This song was released in 1982. That was in the middle of the Cold War, with the USSR still intact, and a dictator in Chile, and in many more places in the world. In those days, Belgium was looked at with amusement by us Dutchies as them not being so bright. We had a lot of 'Belgium jokes'. This song played on that sentiment (by contemplating going to Belgium), and may have started easing that attitude. [Edit] We played this record at swing parties, and everyone sang along, belting out the chorus "BELGIË ... BELGIË ... BEL GIIEE JUUU !!!"
One of my mother's favorite songs. Everytime a discussion about the Netherlands ends up with " What other place should we go if our country gets worse" She starts singing :'Belgie...BEL-GI-E!'
As a (Flemish) Belgian I feel that our governments divide us, but we the people are united. I love the Dutch, and those that I know and am close to feel the same for us. And that song is awesome, basically the best song about Belgium EVER and it was created by a Dutch band and love 'em for that. They have more really good bands like Doe Maar, The Scene, Golden Earring, Frank Boeijen Groep, George Baker Selection, etc...
Same here. I’m from Antwerp, and every time I hear this song, it brings a humongous smile to my face 😃😃😃😃😃😃 Have loved this song ever since it came out in the 1980’s 💖🇧🇪
I'm Dutch, and it has always been a great comfort to know that if things really get messed up, I can go to Belgium. Thank you neighbours, for being there! 🥰🥰
This song is from 1982. I was very surprised that i heard that song on the playlist of my daughter who is 14 years old.Now we play and sing along with it in the car when we ride to her soccer practice💞
Grew up on the Dutch/Belgium border. So my neighbour was Belgium. Almost same accent. I worked with co-workers from Hasselt area and Antwerp. Sometimes the Hasselt guys asked me “what is he (the Antwerp collegue) saying?” True, it was not always easy to comprehend him, 2 hands and 10 fingers were useful during our conversations haha.
Ha!😂 I’m from Antwerp, I know our dialect/accent is quite strong sometimes, that’s true. Imagine when we’re trying to have a conversation with someone from Brugge or Knokke 😂😂😂😂 We need subtitles 🤣😅
Funfact, the English version of this song is called 'Luxembourg '. Because of the amount of syllables in Bel-gi-ë (Bel-gium), Lux-em-bourg .
Hi Highly, This is a nice Dutch band. But If you want te be really surprised, I introduce to you the Dutch band, Sweet D'Buster, live and the song "going nowhere" This band started in 1975 with all star players. Best Dutch band ever. Check the bass guitar player, Herman Deinum, a legend in Holland. Enjoy to the full.
We had a thing that we, the Dutch found them stupid and they found us cheep!! There are many jokes about it. I do think we embrace each other more these days. 🙃💕
I, as a Dutchman, can recognize that the Dutch that live above the Rhine tend to be somewhat miserly (cheap) and reserved, but less nowadays I think. However I don't have the impression that Flemish are stupid in any way. More likely that the Dutch were jealous at their carefreeness and spontanuity. Anyway nowadays I think Dutch have a more international outlook and don't feel the need to look down on other countries that much. Probably largely due to internet.
This is a rather short version I think. But maybe my CD is from a live concert (?) I've heard a much longer version! But Het Goede doel has made some good songs, that's for sure
waarom willen de Nederlanders nu altijd de eer opstrijken als er iets moois gezegd over Belgie pff ,Belgie heeft heel veel wat andere landen niet hebben bijv chocolade,bier,frieten,wafels enz zelfs meer verschillende kazen en beter dan Nederland.stop dat jaloers gedoe nu eens aub
@@aorta538 Wat u zegt klopt van geen kanten. België, Luxemburg en Nederland waren 1 land De namen Belgica en de Nederlanden werden voor het hele gebied gebruikt. De afsplitsing was met de Belgische (Brusselse) revolutie tegen koning Willem I die protestants was en de zuidelijke Nederlanden niet tegemoet wilde komen in hun eisen. Willem I pakte de onvrede van de zuiderlingen zo onhandig en arrogant aan dat het zuiden zich succesvol afscheidde. Om te zeggen dat alles wat Belgisch is oorspronkelijk Nederlands is is onzin, De Nederlanden hebben zich opgesplitst in 2 koninkrijken en een Hertogdom. Helaas, maar zo is het gegaan. Naar mijn ervaring staan de inwoners van Nederland, België en Luxemburg nu op zeer vriendschappelijke voet met elkaar. Dit liedje is een soort liefdesliedje (ode) van Nederland aan België. De reden dat de verteller toch niet naar België verhuist is dat hij geen enkel risico wil nemen en Niet omdat er iets mis zou zijn met België in tegenstelling tot de rest van de wereld. Het liedje is natuurlijk vooral gekscherend bedoeld. Ikzelf ben ook een in Nederland woonachtige Nederlander en mijn gevoel naar België is alleen maar positief, als het hier onleefbaar wordt, en daar begint het op te lijken met de huidige boeren- en gascrisis, zou ik graag naar België verhuizen. Ondertussen geniet ik hier graag van zeer betaalbare, uitmuntende St Pierre Abdij bier van de Albert Heijn (van de Palm brouwerij in België).
Here in Essen they have a really big shop that only sells beers! Love it! Always go there to buy present baskets with all sorts of beers for people. Dont really see that in the Netherlands :)
antwerp is also very well known in japan because of a story about a boy and his dog (nello and patrache ) its the first story they read as a child and the last part of the story takes place in the cathedrale.
Too bad you skipped the musically beautiful outro :(. The geste of the song is actually simple: We here in the Netherlands have it pretty damn good (and it was argueably even better in 1982 when this song came out) that there are only a few countries in this world that you could emigrate to and expect to have it better over all... Is Belgium that country? Well... there are certainly things that are better in Belgium, that is for sure. And there are things that are not as good as they are here. But I certainly will recommend visiting Belgium.
The little boy statue that is peeing is an icon in Brussel. While visiting Brussels, it is almost a requirement to view "mannetje -pis" (little man - pee). Without manneke-pis, there is no Brussels.
4:27 The 'Leeuw van Waterloo' (Lion of Waterloo) is a pyramid that we (the Dutchman) has build after our vicotry (with other countries) victory over the Napoleon's French Army. I've heard that the 'Pyramide van Austerlitz' (Pyramid of Austerlitz) was a model for the 'Leeuw van Waterloo'. A fun fact, the 'Pyramide van Austerlitz' was build by the French army of Napoleon. You can build a pyramid? We can do it as well! And we will if you lost to us! A kind of war humor. The Lion of Waterloo looks to the south or the southwest. That is in the direction of France. Officially that has no meaning. But it is a little bit too coincidental. Why doesn't the Lion look to te north, the Netherlands? Or to the east, Germany? Of the west, England? Tell it me.
Belgium is fantastic with beautiful cities like Antwerp, Gent, Brugge and Leuven and the people are more modest, and less direct and loud than the Dutch 😉
Had to listen this one again, coming saturday going again go Belgium, to the place called Gent, for Christmas market. Have been a few months ago also in Gent when it was very good weather, and now saturday will be really cold.. but that is what i like as well. Maybe i can look for something to send to you from there
We often make jokes about our souther neighbour, the Belgs, but we love them deep in our heart: in Flanders they speak Dutch with an accent, we have whole provinces that used to be inside the Netherlands (brabant, limburg), that are now partly in Belgium. We see the Dutch speaking Belgs as lost Dutchies. We want our Dutchies back. We still love them :)
@@DVineMe Thank you for your detailed information. I am a bit confused though: belgium in its whole used to be part of the 17 provinces, right? 1514-1795, all the land was united. Most Dutch feel related to the flemish speakers, that we can all recognise by their accent. That they, off course, have many different accents and dialects speaks for itself. I was just pointing out that Brabant and Limburg used to be inside one country. Relax :)
@@DVineMe Very interesting. I am from North Brabant myself, I always have felt 'one' with the Brabanders in Belgium, with all Dutch speaking citizens of Belgium, really. I dont think we have the same feeling for the French speakers: they 'belong' to France, in a way, culturally, I think. The Brabanders at least feel that they have been cut off from their Belgian Dutch speaking 'family'. I think many (or at least a pretty substantial group) of Dutch would consider Dutch speaking Belgium to be, somehow, part of our culture, that we should be united (that last part is pretty rare actually). Somehow: our Dutch speaking cousins in Belgium got ripped away from the motherland. We should in my opinion strive for the unity of the Dutch speaking area's. I consider Vlamingen as a part of the Netherlands, lol. Can you elaborate on the history of Luxemburg a bit? Most 'grootNederlanders' that I know always include 'luxemburg' into the parst of land the Dutch have a claim on: but they dont even speak Dutch there, right? So, is it (historically) part of the Netherlands, or no?
@@DVineMe Yes, interesting. I looked up 'Walloon' (the language), never heard of that before, you know a lot about history. About the Burgundian attitude the Flemish have, that also exists in Brabant (and perhaps Limburg as well), there is a clear difference in culture between the south (with the soft G) and the north (harsh G). The Dutch North-Brabanders feel totally at home with the Flemish (there are some minor cultural differences over time off course, but compared to holland, we have more in common with vlaanderen). I do think language is important, not in itself, perhaps. But its a carrier of information. For me, as a native Dutch speaker, to be able to speak in Dutch to another person automatically creates a kinship: we can communicate, with near zero filters, very efficient, very open, with nearly no chance of misunderstandings. If someone speaks French to us, there is an automatic barrier. A silence. A moment of 'I have no clue what is going on'. Even if we learn school French, it takes so much effort to communicate clearly about complex matters in French, that we hesitate to engage. That then leads to cultural cohesion: inside the language group, and it starts to grow away from the groups with which we cant (or wont) communicate (that much). I think (but I dont know much history), that Belgium as a country is an abomination: created as a buffer state, with at least 2 major cultures forced to now live together, and with Brussel being neither. The power Brussels now has in the EU makes it almost a washington DC: 'outside' of the normal provinces (states in the usa): more 'elite', sitting high above and separated from the normal citizens. The North Brabanders and Limburgers will get along with the Flemish just fine. Brussel, we will nuke, lol just kidding. The gap with the Walen will be much larger, imho, and the same problem will emerge when Luxemburg theoretically would join the Netherlands. We would simply not understand them. Their language, and following from that, slowly our culture that has drifted apart over time. Can you please elaborate on how Flemish, Wallonians, and people from Brussel see their relation with France, Netherlands, and Belgium? Are they loyal to Belgium? Do some want to split? Or are there voices even to join the Netherlands or France? The 'grootNederland' idea is not very popular in the Netherlands, I would guess about 1 in 200 supports it. But it is slowly growing, I would say. People like the status quo (if it works, why change it), but they do admit mostly when probed, that actually at least the Flemish and Dutch are one culture-group of people, that ideally would share a country. Not that it matters much in the EU nowadays, but still, the idea lingers on.
@@DVineMe You're right, in Dutch it should be Belgisch or Bels. But In English is should have been Belgian though, not Belgians. Why is your comment this offensive about the joined history of Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands originating from Magna Frisia to the Batavian Republic, the Spanish rule on to the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands. If the latter wasn't declared, Belgium would speak Spanish now. You can't rewrite history by cherry-picking the things you prefer. You obviously are proud of Belgium, as you should be. But you cannot look away from the division of Belgium in three language areas. Many Belgians believe that the current national borders are not representative of the people, is that your problem? Well this just might hold the solution to an unsolved problem since 1830.
I dont know if its clear, this band Het Goede Doel is Dutch. Im Dutch but I was born in Belgium, for the Belgians here, I was born in Lanaken just across the border with Maastricht.
There's a meme version of this song that's called "Belgie maar het is exorbitant kut", they edited the singer's lines to say really funny stuff. It's hard to listen to the original when you're used to that version haha
If we go old school, you should also watch/listen to a song dedicated to one of the many sterotypes, the Dutch as Coffee drinkers. The ode to coffee, the link is Dutch lyrics only (no visual, as the visual ones I found had no text, this way you can get the song text translated)
@@WillyWokkel A Belgian gets up in the morning and goes to collect eggs in his garden. He picks them up and then sees that an egg has ended up in the neighbor's garden (The neighbor is a Dutchman), the Belgian asks the Dutchman to give him the egg from his garden, but the Dutchman does not want to give it back at all because everything what lies on his territory is his property (or so he thinks). Says the Belgian: "Shall we play a game for the egg". The Dutchman agrees, the game revolves around taking turns kicking each other in the crotch and the first one to cry out in pain loses. "I kick first" Says the Belgian. The Belgian kicks very hard in the Dutchman's crotch, the Dutchman makes all the dance steps in the world but does not open his mouth. After fifteen minutes of recovery, the Dutchman says "Now it's my turn". The Belgian says: "It's all right, you can keep the egg!!".
Waarom kreunt een Nederlandse man, tijdens het klaarkomen? Omdat het uit zijn eigen zak moet komen. Hoe eet een rijke Nederlander tomatensoep? water in een rood bord
I know it won't really work if you don't have the European experience of knowing the connotation of French car quality problems of the 80s, but Franse Auto is another great song by Het Goede Doel, which is about as harsh as it gets.
When u come to Netherlands, pls visit me (I will sleep on the couch), live close to Maastricht and 15 minutes from Belgium and Germany, will show you around :)
Once The Netherlands as a whole, the architecture had a common vibe. Till the end of the middle-ages. From the separation of the Dutch republic (Northern Netherlands) and the Southern Spanish Netherlands (now Belgium)
Flemish and Dutch both speak Nederlands, with their own characteristics. It is a well known and largely true stereotype that the Flemish and (Catholic) Southern Dutch are quite Bourgondisch, meaning they love to enjoy good food, (alcoholic) drinks and other pleasures of life whereas the (Protestant) Northern Dutch are much more inhibited and seem to suffer from a collective guilt complex, shyness and to much seriousness. This protestant mindset may be responsible for a somewhat higher economy but recently the Netherlands seem to get into a serious conflict with itself regarding how much we should do everything the EU tells us or whether we should stand up more for ourselves, an example for this is the widescale farmers protests and the fact that the very right seems to become the largest political power just waiting to replace the present centrist very pro EU government. Unfortunately we just had our elections a year ago, so we will probably have to wait 3 more years before a dramatic change in policy can be expected. I expect the Netherlands will then start following a more Nationalistic course as a reaction on the current crisis, what impact that will have on our EU relation will have to be seen.
try out boudewijn de groot ..Welterusten meneer de president (sleep tight mister president) 1966 this is with english translation , this is him singing
Have you already reacted on '15 miljoen mensen'. Because you should (and put the subtitles on) there is also a version with Davina Michelle, called '17 miljoen mensen' (because our population grew a bit) that was released at the start of the first lockdown!
Anders verstaan alle Amerikanen ons niet. Hoewel inderdaad vrijwel alle kijkers Nederlands zijn... Misschien zodat de uploader het snapt? Nouja, of gewoon om op te scheppen, ik probeer zo nu en dan ook wat Engels en Duits in de conversatie te mengen, om even iedereen te laten weten dat ik die talen vloeiend spreek. Zo bijvoorbeeld.
As a Belgian I love my Dutch neighbors, and the Netherlands is insanely beautiful. However I also love making fun of the Dutch 😘
Big virtual hug from The Netherlands.
We are like siblings 😊 Making fun of each other but there's a lot of love as well 😍
We love making fun of you two mate. No brain jokes, you know it
Greetings from Holland... we make jokes about our countries all the time... Just all good fun... 🤗🤗🤗
The feeling is mutual friend
This song was released in 1982. That was in the middle of the Cold War, with the USSR still intact, and a dictator in Chile, and in many more places in the world.
In those days, Belgium was looked at with amusement by us Dutchies as them not being so bright. We had a lot of 'Belgium jokes'. This song played on that sentiment (by contemplating going to Belgium), and may have started easing that attitude.
[Edit] We played this record at swing parties, and everyone sang along, belting out the chorus "BELGIË ... BELGIË ... BEL GIIEE JUUU !!!"
oh get real .... the're still stupid and we're still cheap :D
That is a lot of useful context. Thank you.
One of my mother's favorite songs.
Everytime a discussion about the Netherlands ends up with " What other place should we go if our country gets worse"
She starts singing :'Belgie...BEL-GI-E!'
That “monstrous cathedral” is the Town Hall of Leuven. 😂
A true classic, I always think of my brother when I hear this song as it's the only song he was willing to put on in the car :-)
I'd lived in Belgium for 7 years (10 years ago).
-every time i was back in my 'home-town', the DJ was playing this song... 🤗
a dutch band singing about the love we have for the belgians....
As a (Flemish) Belgian I feel that our governments divide us, but we the people are united.
I love the Dutch, and those that I know and am close to feel the same for us.
And that song is awesome, basically the best song about Belgium EVER and it was created by a Dutch band and love 'em for that.
They have more really good bands like Doe Maar, The Scene, Golden Earring, Frank Boeijen Groep, George Baker Selection, etc...
As a Dutchman, I thank you for Samson and Gert 😁
Same here. I’m from Antwerp, and every time I hear this song, it brings a humongous smile to my face 😃😃😃😃😃😃
Have loved this song ever since it came out in the 1980’s 💖🇧🇪
Oh, Belgium has some great bands too. Raymond van 't Groenewoud, TC Matic, Allez Allez, Flip Kowlier, Zap Mama to name but a few.
I'm Dutch, and it has always been a great comfort to know that if things really get messed up, I can go to Belgium. Thank you neighbours, for being there! 🥰🥰
I love to hear that your Dutch pronunciation keeps getting better and better! 😘
This song is from 1982. I was very surprised that i heard that song on the playlist of my daughter who is 14 years old.Now we play and sing along with it in the car when we ride to her soccer practice💞
Het goede doel = the good cause (as in: charity)
thx for the reaction, and thx to Emma ..... pls stay safe and grts from a dutch cheesehead living in the flat nw. of Sjermanie
Grew up on the Dutch/Belgium border. So my neighbour was Belgium. Almost same accent. I worked with co-workers from Hasselt area and Antwerp. Sometimes the Hasselt guys asked me “what is he (the Antwerp collegue) saying?” True, it was not always easy to comprehend him, 2 hands and 10 fingers were useful during our conversations haha.
Ha!😂 I’m from Antwerp, I know our dialect/accent is quite strong sometimes, that’s true.
Imagine when we’re trying to have a conversation with someone from Brugge or Knokke 😂😂😂😂
We need subtitles 🤣😅
@@hexistenz haha subtitles....or Google Translate. Greetings to Antwerp.
This was my favoriet band wen I was younger went to al there concerts
Funfact, the English version of this song is called 'Luxembourg '. Because of the amount of syllables in Bel-gi-ë (Bel-gium), Lux-em-bourg .
Haha, never knew that.
Hi Highly, This is a nice Dutch band. But If you want te be really surprised, I introduce to you the Dutch band, Sweet D'Buster, live and the song "going nowhere" This band started in 1975 with all star players. Best Dutch band ever. Check the bass guitar player, Herman Deinum, a legend in Holland. Enjoy to the full.
We had a thing that we, the Dutch found them stupid and they found us cheep!!
There are many jokes about it.
I do think we embrace each other more these days. 🙃💕
Its more like brothers and sisters nagging each other while they like each other a lot at the same time.
I, as a Dutchman, can recognize that the Dutch that live above the Rhine tend to be somewhat miserly (cheap) and reserved, but less nowadays I think. However I don't have the impression that Flemish are stupid in any way. More likely that the Dutch were jealous at their carefreeness and spontanuity.
Anyway nowadays I think Dutch have a more international outlook and don't feel the need to look down on other countries that much. Probably largely due to internet.
love the belgium people, one of my friend is from belgium, especially the language so cute😍
I have so many good memories of this song and its still a hit on the dutch radio, that should say something no?
This is a rather short version I think. But maybe my CD is from a live concert (?) I've heard a much longer version!
But Het Goede doel has made some good songs, that's for sure
It really is a short version I think!
@@alicel3515 Oh I was right then. This was really very short, he should have chosen the long one. Pity
It's a short version for sure
This version is definitely missing just about halve the song, too bad 🤔
Skipped the second verse
Sentiment 😃. Love this song, love the sentiment I feel with it, I was so ready to change the world 😎.
Belgium probably has the best beer (and many kinds/types) in the world. And great fries (frites).
most of there beers are before 1830, the time it was kingdom of the Netherlands... ;)
ps: 3:23 those buildings where build by the Dutch, Belgium only replace the 'coat of arms' 🤔
'French fries' were actually invented by French-speaking Belgians.
waarom willen de Nederlanders nu altijd de eer opstrijken als er iets moois gezegd over Belgie pff ,Belgie heeft heel veel wat andere landen niet hebben bijv chocolade,bier,frieten,wafels enz zelfs meer verschillende kazen en beter dan Nederland.stop dat jaloers gedoe nu eens aub
@@aorta538 Wat u zegt klopt van geen kanten. België, Luxemburg en Nederland waren 1 land De namen Belgica en de Nederlanden werden voor het hele gebied gebruikt.
De afsplitsing was met de Belgische (Brusselse) revolutie tegen koning Willem I die protestants was en de zuidelijke Nederlanden niet tegemoet wilde komen in hun eisen.
Willem I pakte de onvrede van de zuiderlingen zo onhandig en arrogant aan dat het zuiden zich succesvol afscheidde. Om te zeggen dat alles wat Belgisch is oorspronkelijk Nederlands is is onzin, De Nederlanden hebben zich opgesplitst in 2 koninkrijken en een Hertogdom. Helaas, maar zo is het gegaan. Naar mijn ervaring staan de inwoners van Nederland, België en Luxemburg nu op zeer vriendschappelijke voet met elkaar.
Dit liedje is een soort liefdesliedje (ode) van Nederland aan België. De reden dat de verteller toch niet naar België verhuist is dat hij geen enkel risico wil nemen en Niet omdat er iets mis zou zijn met België in tegenstelling tot de rest van de wereld.
Het liedje is natuurlijk vooral gekscherend bedoeld.
Ikzelf ben ook een in Nederland woonachtige Nederlander en mijn gevoel naar België is alleen maar positief, als het hier onleefbaar wordt, en daar begint het op te lijken met de huidige boeren- en gascrisis, zou ik graag naar België verhuizen.
Ondertussen geniet ik hier graag van zeer betaalbare, uitmuntende St Pierre Abdij bier van de Albert Heijn (van de Palm brouwerij in België).
Ever as a kid i considered belgians the only people who aren't foreigners yet come from another country
the building you called 'monsterous cathedral' is actually just Leuven City Hall
You will be happy to go to Belgium and drink a real trappist beer there :-)
Or any other beer just skip the pilsner there its not really worth it with so maney njammie other beers.
Here in Essen they have a really big shop that only sells beers! Love it! Always go there to buy present baskets with all sorts of beers for people. Dont really see that in the Netherlands :)
Belgium is a very nice and also beautiful country. Last year in 2 months been there 3 times (Antwerp 2x, Hasselt 1x)
And we love the Belgium people. Even at the WK were drest in Red.
The funny thing is, the picture at 3:41 is a city hall
antwerp is also very well known in japan because of a story about a boy and his dog (nello and patrache ) its the first story they read as a child and the last part of the story takes place in the cathedrale.
Alot of love from belgium to the netherlands! :D we love the weed haha :p
That 'castle castle' you're talking about at 4:21 is not a castle. It's the Our Lady's cathedral in Antwerp.
Too bad you skipped the musically beautiful outro :(. The geste of the song is actually simple: We here in the Netherlands have it pretty damn good (and it was argueably even better in 1982 when this song came out) that there are only a few countries in this world that you could emigrate to and expect to have it better over all...
Is Belgium that country? Well... there are certainly things that are better in Belgium, that is for sure. And there are things that are not as good as they are here. But I certainly will recommend visiting Belgium.
The little boy statue that is peeing is an icon in Brussel. While visiting Brussels, it is almost a requirement to view "mannetje -pis" (little man - pee). Without manneke-pis, there is no Brussels.
whenever i go to belgium i have to listen to this song
I love this song 🎵
And I have to give you compliments
The Dutch words you speak are very good👍
When are you coming over
4:27 The 'Leeuw van Waterloo' (Lion of Waterloo) is a pyramid that we (the Dutchman) has build after our vicotry (with other countries) victory over the Napoleon's French Army. I've heard that the 'Pyramide van Austerlitz' (Pyramid of Austerlitz) was a model for the 'Leeuw van Waterloo'. A fun fact, the 'Pyramide van Austerlitz' was build by the French army of Napoleon. You can build a pyramid? We can do it as well! And we will if you lost to us! A kind of war humor. The Lion of Waterloo looks to the south or the southwest. That is in the direction of France. Officially that has no meaning. But it is a little bit too coincidental. Why doesn't the Lion look to te north, the Netherlands? Or to the east, Germany? Of the west, England? Tell it me.
My dad was in the toppop video of this song!
Belgium is fantastic with beautiful cities like Antwerp, Gent, Brugge and Leuven and the people are more modest, and less direct and loud than the Dutch 😉
Yes mostly people are modest in belgium but also " achterbaks" not showing what they really think. And i am living just 5 km from the belgium border
What is this Belgium you're talking about? Don't you mean the southern Netherlands? (jk)
Saying your more modest, peak irony right here
@@sit-insforsithis1568 Oh wauw, that is so true :D
@@letheas6175 zo zijn die zuid Nederlanders hè
Greetings from Belgium (België) 🇧🇪
04:20 that’s not Dracula’s Castle 🤣 It’s the Antwerp cathedral !
Had to listen this one again, coming saturday going again go Belgium, to the place called Gent, for Christmas market. Have been a few months ago also in Gent when it was very good weather, and now saturday will be really cold.. but that is what i like as well. Maybe i can look for something to send to you from there
We often make jokes about our souther neighbour, the Belgs, but we love them deep in our heart: in Flanders they speak Dutch with an accent, we have whole provinces that used to be inside the Netherlands (brabant, limburg), that are now partly in Belgium. We see the Dutch speaking Belgs as lost Dutchies. We want our Dutchies back. We still love them :)
These two provinces are also in the Netherlands you know 😉 Me I am from (Noord)Brabant but absolutely Dutch!
@@DVineMe Thank you for your detailed information. I am a bit confused though: belgium in its whole used to be part of the 17 provinces, right?
1514-1795, all the land was united. Most Dutch feel related to the flemish speakers, that we can all recognise by their accent. That they, off course, have many different accents and dialects speaks for itself.
I was just pointing out that Brabant and Limburg used to be inside one country. Relax :)
@@DVineMe Very interesting. I am from North Brabant myself, I always have felt 'one' with the Brabanders in Belgium, with all Dutch speaking citizens of Belgium, really. I dont think we have the same feeling for the French speakers: they 'belong' to France, in a way, culturally, I think. The Brabanders at least feel that they have been cut off from their Belgian Dutch speaking 'family'. I think many (or at least a pretty substantial group) of Dutch would consider Dutch speaking Belgium to be, somehow, part of our culture, that we should be united (that last part is pretty rare actually). Somehow: our Dutch speaking cousins in Belgium got ripped away from the motherland. We should in my opinion strive for the unity of the Dutch speaking area's. I consider Vlamingen as a part of the Netherlands, lol.
Can you elaborate on the history of Luxemburg a bit? Most 'grootNederlanders' that I know always include 'luxemburg' into the parst of land the Dutch have a claim on: but they dont even speak Dutch there, right? So, is it (historically) part of the Netherlands, or no?
@@DVineMe Yes, interesting. I looked up 'Walloon' (the language), never heard of that before, you know a lot about history.
About the Burgundian attitude the Flemish have, that also exists in Brabant (and perhaps Limburg as well), there is a clear difference in culture between the south (with the soft G) and the north (harsh G). The Dutch North-Brabanders feel totally at home with the Flemish (there are some minor cultural differences over time off course, but compared to holland, we have more in common with vlaanderen).
I do think language is important, not in itself, perhaps. But its a carrier of information. For me, as a native Dutch speaker, to be able to speak in Dutch to another person automatically creates a kinship: we can communicate, with near zero filters, very efficient, very open, with nearly no chance of misunderstandings.
If someone speaks French to us, there is an automatic barrier. A silence. A moment of 'I have no clue what is going on'. Even if we learn school French, it takes so much effort to communicate clearly about complex matters in French, that we hesitate to engage.
That then leads to cultural cohesion: inside the language group, and it starts to grow away from the groups with which we cant (or wont) communicate (that much).
I think (but I dont know much history), that Belgium as a country is an abomination: created as a buffer state, with at least 2 major cultures forced to now live together, and with Brussel being neither. The power Brussels now has in the EU makes it almost a washington DC: 'outside' of the normal provinces (states in the usa): more 'elite', sitting high above and separated from the normal citizens.
The North Brabanders and Limburgers will get along with the Flemish just fine. Brussel, we will nuke, lol just kidding.
The gap with the Walen will be much larger, imho, and the same problem will emerge when Luxemburg theoretically would join the Netherlands.
We would simply not understand them. Their language, and following from that, slowly our culture that has drifted apart over time.
Can you please elaborate on how Flemish, Wallonians, and people from Brussel see their relation with France, Netherlands, and Belgium? Are they loyal to Belgium? Do some want to split? Or are there voices even to join the Netherlands or France? The 'grootNederland' idea is not very popular in the Netherlands, I would guess about 1 in 200 supports it. But it is slowly growing, I would say. People like the status quo (if it works, why change it), but they do admit mostly when probed, that actually at least the Flemish and Dutch are one culture-group of people, that ideally would share a country.
Not that it matters much in the EU nowadays, but still, the idea lingers on.
@@DVineMe You're right, in Dutch it should be Belgisch or Bels. But In English is should have been Belgian though, not Belgians.
Why is your comment this offensive about the joined history of Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands originating from Magna Frisia to the Batavian Republic, the Spanish rule on to the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands. If the latter wasn't declared, Belgium would speak Spanish now.
You can't rewrite history by cherry-picking the things you prefer.
You obviously are proud of Belgium, as you should be. But you cannot look away from the division of Belgium in three language areas. Many Belgians believe that the current national borders are not representative of the people, is that your problem? Well this just might hold the solution to an unsolved problem since 1830.
I dont know if its clear, this band Het Goede Doel is Dutch. Im Dutch but I was born in Belgium, for the Belgians here, I was born in Lanaken just across the border with Maastricht.
Netherlands and Belgium are definitely sibling. We love to hate and hate to love eachother.
If you think deeply, this might be the best Dutch song ever.
yes yes yes love your reaction let go !!!🎉
The outro is the best part of the song.
Belgie .we love an laugh .Good relation.long times..
yep Belgium we have a lot of great things here and we love our nothern Neighbours!
Definitely one of my favourite songs in Dutch!
It's not a cathedral.... It's the town hall xD
Ode to our southern neighbours
there is a englisc version of this number called luxemburg
slightly wrong translation of "streng" which means though,severe, firm but without the tact/fairness 🙂
Look at Germany too, 25000 castels, I love it.
There's a meme version of this song that's called "Belgie maar het is exorbitant kut", they edited the singer's lines to say really funny stuff. It's hard to listen to the original when you're used to that version haha
the cathedral is only the town hall in antwerp
If we go old school, you should also watch/listen to a song dedicated to one of the many sterotypes, the Dutch as Coffee drinkers. The ode to coffee, the link is Dutch lyrics only (no visual, as the visual ones I found had no text, this way you can get the song text translated)
How does a Belgium soldier bury a landmine??? He digs a hole put the landmine in it throws the sand back and then tamps the ground
A Dutchman was asked to make a donation for the retirement home. He gave his father and his mother.
@@bandeano3870 haha 😂
As a Dutch person I don't know the Belgium jokes when you know good ones please post
@@WillyWokkel A Belgian gets up in the morning and goes to collect eggs in his garden. He picks them up and then sees that an egg has ended up in the neighbor's garden (The neighbor is a Dutchman), the Belgian asks the Dutchman to give him the egg from his garden, but the Dutchman does not want to give it back at all because everything what lies on his territory is his property (or so he thinks). Says the Belgian: "Shall we play a game for the egg". The Dutchman agrees, the game revolves around taking turns kicking each other in the crotch and the first one to cry out in pain loses. "I kick first" Says the Belgian. The Belgian kicks very hard in the Dutchman's crotch, the Dutchman makes all the dance steps in the world but does not open his mouth. After fifteen minutes of recovery, the Dutchman says "Now it's my turn". The Belgian says: "It's all right, you can keep the egg!!".
Waarom kreunt een Nederlandse man, tijdens het klaarkomen?
Omdat het uit zijn eigen zak moet komen.
Hoe eet een rijke Nederlander tomatensoep? water in een rood bord
I know it won't really work if you don't have the European experience of knowing the connotation of French car quality problems of the 80s, but Franse Auto is another great song by Het Goede Doel, which is about as harsh as it gets.
Ohw and you really have to check the art off noice
? was only half of the song ??!!
When u come to Netherlands, pls visit me (I will sleep on the couch), live close to Maastricht and 15 minutes from Belgium and Germany, will show you around :)
thats a time ago i like my België i have family living there there
your dutch pronounciation is getting better and better well done.
Once The Netherlands as a whole, the architecture had a common vibe. Till the end of the middle-ages. From the separation of the Dutch republic
(Northern Netherlands) and the Southern Spanish Netherlands (now Belgium)
Belgium is the EU in a nutshell!!! Greeting from right-winged Netherlands with blood, family and friends from everywhere in the world!!🧡
Visiting Belgium right now, LOL
Why did you skip a whole section of the song?
😎 'Het Goede Doel' means 'The Good Cause.'
Flemish and Dutch both speak Nederlands, with their own characteristics.
It is a well known and largely true stereotype that the Flemish and (Catholic) Southern Dutch are quite Bourgondisch, meaning they love to enjoy good food, (alcoholic) drinks and other pleasures of life whereas the (Protestant) Northern Dutch are much more inhibited and seem to suffer from a collective guilt complex, shyness and to much seriousness.
This protestant mindset may be responsible for a somewhat higher economy but recently the Netherlands seem to get into a serious conflict with itself regarding how much we should do everything the EU tells us or whether we should stand up more for ourselves, an example for this is the widescale farmers protests and the fact that the very right seems to become the largest political power just waiting to replace the present centrist very pro EU government.
Unfortunately we just had our elections a year ago, so we will probably have to wait 3 more years before a dramatic change in policy can be expected. I expect the Netherlands will then start following a more Nationalistic course as a reaction on the current crisis, what impact that will have on our EU relation will have to be seen.
Made by a dutch singer about the wunderfull brother belgium
try out boudewijn de groot ..Welterusten meneer de president (sleep tight mister president) 1966 this is with english translation , this is him singing
Have you already reacted on '15 miljoen mensen'. Because you should (and put the subtitles on) there is also a version with Davina Michelle, called '17 miljoen mensen' (because our population grew a bit) that was released at the start of the first lockdown!
Classic joint
That was a very cool video, 🤣🤣
Aboat this ay, Canada is USA's Belgium😂
Het goede doel, in English, the good cause. You call that a charity.
Why even suggest him reacting to this.. without knowing the history
I am ducth but i live now in Belgium its okay nice here
Ik kan niet nog trotser zijn... :/ I cannot be more proud... Ugh!
Dracula's castle??!! That's the centre of the bloody universe, mate!!
Godverdoemme toch, zenne.. woar olt tem da toch gewoen..
Alleen maar nederlanders hier, waarom schrijven jullie in het Engels?
I mean.. it is an English video/TH-camr, why wouldn't we?
Klopt .ja
Anders verstaan alle Amerikanen ons niet.
Hoewel inderdaad vrijwel alle kijkers Nederlands zijn...
Misschien zodat de uploader het snapt? Nouja, of gewoon om op te scheppen, ik probeer zo nu en dan ook wat Engels en Duits in de conversatie te mengen, om even iedereen te laten weten dat ik die talen vloeiend spreek.
Zo bijvoorbeeld.
@@Widdekuu91 Ook Frans.
@@renekuipers4563 Apa kabar? Oh shit verkeerde taal.
Sorry, Het Goede doel is a Dutch Group......not a Belgian !!!!
Your G’s are pronounced right. Applause.
belgium is the laughing stock of my country (The Netherlands) :)
Oooohh respond to De Bom!!! :D
België is the name of the song, not the band.
Belgium, we love you, but still, fix your roads
It’s a ‘80s song. When ever we sang België; our cats ran up the stairs for the rest of the night 😂😅😂 Still love this song tho 🥳
Ps: Belgium sucks 😉😂
België. het op één na moiste land op de wereld als je het aan mij vraagt..
Dutch Disco
Not really disco, real Dutch disco would be something like Spargo
Heerlijk nummer, verveeld nooit.
4:23 Luxembourg also has very beautiful castles
i think in vianden is the most least i think