Yall i left a month ago ...i planned ahead and i got the HELL AWAY and ran for the hills!! 🏃🏽♀️💨LITERALLY!! God is so good my life is peaceful!! I even treated myself to lunch today!! It felt so good.❤️
@T_Nice yesss!! Im not livin my life feeling like im on edge or something constantly watching me...when I was with him i felt like i was in a jail cell..
One second you feel sorry for them. The next you’re savage. These demons are charming something like Lucifer. This is definitely a battle chosen ones must win and conquer.
If any narc abuse survivors are in the Bay Area or Nor Cal and want to connect please reach out to me. I’m 1 year narcissist free & God is so good! I am at peace ☮️
When dealing with narcissism, you should know that it’s not personal. “It isn’t personal” is one of those cliches used to cushion all kinds of bad actions taken by people who need an out for being immoral, but in this case it actually gets near the truth. Narcissists don’t know how to love or be a friend; they can’t afford to spare the energy to learn, because they’re always in a state of high emergency, cataloging potential threats and redoubling their defenses. When they claim to love you, it means nothing. They may even think they mean it, but they don’t understand the concept - they can’t feel it. They never attach to you or anyone else. Other people are paper cut-outs to the narcissist, like those cardboard figures of celebrities you pose next to for a selfie. Narcissist value their own children only as mirrors of themselves. When they destabilize you or attack you, it means nothing. They are stuck in an endless conversation with themselves, in which you are an inanimate object, to be assigned their own faults and used as a surrogate punching bag for their hatred of themselves. When they toss you out, it’s no more meaningful than a junkie tossing away a needle; when they try to reel you back in, it only means that they tired of the new drug and need a hit of the old. None of this is personal. They’re too terrified to have personal relationships, opting instead for extraction of admiration from a subservient partner whose range of action they strictly constrain. This is not personal. None of it. The narcissist does not know who you are - it doesn’t know how to know other people. Like the vampire or the chainsaw-wielding creature in the horror film, it’s from another world, bereft of the concept of human connection. Additionally, If you're facing a difficult decision about divorce and need proof of infidelity, working with a private investigator could provide clarity. In some states, even though "no fault" divorce is common, having evidence of infidelity might still help in certain situations. If you're looking for professional, discreet support to uncover the truth, you might want to reach out to Barryinvestigation@gmail. com for guidance. Taking this step can give you the confidence to move forward.
Ever ree time you say “These backwards walking giraffes” kills me Sis! 😂. It’s the don’t fall for the okie doke and desperately RUN into the other direction! 🙌🏽
@@OhSoLovely Absolutely! They didn't get the opportunity to complete their assignment from the pit of hell. I'm grateful that our father stepped in and put an end to it. 💯🙏🙏
I had the final straw with my narc. He disrespected my deceased mother again after apology from doing it before.Every time we would argue, it became very hurtful and disrespectful. Insults and fake apology. 14 years, and that was it. My mother means the world to me, even in spirit. I felt if you could do that again, knowing how hard it was to deal with my loss. You're a special kind of demon, and I want nothing else from this transactional, one-sided, traumatic situation. Once you get fed up the strength, I always knew I had at that moment came through with a vengeance. Im on my healing journey.
😂😂🤣🤣🤣 These people (Narcissist) are delusional! Smh I didn’t even know these individuals existed until I dealt with my daughter’s mother. It’s crazy because what opened my eyes is watching Sopranos for the millionth time about 3 years ago, and the episode where Dr, Malfy told Tony his mother probably set him up to get whacked and that she may suffer from Border line personality disorder, & read off some of the “traits” to him I recognized some a lot of the behaviors in her and started doing my own research and was 🤯🤯🤯 ever since then I’ve been on my square forreal forreal!! Thank you for your continuous info my sister! Keep doing what you do, a lot of people are unaware and these type of videos helps. Bless your heart. 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Literally just had the family reach out to me and tell me everything because they said it was burdening their hearts. While I guess I appreciate the heads up, this entire ordeal is too much drama to deal with. The narc & the family are tiring, and they told me about all the past women as well. So if anyone is wondering, YES, the narc’s family knows they have problems and knew the moment you walked in that you weren’t a “friend” or “associate”, just another victim- one of many smh Leave the entire family of crazies ALONE!
So true! When I quit the narc the whole house of cards fell and the family was under them cards! They always know the truth about these birds but will still stand by them and use you until they can’t anymore. Then act shocked and bitter about your departure, lol.
This isn’t talked about enough. The family knew about the new supply and everybody else knew too. All except you but if you can feel energy they tell you without telling you if that makes sense? The narc will act very arrogant and disrespectful in front of the family and act like it was you that was the problem. The family will also act “weird” and “off” around you too like the know something you don’t but gotta put up the act to try to act normal.
@@moniqueboatfield Agreed! At the end of the call, they told me “just for the record, we’re not saying break up with him” and I was shocked because what other outcome would they suggest? What was the purpose of the call? To put your “burden” on me but expect me to stay? The entire family is crazy
@@saulescamilla3605 Agreed! I always felt “watched” around them if that makes sense. As if they were watching me to see my relation to their narc sibling, as they started with questions of how & where we met, etc. They kept it friendly, yet later told him I was out of his league which means they were definitely watching and studying me the entire time. I believe they all try to see how they can benefit from you being in their lives, even if it’s something as simple as keeping the narc occupied so he’s not bothering them.
@@BeezyM345 you were definitely watched by the narc’s family. They will always be a lead narc in the family in the case of me it was the ex narc’s mother. The narc mother was a narc herself and was so backwards also NEVER happy for more than a day. She belittled her daughters and praised her sons. The narcs father was a cool guy for the most part but had no control or authority over his household and the woman was the one calling the shots. I can see the woman I dated why she became a narc herself. She however was the worst kind of narc… the covert narc. She played the “normal girl who wants better in life” well. Really she was evil and full of hatred towards me and I honestly was discombobulated when I got discarded because of how unrecognizable she behaved literally from one day to the next. It all made sense one day when I happen to research on a person who “discards” sure enough a narcissist and the symptoms appear she hit all of the symptoms. I could not believe that I dealt with a whole psycho.
Leaving is a good feeling. Especially when they don’t know. He broke up with me on 7/23 and I left on 7/24. I don’t think he thought I would leave. But when the 1st came and I wasn’t there to help pay bills…..he probably still mad.
@@Kristalwalker1972 My narc was seeing another guy and I new it. I couldn't leave right then so I had to take it . She never thought I would leave!! I paid almost every thing, and took her dog to the vet every month for it's injection. When she had to take him recently.. the vet didn't know who she was.
Too bad too sad! Sorry not sorry! I couldn’t care less! He was soo mad when he saw me months later, he flipped me the bird. I left quietly and he never saw it coming! Best decision ever! He could never ever get me back. He is totally blocked on everything and I will NEVER unblock.
after being put on the back burner. ignored. taken advantage of...you finally get tired. its crazy how when i finally stood up for myself and mentioned all the wrongs and was walking away, this is when I finally got "huh? I did that?" with this calm and caring voice. the last time I heard such a calm and caring voice was during the love bomb. luckily I'm not that vulnerable anymore, time to gain back my sanity back cause a brother need some sleep lol
I was telling my therapist yesterday that one of the things that bothers me the most about narcs is their duality. Stop dressing and acting normal when you a whole demon. Put some horns on when you go out please sir.
Not duality, I know what you mean but duality would be knowing how to move in a different environment and situations but you keep your integrity. These people are snakes and fakes. They are living double/multi lives and conflicting within themselves.
I Love you Lady Telsha. You were there for me from the very very beginning ❤ I have been thriving in my life. I was married to him for 14yrs and it’s been 4 years out!!!! I left … he hoovered a couple of times. He has stopped, Gaping hole , no hole or a hole, hole in their soul… it ain’t none of my business about his situation ! I am seeing beautiful again 🌺 Loads of love to you and thank you 🙏🏽
If the narc is asking why you had the temerity to leave the abuse, just tell them to go away and figure it out. See what they come back with. It'll be a lie or a pretended intention to "change." They can't and they won't. Kick that ass to the curb and keep on striding. You'll bump into Mr or Miss Right sooner or later.
Good for you, in my case after he was properly served, he didn't show up and fled the country as he's not a US citizen. I've gone to the FBI numerous times. Almost two years of bring stalked, hacked, and harassed. They are theee worse!
I left a little over a month ago.. My life has improved so much. I'm fixing my relationship with God by praying regularly, My parents and I are working it out .. I've been able to help my daughter out which would have been impossible. I'm feeling like myself again. I didn't realize how much control I allowed her to have. I mother said I was manipulated into what I was doing.. I believe it now looking back at it.
It really, sickens me, that people like this literally exists. 😈 Demon's are the best to describe. Stay strong & safe please people. & Trust your instincts. Your contience, never betrays u ,🙂
Change the thought process to you left a hole in their sole, because you did. He momentarily persuaded your son to perceive he’s the victim. In due time things will turnaround when your son sees for himself what’s really happened. All you have to do is move out the way, stay quiet, with minimal contact (need to know) and he will reveal himself to your son and everyone else. Stay strong ❤
Don’t flatter yourselves people, narcs are empty voids and trust me whenever you’re ready to walk outta the picture any alternative soul(s) will do 😂😂😂
@aludtke86 That's called smear campaign, don't try to defend yourself against it. My paper trail spoke for itself, he never went to the police cause then he would have perjured himself!
He did mention something about him needing to stop being selfish and staying out his head. God bless him and bind any and all demonic spirits that has attached itself to get to and loose the full Armor of God in Jesus precious name Amen❤️🙏🏽🤲🏽
It was nothing but lies I was catching my “friend” (or who I thought). That’s when I started in with questions, then using logic and what I knew to corner him mentally and psychologically. His time was up and I was done.
Telsha, 😂 you hit this one out the ballpark. They really do have multiple personalities all in the same day, SMH. I discarded my husband 2 years ago via separation with a pending divorce in 2025, and he is nuttier now than before. When I say that I can’t wait to be legally FREE from this basket case 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽, that’s an understatement, SMH.
Are you keeping those texts? His persistence can be classed as stalking. Anything he sends/says/posts/writes is evidence and it's wise to file it just in case.
Bless Friday and weekend Ms Tea and everyone left a hole in his demonic soul 😂 I don't want evil in my life this misreble pops up at my address I didn't bother stayed inside no contact 🔥🔥🔥.
I Don’t See Nor Hear 👂🏽 From Them Nor Am I Looking 👀 And Wailing, My No Contact Started That Day and I’m Not Going To Lift It Up I’m Fine” Took a Minute But I Overcome The Discard And The Abuse When They Said (GOD)Is Good 🤲🏽🙌🏽God is Good!!!! And Definitely 💯 work on yourself and now that you know your worth shine ✨ brighter than the stars 🌟 🤲🏽✨Love you like you was trying to love them, Put all that energy into yourself 🤲🏽😊
He found someone new right away. He doesn’t seem mad at me at all. We don’t even talk. I mean I stop talking to him but no, I don’t think that’s true. seem like that to me.
They are great pretenders!....Oscar Actors. If you were their grade A supply....and you left and have no contact with them...yes u left a hole there...and.the new supply is really not new. They have been in the picture... u just then not see it. Stay Out and heal! And Be blessed!
Yall i left a month ago ...i planned ahead and i got the HELL AWAY and ran for the hills!! 🏃🏽♀️💨LITERALLY!! God is so good my life is peaceful!! I even treated myself to lunch today!! It felt so good.❤️
I will never take him back if I do I know I will die 💯
@1010QUEEN7 dont go back beloved!!! Keep charging ahead!! You got this!!💯💯💯
I know the feeling!!
Isn't it nice and quiet now?!!
@T_Nice yesss!! Im not livin my life feeling like im on edge or something constantly watching me...when I was with him i felt like i was in a jail cell..
The backwards walking pigeons with the feathers missing takes me out everytime 😂😂😂😂cause baby he can’t come back over here everrrrrrrrrrrrrre
They always have supplies on deck. They definitely don’t wanna lose primary supply, but any supply will fulfill their needs.
Its really easy to walk away when God mows that grass and expose the snakes!
One second you feel sorry for them. The next you’re savage. These demons are charming something like Lucifer. This is definitely a battle chosen ones must win and conquer.
Didn’t need to be that way, it comes down to your health and livelihood. Their cruelty and selfishness has no bounds.
Be happy it ended, unless you enjoy misery.
They are demonic
Thanks God I Played wisely 😊
They are crazy😂😂😂
If any narc abuse survivors are in the Bay Area or Nor Cal and want to connect please reach out to me. I’m 1 year narcissist free & God is so good! I am at peace ☮️
He never reached out, it’s been almost a year
Damn I'm about 6 hours north
Be careful trying to connect online, many narcs on these platforms that listen to these messages.
When dealing with narcissism, you should know that it’s not personal. “It isn’t personal” is one of those cliches used to cushion all kinds of bad actions taken by people who need an out for being immoral, but in this case it actually gets near the truth. Narcissists don’t know how to love or be a friend; they can’t afford to spare the energy to learn, because they’re always in a state of high emergency, cataloging potential threats and redoubling their defenses. When they claim to love you, it means nothing. They may even think they mean it, but they don’t understand the concept - they can’t feel it.
They never attach to you or anyone else. Other people are paper cut-outs to the narcissist, like those cardboard figures of celebrities you pose next to for a selfie. Narcissist value their own children only as mirrors of themselves. When they destabilize you or attack you, it means nothing. They are stuck in an endless conversation with themselves, in which you are an inanimate object, to be assigned their own faults and used as a surrogate punching bag for their hatred of themselves.
When they toss you out, it’s no more meaningful than a junkie tossing away a needle; when they try to reel you back in, it only means that they tired of the new drug and need a hit of the old. None of this is personal. They’re too terrified to have personal relationships, opting instead for extraction of admiration from a subservient partner whose range of action they strictly constrain. This is not personal. None of it. The narcissist does not know who you are - it doesn’t know how to know other people. Like the vampire or the chainsaw-wielding creature in the horror film, it’s from another world, bereft of the concept of human connection.
Additionally, If you're facing a difficult decision about divorce and need proof of infidelity, working with a private investigator could provide clarity. In some states, even though "no fault" divorce is common, having evidence of infidelity might still help in certain situations. If you're looking for professional, discreet support to uncover the truth, you might want to reach out to Barryinvestigation@gmail. com for guidance. Taking this step can give you the confidence to move forward.
He texted me and told me that he wanted to “just check up on me”😂 The last time we spoke was 9 months ago. Access denied!👎
If You still didn't block Him You still let Him have Access to You !!!
Block him as long as he is not blocked he still believes he has an open door to come back
Ever ree time you say “These backwards walking giraffes” kills me Sis! 😂. It’s the don’t fall for the okie doke and desperately RUN into the other direction! 🙌🏽
They were poking HOLES in our SOULS as well sis @Telsha..
Yes they were picking holes. But when you leave or accept the discard, you are able to healed. but on their end, it just another hole to for torment.
@@OhSoLovely Absolutely! They didn't get the opportunity to complete their assignment from the pit of hell. I'm grateful that our father stepped in and put an end to it. 💯🙏🙏
The gaping hole was always there. They have no soul!
I had the final straw with my narc. He disrespected my deceased mother again after apology from doing it before.Every time we would argue, it became very hurtful and disrespectful. Insults and fake apology. 14 years, and that was it. My mother means the world to me, even in spirit. I felt if you could do that again, knowing how hard it was to deal with my loss. You're a special kind of demon, and I want nothing else from this transactional, one-sided, traumatic situation. Once you get fed up the strength, I always knew I had at that moment came through with a vengeance. Im on my healing journey.
Me too Sis! It’s UP from here 🙏🏽💜
😂😂🤣🤣🤣 These people (Narcissist) are delusional! Smh I didn’t even know these individuals existed until I dealt with my daughter’s mother. It’s crazy because what opened my eyes is watching Sopranos for the millionth time about 3 years ago, and the episode where Dr, Malfy told Tony his mother probably set him up to get whacked and that she may suffer from Border line personality disorder, & read off some of the “traits” to him I recognized some a lot of the behaviors in her and started doing my own research and was 🤯🤯🤯 ever since then I’ve been on my square forreal forreal!! Thank you for your continuous info my sister! Keep doing what you do, a lot of people are unaware and these type of videos helps. Bless your heart. 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Literally just had the family reach out to me and tell me everything because they said it was burdening their hearts. While I guess I appreciate the heads up, this entire ordeal is too much drama to deal with. The narc & the family are tiring, and they told me about all the past women as well. So if anyone is wondering, YES, the narc’s family knows they have problems and knew the moment you walked in that you weren’t a “friend” or “associate”, just another victim- one of many smh
Leave the entire family of crazies ALONE!
So true! When I quit the narc the whole house of cards fell and the family was under them cards! They always know the truth about these birds but will still stand by them and use you until they can’t anymore. Then act shocked and bitter about your departure, lol.
This isn’t talked about enough. The family knew about the new supply and everybody else knew too. All except you but if you can feel energy they tell you without telling you if that makes sense?
The narc will act very arrogant and disrespectful in front of the family and act like it was you that was the problem. The family will also act “weird” and “off” around you too like the know something you don’t but gotta put up the act to try to act normal.
@@moniqueboatfield Agreed! At the end of the call, they told me “just for the record, we’re not saying break up with him” and I was shocked because what other outcome would they suggest? What was the purpose of the call? To put your “burden” on me but expect me to stay? The entire family is crazy
@@saulescamilla3605 Agreed! I always felt “watched” around them if that makes sense. As if they were watching me to see my relation to their narc sibling, as they started with questions of how & where we met, etc. They kept it friendly, yet later told him I was out of his league which means they were definitely watching and studying me the entire time. I believe they all try to see how they can benefit from you being in their lives, even if it’s something as simple as keeping the narc occupied so he’s not bothering them.
@@BeezyM345 you were definitely watched by the narc’s family. They will always be a lead narc in the family in the case of me it was the ex narc’s mother. The narc mother was a narc herself and was so backwards also NEVER happy for more than a day. She belittled her daughters and praised her sons. The narcs father was a cool guy for the most part but had no control or authority over his household and the woman was the one calling the shots.
I can see the woman I dated why she became a narc herself. She however was the worst kind of narc… the covert narc. She played the “normal girl who wants better in life” well. Really she was evil and full of hatred towards me and I honestly was discombobulated when I got discarded because of how unrecognizable she behaved literally from one day to the next.
It all made sense one day when I happen to research on a person who “discards” sure enough a narcissist and the symptoms appear she hit all of the symptoms. I could not believe that I dealt with a whole psycho.
They're quite the dummies!
😂😂😂 Nope, no seeing a consequence & then acting out because there is. 🙄🤦♂️
Over 3 years he discarded and blocked me I'm so happy he did now iv healed I see him in a totally different light now
Good for you!
Leaving is a good feeling. Especially when they don’t know. He broke up with me on 7/23 and I left on 7/24. I don’t think he thought I would leave. But when the 1st came and I wasn’t there to help pay bills…..he probably still mad.
@@Kristalwalker1972 My narc was seeing another guy and I new it. I couldn't leave right then so I had to take it . She never thought I would leave!! I paid almost every thing, and took her dog to the vet every month for it's injection. When she had to take him recently.. the vet didn't know who she was.
He texted me " saying that he misses me" I'm not a second though to anyone.
Number 1 always that’s just how we rock. I’ll be my own #1 we bring our own happiness
Narc not coming back here. I have seen narc is passing. I only been hoovered once . On my bday. Im coming up in a yr of NO CONTACT
Good for you! 😊
Too bad too sad! Sorry not sorry! I couldn’t care less! He was soo mad when he saw me months later, he flipped me the bird. I left quietly and he never saw it coming! Best decision ever! He could never ever get me back. He is totally blocked on everything and I will NEVER unblock.
Same. He is blocked for life!!!
after being put on the back burner. ignored. taken advantage of...you finally get tired. its crazy how when i finally stood up for myself and mentioned all the wrongs and was walking away, this is when I finally got "huh? I did that?" with this calm and caring voice. the last time I heard such a calm and caring voice was during the love bomb. luckily I'm not that vulnerable anymore, time to gain back my sanity back cause a brother need some sleep lol
I was telling my therapist yesterday that one of the things that bothers me the most about narcs is their duality. Stop dressing and acting normal when you a whole demon. Put some horns on when you go out please sir.
It's Halloween everyday with those demons 😭🥶
Not duality, I know what you mean but duality would be knowing how to move in a different environment and situations but you keep your integrity. These people are snakes and fakes. They are living double/multi lives and conflicting within themselves.
I Love you Lady Telsha.
You were there for me from the very
very beginning ❤
I have been thriving in my life. I was married to him for 14yrs and it’s been 4 years out!!!! I left … he hoovered a couple of times. He has stopped,
Gaping hole , no hole or a hole, hole in their soul… it ain’t none of my business
about his situation !
I am seeing beautiful again 🌺
Loads of love to you and thank you 🙏🏽
If the narc is asking why you had the temerity to leave the abuse, just tell them to go away and figure it out. See what they come back with. It'll be a lie or a pretended intention to "change." They can't and they won't. Kick that ass to the curb and keep on striding. You'll bump into Mr or Miss Right sooner or later.
Had to get a restraining ordered to get him out !
If she comes back to my door unannounced I’ll have to do the same
Good for you, in my case after he was properly served, he didn't show up and fled the country as he's not a US citizen. I've gone to the FBI numerous times. Almost two years of bring stalked, hacked, and harassed. They are theee worse!
I left a little over a month ago.. My life has improved so much. I'm fixing my relationship with God by praying regularly, My parents and I are working it out .. I've been able to help my daughter out which would have been impossible. I'm feeling like myself again. I didn't realize how much control I allowed her to have. I mother said I was manipulated into what I was doing.. I believe it now looking back at it.
It really, sickens me, that people like this literally exists. 😈 Demon's are the best to describe. Stay strong & safe please people. & Trust your instincts. Your contience, never betrays u ,🙂
Truth I walked in on my ex one time the room was empty and she was having a convo with what seemed like 3-4 people but the room was empty........
He left a HOLE in my sole.....because he turned our son against me. Because he CONTROLS the narrative 😢😢😢😢
Change the thought process to you left a hole in their sole, because you did. He momentarily persuaded your son to perceive he’s the victim. In due time things will turnaround when your son sees for himself what’s really happened. All you have to do is move out the way, stay quiet, with minimal contact (need to know) and he will reveal himself to your son and everyone else. Stay strong ❤
@RisingPhoenix177 Thank You❤❤
@shayalexander8296 Thank you for correcting me, ... you must be friends with my ex Narc
Backward walking 🦒🦒🦒's indeed! 🤣😅🎯💯
Don’t flatter yourselves people, narcs are empty voids and trust me whenever you’re ready to walk outta the picture any alternative soul(s) will do 😂😂😂
Not true! I've been stalked, hacked, and harassed for almost 2 years.
@@existinginthegraydidn't last for 2 years but I was followed and then everyone I spoke with was told that I followed them 😂
@aludtke86 That's called smear campaign, don't try to defend yourself against it. My paper trail spoke for itself, he never went to the police cause then he would have perjured himself!
Amen. Thank you so much for this confirmation. All glory be to God.
He did mention something about him needing to stop being selfish and staying out his head. God bless him and bind any and all demonic spirits that has attached itself to get to and loose the full Armor of God in Jesus precious name Amen❤️🙏🏽🤲🏽
It was nothing but lies I was catching my “friend” (or who I thought). That’s when I started in with questions, then using logic and what I knew to corner him mentally and psychologically. His time was up and I was done.
Telsha, 😂 you hit this one out the ballpark. They really do have multiple personalities all in the same day, SMH. I discarded my husband 2 years ago via separation with a pending divorce in 2025, and he is nuttier now than before. When I say that I can’t wait to be legally FREE from this basket case 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽, that’s an understatement, SMH.
Blocked on EVERYTHING, yet he still calling private & texting from new numbers. 5 months NO CONTACT!! Just leave me alone 😔💯
Are you keeping those texts? His persistence can be classed as stalking. Anything he sends/says/posts/writes is evidence and it's wise to file it just in case.
Confirmation over and over again. Thank you for posting this. I just witnessed this behavior a few days ago. Wow! #7monthsfreed
I hear you good
Bless Friday and weekend Ms Tea and everyone left a hole in his demonic soul 😂 I don't want evil in my life this misreble pops up at my address I didn't bother stayed inside no contact 🔥🔥🔥.
💯😂, Happy Friday 🙌🏿❤️
I feel like the hole is in me. I felt gutted when it ended. God rescued me, but it still hurts.
They are cruel, that is why you feel gutted. I do too. They are demons.
Give it time, stay positive. Get back home safely.
It's trauma bonding and losing the idea of a happiness that was never going to be. Look on it as an education and part of your weaponry going forward.
I Don’t See Nor Hear 👂🏽 From Them Nor Am I Looking 👀 And Wailing, My No Contact Started That Day and I’m Not Going To Lift It Up I’m Fine”
Took a Minute But I Overcome The Discard And The Abuse
When They Said (GOD)Is Good 🤲🏽🙌🏽God is Good!!!!
And Definitely 💯 work on yourself and now that you know your worth shine ✨ brighter than the stars 🌟 🤲🏽✨Love you like you was trying to love them,
Put all that energy into yourself 🤲🏽😊
Bless you Happy holidays Telsha
God bless you Miss Tea...amen and praise God...keep on keepin on and not looking back...thank you Jesus...🥰
It's true
I did a once and forever BLACK OUT ⚫️
Can you create a video on the many conflicting personalities/demons that you were referring to? I’d love to learn more. Thank you.
You gotta pay the troll toll if you want to gets this boys hole
❤❤❤ I loved the live last night, first one I have seen. I learned alot and felt like tou spoke from the Spirit. I plan on being there next Thursday.
The narc has me blocked again on everything for over 4 months now....
Now you go block him. Go " No Contact". Game over! Check mate you win!!
@sherriepawlikowski4935 I've been in no contact for almost 4 months now
And let it stay like that...u don't need nothing from that person that God can't give u
@nayselflove4360 thanks!
Hello sister I missed last night have a wonderful day
He blocked and that was the End. Good riddance
That’s the truth
I don’t think my absence did anything
Oh yes 🙌 oh yes 🙌 😊😮😢🎉😂❤
2 years No contact
What soul? Is the soul in the room with them?
He found someone new right away. He doesn’t seem mad at me at all. We don’t even talk. I mean I stop talking to him but no, I don’t think that’s true. seem like that to me.
They are great pretenders!....Oscar Actors. If you were their grade A supply....and you left and have no contact with them...yes u left a hole there...and.the new supply is really not new. They have been in the picture... u just then not see it. Stay Out and heal! And Be blessed!
@ thankyou, Im trying its very hard to heal from 27 yrs of trauma . I think I will start watching this on thursdays again thankyou❤️🙏
I don't think so they moved on
Meet up with that dude at the Telly ole girl you never was so how can you exist in my world kick rocks
My narc ex is trolling my tik tok
Block them
Lol 😂
📠 ❤
Outformation. Check. Mystic investigations McTavish international magic school