Wells Cathedral clock

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 พ.ย. 2012
  • This clock has been in Wells Cathedral in England since 1392. The original movement is now in the Science Museum in London, but the dial, bells and figures are from medieval times. It's striking 11 o'clock in the video. The dial has an outer 24 hour ring, with a big golden sun to show the hours, and then a smaller golden sun shows the minutes in the next ring in. The centre shows the phases of the moon and the days of the month.
    The 4 jousting horsemen rotate round the central pillar, and one is tipped over in the battle. Higher up on the wall in a niche is also 'Jack Blandifer' who rings bells with his heels and a hammer. There is also another clock on the outside wall of the cathedral.

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