Mehul - composer - contemporary of Mozart and Cherubini ! Wonderful music! I am so grateful for sharing this music, and much gratitude for the musicians for discovering and presenting this music to us! I am from Kiev, and being so exhilarated to discover a new gem of classical music!
Thank you so much for sharing. Méhul's music is not heard so often even in France, his "Joseph en Egypte" sometimes but not much more, a pity for the composer of "Le chant du départ" (words by M.J. Chénier, André Chénier's brother) that even became the french hymn under Napoleon !
Mehul - composer - contemporary of Mozart and Cherubini ! Wonderful music! I am so grateful for sharing this music, and much gratitude for the musicians for discovering and presenting this music to us! I am from Kiev, and being so exhilarated to discover a new gem of classical music!
Such a fine piece to hear. Had to listen to it twice. Thanks Señor Jose Ignacio H. GB
Thank you so much for sharing. Méhul's music is not heard so often even in France, his "Joseph en Egypte" sometimes but not much more, a pity for the composer of "Le chant du départ" (words by M.J. Chénier, André Chénier's brother) that even became the french hymn under Napoleon !
Muchas gracias por la información.
By no.3 and no.4 symphonies, our compositor is so very great.
Ik weet niet... maar ik denk dat het zo fantastisch en groot niet echt is...