FIBA Rules Explained: Disqualifying Fouls and Fighting

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

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  • @sophieh1362
    @sophieh1362 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I know this is an old video but this is the best explanation of a disqualifying foul I’ve seen yet. Thank you!!

  • @kevinpan1088
    @kevinpan1088 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video!
    But there is one on 14:55. About that hardfoul UF or DQ should be 2shots and the ball. Penalty is not equal therefore can't be cancelled out. It will be white team shot for 2 free throws and then 2 free throws for purple Nash and purple has possession in the front court with 14 sec on shot clock.
    Hope I am not wrong or maybe it's because they are playing nba rules instead of fiba rules.
    I'll keep following! Thank you for your work! Stay safe!

    • @refereeuniversity
      @refereeuniversity  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Great question! I am slowly reading more into the NBA fouls and NCAA so I cannot speak on their consequences fairly. However, in FIBA, if you have equal penalties (Meaning equal consequences not equal foul terminology) you cancel them out. FIBA rules state that if any players come off the bench, it's a DQ for the player(s) and a one DQ tech to the head coach resulting in two free throws and possession (DQ consequence). The penalty changes if they actively get involved which they did not. Horry's hip check is a Unsportsmanlike foul (2 Free Throws and Possession) or a DQ (2 Free throws, Possession and player ejection). Since penalties/consequences are the same ( 2 Free Throws and Possession), we cancel them and go back to point of interruption which was purple possession. Does that make sense?

    • @kevinpan1088
      @kevinpan1088 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@refereeuniversity Yes you are right! I just checked rule book 38.3, it is a player disqualifying but marked as coach's tech as B2, I forgot there the ball possession. Since you didn't write down the ball possession penalty, I was mainly focus on the foul shots. Damn I am starting to forgot some of the rules...Thank you! Look forward to your next video.

  • @LeoBrooks03
    @LeoBrooks03 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    If a player is fouled in the act of shooting a layup (2FT) and then they push the defender in anger (resulting in a USF), do the penalties cancel out? If they do/don't, who gets possession after everything is resolved?

  • @coopzr
    @coopzr 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great video. Not up to date with the technical foul penalty though

    • @refereeuniversity
      @refereeuniversity  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Completely right. Unfortunately youtube does not allow me to write comments to overlap the video. So I included it in the description, posted a card on the video. Thank you!

  • @sapien82
    @sapien82 ปีที่แล้ว

    I dont understand why you get DQ'd for fighting if you are trying to defend yourself from being attacked by a player who initiated the fight , are you meant to just take a sucker punch and not fight back ? its human instinct to defend yourself , in the case of Chriss Abaka , Chriss was attacked from behind , is he meant to just take it so he doesnt get DQ'd ? that rule seems unfair, as players seem expected to just take potential injury in order to avoid a DQ for not fighting. How can you walk away from a potential fight you dont know you are in until you are in it when your back is turned?

    • @refereeuniversity
      @refereeuniversity  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I understand the frustration but there are multiple situation you can back up and not engage. Swinging back is self defense but still against the rules