@@Fent-he literally brings on gang bangers from different hoods on his channel to instigate beef and that how he makes money. No jumper been mainly about gang culture which Adam Grandmaison, who’s his dad got pardoned by Clinton after goin to jail for elections fraud for the Clinton is nowhere near from that gang or LA culture.
@@timothybarry2981yeah and when he was asked if he rather his daughter should have a normal job or like her mom, he said “what her mom does is very lucrative, so..” 😭😭😭
@@TheBurningChicken1 Yes!! He's certainly become a big douche bag since becoming relevant. Idk what it is but I used to find him so entertaining and funny now he's just cringey most of the time. If I had to guess I think it's a mix of becoming really popular and Rich and obviously drugs.
Yes!! He’s easy pickins, but he’s also really easy to use and manipulate. Basically he’s gotten so cocky he doesn’t even see how ridiculously see through he is lol. Good points ya have. Steiny is sad to me… it’s a funny podcast with segura side piece I always find it funny when cocky comics are caught off guard but steiny is just sad.
@@tilberry19you guessed couple of them and one more thing is he started feeling too big after he bought his specials rights back. He used to be more humble before that but since then he became “high power” so arrogant. He definitely does drugs too. It shows how he be super hyped then his energy drops later on and he gets irritated and mad.
Andrew is the guy you grew up with, but stopped talking to about 19 years old because he turned into a proper bell sniff and started hanging out with the cocaine crowd. Adam is the guy you knew about at school, and you thank your lucky stars you avoided.
Don’t like the loyalty credit he doesn’t strike me as someone loyal he seems like someone that knows it’s smart to kiss the ass of people that benefit him personally. Dude seems like a snake.
There's no beef, Schulz just sees himself as better than Adam or Nelk or even Ak because he can sell out stadiums as a comic. Tbf he's not wrong but he doesn't have to be so insecure to compare himself all the time like a complete loser.
Bro had to sell his soul because there's no way he should be selling out stadiums. Have you seen his stand up? It's mid at best and that's being kind. Cool dude but he's hood Seinfield.
Honestly, Shulz is a huge douche, but you have to respect his game in stand up. Nelk and Adam22 are just influencers. Not artists. So that is a big difference, all of us who dont do creative things professionally know that its not as cool what we do, no matter what it is, since its not art. And Schulz can claim that. So ya, hes above them. At least regarding mainstream fame and celebrity. Adam22 can think hes the shit all he wants but hes still just a hip hop pundit and should be writing blogs somewhere. Again, Shulz is a douche and a tool but he is a top end stand up right now (fame-wise, never said he was super talented).
nailed it, I was about to write a similar comment. they are both guilty of the things they accuse the other of, they both do clickable/got ya/drama/gossip shows, they both are the same amount (to whatever degree) of vulture, both obsessed with numbers/views, both thin skinned and can’t take not being hyped if anything, it makes me feel less crazy as a consumer of this media, to see they also don’t like each other, ironically, both thinking they are better than the other just my take
Stupid comment. He’s not killing anything but his prospects for branching out. Keep this up and you’ll be trapped with no one to collaborate with you. You’re not even anywhere near significant to these people and your tales are horrible. You probably only appeal to people who hate on these hard working guys like Schulz. Get some help man you both delusional
Firstly, adam22 talking about being a culture vulture is sooooo rich. The guy made a career out of being a try hard, with practically no talent asides from appropriating the culture. At least andrew has comedy as a skill. Secondly, andrew seems like he has deeply rooted trauma of fitting in maybe or just past struggles he cant get over. Whcih shows at times. But i dont think being friends with charlamagne and having a podcast with him, and hencr profits, counts him as a vulture. Dudes literally collaborating
Watched the entire No Jumper episode and I didn't really feel any beef between Adam and Andrew. Adam didn't ask anything that was really out of line, and Andrew's jokes on Adam was funny and Adam played into them also. I'm guessing the 'beef' afterwards stems from two POV about how to run a podcast, not much else
I think it is natural to change your tone. Most people change their tone and language around parents, work, school friends etc and I would argue the more colorful the personality like Andrew the more wide the range
For those who don't know, Adam22 was hooking up with 16-year-old fans and as soon as the heat was on, and he got called out on it, he used his wife as cover and no one around him will ever forget that Adam is still a predator.
Why ain't he in jail and why would his wife cover for him? So he cheats with a minor and his wife supports it? And the fact your comment has only 3 likes suggests society has no problem with grown men fucking minors... wow!
Adam is full of shit. This video Calling out how he code switches when he's around black people is hilariously accurate. It's funny because he calls out Adam for doing anything to make money, but he literally turned into a Hitler hair Maga nazi to make a little more money and get the Joe Rogan audience.
Adam definitely tried to trap Andrew, lied about being friends with Schaub, definitely clicked baited the title of the Rogan clip, and is just pissed he got called out about it. And that “using the black community” things is hilarious coming from Adam.
He doesn't "play" a character on flagrant... I personally believe those are his friends .. I think you're genuinely seeing him enjoy conversation with his friends.. I'm biased tho too. I like the show
Shultz grinded to get where he is. He is heavy Italian, and the cultural similarities between the Italians and the blacks is similar esp in the east coast where he is from. On the west coast the cultures don't blend together as much. Even tho there is an argument to be made that Gang culture is Mob culture aka Italian. Adam is awkward white in my opinion and Andrew is basically a cousin and light skinned black lol
He's Scottish and German, he has stated this. He obviously has hung out with a lot of Ginnys but he isn't one. He's using Italian American mannerisms because it's a doorway to cultural acceptance with black folks. I'm half Italian, it definitely doesn't hurt the relationship with my darker brothers when they know this.
Italians and blacks have historically never gotten along. Especially in New York. Google Yousef Hawkins. There's entire neighborhoods in New York where black people weren't welcome and I'm not talking about the 60s either. As recently as the 80s blacks would get harrased or chased out of Italian neighborhoods. I don't expect non New Yorkers to know this though.
I thought it was weird for Schulz to bring it up during the Akademiks interview but in his defense he also brought it up during the No Jumper interview how the questions seemed tailored for TH-cam clips. It’s not like he said something he wouldn’t say to Adam’s face. Later in the convo he brings up trauma Lena and Adam may have experienced and I thought that was a bit extra
@@Blazing_Hotmagmablack Americans seemingly purposefully pronounce words incorrectly, mumbling like their mouths are full of marbles, speaking in weird melodies; definitely a stark contrast to British speak
Andrew is a comedian, he shows respect to other comedians, especially when they are his friends. the fact that people dont understand that is so damn sad, it says alot about many of you.
So he gonna respect comedians and not others ?? I don’t get it. Andrew is arrogant and he thinks he’s better than others. Stopped watching flagrant long time ago because he cuts off all his guests to drop the lamest jokes then him and Akash starts floor tapping, shoulder grappling and knee slapping (all while fake loud laughing) sooo cringe 😭😭
If Adam22 lived the exact same like he has but was Black nobody would ever call him a culture vulture. That’s the only argument. You can at least argue Andrew saw an opportunity with Charlemagne to appeal to a new demo for his comedy .
Culture vulture is just a term black folks use in order to talk negatively about white people. If you get on a podcast with a person from another culture that has a different appearance, then create your own podcast, you're a vulture. If you do the same, but the person is of the same culture and descent as you, it's called branching out or career advancement.
How do you 'use' Hiphop culture? Charlamagne helped expose a black audience to Schulz. Schulz didn't use anyone, he entertained those that watch him. Ya'll are goofy for this.
I agree, it makes no sense. If you get on a podcast with a person from another culture that has a different appearance, then create your own podcast, you're a vulture or you used them. If you do the same, but the person is of the same culture and descent as you, it's called branching out or career advancement.
I don't think there's beef Schulz was literally d riding Adam in the new Akademiks video. He tried saying it was a good business decision for Adam to have gotten cucked. Shulz and Adam16 are similar in the worst ways.
I actually agree with Adam22s critique about Schultz on the Flagrant podcast vs Brilliant Idiots. The entire podcast is Schultz and Akash gassing people up pretending everything they say is either the most hilarious thing they've ever heard or something deserving of a Nobel Prace Prize
Shulzys just a boy from Manhattan man. He aint grow up in the trenches but he can relate to the culture, which is why it's no surprise him and al mesh together damn near perfectly. Its not no pandering to a demographic and for the "exaggeration" on his personality on flagrant im sure everyone gets into the conversation more when its with your boys. Theyve been doing flagrant for yrs now and went on the road together often its only natural theyd build that strong relationship and vulnerability towards each other, ik when my and bro link up the smallest shit we do will have us dying laughing for hrs 🤷🏽♂️
That shows become trash in the podcast community. Too much cringe anymore. I can see if when I was back doing a bunch of drugs I would find the show funny you just sit back and laugh your ass off about nonsense line after line
Absolute facts. I moved from my old hood years ago so I don't see them in person much anymore, but I remember many times where a group of us would be vibing and having a great time hanging out, and even the smallest thing had us dying cause the vibe was there. Even when we get the chance to link up to play some games the mic is on fire, we're all laughing even about the smallest shit, it just seems way more funny in the moment. I've seen so many comments from people who obviously never had a real strong close friend group to vibe with claim that this is impossible on Flagrant, it makes me sad some people never experienced this as a common thing. It also helps that we all are silly af, so maybe people that are more serious and have friends with serious personalities don't experience this. I think that there are definitely sometimes that they're hamming it up on Flagrant, but I also think a majority of the time its just vibes with close friends.
Andrew does seem like the kind of guy who would use hip hop to boost his career. Lil dicky did the same thing. However, him code switching means nothing about it. Many people code switch. The Joe Budden thing was a hot topic. Not that Hot of a topic. But for a while Joe Biden was getting into beef with everyone.
Code switching exclusively around particular individuals to emulate other's subtle vernacular intricacies is far from normal. Just being yourself at all times without unnecessary emulation is normal.
I only know of Adam due to two beefs his had. This now, and then the other being the one with some dude on the Whatever dating podcast. It's like that's his career.
How did Schulz use Charlamagne when they were both on that MTV show The Man Code year’s ago? Schulz has been doing his thing and working. That’s such a BS take from Joe or anyone that supports it.
saying " he talks like black people" makes literally no sense he grew up in New York and they have certain slang which he will pick up from because he's from New York.... crazy horrible reach on that one
I don't agree with you at all. The amount of times he says "bruh" and "homie" while on fragrant, and then completely changes his vernacular with everybody else, shows that it isn't his natural way of speaking, and every time he talks "black", it feels forced and unnatural.
@Eddie_Proctor It might be helpful for you to learn the difference between authenticity and adaptation. Not only does Andrew's way of speaking change, but his whole persona and values change as well. Any truly respected person will have the same personality and way of speaking, regardless of what group they're in, with obvious variables like if kids or the elderly are in the room. It's called being grounded.
@Eddie_Proctor Also - you said "what nobody in this comment section including you doesn't understand"... Bro, that's an oxymoron. Which is super ironic.
Seems like Schultz can't take a joke but can dish it out just fine. I think his face and reaction was because Adam called him out for what Budden said and it's kinda true. I honestly think that Andrew can dish out jokes and roast other people but gets all pissy when he gets talked about.
The criticism of Shultz laughing extra hard or playing up things on flagrant is BS. Don’t we all laugh harder and play things up when we are chilling with our really good friends ? Because that is what flagrant is
I was going to say theres no such thing as speaking black in nyc. NYC is a whole hood and if you grew here youd realize that we are the culture and we created the culture.
Schulz looks like hes wearing the same outfit he wore when he went off on steiny. I wonder if he did both interviews the same day and was just in a bad mood
To be fair, Andrew should know that Adam is all about what makes him money. Relationships are obviously not important to him, based on his relationship with his wife. That being said, Andrew talks like he listens to hip-hop. That’s it.
In the boroughs and the city, real natives all talk or grew up talking to some degree like Schultz and many of us are able to switch because we need to work jobs. It's how we all grew up black american, african, puerto rican, italian, irish, albanian, vietnamese, jamaican, you name it. If you pick apart the dialects in the bronx and in brooklyn alone, you will get subtle variations that have carried over from every immigrant community over the cities' long history. I find it quite funny, and racist as fuck that you think only us blacks in the city invented the accent/dialect/lingo lmao. Foreigners have such a funny view on the culture of NY and it's always wrong.
Shultz does what ALL New Yorkers do… it’s called code switching. Being able to switch up your vernacular, tone, and cadence to connect with whatever audience. I noticed it’s always people from outside NYC that can’t wrap their heads around that. Even with Aquafina … people saying she talks “black” 😂 Again, the only people saying that corny shit is people outside NYC. The rest of us hear her and think “Oh… you must be from Queens.”
Yeah that's not true at all Akwifina definitely has a "blackcent" I've seen her do interviews where she uses her regular speaking cadence she only does that blackcent in very particular circumstances.
@@elijaharvinger1178bro...you really mised the whole point of this comment. Code Switching is a method in order to be understood by your audience. If you have direct access to make yourself understood by different kinds of people, that is advantageous.
Adam saying Andrew is using the black community is so ironic
The black community is using his wife
@@Windwalker88She's giving them herpes, but black males will sh00t each other to do anything with a pasty skin.
"Using" is a polite way to put it@@Windwalker88😂😂😂
Adams not even saying that he’s just making a comment on the general perspective. It’s a podcast they’re gonna talk.
Adam calling someone a culture vulture is rich.
There’s zero argument that he’s a culture vulture other than that he’s white lol
@@Fent-he literally brings on gang bangers from different hoods on his channel to instigate beef and that how he makes money.
No jumper been mainly about gang culture which Adam Grandmaison, who’s his dad got pardoned by Clinton after goin to jail for elections fraud for the Clinton is nowhere near from that gang or LA culture.
He didn't though.. joe Budden did. Adam just asked him about the controversy as any interviewer in the hip hop space would have.
Are you black?
But Schulz is filthy and scammer just like his friend Logan Paul.
Adam22 is literally a terrible person I feel so bad for his daughter. She has to deal with two awful people as parents.
He is a parent dang
@@timothybarry2981yeah and when he was asked if he rather his daughter should have a normal job or like her mom, he said “what her mom does is very lucrative, so..” 😭😭😭
@@NIggalyin Not real surprising somebody who makes porn is very “sex positive” when it comes to his kid lol
You don’t even know them ? 🤷🏽♂️
Andrew is an easy read when he’s genuinely upset. He does that awkward smile with Whitney Cummings & “Steiny”
Whitney Cummings even found a way to be much more funny and entertaining than Andrew in that podcast 😭
@@TheBurningChicken1 Yes!! He's certainly become a big douche bag since becoming relevant. Idk what it is but I used to find him so entertaining and funny now he's just cringey most of the time. If I had to guess I think it's a mix of becoming really popular and Rich and obviously drugs.
Yes!! He’s easy pickins, but he’s also really easy to use and manipulate. Basically he’s gotten so cocky he doesn’t even see how ridiculously see through he is lol. Good points ya have. Steiny is sad to me… it’s a funny podcast with segura side piece I always find it funny when cocky comics are caught off guard but steiny is just sad.
@@tilberry19 thank you
@@tilberry19you guessed couple of them and one more thing is he started feeling too big after he bought his specials rights back.
He used to be more humble before that but since then he became “high power” so arrogant.
He definitely does drugs too. It shows how he be super hyped then his energy drops later on and he gets irritated and mad.
Andrew is the guy you grew up with, but stopped talking to about 19 years old because he turned into a proper bell sniff and started hanging out with the cocaine crowd.
Adam is the guy you knew about at school, and you thank your lucky stars you avoided.
Don’t like the loyalty credit he doesn’t strike me as someone loyal he seems like someone that knows it’s smart to kiss the ass of people that benefit him personally. Dude seems like a snake.
Proper bell sniff is wild
@@ag6248UK insults are goated
Yeah bc he has a major in psychology from one of the most advanced university’s in America
@@colbyfrost5110 what are you talking about
Adam22 makes me very uncomfortable.
Adam22 THRIVES on drama. He could not give a F*&K what people think, he will say the thing that gets him the most clicks.
There's no beef, Schulz just sees himself as better than Adam or Nelk or even Ak because he can sell out stadiums as a comic. Tbf he's not wrong but he doesn't have to be so insecure to compare himself all the time like a complete loser.
This is a spot on comment.
That’s screams beef tf you talking about 😂
Bro had to sell his soul because there's no way he should be selling out stadiums. Have you seen his stand up? It's mid at best and that's being kind. Cool dude but he's hood Seinfield.
It could be Narcissim rather then insecurity dont project your insecurity on him. Because you don't know him so you can only assume
Honestly, Shulz is a huge douche, but you have to respect his game in stand up. Nelk and Adam22 are just influencers. Not artists. So that is a big difference, all of us who dont do creative things professionally know that its not as cool what we do, no matter what it is, since its not art. And Schulz can claim that. So ya, hes above them. At least regarding mainstream fame and celebrity. Adam22 can think hes the shit all he wants but hes still just a hip hop pundit and should be writing blogs somewhere. Again, Shulz is a douche and a tool but he is a top end stand up right now (fame-wise, never said he was super talented).
Both culture vultures only natural they don’t like eachother
Tbh I really can't stand either of them, for very different reasons
nailed it, I was about to write a similar comment. they are both guilty of the things they accuse the other of, they both do clickable/got ya/drama/gossip shows, they both are the same amount (to whatever degree) of vulture, both obsessed with numbers/views, both thin skinned and can’t take not being hyped
if anything, it makes me feel less crazy as a consumer of this media, to see they also don’t like each other, ironically, both thinking they are better than the other
just my take
RedBar is watching both of them, in the end he will lock them BOTH up!!!
There are a lot of comedy commentary channels now, and even though this channel is small, you've got good takes, good production. You're killin it.
I really appreciate this comment! Thank you
Stupid comment. He’s not killing anything but his prospects for branching out. Keep this up and you’ll be trapped with no one to collaborate with you. You’re not even anywhere near significant to these people and your tales are horrible. You probably only appeal to people who hate on these hard working guys like Schulz. Get some help man you both delusional
Andrew Schultz looking ready to invade Poland rn
Firstly, adam22 talking about being a culture vulture is sooooo rich. The guy made a career out of being a try hard, with practically no talent asides from appropriating the culture. At least andrew has comedy as a skill.
Secondly, andrew seems like he has deeply rooted trauma of fitting in maybe or just past struggles he cant get over. Whcih shows at times. But i dont think being friends with charlamagne and having a podcast with him, and hencr profits, counts him as a vulture. Dudes literally collaborating
He did have *some* talent. He had a real knack for BMX jumping over homeless people to get on the local news
Hey mate...the timing between clips for when u jump in and speak is spot on....keep up the great work!
Watched the entire No Jumper episode and I didn't really feel any beef between Adam and Andrew. Adam didn't ask anything that was really out of line, and Andrew's jokes on Adam was funny and Adam played into them also.
I'm guessing the 'beef' afterwards stems from two POV about how to run a podcast, not much else
I think people forget that Brilliant Idiots has been around for a decade. It’s been around way longer than Flagrant.
Oh on YT their oldest videos are both about 4 years old. My mistake
I think it is natural to change your tone. Most people change their tone and language around parents, work, school friends etc and I would argue the more colorful the personality like Andrew the more wide the range
To suggest that Adam is on Andrew’s level is comical
No jumper is bigger than Flagrant is and Adam isn’t a comedian so I don’t get your comment
They both suck
I see what you did there 😏
The biggest question of all..is who gives a fuck
I’m with you 🤣
For those who don't know, Adam22 was hooking up with 16-year-old fans and as soon as the heat was on, and he got called out on it, he used his wife as cover and no one around him will ever forget that Adam is still a predator.
Why ain't he in jail and why would his wife cover for him?
So he cheats with a minor and his wife supports it?
And the fact your comment has only 3 likes suggests society has no problem with grown men fucking minors... wow!
What does andrews fade remind me of hitlers mustache
Pin this comment.
@@A_TH-cam_Commenter why?
I always thought this 😂
Andrew lookin like a young Adolph
It is a TERRIBLE cut.
I love how every picture of shulz and adam22 is mouth open 😂
Andrew can be corny, but I believe he tries his best.
lmao right
Adam is full of shit. This video Calling out how he code switches when he's around black people is hilariously accurate. It's funny because he calls out Adam for doing anything to make money, but he literally turned into a Hitler hair Maga nazi to make a little more money and get the Joe Rogan audience.
He’s the Jimmy Fallon of “podcasting”
Adam definitely tried to trap Andrew, lied about being friends with Schaub, definitely clicked baited the title of the Rogan clip, and is just pissed he got called out about it.
And that “using the black community” things is hilarious coming from Adam.
Schulz was just defending Adam on the podcast with Ak a few weeks ago. There's no beef.
He doesn't "play" a character on flagrant... I personally believe those are his friends .. I think you're genuinely seeing him enjoy conversation with his friends.. I'm biased tho too. I like the show
Shultz grinded to get where he is. He is heavy Italian, and the cultural similarities between the Italians and the blacks is similar esp in the east coast where he is from. On the west coast the cultures don't blend together as much. Even tho there is an argument to be made that Gang culture is Mob culture aka Italian. Adam is awkward white in my opinion and Andrew is basically a cousin and light skinned black lol
He's not italian
He's Scottish and German, he has stated this. He obviously has hung out with a lot of Ginnys but he isn't one. He's using Italian American mannerisms because it's a doorway to cultural acceptance with black folks. I'm half Italian, it definitely doesn't hurt the relationship with my darker brothers when they know this.
Italians and blacks have historically never gotten along. Especially in New York. Google Yousef Hawkins. There's entire neighborhoods in New York where black people weren't welcome and I'm not talking about the 60s either. As recently as the 80s blacks would get harrased or chased out of Italian neighborhoods. I don't expect non New Yorkers to know this though.
Adam22 is from the east coast too 🤣
lots of people change how they speak depending on how theyre talking to. i dont speak the same way to my colleagues that i do to my friends.
Schultz is a hypocrite cause he was quick to call out Steiny on their podcast but didn’t say shit to Adam lol
Andrew is the Drake of comedy
Andrew didn’t need to use anyone, he was already a super star from ‘Guy Code’
Oh come on, the best people alter their communication skills depending on who they’re communicating with. Those who don’t, can’t.
Anyone calling anyone a culture vulture usually is guilty of doing it themselves.
I thought it was weird for Schulz to bring it up during the Akademiks interview but in his defense he also brought it up during the No Jumper interview how the questions seemed tailored for TH-cam clips. It’s not like he said something he wouldn’t say to Adam’s face. Later in the convo he brings up trauma Lena and Adam may have experienced and I thought that was a bit extra
“and his haircut” 😂 I doubt even his biggest fans like his hair. It was bad enough before, but ever since he Aryan Youth’d that shit up it’s WILD
one of the few times andrew isn’t the clown in the situation yet thats easy to when you’re going up against the full circus that is adam22
Black people with proper sounding british accents always intrigue me as a white american from a poor black neighborhood
How about a 6’4” buff Asian with a British accent? That shit is weird lol
@@Blazing_Hotmagmablack Americans seemingly purposefully pronounce words incorrectly, mumbling like their mouths are full of marbles, speaking in weird melodies; definitely a stark contrast to British speak
There are a few millions of us British of African and Caribbean in the UK, mostly living in England.
@@africareigns I just got my first passport at the age of 30, hopefully I get a chance to see more of the world soon
@4:00 It's called code switching
Andrew is a comedian, he shows respect to other comedians, especially when they are his friends. the fact that people dont understand that is so damn sad, it says alot about many of you.
its so simple and they all cant understand it
So he gonna respect comedians and not others ??
I don’t get it. Andrew is arrogant and he thinks he’s better than others.
Stopped watching flagrant long time ago because he cuts off all his guests to drop the lamest jokes then him and Akash starts floor tapping, shoulder grappling and knee slapping (all while fake loud laughing) sooo cringe 😭😭
You can only use the term "Culture vulture" if you yourself don't borrow anything from another Culture which is impossible.
If Adam22 lived the exact same like he has but was Black nobody would ever call him a culture vulture. That’s the only argument.
You can at least argue Andrew saw an opportunity with Charlemagne to appeal to a new demo for his comedy .
Culture vulture is just a term black folks use in order to talk negatively about white people. If you get on a podcast with a person from another culture that has a different appearance, then create your own podcast, you're a vulture. If you do the same, but the person is of the same culture and descent as you, it's called branching out or career advancement.
1:00 "It's a lose-lose situation"
Andrew Shultz: "Yeah, I feel like im stuck in a real 'catchAdam22' here."
Pause at 3:11 Adam looks like htlr🤣
Andrew's new haircut looking like that one time Musk went to barber and told him to fkme up!😆
Your videos are good! Keep it up! New sub here
Probly bc Adam’s sold his wife and Andrew is super into family. The institution of marriage and what it means. Like have you not seen his show?
His change in vernacular is called code switching. Its very common in the us from both blacks and whites.
Honestly everyone does it. It’s a subconscious thing we do to fit in better. But I could see the argument but I don’t think it’s that.
How do you 'use' Hiphop culture? Charlamagne helped expose a black audience to Schulz. Schulz didn't use anyone, he entertained those that watch him. Ya'll are goofy for this.
I agree, it makes no sense. If you get on a podcast with a person from another culture that has a different appearance, then create your own podcast, you're a vulture or you used them. If you do the same, but the person is of the same culture and descent as you, it's called branching out or career advancement.
TH-cam recommended page brought me here. I'm going through your videos now. Subscribed! PS: you have a lovely broadcast voice. 😊❤
Thank you and welcome!! :)
It's crazy that grown up men don't know when they gossip
I don't think there's beef Schulz was literally d riding Adam in the new Akademiks video. He tried saying it was a good business decision for Adam to have gotten cucked. Shulz and Adam16 are similar in the worst ways.
Andrew does code switch when his guest has an equatorial skin tone though
I actually agree with Adam22s critique about Schultz on the Flagrant podcast vs Brilliant Idiots.
The entire podcast is Schultz and Akash gassing people up pretending everything they say is either the most hilarious thing they've ever heard or something deserving of a Nobel Prace Prize
I genuinely enjoy your videos
This means a lot!
Shulzys just a boy from Manhattan man. He aint grow up in the trenches but he can relate to the culture, which is why it's no surprise him and al mesh together damn near perfectly. Its not no pandering to a demographic and for the "exaggeration" on his personality on flagrant im sure everyone gets into the conversation more when its with your boys. Theyve been doing flagrant for yrs now and went on the road together often its only natural theyd build that strong relationship and vulnerability towards each other, ik when my and bro link up the smallest shit we do will have us dying laughing for hrs 🤷🏽♂️
That shows become trash in the podcast community. Too much cringe anymore. I can see if when I was back doing a bunch of drugs I would find the show funny you just sit back and laugh your ass off about nonsense line after line
Your English skills are incredible. Did you learn to speak so eloquently in "the trenches?"
@@tilberry19 the pods still a solid watch but something's just aren't for everyone and that's ok ain't no biggie bout it
Absolute facts. I moved from my old hood years ago so I don't see them in person much anymore, but I remember many times where a group of us would be vibing and having a great time hanging out, and even the smallest thing had us dying cause the vibe was there. Even when we get the chance to link up to play some games the mic is on fire, we're all laughing even about the smallest shit, it just seems way more funny in the moment. I've seen so many comments from people who obviously never had a real strong close friend group to vibe with claim that this is impossible on Flagrant, it makes me sad some people never experienced this as a common thing. It also helps that we all are silly af, so maybe people that are more serious and have friends with serious personalities don't experience this. I think that there are definitely sometimes that they're hamming it up on Flagrant, but I also think a majority of the time its just vibes with close friends.
Andrew just doesn't seem authentic. Everything he does seems fake and forced.
Same with adam
This was a black guy talking the whole time. Lol, who knew
Andrew does seem like the kind of guy who would use hip hop to boost his career. Lil dicky did the same thing. However, him code switching means nothing about it. Many people code switch. The Joe Budden thing was a hot topic. Not that Hot of a topic. But for a while Joe Biden was getting into beef with everyone.
Code switching exclusively around particular individuals to emulate other's subtle vernacular intricacies is far from normal.
Just being yourself at all times without unnecessary emulation is normal.
These dude are like gossiping old ladies. 😂
kinda sad that now shit that everyone says online is considered "black community and culture" shit is genuinely so pathetic
Nice observations bro.. Well presented, too. I'm subbing 👌
Much appreciated!!
Same ✅
Ngl Andrew is always on defence if it’s not his own podcast. This is how he was with Nelk for the fullsend pod.
I only know of Adam due to two beefs his had. This now, and then the other being the one with some dude on the Whatever dating podcast. It's like that's his career.
Look at Adam's guests...look at Schultz's guests....there are levels to this.
Adam16 and Shultz are like twins lol that’s probably why they can’t stand each other… too much alike.
How did Schulz use Charlamagne when they were both on that MTV show The Man Code year’s ago? Schulz has been doing his thing and working. That’s such a BS take from Joe or anyone that supports it.
Hezi is a Newyorker man, that's all you need to know when it comes to how he speaks.
saying " he talks like black people" makes literally no sense he grew up in New York and they have certain slang which he will pick up from because he's from New York.... crazy horrible reach on that one
I don't agree with you at all.
The amount of times he says "bruh" and "homie" while on fragrant, and then completely changes his vernacular with everybody else, shows that it isn't his natural way of speaking, and every time he talks "black", it feels forced and unnatural.
@@luuuukeyyy its called add adapting to your environment clearly what nobody in this comment section including you doesnt understand
@Eddie_Proctor It might be helpful for you to learn the difference between authenticity and adaptation. Not only does Andrew's way of speaking change, but his whole persona and values change as well. Any truly respected person will have the same personality and way of speaking, regardless of what group they're in, with obvious variables like if kids or the elderly are in the room. It's called being grounded.
@Eddie_Proctor Also - you said "what nobody in this comment section including you doesn't understand"... Bro, that's an oxymoron. Which is super ironic.
Seems like Schultz can't take a joke but can dish it out just fine. I think his face and reaction was because Adam called him out for what Budden said and it's kinda true. I honestly think that Andrew can dish out jokes and roast other people but gets all pissy when he gets talked about.
Great content my guy! Subscribed
Much appreciate man!
The criticism of Shultz laughing extra hard or playing up things on flagrant is BS. Don’t we all laugh harder and play things up when we are chilling with our really good friends ? Because that is what flagrant is
I was going to say theres no such thing as speaking black in nyc. NYC is a whole hood and if you grew here youd realize that we are the culture and we created the culture.
I love your videos. I just randomly found it.
Thanks! Welcome to the channel
Andrew Schultz "co-signed" the Gringo Papi
Joe budden was absolutely correct. Joe was also correct when he said the same thing about Adam 16..
You look like a younger AFoxyGrampa(pro mortal Kombat player) and Colonel Ben Younger(Ada Shelby's lover) from Peaky Blinders
Ironically, they're both British as well. Must be something in the water
Schulz looks like hes wearing the same outfit he wore when he went off on steiny. I wonder if he did both interviews the same day and was just in a bad mood
To be fair, Andrew should know that Adam is all about what makes him money. Relationships are obviously not important to him, based on his relationship with his wife. That being said, Andrew talks like he listens to hip-hop. That’s it.
I mean Schulz was basically Awkwafina like 5 years ago...think he toned it down a bit but ya I remember him being blaccccented out af
Adam was a Bmx rider from the white suburbs..i know him personally from back in the day when i use to film for vile productions
Ok. And? lol he literally presents as such.
You're making something out of nothing. Good luck with your channel.
the black man talking white talking about the white man talking black ! keep going i like this
As a lifelong BMXer, I'm on Andrew's side.
In the boroughs and the city, real natives all talk or grew up talking to some degree like Schultz and many of us are able to switch because we need to work jobs. It's how we all grew up black american, african, puerto rican, italian, irish, albanian, vietnamese, jamaican, you name it. If you pick apart the dialects in the bronx and in brooklyn alone, you will get subtle variations that have carried over from every immigrant community over the cities' long history. I find it quite funny, and racist as fuck that you think only us blacks in the city invented the accent/dialect/lingo lmao. Foreigners have such a funny view on the culture of NY and it's always wrong.
The whole culture culture thing is Adam trying to bond IMo as he gets the exact same criticism for being a white man in hip hop
Holy fuck idk how you're taking Adam and Schulz so seriously lmfao.
8:24 he just said he’s not friends with Adam and he mad Adam was prepared for the interview…🤡🥊
When idols become rivals. Adam was a big supporter of Schulz not too long ago
Brilliant idiots and flagrant didn’t start around the same time
Are you Ethiopian or Eritrean? You look habesha
Shultz does what ALL New Yorkers do… it’s called code switching. Being able to switch up your vernacular, tone, and cadence to connect with whatever audience. I noticed it’s always people from outside NYC that can’t wrap their heads around that. Even with Aquafina … people saying she talks “black” 😂 Again, the only people saying that corny shit is people outside NYC. The rest of us hear her and think “Oh… you must be from Queens.”
Yeah that's not true at all Akwifina definitely has a "blackcent" I've seen her do interviews where she uses her regular speaking cadence she only does that blackcent in very particular circumstances.
@@elijaharvinger1178bro...you really mised the whole point of this comment.
Code Switching is a method in order to be understood by your audience. If you have direct access to make yourself understood by different kinds of people, that is advantageous.
Isn’t no jumper a generic version of flagrant 2?
i’ve never seen gringo papi but there’s no way it can be worse than that Amy Schumer bullshit that made Netflix take away the dislike button.
Andrew is known for his comedy. The brilliant podcast is small. He’s free stand up clips on TH-cam during COVID helped Shultz that’s how I know him
Adam a hater Andrew authentic af a has way more genuine friends around him, bru could never
Battle for the clown crown
Andrew does absolutely nothing about hip hop!! None of his podcasts are about hip hop at all smh
Adam is the last to talk 😂
*Ebonics* was the word you’re looking for when referencing ‘Black American vernacular’
That's it thanks!
@@TheGoodRant Np, keep up the good content man!
I respect Schulz's loyalty, especially considering the fact that Adam16 has None!
I felt bad about Adam's wife cheating on him but after watching this...
She cheated on him?