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Somebody Lives In My House - Minecraft
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- Today, something really creepy is happening! Someone's been hiding in my house and spying on me! Yikes, that's creepy! We have to find a way to get them out!
We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day!
Maizen Merchandise ► shop-maizen.my...
Cool video btw this is a picture of my dad 👨
Oh okay, but if you need to change your profile , you might need to delete this comment.
Amazing As Always!😃❤💚
JJ is cool
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😊 mantap jj
Класное видео😊 только почему все коментарии на английском языке?
Bro maizen never would fail us tho and plus all the commenters are not bots and also I’m not a bot either so I’m just giving my human opinion like everyone else✌
hi jj and Mickey I love your vedios alot this vedio is graet
I love you❤😊 JJ and Mikey😅
How did that😢😮
Jojo I want you I want chop in there😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Then hold it should there I'm so confused😢
Cats that eat cat that😊
Can you do Skibidi toilet edit:i was one of the first subscribers you had :)
I love your vidos jj😗❤💛💚💙💜💖🖤
Cool Vid
That creepypasta😳
i want some more of this i love you so much maizen
Me too
I love this
I love this
I love maizen videos and this video is amazing
Ter vidéo son trop coule et drôle
I love your videos so much. You make me happy when I am sick
Me too
Sleep potion is actually potion of leaping
U noted that ?!?!!!?
Me too brother me too
Maizen is the best!!😂😂
maizen never disapoint us😊😊jj and mikey are cute they are teaching me friendly 😊😊😊❤❤❤❤
i love you're video ❤
Олдлвдвдч 8:17 фцукен
Maizen you are always so smart
Please make video’s every 1 hour so I don’t get bored please
Very well
Ever 1 hour that is to much video’s
No every 30 minutes
@@LWAMBESOWOJI you do know that making videos and upload them takes more than an hour right?
guys! im an indonesian citizen! and a big fan of maizen!
Maizen never fails to entertain us
Mikey. Sus😅😅😂😂
How will you caught the thief😮
JJ is very. Smart😊😊
You guys the monster you guys are super powerful😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
I can’t believe you guys defeated the monster, you guys are super powerful😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Maizen should be the best TH-cam channel in history
I agree with you ☺️☺️☺️
Always keep us happy ❤😊😊
Nice one you guys
I love your videos!❤
JJ's sound effect at 0:51 is funny
He was like: huh wut huh
I love your work in minecraft 😊
Maizen is the best minecraft channel ever
Channel=good .Maizen excellent 👌 👏
Mazien never dies
Only if this was actually scary
Edit: thanks for my first 5 likes
Edit 2: thx for 14 likes =)
Which mincraft do you use please let me know l want to play it it’s interesting
Other games of mincraft don’t make sense
Hello jj and mikey, my name is Gabe. I am 5 years old, nearly six. I really like your videos please come to our house so we can play minecraft together. ❤👍
I am 7 years old and I am nearly 8
Me too@@lilycutebunny
I am 9 nearly ten
Nahhh there are kids commenting now
You made my day again
Cool best youtubers ever 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
You should do another 100 days video!
They should 4:29
Never failed to entain us hope he reach 5 million subscribers
Maizen always does the best Minecraft and Roblox vids EVER
Maizen go formthe win
I am crouse about the woodden botton in the lava parcor .
Raise your hand if you love maizen
It was really funny but l only got scared by the monster 👹 under Mikey’s bed but other than that l definitely loved it and it was amazing 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Who have been watching maizen for a long time
Since 2020
Me like I've been watching them for years
Maizen is the best youtuber un the world❤❤❤
It's not a fee it's mum from the window😂
❤❤❤❤miki jjh
These videos are so good
Wow maizen king for you❤❤🎉
Best Minecraft TH-camr builder ever
I'm subscribed ❤❤
I love Maddie so much this is my favourite channel and set mine but I still like it though
They Never fails to entertain us
Not entertaining, just cringe. If you watch them, you’re probably just a random little kid wasting your life. But you don’t have a life. So stop watching and get one.
I so your Chanel before I have 14 subs 😂😊
@@LegendreyXL ur grammar sucks, I don’t even know what you’re trying to say.
They always fail...
Maizen never fails to entertain us
you rigth
I don't think I mean it is a monster but I don't think it wasn't a robber but the only thing that it will attack is that you choose the other option instead the monster & it couden't get damed by lava if you give him a golden apple just one more question you also have a video with the monster!
That's a monster JJ!
I love you maizen you are the best you tuber
1 like equals 10 squats
Way you are so good 😢
Did someone notice that JJ was in creative mode when building the trap?😮😮😮😮
You have the best videos OK😍😍😍😘😘🦄🥳💕💕❤️☠️😍😍
Great video JJ and Mikey❤❤💚💚
Charles. Barrette
@@isabellerousseau4812 what the heck
Mikey and jj are cool👍😎
Maiden needs a mincraft movie!!!!!❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
I really like you play Minecraft Roblox it's just amazing how you do it all and how you make it so realistic
I hope you reach 5 Million Subs!
You do a great job with all your videos. I will keep an eye on your success.
* the door is opened sir*
That's The Man From The Window!!
I LOVE MAIZEN!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
yes me too
Ils devaient faire une maison sécurisé contre Herobrine et en enfer ❤
Maizen never fails
Super good
Maizen they are my best friend ever ❤️ 🎉
im just asking when are you going to do a faceraveal?
Watch a short somebody did it
😅❤ love you
Which one?@@marcosbansuan7057
When I was a kid still I am watching your video ❤
I love your vids
I will help you reach 1000 million subscribers ❤❤❤ I love you JJ and mikey❤❤❤❤❤love you 😘💕 😘💕😘💕
can you do a speedrun
They already did
@@Fachrimahardika1656 but we need another one
adorei muito ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Who like maizen
and mikey
hey i am your fan i want to call and kidding like clown😢
They never failedto entertain us . Btw what mod app do u use a really wanna know
😊 I love mikey and jj also maizen is for me ❤
The man from the window
The man from the window
Mikey hit that 🎶 at 1:49
The monster has a human under the bed
I’m a fan
i am also a fan of maizen
Keep it up maizen ❤❤
This video is terrifying. Great job it inspires me to make content aswell
Abi nasıl birlikte oluyorsunuz
Maizen is my fav youtubers
wait in minutes i know that guy the man in the window
Mikey said: why my items is disappearing JJ said: uh
JJ said: Quick mikey i found something there is a trapdoor JJ said: mikey do your house have a basement Mikey said: I don't have basement!
Maizen never fails entertaining me😊
Mike and jj his name is the man from the window
Maizen are great build😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤
And note:JJ is a builder,Mikey is a spectatcor,Carrie is an amazing builder,spectatcor and a helper and Banana Kid is a helper.
While JJ talk sense able Mikey always agreed or said 'huh ' or 'hoh' even if she isn't jumping in real life
Mikey is a boy
You make no sense lol. And mikey is a boy, dude!
@@coeppery yeh excactly people mistake him for a girl because he is voiced my maizen's sister
@@mannylikestoanimate yeah
The only reason I’m asking for this is because you are the best person