, as much as it is his.
Does Medicaid acknowledge this fact, and therefore his banking is non- applicable to their rules.
Welcome to health care in America. What a shit hole system. While all state and government workers, tax paid by us get health care
Wonderful presentation! Thank you, this will help my special needs brother who has gone manic after having seizures. It is all heartbreaking.
P.S. Consult an Elderly Law Attorney how to conserve your assets.
Wrong on the SS income! Wanda automatically gets 50% of Harry’s SS if it is higher than her own SS. So she is going to be receiving $1K and not $800.
The $2000 a month was not all SS part of it was retirement income.
Even so, they are going to try and take every penny. They don't care if she has to move to a seedy area of town where she can be a victim just to be able to eat and have shelter.
I'm 36 and I take care of my 86 year old Gramma. She had such a mouth and lies being cognitively aware, that she gets mad at me for trying to explain why she can't go into one of these and do that. She is so used to me or my doing everything, without here having ever driven,. She doesn't understand I haven't even found many other grandkids caring for grandparents. I'm to the point of caregiver burnout and she doesn't understand
Still might have dementia. Anger and repeat explanations are a give away. Might not show up in tests yet. I know it’s extremely hard. Try, instead of explaining why you cannot do things, say instead, I am doing the best I can to be here for you because I love you, please try to understand that. Keep that same response everytime she challenges you. You’re a good grandson. ❤️
how are you holding up?
I ended up being the one having to take care of my the other kids were completely completely out the picture they only care about inheritance. it's very tolling I know. she recently passed weeks ago
I know how you are feeling, it's draining especially without help. Keep praying and stay the curse. You are a living example of a good man.. hey, that's grandma, we can't forget the things we said, and did . laughing I miss my g mom. You got this champ
Now I know why The Who sang "Hope I die before I get old" Hope I do.
big secret is that this is just an advertisment. thanks.
I made a comment just a few days ago, on 2/08/2023, but apparently it was deleted. My question has to do with the elderly who aren't vet, can no longer live alone, but have ZERO assets aside from their meager monthly SS check. Soon, we're going to see millions of 'baby boomers' in this category. What will THESE people do? Where will they live when they have NO money for attorney fees? There 'certainly' aren't enough facilities in the U.S. to take care of these people, whose numbers will increase annually.
They should be eligible for Medicaid to pay if they are qualified for nursing home care
Nice click bait title.
Exactly my thought....
But there are alternatives like LTC insurance, Irrevocable trusts etc... look into that
@@bigtoeknee11hybrid life insurance to look into, annuities, ect.-John's wife
Thank you for the very informative content. I was not aware Medicaid operated that way
$8,000/mo is cheap compared to what most skilled care homes charge. We were paying over $135,000/year for mom’s care in a non-profit nursing home until all her assets were depleted. The costs are outrageous, just like so many of the misinformed comments to this video. She speaks the truth. The $6,000 we spent on an experienced elder care attorney for mom’s planning was money well spent. We saved many times that amount by implementing his recommended plans, much of which was accomplished less than 5 years before she applied for Medicaid.
Lots of people do not know theres insurance to cover this exact scenario. Its called long term care.
Never cash out your life insurance & if you're worried about your home being taken away because you have life insurance, just asign someone else as the payor. There's so much to learn in life insurance.
I don't know how other states operate, but in case mix states your financial status does not impact how much the nursing home gets paid. It does affect if medicaid will pay for your stay, though, and if the state will recover from your estate after you pass. Nursing homes get paid according to a "case mix" which is a score determined by how much care the medicaid residents need on average. Honestly, it ain't a whole lot of money. The big money comes from the short term rehab patients on medicare and from private pay.
Save your time, it's an ad and you find out nothing.
Medicaid does pay for dental... In CO at least
At age 50 put the house and any assets into a trusted child’s name.
That’s the problem …you can’t really trust your kids either… be very careful on that one.🤔
My dad owned a home, had a life insurance policy, went into a nursing home, and we found out he had a t o d on the home well in advance, so that home went straight to the intended beneficiary
I don't know if he still had Blue Cross Blue Shield or another coverage, but if you have a t o d on your home well in advance, then no, Medicaid CAN'T touch it lest it be STEALING
If you have a t o d on your home then no one can touch it
Another thing you can do is sell it well in advance or gift it to whoever your intended beneficiary is, you CAN keep it out of Medicaid's hands
Medicaid recipients can apply for QMB that helps pay for some of these expenses. There are also Medicaid waivers for the nursing homes.
what is QMB?
@@margaretgarcia-mw6kw they might have you put his money into a Miller Trust fund account. My advice is if at all possible get a decent lawyer and or advocate for this. Most nursing homes have a Medicaid Manager over the facility who in essence becomes the patient's/client's authorized representative like a p.o.a. I'm not sure what state you live in but you can start with a Division of Family Resources like Family Social Services Administration. It can get to be a lot. But ask questions and KEEP asking or getting the answers you can!!!!
@@margaretgarcia-mw6kw QMB is a Qualified Medicaid Beneficiary.
So informative!. Thank you for sharing
Side question: Did they consider having Ronda draw the spousal benefit (half of Harrys FRA benefit)
$50 personal allowance? Since when? Last I heard it was $30. Is that amount contingent on the state?
$60 TX
The secret is put your assets and home in an irrevocable trust at least 5 years before expected nursing home care is needed.
That no longer works, you may want to check into the new laws.
Correct! Transfer your assets: home/stocks/properties/etc into an irrevocable trust a minimum of five years (60 months) before applying for Medicaid.
@@cocospots But don't you loose all access to it all, including income from IRA or rental property?
@@cocospots Do you know where I can look the new laws up?
It would be cheaper to have a live in nurse at your home take care of your husband! Nurseing homes are a Scam!
I have another option: move your loved one into a long term care facility abroad. Have them live the ex-pat life they deserve in a place that will take better care of them, provide them with round the clock care, and quality medical care all at an affordable price. Many of these countries, the dollar is still strong enough that the $8k a month some of these crap-hole agencies charge for leaving your loved one in a room, alone, eating pre-packaged meals...will easily cover about 6 months in a nice tropical facility with fresh, nutritious food that would put most all-inclusive resorts to shame.
No need to spend down your life savings, or worse, lose your family home to pay for sub-par care and government graft.
worked as a cna 8yrs. nursing homes are about making money. period. if your lucky you may find a few nurses /cna that genuinely care. adon up to administrator are about the money
Thank you this was very informative
Sooo, the best thing a young person could ever do is : NEVER go to work at all, on your 18 th birthday have your 19 yr. old pregnant sister take you to the welfare department and sign up on ebt, medicaid lieap ect. This was an excellent video, Thank You !
Right, how much tax payer money does welfare queens burn through ?
The math teacher and the BIG secret... is a commercial to call her office!
This is the ugly truth. My parents, my husband and I have gone through this. Some states are worse! See a lawyer or legal aid to find what your state rules are. Some will sell your house for what you owe and keep the amount the sale made over what they spent on the owner. This can be thousands of dollars. They can can take it and insurance from you beneficiaries. See legal aid. Sign nothing until you do. Ask for a disability trust! I was told its a felony to give life insurance to a disabled person on ssi or ssdi. See a lawyer to get a trust. No elected official is going to stop this. A governor said the "state needs the money."
Its infuriating our government would treat Americans this way! I hate "The System"!
These places are so disgusting! I'm in a battle with one right now for there double dipping tactics
This way leaves them both in destitute and then pay more to find out how not to be taken advantage of makes no sense 🙃
Wow, great talk. You helped me understand. So either you must be very poor (and goodness knows their care can be lacking); or, you are wealthier and can access pros who advise clients who ultimately have much better care.
better start early. they can go back to see if you dumped assets for a few yrs. Did you sell or giveaway any assets in the last 36 mos?
WHAT NURSING HOME ONLY CHARGES 8k /month ? Nursing homes here in Phoenix AZ. run at minimum 40K plus, memory care facilities tag on another 10k to 20K. I wish I could find a nursing home that only charges 8 k to 10k. Right now I’m fighting with Arizona Medicaid Long Term Care to get my wife help, because she has Advanced Parkinson’s and was just diagnosed with mild to moderate Altsheimers.
Yes, I've been there. I know what you're dealing with. Most of those homes are run by large for-profit corporations that milk every penny from the poorest people and then bill the state for the rest. Animal shelters are better at taking care of the dogs/cats than these nasty places are for people. If child care centers were this horrid people who be rioting, but it's old people so who cares. OMG OMG.
Any nursing home that takes Medicaid is not a good nursing home. My sister was in one for 3 years and it cost $11,000/mon and she paid $1885 which was her entire income minus $40. The difference was paid by the state to the nursing home each month. The quality of care is inconsistent, lousy food, high staff turnover (it is a tough job). Fortunately, both myself and another person are her advocate and we are constantly on the phone with them insisting they do things. Certain staff members would lie and say they changed her soiled sheets but they did not. The managers believe their staff over a resident.
Can you move to a state that has more affordable accommodations? This whole situation is so incredibly depressing!!
Try Vegas
it's all about $$$ these places don't see people they see $$$$ owners making huge profits while providing minimal effort......
What state does your law firm operate in? Is the seminar online and is also applicable to other states where your firm may not operate in? Thank you for your feedback.
So what do they take if you are single, no kids and rent an apartment?
It should be A law
Stealing from the elderly saving
I heard some coupled get a paper divorce that exonerates a spouse from financial responsibility should other spouse need to apply for medicaid.. anyone have any experience with this?
Great idea.
I have heard this. I am unsure if this would stop the wolves; but, it is worth looking at.
Because of the greed this is what causes people to divorce their spouses.
Time to go pitchforks mold
So basically the system financially drains you down to your last dollar before you can get help from the state, and the state still doesn't cover things like hearing aids etc? I have so much I could say about all of this, but I would be here for days. Our system is so damn broken, and our government is absolutely disgraceful and disgusting.... I just can't... i feel so selfish for wanting to have babies... I can't believe I brought my kids into this world...
There are good videos online for anything you may want to look up or learn. We are ahead of the curve by being aware and watching this video. God is in charge. He has us. We must do the best we know how and can do.
Some states allow the spouse to keep up to $153,000, plus your home and a vehicle.
@johnkelly9451 You are absolutely right. I started my journey & started to seek God about a year ago. I wish I would have found him sooner, but since I have, I have had so many blessings, and I have truly learned to put all of my trust and faith in our father. He knows what he is doing 💜
The big secret, she doesn’t reveal a big secret. I found that relatively unfair that she didn’t state anything of substance at the end. The video was helpful though.
What a letdown. You are using click bait by telling us at the END OF THE VIDEO that note you have to CALL MY FIRM to get any semblance of an answer. Shame on you!
I learned that the system is designed to take every damn cent you have before you die!
If you have no one to leave an inheritance to, and you know you are going to die or end up in a home in a couple years or few months, get yourself 3-4 credit cards, max them out and enjoy the rest of your life, and don't worry about who's going to pay them off.
She is very knowledgeable and detailed. Like the way she broke everything down and explained it all.
At 45 I bought long term insurance. Never know what’s going to happen to your health. Low premiums. I’m 71 and pay $97.00 a month. I’m a caregiver so I see what can has their own problems to deal with. Hospice is wonderful if you have a disease that’s non curable. Medicaid is by state. Check it out. Mercy care also. Other options always.
Cheryl Campbell
Smart girl.
Cheryl Campbell
At $97 per month you have already paid out nearly $31,000. If you went into a nursing home now and lived for 3 years in the nursing home you would not be ahead until you entered your 4th year in the nursing. Of course if you lived 10 years or more you would be ahead financially. Just making a mathematical point which probably has not relevance considering with the long term care insurance all of your assets are protected from confiscation by the government. It's still a very good deal as far as I'm concerned.
@@FlaThunderstorm And good luck finding a nursing home for $10,000/month - those are the bad ones with high staff turnover and neglect.
I hear that hospice is now being care reduced for profits, as well.
dWhen my mom died after 8 years in skilled care, on medicaid. she had alzheimers. I (her daughter)was sent a bill for 88k ! but,I had guardianship over my mom. we did not have blended assets ,I sent a simple letter advising this and I never heard from them again.If your loved one has to be placed and you are the primary caregiver and not the spouse see a lawyer and consider this.
Good info to start, but you never get to the Big Secret. You’re out to cash in through this crooked system, too.
Thank you so much! A great video and very helpful!
Nursing home, we'll steal all your money before you get to the pearyl gate in the name of the great mammon.
Paying a fee for service.
Special needs trusts then make yourselfs a special trust inside that trust. When that perspon dies your trusts come out of thier trusts. So your really not on any paper work per say ever. Nursing homes all suck. Parent has been in them for rehab and I did some work in them.
No person care they just leave you out in front of the nursing stations all day. Always show up whenever you feel like when I loved one is in thier. Suprise the staff with random visits.
Now nursing homes and hospitals hide behind no visiting policies because of covid or very limited. It's a convenience way to people out that would discover their incompetence
Special needs trust is for disabled and needs approval from a judge.. I know because we have one for my aunt!
We we are sending billions of money to Ukraine and Israel and other contries when that money should state here !!! To take care for our seniors!!
Thank Biden!
Our house is in trust for our children. My husband got medicaid right away.
Smartest thing you could have done
Way to stick it to the taxpayer.
@@kennykuhns9843 We are tax payers.
So you deliberately impoverished yourself so that someone else (the rest of us taxpayers) will be on the hook to pay for your care for the rest of your life. Have you been reading the posts from people who are living in the places like you will be going to? They take all of your social security and other income then maybe give you $30 per month to buy your personal items like toothpaste and diapers. Seems like a truly horrible way to spend your final years.
@@kennykuhns9843 It would cost the tax payer millions more if I had to go to a care home.
I hear those crooks can even go after the estate's property, if the person in their "care" passes away and there is unpaid medicaid bills (lodging, medicine, nurses, etc.,) Just major crooks.
I had my husband in a nursing home for 4 months Medicaid paid for it and they do not take away social security , I received all those months his social security
There are different rules for married people - Spousal Impoverishment Act
you probably don't have a lot of assets?
This is to pay for everyone that contributed little or nothing to social security.
Based on this reality we are creating a nursery Home in Ecuador. For only 2400$ per month including organic and fresh food, nurses 24h taking care, one resident doctor doing monthly checks, psychological care, laundry, and also open spaces surrounded by nature
What is the name of this , I LOVE this concept.
How you could stay a years if you do not have permanent living visa?
@@lisaveta8565 good question. People can ask for permanent visas or just asylum based on age. Ecuador have the rigth to migration in their constitution. This kind of process are not so difficult.
Of course everyone must complies with law and are several options to do it.
Please Read: So Medicaid Recovery does have a few exceptions and generally this is accurate. At some point, Wanda would want to apply for QMB for her husband and herself and that would stop some of the drain for doctors visits, some states do cover hearing aids.
Under federal recovery laws, inpatient hospital and outpatient claims are NOT recoverable if they were paid on Medicare, premiums, deductibles, the 20% coinsurance paid by the state is all except from recoupment
The state has the option to go for just the nursing home/community based care or everything minus QMB expenses,
Also, If the billing is incorrect or disputed, it can be thrown out of asset recovery as well. Any medical coder trained in QMB should be able to help,
QMB = ???
This is absurd behavior and when you have zero left, I have heard of seniors being removed from there and left in elements.
Nursing homes do Medicaid applications and decisions in what states??
No mention of appealing the Attribution amount to address the shortfall in Wanda's income, i.e. set aside more for Wanda from the beginning, reducing the "spenddown"??
Awesome commercial though, using free TH-cam instead of paying to advertise for scared and elderly clients.
New York, for one
This video is educational and the only one of its kind. This is reality and elderly lawyers can help get affairs in place at least 5 years before a nursing home.
In the meantime, it gives us time to figure out any options to protect our assets for the other spouse and children. There are lawyer videos we couldn't afford. To see like this one.
With all the money these nusrsing homes are raking in, why are they in such horrific condition?. WHO EXACTLY is stealing our life savings? This should be illegal.
If my mother has no investments and no life insurance policy can she get nursing home care? She has her social security check and that's it for income that really doesn't cover all her expenses, I've had to help her. My father died decades ago and it's just her and I've had to care for her and well now I've been diagnosed with some medical conditions that is making it where I can't care for her anymore. I have tried getting family members to help but they have abandoned me when they lied earlier saying they were going to help. I don't know what to do