@@Icon-oclast I came here to say this. When I discovered that perfume I didn't realize how scarce arterial leaves were. So now I just let my mimic use them and I never run out of them
1 thing I haven’t seen any video mention is to place map markers on sites of grace before you start new game +. Place markers on grace sites that aren’t as easy to spot on the open world map. The sites of grace disappear but the markers will still be there in new game +. You get 100 of them so use them all it’s very helpful.
For farming Albinaurics, focus on faith (get at least 80, but 89 is better) because the AoW deals only holy damage. Theres a mechanic where you get 20% more runes for an Overkill or doing 1.5 damage to an enemy. Equip golden scarab, Alexander Shard, holy scorpion and ritual sword talisman to boost damage. Dring a flask with holy and faith tears in it to boost even more damage. That way you get an extra 20% runes for free.
@@Jack-jj3zs you're welcome. If you have a faith build and start farming with the sacred relic sword you should be good, but some get it and farm using their regular build doing just enough damage to kill the frog men, missing out on the bonus. It's especially useful for NG cycles when their health goes up and you want to farm (you get more runes too).
Psa the hidden cerulean tear is useful for almost all builds that use non mimic spirit ashes. Put it in flask, use flask right before casting buffs and your spirit ash won't cost fp. This way you can use the high cost summons like dung eater or tiche without bottoming out your fp. This also lets you summon spirit ashes whose cost is higher than your max fp.
pro tip with the rune farm, unleash wave of gold then open the map and teleport back to the site of grace. Even if you don't wait for all the enemies to properly die and you don't wait to absorb their runes, you still gain them and you shave a good 4-6 seconds off each farm. I did this to leisurely farm 20 million rune while listening to podcasts.
Just a note of caution on this method: If you are using Gold Pickled Foul Feet to increase your rune harvest, the effect of these will disappear if you fast travel as described above. Simply resting at a site of grace will not cause the effect to disappear however. This makes it possibly better to run back to the nearby grace rather than teleporting. Happy Rune Farming!
I would have listened to the full length one multiple times, and I’m on ng+5, you are great at narration and a pleasure to watch take a run through the lands between
WOW! Thank you so much for your Super Thanks! That is incredibly generous of you and I really appreciate your support ❤️Good luck with your NG+ playthrough 😁
DOM! Thanks for holding the hand of those who never played a Souls game -- your insightful videos helped me make my Astrologer stronger and uncovered many things I would have missed -- you're a LEGEND!
Before I started NG+ I realized how many things I have been missing even when I thought I went through everything thoroughly 😆 was such a hassle to get everything together. Appreciate that you did a video on this now :)
A note on mausoleums: If you are planning on doing a New Game plus but without focusing on downing every single boss again, consider prioritizing late game rememberances to dupe in mausoleums so you have both rewards very early in the game. It makes no sense to duplicate things like Rennala or Godfrey since they are easy to access and beat down. Malenia, on the other hand...
And keep track of which remembrances you have duped, I wasted two dupes because I forgot which reward I had already received. The game allows you to dupe rememberances that you've already cashed for both rewards for some reason. In other words, even though there were only two rewards for each remembrance, you can still dupe that remembrance a third time if you're not paying attention.
That’s the same thing I was thinking before heading to ng+ but here’s the problem: when I started ng+ I have quickly went to the nearest walking mausoleum (the one in liurnia) to try to duplicate fortissax remembrance. But for some reasons, the game didn’t count all the remembrance i have in my inventory, but ONLY the remembrances of the bosses that i have beated in that ng+ run (in my case, it only allow me to duplicate godrick and rennala remembrances, since that those are the 2 big bosses i beated before heading to the mausoleum) I don’t know if I’m the only one to have this issue, but guess I have to do some bosses all over again if I want all the boss stuff
@@nastybbq7665no it’s normal, you should use all the mausoleums before starting a new journey, otherwise you won’t be able to duplicate the remembrances
Ranni's Questline is great to farm larval tears. You encounter lots of those huge rolling steel ball enemies later in the quest and they each drop a larval tear.
Perfect timing! Just wrapping up my LONG first run thru of elden ring and had it on my mind to find a guide for final planning before NG+… you’re the best Dom! Love your channel.
Something to keep in mind is that you should farm runes and buy smithing stones to upgrade any and all weapons you want before starting new game +. Because I'm fairly sure you'll lose access to all the bell bearing items in NG+
That’s insane, I just finished my first run at 180 hours and did literally everything bar 2 side quests, the ending of fias and a few upgrade materials. Are you not thorough ?
Talismans. There are several that could be missed on accident such as an area being too difficult when you first go there but becomes easy enough and you just dont go because you forgot about it. Try to avoid forgetting places to potentially loot if possible. There are a good chunk of talismans along the main questline but there are also several as rewards for defeating enemies or unlocking areas behind imp statues as well. Another is memory stones if you are going to be a sorcerer or prophet type builds. Almost all, if not literally all, are found at the tops of the Rise's across the map. There are more Rise's than there are memory stones to collect so if you get a spell or something else that does not mean you have maxed your memory stone capacity. Besides that, awesome video!
One quick PSA to add to this video for casters. Even if you are not sure you want to use a certain faction of magic, get all of the seals and staffs that boost magic of some type. You will only be able to get one of each of those per playthough, but they stack multiplicatively with each other if you are holding two of them at once. The only two boosting staffs/seals that you can get multiple of in a single playthrough are the Gelmir Glintstone Staff and the Staff of the Guilty. All others, are once per playthough, and you should get them all just in case. Some builds benefit massively from having two of the same staff or seal boost.
We appreciate your time and energy !! This video is gold. I Love to play this game but sometimes it gets really overwhelming so videos like these are always helpful !!
Hey man I just wanted to say you are greatly appreciated. Saved me many hours and given me genuine entertainment I haven't felt that in years. so I just wanted to say thank you hope you have a wonderful year ahead
Outstanding video Dom, thankfully I did all of these with research to make sure I got eventually before NG+ but great effort and congrats on the 100k 👍
new Knight here. Just wanted to say thanks, your content is fantastic. Really appreciate the amount of work you do for it. Finally joining your YT nerd herd.
Thank you so much!!!! Because you just became a Knight it also notified me of a comment you wrote on my Limgrave video 9 MONTHS AGO hahaha: "yes please! every area! new sub. your voice is killer. thanks!"
Have to say you do the best elden ring content on YT.. always super easy to follow and always have a video to help when I need it... keep up the great work 👌✌️
7:18 you say you get an ancient dragon smithing stone for “completing jerren and sellen’s quest line” but that quest line actually has two ending, and you only get the stone if you side with jerren.
I have a useful tip for using sacred relic sword. Instead of spending 2 precious larval tears, you can reach weapon requirements using the tears of flask and other items like talismans. In example even an astrologer class that has low on all 3 weapon attribute requirements may reach them.
Super awesome prep guide, thank you! There are 7 mausoleums, one is underground in Deeproot Depths. You mention buying all the Rune Arcs from merchants (good call) but don't mentioned they can be farmed outside of pvp, my fave place is EarthBore Cave - just kill the rats and they drop Rune Arcs.
I’ve been looking for a video like this, and it’s super thorough and helpful. However, it misses something important; cracked pots, ritual pots, and perfume jars. These are all easily missed, but very useful.
Grrrreat Video Dom, as always. Enjoy endlessly. Started Journey 5 yesterday and got nearly evrything possible (gear/weapon). Last week I collected last missing ashes of war. Maybe doing that could be helpfull to others.
First souls game getting toward the end and learned a lot of things too late so I'm watching things before moving onto ng+ so I don't mess up too much more before continuing. Good info
Siofra River bank, go N/NE until you see a wooden shack and tall wooden scaffolding around a pillar, take the ladders up to the top, killing the two enemies on the way. Then there’ll be a drop down to another little wooden pathway. Just look around the edges and you’ll see it. Follow that until you get into the cavern area and you’ll see him. He’s right above the giant flower thing. Sorry I’m going off of memory but I hope that helps.
The second journey is probably the best run you will have in Elden Ring. The first will be awkward and that is where you will get most of the weapons, skills, and spells but can't really use them in most of the playthrough. The second is where you are strong enough to use most weapons and spells but not too strong. I have done 3 playthroughs and really wish I could done the 2nd one again. It was the best balance of good equipment and just enough to use them. Also I hope that future patches will allow someone to do something with the extra Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears. Either sell them, use them as alternative ingredients for some consumables(maybe even new items), use them to upgrade Torrent, or use them to fill up your flasks outside of combat in PVE. After you upgrade them to max the Seed and Tears just sit there doing nothing. I would like some use of them even if its just extra runes.
Agreed. Just realized my strength/faith chick is on NG+ and i bought 0 smithing stones because I'm a boob. Now I have a ton of weapons I'd like to use and they're all +3 since I'm an idiot.
@@ElevenDollarCheese All isn't lost for you. Any of the Smithing Stone and Glove Wort Ball Bearings you gave to the Twin Maiden Husks transfer over. So whatever you got in the first playthrough you can buy once you get to Round Table Hold. It is an amazing feature.
@@ElevenDollarCheese There are bell bearings you get in mines and other locations that allow you to buy the smithing stones and the glove wort level 1-9(of both types) an infinite number of times. If the Twin Husks don't have them then you either didn't find them yet or you didn't give it to the maidens yet (they might have been lost between NG+ if they weren't offered). Check to see if you can offer bell bearings to them to see if it unlocks anything new. If there is still nothing then you'd have to go to find the bell bearings. Once you give the bell bearings to the maidens you always have access to buying stuff even through multiple NG+.
25:44 I swear for a second I thought you were ganna say “Rivers of Blood” was the final most important thing to get before NG+ because you were showing gameplay of it 😂
Great video, i finished the main bosses at 90 hours and now finished every other minor bosses at 170 hours. Gunna finish up collecting the rest of the crystal tears and larval tears before going into NG
You can farm rune arcs from rats. There's a group in Nokron north of the Ancestral Woods site of grace on a cliff being serenaded serenaded by two shaman. The drop rate is abysmal but they do drop
very awesome video! it's going to help a lot! i'm not sure if you mentioned it but one should also go and get all the parfum bottles and pots for throwing 😊
Thank you for. Making this video, I'm still in my first beaten game but I haven't done any of these things yet so Now I know what to do before I buy the dlc or do a new game run before I start DLC.
larval tear is easy to farm at sacred nights ground in nakron. kill the boulder traps they drop it every time. Try to freeze them, slows them down a lot while doing damage in itself.
Damn this guy really put an effort for us. I just finished the game but I still didn't want to go to journey 2 so this video really helps me out. Thank you very much!
Since in Newgame+ you don't start with any runes, make sure you spend all your runes before you start over. One important trick is to buy hundreds of smithing stones, because they will cross over into New Game Plus and you can then sell them for decent money to shopkeepers. A good way to bring runes into your next playthrough, and also a good way to not lose all your runes on death. You don't get as much back for selling them as they cost, but sometimes a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
@Kill Bill yes I realize this, but having extra smithing stones in your inventory can work as cash early game if there's some things you want to buy that you forgot about. Since you won't start the new game with any runes.
There's actually no need to respec for the Albinauric farm. Strength builds can use Ruins Greatsword ash of war to clear them very quickly, bleed builds can use Mohg's spear, Int has quite a few spells that can do the job.
Thank you so much i need to gather a few of these i am at the End i can get past Radagon but Elden beast is proving difficult 😭 happy holidays Dom to you and yours
get the highest holy protection (tree sentinel armor/godskin apostle pants and manchettes/consort mask, Lord divine fortification, holy proof liver), mimic tear, blasphemous blade for radagon and radahn lion bow with radahn great arrows for beast. Spam weapon skills in both fights.
I think the best use case scenario for the hidden cerulean crystal tear is for non caster classes to be able to summon ANY of the Spirit ashes for no FP cost (even If you don't have enough FP to cast them)
I'm new to the game, is NG+ the expansion, something you gain access to after you beat the game or something completely different? Either way, these hints help me during my first play through. Im only lvl 110 and almost 100 hours in the game. I was refusing to look anything up for the first part of the game, but that was becoming more difficult as time went on and caused a really slow start to everything. Thanks for putting these together.
you probably know what it is by now, but ng+ is just you starting the whole game over again after you beat it but get to keep all your gear + the scaling of enemies are harder.
Also putting sleep pots on your quickslots so your mimic throws them is a severely underrated cheese
THIS! Any consumable that your mimic can use is pretty OP, but the Raw Meat Dumpling will give your mimic HP regen without the pesky poison build up!
@@AtotheC_1776 My dude, enjoy.
I always have uplifting aeromatic the mimic will use it for free and you can run through the mist and get the buff too.
@@Icon-oclast I came here to say this. When I discovered that perfume I didn't realize how scarce arterial leaves were. So now I just let my mimic use them and I never run out of them
1 thing I haven’t seen any video mention is to place map markers on sites of grace before you start new game +. Place markers on grace sites that aren’t as easy to spot on the open world map. The sites of grace disappear but the markers will still be there in new game +. You get 100 of them so use them all it’s very helpful.
Oh snap!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!
Wow first time i see someone mention this thanks 🎉
Did this and it was a very helpfull tip thank you tarnished but unfortunately you are maidenless 😅
If you Google sites of grace map you can see every mark of grace without having to cover your map in 100 waypoints
i am not even exaggerating that calid bell Bering hunter was harder than most of the bosses in this game
True I was shocked how huge damage he did to me
Being a squishy caster, I ended up jumping on top of the shack with torrent so he couldn't hit me.
not going to lie, I had to whip out the big dick Blasphemous Blade to kill that guy.
Hearing this makes me feel better
I heard its because he's in the Dragonbarrow region of Caelid, enemies are stronger with a much higher health pool.
For farming Albinaurics, focus on faith (get at least 80, but 89 is better) because the AoW deals only holy damage. Theres a mechanic where you get 20% more runes for an Overkill or doing 1.5 damage to an enemy. Equip golden scarab, Alexander Shard, holy scorpion and ritual sword talisman to boost damage. Dring a flask with holy and faith tears in it to boost even more damage. That way you get an extra 20% runes for free.
Wtf I had no clue abt this overkill thing, you just saved me so much time!
@@Jack-jj3zs you're welcome. If you have a faith build and start farming with the sacred relic sword you should be good, but some get it and farm using their regular build doing just enough damage to kill the frog men, missing out on the bonus. It's especially useful for NG cycles when their health goes up and you want to farm (you get more runes too).
Psa the hidden cerulean tear is useful for almost all builds that use non mimic spirit ashes. Put it in flask, use flask right before casting buffs and your spirit ash won't cost fp. This way you can use the high cost summons like dung eater or tiche without bottoming out your fp. This also lets you summon spirit ashes whose cost is higher than your max fp.
very useful info thanks
i used it to summon to he to fight fire giant. highly recommended
Thank you for this!!! Very helpful
Thanks Dom For everything you do for the community ♥️
Thank you so much for the Super Thanks and the kind words!! It's my absolute pleasure, I just love that I get to do this for you ❤️🙏
Emma you are a legend for donating
pro tip with the rune farm, unleash wave of gold then open the map and teleport back to the site of grace. Even if you don't wait for all the enemies to properly die and you don't wait to absorb their runes, you still gain them and you shave a good 4-6 seconds off each farm. I did this to leisurely farm 20 million rune while listening to podcasts.
Just a note of caution on this method: If you are using Gold Pickled Foul Feet to increase your rune harvest, the effect of these will disappear if you fast travel as described above. Simply resting at a site of grace will not cause the effect to disappear however. This makes it possibly better to run back to the nearby grace rather than teleporting. Happy Rune Farming!
You must not be on PS4 ha
This pretty much only works on PC if you have a good SSD with decent read speed for faster load times.
wrong. you do not. you have to wait to get the runes.
@teena-tz7lr Then explain how I employed that tactic to farm millions upon millions of runes?
These videos, easily make my work day better. Seeing that its 28 min long, makes it that much better.
I second this
@@BeetleSkyGames I third this
@@Dippa1991 i fourth this
I'm drinking a fifth.
@@OlExtraRegularBass --- and that is the best comment and cannot really be topped.
I would have listened to the full length one multiple times, and I’m on ng+5, you are great at narration and a pleasure to watch take a run through the lands between
Thanks! Getting ready for my first NG+ and like all your guides this is great. Appreciate all your hard work Sir Dom!
WOW! Thank you so much for your Super Thanks! That is incredibly generous of you and I really appreciate your support ❤️Good luck with your NG+ playthrough 😁
Thank you for all the work you put into your videos. I love everything you put out. And I would have loved a several hours long version of this video!
Thank you so much for your Super Thanks 🤩 I'm really glad you enjoy the content and hopefully more will be coming soon 😁 Thank you again! ❤️
DOM! Thanks for holding the hand of those who never played a Souls game -- your insightful videos helped me make my Astrologer stronger and uncovered many things I would have missed -- you're a LEGEND!
Before I started NG+ I realized how many things I have been missing even when I thought I went through everything thoroughly 😆 was such a hassle to get everything together. Appreciate that you did a video on this now :)
One thing about the mausoleums you missed, there’s one in the deep root depths down from the boss arena
A note on mausoleums:
If you are planning on doing a New Game plus but without focusing on downing every single boss again, consider prioritizing late game rememberances to dupe in mausoleums so you have both rewards very early in the game. It makes no sense to duplicate things like Rennala or Godfrey since they are easy to access and beat down. Malenia, on the other hand...
And keep track of which remembrances you have duped, I wasted two dupes because I forgot which reward I had already received. The game allows you to dupe rememberances that you've already cashed for both rewards for some reason. In other words, even though there were only two rewards for each remembrance, you can still dupe that remembrance a third time if you're not paying attention.
@@grogueQ I think that’s because if you go into ng + you can actually get to use the remembrance again
Yeah I duped malenia first time 🤣
That’s the same thing I was thinking before heading to ng+ but here’s the problem: when I started ng+ I have quickly went to the nearest walking mausoleum (the one in liurnia) to try to duplicate fortissax remembrance. But for some reasons, the game didn’t count all the remembrance i have in my inventory, but ONLY the remembrances of the bosses that i have beated in that ng+ run (in my case, it only allow me to duplicate godrick and rennala remembrances, since that those are the 2 big bosses i beated before heading to the mausoleum) I don’t know if I’m the only one to have this issue, but guess I have to do some bosses all over again if I want all the boss stuff
@@nastybbq7665no it’s normal, you should use all the mausoleums before starting a new journey, otherwise you won’t be able to duplicate the remembrances
Ranni's Questline is great to farm larval tears. You encounter lots of those huge rolling steel ball enemies later in the quest and they each drop a larval tear.
Pretty sure this is incorrect as larval tears are limited to 18 per playthrough.
You are thinking of somethin else.
@@Am4t3r4sutrue, but it’s still a lot got two on accident. After needing them 😂
@@Am4t3r4suIt actually isn’t
You definitely get more than you need if you want to take one build for one run each
Perfect timing! Just wrapping up my LONG first run thru of elden ring and had it on my mind to find a guide for final planning before NG+… you’re the best Dom! Love your channel.
Something to keep in mind is that you should farm runes and buy smithing stones to upgrade any and all weapons you want before starting new game +. Because I'm fairly sure you'll lose access to all the bell bearing items in NG+
@@jschemel3921 you won’t, since patch 1.05 u keep them
@@env1878 Good to know
Great video! And I appreciate how difficult it is to compress all this content into a shorter video that people want to watch. Nicely done.
I am about to start Journey 4 on my second character and I am still watching this because it's very well done and informative ! Thanks
Fantastic as always!
GG man! It's amazing at almost 800hrs and multiple play throughs that I still learn new things. Love this game can't wait for dlc
Right there with you
Hey whenever you start a new playthrough what do you even do? Do you collect every site of grace use the same weapons or what
That’s insane, I just finished my first run at 180 hours and did literally everything bar 2 side quests, the ending of fias and a few upgrade materials. Are you not thorough ?
Go outside bro
Talismans. There are several that could be missed on accident such as an area being too difficult when you first go there but becomes easy enough and you just dont go because you forgot about it. Try to avoid forgetting places to potentially loot if possible. There are a good chunk of talismans along the main questline but there are also several as rewards for defeating enemies or unlocking areas behind imp statues as well.
Another is memory stones if you are going to be a sorcerer or prophet type builds. Almost all, if not literally all, are found at the tops of the Rise's across the map. There are more Rise's than there are memory stones to collect so if you get a spell or something else that does not mean you have maxed your memory stone capacity. Besides that, awesome video!
You can't imagine how your vids helped me, you deserve even more views/subs/etc... the way you talk / organise your vids is just on point
It’s easy to tell you put real effort into your videos. Thank you for such a clear-cut aide(:
Love a longer video from Dom! I’m just about ready for journey 2 so this will be very helpful
I wish I could experience my first new game plus again … 😢 im on new game +9 600+ hours . I’ve basically seen and done it all
One quick PSA to add to this video for casters. Even if you are not sure you want to use a certain faction of magic, get all of the seals and staffs that boost magic of some type. You will only be able to get one of each of those per playthough, but they stack multiplicatively with each other if you are holding two of them at once. The only two boosting staffs/seals that you can get multiple of in a single playthrough are the Gelmir Glintstone Staff and the Staff of the Guilty. All others, are once per playthough, and you should get them all just in case. Some builds benefit massively from having two of the same staff or seal boost.
I didn’t even know about the Gravel Stone Seal until after turned Lyndell into ash.
digger and rotten staff can also be farmed. and both boost schools of magic.
@@luvlols4462 You are right. I forgot those existed completely.
Thanks Dom! This will help when I finish my current run. I haven't done a NG+ playthrough yet.
We appreciate your time and energy !! This video is gold. I Love to play this game but sometimes it gets really overwhelming so videos like these are always helpful !!
Hey man I just wanted to say you are greatly appreciated. Saved me many hours and given me genuine entertainment I haven't felt that in years. so I just wanted to say thank you hope you have a wonderful year ahead
I ended up platinuming the game. An OUTSTANDING game!!
Absolute 10/10 video, the effort was much appreciated
Outstanding video Dom, thankfully I did all of these with research to make sure I got eventually before NG+ but great effort and congrats on the 100k 👍
new Knight here. Just wanted to say thanks, your content is fantastic. Really appreciate the amount of work you do for it. Finally joining your YT nerd herd.
Thank you so much!!!! Because you just became a Knight it also notified me of a comment you wrote on my Limgrave video 9 MONTHS AGO hahaha: "yes please! every area! new sub. your voice is killer. thanks!"
@@DomsRoundtable :) Merry Christmas and HNY!
Cheers mate , 180 ours in , and still I learn things from you.
Thank you so much for you Super Thanks!! 🤩😁 This game is massive, I'm still learning new things after the hundreds of hours I've played!
Have to say you do the best elden ring content on YT.. always super easy to follow and always have a video to help when I need it... keep up the great work 👌✌️
the best and most user friendly walkthrough ever. Thanks mate! i wish i could like your video twice :)
3:20 "as a reward for beating the final boss" lol spilled my coffee
7:18 you say you get an ancient dragon smithing stone for “completing jerren and sellen’s quest line” but that quest line actually has two ending, and you only get the stone if you side with jerren.
holy crap man, this is the absolute best informative video about elden ring i've ever seen in my life. i also hope u are having an fantastic day bro
I have a useful tip for using sacred relic sword. Instead of spending 2 precious larval tears, you can reach weapon requirements using the tears of flask and other items like talismans. In example even an astrologer class that has low on all 3 weapon attribute requirements may reach them.
This is a well put guide. Extremely useful with no frills
Super awesome prep guide, thank you! There are 7 mausoleums, one is underground in Deeproot Depths. You mention buying all the Rune Arcs from merchants (good call) but don't mentioned they can be farmed outside of pvp, my fave place is EarthBore Cave - just kill the rats and they drop Rune Arcs.
I’ve been looking for a video like this, and it’s super thorough and helpful. However, it misses something important; cracked pots, ritual pots, and perfume jars. These are all easily missed, but very useful.
Grrrreat Video Dom, as always. Enjoy endlessly. Started Journey 5 yesterday and got nearly evrything possible (gear/weapon). Last week I collected last missing ashes of war. Maybe doing that could be helpfull to others.
Had to like and subscribe, thanks for the great video mate!
i love the elden ring video guide and items location even though i know where every item is, keep it up
Thank you for putting so much effort in ,love you're videos ❤
First souls game getting toward the end and learned a lot of things too late so I'm watching things before moving onto ng+ so I don't mess up too much more before continuing. Good info
Excellent. Very concise and succinct and the accent makes it ever so polite. I imagine you wearing a tuxedo while narrating this 😅
16:08 maybe show on the map where that merchant is next time...
Siofra River bank, go N/NE until you see a wooden shack and tall wooden scaffolding around a pillar, take the ladders up to the top, killing the two enemies on the way. Then there’ll be a drop down to another little wooden pathway. Just look around the edges and you’ll see it. Follow that until you get into the cavern area and you’ll see him. He’s right above the giant flower thing. Sorry I’m going off of memory but I hope that helps.
Windpipes at the end not bad 28:23
I just started playing Elden Ring some while ago and your videos helped me a lot! Keep on doing!
thank you man, you showing the map is very helpful
Masterfully organized! Thanks so much!
You do a great job informing people what they should do in eldin ring
The second journey is probably the best run you will have in Elden Ring. The first will be awkward and that is where you will get most of the weapons, skills, and spells but can't really use them in most of the playthrough. The second is where you are strong enough to use most weapons and spells but not too strong. I have done 3 playthroughs and really wish I could done the 2nd one again. It was the best balance of good equipment and just enough to use them.
Also I hope that future patches will allow someone to do something with the extra Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears. Either sell them, use them as alternative ingredients for some consumables(maybe even new items), use them to upgrade Torrent, or use them to fill up your flasks outside of combat in PVE. After you upgrade them to max the Seed and Tears just sit there doing nothing. I would like some use of them even if its just extra runes.
Agreed. Just realized my strength/faith chick is on NG+ and i bought 0 smithing stones because I'm a boob. Now I have a ton of weapons I'd like to use and they're all +3 since I'm an idiot.
@@ElevenDollarCheese All isn't lost for you. Any of the Smithing Stone and Glove Wort Ball Bearings you gave to the Twin Maiden Husks transfer over. So whatever you got in the first playthrough you can buy once you get to Round Table Hold. It is an amazing feature.
@jettblade u sure? Pretty sure she had no stones for sale on that character. I didn't stock up before ng+.
@@ElevenDollarCheese There are bell bearings you get in mines and other locations that allow you to buy the smithing stones and the glove wort level 1-9(of both types) an infinite number of times. If the Twin Husks don't have them then you either didn't find them yet or you didn't give it to the maidens yet (they might have been lost between NG+ if they weren't offered). Check to see if you can offer bell bearings to them to see if it unlocks anything new. If there is still nothing then you'd have to go to find the bell bearings. Once you give the bell bearings to the maidens you always have access to buying stuff even through multiple NG+.
25:44 I swear for a second I thought you were ganna say “Rivers of Blood” was the final most important thing to get before NG+ because you were showing gameplay of it 😂
Thank you very much, this is the kind of video I needed to start a NG+
U are a absolute legend the amount of stuff I missed or just the knowledge is so helpful 👑👑
Wow ive not finished the video but thank you for the time stamps! Will always return to this as reference
Great video, i finished the main bosses at 90 hours and now finished every other minor bosses at 170 hours. Gunna finish up collecting the rest of the crystal tears and larval tears before going into NG
You are a king bro I literally searched for a video like this days ago
You are so awesome man!!! Thank you so much for making this.
Wish I had remembered to respec before starting a new game +. Now I have to get through the Academy again to do it...
Great video! I thought I was so close to starting NG+ but nope. Watching this made me realize I have a LOT of shit to do first. Ugh.
YESSSSS!!! Been waiting for this video since the 12 hour stream!!!
Love it! Very good video. Thanks.
Jar cannon allows you to consistently farm both birds at the bird farm. Also an albinuric can be one shot off the cliff edge.
You can farm rune arcs from rats. There's a group in Nokron north of the Ancestral Woods site of grace on a cliff being serenaded serenaded by two shaman. The drop rate is abysmal but they do drop
Great job big man, appreciate you. You helped me a lot and I am sure that you helped all the viewers too. Again, well done and thanks a lot ❤️
Thanks I am glad I don't have to think before finishing my run.
Dope ass video! So many good tips here before NG+
This is so helpful. Thank you for your hard work!
very awesome video! it's going to help a lot! i'm not sure if you mentioned it but one should also go and get all the parfum bottles and pots for throwing 😊
Thank you so much and also the timestamps, this makes it much easier to check if I still need anything
This video is worth pure gold. Thank you!
Very informative. Very descriptive. Great content.
Thank you for. Making this video, I'm still in my first beaten game but I haven't done any of these things yet so Now I know what to do before I buy the dlc or do a new game run before I start DLC.
Thank you. I am grateful for your grind.
3 of those magic scrolls you need to give to Sellen if you want to continue her quest line, don't give them to the turtle! You should of mention that.
I needed this. Good stuff, Dom!
This, the weapons, armor and tailsman vids are so damn good
I went back to get the legendary weapons i missed though im missing the one in leyndell and the city cant be destroyed for that one
I beat the Elden Beast a few days ago. Now I’m just leveling up and tying up these loose ends before starting NG+. Almost up to 300.
larval tear is easy to farm at sacred nights ground in nakron. kill the boulder traps they drop it every time. Try to freeze them, slows them down a lot while doing damage in itself.
Damn this guy really put an effort for us. I just finished the game but I still didn't want to go to journey 2 so this video really helps me out. Thank you very much!
Since in Newgame+ you don't start with any runes, make sure you spend all your runes before you start over. One important trick is to buy hundreds of smithing stones, because they will cross over into New Game Plus and you can then sell them for decent money to shopkeepers. A good way to bring runes into your next playthrough, and also a good way to not lose all your runes on death. You don't get as much back for selling them as they cost, but sometimes a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
@Kill Bill yes I realize this, but having extra smithing stones in your inventory can work as cash early game if there's some things you want to buy that you forgot about. Since you won't start the new game with any runes.
New video HYPE!!!!
I just beat elden ring 2 days ago melania, yesterday . What an accomplishment.
Excellent video for NG+ players.
Good job mate.
Well made bro. Much appreciated ❤
There's actually no need to respec for the Albinauric farm.
Strength builds can use Ruins Greatsword ash of war to clear them very quickly, bleed builds can use Mohg's spear, Int has quite a few spells that can do the job.
This is the best video on YT
Props bud to the work you put in to this video
I love your videos mate, so helpful.
Thank you so much i need to gather a few of these i am at the End i can get past Radagon but Elden beast is proving difficult 😭 happy holidays Dom to you and yours
There is a cheese to this fight
get the highest holy protection (tree sentinel armor/godskin apostle pants and manchettes/consort mask, Lord divine fortification, holy proof liver), mimic tear, blasphemous blade for radagon and radahn lion bow with radahn great arrows for beast. Spam weapon skills in both fights.
I use this video as a checklist as I finish the game
I think the best use case scenario for the hidden cerulean crystal tear is for non caster classes to be able to summon ANY of the Spirit ashes for no FP cost (even If you don't have enough FP to cast them)
I'm new to the game, is NG+ the expansion, something you gain access to after you beat the game or something completely different? Either way, these hints help me during my first play through. Im only lvl 110 and almost 100 hours in the game. I was refusing to look anything up for the first part of the game, but that was becoming more difficult as time went on and caused a really slow start to everything.
Thanks for putting these together.
you probably know what it is by now, but ng+ is just you starting the whole game over again after you beat it but get to keep all your gear + the scaling of enemies are harder.
13:37 Bro was too happy there I know he slaughtered every single merchant in Elden Ring lmao